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新版文件系统重构完成 (#198)

2. 重构:ProcFS
3. 重构:DevFS
4. 重构:FAT32
5. 重构:AHCI驱动
6. 新增:RamFS
7. 新增:MountFS
8. 新增:FAT12
9. 新增:FAT16
10. 重构:设备抽象

Co-authored-by: guanjinquan <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: DaJiYuQia <[email protected]>
login 2 rokov pred
100 zmenil súbory, kde vykonal 10847 pridanie a 7157 odobranie
  1. 2 0
  2. 0 24
  3. 0 216
  4. 3 3
  5. 0 7
  6. 2 238
  7. 2 1
  8. 1 1
  9. 63 63
  10. 8 4
  11. 2 2
  12. 2 2
  13. 11 615
  14. 1 67
  15. 155 0
  16. 19 0
  17. 441 0
  18. 408 0
  19. 215 0
  20. 1 0
  21. 2 0
  22. 4 5
  23. 155 0
  24. 2 0
  25. 0 1
  26. 5 6
  27. 1 1
  28. 2 3
  29. 0 17
  30. 0 59
  31. 0 20
  32. 0 13
  33. 0 17
  34. 0 88
  35. 0 5
  36. 0 47
  37. 0 335
  38. 0 29
  39. 0 106
  40. 509 0
  41. 146 0
  42. 146 0
  43. 380 0
  44. 2404 0
  45. 1668 0
  46. 4 0
  47. 15 0
  48. 0 17
  49. 0 1416
  50. 0 221
  51. 0 481
  52. 0 99
  53. 0 28
  54. 0 1
  55. 65 0
  56. 3 2
  57. 0 17
  58. 705 0
  59. 0 505
  60. 0 43
  61. 444 0
  62. 0 17
  63. 0 1
  64. 0 228
  65. 0 9
  66. 0 17
  67. 0 898
  68. 2 96
  69. 392 0
  70. 0 134
  71. 330 0
  72. 0 45
  73. 516 0
  74. 0 99
  75. 0 76
  76. 365 0
  77. 352 0
  78. 21 0
  79. 4 0
  80. 0 15
  81. 0 9
  82. 0 304
  83. 1 1
  84. 323 0
  85. 49 0
  86. 11 0
  87. 3 3
  88. 0 176
  89. 0 4
  90. 10 7
  91. 1 1
  92. 50 31
  93. 3 0
  94. 251 0
  95. 37 0
  96. 4 11
  97. 14 0
  98. 5 32
  99. 2 3
  100. 105 115

+ 2 - 0

@@ -170,6 +170,8 @@
         "assert.h": "c",
         "assert.h": "c",
         "sys_version.h": "c",
         "sys_version.h": "c",
         "cmd.h": "c",
         "cmd.h": "c",
+        "user_namespace.h": "c",
+        "sleep.h": "c",
         "net.h": "c"
         "net.h": "c"
     "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "Enabled",
     "C_Cpp.errorSquiggles": "Enabled",

+ 0 - 24

@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# devFS 设备文件系统
-## 原理
-## 目录结构
-- `char` 字符设备
-- `block` 块设备
-- `usb` usb设备
-- stdio等设备放置在devfs的根目录下
-## 设备注册
-## 设备卸载

+ 0 - 216

@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-# FAT32文件系统
-## 简介
-## 相关数据结构
-### struct fat32_BootSector_t
-struct fat32_BootSector_t
-    uint8_t BS_jmpBoot[3];    // 跳转指令
-    uint8_t BS_OEMName[8];    // 生产厂商名
-    uint16_t BPB_BytesPerSec; // 每扇区字节数
-    uint8_t BPB_SecPerClus;   // 每簇扇区数
-    uint16_t BPB_RsvdSecCnt;  // 保留扇区数
-    uint8_t BPB_NumFATs;      // FAT表数量
-    uint16_t BPB_RootEntCnt;  // 根目录文件数最大值
-    uint16_t BPB_TotSec16;    // 16位扇区总数
-    uint8_t BPB_Media;        // 介质描述符
-    uint16_t BPB_FATSz16;     // FAT12/16每FAT扇区数
-    uint16_t BPB_SecPerTrk;   // 每磁道扇区数
-    uint16_t BPB_NumHeads;    // 磁头数
-    uint32_t BPB_HiddSec;     // 隐藏扇区数
-    uint32_t BPB_TotSec32;    // 32位扇区总数
-    uint32_t BPB_FATSz32;   // FAT32每FAT扇区数
-    uint16_t BPB_ExtFlags;  // 扩展标志
-    uint16_t BPB_FSVer;     // 文件系统版本号
-    uint32_t BPB_RootClus;  // 根目录起始簇号
-    uint16_t BPB_FSInfo;    // FS info结构体的扇区号
-    uint16_t BPB_BkBootSec; // 引导扇区的备份扇区号
-    uint8_t BPB_Reserved0[12];
-    uint8_t BS_DrvNum; // int0x13的驱动器号
-    uint8_t BS_Reserved1;
-    uint8_t BS_BootSig;       // 扩展引导标记
-    uint32_t BS_VolID;        // 卷序列号
-    uint8_t BS_VolLab[11];    // 卷标
-    uint8_t BS_FilSysType[8]; // 文件系统类型
-    uint8_t BootCode[420]; // 引导代码、数据
-    uint16_t BS_TrailSig; // 结束标志0xAA55
-} __attribute__((packed));
-### struct fat32_FSInfo_t
-&emsp; &emsp;该扇区存储了FAT32文件系统的一些参考信息。
-struct fat32_FSInfo_t
-    uint32_t FSI_LeadSig;        
-    uint8_t FSI_Reserved1[480]; 
-    uint32_t FSI_StrucSig;      
-    uint32_t FSI_Free_Count;
-    uint32_t FSI_Nxt_Free;     
-    uint8_t FSI_Reserved2[12];  
-    uint32_t FSI_TrailSig; 
-} __attribute__((packed));
-&emsp;&emsp;FS info扇区标志符 数值为0x41615252
-### struct fat32_Directory_t
-struct fat32_Directory_t
-    unsigned char DIR_Name[11];
-    unsigned char DIR_Attr;         
-    unsigned char DIR_NTRes;     
-    unsigned char DIR_CrtTimeTenth;
-    unsigned short DIR_CrtTime;    
-    unsigned short DIR_CrtDate;
-    unsigned short DIR_LastAccDate; 
-    unsigned short DIR_FstClusHI;  
-    unsigned short DIR_WrtTime;     
-    unsigned short DIR_WrtDate;     
-    unsigned short DIR_FstClusLO;   
-    unsigned int DIR_FileSize;      
-} __attribute__((packed));
-> BASE:LowerCase(8),UpperCase(0)
-> EXT:LowerCase(16),UpperCase(0)
-  文件创建日期
-&emsp;&emsp; 文件起始簇号(高16bit)
-&emsp;&emsp; 文件起始簇号(低16bit)
-### struct fat32_partition_info_t
-### struct fat32_inode_info_t
-## 已知问题
-1. 对目录项名称的检查没有按照标准严格实现
-2. 当磁盘可用簇数量发生改变时,未更新FS_Info扇区
-3. 未填写目录项的时间字段
-## TODO
-- 完全实现VFS定义的文件接口
-- 性能优化
-## 参考资料
-[FAT32 File System Specification - from Microsoft](

+ 3 - 3

@@ -3,11 +3,11 @@
+todo: 由于文件系统模块重构,文档暂时不可用,预计在2023年4月10日前补齐。
 .. toctree::
 .. toctree::
    :maxdepth: 1
    :maxdepth: 1
    :caption: 目录
    :caption: 目录
-   fat32/index
-   rootfs/index
-   devfs/index

+ 0 - 7

@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-# rootFS 根文件系统

+ 2 - 238

@@ -6,242 +6,6 @@
 &emsp;&emsp;与VFS相关的系统调用有open(), read(), write(), create()等。
 &emsp;&emsp;与VFS相关的系统调用有open(), read(), write(), create()等。
-### dentry对象
+## **TODO**
-&emsp;&emsp;dentry的全称为directory entry,是VFS中对于目录项的一种抽象数据结构。当读取具体文件系统时,将会由创建dentry对象。dentry对象中包含了指向inode的指针。
-### inode对象
-&emsp;&emsp;inode的全称叫做index node,即索引节点。一般来说,每个dentry都应当包含指向其inode的指针。inode是VFS提供的对文件对象的抽象。inode中的信息是从具体文件系统中读取而来,也可以被刷回具体的文件系统之中。并且,一个inode也可以被多个dentry所引用。
-### 文件描述符对象
-## 注册文件系统到VFS
-uint64_t vfs_register_filesystem(struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *fs);
-uint64_t vfs_unregister_filesystem(struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *fs);
-&emsp;&emsp;这里需要通过`struct vfs_filesystem_type_t`来描述具体的文件系统。
-### struct  vfs_filesystem_type_t
-struct vfs_filesystem_type_t
-    char *name;
-    int fs_flags;
-    // 解析文件系统引导扇区的函数,为文件系统创建超级块结构。其中DPTE为磁盘分区表entry(MBR、GPT不同)
-    struct vfs_superblock_t *(*read_superblock)(void *DPTE, uint8_t DPT_type, void *buf, int8_t ahci_ctrl_num, int8_t ahci_port_num, int8_t part_num); 
-    struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *next;
-&emsp;&emsp;指向链表中下一个`struct vfs_filesystem_type_t`的指针。
-## 超级块(superblock)对象
-### struct vfs_superblock_t
-struct vfs_superblock_t
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *root;
-    struct vfs_super_block_operations_t *sb_ops;
-    void *private_sb_info;
-### struct vfs_super_block_operations_t
-struct vfs_super_block_operations_t
-    void (*write_superblock)(struct vfs_superblock_t *sb);
-    void (*put_superblock)(struct vfs_superblock_t *sb);
-    void (*write_inode)(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode); // 将inode信息写入磁盘
-## 索引结点(inode)对象
-### struct vfs_index_node_t
-struct vfs_index_node_t
-    uint64_t file_size; // 文件大小
-    uint64_t blocks;    // 占用的扇区数
-    uint64_t attribute;
-    struct vfs_superblock_t *sb;
-    struct vfs_file_operations_t *file_ops;
-    struct vfs_inode_operations_t *inode_ops;
-    void *private_inode_info;
-### struct vfs_inode_operations_t
-struct vfs_inode_operations_t
-    long (*create)(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry, int mode);
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *(*lookup)(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry);
-    long (*mkdir)(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, int mode);
-    long (*rmdir)(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry);
-    long (*rename)(struct vfs_index_node_t *old_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *old_dEntry, struct vfs_index_node_t *new_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *new_dEntry);
-    long (*getAttr)(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, uint64_t *attr);
-    long (*setAttr)(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, uint64_t *attr);

+ 2 - 1

@@ -11,8 +11,9 @@ crate-type = ["staticlib"]
 # 运行时依赖项
 # 运行时依赖项
 x86_64 = "0.14.10"
 x86_64 = "0.14.10"
+bitflags = "1.3.2"
 virtio-drivers = "0.2.0"
 virtio-drivers = "0.2.0"
-bitflags = "1.3"
 # 构建时依赖项
 # 构建时依赖项

+ 1 - 1

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export ASFLAGS := --64
 LD_LIST := head.o
 LD_LIST := head.o
-kernel_subdirs := common driver process debug filesystem time arch exception mm smp sched syscall ktest libs ipc io
+kernel_subdirs := common driver process debug time arch exception mm smp sched syscall ktest libs ipc io

+ 63 - 63

@@ -10,59 +10,59 @@
 #pragma once
 #pragma once
-#define E2BIG 1            /* 参数列表过长,或者在输出buffer中缺少空间 或者参数比系统内建的最大值要大 Argument list too long. */
-#define EACCES 2           /* 访问被拒绝 Permission denied */
-#define EADDRINUSE 3       /* 地址正在被使用 Address in use.*/
-#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 4    /* 地址不可用 Address  not available.*/
-#define EAFNOSUPPORT 5     /* 地址family不支持 Address family not supported. */
-#define EAGAIN 6           /* 资源不可用,请重试。 Resource unavailable, try again (may be the same value as [EWOULDBLOCK]).*/
-#define EALREADY 7         /* 连接已经在处理 Connection already in progress. */
-#define EBADF 8            /* 错误的文件描述符 Bad file descriptor. */
-#define EBADMSG 9          /* 错误的消息 Bad message. */
+#define E2BIG 1         /* 参数列表过长,或者在输出buffer中缺少空间 或者参数比系统内建的最大值要大 Argument list too long. */
+#define EACCES 2        /* 访问被拒绝 Permission denied */
+#define EADDRINUSE 3    /* 地址正在被使用 Address in use.*/
+#define EADDRNOTAVAIL 4 /* 地址不可用 Address  not available.*/
+#define EAFNOSUPPORT 5  /* 地址family不支持 Address family not supported. */
+#define EAGAIN 6        /* 资源不可用,请重试。 Resource unavailable, try again (may be the same value as [EWOULDBLOCK]).*/
+#define EALREADY 7      /* 连接已经在处理 Connection already in progress. */
+#define EBADF 8         /* 错误的文件描述符 Bad file descriptor. */
+#define EBADMSG 9       /* 错误的消息 Bad message. */
-#define EBUSY 10           /* 设备或资源忙 Device or resource busy. */
-#define ECANCELED 11       /* 操作被取消 Operation canceled. */
-#define ECHILD 12          /* 没有子进程 No child processes. */
-#define ECONNABORTED 13    /* 连接已断开 Connection aborted. */
-#define ECONNREFUSED 14    /* 连接被拒绝 Connection refused. */
-#define ECONNRESET 15      /* 连接被重置 Connection reset. */
-#define EDEADLK 16         /* 资源死锁将要发生 Resource deadlock would occur. */
-#define EDESTADDRREQ 17    /* 需要目标地址 Destination address required.*/
-#define EDOM 18            /* 数学参数超出作用域 Mathematics argument out of domain of function. */
-#define EDQUOT 19          /* 保留使用 Reserved */
+#define EBUSY 10        /* 设备或资源忙 Device or resource busy. */
+#define ECANCELED 11    /* 操作被取消 Operation canceled. */
+#define ECHILD 12       /* 没有子进程 No child processes. */
+#define ECONNABORTED 13 /* 连接已断开 Connection aborted. */
+#define ECONNREFUSED 14 /* 连接被拒绝 Connection refused. */
+#define ECONNRESET 15   /* 连接被重置 Connection reset. */
+#define EDEADLK 16      /* 资源死锁将要发生 Resource deadlock would occur. */
+#define EDESTADDRREQ 17 /* 需要目标地址 Destination address required.*/
+#define EDOM 18         /* 数学参数超出作用域 Mathematics argument out of domain of function. */
+#define EDQUOT 19       /* 保留使用 Reserved */
-#define EEXIST 20          /* 文件已存在 File exists. */
-#define EFAULT 21          /* 错误的地址 Bad address */
-#define EFBIG 22           /* 文件太大 File too large. */
-#define EHOSTUNREACH 23    /* 主机不可达 Host is unreachable.*/
-#define EIDRM 24           /* 标志符被移除 Identifier removed. */
-#define EILSEQ 25          /* 不合法的字符序列 Illegal byte sequence. */
-#define EINPROGRESS 26     /* 操作正在处理 Operation in progress. */
-#define EINTR 27           /* 被中断的函数 Interrupted function. */
-#define EINVAL 28          /* 不可用的参数 Invalid argument. */
-#define EIO 29             /* I/O错误 I/O error. */
+#define EEXIST 20       /* 文件已存在 File exists. */
+#define EFAULT 21       /* 错误的地址 Bad address */
+#define EFBIG 22        /* 文件太大 File too large. */
+#define EHOSTUNREACH 23 /* 主机不可达 Host is unreachable.*/
+#define EIDRM 24        /* 标志符被移除 Identifier removed. */
+#define EILSEQ 25       /* 不合法的字符序列 Illegal byte sequence. */
+#define EINPROGRESS 26  /* 操作正在处理 Operation in progress. */
+#define EINTR 27        /* 被中断的函数 Interrupted function. */
+#define EINVAL 28       /* 不可用的参数 Invalid argument. */
+#define EIO 29          /* I/O错误 I/O error. */
-#define EISCONN 30         /* 套接字已连接 Socket is connected. */
-#define EISDIR 31          /* 是一个目录 Is a directory */
-#define ELOOP 32           /* 符号链接级别过多 Too many levels of symbolic links. */
-#define EMFILE 33          /* 文件描述符的值过大 File descriptor value too large. */
-#define EMLINK 34          /* 链接数过多 Too many links. */
-#define EMSGSIZE 35        /* 消息过大 Message too large. */
-#define EMULTIHOP 36       /* 保留使用 Reserved. */
-#define ENAMETOOLONG 37    /* 文件名过长 Filename too long. */
-#define ENETDOWN 38        /* 网络已关闭 Network is down. */
-#define ENETRESET 39       /* 网络连接已断开 Connection aborted by network. */
+#define EISCONN 30      /* 套接字已连接 Socket is connected. */
+#define EISDIR 31       /* 是一个目录 Is a directory */
+#define ELOOP 32        /* 符号链接级别过多 Too many levels of symbolic links. */
+#define EMFILE 33       /* 文件描述符的值过大 File descriptor value too large. */
+#define EMLINK 34       /* 链接数过多 Too many links. */
+#define EMSGSIZE 35     /* 消息过大 Message too large. */
+#define EMULTIHOP 36    /* 保留使用 Reserved. */
+#define ENAMETOOLONG 37 /* 文件名过长 Filename too long. */
+#define ENETDOWN 38     /* 网络已关闭 Network is down. */
+#define ENETRESET 39    /* 网络连接已断开 Connection aborted by network. */
-#define ENETUNREACH 40     /* 网络不可达 Network unreachable. */
-#define ENFILE 41          /* 系统中打开的文件过多 Too many files open in system.*/
-#define ENOBUFS 42         /* 缓冲区空间不足 No buffer space available. */
-#define ENODATA 43         /* 队列头没有可读取的消息 No message is available on the STREAM head read queue. */
-#define ENODEV 44          /* 没有指定的设备 No such device. */
-#define ENOENT 45          /* 没有指定的文件或目录 No such file or directory. */
-#define ENOEXEC 46         /* 可执行文件格式错误 Executable file format error. */
-#define ENOLCK 47          /* 没有可用的锁 No locks available. */
-#define ENOLINK 48         /* 保留 Reserved. */
-#define ENOMEM 49          /* 没有足够的空间 Not enough space. */
+#define ENETUNREACH 40 /* 网络不可达 Network unreachable. */
+#define ENFILE 41      /* 系统中打开的文件过多 Too many files open in system.*/
+#define ENOBUFS 42     /* 缓冲区空间不足 No buffer space available. */
+#define ENODATA 43     /* 队列头没有可读取的消息 No message is available on the STREAM head read queue. */
+#define ENODEV 44      /* 没有指定的设备 No such device. */
+#define ENOENT 45      /* 没有指定的文件或目录 No such file or directory. */
+#define ENOEXEC 46     /* 可执行文件格式错误 Executable file format error. */
+#define ENOLCK 47      /* 没有可用的锁 No locks available. */
+#define ENOLINK 48     /* 保留 Reserved. */
+#define ENOMEM 49      /* 没有足够的空间 Not enough space. */
 #define ENOMSG 50          /* 没有期待类型的消息 No message of the desired type. */
 #define ENOMSG 50          /* 没有期待类型的消息 No message of the desired type. */
 #define ENOPROTOOPT 51     /* 协议不可用 Protocol not available. */
 #define ENOPROTOOPT 51     /* 协议不可用 Protocol not available. */
@@ -73,29 +73,29 @@
 #define ENOTCONN 56        /* 套接字未连接 The socket is not connected. */
 #define ENOTCONN 56        /* 套接字未连接 The socket is not connected. */
 #define ENOTDIR 57         /* 不是目录 Not a directory. */
 #define ENOTDIR 57         /* 不是目录 Not a directory. */
 #define ENOTEMPTY 58       /* 目录非空 Directory not empty. */
 #define ENOTEMPTY 58       /* 目录非空 Directory not empty. */
-#define ENOTRECOVERABLE 59 /* 状态不可覆盖 State not recoverable. */
+#define ENOTRECOVERABLE 59 /* 状态不可恢复 State not recoverable. */
-#define ENOTSOCK 60        /* 不是一个套接字 Not a socket.*/
-#define ENOTSUP 61         /* 不被支持 Not supported (may be the same value as [EOPNOTSUPP]). */
-#define ENOTTY 62          /* 不正确的I/O控制操作 Inappropriate I/O control operation. */
-#define ENXIO 63           /* 没有这样的设备或地址 No such device or address. */
-#define EOPNOTSUPP 64      /* 套接字不支持该操作 Operation not supported on socket (may be the same value as [ENOTSUP]). */
-#define EOVERFLOW 65       /* 数值过大,产生溢出 Value too large to be stored in data type. */
-#define EOWNERDEAD 66      /* 之前的拥有者挂了 Previous owner died. */
-#define EPERM 67           /* 操作不被允许 Operation not permitted. */
-#define EPIPE 68           /* 断开的管道 Broken pipe. */
-#define EPROTO 69          /* 协议错误 Protocol error. */
+#define ENOTSOCK 60   /* 不是一个套接字 Not a socket.*/
+#define ENOTSUP 61    /* 不被支持 Not supported (may be the same value as [EOPNOTSUPP]). */
+#define ENOTTY 62     /* 不正确的I/O控制操作 Inappropriate I/O control operation. */
+#define ENXIO 63      /* 没有这样的设备或地址 No such device or address. */
+#define EOPNOTSUPP 64 /* 套接字不支持该操作 Operation not supported on socket (may be the same value as [ENOTSUP]). */
+#define EOVERFLOW 65  /* 数值过大,产生溢出 Value too large to be stored in data type. */
+#define EOWNERDEAD 66 /* 之前的拥有者挂了 Previous owner died. */
+#define EPERM 67      /* 操作不被允许 Operation not permitted. */
+#define EPIPE 68      /* 断开的管道 Broken pipe. */
+#define EPROTO 69     /* 协议错误 Protocol error. */
 #define EPROTONOSUPPORT 70 /* 协议不被支持 Protocol not supported. */
 #define EPROTONOSUPPORT 70 /* 协议不被支持 Protocol not supported. */
 #define EPROTOTYPE 71      /* 对于套接字而言,错误的协议 Protocol wrong type for socket. */
 #define EPROTOTYPE 71      /* 对于套接字而言,错误的协议 Protocol wrong type for socket. */
 #define ERANGE 72          /* 结果过大 Result too large. */
 #define ERANGE 72          /* 结果过大 Result too large. */
 #define EROFS 73           /* 只读的文件系统 Read-only file system. */
 #define EROFS 73           /* 只读的文件系统 Read-only file system. */
-#define ESPIPE 74          /* 错误的寻道 Invalid seek. */
+#define ESPIPE 74          /* 错误的寻道.当前文件是pipe,不允许seek请求  Invalid seek. */
 #define ESRCH 75           /* 没有这样的进程 No such process. */
 #define ESRCH 75           /* 没有这样的进程 No such process. */
 #define ESTALE 76          /* 保留 Reserved. */
 #define ESTALE 76          /* 保留 Reserved. */
 #define ETIME 77           /* 流式ioctl()超时 Stream ioctl() timeout */
 #define ETIME 77           /* 流式ioctl()超时 Stream ioctl() timeout */
 #define ETIMEDOUT 78       /* 连接超时 Connection timed out.*/
 #define ETIMEDOUT 78       /* 连接超时 Connection timed out.*/
 #define ETXTBSY 79         /* 文本文件忙 Text file busy. */
 #define ETXTBSY 79         /* 文本文件忙 Text file busy. */
-#define EWOULDBLOCK 80     /* 操作将被禁止 Operation would block (may be the same value as [EAGAIN]). */
-#define EXDEV 81           /* 跨设备连接 Cross-device link. */
+#define EWOULDBLOCK 80 /* 操作将被禁止 Operation would block (may be the same value as [EAGAIN]). */
+#define EXDEV 81       /* 跨设备连接 Cross-device link. */

+ 8 - 4

@@ -25,10 +25,14 @@
 #define O_NONBLOCK 00004000 // 非阻塞式IO模式
 #define O_NONBLOCK 00004000 // 非阻塞式IO模式
-#define O_EXEC 00010000      // 以仅执行的方式打开(非目录文件)
-#define O_SEARCH 00020000    // Open the directory for search only
-#define O_DIRECTORY 00040000 // 打开的必须是一个目录
-#define O_NOFOLLOW 00100000  // Do not follow symbolic links
+#define O_DSYNC 00010000  // used to be O_SYNC, see below
+#define FASYNC 00020000   // fcntl, for BSD compatibility
+#define O_DIRECT 00040000 // direct disk access hint
+#define O_LARGEFILE 00100000
+#define O_DIRECTORY 00200000 // 打开的必须是一个目录
+#define O_NOFOLLOW 00400000  // Do not follow symbolic links
+#define O_NOATIME 01000000
+#define O_CLOEXEC 02000000 // set close_on_exec
  * The constants AT_REMOVEDIR and AT_EACCESS have the same value.  AT_EACCESS is
  * The constants AT_REMOVEDIR and AT_EACCESS have the same value.  AT_EACCESS is

+ 2 - 2

@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ void lockref_inc(struct lockref *lock_ref);
  * @brief 原子地将引用计数加1.如果原来的count≤0,则操作失败。
  * @brief 原子地将引用计数加1.如果原来的count≤0,则操作失败。
  * @param lock_ref 指向要被操作的lockref变量的指针
  * @param lock_ref 指向要被操作的lockref变量的指针
- * @return int  操作成功=>true
- *              操作失败=>false
+ * @return bool  操作成功=>true
+ *               操作失败=>false
 bool lockref_inc_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref);
 bool lockref_inc_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref);

+ 2 - 2

@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ struct tm
 struct timespec
 struct timespec
-    long int tv_sec;    // 秒
-    long long tv_nsec;   // 纳秒
+    int64_t tv_sec;    // 秒
+    int64_t tv_nsec;   // 纳秒

+ 11 - 615

@@ -1,636 +1,32 @@
 #include "ahci.h"
 #include "ahci.h"
 #include <common/kprint.h>
 #include <common/kprint.h>
 #include <mm/slab.h>
 #include <mm/slab.h>
-#include <syscall/syscall.h>
-#include <syscall/syscall_num.h>
-#include <sched/sched.h>
 #include <common/string.h>
 #include <common/string.h>
 #include <common/block.h>
 #include <common/block.h>
-#include <filesystem/MBR.h>
 #include <debug/bug.h>
 #include <debug/bug.h>
 #include <common/kthread.h>
 #include <common/kthread.h>
-struct pci_device_structure_header_t *ahci_devs[MAX_AHCI_DEVICES];
-struct blk_gendisk ahci_gendisk0 = {0}; // 暂时硬性指定一个ahci_device
-static int __first_port = -1;           // 临时用于存储 ahci控制器的第一个可用端口 的变量
-static uint32_t count_ahci_devices = 0;
-static uint64_t ahci_port_base_vaddr;     // 端口映射base addr
-static uint64_t ahci_port_base_phys_addr; // 端口映射的物理基地址(ahci控制器的参数的地址都是物理地址)
-static void start_cmd(HBA_PORT *port);
-static void stop_cmd(HBA_PORT *port);
-static void port_rebase(HBA_PORT *port, int portno);
-// 计算HBA_MEM的虚拟内存地址
-#define cal_HBA_MEM_VIRT_ADDR(device_num) (AHCI_MAPPING_BASE + (ul)(((struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *)(ahci_devs[device_num]))->BAR5 - ((((struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *)(ahci_devs[0]))->BAR5) & PAGE_2M_MASK)))
-long ahci_open();
-long ahci_close();
-static long ahci_ioctl(long cmd, long arg);
-static long ahci_transfer(struct blk_gendisk *gd, long cmd, uint64_t base_addr, uint64_t count, uint64_t buf);
-struct block_device_operation ahci_operation =
-    {
-        .open = ahci_open,
-        .close = ahci_close,
-        .ioctl = ahci_ioctl,
-        .transfer = ahci_transfer,
- * @brief ahci驱动器在block_device中的私有数据结构体
- *
- */
-struct ahci_blk_private_data
-    uint16_t ahci_ctrl_num;                        // ahci控制器号
-    uint16_t ahci_port_num;                        // ahci端口号
-    struct MBR_disk_partition_table_t *part_table; // 分区表
- * @brief 申请ahci设备的私有信息结构体
- *
- * @return struct ahci_blk_private_data* 申请到的私有信息结构体
- */
-static struct ahci_blk_private_data *__alloc_private_data()
-    struct ahci_blk_private_data *data = (struct ahci_blk_private_data *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct ahci_blk_private_data), 0);
-    data->part_table = (struct MBR_disk_partition_table_t *)kzalloc(512, 0);
-    return data;
- * @brief 释放ahci设备的分区的私有信息结构体
- *
- * @param pdata 待释放的结构体
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int __release_private_data(struct ahci_blk_private_data *pdata)
-    kfree(pdata->part_table);
-    kfree(pdata);
-    return 0;
- * @brief 初始化gendisk结构体(暂时只支持1个gendisk)
- *
- */
-static int ahci_init_gendisk()
-    memset(&ahci_gendisk0, 0, sizeof(ahci_gendisk0));
-    strcpy(ahci_gendisk0.disk_name, "ahci0");
-    ahci_gendisk0.flags = BLK_GF_AHCI;
-    ahci_gendisk0.fops = &ahci_operation;
-    mutex_init(&ahci_gendisk0.open_mutex);
-    // 为存储分区结构,分配内存空间
-    ahci_gendisk0.private_data = __alloc_private_data();
-    // 读取分区表
-    // 暂时假设全都是MBR分区表的
-    // todo: 支持GPT
-    ((struct ahci_blk_private_data *)ahci_gendisk0.private_data)->ahci_ctrl_num = 0;
-    ((struct ahci_blk_private_data *)ahci_gendisk0.private_data)->ahci_port_num = __first_port;
-    MBR_read_partition_table(&ahci_gendisk0, ((struct ahci_blk_private_data *)ahci_gendisk0.private_data)->part_table);
-    struct MBR_disk_partition_table_t *ptable = ((struct ahci_blk_private_data *)ahci_gendisk0.private_data)->part_table;
-    // 求出可用分区数量
-    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-    {
-        // 分区可用
-        if (ptable->DPTE[i].type != 0)
-            ++ahci_gendisk0.part_cnt;
-    }
-    if (ahci_gendisk0.part_cnt)
-    {
-        // 分配分区结构体数组的空间
-        ahci_gendisk0.partition = (struct block_device *)kzalloc(ahci_gendisk0.part_cnt * sizeof(struct block_device), 0);
-        int cnt = 0;
-        // 循环遍历每个分区
-        for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
-        {
-            // 分区可用
-            if (ptable->DPTE[i].type != 0)
-            {
-                // 初始化分区结构体
-                ahci_gendisk0.partition[cnt].bd_disk = &ahci_gendisk0;
-                ahci_gendisk0.partition[cnt].bd_partno = cnt;
-                // FIXME 需要注释
-                ahci_gendisk0.partition[cnt].bd_sectors_num = ptable->DPTE[i].total_sectors;
-                ahci_gendisk0.partition[cnt].bd_start_sector = ptable->DPTE[i].starting_sector;
-                ahci_gendisk0.partition[cnt].bd_superblock = NULL; // 挂载文件系统时才会初始化superblock
-                ahci_gendisk0.partition[cnt].bd_start_LBA = ptable->DPTE[i].starting_LBA;
-                ++cnt;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return 0;
- * @brief 初始化ahci模块
- *
- */
-void ahci_init()
+/// @brief 保留了对 pci设备获取 和 mm内存映射 的依赖
+void ahci_cpp_init(uint32_t *count_ahci_devices, struct pci_device_structure_header_t *ahci_devs[MAX_AHCI_DEVICES], struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *gen_devs[MAX_AHCI_DEVICES])
     kinfo("Initializing AHCI...");
     kinfo("Initializing AHCI...");
-    pci_get_device_structure(0x1, 0x6, ahci_devs, &count_ahci_devices);
-    if (count_ahci_devices == 0)
+    pci_get_device_structure(0x1, 0x6, ahci_devs, count_ahci_devices);
+    if (*count_ahci_devices == 0)
         kwarn("There is no AHCI device found on this computer!");
         kwarn("There is no AHCI device found on this computer!");
-    // 映射ABAR
-    kdebug("phys_2_virt(ahci_devs[0])= %#018lx", (ahci_devs[0]));
-    kdebug("((struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *)phys_2_virt(ahci_devs[0])))->BAR5= %#018lx", ((struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *)(ahci_devs[0]))->BAR5);
-    uint32_t bar5 = ((struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *)(ahci_devs[0]))->BAR5;
-    mm_map_phys_addr(AHCI_MAPPING_BASE, (ul)(bar5)&PAGE_2M_MASK, PAGE_2M_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL_PAGE | PAGE_PWT | PAGE_PCD, false);
-    kdebug("ABAR mapped!");
-    for (int i = 0; i < count_ahci_devices; ++i)
-    {
-        // kdebug("[%d]  class_code=%d, sub_class=%d, progIF=%d, ABAR=%#010lx", i, ahci_devs[i]->Class_code, ahci_devs[i]->SubClass, ahci_devs[i]->ProgIF, ((struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *)(ahci_devs[i]))->BAR5);
-        //  赋值HBA_MEM结构体
-        ahci_devices[i].dev_struct = ahci_devs[i];
-        ahci_devices[i].hba_mem = (HBA_MEM *)(cal_HBA_MEM_VIRT_ADDR(i));
-        kdebug("ahci_devices[i].hba_mem = %#018lx", (ul)ahci_devices[i].hba_mem);
-    }
-    // todo: 支持多个ahci控制器。
-    ahci_port_base_vaddr = (uint64_t)kmalloc(1048576, 0);
-    kdebug("ahci_port_base_vaddr=%#018lx", ahci_port_base_vaddr);
-    ahci_probe_port(0);
-    BUG_ON(ahci_init_gendisk() != 0);
-    kinfo("AHCI initialized.");
-// Check device type
-static int check_type(HBA_PORT *port)
-    uint32_t ssts = port->ssts;
-    uint8_t ipm = (ssts >> 8) & 0x0F;
-    uint8_t det = ssts & 0x0F;
-    if (det != HBA_PORT_DET_PRESENT) // Check drive status
-        return AHCI_DEV_NULL;
-    if (ipm != HBA_PORT_IPM_ACTIVE)
-        return AHCI_DEV_NULL;
-    switch (port->sig)
-    {
-    case SATA_SIG_ATAPI:
-        return AHCI_DEV_SATAPI;
-    case SATA_SIG_SEMB:
-        return AHCI_DEV_SEMB;
-    case SATA_SIG_PM:
-        return AHCI_DEV_PM;
-    default:
-        return AHCI_DEV_SATA;
-    }
- * @brief 检测端口连接的设备的类型
- *
- * @param device_num ahci控制器号
- */
-static void ahci_probe_port(const uint32_t device_num)
-    HBA_MEM *abar = ahci_devices[device_num].hba_mem;
-    uint32_t pi = abar->pi;
-    for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i, (pi >>= 1))
-    {
-        if (pi & 1)
-        {
-            uint dt = check_type(&abar->ports[i]);
-            ahci_devices[i].type = dt;
-            switch (dt)
-            {
-            case AHCI_DEV_SATA:
-                kdebug("SATA drive found at port %d", i);
-                goto found;
-            case AHCI_DEV_SATAPI:
-                kdebug("SATAPI drive found at port %d", i);
-                goto found;
-            case AHCI_DEV_SEMB:
-                kdebug("SEMB drive found at port %d", i);
-                goto found;
-            case AHCI_DEV_PM:
-                kdebug("PM drive found at port %d", i);
-                goto found;
-            found:;
-                port_rebase(&ahci_devices[0].hba_mem->ports[i], i);
-                if (__first_port == -1)
-                    __first_port = i;
-                break;
-            default:
-                kdebug("No drive found at port %d", i);
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-// Start command engine
-static void start_cmd(HBA_PORT *port)
-    // Wait until CR (bit15) is cleared
-    while ((port->cmd) & HBA_PxCMD_CR)
-        ;
-    // Set FRE (bit4) and ST (bit0)
-    port->cmd |= HBA_PxCMD_FRE;
-    port->cmd |= HBA_PxCMD_ST;
-// Stop command engine
-static void stop_cmd(HBA_PORT *port)
-    // Clear ST (bit0)
-    port->cmd &= ~HBA_PxCMD_ST;
-    // Clear FRE (bit4)
-    port->cmd &= ~HBA_PxCMD_FRE;
-    // Wait until FR (bit14), CR (bit15) are cleared
-    while (1)
-    {
-        if (port->cmd & HBA_PxCMD_FR)
-            continue;
-        if (port->cmd & HBA_PxCMD_CR)
-            continue;
-        break;
-    }
-static void port_rebase(HBA_PORT *port, int portno)
-    // Before rebasing Port memory space, OS must wait for current pending commands to finish
-    // and tell HBA to stop receiving FIS from the port. Otherwise an accidently incoming FIS may be
-    // written into a partially configured memory area.
-    stop_cmd(port); // Stop command engine
-    // Command list offset: 1K*portno
-    // Command list entry size = 32
-    // Command list entry maxim count = 32
-    // Command list maxim size = 32*32 = 1K per port
-    port->clb = virt_2_phys(ahci_port_base_vaddr + (portno << 10));
-    memset((void *)(phys_2_virt(port->clb)), 0, 1024);
-    // FIS offset: 32K+256*portno
-    // FIS entry size = 256 bytes per port
-    port->fb = virt_2_phys(ahci_port_base_vaddr + (32 << 10) + (portno << 8));
-    memset((void *)(phys_2_virt(port->fb)), 0, 256);
-    // Command table offset: 40K + 8K*portno
-    // Command table size = 256*32 = 8K per port
-    HBA_CMD_HEADER *cmdheader = (HBA_CMD_HEADER *)(phys_2_virt(port->clb));
-    for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i)
+    for (int i = 0; i < *count_ahci_devices; i++)
-        cmdheader[i].prdtl = 8; // 8 prdt entries per command table
-                                // 256 bytes per command table, 64+16+48+16*8
-        // Command table offset: 40K + 8K*portno + cmdheader_index*256
-        cmdheader[i].ctba = virt_2_phys((ahci_port_base_vaddr + (40 << 10) + (portno << 13) + (i << 8)));
-        memset((void *)phys_2_virt(cmdheader[i].ctba), 0, 256);
+        gen_devs[i] = ((struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *)(ahci_devs[i]));
-    start_cmd(port); // Start command engine
- * @brief read data from SATA device using 48bit LBA address
- *
- * @param port HBA PORT
- * @param startl low 32bits of start addr
- * @param starth high 32bits of start addr
- * @param count total sectors to read
- * @param buf buffer
- * @param ret_slot 执行命令的插槽号(传出参数)
- * @return true done
- * @return false failed
- */
-static int ahci_read(HBA_PORT *port, uint32_t startl, uint32_t starth, uint32_t count, uint64_t buf, int8_t *ret_slot)
-    port->is = (uint32_t)-1; // Clear pending interrupt bits
-    int spin = 0; // Spin lock timeout counter
-    int slot = ahci_find_cmdslot(port);
-    if (slot == -1)
-        return E_NOEMPTYSLOT;
-    if (ret_slot)
-    {
-        *ret_slot = slot;
-    }
-    HBA_CMD_HEADER *cmdheader = (HBA_CMD_HEADER *)phys_2_virt(port->clb);
-    cmdheader += slot;
-    cmdheader->cfl = sizeof(FIS_REG_H2D) / sizeof(uint32_t); // Command FIS size
-    cmdheader->w = 0;                                        // Read from device
-    cmdheader->prdtl = (uint16_t)((count - 1) >> 4) + 1;     // PRDT entries count
-    HBA_CMD_TBL *cmdtbl = (HBA_CMD_TBL *)phys_2_virt(cmdheader->ctba);
-    memset(cmdtbl, 0, sizeof(HBA_CMD_TBL) + (cmdheader->prdtl - 1) * sizeof(HBA_PRDT_ENTRY));
-    // 8K bytes (16 sectors) per PRDT
-    int i;
-    for (i = 0; i < cmdheader->prdtl - 1; ++i)
-    {
-        cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].dba = virt_2_phys(buf);
-        cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].dbc = 8 * 1024 - 1; // 8K bytes (this value should always be set to 1 less than the actual value)
-        cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].i = 1;
-        buf += 4 * 1024; // 4K uint16_ts
-        count -= 16;     // 16 sectors
-    }
-    // Last entry
-    cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].dba = virt_2_phys(buf);
-    cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].dbc = (count << 9) - 1; // 512 bytes per sector
-    cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].i = 1;
-    // Setup command
-    FIS_REG_H2D *cmdfis = (FIS_REG_H2D *)(&cmdtbl->cfis);
-    cmdfis->fis_type = FIS_TYPE_REG_H2D;
-    cmdfis->c = 1; // Command
-    cmdfis->command = AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT;
-    cmdfis->lba0 = (uint8_t)startl;
-    cmdfis->lba1 = (uint8_t)(startl >> 8);
-    cmdfis->lba2 = (uint8_t)(startl >> 16);
-    cmdfis->device = 1 << 6; // LBA mode
-    cmdfis->lba3 = (uint8_t)(startl >> 24);
-    cmdfis->lba4 = (uint8_t)starth;
-    cmdfis->lba5 = (uint8_t)(starth >> 8);
-    cmdfis->countl = count & 0xFF;
-    cmdfis->counth = (count >> 8) & 0xFF;
-    // The below loop waits until the port is no longer busy before issuing a new command
-    while ((port->tfd & (AHCI_DEV_BUSY | AHCI_DEV_DRQ)) && spin < 1000000)
-    {
-        spin++;
-    }
-    if (spin == 1000000)
-    {
-        kerror("Port is hung");
-        return E_PORT_HUNG;
-    }
-    port->ci = 1 << slot; // Issue command
-    return 0;
- * @brief 检查请求包是否已完成
- *
- * @param port_num HBA PORT 编号
- * @param ahci_ctrl_num ahci控制号
- * @param ret_slot 执行命令的插槽号
- * @param err 错误信息
- */
-int ahci_check_complete(uint8_t port_num, uint8_t ahci_ctrl_num, int8_t slot, char *err)
-    HBA_PORT *port = ahci_get_port(port_num, ahci_ctrl_num);
-    int retval = -EBUSY;
-    if (slot == -1)
-        retval = -EINVAL;
-    // In some longer duration reads, it may be helpful to spin on the DPS bit
-    // in the PxIS port field as well (1 << 5)
-    if ((port->ci & (1 << slot)) == 0)
-        retval = 0;
-    if (port->is & HBA_PxIS_TFES) // Task file error
-    {
-        if (err != NULL)
-            kerror(*err);
-        retval = E_TASK_FILE_ERROR;
-    }
-    return retval;
- * @brief write data to SATA device using 48bit LBA address
- *
- * @param port HBA PORT
- * @param startl low 32bits of start addr
- * @param starth high 32bits of start addr
- * @param count total sectors to read
- * @param buf buffer
- * @param ret_slot 执行命令的插槽号(传出参数)
- * @return success 0
- */
-static int ahci_write(HBA_PORT *port, uint32_t startl, uint32_t starth, uint32_t count,
-                      uint64_t buf, int8_t *ret_slot)
-    port->is = 0xffff; // Clear pending interrupt bits
-    int slot = ahci_find_cmdslot(port);
-    if (slot == -1)
-        return E_NOEMPTYSLOT;
-    if (ret_slot)
-    {
-        *ret_slot = slot;
-    }
-    HBA_CMD_HEADER *cmdheader = (HBA_CMD_HEADER *)phys_2_virt(port->clb);
-    cmdheader += slot;
-    cmdheader->cfl = sizeof(FIS_REG_H2D) / sizeof(uint32_t); // Command FIS size
-    cmdheader->w = 1;
-    cmdheader->c = 1;
-    cmdheader->p = 1;
-    cmdheader->prdtl = (uint16_t)((count - 1) >> 4) + 1; // PRDT entries count
-    HBA_CMD_TBL *cmdtbl = (HBA_CMD_TBL *)phys_2_virt(cmdheader->ctba);
-    memset(cmdtbl, 0, sizeof(HBA_CMD_TBL) + (cmdheader->prdtl - 1) * sizeof(HBA_PRDT_ENTRY));
-    int i = 0;
-    for (i = 0; i < cmdheader->prdtl - 1; ++i)
-    {
-        cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].dba = virt_2_phys(buf);
-        cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].dbc = 8 * 1024 - 1; // 8K bytes
-        cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].i = 0;
-        buf += 4 * 1024; // 4K words
-        count -= 16;     // 16 sectors
-    }
-    cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].dba = virt_2_phys(buf);
-    cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].dbc = count << 9; // 512 bytes per sector
-    cmdtbl->prdt_entry[i].i = 0;
-    FIS_REG_H2D *cmdfis = (FIS_REG_H2D *)(&cmdtbl->cfis);
-    cmdfis->fis_type = FIS_TYPE_REG_H2D;
-    cmdfis->c = 1; // Command
-    cmdfis->command = AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT;
-    cmdfis->lba0 = (uint8_t)startl;
-    cmdfis->lba1 = (uint8_t)(startl >> 8);
-    cmdfis->lba2 = (uint8_t)(startl >> 16);
-    cmdfis->lba3 = (uint8_t)(startl >> 24);
-    cmdfis->lba4 = (uint8_t)starth;
-    cmdfis->lba5 = (uint8_t)(starth >> 8);
-    cmdfis->device = 1 << 6; // LBA mode
-    cmdfis->countl = count & 0xff;
-    cmdfis->counth = count >> 8;
-    port->ci = 1; // Issue command
-    return 0;
-// Find a free command list slot
-int ahci_find_cmdslot(HBA_PORT *port)
-    // If not set in SACT and CI, the slot is free
-    uint32_t slots = (port->sact | port->ci);
-    int num_of_cmd_clots = (ahci_devices[0].hba_mem->cap & 0x0f00) >> 8; // bit 12-8
-    for (int i = 0; i < num_of_cmd_clots; i++)
-    {
-        if ((slots & 1) == 0)
-            return i;
-        slots >>= 1;
-    }
-    kerror("Cannot find free command list entry");
-    return -1;
-long ahci_open()
-    return 0;
-long ahci_close()
-    return 0;
- * @brief 创建ahci磁盘请求包
- *
- * @param cmd 控制命令
- * @param base_addr 48位LBA地址
- * @param count total sectors to read
- * @param buf 缓冲区线性地址
- * @param ahci_ctrl_num ahci控制器号
- * @param port_num ahci控制器端口号
- * @return struct block_device_request_packet*
- */
-static struct ahci_request_packet_t *ahci_make_request(long cmd, uint64_t base_addr, uint64_t count, uint64_t buffer, uint8_t ahci_ctrl_num, uint8_t port_num)
-    struct ahci_request_packet_t *pack = (struct ahci_request_packet_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct ahci_request_packet_t), 0);
-    pack->blk_pak.device_type = BLK_TYPE_AHCI;
-    // 由于ahci不需要中断即可读取磁盘,因此end handler为空
-    switch (cmd)
-    {
-        pack->blk_pak.end_handler = NULL;
-        pack->blk_pak.cmd = AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT;
-        break;
-        pack->blk_pak.end_handler = NULL;
-        pack->blk_pak.cmd = AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT;
-        break;
-    default:
-        pack->blk_pak.end_handler = NULL;
-        pack->blk_pak.cmd = cmd;
-        break;
-    }
-    pack->blk_pak.LBA_start = base_addr;
-    pack->blk_pak.count = count;
-    pack->blk_pak.buffer_vaddr = buffer;
-    pack->ahci_ctrl_num = ahci_ctrl_num;
-    pack->port_num = port_num;
-    return pack;
-long ahci_query_disk(struct ahci_request_packet_t *pack, int8_t *ret_slot)
-    long ret_val = 0;
-    switch (pack->blk_pak.cmd)
-    {
-        ret_val = ahci_read(&(ahci_devices[pack->ahci_ctrl_num].hba_mem->ports[pack->port_num]), pack->blk_pak.LBA_start & 0xFFFFFFFF, ((pack->blk_pak.LBA_start) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF, pack->blk_pak.count, pack->blk_pak.buffer_vaddr, ret_slot);
-        break;
-        ret_val = ahci_write(&(ahci_devices[pack->ahci_ctrl_num].hba_mem->ports[pack->port_num]), pack->blk_pak.LBA_start & 0xFFFFFFFF, ((pack->blk_pak.LBA_start) >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF, pack->blk_pak.count, pack->blk_pak.buffer_vaddr, ret_slot);
-        break;
-    default:
-        kerror("Unsupport ahci command: %#05lx", pack->blk_pak.cmd);
-        ret_val = E_UNSUPPORTED_CMD;
-        break;
-    }
-    return ret_val;
- * @brief ahci驱动程序的传输函数
- *
- * @param gd 磁盘设备结构体
- * @param cmd 控制命令
- * @param base_addr 48位LBA地址
- * @param count total sectors to read
- * @param buf 缓冲区线性地址
- * @return long
- */
-static long ahci_transfer(struct blk_gendisk *gd, long cmd, uint64_t base_addr, uint64_t count, uint64_t buf)
-    struct ahci_request_packet_t *pack = NULL;
-    struct ahci_blk_private_data *pdata = (struct ahci_blk_private_data *)gd->private_data;
-    if (cmd == AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT || cmd == AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT)
-    {
-        pack = ahci_make_request(cmd, base_addr, count, buf, pdata->ahci_ctrl_num, pdata->ahci_port_num);
-        ahci_push_request(pack);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        kdebug("ahci_transfer: E_UNSUPPORTED_CMD");
-        return E_UNSUPPORTED_CMD;
-    }
-    return AHCI_SUCCESS;
- * @brief todo: io控制器函数
- *
- * @param cmd 命令
- * @param arg 参数
- * @return long
- */
-static long ahci_ioctl(long cmd, long arg)
-    return 0;
+    // 映射ABAR
+    uint32_t bar5 = gen_devs[0]->BAR5;
+    mm_map_phys_addr(AHCI_MAPPING_BASE, (ul)(bar5)&PAGE_2M_MASK, PAGE_2M_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL_PAGE | PAGE_PWT | PAGE_PCD, false);
- * @brief 根据端口号获取端口结构体
- * @param port_num 端口号
- * @param ahci_ctrl_num 控制号
- */
-HBA_PORT *ahci_get_port(uint8_t port_num, uint8_t ahci_ctrl_num)
-    return &(ahci_devices[ahci_ctrl_num].hba_mem->ports[port_num]);
+    kinfo("ABAR mapped!");

+ 1 - 67

@@ -363,70 +363,4 @@ struct ahci_request_packet_t
  * @brief 初始化ahci模块
  * @brief 初始化ahci模块
-void ahci_init();
- * @brief 检测端口连接的设备的类型
- *
- * @param device_num ahci设备号
- */
-static void ahci_probe_port(const uint32_t device_num);
- * @brief read data from SATA device using 48bit LBA address
- *
- * @param port HBA PORT
- * @param startl low 32bits of start addr
- * @param starth high 32bits of start addr
- * @param count total sectors to read
- * @param buf buffer
- * @param ret_slot 执行命令的插槽号(传出参数)
- * @return success 0
- */
-static int ahci_read(HBA_PORT *port, uint32_t startl, uint32_t starth, uint32_t count, uint64_t buf, int8_t *ret_slot);
- * @brief write data to SATA device using 48bit LBA address
- *
- * @param port HBA PORT
- * @param startl low 32bits of start addr
- * @param starth high 32bits of start addr
- * @param count total sectors to read
- * @param buf buffer
- * @param ret_slot 执行命令的插槽号(传出参数)
- * @return success 0
- */
-static int ahci_write(HBA_PORT *port, uint32_t startl, uint32_t starth, uint32_t count,
-                      uint64_t buf, int8_t *ret_slot);
-void ahci_end_request();
- * @brief 检查请求包是否已完成
- *
- * @param port_num HBA PORT 编号
- * @param ahci_ctrl_num ahci控制号
- * @param ret_slot 执行命令的插槽号
- * @param err 错误信息
- */
-int ahci_check_complete(uint8_t port_num, uint8_t ahci_ctrl_num, int8_t slot, char *err);
- * @brief 根据端口号获取端口结构体
- * @param port_num 端口号
- * @param ahci_ctrl_num 控制号
- */
-HBA_PORT *ahci_get_port(uint8_t port_num, uint8_t ahci_ctrl_num);
- * @brief Find a free command list slot
- * @param port
- */
-int ahci_find_cmdslot(HBA_PORT *port);
- * @brief 读取磁盘信息
- * @param pack io请求包
- * @param ret_slot 执行命令的插槽号(传出参数)
- */
-long ahci_query_disk(struct ahci_request_packet_t *pack, int8_t *ret_slot);
+extern void ahci_init();

+ 155 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+use crate::filesystem::devfs::{DevFS, DeviceINode};
+use crate::filesystem::vfs::{
+    core::generate_inode_id, make_rawdev, FilePrivateData, FileSystem, FileType, IndexNode,
+    Metadata, PollStatus,
+use crate::io::device::BlockDevice;
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::{EINVAL, ENOTSUP},
+    libs::spinlock::SpinLock,
+    time::TimeSpec,
+use alloc::{
+    string::String,
+    sync::{Arc, Weak},
+    vec::Vec,
+use super::ahcidisk::LockedAhciDisk;
+pub struct AhciInode {
+    /// uuid 暂时不知道有什么用(x
+    // uuid: Uuid,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedAhciInode>,
+    /// 指向inode所在的文件系统对象的指针
+    fs: Weak<DevFS>,
+    /// INode 元数据
+    metadata: Metadata,
+    /// INode 对应的磁盘
+    disk: Arc<LockedAhciDisk>,
+pub struct LockedAhciInode(pub SpinLock<AhciInode>);
+impl LockedAhciInode {
+    pub fn new(disk: Arc<LockedAhciDisk>) -> Arc<Self> {
+        let inode = AhciInode {
+            // uuid: Uuid::new_v5(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            fs: Weak::default(),
+            disk: disk,
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 1,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: 0,
+                blocks: 0,
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: FileType::BlockDevice, // 文件夹,block设备,char设备
+                mode: 0o666,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: make_rawdev(1, 3), // 这里用来作为device number
+            },
+        };
+        let result = Arc::new(LockedAhciInode(SpinLock::new(inode)));
+        result.0.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        return result;
+    }
+impl DeviceINode for LockedAhciInode {
+    fn set_fs(&self, fs: Weak<DevFS>) {
+        self.0.lock().fs = fs;
+    }
+impl IndexNode for LockedAhciInode {
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    fn open(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn close(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        return Ok(self.0.lock().metadata.clone());
+    }
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.0.lock().fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn set_metadata(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        inode.metadata.atime = metadata.atime;
+        inode.metadata.mtime = metadata.mtime;
+        inode.metadata.ctime = metadata.ctime;
+        inode.metadata.mode = metadata.mode;
+        inode.metadata.uid = metadata.uid;
+        inode.metadata.gid = metadata.gid;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus, i32> {
+        return Ok(PollStatus {
+            flags: PollStatus::READ_MASK | PollStatus::WRITE_MASK,
+        });
+    }
+    /// 读设备 - 应该调用设备的函数读写,而不是通过文件系统读写
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize, // lba地址
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if let FilePrivateData::Unused = data {
+            return self.0.lock().disk.read_at(offset, len, buf);
+        }
+        return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+    }
+    /// 写设备 - 应该调用设备的函数读写,而不是通过文件系统读写
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize, // lba地址
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+        data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if let FilePrivateData::Unused = data {
+            return self.0.lock().disk.write_at(offset, len, buf);
+        }
+        return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+    }

+ 19 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <common/kprint.h>
+#include <mm/slab.h>
+#include <syscall/syscall.h>
+#include <syscall/syscall_num.h>
+#include <sched/sched.h>
+#include <common/string.h>
+#include <common/block.h>
+#include <debug/bug.h>
+#include <driver/pci/pci.h>
+#include <mm/mm.h>
+// 计算HBA_MEM的虚拟内存地址
+#define MAX_AHCI_DEVICES 100
+/// @brief 保留了对 pci设备获取 和 mm内存映射 的依赖
+void ahci_cpp_init(uint32_t *count_ahci_devices, struct pci_device_structure_header_t *ahci_devs[MAX_AHCI_DEVICES], struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *gen_devs[MAX_AHCI_DEVICES]);

+ 441 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+use super::{_port, hba::HbaCmdTable, virt_2_phys};
+use crate::driver::disk::ahci::HBA_PxIS_TFES;
+use crate::filesystem::mbr::MbrDiskPartionTable;
+use crate::include::bindings::bindings::{E2BIG, EIO};
+use crate::io::{device::BlockDevice, disk_info::Partition, SeekFrom};
+use crate::libs::{spinlock::SpinLock, vec_cursor::VecCursor};
+use crate::mm::phys_2_virt;
+use crate::{
+    driver::disk::ahci::hba::{
+        FisRegH2D, FisType, HbaCmdHeader, ATA_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, ATA_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT,
+    },
+    kerror,
+use alloc::sync::Weak;
+use alloc::{string::String, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
+use core::fmt::Debug;
+use core::sync::atomic::compiler_fence;
+use core::{mem::size_of, ptr::write_bytes};
+/// @brief: 只支持MBR分区格式的磁盘结构体
+pub struct AhciDisk {
+    pub name: String,
+    pub flags: u16,                      // 磁盘的状态flags
+    pub partitions: Vec<Arc<Partition>>, // 磁盘分区数组
+    // port: &'static mut HbaPort,      // 控制硬盘的端口
+    pub ctrl_num: u8,
+    pub port_num: u8,
+    /// 指向LockAhciDisk的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedAhciDisk>,
+/// @brief: 带锁的AhciDisk
+pub struct LockedAhciDisk(pub SpinLock<AhciDisk>);
+/// 函数实现
+impl Debug for AhciDisk {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
+        write!(
+            f,
+            "{{ name: {}, flags: {}, part_s: {:?} }}",
+  , self.flags, self.partitions
+        )?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+impl AhciDisk {
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        lba_id_start: crate::io::device::BlockId, // 起始lba编号
+        count: usize,                             // 读取lba的数量
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        let check_length = ((count - 1) >> 4) + 1; // prdt length
+        if count * 512 > buf.len() || check_length > u16::MAX as usize {
+            kerror!("ahci read: e2big");
+            // 不可能的操作
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        } else if count == 0 {
+            return Ok(0);
+        }
+        let port = _port(self.ctrl_num, self.port_num);
+        volatile_write!(, u32::MAX); // Clear pending interrupt bits
+        let slot = port.find_cmdslot().unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
+        if slot == u32::MAX {
+            return Err(-(EIO as i32));
+        }
+        #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+        let cmdheader: &mut HbaCmdHeader = unsafe {
+            (phys_2_virt(
+                volatile_read!(port.clb) as usize
+                    + slot as usize * size_of::<HbaCmdHeader>() as usize,
+            ) as *mut HbaCmdHeader)
+                .as_mut()
+                .unwrap()
+        };
+        volatile_write_bit!(
+            cmdheader.cfl,
+            (1 << 5) - 1 as u8,
+            (size_of::<FisRegH2D>() / size_of::<u32>()) as u8
+        ); // Command FIS size
+        volatile_set_bit!(cmdheader.cfl, 1 << 6, false); //  Read/Write bit : Read from device
+        volatile_write!(cmdheader.prdtl, check_length as u16); // PRDT entries count
+        // 设置数据存放地址
+        let mut buf_ptr = buf as *mut [u8] as *mut usize as usize;
+        #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+        let cmdtbl = unsafe {
+            (phys_2_virt(volatile_read!(cmdheader.ctba) as usize) as *mut HbaCmdTable)
+                .as_mut()
+                .unwrap() // 必须使用 as_mut ,得到的才是原来的变量
+        };
+        let mut tmp_count = count;
+        unsafe {
+            // 清空整个table的旧数据
+            write_bytes(cmdtbl, 0, 1);
+        }
+        // 8K bytes (16 sectors) per PRDT
+        for i in 0..((volatile_read!(cmdheader.prdtl) - 1) as usize) {
+            volatile_write!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[i].dba, virt_2_phys(buf_ptr) as u64);
+            volatile_write_bit!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[i].dbc, (1 << 22) - 1, 8 * 1024 - 1); // 数据长度 prdt_entry.dbc
+            volatile_set_bit!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[i].dbc, 1 << 31, true); // 允许中断 prdt_entry.i
+            buf_ptr += 8 * 1024;
+            tmp_count -= 16;
+        }
+        // Last entry
+        let las = (volatile_read!(cmdheader.prdtl) - 1) as usize;
+        volatile_write!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[las].dba, virt_2_phys(buf_ptr) as u64);
+        volatile_write_bit!(
+            cmdtbl.prdt_entry[las].dbc,
+            (1 << 22) - 1,
+            ((tmp_count << 9) - 1) as u32
+        ); // 数据长度
+        volatile_set_bit!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[las].dbc, 1 << 31, true); // 允许中断
+        // 设置命令
+        let cmdfis = unsafe {
+            ((&mut cmdtbl.cfis) as *mut [u8] as *mut usize as *mut FisRegH2D)
+                .as_mut()
+                .unwrap()
+        };
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.fis_type, FisType::RegH2D as u8);
+        volatile_set_bit!(, 1 << 7, true); // command_bit set
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.command, ATA_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba0, (lba_id_start & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba1, ((lba_id_start >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba2, ((lba_id_start >> 16) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba3, ((lba_id_start >> 24) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba4, ((lba_id_start >> 32) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba5, ((lba_id_start >> 40) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.countl, (count & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.counth, ((count >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.device, 1 << 6); // LBA Mode
+        // 等待之前的操作完成
+        let mut spin_count = 0;
+        const SPIN_LIMIT: u32 = 10000;
+        while (volatile_read!(port.tfd) as u8 & (ATA_DEV_BUSY | ATA_DEV_DRQ)) > 0
+            && spin_count < SPIN_LIMIT
+        {
+            spin_count += 1;
+        }
+        if spin_count == SPIN_LIMIT {
+            kerror!("Port is hung");
+            return Err(-(EIO as i32));
+        }
+        volatile_set_bit!(, 1 << slot, true); // Issue command
+                                                     // kdebug!("To wait ahci read complete.");
+                                                     // 等待操作完成
+        loop {
+            if (volatile_read!( & (1 << slot)) == 0 {
+                break;
+            }
+            if (volatile_read!( & HBA_PxIS_TFES) > 0 {
+                kerror!("Read disk error");
+                return Err(-(EIO as i32));
+            }
+        }
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        // successfully read
+        return Ok(count * 512);
+    }
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        lba_id_start: crate::io::device::BlockId,
+        count: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        let check_length = ((count - 1) >> 4) + 1; // prdt length
+        if count * 512 > buf.len() || check_length > u16::MAX as usize {
+            // 不可能的操作
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        } else if count == 0 {
+            return Ok(0);
+        }
+        let port = _port(self.ctrl_num, self.port_num);
+        volatile_write!(, u32::MAX); // Clear pending interrupt bits
+        let slot = port.find_cmdslot().unwrap_or(u32::MAX);
+        if slot == u32::MAX {
+            return Err(-(EIO as i32));
+        }
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+        let cmdheader: &mut HbaCmdHeader = unsafe {
+            (phys_2_virt(
+                volatile_read!(port.clb) as usize
+                    + slot as usize * size_of::<HbaCmdHeader>() as usize,
+            ) as *mut HbaCmdHeader)
+                .as_mut()
+                .unwrap()
+        };
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        volatile_write_bit!(
+            cmdheader.cfl,
+            (1 << 5) - 1 as u8,
+            (size_of::<FisRegH2D>() / size_of::<u32>()) as u8
+        ); // Command FIS size
+        volatile_set_bit!(cmdheader.cfl, 7 << 5, true); // (p,c,w)都设置为1, Read/Write bit :  Write from device
+        volatile_write!(cmdheader.prdtl, check_length as u16); // PRDT entries count
+        // 设置数据存放地址
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        let mut buf_ptr = buf as *const [u8] as *mut usize as usize;
+        #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+        let cmdtbl = unsafe {
+            (phys_2_virt(volatile_read!(cmdheader.ctba) as usize) as *mut HbaCmdTable)
+                .as_mut()
+                .unwrap()
+        };
+        let mut tmp_count = count;
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        unsafe {
+            // 清空整个table的旧数据
+            write_bytes(cmdtbl, 0, 1);
+        }
+        // 8K bytes (16 sectors) per PRDT
+        for i in 0..((volatile_read!(cmdheader.prdtl) - 1) as usize) {
+            volatile_write!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[i].dba, virt_2_phys(buf_ptr) as u64);
+            volatile_write_bit!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[i].dbc, (1 << 22) - 1, 8 * 1024 - 1); // 数据长度
+            volatile_set_bit!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[i].dbc, 1 << 31, true); // 允许中断
+            buf_ptr += 8 * 1024;
+            tmp_count -= 16;
+        }
+        // Last entry
+        let las = (volatile_read!(cmdheader.prdtl) - 1) as usize;
+        volatile_write!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[las].dba, virt_2_phys(buf_ptr) as u64);
+        volatile_set_bit!(cmdtbl.prdt_entry[las].dbc, 1 << 31, true); // 允许中断
+        volatile_write_bit!(
+            cmdtbl.prdt_entry[las].dbc,
+            (1 << 22) - 1,
+            ((tmp_count << 9) - 1) as u32
+        ); // 数据长度
+        // 设置命令
+        let cmdfis = unsafe {
+            ((&mut cmdtbl.cfis) as *mut [u8] as *mut usize as *mut FisRegH2D)
+                .as_mut()
+                .unwrap()
+        };
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.fis_type, FisType::RegH2D as u8);
+        volatile_set_bit!(, 1 << 7, true); // command_bit set
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.command, ATA_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba0, (lba_id_start & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba1, ((lba_id_start >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba2, ((lba_id_start >> 16) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba3, ((lba_id_start >> 24) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba4, ((lba_id_start >> 32) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.lba5, ((lba_id_start >> 40) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.countl, (count & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.counth, ((count >> 8) & 0xFF) as u8);
+        volatile_write!(cmdfis.device, 1 << 6); // LBA Mode
+        volatile_set_bit!(, 1 << slot, true); // Issue command
+        // 等待操作完成
+        loop {
+            if (volatile_read!( & (1 << slot)) == 0 {
+                break;
+            }
+            if (volatile_read!( & HBA_PxIS_TFES) > 0 {
+                kerror!("Write disk error");
+                return Err(-(EIO as i32));
+            }
+        }
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        // successfully read
+        return Ok(count * 512);
+    }
+    fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 由于目前没有block cache, 因此sync返回成功即可
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+impl LockedAhciDisk {
+    pub fn new(
+        name: String,
+        flags: u16,
+        ctrl_num: u8,
+        port_num: u8,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<LockedAhciDisk>, i32> {
+        let mut part_s: Vec<Arc<Partition>> = Vec::new();
+        // 构建磁盘结构体
+        let result: Arc<LockedAhciDisk> = Arc::new(LockedAhciDisk(SpinLock::new(AhciDisk {
+            name,
+            flags,
+            partitions: Default::default(),
+            ctrl_num,
+            port_num,
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+        })));
+        let table: MbrDiskPartionTable = result.read_mbr_table()?;
+        let weak_this: Weak<LockedAhciDisk> = Arc::downgrade(&result); // 获取this的弱指针
+        // 求出有多少可用分区
+        for i in 0..4 {
+            if table.dpte[i].part_type != 0 {
+                part_s.push(Partition::new(
+                    table.dpte[i].starting_sector() as u64,
+                    table.dpte[i].starting_lba as u64,
+                    table.dpte[i].total_sectors as u64,
+                    weak_this.clone(),
+                    i as u16,
+                ));
+            }
+        }
+        result.0.lock().partitions = part_s;
+        result.0.lock().self_ref = weak_this;
+        return Ok(result);
+    }
+    /// @brief: 从磁盘中读取 MBR 分区表结构体 TODO: Cursor
+    pub fn read_mbr_table(&self) -> Result<MbrDiskPartionTable, i32> {
+        let mut table: MbrDiskPartionTable = Default::default();
+        // 数据缓冲区
+        let mut buf: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+        buf.resize(size_of::<MbrDiskPartionTable>(), 0);
+        self.read_at(0, 1, &mut buf)?;
+        // 创建 Cursor 用于按字节读取
+        let mut cursor = VecCursor::new(buf);
+        for i in 0..4 {
+            // kdebug!("infomation of partition {}:\n", i);
+            table.dpte[i].flags = cursor.read_u8()?;
+            table.dpte[i].starting_head = cursor.read_u8()?;
+            table.dpte[i].starting_sector_cylinder = cursor.read_u16()?;
+            table.dpte[i].part_type = cursor.read_u8()?;
+            table.dpte[i].ending_head = cursor.read_u8()?;
+            table.dpte[i].ending_sector_cylingder = cursor.read_u16()?;
+            table.dpte[i].starting_lba = cursor.read_u32()?;
+            table.dpte[i].total_sectors = cursor.read_u32()?;
+            // kdebug!("dpte[i] = {:?}", table.dpte[i]);
+        }
+        table.bs_trailsig = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        // kdebug!("bs_trailsig = {}", unsafe {
+        //     read_unaligned(addr_of!(table.bs_trailsig))
+        // });
+        return Ok(table);
+    }
+impl BlockDevice for LockedAhciDisk {
+    #[inline]
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn blk_size_log2(&self) -> u8 {
+        9
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        lba_id_start: crate::io::device::BlockId,
+        count: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        // kdebug!(
+        //     "ahci read at {lba_id_start}, count={count}, lock={:?}",
+        //     self.0
+        // );
+        return self.0.lock().read_at(lba_id_start, count, buf);
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        lba_id_start: crate::io::device::BlockId,
+        count: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        self.0.lock().write_at(lba_id_start, count, buf)
+    }
+    fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return self.0.lock().sync();
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn device(&self) -> Arc<dyn crate::io::device::Device> {
+        return self.0.lock().self_ref.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn block_size(&self) -> usize {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    fn partitions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<Partition>> {
+        return self.0.lock().partitions.clone();
+    }

+ 408 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
+use core::{intrinsics::size_of, ptr};
+use core::sync::atomic::compiler_fence;
+use crate::mm::phys_2_virt;
+/// 文件说明: 实现了 AHCI 中的控制器 HBA 的相关行为
+/// 根据 AHCI 写出 HBA 的 Command
+pub const ATA_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT: u8 = 0x25; // 读操作,并且退出
+pub const ATA_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT: u8 = 0x35; // 写操作,并且退出
+pub const ATA_CMD_IDENTIFY: u8 = 0xEC;
+pub const ATA_CMD_IDENTIFY_PACKET: u8 = 0xA1;
+pub const ATA_CMD_PACKET: u8 = 0xA0;
+pub const ATA_DEV_BUSY: u8 = 0x80;
+pub const ATA_DEV_DRQ: u8 = 0x08;
+pub const HBA_PORT_CMD_CR: u32 = 1 << 15;
+pub const HBA_PORT_CMD_FR: u32 = 1 << 14;
+pub const HBA_PORT_CMD_FRE: u32 = 1 << 4;
+pub const HBA_PORT_CMD_ST: u32 = 1;
+pub const HBA_PORT_IS_ERR: u32 = 1 << 30 | 1 << 29 | 1 << 28 | 1 << 27;
+pub const HBA_SSTS_PRESENT: u32 = 0x3;
+pub const HBA_SIG_ATA: u32 = 0x00000101;
+pub const HBA_SIG_ATAPI: u32 = 0xEB140101;
+pub const HBA_SIG_PM: u32 = 0x96690101;
+pub const HBA_SIG_SEMB: u32 = 0xC33C0101;
+/// 接入 Port 的 不同设备类型
+pub enum HbaPortType {
+    None,
+    Unknown(u32),
+    SATA,
+    SATAPI,
+    PM,
+    SEMB,
+/// 声明了 HBA 的所有属性
+pub struct HbaPort {
+    pub clb: u64,         // 0x00, command list base address, 1K-byte aligned
+    pub fb: u64,          // 0x08, FIS base address, 256-byte aligned
+    pub is: u32,          // 0x10, interrupt status
+    pub ie: u32,          // 0x14, interrupt enable
+    pub cmd: u32,         // 0x18, command and status
+    pub _rsv0: u32,       // 0x1C, Reserved
+    pub tfd: u32,         // 0x20, task file data
+    pub sig: u32,         // 0x24, signature
+    pub ssts: u32,        // 0x28, SATA status (SCR0:SStatus)
+    pub sctl: u32,        // 0x2C, SATA control (SCR2:SControl)
+    pub serr: u32,        // 0x30, SATA error (SCR1:SError)
+    pub sact: u32,        // 0x34, SATA active (SCR3:SActive)
+    pub ci: u32,          // 0x38, command issue
+    pub sntf: u32,        // 0x3C, SATA notification (SCR4:SNotification)
+    pub fbs: u32,         // 0x40, FIS-based switch control
+    pub _rsv1: [u32; 11], // 0x44 ~ 0x6F, Reserved
+    pub vendor: [u32; 4], // 0x70 ~ 0x7F, vendor specific
+/// 全称 HBA Memory Register,是HBA的寄存器在内存中的映射
+pub struct HbaMem {
+    pub cap: u32,             // 0x00, Host capability
+    pub ghc: u32,             // 0x04, Global host control
+    pub is: u32,              // 0x08, Interrupt status
+    pub pi: u32,              // 0x0C, Port implemented
+    pub vs: u32,              // 0x10, Version
+    pub ccc_ctl: u32,         // 0x14, Command completion coalescing control
+    pub ccc_pts: u32,         // 0x18, Command completion coalescing ports
+    pub em_loc: u32,          // 0x1C, Enclosure management location
+    pub em_ctl: u32,          // 0x20, Enclosure management control
+    pub cap2: u32,            // 0x24, Host capabilities extended
+    pub bohc: u32,            // 0x28, BIOS/OS handoff control and status
+    pub _rsv: [u8; 116],      // 0x2C - 0x9F, Reserved
+    pub vendor: [u8; 96],     // 0xA0 - 0xFF, Vendor specific registers
+    pub ports: [HbaPort; 32], // 0x100 - 0x10FF, Port control registers
+/// HBA Command Table 里面的 PRDT 项
+/// 作用: 记录了内存中读/写数据的位置,以及长度。你可以把他类比成一个指针?
+pub struct HbaPrdtEntry {
+    pub dba: u64, // Data base address
+    _rsv0: u32,   // Reserved
+    pub dbc: u32, // Byte count, 4M max, interrupt = 1
+/// HAB Command Table
+/// 每个 Port 一个 Table,主机和设备的交互都靠这个数据结构
+pub struct HbaCmdTable {
+    // 0x00
+    pub cfis: [u8; 64], // Command FIS
+    // 0x40
+    pub acmd: [u8; 16], // ATAPI command, 12 or 16 bytes
+    // 0x50
+    _rsv: [u8; 48], // Reserved
+    // 0x80
+    pub prdt_entry: [HbaPrdtEntry; 65535], // Physical region descriptor table entries, 0 ~ 65535, 需要注意不要越界
+/// HBA Command Header
+/// 作用: 你可以把他类比成 Command Table 的指针。
+/// 猜测: 这里多了一层 Header,而不是直接在 HbaMem 结构体指向 CmdTable,可能是为了兼容和可移植性?
+pub struct HbaCmdHeader {
+    // DW0
+    pub cfl: u8,
+    // Command FIS length in DWORDS: 5(len in [2, 16]), atapi: 1, write - host to device: 1, prefetchable: 1
+    pub _pm: u8,    // Reset - 0x80, bist: 0x40, clear busy on ok: 0x20, port multiplier
+    pub prdtl: u16, // Physical region descriptor table length in entries
+    // DW1
+    pub _prdbc: u32, // Physical region descriptor byte count transferred
+    // DW2, 3
+    pub ctba: u64, // Command table descriptor base address
+    // DW4 - 7
+    pub _rsv1: [u32; 4], // Reserved
+/// Port 的函数实现
+impl HbaPort {
+    /// 获取设备类型
+    pub fn check_type(&mut self) -> HbaPortType {
+        if volatile_read!(self.ssts) & HBA_SSTS_PRESENT > 0 {
+            let sig = volatile_read!(self.sig);
+            match sig {
+                HBA_SIG_ATA => HbaPortType::SATA,
+                HBA_SIG_ATAPI => HbaPortType::SATAPI,
+                HBA_SIG_PM => HbaPortType::PM,
+                HBA_SIG_SEMB => HbaPortType::SEMB,
+                _ => HbaPortType::Unknown(sig),
+            }
+        } else {
+            HbaPortType::None
+        }
+    }
+    /// 启动该端口的命令引擎
+    pub fn start(&mut self) {
+        while volatile_read!(self.cmd) & HBA_PORT_CMD_CR > 0 {
+            core::hint::spin_loop();
+        }
+        let val: u32 = volatile_read!(self.cmd) | HBA_PORT_CMD_FRE | HBA_PORT_CMD_ST;
+        volatile_write!(self.cmd, val);
+    }
+    /// 关闭该端口的命令引擎
+    pub fn stop(&mut self) {
+        #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+        {
+            volatile_write!(
+                self.cmd,
+                (u32::MAX ^ HBA_PORT_CMD_ST) & volatile_read!(self.cmd)
+            );
+        }
+        while volatile_read!(self.cmd) & (HBA_PORT_CMD_FR | HBA_PORT_CMD_CR)
+            == (HBA_PORT_CMD_FR | HBA_PORT_CMD_CR)
+        {
+            core::hint::spin_loop();
+        }
+        #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+        {
+            volatile_write!(
+                self.cmd,
+                (u32::MAX ^ HBA_PORT_CMD_FRE) & volatile_read!(self.cmd)
+            );
+        }
+    }
+    /// @return: 返回一个空闲 cmd table 的 id; 如果没有,则返回 Option::None
+    pub fn find_cmdslot(&self) -> Option<u32> {
+        let slots = volatile_read!(self.sact) | volatile_read!(;
+        for i in 0..32 {
+            if slots & 1 << i == 0 {
+                return Some(i);
+            }
+        }
+        return None;
+    }
+    /// 初始化,  把 CmdList 等变量的地址赋值到 HbaPort 上 - 这些空间由操作系统分配且固定
+    /// 等价于原C版本的 port_rebase 函数
+    pub fn init(&mut self, clb: u64, fb: u64, ctbas: &Vec<u64>) {
+        self.stop(); // 先暂停端口
+        // 赋值 command list base address
+        // Command list offset: 1K*portno
+        // Command list entry size = 32
+        // Command list entry maxim count = 32
+        // Command list maxim size = 32*32 = 1K per port
+        volatile_write!(self.clb, clb);
+        unsafe {
+            compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+            ptr::write_bytes(phys_2_virt(clb as usize) as *mut u64, 0, 1024);
+        }
+        // 赋值 fis base address
+        // FIS offset: 32K+256*portno
+        // FIS entry size = 256 bytes per port
+        volatile_write!(self.fb, fb);
+        unsafe {
+            compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+            ptr::write_bytes(phys_2_virt(fb as usize) as *mut u64, 0, 256);
+        }
+        // 赋值 command table base address
+        // Command table offset: 40K + 8K*portno
+        // Command table size = 256*32 = 8K per port
+        let mut cmdheaders = phys_2_virt(clb as usize) as *mut u64 as *mut HbaCmdHeader;
+        for i in 0..32 as usize {
+            volatile_write!((*cmdheaders).prdtl, 0); // 一开始没有询问,prdtl = 0
+            volatile_write!((*cmdheaders).ctba, ctbas[i]);
+            // 这里限制了 prdtl <= 8, 所以一共用了256bytes,如果需要修改,可以修改这里
+            compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+            unsafe {
+                ptr::write_bytes(phys_2_virt(ctbas[i] as usize) as *mut u64, 0, 256);
+            }
+            cmdheaders = (cmdheaders as usize + size_of::<HbaCmdHeader>()) as *mut HbaCmdHeader;
+        }
+        #[allow(unused_unsafe)]
+        {
+            // 启动中断
+            volatile_write!(, 0 /*TODO: Enable interrupts: 0b10111*/);
+            // 错误码
+            volatile_write!(self.serr, volatile_read!(self.serr));
+            // Disable power management
+            volatile_write!(self.sctl, volatile_read!(self.sctl) | 7 << 8);
+            // Power on and spin up device
+            volatile_write!(self.cmd, volatile_read!(self.cmd) | 1 << 2 | 1 << 1);
+        }
+        self.start(); // 重新开启端口
+    }
+pub enum FisType {
+    /// Register FIS - host to device
+    RegH2D = 0x27,
+    /// Register FIS - device to host
+    RegD2H = 0x34,
+    /// DMA activate FIS - device to host
+    DmaAct = 0x39,
+    /// DMA setup FIS - bidirectional
+    DmaSetup = 0x41,
+    /// Data FIS - bidirectional
+    Data = 0x46,
+    /// BIST activate FIS - bidirectional
+    Bist = 0x58,
+    /// PIO setup FIS - device to host
+    PioSetup = 0x5F,
+    /// Set device bits FIS - device to host
+    DevBits = 0xA1,
+pub struct FisRegH2D {
+    // DWORD 0
+    pub fis_type: u8, // FIS_TYPE_REG_H2D
+    pub pm: u8, // Port multiplier, 1: Command, 0: Control
+    // uint8_t pmport : 4; // Port multiplier  低4位
+    // uint8_t rsv0 : 3;   // Reserved
+    // uint8_t c : 1;      // 1: Command, 0: Control
+    pub command: u8,  // Command register
+    pub featurel: u8, // Feature register, 7:0
+    // DWORD 1
+    pub lba0: u8,   // LBA low register, 7:0
+    pub lba1: u8,   // LBA mid register, 15:8
+    pub lba2: u8,   // LBA high register, 23:16
+    pub device: u8, // Device register
+    // DWORD 2
+    pub lba3: u8,     // LBA register, 31:24
+    pub lba4: u8,     // LBA register, 39:32
+    pub lba5: u8,     // LBA register, 47:40
+    pub featureh: u8, // Feature register, 15:8
+    // DWORD 3
+    pub countl: u8,  // Count register, 7:0
+    pub counth: u8,  // Count register, 15:8
+    pub icc: u8,     // Isochronous command completion
+    pub control: u8, // Control register
+    // DWORD 4
+    pub rsv1: [u8; 4], // Reserved
+pub struct FisRegD2H {
+    // DWORD 0
+    pub fis_type: u8, // FIS_TYPE_REG_D2H
+    pub pm: u8, // Port multiplier, Interrupt bit: 2
+    pub status: u8, // Status register
+    pub error: u8,  // Error register
+    // DWORD 1
+    pub lba0: u8,   // LBA low register, 7:0
+    pub lba1: u8,   // LBA mid register, 15:8
+    pub lba2: u8,   // LBA high register, 23:16
+    pub device: u8, // Device register
+    // DWORD 2
+    pub lba3: u8, // LBA register, 31:24
+    pub lba4: u8, // LBA register, 39:32
+    pub lba5: u8, // LBA register, 47:40
+    pub rsv2: u8, // Reserved
+    // DWORD 3
+    pub countl: u8,    // Count register, 7:0
+    pub counth: u8,    // Count register, 15:8
+    pub rsv3: [u8; 2], // Reserved
+    // DWORD 4
+    pub rsv4: [u8; 4], // Reserved
+pub struct FisData {
+    // DWORD 0
+    pub fis_type: u8, // FIS_TYPE_DATA
+    pub pm: u8, // Port multiplier
+    pub rsv1: [u8; 2], // Reserved
+    // DWORD 1 ~ N
+    pub data: [u8; 252], // Payload
+pub struct FisPioSetup {
+    // DWORD 0
+    pub fis_type: u8, // FIS_TYPE_PIO_SETUP
+    pub pm: u8, // Port multiplier, direction: 4 - device to host, interrupt: 2
+    pub status: u8, // Status register
+    pub error: u8,  // Error register
+    // DWORD 1
+    pub lba0: u8,   // LBA low register, 7:0
+    pub lba1: u8,   // LBA mid register, 15:8
+    pub lba2: u8,   // LBA high register, 23:16
+    pub device: u8, // Device register
+    // DWORD 2
+    pub lba3: u8, // LBA register, 31:24
+    pub lba4: u8, // LBA register, 39:32
+    pub lba5: u8, // LBA register, 47:40
+    pub rsv2: u8, // Reserved
+    // DWORD 3
+    pub countl: u8,   // Count register, 7:0
+    pub counth: u8,   // Count register, 15:8
+    pub rsv3: u8,     // Reserved
+    pub e_status: u8, // New value of status register
+    // DWORD 4
+    pub tc: u16,       // Transfer count
+    pub rsv4: [u8; 2], // Reserved
+pub struct FisDmaSetup {
+    // DWORD 0
+    pub fis_type: u8, // FIS_TYPE_DMA_SETUP
+    pub pm: u8, // Port multiplier, direction: 4 - device to host, interrupt: 2, auto-activate: 1
+    pub rsv1: [u8; 2], // Reserved
+    // DWORD 1&2
+    pub dma_buffer_id: u64, /* DMA Buffer Identifier. Used to Identify DMA buffer in host memory. SATA Spec says host specific and not in Spec. Trying AHCI spec might work. */
+    // DWORD 3
+    pub rsv3: u32, // More reserved
+    // DWORD 4
+    pub dma_buffer_offset: u32, // Byte offset into buffer. First 2 bits must be 0
+    // DWORD 5
+    pub transfer_count: u32, // Number of bytes to transfer. Bit 0 must be 0
+    // DWORD 6
+    pub rsv6: u32, // Reserved

+ 215 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+// 导出 ahci 相关的 module
+pub mod ahci_inode;
+pub mod ahcidisk;
+pub mod hba;
+use crate::io::device::BlockDevice;
+// 依赖的rust工具包
+use crate::filesystem::devfs::devfs_register;
+use crate::io::disk_info::BLK_GF_AHCI;
+use crate::kerror;
+use crate::libs::spinlock::{SpinLock, SpinLockGuard};
+use crate::mm::virt_2_phys;
+use crate::{
+    driver::disk::ahci::{
+        ahcidisk::LockedAhciDisk,
+        hba::HbaMem,
+        hba::{HbaPort, HbaPortType},
+    },
+    kdebug,
+use ahci_inode::LockedAhciInode;
+use alloc::boxed::Box;
+use alloc::string::ToString;
+use alloc::{format, string::String, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
+use core::sync::atomic::compiler_fence;
+// 依赖的C结构体/常量
+use crate::include::bindings::bindings::{
+    ahci_cpp_init, pci_device_structure_general_device_t, pci_device_structure_header_t,
+// 仅module内可见 全局数据区  hbr_port, disks
+static LOCKED_HBA_MEM_LIST: SpinLock<Vec<&mut HbaMem>> = SpinLock::new(Vec::new());
+static LOCKED_DISKS_LIST: SpinLock<Vec<Arc<LockedAhciDisk>>> = SpinLock::new(Vec::new());
+/* TFES - Task File Error Status */
+pub const HBA_PxIS_TFES: u32 = 1 << 30;
+pub extern "C" fn ahci_init() -> i32 {
+    let r = ahci_rust_init();
+    if r.is_ok() {
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        return r.unwrap_err();
+    }
+/// @brief: 初始化 ahci
+pub fn ahci_rust_init() -> Result<(), i32> {
+    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+    let mut ahci_dev_counts: u32 = 0;
+    let mut ahci_devs: [*mut pci_device_structure_header_t; MAX_AHCI_DEVICES as usize] =
+        [0 as *mut pci_device_structure_header_t; MAX_AHCI_DEVICES as usize];
+    let mut gen_devs: [*mut pci_device_structure_general_device_t; MAX_AHCI_DEVICES as usize] =
+        [0 as *mut pci_device_structure_general_device_t; MAX_AHCI_DEVICES as usize];
+    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+    unsafe {
+        // 单线程 init, 所以写 ahci_devs 全局变量不会出错?
+        ahci_cpp_init(
+            (&mut ahci_dev_counts) as *mut u32,
+            (&mut ahci_devs) as *mut *mut pci_device_structure_header_t,
+            (&mut gen_devs) as *mut *mut pci_device_structure_general_device_t,
+        );
+    }
+    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+    // 全局数据 - 列表
+    let mut disks_list = LOCKED_DISKS_LIST.lock();
+    for i in 0..(ahci_dev_counts as usize) {
+        // 对于每一个ahci控制器分配一块空间 (目前slab algorithm最大支持1MB)
+        let ahci_port_base_vaddr =
+            Box::leak(Box::new([0u8; (1 << 20) as usize])) as *mut u8 as usize;
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        // 获取全局引用 : 计算 HBA_MEM 的虚拟地址 依赖于C的宏定义 cal_HBA_MEM_VIRT_ADDR
+        let virt_addr = AHCI_MAPPING_BASE as usize + unsafe { (*gen_devs[i]).BAR5 as usize }
+            - (unsafe { (*gen_devs[0]).BAR5 as usize } & PAGE_2M_MASK as usize);
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        // 最后把这个引用列表放入到全局列表
+        let mut hba_mem_list = LOCKED_HBA_MEM_LIST.lock();
+        hba_mem_list.push(unsafe { (virt_addr as *mut HbaMem).as_mut().unwrap() });
+        let pi = volatile_read!(hba_mem_list[i].pi);
+        drop(hba_mem_list);
+        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+        // 初始化所有的port
+        let mut id = 0;
+        for j in 0..32 {
+            if (pi >> j) & 1 > 0 {
+                let mut hba_mem_list = LOCKED_HBA_MEM_LIST.lock();
+                let tp = hba_mem_list[i].ports[j].check_type();
+                match tp {
+                    HbaPortType::None => {
+                        kdebug!("<ahci_rust_init> Find a None type Disk.");
+                    }
+                    HbaPortType::Unknown(err) => {
+                        kdebug!("<ahci_rust_init> Find a Unknown({:?}) type Disk.", err);
+                    }
+                    _ => {
+                        kdebug!("<ahci_rust_init> Find a {:?} type Disk.", tp);
+                        // 计算地址
+                        let fb = virt_2_phys(ahci_port_base_vaddr + (32 << 10) + (j << 8));
+                        let clb = virt_2_phys(ahci_port_base_vaddr + (j << 10));
+                        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+                        let ctbas = (0..32)
+                            .map(|x| {
+                                virt_2_phys(
+                                    ahci_port_base_vaddr + (40 << 10) + (j << 13) + (x << 8),
+                                ) as u64
+                            })
+                            .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+                        // 初始化 port
+                        hba_mem_list[i].ports[j].init(clb as u64, fb as u64, &ctbas);
+                        // 释放锁
+                        drop(hba_mem_list);
+                        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+                        // 创建 disk
+                        disks_list.push(LockedAhciDisk::new(
+                            format!("ahci_disk_{}", id),
+                            BLK_GF_AHCI,
+                            i as u8,
+                            j as u8,
+                        )?);
+                        id += 1; // ID 从0开始
+                        kdebug!("start register ahci device");
+                        // 挂载到devfs上面去
+                        let ret = devfs_register(
+                            format!("ahci_{}", id).as_str(),
+                            LockedAhciInode::new(disks_list.last().unwrap().clone()),
+                        );
+                        if let Err(err) = ret {
+                            kerror!(
+                                "Ahci_{} ctrl = {}, port = {} failed to register, error code = {}",
+                                id,
+                                i,
+                                j,
+                                err
+                            );
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+    return Ok(());
+/// @brief: 获取所有的 disk
+pub fn disks() -> Vec<Arc<LockedAhciDisk>> {
+    let disks_list = LOCKED_DISKS_LIST.lock();
+    return disks_list.clone();
+/// @brief: 通过 name 获取 disk
+pub fn get_disks_by_name(name: String) -> Result<Arc<LockedAhciDisk>, i32> {
+    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+    let disks_list: SpinLockGuard<Vec<Arc<LockedAhciDisk>>> = LOCKED_DISKS_LIST.lock();
+    for i in 0..disks_list.len() {
+        if disks_list[i].0.lock().name == name {
+            return Ok(disks_list[i].clone());
+        }
+    }
+    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+    return Err(-1);
+/// @brief: 通过 ctrl_num 和 port_num 获取 port
+pub fn _port(ctrl_num: u8, port_num: u8) -> &'static mut HbaPort {
+    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+    let list: SpinLockGuard<Vec<&mut HbaMem>> = LOCKED_HBA_MEM_LIST.lock();
+    let port: &HbaPort = &list[ctrl_num as usize].ports[port_num as usize];
+    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
+    return unsafe { (port as *const HbaPort as *mut HbaPort).as_mut().unwrap() };
+/// @brief: 测试函数
+pub fn __test_ahci() {
+    let _res = ahci_rust_init();
+    let disk: Arc<LockedAhciDisk> = get_disks_by_name("ahci_disk_0".to_string()).unwrap();
+    #[deny(overflowing_literals)]
+    let mut buf = [0u8; 3000usize];
+    for i in 0..2000 {
+        buf[i] = i as u8;
+    }
+    let _dd = disk;
+    // 测试1, 写两个块,读4个块
+    // _dd.write_at(123, 2, &buf).unwrap();
+    let mut read_buf = [0u8; 3000usize];
+    _dd.read_at(122, 4, &mut read_buf).unwrap();
+    // 测试2, 只读写一个字节
+    for i in 0..512 {
+        buf[i] = 233;
+    }
+    // _dd.write_at(123, 2, &buf).unwrap();
+    let mut read_buf2 = [0u8; 3000usize];
+    _dd.read_at(122, 4, &mut read_buf2).unwrap();

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+pub mod ahci;

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+pub mod ps2_keyboard;
+// pub mod ps2_keyboard_inode;

+ 4 - 5

@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
 #include <mm/slab.h>
 #include <mm/slab.h>
 #include <common/printk.h>
 #include <common/printk.h>
 #include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
 #include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#include <filesystem/devfs/devfs.h>
 #include <common/wait_queue.h>
 #include <common/wait_queue.h>
 #include <common/spinlock.h>
 #include <common/spinlock.h>
 #include <common/kfifo.h>
 #include <common/kfifo.h>
@@ -14,6 +13,7 @@ static struct kfifo_t kb_buf;
 // 缓冲区等待队列
 // 缓冲区等待队列
 static wait_queue_node_t ps2_keyboard_wait_queue;
 static wait_queue_node_t ps2_keyboard_wait_queue;
+extern void ps2_keyboard_register(struct vfs_file_operations_t *);
 // 缓冲区读写锁
 // 缓冲区读写锁
 static spinlock_t ps2_kb_buf_rw_lock;
 static spinlock_t ps2_kb_buf_rw_lock;
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@ hardware_intr_controller ps2_keyboard_intr_controller =
 long ps2_keyboard_open(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *filp)
 long ps2_keyboard_open(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *filp)
-    filp->private_data = &kb_buf;
     return 0;
     return 0;
@@ -62,7 +61,6 @@ long ps2_keyboard_open(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *filp)
 long ps2_keyboard_close(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *filp)
 long ps2_keyboard_close(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *filp)
-    filp->private_data = NULL;
     return 0;
     return 0;
@@ -146,7 +144,7 @@ void ps2_keyboard_handler(ul irq_num, ul buf_vaddr, struct pt_regs *regs)
     unsigned char x = io_in8(PORT_PS2_KEYBOARD_DATA);
     unsigned char x = io_in8(PORT_PS2_KEYBOARD_DATA);
-    uint8_t count = kfifo_in((struct kfifo_t*)buf_vaddr, &x, sizeof(unsigned char));
+    uint8_t count = kfifo_in((struct kfifo_t *)buf_vaddr, &x, sizeof(unsigned char));
     if (count == 0)
     if (count == 0)
         kwarn("ps2 keyboard buffer full.");
         kwarn("ps2 keyboard buffer full.");
@@ -205,7 +203,8 @@ void ps2_keyboard_init()
     // 先读一下键盘的数据,防止由于在键盘初始化之前,由于按键被按下从而导致接收不到中断。
     // 先读一下键盘的数据,防止由于在键盘初始化之前,由于按键被按下从而导致接收不到中断。
     // 将设备挂载到devfs
     // 将设备挂载到devfs
-    devfs_register_device(DEV_TYPE_CHAR, CHAR_DEV_STYPE_PS2_KEYBOARD, &ps2_keyboard_fops, NULL);
+    ps2_keyboard_register(&ps2_keyboard_fops);
     kinfo("ps/2 keyboard registered.");
     kinfo("ps/2 keyboard registered.");

+ 155 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+use alloc::sync::{Arc, Weak};
+use crate::{
+    filesystem::{
+        devfs::{devfs_register, DevFS, DeviceINode},
+        vfs::{core::generate_inode_id, FileType, IndexNode, Metadata, PollStatus},
+    },
+    include::bindings::bindings::{vfs_file_operations_t, vfs_file_t, vfs_index_node_t, ENOTSUP},
+    kdebug,
+    libs::spinlock::SpinLock,
+    time::TimeSpec,
+pub struct LockedPS2KeyBoardInode(SpinLock<PS2KeyBoardInode>);
+pub struct PS2KeyBoardInode {
+    /// uuid 暂时不知道有什么用(x
+    // uuid: Uuid,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedPS2KeyBoardInode>,
+    /// 指向inode所在的文件系统对象的指针
+    fs: Weak<DevFS>,
+    /// INode 元数据
+    metadata: Metadata,
+    /// 键盘操作函数
+    f_ops: vfs_file_operations_t,
+impl LockedPS2KeyBoardInode {
+    pub fn new(f_ops: &vfs_file_operations_t) -> Arc<Self> {
+        let inode = PS2KeyBoardInode {
+            // uuid: Uuid::new_v5(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            fs: Weak::default(),
+            f_ops: f_ops.clone(), // 从引用复制一遍获取所有权
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 1,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: 0,
+                blocks: 0,
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: FileType::CharDevice, // 文件夹,block设备,char设备
+                mode: 0o666,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: 0, // 这里用来作为device number
+            },
+        };
+        let result = Arc::new(LockedPS2KeyBoardInode(SpinLock::new(inode)));
+        result.0.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        return result;
+    }
+impl DeviceINode for LockedPS2KeyBoardInode {
+    fn set_fs(&self, fs: Weak<DevFS>) {
+        self.0.lock().fs = fs;
+    }
+#[no_mangle] // 不重命名
+pub extern "C" fn ps2_keyboard_register(f_ops: &vfs_file_operations_t) {
+    kdebug!("register keyboard = {:p}", f_ops);
+    devfs_register("ps2_keyboard", LockedPS2KeyBoardInode::new(f_ops))
+        .expect("Failed to register ps/2 keyboard");
+    kdebug!("register keyboard = {:p}", f_ops);
+impl IndexNode for LockedPS2KeyBoardInode {
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        _data: &mut crate::filesystem::vfs::FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        let guard = self.0.lock();
+        let func =;
+        let r = unsafe {
+            func(
+                0 as *mut vfs_file_t,
+                &mut buf[0..len] as *mut [u8] as *mut i8,
+                len as i64,
+                0 as *mut i64,
+            )
+        };
+        return Ok(r as usize);
+    }
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        _len: usize,
+        _buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut crate::filesystem::vfs::FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    fn open(&self, _data: &mut crate::filesystem::vfs::FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let guard = self.0.lock();
+        let func =;
+        let _ = unsafe { func(0 as *mut vfs_index_node_t, 0 as *mut vfs_file_t) };
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn close(&self, _data: &mut crate::filesystem::vfs::FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let guard = self.0.lock();
+        let func = guard.f_ops.close.unwrap();
+        let _ = unsafe { func(0 as *mut vfs_index_node_t, 0 as *mut vfs_file_t) };
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus, i32> {
+        return Ok(PollStatus {
+            flags: PollStatus::READ_MASK,
+        });
+    }
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        return Ok(self.0.lock().metadata.clone());
+    }
+    fn set_metadata(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        inode.metadata.atime = metadata.atime;
+        inode.metadata.mtime = metadata.mtime;
+        inode.metadata.ctime = metadata.ctime;
+        inode.metadata.mode = metadata.mode;
+        inode.metadata.uid = metadata.uid;
+        inode.metadata.gid = metadata.gid;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn fs(&self) -> alloc::sync::Arc<dyn crate::filesystem::vfs::FileSystem> {
+        return self.0.lock().fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>, i32> {
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }

+ 2 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+pub mod disk;
+pub mod keyboard;
 pub mod pci;
 pub mod pci;
 pub mod timers;
 pub mod timers;
 pub mod uart;
 pub mod uart;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ use bitflags::bitflags;
 use core::{
 use core::{
     fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
     fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
-    ptr::NonNull,
 const BAR0_OFFSET: u8 = 0x10;
 const BAR0_OFFSET: u8 = 0x10;

+ 5 - 6

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-#include <filesystem/devfs/devfs.h>
 #include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
 #include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
 #include "tty.h"
 #include "tty.h"
@@ -86,8 +85,8 @@ struct vfs_file_operations_t tty_fops={
     .write = tty_write,
     .write = tty_write,
-void tty_init(){
-    //注册devfs
-    devfs_register_device(DEV_TYPE_CHAR, CHAR_DEV_STYPE_TTY, &tty_fops, &tty_inode_private_data_ptr);
-    kinfo("tty driver registered. uuid=%d", tty_inode_private_data_ptr->uuid);
+// void tty_init(){
+//     //注册devfs
+//     devfs_register_device(DEV_TYPE_CHAR, CHAR_DEV_STYPE_TTY, &tty_fops, &tty_inode_private_data_ptr);
+//     kinfo("tty driver registered. uuid=%d", tty_inode_private_data_ptr->uuid);
+// }

+ 1 - 1

@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
 // 获取virtio-net 设备
 // 获取virtio-net 设备
 uint8_t get_virtio_net_device(uint8_t * bus, uint8_t *device,uint8_t * function);
 uint8_t get_virtio_net_device(uint8_t * bus, uint8_t *device,uint8_t * function);
-void  c_virtio_probe();
+extern void  c_virtio_probe();

+ 2 - 3

@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ use crate::include::bindings::bindings::{
     alloc_pages, free_pages, memory_management_struct, Page, PAGE_2M_SHIFT, PAGE_2M_SIZE,
     alloc_pages, free_pages, memory_management_struct, Page, PAGE_2M_SHIFT, PAGE_2M_SIZE,
-use crate::kdebug;
 use core::mem::size_of;
 use core::mem::size_of;
-use core::{ptr::NonNull};
+use core::ptr::NonNull;
 use virtio_drivers::{BufferDirection, Hal, PhysAddr, VirtAddr, PAGE_SIZE};
 use virtio_drivers::{BufferDirection, Hal, PhysAddr, VirtAddr, PAGE_SIZE};
 pub struct HalImpl;
 pub struct HalImpl;
@@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ impl Hal for HalImpl {
     /// @return VirtAddr 虚拟地址
     /// @return VirtAddr 虚拟地址
     fn phys_to_virt(paddr: PhysAddr) -> VirtAddr {
     fn phys_to_virt(paddr: PhysAddr) -> VirtAddr {
         paddr + PAGE_OFFSET as usize
         paddr + PAGE_OFFSET as usize
     /// @brief 与真实物理设备共享
     /// @brief 与真实物理设备共享
     /// @param buffer 要共享的buffer _direction:设备到driver或driver到设备
     /// @param buffer 要共享的buffer _direction:设备到driver或driver到设备

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#include "MBR.h"
-#include <common/kprint.h>
-#include <driver/disk/ahci/ahci.h>
-struct MBR_disk_partition_table_t MBR_partition_tables[MBR_MAX_AHCI_CTRL_NUM][MBR_MAX_AHCI_PORT_NUM] = {0};
- * @brief 读取磁盘的分区表
- *
- * @param ahci_ctrl_num ahci控制器编号
- * @param ahci_port_num ahci端口编号
- * @param buf 输出缓冲区(512字节)
- */
-int MBR_read_partition_table(struct blk_gendisk *gd, void *buf)
-    return gd->fops->transfer(gd, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, 0, 1, (uint64_t)buf);

+ 0 - 59

@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
- * @file MBR.h
- * @author fslongjin ([email protected])
- * @brief MBR分区表
- * @version 0.1
- * @date 2022-04-19
- *
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2022
- *
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <common/glib.h>
-#include <common/blk_types.h>
-#define MBR_MAX_AHCI_CTRL_NUM 4  // 系统支持的最大的ahci控制器数量
-#define MBR_MAX_AHCI_PORT_NUM 32 // 系统支持的每个ahci控制器对应的MBR磁盘数量(对应ahci磁盘号)
- * @brief MBR硬盘分区表项的结构
- *
- */
-struct MBR_disk_partition_table_entry_t
-    uint8_t flags;                // 引导标志符,标记此分区为活动分区
-    uint8_t starting_head;        // 起始磁头号
-    uint16_t starting_sector : 6, // 起始扇区号
-        starting_cylinder : 10;   // 起始柱面号
-    uint8_t type;                 // 分区类型ID
-    uint8_t ending_head;          // 结束磁头号
-    uint16_t ending_sector : 6, // 结束扇区号
-        ending_cylinder : 10;   // 结束柱面号
-    uint32_t starting_LBA;  // 起始逻辑扇区
-    uint32_t total_sectors; // 分区占用的磁盘扇区数
-} __attribute__((packed));
- * @brief MBR磁盘分区表结构体
- *
- */
-struct MBR_disk_partition_table_t
-    uint8_t reserved[446];
-    struct MBR_disk_partition_table_entry_t DPTE[4]; // 磁盘分区表项
-    uint16_t BS_TrailSig;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-extern struct MBR_disk_partition_table_t MBR_partition_tables[MBR_MAX_AHCI_CTRL_NUM][MBR_MAX_AHCI_PORT_NUM]; // 导出全局的MBR磁盘分区表
- * @brief 读取磁盘的分区表
- *
- * @param ahci_ctrl_num ahci控制器编号
- * @param ahci_port_num ahci端口编号
- * @param buf 输出缓冲区(512字节)
- */
-int MBR_read_partition_table(struct blk_gendisk* gd, void *buf);

+ 0 - 20

@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS += -I .
-kernel_fs_objs:= $(shell find ./*.c)
-kernel_fs_subdirs:= devfs vfs fat32 rootfs procfs
-	@echo "$@"
-$(kernel_fs_objs): ECHO
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $@ -o [email protected]
-$(kernel_fs_subdirs): ECHO
-all: $(kernel_fs_objs) $(kernel_fs_subdirs)

+ 0 - 13

@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-#include <common/block.h>
- * @brief 将磁盘注册到块设备框架中
- * 
- * @param gendisk 磁盘结构体
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int blk_register_gendisk(struct blk_gendisk * gendisk)
-    // todo: 将磁盘注册到devfs中
-    return 0;

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS += -I .
-kernel_fs_devfs_objs:= $(shell find ./*.c)
-	@echo "$@"
-$(kernel_fs_devfs_objs): ECHO
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $@ -o [email protected]
-all: $(kernel_fs_devfs_objs)

+ 0 - 88

@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-#include "chardev.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#include <common/mutex.h>
-#include <common/stdlib.h>
-#include <common/string.h>
-#include <common/printk.h>
-static struct vfs_dir_entry_t *chardev_folder_dentry = NULL;
-extern struct vfs_dir_entry_t *devfs_root_dentry;
- * @brief 字符设备名称前缀
- *
- */
-static char chardev_name_prefix[CHAR_DEV_STYPE_END + 1][32] = {
-    [CHAR_DEV_STYPE_PS2_KEYBOARD] = "ps2.kb",
-    [CHAR_DEV_STYPE_PS2_MOUSE] = "ps2.mse",
-    [CHAR_DEV_STYPE_USB_MOUSE] = "usb.mse",
-    [CHAR_DEV_STYPE_USB_KEYBOARD] = "usb.kb",
-    [CHAR_DEV_STYPE_TTY] = "vdev.tty",
-    [CHAR_DEV_STYPE_END] = "",
- * @brief 为不同类型的字符设备分配的管理信息结构体
- *
- */
-static struct chardev_manage_info_t
-    mutex_t lock; // 操作互斥锁
-    int count;
-} chardev_manage_info[CHAR_DEV_STYPE_END + 1];
- * @brief 在devfs中注册字符设备(该函数只应被devfs调用)
- *
- * @param private_info inode私有信息
- * @param target_dentry 返回的dentry的指针
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int __devfs_chardev_register(struct devfs_private_inode_info_t *private_info, struct vfs_dir_entry_t **target_dentry)
-    // 检测subtype是否合法
-    if (private_info->sub_type <= CHAR_DEV_STYPE_START || private_info->sub_type >= CHAR_DEV_STYPE_END)
-        return -EINVAL;
-    mutex_lock(&chardev_manage_info[private_info->sub_type].lock);
-    // 拷贝名称
-    char devname[64] = {0};
-    strcpy(devname, chardev_name_prefix[private_info->sub_type]);
-    char *ptr = devname + strlen(chardev_name_prefix[private_info->sub_type]);
-    sprintk(ptr, "%d", chardev_manage_info[private_info->sub_type].count);
-    int namelen = strlen(devname);
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = vfs_alloc_dentry(namelen + 1);
-    __devfs_fill_dentry(dentry, devname);
-    __devfs_fill_inode(dentry, vfs_alloc_inode(), VFS_IF_DEVICE, private_info);
-    // 将dentry挂载到char文件夹下
-    __devfs_dentry_bind_parent(chardev_folder_dentry, dentry);
-    ++chardev_manage_info[private_info->sub_type].count;
-    mutex_unlock(&chardev_manage_info[private_info->sub_type].lock);
-    *target_dentry = dentry;
-    return 0;
- * @brief 初始化chardev管理机制
- *
- */
-void __devfs_chardev_init()
-    // 初始化管理信息结构体
-    for (int i = CHAR_DEV_STYPE_START + 1; i < CHAR_DEV_STYPE_END; ++i)
-    {
-        mutex_init(&chardev_manage_info[i].lock);
-        chardev_manage_info[i].count = 0;
-    }
-    vfs_mkdir("/dev/char", 0, false);
-    // 获取char dev的dentry
-    chardev_folder_dentry = __devfs_find_dir(devfs_root_dentry, "char");

+ 0 - 5

@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "devfs.h"

+ 0 - 47

@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
- * @brief devfs_private_file_info_t的type字段值
- *
- */
-    DEV_TYPE_UNDEF = 0,
-    DEV_TYPE_CHAR = 1,
- * @brief 字符设备的sub_type字段值
- *
- */
-    CHAR_DEV_STYPE_END, // 结束标志
- * @brief 设备文件私有信息结构体
- *
- */
-struct devfs_private_inode_info_t
-    uint16_t type;     // 设备主类型
-    uint16_t sub_type; // 设备子类型
-    struct vfs_file_operations_t *f_ops;
-    uint64_t uuid;
-    struct vfs_index_node_t * inode;    // 当前私有信息所绑定的inode

+ 0 - 335

@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-#include "devfs.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#include <common/glib.h>
-#include <common/string.h>
-#include <mm/slab.h>
-#include <common/spinlock.h>
-#include <debug/bug.h>
-struct vfs_super_block_operations_t devfs_sb_ops;
-struct vfs_dir_entry_operations_t devfs_dentry_ops;
-struct vfs_file_operations_t devfs_file_ops;
-struct vfs_inode_operations_t devfs_inode_ops;
-struct vfs_dir_entry_t *devfs_root_dentry; // 根结点的dentry
-struct vfs_superblock_t devfs_sb = {0};
-const char __devfs_mount_path[] = "/dev";
-static spinlock_t devfs_global_lock; // devfs的全局锁
-static uint64_t __tmp_uuid = 0;      // devfs的临时uuid变量(todo:在引入uuid lib之后删除这里)
-static inline uint64_t __devfs_get_uuid()
-    // todo : 更改为使用uuid库来生成uuid
-    return ++__tmp_uuid;
- * @brief 创建devfs的super block
- *
- * @param blk 未使用(devfs为伪文件系统,不需要物理设备)
- * @return struct vfs_superblock_t*
- */
-struct vfs_superblock_t *devfs_read_superblock(struct block_device *blk)
-    devfs_sb.blk_device = NULL;
-    devfs_sb.root = devfs_root_dentry;
-    devfs_sb.sb_ops = &devfs_sb_ops;
-    devfs_sb.dir_ops = &devfs_dentry_ops;
-    // todo: 为devfs增加私有信息
-    devfs_sb.private_sb_info = NULL;
-    kdebug("devfs read superblock done");
-    return &devfs_sb;
-static void devfs_write_superblock(struct vfs_superblock_t *sb) { return; }
-static void devfs_put_superblock(struct vfs_superblock_t *sb) { return; }
-static void devfs_write_inode(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode) { return; }
-struct vfs_super_block_operations_t devfs_sb_ops =
-    {
-        .write_superblock = &devfs_write_superblock,
-        .put_superblock = &devfs_put_superblock,
-        .write_inode = &devfs_write_inode,
-static long devfs_compare(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dEntry, char *source_filename, char *dest_filename) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_hash(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, char *filename) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_release(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_iput(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, struct vfs_index_node_t *inode) { return 0; }
-struct vfs_dir_entry_operations_t devfs_dentry_ops =
-    {
-        .compare = &devfs_compare,
-        .hash = &devfs_hash,
-        .release = &devfs_release,
-        .iput = &devfs_iput,
-static long devfs_open(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr)
-    return 0;
-static long devfs_close(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_read(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *position) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_write(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *position) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_lseek(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, long offset, long origin) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_ioctl(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, uint64_t cmd, uint64_t arg) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_readdir(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, void *dirent, vfs_filldir_t filler)
-    // 循环读取目录下的目录项
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = file_ptr->dEntry;
-    struct List *list = &dentry->subdirs_list;
-    // 先切换到position处
-    for (int i = 0; i <= file_ptr->position; ++i)
-    {
-        list = list_next(list);
-        if (list == &dentry->subdirs_list) // 找完了
-            goto failed;
-    }
-    // 存在目录项
-    // 增加偏移量
-    ++file_ptr->position;
-    // 获取目标dentry(由于是子目录项,因此是child_node_list)
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *target_dent = container_of(list, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-    // kdebug("target name=%s, namelen=%d", target_dent->name, target_dent->name_length);
-    char *name = (char *)kzalloc(target_dent->name_length + 1, 0);
-    strncpy(name, target_dent->name, target_dent->name_length);
-    uint32_t dentry_type;
-    if (target_dent->dir_inode->attribute & VFS_IF_DIR)
-        dentry_type = VFS_IF_DIR;
-    else
-        dentry_type = VFS_IF_DEVICE;
-    return filler(dirent, file_ptr->position - 1, name, target_dent->name_length, dentry_type, file_ptr->position - 1);
-    return 0;
-struct vfs_file_operations_t devfs_file_ops =
-    {
-        .open = &devfs_open,
-        .close = &devfs_close,
-        .read = &devfs_read,
-        .write = &devfs_write,
-        .lseek = &devfs_lseek,
-        .ioctl = &devfs_ioctl,
-        .readdir = &devfs_readdir,
- * @brief 创建新的文件
- * @param parent_inode 父目录的inode结构体
- * @param dest_dEntry 新文件的dentry
- * @param mode 创建模式
- */
-static long devfs_create(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry, int mode)
-    return 0;
-static struct vfs_dir_entry_t *devfs_lookup(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry)
-    /*
-        由于devfs是伪文件系统,其所有的搜索都依赖于dentry缓存。
-        因此,不需要根据inode来搜索目标目录项。除非目录项不存在,否则不会调用这个函数。
-        当本函数调用的时候,也就意味着devfs中没有这个文件/文件夹。
-        综上,本函数直接返回NULL即可
-    */
-    return NULL;
- * @brief 在devfs中创建文件夹(作用是完善子文件夹的inode信息)
- *
- * @param inode 父目录的inode
- * @param dEntry 目标dentry
- * @param mode 创建模式
- * @return long 错误码
- */
-static long devfs_mkdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, int mode)
-    dEntry->dir_inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    dEntry->dir_inode->file_ops = &devfs_file_ops;
-    dEntry->dir_inode->inode_ops = &devfs_inode_ops;
-    dEntry->dir_ops = &devfs_dentry_ops;
-    // todo: 增加private inode info
-    dEntry->dir_inode->private_inode_info = NULL;
-    dEntry->dir_inode->sb = &devfs_sb;
-    dEntry->dir_inode->attribute = VFS_IF_DIR;
-    return 0;
-static long devfs_rmdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_rename(struct vfs_index_node_t *old_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *old_dEntry, struct vfs_index_node_t *new_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *new_dEntry) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_getAttr(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, uint64_t *attr) { return 0; }
-static long devfs_setAttr(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, uint64_t *attr) { return 0; }
-struct vfs_inode_operations_t devfs_inode_ops = {
-    .create = &devfs_create,
-    .lookup = &devfs_lookup,
-    .mkdir = &devfs_mkdir,
-    .rmdir = &devfs_rmdir,
-    .rename = &devfs_rename,
-    .getAttr = &devfs_getAttr,
-    .setAttr = &devfs_setAttr,
-struct vfs_filesystem_type_t devfs_fs_type =
-    {
-        .name = "DEVFS",
-        .fs_flags = 0,
-        .read_superblock = devfs_read_superblock,
-        .next = NULL,
-static __always_inline void __devfs_init_root_inode()
-    devfs_root_dentry->dir_inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    devfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->file_ops = &devfs_file_ops;
-    devfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->inode_ops = &devfs_inode_ops;
-    // todo: 增加private inode info
-    devfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->private_inode_info = NULL;
-    devfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->sb = &devfs_sb;
-    devfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->attribute = VFS_IF_DIR;
- * @brief 初始化devfs的根dentry
- */
-static __always_inline void __devfs_init_root_dentry()
-    devfs_root_dentry = vfs_alloc_dentry(0);
-    devfs_root_dentry->dir_ops = &devfs_dentry_ops;
-    __devfs_init_root_inode();
- * @brief 在devfs中注册设备
- *
- * @param device_type 设备主类型
- * @param sub_type 设备子类型
- * @param file_ops 设备的文件操作接口
- * @param ret_private_inode_info_ptr 返回的指向inode私有信息结构体的指针
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int devfs_register_device(uint16_t device_type, uint16_t sub_type, struct vfs_file_operations_t *file_ops, struct devfs_private_inode_info_t **ret_private_inode_info_ptr)
-    spin_lock(&devfs_global_lock);
-    int retval = 0;
-    // 申请private info结构体
-    struct devfs_private_inode_info_t *private_info = (struct devfs_private_inode_info_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct devfs_private_inode_info_t), 0);
-    private_info->f_ops = file_ops;
-    private_info->type = device_type;
-    private_info->sub_type = sub_type;
-    private_info->uuid = __devfs_get_uuid();
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = NULL; // 该指针由对应类型设备的注册函数设置
-    switch (device_type)
-    {
-    case DEV_TYPE_CHAR:
-        retval = __devfs_chardev_register(private_info, &dentry);
-        break;
-    default:
-        kerror("Unsupported device type [ %d ].", device_type);
-        retval = -ENOTSUP;
-        goto failed;
-        break;
-    }
-    if (ret_private_inode_info_ptr != NULL)
-        *ret_private_inode_info_ptr = private_info;
-    spin_unlock(&devfs_global_lock);
-    return retval;
-    kfree(private_info);
-    spin_unlock(&devfs_global_lock);
-    return retval;
- * @brief 卸载设备
- *
- * @param private_inode_info 待卸载的设备的inode私有信息
- * @param put_private_info 设备被卸载后,执行的函数
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int devfs_unregister_device(struct devfs_private_inode_info_t *private_inode_info)
-    int retval = 0;
-    spin_lock(&devfs_global_lock);
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *base_dentry = NULL;
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *target_dentry = NULL;
-    // 找到父目录的dentry
-    {
-        char base_path[64] = {0};
-        switch (private_inode_info->type)
-        {
-        case DEV_TYPE_CHAR:
-            strcpy(base_path, "/dev/char");
-            break;
-        default:
-            retval = -ENOTSUP;
-            goto out;
-            break;
-        }
-        base_dentry = vfs_path_walk(base_path, 0);
-        // bug
-        if (unlikely(base_dentry == NULL))
-        {
-            BUG_ON(1);
-            retval = -ENODEV;
-            goto out;
-        }
-    }
-    // 遍历子目录,寻找拥有指定inode的dentry(暂时不支持一个inode对应多个dentry的情况)
-    // todo: 支持链接文件的卸载
-    struct List *tmp_list = NULL, *target_list = NULL;
-    list_for_each_safe(target_list, tmp_list, &base_dentry->subdirs_list)
-    {
-        target_dentry = list_entry(target_list, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-        if (target_dentry->dir_inode == private_inode_info->inode)
-        {
-            spin_lock(&target_dentry->lockref.lock);
-            retval = vfs_dentry_put(target_dentry);
-            if (retval < 0)
-            {
-                kerror("Error when try to unregister device");
-                spin_unlock(&target_dentry->lockref.lock);
-            }
-            else if (retval == 0) // 该设备的所有dentry均被卸载完成,不必继续迭代
-                break;
-        }
-    }
-    retval = 0;
-    spin_unlock(&devfs_global_lock);
-    return retval;
- * @brief 初始化devfs
- *
- */
-void devfs_init()
-    __devfs_init_root_dentry();
-    vfs_register_filesystem(&devfs_fs_type);
-    spin_init(&devfs_global_lock);
-    vfs_mount_fs(__devfs_mount_path, "DEVFS", NULL);
-    __devfs_chardev_init();

+ 0 - 29

@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "devfs-types.h"
- * @brief 初始化devfs
- * 
- */
-void devfs_init();
- * @brief 在devfs中注册设备
- *
- * @param device_type 设备主类型
- * @param sub_type 设备子类型
- * @param file_ops 设备的文件操作接口
- * @param ret_private_inode_info_ptr 返回的指向inode私有信息结构体的指针
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int devfs_register_device(uint16_t device_type, uint16_t sub_type, struct vfs_file_operations_t *file_ops, struct devfs_private_inode_info_t **ret_private_inode_info_ptr);
- * @brief 卸载设备
- * 
- * @param private_inode_info 待卸载的设备的inode私有信息
- * @param put_private_info 设备被卸载后,执行的函数
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int devfs_unregister_device(struct devfs_private_inode_info_t * private_inode_info);

+ 0 - 106

@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "devfs.h"
-#include <common/string.h>
-extern struct vfs_super_block_operations_t devfs_sb_ops;
-extern struct vfs_dir_entry_operations_t devfs_dentry_ops;
-extern struct vfs_file_operations_t devfs_file_ops;
-extern struct vfs_inode_operations_t devfs_inode_ops;
-extern struct vfs_superblock_t devfs_sb;
- * @brief 在devfs中注册字符设备(该函数只应被devfs调用)
- *
- * @param private_info inode私有信息
- * @param target_dentry 返回的dentry的指针
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int __devfs_chardev_register(struct devfs_private_inode_info_t *private_info, struct vfs_dir_entry_t **target_dentry);
- * @brief 初始化chardev管理机制
- *
- */
-void __devfs_chardev_init();
- * @brief 在父dentry中寻找子dentry
- *
- * @param parent_dentry 父dentry结点
- * @param name 子目录项名称
- * @return struct vfs_dir_entry_t*
- */
-static inline struct vfs_dir_entry_t *__devfs_find_dentry(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dentry, const char *name)
-    struct List *list = &parent_dentry->subdirs_list;
-    while (list_next(list) != &parent_dentry->subdirs_list)
-    {
-        list = list_next(list);
-        // 获取目标dentry(由于是子目录项,因此是child_node_list)
-        struct vfs_dir_entry_t *target_dent = container_of(list, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-        if (strcmp(target_dent->name, name) == 0)
-            return target_dent;
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * @brief 在父目录下查找子目录
- *
- * @param parent_dentry 父目录
- * @param name 子目录名
- * @return struct vfs_dir_entry_t* 子目录的dentry (找不到则返回NULL)
- */
-static inline struct vfs_dir_entry_t *__devfs_find_dir(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dentry, const char *name)
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *target_dent = __devfs_find_dentry(parent_dentry, name);
-    if (target_dent->dir_inode->attribute & VFS_IF_DIR) // 名称相符且为目录,则返回dentry
-        return target_dent;
-    else
-        return NULL; // 否则直接返回空
- * @brief 将dentry和inode进行绑定,并填充inode
- *
- * @param dentry 目标dentry
- * @param inode 目标inode
- * @param inode_attr inode的属性
- * @param private_inode_data inode私有信息
- */
-static inline void __devfs_fill_inode(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry, struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, uint64_t inode_attr, struct devfs_private_inode_info_t *private_inode_data)
-    dentry->dir_inode = inode;
-    dentry->dir_inode->file_ops = private_inode_data->f_ops;
-    dentry->dir_inode->inode_ops = &devfs_inode_ops;
-    dentry->dir_inode->private_inode_info = private_inode_data;
-    dentry->dir_inode->sb = &devfs_sb;
-    dentry->dir_inode->attribute = inode_attr;
-    // 反向绑定inode
-    private_inode_data->inode = dentry->dir_inode;
- * @brief 填充dentry中的内容
- *
- * @param dentry 待填充的dentry
- * @param name dentry名称
- */
-static inline void __devfs_fill_dentry(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry, const char *name)
-    strcpy(dentry->name, name);
-    dentry->name_length = strlen(name);
-    dentry->dir_ops = &devfs_dentry_ops;
- * @brief 将dentry与父dentry进行绑定
- * @param parent 父目录项
- * @param dentry 子目录项
- */
-#define __devfs_dentry_bind_parent(parent_dentry, dentry) ({                     \
-    (dentry)->parent = (parent_dentry);                                          \
-    list_append(&((parent_dentry)->subdirs_list), &((dentry)->child_node_list)); \

+ 509 - 0

@@ -1 +1,510 @@
+/// 导出devfs的模块
+pub mod null_dev;
+pub mod zero_dev;
+use super::vfs::{
+    core::{generate_inode_id, ROOT_INODE},
+    FileSystem, FileType, FsInfo, IndexNode, Metadata, PollStatus,
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::{EEXIST, EISDIR, ENOENT, ENOTDIR, ENOTSUP},
+    kdebug, kerror,
+    libs::spinlock::{SpinLock, SpinLockGuard},
+    time::TimeSpec,
+use alloc::{
+    collections::BTreeMap,
+    string::{String, ToString},
+    sync::{Arc, Weak},
+    vec::Vec,
+const DEVFS_MAX_NAMELEN: usize = 64;
+/// @brief dev文件系统
+pub struct DevFS {
+    // 文件系统根节点
+    root_inode: Arc<LockedDevFSInode>,
+impl FileSystem for DevFS {
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    fn root_inode(&self) -> Arc<dyn super::vfs::IndexNode> {
+        return self.root_inode.clone();
+    }
+    fn info(&self) -> super::vfs::FsInfo {
+        return FsInfo {
+            blk_dev_id: 0,
+            max_name_len: DEVFS_MAX_NAMELEN,
+        };
+    }
+impl DevFS {
+    pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
+        // 初始化root inode
+        let root: Arc<LockedDevFSInode> = Arc::new(LockedDevFSInode(SpinLock::new(
+            // /dev 的权限设置为 读+执行,root 可以读写
+            // root 的 parent 是空指针
+            DevFSInode::new(FileType::Dir, 0o755 as u32, 0),
+        )));
+        let devfs: Arc<DevFS> = Arc::new(DevFS { root_inode: root });
+        // 对root inode加锁,并继续完成初始化工作
+        let mut root_guard: SpinLockGuard<DevFSInode> = devfs.root_inode.0.lock();
+        root_guard.parent = Arc::downgrade(&devfs.root_inode);
+        root_guard.self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&devfs.root_inode);
+        root_guard.fs = Arc::downgrade(&devfs);
+        // 释放锁
+        drop(root_guard);
+        // 创建文件夹
+        let root: &Arc<LockedDevFSInode> = &devfs.root_inode;
+        root.add_dir("char")
+            .expect("DevFS: Failed to create /dev/char");
+        root.add_dir("block")
+            .expect("DevFS: Failed to create /dev/block");
+        devfs.register_bultinin_device();
+        kdebug!("ls /dev: {:?}", root.list());
+        return devfs;
+    }
+    /// @brief 注册系统内部自带的设备
+    fn register_bultinin_device(&self) {
+        use null_dev::LockedNullInode;
+        use zero_dev::LockedZeroInode;
+        let dev_root: Arc<LockedDevFSInode> = self.root_inode.clone();
+        dev_root
+            .add_dev("null", LockedNullInode::new())
+            .expect("DevFS: Failed to register /dev/null");
+        dev_root
+            .add_dev("zero", LockedZeroInode::new())
+            .expect("DevFS: Failed to register /dev/zero");
+    }
+    /// @brief 在devfs内注册设备
+    ///
+    /// @param name 设备名称
+    /// @param device 设备节点的结构体
+    pub fn register_device<T: DeviceINode>(&self, name: &str, device: Arc<T>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let dev_root_inode: Arc<LockedDevFSInode> = self.root_inode.clone();
+        match device.metadata().unwrap().file_type {
+            // 字节设备挂载在 /dev/char
+            FileType::CharDevice => {
+                if let Err(_) = dev_root_inode.find("char") {
+                    dev_root_inode.create("char", FileType::Dir, 0o755)?;
+                }
+                let any_char_inode = dev_root_inode.find("char")?;
+                let dev_char_inode: &LockedDevFSInode = any_char_inode
+                    .as_any_ref()
+                    .downcast_ref::<LockedDevFSInode>()
+                    .unwrap();
+                dev_char_inode.add_dev(name, device.clone())?;
+                device.set_fs(dev_char_inode.0.lock().fs.clone());
+            }
+            FileType::BlockDevice => {
+                if let Err(_) = dev_root_inode.find("block") {
+                    dev_root_inode.create("block", FileType::Dir, 0o755)?;
+                }
+                let any_block_inode = dev_root_inode.find("block")?;
+                let dev_block_inode: &LockedDevFSInode = any_block_inode
+                    .as_any_ref()
+                    .downcast_ref::<LockedDevFSInode>()
+                    .unwrap();
+                dev_block_inode.add_dev(name, device.clone())?;
+                device.set_fs(dev_block_inode.0.lock().fs.clone());
+            }
+            _ => {
+                return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+            }
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 卸载设备
+    pub fn unregister_device<T: DeviceINode>(&self, name: &str, device: Arc<T>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let dev_root_inode: Arc<LockedDevFSInode> = self.root_inode.clone();
+        match device.metadata().unwrap().file_type {
+            // 字节设备挂载在 /dev/char
+            FileType::CharDevice => {
+                if let Err(_) = dev_root_inode.find("char") {
+                    return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));
+                }
+                let any_char_inode = dev_root_inode.find("char")?;
+                let dev_char_inode = any_char_inode
+                    .as_any_ref()
+                    .downcast_ref::<LockedDevFSInode>()
+                    .unwrap();
+                // TODO: 调用设备的卸载接口(当引入卸载接口之后)
+                dev_char_inode.remove(name)?;
+            }
+            FileType::BlockDevice => {
+                if let Err(_) = dev_root_inode.find("block") {
+                    return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));
+                }
+                let any_block_inode = dev_root_inode.find("block")?;
+                let dev_block_inode = any_block_inode
+                    .as_any_ref()
+                    .downcast_ref::<LockedDevFSInode>()
+                    .unwrap();
+                dev_block_inode.remove(name)?;
+            }
+            _ => {
+                return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+            }
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+/// @brief dev文件i节点(锁)
+pub struct LockedDevFSInode(SpinLock<DevFSInode>);
+/// @brief dev文件i节点(无锁)
+pub struct DevFSInode {
+    /// 指向父Inode的弱引用
+    parent: Weak<LockedDevFSInode>,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedDevFSInode>,
+    /// 子Inode的B树
+    children: BTreeMap<String, Arc<dyn IndexNode>>,
+    /// 指向inode所在的文件系统对象的指针
+    fs: Weak<DevFS>,
+    /// INode 元数据
+    metadata: Metadata,
+impl DevFSInode {
+    pub fn new(dev_type_: FileType, mode_: u32, data_: usize) -> Self {
+        return Self::new_with_parent(Weak::default(), dev_type_, mode_, data_);
+    }
+    pub fn new_with_parent(
+        parent: Weak<LockedDevFSInode>,
+        dev_type_: FileType,
+        mode_: u32,
+        data_: usize,
+    ) -> Self {
+        return DevFSInode {
+            parent: parent,
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            children: BTreeMap::new(),
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 1,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: 0,
+                blocks: 0,
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: dev_type_, // 文件夹
+                mode: mode_,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: data_,
+            },
+            fs: Weak::default(),
+        };
+    }
+impl LockedDevFSInode {
+    pub fn add_dir(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let guard:SpinLockGuard<DevFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        if guard.children.contains_key(name) {
+            return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+        }
+        match self.do_create_with_data(guard, name, FileType::Dir, 0o755 as u32, 0) {
+            Ok(inode) => inode,
+            Err(err) => {
+                return Err(err);
+            }
+        };
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    pub fn add_dev(&self, name: &str, dev: Arc<dyn IndexNode>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut this = self.0.lock();
+        if this.children.contains_key(name) {
+            return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+        }
+        this.children.insert(name.to_string(), dev);
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    pub fn remove(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let x = self
+            .0
+            .lock()
+            .children
+            .remove(name)
+            .ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?;
+        drop(x);
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn do_create_with_data(&self, mut guard: SpinLockGuard<DevFSInode>,_name: &str,
+        _file_type: FileType,
+        _mode: u32,
+        _data: usize,) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32>{
+        if guard.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 如果有重名的,则返回
+        if guard.children.contains_key(_name) {
+            return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+        }
+        // 创建inode
+        let result: Arc<LockedDevFSInode> = Arc::new(LockedDevFSInode(SpinLock::new(DevFSInode {
+            parent: guard.self_ref.clone(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            children: BTreeMap::new(),
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 0,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: 0,
+                blocks: 0,
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: _file_type,
+                mode: _mode,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: _data,
+            },
+            fs: guard.fs.clone(),
+        })));
+        // 初始化inode的自引用的weak指针
+        result.0.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        // 将子inode插入父inode的B树中
+        guard.children.insert(String::from(_name), result.clone());
+        return Ok(result);
+    }
+impl IndexNode for LockedDevFSInode {
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    fn open(&self, _data: &mut super::vfs::FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn close(&self, _data: &mut super::vfs::FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn create_with_data(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        file_type: FileType,
+        mode: u32,
+        data: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        // 获取当前inode
+        let guard:SpinLockGuard<DevFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 如果当前inode不是文件夹,则返回
+        return self.do_create_with_data(guard, name, file_type, mode, data);
+    }
+    fn find(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        let inode = self.0.lock();
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match name {
+            "" | "." => {
+                return Ok(inode.self_ref.upgrade().ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?);
+            }
+            ".." => {
+                return Ok(inode.parent.upgrade().ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?);
+            }
+            name => {
+                // 在子目录项中查找
+                return Ok(inode.children.get(name).ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?.clone());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.0.lock().fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn get_entry_name(&self, ino: super::vfs::InodeId) -> Result<String, i32> {
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<DevFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match ino {
+            0 => {
+                return Ok(String::from("."));
+            }
+            1 => {
+                return Ok(String::from(".."));
+            }
+            ino => {
+                // 暴力遍历所有的children,判断inode id是否相同
+                // TODO: 优化这里,这个地方性能很差!
+                let mut key: Vec<String> = inode
+                    .children
+                    .keys()
+                    .filter(|k| inode.children.get(*k).unwrap().metadata().unwrap().inode_id == ino)
+                    .cloned()
+                    .collect();
+                match key.len() {
+                    0=>{return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));}
+                    1=>{return Ok(key.remove(0));}
+                    _ => panic!("Devfs get_entry_name: key.len()={key_len}>1, current inode_id={inode_id}, to find={to_find}", key_len=key.len(), inode_id = inode.metadata.inode_id, to_find=ino)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn ioctl(&self, _cmd: u32, _data: usize) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, i32> {
+        let info = self.metadata()?;
+        if info.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        let mut keys: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
+        keys.push(String::from("."));
+        keys.push(String::from(".."));
+        keys.append(&mut self.0.lock().children.keys().cloned().collect());
+        return Ok(keys);
+    }
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        return Ok(self.0.lock().metadata.clone());
+    }
+    fn set_metadata(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        inode.metadata.atime = metadata.atime;
+        inode.metadata.mtime = metadata.mtime;
+        inode.metadata.ctime = metadata.ctime;
+        inode.metadata.mode = metadata.mode;
+        inode.metadata.uid = metadata.uid;
+        inode.metadata.gid = metadata.gid;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<super::vfs::PollStatus, i32> {
+        // 加锁
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<DevFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 检查当前inode是否为一个文件夹,如果是的话,就返回错误
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        return Ok(PollStatus {
+            flags: PollStatus::READ_MASK | PollStatus::WRITE_MASK,
+        });
+    }
+    /// 读设备 - 应该调用设备的函数读写,而不是通过文件系统读写
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        _len: usize,
+        _buf: &mut [u8],
+        _data: &mut super::vfs::file::FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    /// 写设备 - 应该调用设备的函数读写,而不是通过文件系统读写
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        _len: usize,
+        _buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut super::vfs::file::FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+/// @brief 所有的设备INode都需要额外实现这个trait
+pub trait DeviceINode: IndexNode {
+    fn set_fs(&self, fs: Weak<DevFS>);
+    // TODO: 增加 unregister 方法
+/// @brief 获取devfs实例的强类型不可变引用
+macro_rules! devfs_exact_ref {
+    () => {{
+        let devfs_inode: Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> = ROOT_INODE().find("dev");
+        if let Err(e) = devfs_inode {
+            kerror!("failed to get DevFS ref. errcode = {e}");
+            return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));
+        }
+        let binding = devfs_inode.unwrap();
+        let devfs_inode: &LockedDevFSInode = binding
+            .as_any_ref()
+            .downcast_ref::<LockedDevFSInode>()
+            .unwrap();
+        let binding = devfs_inode.fs();
+        binding
+    }
+    .as_any_ref()
+    .downcast_ref::<DevFS>()
+    .unwrap()};
+/// @brief devfs的设备注册函数
+pub fn devfs_register<T: DeviceINode>(name: &str, device: Arc<T>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+    return devfs_exact_ref!().register_device(name, device);
+/// @brief devfs的设备卸载函数
+pub fn devfs_unregister<T: DeviceINode>(name: &str, device: Arc<T>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+    return devfs_exact_ref!().unregister_device(name, device);

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+use crate::filesystem::vfs::make_rawdev;
+use crate::filesystem::vfs::{
+    core::generate_inode_id, FilePrivateData, FileSystem, FileType, IndexNode, Metadata, PollStatus,
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::{EINVAL, ENOTSUP},
+    libs::spinlock::SpinLock,
+    time::TimeSpec,
+use alloc::{
+    string::String,
+    sync::{Arc, Weak},
+    vec::Vec,
+// use uuid::{uuid, Uuid};
+use super::{DevFS, DeviceINode};
+pub struct NullInode {
+    /// uuid 暂时不知道有什么用(x
+    // uuid: Uuid,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedNullInode>,
+    /// 指向inode所在的文件系统对象的指针
+    fs: Weak<DevFS>,
+    /// INode 元数据
+    metadata: Metadata,
+pub struct LockedNullInode(SpinLock<NullInode>);
+impl LockedNullInode {
+    pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
+        let inode = NullInode {
+            // uuid: Uuid::new_v5(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            fs: Weak::default(),
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 1,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: 0,
+                blocks: 0,
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: FileType::CharDevice, // 文件夹,block设备,char设备
+                mode: 0o666,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: make_rawdev(1, 3), // 这里用来作为device number
+            },
+        };
+        let result = Arc::new(LockedNullInode(SpinLock::new(inode)));
+        result.0.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        return result;
+    }
+impl DeviceINode for LockedNullInode {
+    fn set_fs(&self, fs: Weak<DevFS>) {
+        self.0.lock().fs = fs;
+    }
+impl IndexNode for LockedNullInode {
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    fn open(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn close(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        return Ok(self.0.lock().metadata.clone());
+    }
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.0.lock().fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn set_metadata(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        inode.metadata.atime = metadata.atime;
+        inode.metadata.mtime = metadata.mtime;
+        inode.metadata.ctime = metadata.ctime;
+        inode.metadata.mode = metadata.mode;
+        inode.metadata.uid = metadata.uid;
+        inode.metadata.gid = metadata.gid;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus, i32> {
+        return Ok(PollStatus {
+            flags: PollStatus::READ_MASK | PollStatus::WRITE_MASK,
+        });
+    }
+    /// 读设备 - 应该调用设备的函数读写,而不是通过文件系统读写
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        for i in 0..len {
+            buf[i] = 0;
+        }
+        return Ok(len);
+    }
+    /// 写设备 - 应该调用设备的函数读写,而不是通过文件系统读写
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        Ok(len)
+    }

+ 146 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+use crate::filesystem::vfs::make_rawdev;
+use crate::filesystem::vfs::{
+    core::generate_inode_id, FilePrivateData, FileSystem, FileType, IndexNode, Metadata, PollStatus,
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::{EINVAL, ENOTSUP},
+    libs::spinlock::SpinLock,
+    time::TimeSpec,
+use alloc::{
+    string::String,
+    sync::{Arc, Weak},
+    vec::Vec,
+// use uuid::{uuid, Uuid};
+use super::{DevFS, DeviceINode};
+pub struct ZeroInode {
+    /// uuid 暂时不知道有什么用(x
+    // uuid: Uuid,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedZeroInode>,
+    /// 指向inode所在的文件系统对象的指针
+    fs: Weak<DevFS>,
+    /// INode 元数据
+    metadata: Metadata,
+pub struct LockedZeroInode(SpinLock<ZeroInode>);
+impl LockedZeroInode {
+    pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
+        let inode = ZeroInode {
+            // uuid: Uuid::new_v5(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            fs: Weak::default(),
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 1,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: 0,
+                blocks: 0,
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: FileType::CharDevice, // 文件夹,block设备,char设备
+                mode: 0o666,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: make_rawdev(1, 3), // 这里用来作为device number
+            },
+        };
+        let result = Arc::new(LockedZeroInode(SpinLock::new(inode)));
+        result.0.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        return result;
+    }
+impl DeviceINode for LockedZeroInode {
+    fn set_fs(&self, fs: Weak<DevFS>) {
+        self.0.lock().fs = fs;
+    }
+impl IndexNode for LockedZeroInode {
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    fn open(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn close(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        return Ok(self.0.lock().metadata.clone());
+    }
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.0.lock().fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, i32> {
+        Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32))
+    }
+    fn set_metadata(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        inode.metadata.atime = metadata.atime;
+        inode.metadata.mtime = metadata.mtime;
+        inode.metadata.ctime = metadata.ctime;
+        inode.metadata.mode = metadata.mode;
+        inode.metadata.uid = metadata.uid;
+        inode.metadata.gid = metadata.gid;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus, i32> {
+        return Ok(PollStatus {
+            flags: PollStatus::READ_MASK | PollStatus::WRITE_MASK,
+        });
+    }
+    /// 读设备 - 应该调用设备的函数读写,而不是通过文件系统读写
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        for i in 0..len {
+            buf[i] = 0;
+        }
+        return Ok(len);
+    }
+    /// 写设备 - 应该调用设备的函数读写,而不是通过文件系统读写
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        Ok(len)
+    }

+ 380 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+use alloc::{sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::EINVAL,
+    io::{device::LBA_SIZE, disk_info::Partition, SeekFrom},
+    kerror,
+    libs::vec_cursor::VecCursor,
+use super::fs::Cluster;
+/// 对于所有的FAT文件系统都适用的Bios Parameter Block结构体
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct BiosParameterBlock {
+    /// 跳转指令
+    pub jmp_boot: [u8; 3],
+    /// 生产厂商名(表明是哪个操作系统格式化了这个卷)
+    pub oem_name: [u8; 8],
+    /// 每扇区字节数
+    pub bytes_per_sector: u16,
+    /// 每簇扇区数
+    pub sector_per_cluster: u8,
+    /// 保留扇区数
+    pub rsvd_sec_cnt: u16,
+    /// FAT表数量
+    pub num_fats: u8,
+    /// 根目录下的32字节目录项数量最大值(只对FAT12、FAT16生效)
+    pub root_entries_cnt: u16,
+    /// 当前分区的总扇区数(只对FAT12、FAT16生效)
+    pub total_sectors_16: u16,
+    /// 介质描述符
+    pub media: u8,
+    /// FAT12/16每FAT扇区数
+    pub fat_size_16: u16,
+    /// 每磁道扇区数
+    pub sector_per_track: u16,
+    /// 磁头数
+    pub num_heads: u16,
+    /// 隐藏扇区数
+    pub hidden_sectors: u32,
+    /// FAT32的总扇区数
+    pub total_sectors_32: u32,
+    /// FAT文件系统类型(以及他们的一些私有信息字段)
+    pub fat_type: FATType,
+    /// 引导扇区结束标志0xAA55
+    pub trail_sig: u16,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub enum FATType {
+    FAT12(BiosParameterBlockLegacy),
+    FAT16(BiosParameterBlockLegacy),
+    FAT32(BiosParameterBlockFAT32),
+/// @brief FAT12/FAT16文件系统特有的BPB信息字段
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct BiosParameterBlockLegacy {
+    /// int0x13的驱动器号
+    pub drive_num: u8,
+    /// 保留字段
+    pub reserved1: u8,
+    /// 扩展引导标记
+    pub boot_sig: u8,
+    /// 卷号
+    /// BS_VolID
+    pub volume_id: u32,
+    /// 文件系统类型
+    pub filesystem_type: u32,
+/// @brief FAT32文件系统特有的BPB信息字段
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct BiosParameterBlockFAT32 {
+    /// FAT32每FAT扇区数
+    /// BPB_FATSz32
+    pub fat_size_32: u32,
+    /// 扩展标记
+    /// Bits 0-3 -- Zero based number of active FAT(活跃的FAT表的编号)
+    /// Only valid if mirroring iFAT32s disabled
+    /// Bits 4-6 -- 保留
+    /// Bit 7 -- 0表示在运行时,所有的FAT表都互为镜像
+    ///       -- 1表示只使用1个FAT表,具体使用的FAT表的编号需要看Bits 0-3
+    /// Bits 8-15 -- 保留备用
+    /// BPB_ExtFlags
+    pub ext_flags: u16,
+    /// 文件系统版本号。
+    /// 高字节表示主版本号,低字节表示次版本号。
+    /// BPB_FSVer
+    pub fs_version: u16,
+    /// 根目录的簇号
+    /// BPB_RootClus
+    pub root_cluster: u32,
+    /// FsInfo结构体在分区内的偏移量(单位:扇区)
+    pub fs_info: u16,
+    /// 如果这个值非0,那么它表示备份的引导扇区号。
+    /// BPB_BkBootSec
+    pub backup_boot_sec: u16,
+    /// 保留备用
+    /// BPB_Reserved0
+    pub reserved0: [u8; 12],
+    /// int0x13的驱动器号
+    /// BS_DrvNum
+    pub drive_num: u8,
+    pub reserved1: u8,
+    /// 引导标记
+    /// BS_BootSig
+    pub boot_sig: u8,
+    /// 卷号
+    /// BS_VolID
+    pub volume_id: u32,
+    /// 卷标
+    /// BS_VolLab
+    pub volume_label: [u8; 11],
+    /// 文件系统类型
+    /// BS_FilSystype
+    pub filesystem_type: [u8; 8],
+impl Default for FATType {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        return FATType::FAT32(BiosParameterBlockFAT32::default());
+    }
+impl FATType {
+    /// @brief 获取指定的簇对应的FAT表项在分区内的字节偏移量
+    ///
+    /// @param cluster 要查询的簇
+    /// @param fat_start_sector FAT表的起始扇区
+    /// @param bytes_per_sec 文件系统每扇区的字节数
+    ///
+    /// @return 指定的簇对应的FAT表项在分区内的字节偏移量
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn get_fat_bytes_offset(
+        &self,
+        cluster: Cluster,
+        fat_start_sector: u64,
+        bytes_per_sec: u64,
+    ) -> u64 {
+        let current_cluster = cluster.cluster_num;
+        // 要查询的簇,在FAT表中的字节偏移量
+        let fat_bytes_offset = match self {
+            FATType::FAT12(_) => current_cluster + (current_cluster / 2),
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => current_cluster * 2,
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => current_cluster * 4,
+        };
+        let fat_sec_number = fat_start_sector + (fat_bytes_offset / bytes_per_sec);
+        let fat_ent_offset = fat_bytes_offset % bytes_per_sec;
+        return fat_sec_number * bytes_per_sec + fat_ent_offset;
+    }
+impl BiosParameterBlock {
+    pub fn new(partition: Arc<Partition>) -> Result<BiosParameterBlock, i32> {
+        let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(LBA_SIZE);
+        v.resize(LBA_SIZE, 0);
+        // 读取分区的引导扇区
+        partition
+            .disk()
+            .read_at(partition.lba_start as usize, 1, &mut v)?;
+        // 获取指针对象
+        let mut cursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+        let mut bpb = BiosParameterBlock::default();
+        cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb.jmp_boot)?;
+        cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb.oem_name)?;
+        bpb.bytes_per_sector = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb.sector_per_cluster = cursor.read_u8()?;
+        bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb.num_fats = cursor.read_u8()?;
+        bpb.root_entries_cnt = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb.total_sectors_16 = cursor.read_u16()?;
+ = cursor.read_u8()?;
+        bpb.fat_size_16 = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb.sector_per_track = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb.num_heads = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb.hidden_sectors = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        bpb.total_sectors_32 = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        let mut bpb32 = BiosParameterBlockFAT32::default();
+        bpb32.fat_size_32 = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        bpb32.ext_flags = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb32.fs_version = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb32.root_cluster = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        bpb32.fs_info = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        bpb32.backup_boot_sec = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb32.reserved0)?;
+        bpb32.drive_num = cursor.read_u8()?;
+        bpb32.reserved1 = cursor.read_u8()?;
+        bpb32.boot_sig = cursor.read_u8()?;
+        bpb32.volume_id = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb32.volume_label)?;
+        cursor.read_exact(&mut bpb32.filesystem_type)?;
+        // 跳过启动代码
+        // 读取尾部的启动扇区标志
+        bpb.trail_sig = cursor.read_u16()?;
+        // 验证BPB32的信息是否合法
+        bpb.validate(&bpb32)?;
+        // 计算根目录项占用的空间(单位:字节)
+        let root_sectors = ((bpb.root_entries_cnt as u32 * 32) + (bpb.bytes_per_sector as u32 - 1))
+            / (bpb.bytes_per_sector as u32);
+        // 每FAT扇区数
+        let fat_size = if bpb.fat_size_16 != 0 {
+            bpb.fat_size_16 as u32
+        } else {
+            bpb32.fat_size_32
+        };
+        // 当前分区总扇区数
+        let total_sectors = if bpb.total_sectors_16 != 0 {
+            bpb.total_sectors_16 as u32
+        } else {
+            bpb.total_sectors_32
+        };
+        // 数据区扇区数
+        let data_sectors = total_sectors
+            - ((bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt as u32) + (bpb.num_fats as u32) * fat_size + root_sectors);
+        // 总的数据簇数量(向下对齐)
+        let count_clusters = data_sectors / (bpb.sector_per_cluster as u32);
+        // 设置FAT类型
+        bpb.fat_type = if count_clusters < 4085 {
+            FATType::FAT12(BiosParameterBlockLegacy::default())
+        } else if count_clusters < 65525 {
+            FATType::FAT16(BiosParameterBlockLegacy::default())
+        } else {
+            FATType::FAT32(bpb32)
+        };
+        return Ok(bpb);
+    }
+    /// @brief 验证BPB32的信息是否合法
+    pub fn validate(&self, bpb32: &BiosParameterBlockFAT32) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 校验每扇区字节数是否合法
+        if self.bytes_per_sector.count_ones() != 1 {
+            kerror!("Invalid bytes per sector(not a power of 2)");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        } else if self.bytes_per_sector < 512 {
+            kerror!("Invalid bytes per sector (value < 512)");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        } else if self.bytes_per_sector > 4096 {
+            kerror!("Invalid bytes per sector (value > 4096)");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        let is_fat32 = self.is_fat32();
+        if self.rsvd_sec_cnt < 1 {
+            kerror!("Invalid rsvd_sec_cnt value in BPB");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if self.num_fats == 0 {
+            kerror!("Invalid fats value in BPB");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if is_fat32 && self.root_entries_cnt != 0 {
+            kerror!("Invalid root_entries value in BPB (should be zero for FAT32)");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if is_fat32 && self.total_sectors_16 != 0 {
+            kerror!("Invalid total_sectors_16 value in BPB (should be zero for FAT32)");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if (self.total_sectors_16 == 0) && (self.total_sectors_32 == 0) {
+            kerror!("Invalid BPB (total_sectors_16 or total_sectors_32 should be non-zero)");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if is_fat32 && bpb32.fat_size_32 == 0 {
+            kerror!("Invalid fat_size_32 value in BPB (should be non-zero for FAT32)");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if bpb32.fs_version != 0 {
+            kerror!("Unknown FAT FS version");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        let root_sectors = ((self.root_entries_cnt as u32 * 32)
+            + (self.bytes_per_sector as u32 - 1))
+            / (self.bytes_per_sector as u32);
+        // 每FAT扇区数
+        let fat_size = if self.fat_size_16 != 0 {
+            self.fat_size_16 as u32
+        } else {
+            bpb32.fat_size_32
+        };
+        // 当前分区总扇区数
+        let total_sectors = if self.total_sectors_16 != 0 {
+            self.total_sectors_16 as u32
+        } else {
+            self.total_sectors_32
+        };
+        let first_data_sector =
+            (self.rsvd_sec_cnt as u32) + (self.num_fats as u32) * fat_size + root_sectors;
+        // 数据区扇区数
+        let data_sectors = total_sectors - first_data_sector;
+        // 总的数据簇数量(向下对齐)
+        let count_clusters = data_sectors / (self.sector_per_cluster as u32);
+        // 总扇区数应当大于第一个数据扇区的扇区号
+        if total_sectors <= first_data_sector {
+            kerror!("Total sectors lesser than first data sector");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        // 检查文件系统类型与总的数据簇数量的关系是否合法
+        if (is_fat32 && (count_clusters < 65525)) || ((!is_fat32) && (count_clusters >= 65525)) {
+            kerror!("FAT determination using tot_sec_16 and count_cluster differs");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前是否为fat32的bpb
+    fn is_fat32(&self) -> bool {
+        // fat32的bpb,这个字段是0
+        return self.total_sectors_16 == 0;
+    }
+    pub fn get_volume_id(&self) -> u32 {
+        match self.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT12(f) | FATType::FAT16(f) => {
+                return f.volume_id;
+            }
+            FATType::FAT32(f) => {
+                return f.volume_id;
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 2404 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2404 @@
+use core::cmp::min;
+use alloc::{
+    string::{String, ToString},
+    sync::Arc,
+    vec::Vec,
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::{
+        EROFS,
+    },
+    io::{device::LBA_SIZE, SeekFrom},
+    kwarn,
+    libs::vec_cursor::VecCursor,
+use super::{
+    fs::{Cluster, FATFileSystem, MAX_FILE_SIZE},
+    utils::decode_u8_ascii,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct FileAttributes {
+    value: u8,
+/// FAT表中,关于每个簇的信息
+#[derive(Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum FATEntry {
+    /// 当前簇未使用
+    Unused,
+    /// 当前簇是坏簇
+    Bad,
+    /// 当前簇是整个FAT簇链的最后一个簇
+    EndOfChain,
+    /// 在整个链中,当前簇的下一个簇的值
+    Next(Cluster),
+/// FAT目录项的枚举类型
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub enum FATDirEntry {
+    File(FATFile),
+    VolId(FATFile),
+    Dir(FATDir),
+    UnInit,
+/// FAT文件系统中的文件
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
+pub struct FATFile {
+    /// 文件的第一个簇
+    pub first_cluster: Cluster,
+    /// 文件名
+    pub file_name: String,
+    /// 文件对应的短目录项
+    pub short_dir_entry: ShortDirEntry,
+    /// 文件目录项的起始、终止簇。格式:(簇,簇内偏移量)
+    pub loc: ((Cluster, u64), (Cluster, u64)),
+impl FATFile {
+    /// @brief 获取文件大小
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn size(&self) -> u64 {
+        return self.short_dir_entry.file_size as u64;
+    }
+    /// @brief 设置当前文件大小(仅仅更改short_dir_entry内的值)
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn set_size(&mut self, size: u32) {
+        self.short_dir_entry.file_size = size;
+    }
+    /// @brief 从文件读取数据。读取的字节数与buf长度相等
+    ///
+    /// @param buf 输出缓冲区
+    /// @param offset 起始位置在文件中的偏移量
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(usize) 成功读取到的字节数
+    /// @return Err(i32) 读取时出现错误,返回错误码
+    pub fn read(&self, fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>, buf: &mut [u8], offset: u64) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if offset >= self.size() {
+            return Ok(0);
+        }
+        // 文件内的簇偏移量
+        let start_cluster_number: u64 = offset / fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+        // 计算对应在分区内的簇号
+        let mut current_cluster = if let Some(c) =
+            fs.get_cluster_by_relative(self.first_cluster, start_cluster_number as usize)
+        {
+            c
+        } else {
+            return Ok(0);
+        };
+        let bytes_remain: u64 = self.size() - offset;
+        // 计算簇内偏移量
+        let mut in_cluster_offset: u64 = offset % fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+        let to_read_size: usize = min(buf.len(), bytes_remain as usize);
+        let mut start = 0;
+        let mut read_ok = 0;
+        loop {
+            // 当前簇已经读取完,尝试读取下一个簇
+            if in_cluster_offset >= fs.bytes_per_cluster() {
+                if let Some(FATEntry::Next(c)) = fs.get_fat_entry(current_cluster).ok() {
+                    current_cluster = c;
+                    in_cluster_offset %= fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+                } else {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            // 计算下一次读取,能够读多少字节
+            let end_len: usize = min(
+                to_read_size - read_ok,
+                min(
+                    (fs.bytes_per_cluster() - in_cluster_offset) as usize,
+                    buf.len() - read_ok,
+                ),
+            );
+            //  从磁盘上读取数据
+            let offset = fs.cluster_bytes_offset(current_cluster) + in_cluster_offset;
+            let r = fs.partition.disk().device().read_at(
+                offset as usize,
+                end_len,
+                &mut buf[start..start + end_len],
+            )?;
+            // 更新偏移量计数信息
+            read_ok += r;
+            start += r;
+            in_cluster_offset += r as u64;
+            if read_ok == to_read_size {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // todo: 更新时间信息
+        return Ok(read_ok);
+    }
+    /// @brief 向文件写入数据。写入的字节数与buf长度相等
+    ///
+    /// @param buf 输入缓冲区
+    /// @param offset 起始位置在文件中的偏移量
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(usize) 成功写入的字节数
+    /// @return Err(i32) 写入时出现错误,返回错误码
+    pub fn write(
+        &mut self,
+        fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+        buf: &[u8],
+        offset: u64,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        self.ensure_len(fs, offset, buf.len() as u64)?;
+        // 要写入的第一个簇的簇号
+        let start_cluster_num = offset / fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+        // 获取要写入的第一个簇
+        let mut current_cluster: Cluster = if let Some(c) =
+            fs.get_cluster_by_relative(self.first_cluster, start_cluster_num as usize)
+        {
+            c
+        } else {
+            return Ok(0);
+        };
+        let mut in_cluster_bytes_offset: u64 = offset % fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+        let mut start: usize = 0;
+        let mut write_ok: usize = 0;
+        // 循环写入数据
+        loop {
+            if in_cluster_bytes_offset >= fs.bytes_per_cluster() {
+                if let Some(FATEntry::Next(c)) = fs.get_fat_entry(current_cluster).ok() {
+                    current_cluster = c;
+                    in_cluster_bytes_offset = in_cluster_bytes_offset % fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+                } else {
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            let end_len = min(
+                (fs.bytes_per_cluster() - in_cluster_bytes_offset) as usize,
+                buf.len() - write_ok,
+            );
+            // 计算本次写入位置在磁盘上的偏移量
+            let offset = fs.cluster_bytes_offset(current_cluster) + in_cluster_bytes_offset;
+            // 写入磁盘
+            let w: usize = fs.partition.disk().device().write_at(
+                offset as usize,
+                end_len,
+                &buf[start..start + end_len],
+            )?;
+            // 更新偏移量数据
+            write_ok += w;
+            start += w;
+            in_cluster_bytes_offset += w as u64;
+            if write_ok == buf.len() {
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+        // todo: 更新时间信息
+        return Ok(write_ok);
+    }
+    /// @brief 确保文件从指定偏移量开始,仍有长度为len的空间。
+    /// 如果文件大小不够,就尝试分配更多的空间给这个文件。
+    ///
+    /// @param fs 当前文件所属的文件系统
+    /// @param offset 起始位置在文件内的字节偏移量
+    /// @param len 期待的空闲空间长度
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(()) 经过操作后,offset后面具有长度至少为len的空闲空间
+    /// @return Err(i32) 处理过程中出现了异常。
+    fn ensure_len(&mut self, fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>, offset: u64, len: u64) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 文件内本身就还有空余的空间
+        if offset + len <= self.size() {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        // 如果文件大小为0,证明它还没有分配簇,因此分配一个簇给它
+        if self.size() == 0 {
+            // first_cluster应当为0,否则将产生空间泄露的错误
+            assert_eq!(self.first_cluster, Cluster::default());
+            self.first_cluster = fs.allocate_cluster(None)?;
+            self.short_dir_entry.set_first_cluster(self.first_cluster);
+        }
+        // 计算文件的最后一个簇中有多少空闲空间
+        let in_cluster_offset = self.size() % fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+        let bytes_remain_in_cluster = fs.bytes_per_cluster() - in_cluster_offset;
+        // 计算还需要申请多少空间
+        let extra_bytes = min((offset + len) - self.size(), MAX_FILE_SIZE - self.size());
+        // 如果还需要更多的簇
+        if bytes_remain_in_cluster < extra_bytes {
+            let clusters_to_allocate =
+                (extra_bytes - bytes_remain_in_cluster + fs.bytes_per_cluster() - 1)
+                    / fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+            let last_cluster = if let Some(c) = fs.get_last_cluster(self.first_cluster) {
+                c
+            } else {
+                kwarn!("FAT: last cluster not found, File = {self:?}");
+                return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+            };
+            // 申请簇
+            let mut current_cluster: Cluster = last_cluster;
+            for _ in 0..clusters_to_allocate {
+                current_cluster = fs.allocate_cluster(Some(current_cluster))?;
+            }
+        }
+        // 如果文件被扩展,则清空刚刚被扩展的部分的数据
+        if offset > self.size() {
+            // 文件内的簇偏移
+            let start_cluster: u64 = self.size() / fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+            let start_cluster: Cluster = fs
+                .get_cluster_by_relative(self.first_cluster, start_cluster as usize)
+                .unwrap();
+            // 计算当前文件末尾在磁盘上的字节偏移量
+            let start_offset: u64 =
+                fs.cluster_bytes_offset(start_cluster) + self.size() % fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+            // 扩展之前,最后一个簇内还剩下多少字节的空间
+            let bytes_remain: u64 = fs.bytes_per_cluster() - (self.size() % fs.bytes_per_cluster());
+            // 计算在扩展之后的最后一个簇内,文件的终止字节
+            let cluster_offset_start = offset / fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+            // 扩展后,文件的最后
+            let end_cluster: Cluster = fs
+                .get_cluster_by_relative(self.first_cluster, cluster_offset_start as usize)
+                .unwrap();
+            if start_cluster != end_cluster {
+                self.zero_range(fs, start_offset, start_offset + bytes_remain)?;
+            } else {
+                self.zero_range(fs, start_offset, start_offset + offset - self.size())?;
+            }
+        }
+        // 计算文件的新大小
+        let new_size = self.size() + extra_bytes;
+        self.set_size(new_size as u32);
+        // 计算短目录项所在的位置,更新短目录项
+        let short_entry_offset = fs.cluster_bytes_offset(self.loc.1 .0) + self.loc.1 .1;
+        // todo: 更新时间信息
+        // 把短目录项写入磁盘
+        self.short_dir_entry.flush(fs, short_entry_offset)?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 把磁盘上[range_start, range_end)范围的数据清零
+    ///
+    /// @param range_start 磁盘上起始位置(单位:字节)
+    /// @param range_end 磁盘上终止位置(单位:字节)
+    fn zero_range(
+        &self,
+        fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+        range_start: u64,
+        range_end: u64,
+    ) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if range_end <= range_start {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        let zeroes: Vec<u8> = vec![0u8; (range_end - range_start) as usize];
+        fs.partition.disk().device().write_at(
+            range_start as usize,
+            zeroes.len(),
+            zeroes.as_slice(),
+        )?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 截断文件的内容,并设置新的文件大小。如果new_size大于当前文件大小,则不做操作。
+    ///
+    /// @param new_size 新的文件大小,如果它大于当前文件大小,则不做操作。
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(()) 操作成功
+    /// @return Err(i32) 在操作时出现错误
+    pub fn truncate(&mut self, fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>, new_size: u64) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if new_size >= self.size() {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        let new_last_cluster = new_size / fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+        if let Some(begin_delete) =
+            fs.get_cluster_by_relative(self.first_cluster, (new_last_cluster + 1) as usize)
+        {
+            fs.deallocate_cluster(begin_delete)?;
+        };
+        self.set_size(new_size as u32);
+        // 计算短目录项在磁盘内的字节偏移量
+        let short_entry_offset = fs.cluster_bytes_offset((self.loc.1).0) + (self.loc.1).1;
+        self.short_dir_entry.flush(fs, short_entry_offset)?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+/// FAT文件系统中的文件夹
+#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone)]
+pub struct FATDir {
+    /// 目录的第一个簇
+    pub first_cluster: Cluster,
+    /// 该字段仅对FAT12、FAT16生效
+    pub root_offset: Option<u64>,
+    /// 文件夹名称
+    pub dir_name: String,
+    pub short_dir_entry: Option<ShortDirEntry>,
+    /// 文件的起始、终止簇。格式:(簇,簇内偏移量)
+    pub loc: Option<((Cluster, u64), (Cluster, u64))>,
+impl FATDir {
+    /// @brief 获得用于遍历当前目录的迭代器
+    ///
+    /// @param fs 当前目录所在的文件系统
+    pub fn to_iter(&self, fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>) -> FATDirIter {
+        return FATDirIter {
+            current_cluster: self.first_cluster,
+            offset: self.root_offset.unwrap_or(0),
+            is_root: self.is_root(),
+            fs: fs,
+        };
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前目录是否为根目录(仅对FAT12和FAT16生效)
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn is_root(&self) -> bool {
+        return self.root_offset.is_some();
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前目录所占用的大小
+    pub fn size(&self, fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>) -> u64 {
+        return fs.num_clusters_chain(self.first_cluster) * fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+    }
+    /// @brief 在目录项中,寻找num_free个连续空闲目录项
+    ///
+    /// @param num_free 需要的空闲目录项数目.
+    /// @param fs 当前文件夹属于的文件系统
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(Option<(第一个符合条件的空闲目录项所在的簇,簇内偏移量))
+    /// @return Err(错误码)
+    pub fn find_free_entries(
+        &self,
+        num_free: u64,
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+    ) -> Result<Option<(Cluster, u64)>, i32> {
+        let mut free = 0;
+        let mut current_cluster: Cluster = self.first_cluster;
+        let mut offset = self.root_offset.unwrap_or(0);
+        // 第一个符合条件的空闲目录项
+        let mut first_free: Option<(Cluster, u64)> = None;
+        loop {
+            // 如果当前簇没有空间了,并且当前不是FAT12和FAT16的根目录,那么就读取下一个簇。
+            if offset >= fs.bytes_per_cluster() && !self.is_root() {
+                // 成功读取下一个簇
+                if let Some(FATEntry::Next(c)) = fs.get_fat_entry(current_cluster).ok() {
+                    current_cluster = c;
+                    // 计算簇内偏移量
+                    offset = offset % fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+                } else {
+                    // 读取失败,当前已经是最后一个簇,退出循环
+                    break;
+                }
+            }
+            // 如果当前目录是FAT12和FAT16的根目录,且已经读取完,就直接返回。
+            if self.is_root() && offset > fs.root_dir_end_bytes_offset().unwrap() {
+                return Ok(None);
+            }
+            let e_offset = fs.cluster_bytes_offset(current_cluster) + offset;
+            let entry: FATRawDirEntry = get_raw_dir_entry(&fs, e_offset)?;
+            match entry {
+                FATRawDirEntry::Free | FATRawDirEntry::FreeRest => {
+                    if free == 0 {
+                        first_free = Some((current_cluster, offset));
+                    }
+                    free += 1;
+                    if free == num_free {
+                        // kdebug!("first_free = {first_free:?}, current_free = ({current_cluster:?}, {offset})");
+                        return Ok(first_free);
+                    }
+                }
+                // 遇到一个不空闲的目录项,那么重新开始计算空闲目录项
+                _ => {
+                    free = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            offset += FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+        }
+        // 剩余的需要获取的目录项
+        let remain_entries = num_free - free;
+        // 计算需要申请多少个簇
+        let clusters_required =
+            (remain_entries * FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN + fs.bytes_per_cluster() - 1)
+                / fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+        let mut first_cluster = Cluster::default();
+        let mut prev_cluster = current_cluster;
+        // kdebug!(
+        //     "clusters_required={clusters_required}, prev_cluster={prev_cluster:?}, free ={free}"
+        // );
+        // 申请簇
+        for i in 0..clusters_required {
+            let c: Cluster = fs.allocate_cluster(Some(prev_cluster))?;
+            if i == 0 {
+                first_cluster = c;
+            }
+            prev_cluster = c;
+        }
+        if free > 0 {
+            // 空闲目录项跨越了簇,返回第一个空闲目录项
+            return Ok(first_free);
+        } else {
+            // 空闲目录项是在全新的簇开始的
+            return Ok(Some((first_cluster, 0)));
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录中寻找目录项
+    ///
+    /// @param name 目录项的名字
+    /// @param expect_dir 该值为Some时有效。如果期待目标目录项是文件夹,那么值为Some(true), 否则为Some(false).
+    /// @param short_name_gen 短目录项名称生成器
+    /// @param fs 当前目录所属的文件系统
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(FATDirEntry) 找到期待的目录项
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn find_entry(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        expect_dir: Option<bool>,
+        mut short_name_gen: Option<&mut ShortNameGenerator>,
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+    ) -> Result<FATDirEntry, i32> {
+        LongDirEntry::validate_long_name(name)?;
+        // 迭代当前目录下的文件/文件夹
+        for e in self.to_iter(fs) {
+            if e.eq_name(name) {
+                if expect_dir.is_some() && Some(e.is_dir()) != expect_dir {
+                    if e.is_dir() {
+                        // 期望得到文件,但是是文件夹
+                        return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+                    } else {
+                        // 期望得到文件夹,但是是文件
+                        return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+                    }
+                }
+                // 找到期望的目录项
+                return Ok(e);
+            }
+            if let Some(ref mut sng) = short_name_gen {
+                sng.add_name(&e.short_name_raw())
+            }
+        }
+        // 找不到文件/文件夹
+        return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录下打开文件,获取FATFile结构体
+    pub fn open_file(&self, name: &str, fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>) -> Result<FATFile, i32> {
+        let f: FATFile = self.find_entry(name, Some(false), None, fs)?.to_file()?;
+        return Ok(f);
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录下打开文件夹,获取FATDir结构体
+    pub fn open_dir(&self, name: &str, fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>) -> Result<FATDir, i32> {
+        let d: FATDir = self.find_entry(name, Some(true), None, fs)?.to_dir()?;
+        return Ok(d);
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前文件夹下创建文件。
+    ///
+    /// @param name 文件名
+    /// @param fs 当前文件夹所属的文件系统
+    pub fn create_file(&self, name: &str, fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>) -> Result<FATFile, i32> {
+        let r: Result<FATDirEntryOrShortName, i32> =
+            self.check_existence(name, Some(false), fs.clone());
+        // 检查错误码,如果能够表明目录项已经存在,则返回-EEXIST
+        if r.is_err() {
+            let err_val = r.unwrap_err();
+            if err_val == (-(EISDIR as i32)) || err_val == (-(ENOTDIR as i32)) {
+                return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+            } else {
+                return Err(err_val);
+            }
+        }
+        match r.unwrap() {
+            FATDirEntryOrShortName::ShortName(short_name) => {
+                // 确认名称是一个可行的长文件名
+                LongDirEntry::validate_long_name(name)?;
+                // 创建目录项
+                let x: Result<FATFile, i32> = self
+                    .create_dir_entries(
+                        name.trim(),
+                        &short_name,
+                        None,
+                        FileAttributes {
+                            value: FileAttributes::ARCHIVE,
+                        },
+                        fs.clone(),
+                    )
+                    .map(|e| e.to_file())?;
+                return x;
+            }
+            FATDirEntryOrShortName::DirEntry(_) => {
+                // 已经存在这样的一个目录项了
+                return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn create_dir(&self, name: &str, fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>) -> Result<FATDir, i32> {
+        let r: Result<FATDirEntryOrShortName, i32> =
+            self.check_existence(name, Some(true), fs.clone());
+        // kdebug!("check existence ok");
+        // 检查错误码,如果能够表明目录项已经存在,则返回-EEXIST
+        if r.is_err() {
+            let err_val = r.unwrap_err();
+            if err_val == (-(EISDIR as i32)) || err_val == (-(ENOTDIR as i32)) {
+                return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+            } else {
+                return Err(err_val);
+            }
+        }
+        match r.unwrap() {
+            // 文件夹不存在,创建文件夹
+            FATDirEntryOrShortName::ShortName(short_name) => {
+                LongDirEntry::validate_long_name(name)?;
+                // 目标目录项
+                let mut short_entry = ShortDirEntry::default();
+                // kdebug!("to allocate cluster");
+                let first_cluster: Cluster = fs.allocate_cluster(None)?;
+                short_entry.set_first_cluster(first_cluster);
+                // kdebug!("to create dot");
+                // === 接下来在子目录中创建'.'目录项和'..'目录项
+                let mut offset = 0;
+                // '.'目录项
+                let mut dot_entry = ShortDirEntry::default();
+       = ShortNameGenerator::new(".").generate().unwrap();
+                dot_entry.attributes.value = FileAttributes::DIRECTORY;
+                dot_entry.set_first_cluster(first_cluster);
+                // todo: 设置创建、访问时间
+                dot_entry.flush(&fs, fs.cluster_bytes_offset(first_cluster) + offset)?;
+                drop(dot_entry);
+                // 偏移量加上一个目录项的长度
+                offset += FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+                // kdebug!("to create dot dot");
+                // '..'目录项
+                let mut dot_dot_entry = ShortDirEntry::default();
+       = ShortNameGenerator::new("..").generate().unwrap();
+                dot_dot_entry.attributes.value = FileAttributes::DIRECTORY;
+                dot_dot_entry.set_first_cluster(self.first_cluster);
+                // todo: 设置创建、访问时间
+                dot_dot_entry.flush(&fs, fs.cluster_bytes_offset(first_cluster) + offset)?;
+                // kdebug!("to create dentries");
+                // 在当前目录下创建目标目录项
+                let res = self
+                    .create_dir_entries(
+                        name.trim(),
+                        &short_name,
+                        Some(short_entry),
+                        FileAttributes {
+                            value: FileAttributes::DIRECTORY,
+                        },
+                        fs.clone(),
+                    )
+                    .map(|e| e.to_dir())?;
+                // kdebug!("create dentries ok");
+                return res;
+            }
+            FATDirEntryOrShortName::DirEntry(_) => {
+                // 已经存在这样的一个目录项了
+                return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 检查目录项在当前文件夹下是否存在
+    ///
+    /// @param name 目录项的名字
+    /// @param expect_dir 该值为Some时有效。如果期待目标目录项是文件夹,那么值为Some(true), 否则为Some(false).
+    /// @param fs 当前目录所属的文件系统
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(FATDirEntryOrShortName::DirEntry) 找到期待的目录项
+    /// @return Ok(FATDirEntryOrShortName::ShortName) 当前文件夹下不存在指定的目录项,因此返回一个可行的短文件名
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn check_existence(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        expect_dir: Option<bool>,
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+    ) -> Result<FATDirEntryOrShortName, i32> {
+        let mut sng = ShortNameGenerator::new(name);
+        loop {
+            let e: Result<FATDirEntry, i32> =
+                self.find_entry(name, expect_dir, Some(&mut sng), fs.clone());
+            match e {
+                Ok(e) => {
+                    // 找到,返回目录项
+                    return Ok(FATDirEntryOrShortName::DirEntry(e));
+                }
+                Err(e) => {
+                    // 如果没找到,则不返回错误
+                    if e == -(ENOENT as i32) {
+                    } else {
+                        // 其他错误,则返回
+                        return Err(e);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // 没找到文件,则生成短文件名
+            if let Ok(name) = sng.generate() {
+                return Ok(FATDirEntryOrShortName::ShortName(name));
+            }
+            sng.next_iteration();
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 创建一系列的目录项
+    ///
+    /// @param long_name 长文件名
+    /// @param short_name 短文件名
+    /// @param short_dentry 可选的生成好的短目录项结构体
+    /// @param attrs FAT目录项的属性
+    /// @param fs 当前文件夹所属的文件系统
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(FATDirEntry) FAT目录项的枚举类型(目录项链条的最后一个长目录项)
+    fn create_dir_entries(
+        &self,
+        long_name: &str,
+        short_name: &[u8; 11],
+        short_dentry: Option<ShortDirEntry>,
+        attrs: FileAttributes,
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+    ) -> Result<FATDirEntry, i32> {
+        let mut short_dentry: ShortDirEntry = short_dentry.unwrap_or(ShortDirEntry::default());
+ = short_name.clone();
+        short_dentry.attributes = attrs;
+        // todo: 设置创建时间、修改时间
+        let mut long_name_gen: LongNameEntryGenerator =
+            LongNameEntryGenerator::new(long_name, short_dentry.checksum());
+        let num_entries = long_name_gen.num_entries() as u64;
+        // kdebug!("to find free entries");
+        let free_entries: Option<(Cluster, u64)> =
+            self.find_free_entries(num_entries, fs.clone())?;
+        // 目录项开始位置
+        let start_loc: (Cluster, u64) = match free_entries {
+            Some(c) => c,
+            None => return Err(-(ENOSPC as i32)),
+        };
+        let offsets: Vec<(Cluster, u64)> =
+            FATDirEntryOffsetIter::new(fs.clone(), start_loc, num_entries, None).collect();
+        // 迭代长目录项
+        for off in &offsets.as_slice()[..offsets.len() - 1] {
+            // 获取生成的下一个长目录项
+            let long_entry: LongDirEntry =;
+            // 获取这个长目录项在磁盘内的字节偏移量
+            let bytes_offset = fs.cluster_bytes_offset(off.0) + off.1;
+            long_entry.flush(fs.clone(), bytes_offset)?;
+        }
+        let start: (Cluster, u64) = offsets[0];
+        let end: (Cluster, u64) = *offsets.last().unwrap();
+        // 短目录项在磁盘上的字节偏移量
+        let offset = fs.cluster_bytes_offset(end.0) + end.1;
+        short_dentry.flush(&fs, offset)?;
+        return Ok(short_dentry.to_dir_entry_with_long_name(long_name.to_string(), (start, end)));
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前目录是否为空
+    ///
+    /// @return true 当前目录为空
+    /// @return false 当前目录不为空
+    pub fn is_empty(&self, fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>) -> bool {
+        for e in self.to_iter(fs) {
+            let s = e.short_name();
+            if s == "." || s == ".." {
+                continue;
+            } else {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        return true;
+    }
+    /// @brief 从当前文件夹中删除文件或者文件夹。如果目标文件夹不为空,则不能删除,返回-ENOTEMPTY.
+    ///
+    /// @param fs 当前FATDir所属的文件系统
+    /// @param name 目录项的名字
+    /// @param remove_clusters 是否删除与指定的目录项相关联的数据簇
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok() 成功时无返回值
+    /// @return Err(i32) 如果目标文件夹不为空,则不能删除,返回-ENOTEMPTY. 或者返回底层传上来的错误
+    pub fn remove(
+        &self,
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+        name: &str,
+        remove_clusters: bool,
+    ) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let e: FATDirEntry = self.find_entry(name, None, None, fs.clone())?;
+        // 判断文件夹是否为空,如果空,则不删除,报错。
+        if e.is_dir() && !(e.to_dir().unwrap().is_empty(fs.clone())) {
+            return Err(-(ENOTEMPTY as i32));
+        }
+        if e.first_cluster().cluster_num >= 2 && remove_clusters {
+            // 删除与指定的目录项相关联的数据簇
+            fs.deallocate_cluster_chain(e.first_cluster())?;
+        }
+        if e.get_dir_range().is_some() {
+            self.remove_dir_entries(fs, e.get_dir_range().unwrap())?;
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录中删除多个目录项
+    ///
+    /// @param fs 当前目录所属的文件系统
+    /// @param cluster_range 要删除的目录项的范围(以簇+簇内偏移量的形式表示)
+    fn remove_dir_entries(
+        &self,
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+        cluster_range: ((Cluster, u64), (Cluster, u64)),
+    ) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 收集所有的要移除的目录项
+        let offsets: Vec<(Cluster, u64)> =
+            FATDirEntryOffsetIter::new(fs.clone(), cluster_range.0, 15, Some(cluster_range.1))
+                .collect();
+        // 逐个设置这些目录项为“空闲”状态
+        for off in offsets {
+            let disk_bytes_offset = fs.cluster_bytes_offset(off.0) + off.1;
+            let mut short_entry = ShortDirEntry::default();
+  [0] = 0xe5;
+            short_entry.flush(&fs, disk_bytes_offset)?;
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 根据名字在当前文件夹下寻找目录项
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(FATDirEntry) 目标目录项
+    /// @return Err(i32) 底层传上来的错误码
+    pub fn get_dir_entry(&self, fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>, name: &str) -> Result<FATDirEntry, i32> {
+        if name == "." || name == "/" {
+            return Ok(FATDirEntry::Dir(self.clone()));
+        }
+        LongDirEntry::validate_long_name(name)?;
+        return self.find_entry(name, None, None, fs);
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录内,重命名一个目录项
+    ///
+    pub fn rename(
+        &self,
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+        old_name: &str,
+        new_name: &str,
+    ) -> Result<FATDirEntry, i32> {
+        // 判断源目录项是否存在
+        let old_dentry: FATDirEntry = if let FATDirEntryOrShortName::DirEntry(dentry) =
+            self.check_existence(old_name, None, fs.clone())?
+        {
+            dentry
+        } else {
+            // 如果目标目录项不存在,则返回错误
+            return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));
+        };
+        let short_name = if let FATDirEntryOrShortName::ShortName(s) =
+            self.check_existence(new_name, None, fs.clone())?
+        {
+            s
+        } else {
+            // 如果目标目录项存在,那么就返回错误
+            return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+        };
+        let old_short_dentry: Option<ShortDirEntry> = old_dentry.short_dir_entry();
+        if let Some(se) = old_short_dentry {
+            // 删除原来的目录项
+            self.remove(fs.clone(),, false)?;
+            // 创建新的目录项
+            let new_dentry: FATDirEntry = self.create_dir_entries(
+                new_name,
+                &short_name,
+                Some(se),
+                se.attributes,
+                fs.clone(),
+            )?;
+            return Ok(new_dentry);
+        } else {
+            // 不允许对根目录项进行重命名
+            return Err(-(EPERM as i32));
+        }
+    }
+impl FileAttributes {
+    pub const READ_ONLY: u8 = 1 << 0;
+    pub const HIDDEN: u8 = 1 << 1;
+    pub const SYSTEM: u8 = 1 << 2;
+    pub const VOLUME_ID: u8 = 1 << 3;
+    pub const DIRECTORY: u8 = 1 << 4;
+    pub const ARCHIVE: u8 = 1 << 5;
+    pub const LONG_NAME: u8 = FileAttributes::READ_ONLY
+        | FileAttributes::HIDDEN
+        | FileAttributes::SYSTEM
+        | FileAttributes::VOLUME_ID;
+    /// @brief 判断属性是否存在
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn contains(&self, attr: u8) -> bool {
+        return (self.value & attr) != 0;
+    }
+    pub fn new(attr: u8) -> Self {
+        return Self { value: attr };
+    }
+/// FAT32的短目录项
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct ShortDirEntry {
+    /// short name
+    name: [u8; 11],
+    /// 目录项属性 (见 FileAttributes )
+    attributes: FileAttributes,
+    /// Windows NT系统的保留字段。用来表示短目录项文件名。
+    /// EXT|BASE => 8(BASE).3(EXT)
+    /// BASE:LowerCase(8),UpperCase(0)
+    /// EXT:LowerCase(16),UpperCase(0)
+    nt_res: u8,
+    /// 文件创建时间的毫秒级时间戳
+    crt_time_tenth: u8,
+    /// 创建时间
+    crt_time: u16,
+    /// 创建日期
+    crt_date: u16,
+    /// 最后一次访问日期
+    lst_acc_date: u16,
+    /// High word of first cluster(0 for FAT12 and FAT16)
+    fst_clus_hi: u16,
+    /// 最后写入时间
+    wrt_time: u16,
+    /// 最后写入日期
+    wrt_date: u16,
+    /// Low word of first cluster
+    fst_clus_lo: u16,
+    /// 文件大小
+    file_size: u32,
+/// FAT32的长目录项
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct LongDirEntry {
+    /// 长目录项的序号
+    ord: u8,
+    /// 长文件名的第1-5个字符,每个字符占2bytes
+    name1: [u16; 5],
+    /// 目录项属性必须为ATTR_LONG_NAME
+    file_attrs: FileAttributes,
+    /// Entry Type: 如果为0,则说明这是长目录项的子项
+    /// 非零值是保留的。
+    dirent_type: u8,
+    /// 短文件名的校验和
+    checksum: u8,
+    /// 长文件名的第6-11个字符,每个字符占2bytes
+    name2: [u16; 6],
+    /// 必须为0
+    first_clus_low: u16,
+    /// 长文件名的12-13个字符,每个字符占2bytes
+    name3: [u16; 2],
+impl LongDirEntry {
+    /// 长目录项的字符串长度(单位:word)
+    pub const LONG_NAME_STR_LEN: usize = 13;
+    /// @brief 初始化一个新的长目录项
+    ///
+    /// @param ord 顺序
+    /// @param name_part 长目录项名称的数组(长度必须为13)
+    /// @param check_sum 短目录项的校验和
+    ///
+    /// @return Self 初始化好的长目录项对象
+    fn new(ord: u8, name_part: &[u16], check_sum: u8) -> Self {
+        let mut result = LongDirEntry::default();
+        result.ord = ord;
+        result
+            .insert_name(name_part)
+            .expect("Name part's len should be equal to 13.");
+        result.file_attrs.value = FileAttributes::LONG_NAME;
+        result.dirent_type = 0;
+        result.checksum = check_sum;
+        // 该字段需要外层的代码手动赋值
+        result.first_clus_low = 0;
+        return result;
+    }
+    /// @brief 填写长目录项的名称字段。
+    ///
+    /// @param name_part 要被填入当前长目录项的名字(数组长度必须为13)
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(())
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    fn insert_name(&mut self, name_part: &[u16]) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if name_part.len() != Self::LONG_NAME_STR_LEN {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        self.name1.copy_from_slice(&name_part[0..5]);
+        self.name2.copy_from_slice(&name_part[5..11]);
+        self.name3.copy_from_slice(&name_part[11..13]);
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 将当前长目录项的名称字段,原样地拷贝到一个长度为13的u16数组中。
+    /// @param dst 拷贝的目的地,一个[u16]数组,长度必须为13。
+    pub fn copy_name_to_slice(&self, dst: &mut [u16]) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if dst.len() != Self::LONG_NAME_STR_LEN {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        dst[0..5].copy_from_slice(&self.name1);
+        dst[5..11].copy_from_slice(&self.name2);
+        dst[11..13].copy_from_slice(&self.name3);
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 是否为最后一个长目录项
+    ///
+    /// @return true 是最后一个长目录项
+    /// @return false 不是最后一个长目录项
+    pub fn is_last(&self) -> bool {
+        return self.ord & 0x40 > 0;
+    }
+    /// @brief 校验字符串是否符合长目录项的命名要求
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(()) 名称合法
+    /// @return Err(i32) 名称不合法,返回错误码
+    pub fn validate_long_name(mut name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 去除首尾多余的空格
+        name = name.trim();
+        // 名称不能为0
+        if name.len() == 0 {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        // 名称长度不能大于255
+        if name.len() > 255 {
+            return Err(-(ENAMETOOLONG as i32));
+        }
+        // 检查是否符合命名要求
+        for c in name.chars() {
+            match c {
+                'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' => {}
+                '\u{80}'..='\u{ffff}' => {}
+                '$' | '%' | '\'' | '-' | '_' | '@' | '~' | '`' | '!' | '(' | ')' | '{' | '}'
+                | '^' | '#' | '&' => {}
+                '+' | ',' | ';' | '=' | '[' | ']' | '.' | ' ' => {}
+                _ => {
+                    return Err(-(EILSEQ as i32));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 把当前长目录项写入磁盘
+    ///
+    /// @param fs 对应的文件系统
+    /// @param disk_bytes_offset 长目录项所在位置对应的在磁盘上的字节偏移量
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(())
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn flush(&self, fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>, disk_bytes_offset: u64) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 从磁盘读取数据
+        let blk_offset = fs.get_in_block_offset(disk_bytes_offset);
+        let lba = fs.get_lba_from_offset(
+            fs.bytes_to_sector(fs.get_in_partition_bytes_offset(disk_bytes_offset)),
+        );
+        let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+        v.resize(1 * fs.lba_per_sector() * LBA_SIZE, 0);
+        fs.partition
+            .disk()
+            .read_at(lba, 1 * fs.lba_per_sector(), &mut v)?;
+        let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+        // 切换游标到对应位置
+ as i64))?;
+        // 写入数据
+        cursor.write_u8(self.ord)?;
+        for b in &self.name1 {
+            cursor.write_u16(*b)?;
+        }
+        cursor.write_u8(self.file_attrs.value)?;
+        cursor.write_u8(self.dirent_type)?;
+        cursor.write_u8(self.checksum)?;
+        for b in &self.name2 {
+            cursor.write_u16(*b)?;
+        }
+        cursor.write_u16(self.first_clus_low)?;
+        for b in &self.name3 {
+            cursor.write_u16(*b)?;
+        }
+        // 把修改后的长目录项刷入磁盘
+        fs.partition
+            .disk()
+            .write_at(lba, 1 * fs.lba_per_sector(), cursor.as_slice())?;
+        fs.partition.disk().sync()?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+impl ShortDirEntry {
+    const PADDING: u8 = ' ' as u8;
+    /// @brief 判断当前目录项是否为文件夹
+    ///
+    /// @return true 是文件夹
+    /// @return false 不是文件夹
+    pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
+        return (self.attributes.contains(FileAttributes::DIRECTORY))
+            && (!self.attributes.contains(FileAttributes::VOLUME_ID));
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前目录项是否为文件
+    ///
+    /// @return true 是文件
+    /// @return false 不是文件
+    pub fn is_file(&self) -> bool {
+        return (!self.attributes.contains(FileAttributes::DIRECTORY))
+            && (!self.attributes.contains(FileAttributes::VOLUME_ID));
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前目录项是否为卷号
+    ///
+    /// @return true 是卷号
+    /// @return false 不是卷号
+    pub fn is_volume_id(&self) -> bool {
+        return (!self.attributes.contains(FileAttributes::DIRECTORY))
+            && self.attributes.contains(FileAttributes::VOLUME_ID);
+    }
+    /// @brief 将短目录项的名字转换为String
+    fn name_to_string(&self) -> String {
+        // 计算基础名的长度
+        let base_len =[..8]
+            .iter()
+            .rposition(|x| *x != ShortDirEntry::PADDING)
+            .map(|len| len + 1)
+            .unwrap_or(0);
+        // 计算扩展名的长度
+        let ext_len =[8..]
+            .iter()
+            .rposition(|x| *x != ShortDirEntry::PADDING)
+            .map(|len| len + 1)
+            .unwrap_or(0);
+        // 声明存储完整名字的数组(包含“.”)
+        let mut name = [ShortDirEntry::PADDING; 12];
+        // 拷贝基础名
+        name[..base_len].copy_from_slice(&[..base_len]);
+        // 拷贝扩展名,并计算总的长度
+        let total_len = if ext_len > 0 {
+            name[base_len] = '.' as u8;
+            name[base_len + 1..base_len + 1 + ext_len].copy_from_slice(&[8..8 + ext_len]);
+            // 总长度为基础名长度+点号+扩展名长度
+            base_len + 1 + ext_len
+        } else {
+            base_len
+        };
+        if name[0] == 0x05 {
+            name[0] = 0xe5;
+        }
+        let iter = name[..total_len].iter().map(|c| decode_u8_ascii(*c));
+        // 返回最终的字符串
+        return String::from_iter(iter);
+    }
+    /// @brief 将短目录项结构体,转换为FATDirEntry枚举类型
+    ///
+    /// @param loc 当前文件的起始、终止簇。格式:(簇,簇内偏移量)
+    /// @return 生成的FATDirENtry枚举类型
+    pub fn to_dir_entry(&self, loc: (Cluster, u64)) -> FATDirEntry {
+        // 当前文件的第一个簇
+        let first_cluster =
+            Cluster::new(((self.fst_clus_hi as u64) << 16) | (self.fst_clus_lo as u64));
+        // 当前是文件或卷号
+        if self.is_file() || self.is_volume_id() {
+            let mut file: FATFile = FATFile::default();
+            file.file_name = self.name_to_string();
+            file.first_cluster = first_cluster;
+            file.short_dir_entry = self.clone();
+            file.loc = (loc, loc);
+            // 根据当前短目录项的类型的不同,返回对应的枚举类型。
+            if self.is_file() {
+                return FATDirEntry::File(file);
+            } else {
+                return FATDirEntry::VolId(file);
+            }
+        } else {
+            // 当前是文件夹
+            let mut dir = FATDir::default();
+            dir.dir_name = self.name_to_string();
+            dir.first_cluster = first_cluster;
+            dir.root_offset = None;
+            dir.short_dir_entry = Some(self.clone());
+            dir.loc = Some((loc, loc));
+            return FATDirEntry::Dir(dir);
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 将短目录项结构体,转换为FATDirEntry枚举类型. 并且,该短目录项具有对应的长目录项。
+    /// 因此,需要传入从长目录项获得的完整的文件名
+    ///
+    /// @param name 从长目录项获取的完整文件名
+    /// @param loc 当前文件的起始、终止簇。格式:(簇,簇内偏移量)
+    /// @return 生成的FATDirENtry枚举类型
+    pub fn to_dir_entry_with_long_name(
+        &self,
+        name: String,
+        loc: ((Cluster, u64), (Cluster, u64)),
+    ) -> FATDirEntry {
+        // 当前文件的第一个簇
+        let first_cluster =
+            Cluster::new(((self.fst_clus_hi as u64) << 16) | (self.fst_clus_lo as u64));
+        if self.is_file() || self.is_volume_id() {
+            let mut file = FATFile::default();
+            file.first_cluster = first_cluster;
+            file.file_name = name;
+            file.loc = loc;
+            file.short_dir_entry = self.clone();
+            if self.is_file() {
+                return FATDirEntry::File(file);
+            } else {
+                return FATDirEntry::VolId(file);
+            }
+        } else {
+            let mut dir = FATDir::default();
+            dir.first_cluster = first_cluster;
+            dir.dir_name = name;
+            dir.loc = Some(loc);
+            dir.short_dir_entry = Some(self.clone());
+            dir.root_offset = None;
+            return FATDirEntry::Dir(dir);
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 计算短目录项的名称的校验和
+    fn checksum(&self) -> u8 {
+        let mut result = 0;
+        for c in & {
+            result = (result << 7) + (result >> 1) + *c;
+        }
+        return result;
+    }
+    /// @brief 把当前短目录项写入磁盘
+    ///
+    /// @param fs 对应的文件系统
+    /// @param disk_bytes_offset 短目录项所在位置对应的在磁盘上的字节偏移量
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(())
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn flush(&self, fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>, disk_bytes_offset: u64) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 从磁盘读取数据
+        let blk_offset = fs.get_in_block_offset(disk_bytes_offset);
+        let lba = fs.get_lba_from_offset(
+            fs.bytes_to_sector(fs.get_in_partition_bytes_offset(disk_bytes_offset)),
+        );
+        let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+        v.resize(1 * fs.lba_per_sector() * LBA_SIZE, 0);
+        fs.partition
+            .disk()
+            .read_at(lba, 1 * fs.lba_per_sector(), &mut v)?;
+        let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+        // 切换游标到对应位置
+ as i64))?;
+        cursor.write_exact(&;
+        cursor.write_u8(self.attributes.value)?;
+        cursor.write_u8(self.nt_res)?;
+        cursor.write_u8(self.crt_time_tenth)?;
+        cursor.write_u16(self.crt_time)?;
+        cursor.write_u16(self.crt_date)?;
+        cursor.write_u16(self.lst_acc_date)?;
+        cursor.write_u16(self.fst_clus_hi)?;
+        cursor.write_u16(self.wrt_time)?;
+        cursor.write_u16(self.wrt_date)?;
+        cursor.write_u16(self.fst_clus_lo)?;
+        cursor.write_u32(self.file_size)?;
+        // 把修改后的长目录项刷入磁盘
+        fs.partition
+            .disk()
+            .write_at(lba, 1 * fs.lba_per_sector(), cursor.as_slice())?;
+        fs.partition.disk().sync()?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 设置短目录项的“第一个簇”字段的值
+    pub fn set_first_cluster(&mut self, cluster: Cluster) {
+        self.fst_clus_lo = (cluster.cluster_num & 0x0000ffff) as u16;
+        self.fst_clus_hi = ((cluster.cluster_num & 0xffff0000) >> 16) as u16;
+    }
+/// @brief FAT文件系统标准定义的目录项
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub enum FATRawDirEntry {
+    /// 短目录项
+    Short(ShortDirEntry),
+    /// 长目录项
+    Long(LongDirEntry),
+    /// 当前目录项的Name[0]==0xe5, 是空闲目录项
+    Free,
+    /// 当前目录项的Name[0]==0xe5, 是空闲目录项,且在这之后没有被分配过的目录项了。
+    FreeRest,
+impl FATRawDirEntry {
+    /// 每个目录项的长度(单位:字节)
+    pub const DIR_ENTRY_LEN: u64 = 32;
+    /// @brief 判断当前目录项是否为这个文件的最后一个目录项
+    fn is_last(&self) -> bool {
+        match self {
+            &Self::Short(_) => {
+                return true;
+            }
+            &Self::Long(l) => {
+                return l.is_last();
+            }
+            _ => {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前目录项是否为长目录项
+    fn is_long(&self) -> bool {
+        if let Self::Long(_) = self {
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前目录项是否为短目录项
+    fn is_short(&self) -> bool {
+        if let Self::Short(_) = self {
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+/// @brief FAT文件系统的目录项迭代器
+pub struct FATDirIter {
+    /// 当前正在迭代的簇
+    current_cluster: Cluster,
+    /// 当前正在迭代的簇的簇内偏移量
+    offset: u64,
+    /// True for the root directories of FAT12 and FAT16
+    is_root: bool,
+    /// 指向当前文件系统的指针
+    fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+impl FATDirIter {
+    /// @brief 迭代当前inode的目录项(获取下一个目录项)
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(Cluster, u64, Option<FATDirEntry>)
+    ///             Cluster: 下一个要读取的簇号
+    ///             u64: 下一个要读取的簇内偏移量
+    ///             Option<FATDirEntry>: 读取到的目录项(如果没有读取到,就返回失败)
+    /// @return Err(错误码) 可能出现了内部错误,或者是磁盘错误等。具体原因看错误码。
+    fn get_dir_entry(&mut self) -> Result<(Cluster, u64, Option<FATDirEntry>), i32> {
+        loop {
+            // 如果当前簇已经被读完,那么尝试获取下一个簇
+            if self.offset >= self.fs.bytes_per_cluster() && !self.is_root {
+                match self.fs.get_fat_entry(self.current_cluster)? {
+                    FATEntry::Next(c) => {
+                        // 获得下一个簇的信息
+                        self.current_cluster = c;
+                        self.offset %= self.fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+                    }
+                    _ => {
+                        // 没有下一个簇了,返回None
+                        return Ok((self.current_cluster, self.offset, None));
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            // 如果当前是FAT12/FAT16文件系统,并且当前inode是根目录项。
+            // 如果offset大于根目录项的最大大小(已经遍历完根目录),那么就返回None
+            if self.is_root && self.offset > self.fs.root_dir_end_bytes_offset().unwrap() {
+                return Ok((self.current_cluster, self.offset, None));
+            }
+            // 获取簇在磁盘内的字节偏移量
+            let offset: u64 = self.fs.cluster_bytes_offset(self.current_cluster) + self.offset;
+            // 从磁盘读取原始的dentry
+            let raw_dentry: FATRawDirEntry = get_raw_dir_entry(&self.fs, offset)?;
+            // 由于迭代顺序从前往后,因此:
+            // 如果找到1个短目录项,那么证明有一个完整的entry被找到,因此返回。
+            // 如果找到1个长目录项,那么,就依次往下迭代查找,直到找到一个短目录项,然后返回结果。这里找到的所有的目录项,都属于同一个文件/文件夹。
+            match raw_dentry {
+                FATRawDirEntry::Short(s) => {
+                    // 当前找到一个短目录项,更新offset之后,直接返回
+                    self.offset += FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+                    return Ok((
+                        self.current_cluster,
+                        self.offset,
+                        Some(s.to_dir_entry((
+                            self.current_cluster,
+                            self.offset - FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN,
+                        ))),
+                    ));
+                }
+                FATRawDirEntry::Long(_) => {
+                    // 当前找到一个长目录项
+                    // 声明一个数组,来容纳所有的entry。(先把最后一个entry放进去)
+                    let mut long_name_entries: Vec<FATRawDirEntry> = vec![raw_dentry];
+                    let start_offset: u64 = self.offset;
+                    let start_cluster: Cluster = self.current_cluster;
+                    self.offset += FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+                    // 由于在FAT文件系统中,文件名最长为255字节,因此,最多有20个长目录项以及1个短目录项。
+                    // 由于上面已经塞了1个长目录项,因此接下来最多需要迭代20次
+                    // 循环查找目录项,直到遇到1个短目录项,或者是空闲目录项
+                    for _ in 0..20 {
+                        // 如果当前簇已经被读完,那么尝试获取下一个簇
+                        if self.offset >= self.fs.bytes_per_cluster() && !self.is_root {
+                            match self.fs.get_fat_entry(self.current_cluster)? {
+                                FATEntry::Next(c) => {
+                                    // 获得下一个簇的信息
+                                    self.current_cluster = c;
+                                    self.offset %= self.fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+                                }
+                                _ => {
+                                    // 没有下一个簇了,退出迭代
+                                    break;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        // 如果当前是FAT12/FAT16文件系统,并且当前inode是根目录项。
+                        // 如果offset大于根目录项的最大大小(已经遍历完根目录),那么就退出迭代
+                        if self.is_root
+                            && self.offset > self.fs.root_dir_end_bytes_offset().unwrap()
+                        {
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        // 获取簇在磁盘内的字节偏移量
+                        let offset: u64 =
+                            self.fs.cluster_bytes_offset(self.current_cluster) + self.offset;
+                        // 从磁盘读取原始的dentry
+                        let raw_dentry: FATRawDirEntry = get_raw_dir_entry(&self.fs, offset)?;
+                        match raw_dentry {
+                            FATRawDirEntry::Short(_) => {
+                                // 当前遇到1个短目录项,证明当前文件/文件夹的所有dentry都被读取完了,因此在将其加入数组后,退出迭代。
+                                long_name_entries.push(raw_dentry);
+                                break;
+                            }
+                            FATRawDirEntry::Long(_) => {
+                                // 当前遇到1个长目录项,将其加入数组,然后更新offset,继续迭代。
+                                long_name_entries.push(raw_dentry);
+                                self.offset += FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+                            }
+                            _ => {
+                                // 遇到了空闲簇,但没遇到短目录项,说明文件系统出错了,退出。
+                                break;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // kdebug!("collect dentries done. long_name_entries={long_name_entries:?}");
+                    let dir_entry: Result<FATDirEntry, i32> = FATDirEntry::new(
+                        long_name_entries,
+                        (
+                            (start_cluster, start_offset),
+                            (self.current_cluster, self.offset),
+                        ),
+                    );
+                    // kdebug!("dir_entry={:?}", dir_entry);
+                    match dir_entry {
+                        Ok(d) => {
+                            // kdebug!("dir_entry ok");
+                            self.offset += FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+                            return Ok((self.current_cluster, self.offset, Some(d)));
+                        }
+                        Err(_) => {
+                            // kdebug!("dir_entry err,  e={}", e);
+                            self.offset += FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                FATRawDirEntry::Free => {
+                    // 当前目录项是空的
+                    self.offset += FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+                }
+                FATRawDirEntry::FreeRest => {
+                    // 当前目录项是空的,且之后都是空的,因此直接返回
+                    return Ok((self.current_cluster, self.offset, None));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/// 为DirIter实现迭代器trait
+impl Iterator for FATDirIter {
+    type Item = FATDirEntry;
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        match self.get_dir_entry() {
+            Ok((cluster, offset, result)) => {
+                self.current_cluster = cluster;
+                self.offset = offset;
+                return result;
+            }
+            Err(_) => {
+                return None;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl FATDirEntry {
+    /// @brief 构建FATDirEntry枚举类型
+    ///
+    /// @param long_name_entries 长目录项的数组。
+    ///         格式:[第20个(或者是最大ord的那个), 19, 18, ..., 1, 短目录项]
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(FATDirEntry) 构建好的FATDirEntry类型的对象
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn new(
+        mut long_name_entries: Vec<FATRawDirEntry>,
+        loc: ((Cluster, u64), (Cluster, u64)),
+    ) -> Result<Self, i32> {
+        if long_name_entries.is_empty() {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        if !long_name_entries[0].is_last() || !long_name_entries.last().unwrap().is_short() {
+            // 存在孤立的目录项,文件系统出现异常,因此返回错误,表明其只读。
+            // TODO: 标记整个FAT文件系统为只读的
+            return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+        }
+        // 取出短目录项(位于vec的末尾)
+        let short_dentry: ShortDirEntry = match long_name_entries.pop().unwrap() {
+            FATRawDirEntry::Short(s) => s,
+            _ => unreachable!(),
+        };
+        let mut extractor = LongNameExtractor::new();
+        for entry in &long_name_entries {
+            match entry {
+                &FATRawDirEntry::Long(l) => {
+                    extractor.process(l)?;
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // 检验校验和是否正确
+        if extractor.validate_checksum(&short_dentry) {
+            // 校验和正确,返回一个长目录项
+            return Ok(short_dentry.to_dir_entry_with_long_name(extractor.to_string(), loc));
+        } else {
+            // 校验和不相同,认为文件系统出错
+            return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取短目录项的名字
+    pub fn short_name(&self) -> String {
+        match self {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) | FATDirEntry::VolId(f) => {
+                return f.short_dir_entry.name_to_string();
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => match d.short_dir_entry {
+                Some(s) => {
+                    return s.name_to_string();
+                }
+                None => {
+                    return String::from("/");
+                }
+            },
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => unreachable!("FATFS: FATDirEntry uninitialized."),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取短目录项结构体
+    pub fn short_dir_entry(&self) -> Option<ShortDirEntry> {
+        match &self {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) => {
+                return Some(f.short_dir_entry);
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => {
+                return d.short_dir_entry;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::VolId(s) => {
+                return Some(s.short_dir_entry);
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => unreachable!("FATFS: FATDirEntry uninitialized."),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取目录项的第一个簇的簇号
+    pub fn first_cluster(&self) -> Cluster {
+        match self {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) => {
+                return f.first_cluster;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => {
+                return d.first_cluster;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::VolId(s) => {
+                return s.first_cluster;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => unreachable!("FATFS: FATDirEntry uninitialized."),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前目录项所占用的簇的范围
+    ///
+    /// @return (起始簇,簇内偏移量), (终止簇,簇内偏移量)
+    pub fn get_dir_range(&self) -> Option<((Cluster, u64), (Cluster, u64))> {
+        match self {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) => Some(f.loc),
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => d.loc,
+            FATDirEntry::VolId(s) => Some(s.loc),
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => unreachable!("FATFS: FATDirEntry uninitialized."),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取原始的短目录项名(FAT标准规定的)
+    pub fn short_name_raw(&self) -> [u8; 11] {
+        match self {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) => {
+                return;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => match d.short_dir_entry {
+                // 存在短目录项,直接返回
+                Some(s) => {
+                    return;
+                }
+                // 是根目录项
+                None => {
+                    let mut s = [0x20u8; 11];
+                    s[0] = '/' as u8;
+                    return s;
+                }
+            },
+            FATDirEntry::VolId(s) => {
+                return;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => unreachable!("FATFS: FATDirEntry uninitialized."),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取目录项的名字
+    pub fn name(&self) -> String {
+        match self {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) => {
+                return f.file_name.clone();
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::VolId(s) => {
+                return s.file_name.clone();
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => {
+                return d.dir_name.clone();
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => unreachable!("FATFS: FATDirEntry uninitialized."),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断目录项是否为文件
+    pub fn is_file(&self) -> bool {
+        match self {
+            &FATDirEntry::File(_) | &FATDirEntry::VolId(_) => true,
+            _ => false,
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断目录项是否为文件夹
+    pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool {
+        match &self {
+            &FATDirEntry::Dir(_) => true,
+            _ => false,
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断目录项是否为Volume id
+    pub fn is_vol_id(&self) -> bool {
+        match self {
+            &FATDirEntry::VolId(_) => true,
+            _ => false,
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断FAT目录项的名字与给定的是否相等
+    ///
+    /// 由于FAT32对大小写不敏感,因此将字符都转为大写,然后比较
+    ///
+    /// @return bool 相等 => true
+    ///              不相等 => false
+    pub fn eq_name(&self, name: &str) -> bool {
+        // 由于FAT32对大小写不敏感,因此将字符都转为大写,然后比较。
+        let binding = self.short_name();
+        let short_name = binding.chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase());
+        let binding =;
+        let long_name = binding.chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase());
+        let name = name.chars().flat_map(|c| c.to_uppercase());
+        let long_name_matches: bool = long_name.eq(name.clone());
+        let short_name_matches: bool = short_name.eq(name);
+        return long_name_matches || short_name_matches;
+    }
+    /// @brief 将FATDirEntry转换为FATFile对象
+    pub fn to_file(&self) -> Result<FATFile, i32> {
+        if self.is_file() == false {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match &self {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) | FATDirEntry::VolId(f) => {
+                return Ok(f.clone());
+            }
+            _ => unreachable!(),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 将FATDirEntry转换为FATDir对象
+    pub fn to_dir(&self) -> Result<FATDir, i32> {
+        if self.is_dir() == false {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match &self {
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => {
+                return Ok(d.clone());
+            }
+            _ => unreachable!(),
+        }
+    }
+/// 用于生成短目录项文件名的生成器。
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct ShortNameGenerator {
+    /// 短目录项的名字
+    name: [u8; 11],
+    /// 生成器的标志位(使用impl里面的mask来解析)
+    flags: u8,
+    /// 基础名的长度
+    basename_len: u8,
+    /// 对于文件名形如(TE021F~1.TXT)的,短前缀+校验码的短目录项,该字段表示基础名末尾数字的对应位。
+    checksum_bitmask: u16,
+    /// Fletcher-16 Checksum(与填写到ShortDirEntry里面的不一样)
+    checksum: u16,
+    /// 对于形如(TEXTFI~1.TXT)的短目录项名称,其中的数字的bitmask(第0位置位则表示这个数字是0)
+    suffix_bitmask: u16,
+impl ShortNameGenerator {
+    /// 短目录项的名称的长度
+    const SHORT_NAME_LEN: usize = 8;
+    // ===== flags标志位的含义 =====
+    const IS_LOSSY: u8 = (1 << 0);
+    const IS_EXACT_MATCH: u8 = (1 << 1);
+    const IS_DOT: u8 = (1 << 2);
+    const IS_DOTDOT: u8 = (1 << 3);
+    /// 名称被完全拷贝
+    const NAME_FITS: u8 = (1 << 4);
+    /// @brief 初始化一个短目录项名称生成器
+    pub fn new(mut name: &str) -> Self {
+        name = name.trim();
+        let mut short_name: [u8; 11] = [0x20u8; 11];
+        if name == "." {
+            short_name[0] = '.' as u8;
+        }
+        if name == ".." {
+            short_name[0] = '.' as u8;
+            short_name[1] = '.' as u8;
+        }
+        // @name_fits: 名称是否被完全拷贝
+        // @basename_len: 基础名的长度
+        // @is_lossy: 是否存在不合法的字符
+        let (name_fits, basename_len, is_lossy) = match name.rfind('.') {
+            Some(index) => {
+                // 文件名里面有".", 且index为最右边的点号所在的下标(bytes index)
+                // 拷贝基础名
+                let (b_len, fits, b_lossy) =
+                    Self::copy_part(&mut short_name[..Self::SHORT_NAME_LEN], &name[..index]);
+                // 拷贝扩展名
+                let (_, ext_fits, ext_lossy) = Self::copy_part(
+                    &mut short_name[Self::SHORT_NAME_LEN..Self::SHORT_NAME_LEN + 3],
+                    &name[index + 1..],
+                );
+                (fits && ext_fits, b_len, b_lossy || ext_lossy)
+            }
+            None => {
+                // 文件名中,不存在"."
+                let (b_len, fits, b_lossy) =
+                    Self::copy_part(&mut short_name[..Self::SHORT_NAME_LEN], &name);
+                (fits, b_len, b_lossy)
+            }
+        };
+        let mut flags: u8 = 0;
+        // 设置flags
+        if is_lossy {
+            flags |= Self::IS_LOSSY;
+        }
+        if name == "." {
+            flags |= Self::IS_DOT;
+        }
+        if name == ".." {
+            flags |= Self::IS_DOTDOT;
+        }
+        if name_fits {
+            flags |= Self::NAME_FITS;
+        }
+        return ShortNameGenerator {
+            name: short_name,
+            flags: flags,
+            basename_len: basename_len,
+            checksum: Self::fletcher_16_checksum(name),
+            ..Default::default()
+        };
+    }
+    /// @brief 拷贝字符串到一个u8数组
+    ///
+    /// @return (u8, bool, bool)
+    ///         return.0: 拷贝了的字符串的长度
+    ///         return.1: 是否完全拷贝完整个字符串
+    ///         return.2: 拷贝过程中,是否出现了不合法字符
+    fn copy_part(dest: &mut [u8], src: &str) -> (u8, bool, bool) {
+        let mut dest_len: usize = 0;
+        let mut lossy_conv = false;
+        for c in src.chars() {
+            // 如果src还有字符,而dest已经满了,那么表示没有完全拷贝完。
+            if dest_len == dest.len() {
+                return (dest_len as u8, false, lossy_conv);
+            }
+            if c == ' ' || c == '.' {
+                lossy_conv = true;
+                continue;
+            }
+            let cp: char = match c {
+                'a'..='z' | 'A'..='Z' | '0'..='9' => c,
+                '$' | '%' | '\'' | '-' | '_' | '@' | '~' | '`' | '!' | '(' | ')' | '{' | '}'
+                | '^' | '#' | '&' => c,
+                _ => '_',
+            };
+            // 判断是否存在不符合条件的字符
+            lossy_conv = lossy_conv || c != cp;
+            // 拷贝字符
+            dest[dest_len] = c.to_ascii_uppercase() as u8;
+            dest_len += 1;
+        }
+        // 返回结果
+        return (dest_len as u8, true, lossy_conv);
+    }
+    fn fletcher_16_checksum(name: &str) -> u16 {
+        let mut sum1: u16 = 0;
+        let mut sum2: u16 = 0;
+        for c in name.chars() {
+            sum1 = (sum1 + (c as u16)) % 0xff;
+            sum2 = (sum1 + sum2) & 0xff;
+        }
+        return (sum2 << 8) | sum1;
+    }
+    /// @brief 更新生成器的状态
+    /// 当长目录项不存在的时候,需要调用这个函数来更新生成器的状态
+    pub fn add_name(&mut self, name: &[u8; 11]) {
+        // === 判断名称是否严格的完全匹配
+        if name == & {
+            self.flags |= Self::IS_EXACT_MATCH;
+        }
+        // === 检查是否存在长前缀的格式冲突。对于这样的短目录项名称:(TEXTFI~1.TXT)
+        // 获取名称前缀
+        let prefix_len = min(self.basename_len, 6) as usize;
+        // 获取后缀的那个数字
+        let num_suffix: Option<u32> = if name[prefix_len] as char == '~' {
+            (name[prefix_len + 1] as char).to_digit(10)
+        } else {
+            None
+        };
+        // 判断扩展名是否匹配
+        let ext_matches: bool = name[8..] ==[8..];
+        if name[..prefix_len] ==[..prefix_len] // 基础名前缀相同
+            && num_suffix.is_some() // 基础名具有数字后缀
+            && ext_matches
+        // 扩展名相匹配
+        {
+            let num = num_suffix.unwrap();
+            self.suffix_bitmask |= 1 << num;
+        }
+        // === 检查是否存在短前缀+校验和的冲突,文件名形如:(TE021F~1.TXT)
+        let prefix_len = min(self.basename_len, 2) as usize;
+        let num_suffix: Option<u32> = if name[prefix_len + 4] as char == '~' {
+            (name[prefix_len + 1] as char).to_digit(10)
+        } else {
+            None
+        };
+        if name[..prefix_len] ==[..prefix_len] && num_suffix.is_some() && ext_matches {
+            // 获取短文件名中的校验码字段
+            let checksum_result: Result<
+                Result<u16, core::num::ParseIntError>,
+                core::str::Utf8Error,
+            > = core::str::from_utf8(&name[prefix_len..prefix_len + 4])
+                .map(|s| u16::from_str_radix(s, 16));
+            // 如果校验码相同
+            if checksum_result == Ok(Ok(self.checksum)) {
+                let num = num_suffix.unwrap();
+                // 置位checksum_bitmask中,基础名末尾数字的对应位
+                self.checksum_bitmask |= 1 << num;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn generate(&self) -> Result<[u8; 11], i32> {
+        if self.is_dot() || self.is_dotdot() {
+            return Ok(;
+        }
+        // 如果当前名字不存在不合法的字符,且名称被完整拷贝,但是exact match为false,可以认为名称没有冲突,直接返回
+        if !self.is_lossy() && self.name_fits() && !self.is_exact_match() {
+            return Ok(;
+        }
+        // 尝试使用长前缀(6字符)
+        for i in 1..5 {
+            if self.suffix_bitmask & (1 << i) == 0 {
+                return Ok(self.build_prefixed_name(i as u32, false));
+            }
+        }
+        // 尝试使用短前缀+校验码
+        for i in 1..10 {
+            if self.checksum_bitmask & (1 << i) == 0 {
+                return Ok(self.build_prefixed_name(i as u32, true));
+            }
+        }
+        // 由于产生太多的冲突,因此返回错误(“短文件名已经存在”)
+        return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+    }
+    pub fn next_iteration(&mut self) {
+        // 在下一次迭代中,尝试一个不同的校验和
+        self.checksum = (core::num::Wrapping(self.checksum) + core::num::Wrapping(1)).0;
+        // 清空bitmask
+        self.suffix_bitmask = 0;
+        self.checksum_bitmask = 0;
+    }
+    /// @brief 构造具有前缀的短目录项名称
+    ///
+    /// @param num 这是第几个重名的前缀名
+    /// @param with_checksum 前缀名中是否包含校验码
+    ///
+    /// @return 构造好的短目录项名称数组
+    fn build_prefixed_name(&self, num: u32, with_checksum: bool) -> [u8; 11] {
+        let mut buf: [u8; 11] = [0x20u8; 11];
+        let prefix_len: usize = if with_checksum {
+            let prefix_len: usize = min(self.basename_len as usize, 2);
+            buf[..prefix_len].copy_from_slice(&[..prefix_len]);
+            buf[prefix_len..prefix_len + 4].copy_from_slice(&Self::u16_to_u8_array(self.checksum));
+            prefix_len + 4
+        } else {
+            let prefix_len = min(self.basename_len as usize, 6);
+            buf[..prefix_len].copy_from_slice(&[..prefix_len]);
+            prefix_len
+        };
+        buf[prefix_len] = '~' as u8;
+        buf[prefix_len + 1] = char::from_digit(num, 10).unwrap() as u8;
+        buf[8..].copy_from_slice(&[8..]);
+        return buf;
+    }
+    /// @brief 将一个u16数字转换为十六进制大写字符串对应的ascii数组。
+    /// 举例:将x=12345转换为16进制字符串“3039”对应的ascii码数组:[51,48,51,57]
+    fn u16_to_u8_array(x: u16) -> [u8; 4] {
+        let c1 = char::from_digit((x as u32 >> 12) & 0xf, 16)
+            .unwrap()
+            .to_ascii_uppercase() as u8;
+        let c2 = char::from_digit((x as u32 >> 8) & 0xf, 16)
+            .unwrap()
+            .to_ascii_uppercase() as u8;
+        let c3 = char::from_digit((x as u32 >> 4) & 0xf, 16)
+            .unwrap()
+            .to_ascii_uppercase() as u8;
+        let c4 = char::from_digit((x as u32 >> 0) & 0xf, 16)
+            .unwrap()
+            .to_ascii_uppercase() as u8;
+        return [c1, c2, c3, c4];
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn is_lossy(&self) -> bool {
+        return (self.flags & Self::IS_LOSSY) > 0;
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn is_exact_match(&self) -> bool {
+        return (self.flags & Self::IS_EXACT_MATCH) > 0;
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn is_dot(&self) -> bool {
+        return (self.flags & Self::IS_DOT) > 0;
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn is_dotdot(&self) -> bool {
+        return (self.flags & Self::IS_DOTDOT) > 0;
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn name_fits(&self) -> bool {
+        return (self.flags & Self::NAME_FITS) > 0;
+    }
+/// 从多个LongName中提取完整文件名字段的提取器
+struct LongNameExtractor {
+    name: Vec<u16>,
+    checksum: u8,
+    index: u8,
+impl LongNameExtractor {
+    fn new() -> Self {
+        return LongNameExtractor {
+            name: Vec::new(),
+            checksum: 0,
+            index: 0,
+        };
+    }
+    /// @brief 提取长目录项的名称
+    /// @param longname_dentry 长目录项
+    /// 请注意,必须倒序输入长目录项对象
+    fn process(&mut self, longname_dentry: LongDirEntry) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let is_last: bool = longname_dentry.is_last();
+        let index: u8 = longname_dentry.ord & 0x1f;
+        if index == 0 {
+  ;
+            return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+        }
+        // 如果是最后一个LongDirEntry,则初始化当前生成器
+        if is_last {
+            self.index = index;
+            self.checksum = longname_dentry.checksum;
+                .resize(index as usize * LongDirEntry::LONG_NAME_STR_LEN, 0);
+        } else if self.index == 0
+            || index != self.index - 1
+            || self.checksum != longname_dentry.checksum
+        {
+            // 如果当前index为0,或者index不连续,或者是校验和不同,那么认为文件系统损坏,清除生成器的名称字段
+            // TODO: 对文件系统的变为只读状态状况的拦截
+  ;
+            return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+        } else {
+            // 由于dentry倒序输入,因此index是每次减1的
+            self.index -= 1;
+        }
+        let pos: usize = ((index - 1) as usize) * LongDirEntry::LONG_NAME_STR_LEN;
+        // 将当前目录项的值,拷贝到生成器的数组中
+        longname_dentry
+            .copy_name_to_slice(&mut[pos..pos + LongDirEntry::LONG_NAME_STR_LEN])?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 返回名称的长度
+    #[inline]
+    fn len(&self) -> usize {
+        return;
+    }
+    /// @brief 返回抽取得到的名称字符串
+    fn to_string(&self) -> String {
+        let mut s = String::from_utf16_lossy(;
+        // 计算字符串的长度。如果字符串中有\0,那么就截取字符串的前面部分
+        if let Some(len) = s.find('\u{0}') {
+            s.truncate(len);
+        }
+        return s;
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断校验码是否与指定的短目录项的校验码相同
+    ///
+    /// @return bool    相同 => true
+    ///                 不同 => false
+    fn validate_checksum(&self, short_dentry: &ShortDirEntry) -> bool {
+        return self.checksum == short_dentry.checksum();
+    }
+/// @brief 长目录项生成器
+struct LongNameEntryGenerator {
+    name: Vec<u16>,
+    // 短目录项的校验和
+    checksum: u8,
+    // 当前迭代器的索引
+    idx: u8,
+    /// 最后一个目录项的索引
+    last_index: u8,
+impl LongNameEntryGenerator {
+    /// @brief 初始化长目录项生成器
+    ///
+    /// @param name 长文件名数组
+    /// @param checksum 短目录项的校验和
+    pub fn new(name: &str, checksum: u8) -> Self {
+        let mut name: Vec<u16> = name.chars().map(|c| c as u16).collect();
+        let padding_bytes: usize = (13 - (name.len() % 13)) % 13;
+        // 填充最后一个长目录项的文件名
+        for i in 0..padding_bytes {
+            if i == 0 {
+                name.push(0);
+            } else {
+                name.push(0xffff);
+            }
+        }
+        // 先从最后一个长目录项开始生成
+        let start_index = (name.len() / 13) as u8;
+        return LongNameEntryGenerator {
+            name: name,
+            checksum: checksum,
+            idx: start_index,
+            last_index: start_index,
+        };
+    }
+    /// @brief 返回要生成的长目录项的总数
+    pub fn num_entries(&self) -> u8 {
+        return self.last_index + 1;
+    }
+impl Iterator for LongNameEntryGenerator {
+    type Item = LongDirEntry;
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        match self.idx {
+            0 => {
+                return None;
+            }
+            // 最后一个长目录项
+            n if n == self.last_index => {
+                // 最后一个长目录项的ord需要与0x40相或
+                let ord: u8 = n | 0x40;
+                let start_idx = ((n - 1) * 13) as usize;
+                self.idx -= 1;
+                return Some(LongDirEntry::new(
+                    ord,
+                    &[start_idx..start_idx + 13],
+                    self.checksum,
+                ));
+            }
+            n => {
+                // 其它的长目录项
+                let start_idx = ((n - 1) * 13) as usize;
+                self.idx -= 1;
+                return Some(LongDirEntry::new(
+                    n,
+                    &[start_idx..start_idx + 13],
+                    self.checksum,
+                ));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+pub enum FATDirEntryOrShortName {
+    DirEntry(FATDirEntry),
+    ShortName([u8; 11]),
+/// @brief 对FAT目录项的迭代器(基于簇和簇内偏移量)
+struct FATDirEntryOffsetIter {
+    /// 当前迭代的偏移量(下一次迭代要返回的值)
+    current_offset: (Cluster, u64),
+    /// 截止迭代的位置(end_offset所在的位置也会被迭代器返回)
+    end_offset: Option<(Cluster, u64)>,
+    /// 属于的文件系统
+    fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+    /// 当前已经迭代了多少次
+    index: u64,
+    /// 总共要迭代多少次
+    len: u64,
+    /// 如果end_offset不为None,该字段表示“是否已经到达了迭代终点”
+    fin: bool,
+impl FATDirEntryOffsetIter {
+    /// @brief 初始化FAT目录项的迭代器(基于簇和簇内偏移量)
+    ///
+    /// @param fs 属于的文件系统
+    /// @param start 起始偏移量
+    /// @param len 要迭代的次数
+    /// @param end_offset 截止迭代的位置(end_offset所在的位置也会被迭代器返回)
+    ///
+    /// @return 构建好的迭代器对象
+    pub fn new(
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+        start: (Cluster, u64),
+        len: u64,
+        end_offset: Option<(Cluster, u64)>,
+    ) -> Self {
+        return FATDirEntryOffsetIter {
+            current_offset: start,
+            end_offset,
+            fs,
+            index: 0,
+            len,
+            fin: false,
+        };
+    }
+impl Iterator for FATDirEntryOffsetIter {
+    type Item = (Cluster, u64);
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        if self.index == self.len || self.fin {
+            return None;
+        }
+        let r: (Cluster, u64) = self.current_offset;
+        // 计算新的字节偏移量
+        let mut new_offset = r.1 + FATRawDirEntry::DIR_ENTRY_LEN;
+        let mut new_cluster: Cluster = r.0;
+        // 越过了当前簇,则获取下一个簇
+        if new_offset >= self.fs.bytes_per_cluster() {
+            new_offset %= self.fs.bytes_per_cluster();
+            match self.fs.get_fat_entry(new_cluster) {
+                Ok(FATEntry::Next(c)) => {
+                    new_cluster = c;
+                }
+                // 没有下一个簇了
+                _ => {
+                    self.fin = true;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        if let Some(off) = self.end_offset {
+            // 判断当前簇是否是要求停止搜索的最后一个位置
+            self.fin = off == self.current_offset;
+        }
+        // 更新当前迭代的偏移量
+        self.current_offset = (new_cluster, new_offset);
+        self.index += 1;
+        return Some(r);
+    }
+/// @brief 根据磁盘内字节偏移量,读取磁盘,并生成一个FATRawDirEntry对象
+pub fn get_raw_dir_entry(
+    fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+    in_disk_bytes_offset: u64,
+) -> Result<FATRawDirEntry, i32> {
+    // 块内偏移量
+    let blk_offset: u64 = fs.get_in_block_offset(in_disk_bytes_offset);
+    let lba = fs.get_lba_from_offset(
+        fs.bytes_to_sector(fs.get_in_partition_bytes_offset(in_disk_bytes_offset)),
+    );
+    // let step1 = fs.get_in_partition_bytes_offset(in_disk_bytes_offset);
+    // let step2 = fs.bytes_to_sector(step1);
+    // let lba = fs.get_lba_from_offset(step2);
+    // kdebug!("step1={step1}, step2={step2}, lba={lba}");
+    let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+    v.resize(1 * LBA_SIZE, 0);
+    fs.partition.disk().read_at(lba, 1, &mut v)?;
+    let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+    // 切换游标到对应位置
+ as i64))?;
+    let dir_0 = cursor.read_u8()?;
+    match dir_0 {
+        0x00 => {
+            return Ok(FATRawDirEntry::FreeRest);
+        }
+        0xe5 => {
+            return Ok(FATRawDirEntry::Free);
+        }
+        _ => {
+  ;
+            let file_attr: FileAttributes = FileAttributes::new(cursor.read_u8()?);
+            // 指针回到目录项的开始处
+   as i64))?;
+            if file_attr.contains(FileAttributes::LONG_NAME) {
+                // 当前目录项是一个长目录项
+                let mut long_dentry = LongDirEntry::default();
+                long_dentry.ord = cursor.read_u8()?;
+                cursor.read_u16_into(&mut long_dentry.name1)?;
+                long_dentry.file_attrs = FileAttributes::new(cursor.read_u8()?);
+                long_dentry.dirent_type = cursor.read_u8()?;
+                long_dentry.checksum = cursor.read_u8()?;
+                cursor.read_u16_into(&mut long_dentry.name2)?;
+                long_dentry.first_clus_low = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                cursor.read_u16_into(&mut long_dentry.name3)?;
+                return Ok(FATRawDirEntry::Long(long_dentry));
+            } else {
+                // 当前目录项是一个短目录项
+                let mut short_dentry = ShortDirEntry::default();
+                cursor.read_exact(&mut;
+                short_dentry.attributes = FileAttributes::new(cursor.read_u8()?);
+                short_dentry.nt_res = cursor.read_u8()?;
+                short_dentry.crt_time_tenth = cursor.read_u8()?;
+                short_dentry.crt_time = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                short_dentry.crt_date = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                short_dentry.lst_acc_date = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                short_dentry.fst_clus_hi = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                short_dentry.wrt_time = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                short_dentry.wrt_date = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                short_dentry.fst_clus_lo = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                short_dentry.file_size = cursor.read_u32()?;
+                return Ok(FATRawDirEntry::Short(short_dentry));
+            }
+        }
+    }

+ 1668 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,1668 @@
+use core::{any::Any, fmt::Debug};
+use alloc::{
+    collections::BTreeMap,
+    string::String,
+    sync::{Arc, Weak},
+    vec::Vec,
+use crate::{
+    filesystem::vfs::{
+        core::generate_inode_id, file::FilePrivateData, FileSystem, FileType, IndexNode, InodeId,
+        Metadata, PollStatus,
+    },
+    include::bindings::bindings::{
+    },
+    io::{device::LBA_SIZE, disk_info::Partition, SeekFrom},
+    kdebug, kerror,
+    libs::{
+        spinlock::{SpinLock, SpinLockGuard},
+        vec_cursor::VecCursor,
+    },
+    time::TimeSpec,
+use super::{
+    bpb::{BiosParameterBlock, FATType},
+    entry::{FATDir, FATDirEntry, FATDirIter, FATEntry},
+/// FAT32文件系统的最大的文件大小
+pub const MAX_FILE_SIZE: u64 = 0xffff_ffff;
+/// @brief 表示当前簇和上一个簇的关系的结构体
+/// 定义这样一个结构体的原因是,FAT文件系统的文件中,前后两个簇具有关联关系。
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Default)]
+pub struct Cluster {
+    pub cluster_num: u64,
+    pub parent_cluster: u64,
+impl PartialOrd for Cluster {
+    /// @brief 根据当前簇号比较大小
+    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<core::cmp::Ordering> {
+        return self.cluster_num.partial_cmp(&other.cluster_num);
+    }
+impl PartialEq for Cluster {
+    /// @brief 根据当前簇号比较是否相等
+    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        self.cluster_num == other.cluster_num
+    }
+impl Eq for Cluster {}
+pub struct FATFileSystem {
+    /// 当前文件系统所在的分区
+    pub partition: Arc<Partition>,
+    /// 当前文件系统的BOPB
+    pub bpb: BiosParameterBlock,
+    /// 当前文件系统的第一个数据扇区(相对分区开始位置)
+    pub first_data_sector: u64,
+    /// 文件系统信息结构体
+    pub fs_info: Arc<LockedFATFsInfo>,
+    /// 文件系统的根inode
+    root_inode: Arc<LockedFATInode>,
+/// FAT文件系统的Inode
+pub struct LockedFATInode(SpinLock<FATInode>);
+pub struct LockedFATFsInfo(SpinLock<FATFsInfo>);
+impl LockedFATFsInfo {
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn new(fs_info: FATFsInfo) -> Self {
+        return Self(SpinLock::new(fs_info));
+    }
+pub struct FATInode {
+    /// 指向父Inode的弱引用
+    parent: Weak<LockedFATInode>,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedFATInode>,
+    /// 子Inode的B树. 该数据结构用作缓存区。其中,它的key表示inode的名称。
+    /// 请注意,由于FAT的查询过程对大小写不敏感,因此我们选择让key全部是大写的,方便统一操作。
+    children: BTreeMap<String, Arc<LockedFATInode>>,
+    /// 当前inode的元数据
+    metadata: Metadata,
+    /// 指向inode所在的文件系统对象的指针
+    fs: Weak<FATFileSystem>,
+    /// 根据不同的Inode类型,创建不同的私有字段
+    inode_type: FATDirEntry,
+impl FATInode {
+    /// @brief 更新当前inode的元数据
+    pub fn update_metadata(&mut self) {
+        // todo: 更新文件的访问时间等信息
+        match &self.inode_type {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) | FATDirEntry::VolId(f) => {
+                self.metadata.size = f.size() as i64;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => {
+                self.metadata.size = d.size(&self.fs.upgrade().unwrap().clone()) as i64;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => {
+                kerror!("update_metadata: Uninitialized FATDirEntry: {:?}", self);
+                return;
+            }
+        };
+    }
+    fn find(&mut self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<LockedFATInode>, i32> {
+        match &self.inode_type {
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => {
+                // 尝试在缓存区查找
+                if let Some(entry) = self.children.get(&name.to_uppercase()) {
+                    return Ok(entry.clone());
+                }
+                // 在缓存区找不到
+                // 在磁盘查找
+                let fat_entry: FATDirEntry =
+                    d.find_entry(name, None, None, self.fs.upgrade().unwrap())?;
+                // kdebug!("find entry from disk ok, entry={fat_entry:?}");
+                // 创建新的inode
+                let entry_inode: Arc<LockedFATInode> = LockedFATInode::new(
+                    self.fs.upgrade().unwrap(),
+                    self.self_ref.clone(),
+                    fat_entry,
+                );
+                // 加入缓存区, 由于FAT文件系统的大小写不敏感问题,因此存入缓存区的key应当是全大写的
+                self.children
+                    .insert(name.to_uppercase(), entry_inode.clone());
+                return Ok(entry_inode);
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => {
+                panic!(
+                    "Uninitialized FAT Inode, fs = {:?}, inode={self:?}",
+                    self.fs
+                )
+            }
+            _ => {
+                return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl LockedFATInode {
+    pub fn new(
+        fs: Arc<FATFileSystem>,
+        parent: Weak<LockedFATInode>,
+        inode_type: FATDirEntry,
+    ) -> Arc<LockedFATInode> {
+        let file_type = if let FATDirEntry::Dir(_) = inode_type {
+            FileType::Dir
+        } else {
+            FileType::File
+        };
+        let inode: Arc<LockedFATInode> = Arc::new(LockedFATInode(SpinLock::new(FATInode {
+            parent: parent,
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            children: BTreeMap::new(),
+            fs: Arc::downgrade(&fs),
+            inode_type: inode_type,
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 0,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: fs.bpb.bytes_per_sector as usize,
+                blocks: if let FATType::FAT32(_) = fs.bpb.fat_type {
+                    fs.bpb.total_sectors_32 as usize
+                } else {
+                    fs.bpb.total_sectors_16 as usize
+                },
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: file_type,
+                mode: 0o777,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: 0,
+            },
+        })));
+        inode.0.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&inode);
+        inode.0.lock().update_metadata();
+        return inode;
+    }
+/// FsInfo结构体(内存中的一份拷贝,当卸载卷或者sync的时候,把它写入磁盘)
+pub struct FATFsInfo {
+    /// Lead Signature - must equal 0x41615252
+    lead_sig: u32,
+    /// Value must equal 0x61417272
+    struc_sig: u32,
+    /// 空闲簇数目
+    free_count: u32,
+    /// 第一个空闲簇的位置(不一定准确,仅供加速查找)
+    next_free: u32,
+    /// 0xAA550000
+    trail_sig: u32,
+    /// Dirty flag to flush to disk
+    dirty: bool,
+    /// FsInfo Structure 在磁盘上的字节偏移量
+    /// Not present for FAT12 and FAT16
+    offset: Option<u64>,
+impl FileSystem for FATFileSystem {
+    fn root_inode(&self) -> Arc<dyn crate::filesystem::vfs::IndexNode> {
+        return self.root_inode.clone();
+    }
+    fn info(&self) -> crate::filesystem::vfs::FsInfo {
+        todo!()
+    }
+    /// @brief 本函数用于实现动态转换。
+    /// 具体的文件系统在实现本函数时,最简单的方式就是:直接返回self
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn Any {
+        self
+    }
+impl FATFileSystem {
+    pub fn new(partition: Arc<Partition>) -> Result<Arc<FATFileSystem>, i32> {
+        let bpb = BiosParameterBlock::new(partition.clone())?;
+        // 从磁盘上读取FAT32文件系统的FsInfo结构体
+        let fs_info: FATFsInfo = match bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(bpb32) => {
+                let fs_info_in_disk_bytes_offset = partition.lba_start * LBA_SIZE as u64
+                    + bpb32.fs_info as u64 * bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64;
+                FATFsInfo::new(
+                    partition.clone(),
+                    fs_info_in_disk_bytes_offset,
+                    bpb.bytes_per_sector as usize,
+                )?
+            }
+            _ => FATFsInfo::default(),
+        };
+        // 根目录项占用的扇区数(向上取整)
+        let root_dir_sectors: u64 = ((bpb.root_entries_cnt as u64 * 32)
+            + (bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64 - 1))
+            / (bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64);
+        // FAT表大小(单位:扇区)
+        let fat_size = if bpb.fat_size_16 != 0 {
+            bpb.fat_size_16 as u64
+        } else {
+            match bpb.fat_type {
+                FATType::FAT32(x) => x.fat_size_32 as u64,
+                _ => {
+                    kerror!("FAT12 and FAT16 volumes should have non-zero BPB_FATSz16");
+                    return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        let first_data_sector =
+            bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt as u64 + (bpb.num_fats as u64 * fat_size) + root_dir_sectors;
+        // 创建文件系统的根节点
+        let root_inode: Arc<LockedFATInode> = Arc::new(LockedFATInode(SpinLock::new(FATInode {
+            parent: Weak::default(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            children: BTreeMap::new(),
+            fs: Weak::default(),
+            inode_type: FATDirEntry::UnInit,
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 0,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: bpb.bytes_per_sector as usize,
+                blocks: if let FATType::FAT32(_) = bpb.fat_type {
+                    bpb.total_sectors_32 as usize
+                } else {
+                    bpb.total_sectors_16 as usize
+                },
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: FileType::Dir,
+                mode: 0o777,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: 0,
+            },
+        })));
+        let result: Arc<FATFileSystem> = Arc::new(FATFileSystem {
+            partition: partition,
+            bpb,
+            first_data_sector,
+            fs_info: Arc::new(LockedFATFsInfo::new(fs_info)),
+            root_inode: root_inode,
+        });
+        // 对root inode加锁,并继续完成初始化工作
+        let mut root_guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = result.root_inode.0.lock();
+        root_guard.inode_type = FATDirEntry::Dir(result.root_dir());
+        root_guard.parent = Arc::downgrade(&result.root_inode);
+        root_guard.self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result.root_inode);
+        root_guard.fs = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        // 释放锁
+        drop(root_guard);
+        return Ok(result);
+    }
+    /// @brief 计算每个簇有多少个字节
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn bytes_per_cluster(&self) -> u64 {
+        return (self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64) * (self.bpb.sector_per_cluster as u64);
+    }
+    /// @brief 读取当前簇在FAT表中存储的信息
+    ///
+    /// @param cluster 当前簇
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(FATEntry) 当前簇在FAT表中,存储的信息。(详情见FATEntry的注释)
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn get_fat_entry(&self, cluster: Cluster) -> Result<FATEntry, i32> {
+        let current_cluster = cluster.cluster_num;
+        let fat_type: FATType = self.bpb.fat_type;
+        // 获取FAT表的起始扇区(相对分区起始扇区的偏移量)
+        let fat_start_sector = self.fat_start_sector();
+        let bytes_per_sec = self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64;
+        // cluster对应的FAT表项在分区内的字节偏移量
+        let fat_bytes_offset =
+            fat_type.get_fat_bytes_offset(cluster, fat_start_sector, bytes_per_sec);
+        // FAT表项所在的LBA地址
+        // let fat_ent_lba = self.get_lba_from_offset(self.bytes_to_sector(fat_bytes_offset));
+        let fat_ent_lba = self.partition.lba_start + fat_bytes_offset / LBA_SIZE as u64;
+        // FAT表项在逻辑块内的字节偏移量
+        let blk_offset = self.get_in_block_offset(fat_bytes_offset);
+        let mut v = Vec::<u8>::new();
+        v.resize(self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as usize, 0);
+        self.partition
+            .disk()
+            .read_at(fat_ent_lba as usize, 1 * self.lba_per_sector(), &mut v)?;
+        let mut cursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+ as i64))?;
+        let res: FATEntry = match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT12(_) => {
+                let mut entry = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                // 由于FAT12文件系统的FAT表,每个entry占用1.5字节,因此奇数的簇需要取高12位的值。
+                if (current_cluster & 1) > 0 {
+                    entry >>= 4;
+                } else {
+                    entry &= 0x0fff;
+                }
+                if entry == 0 {
+                    FATEntry::Unused
+                } else if entry == 0x0ff7 {
+                    FATEntry::Bad
+                } else if entry >= 0x0ff8 {
+                    FATEntry::EndOfChain
+                } else {
+                    FATEntry::Next(Cluster {
+                        cluster_num: entry as u64,
+                        parent_cluster: current_cluster,
+                    })
+                }
+            }
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                let entry = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                if entry == 0 {
+                    FATEntry::Unused
+                } else if entry == 0xfff7 {
+                    FATEntry::Bad
+                } else if entry >= 0xfff8 {
+                    FATEntry::EndOfChain
+                } else {
+                    FATEntry::Next(Cluster {
+                        cluster_num: entry as u64,
+                        parent_cluster: current_cluster,
+                    })
+                }
+            }
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                let entry = cursor.read_u32()? & 0x0fffffff;
+                match entry {
+                    _n if (current_cluster >= 0x0ffffff7 && current_cluster <= 0x0fffffff) => {
+                        // 当前簇号不是一个能被获得的簇(可能是文件系统出错了)
+                        kerror!("FAT32 get fat entry: current cluster number [{}] is not an allocatable cluster number.", current_cluster);
+                        FATEntry::Bad
+                    }
+                    0 => FATEntry::Unused,
+                    0x0ffffff7 => FATEntry::Bad,
+                    0x0ffffff8..=0x0fffffff => FATEntry::EndOfChain,
+                    _n => FATEntry::Next(Cluster {
+                        cluster_num: entry as u64,
+                        parent_cluster: current_cluster,
+                    }),
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        return Ok(res);
+    }
+    /// @brief 读取当前簇在FAT表中存储的信息(直接返回读取到的值,而不加处理)
+    ///
+    /// @param cluster 当前簇
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(u64) 当前簇在FAT表中,存储的信息。
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn get_fat_entry_raw(&self, cluster: Cluster) -> Result<u64, i32> {
+        let current_cluster = cluster.cluster_num;
+        let fat_type: FATType = self.bpb.fat_type;
+        // 获取FAT表的起始扇区(相对分区起始扇区的偏移量)
+        let fat_start_sector = self.fat_start_sector();
+        let bytes_per_sec = self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64;
+        // cluster对应的FAT表项在分区内的字节偏移量
+        let fat_bytes_offset =
+            fat_type.get_fat_bytes_offset(cluster, fat_start_sector, bytes_per_sec);
+        // FAT表项所在的LBA地址
+        let fat_ent_lba = self.get_lba_from_offset(self.bytes_to_sector(fat_bytes_offset));
+        // FAT表项在逻辑块内的字节偏移量
+        let blk_offset = self.get_in_block_offset(fat_bytes_offset);
+        let mut v = Vec::<u8>::new();
+        v.resize(self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as usize, 0);
+        self.partition
+            .disk()
+            .read_at(fat_ent_lba, 1 * self.lba_per_sector(), &mut v)?;
+        let mut cursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+ as i64))?;
+        let res = match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT12(_) => {
+                let mut entry = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                entry = if (current_cluster & 0x0001) > 0 {
+                    entry >> 4
+                } else {
+                    entry & 0x0fff
+                };
+                entry as u64
+            }
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                let entry = (cursor.read_u16()?) as u64;
+                entry
+            }
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                let entry = cursor.read_u32()? & 0x0fff_ffff;
+                entry as u64
+            }
+        };
+        return Ok(res);
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前文件系统的root inode,在磁盘上的字节偏移量
+    pub fn root_dir_bytes_offset(&self) -> u64 {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(s) => {
+                let first_sec_cluster: u64 = (s.root_cluster as u64 - 2)
+                    * (self.bpb.sector_per_cluster as u64)
+                    + self.first_data_sector;
+                return (self.get_lba_from_offset(first_sec_cluster) * LBA_SIZE) as u64;
+            }
+            _ => {
+                let root_sec = (self.bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt as u64)
+                    + (self.bpb.num_fats as u64) * (self.bpb.fat_size_16 as u64);
+                return (self.get_lba_from_offset(root_sec) * LBA_SIZE) as u64;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前文件系统的根目录项区域的结束位置,在磁盘上的字节偏移量。
+    /// 请注意,当前函数只对FAT12/FAT16生效。对于FAT32,返回None
+    pub fn root_dir_end_bytes_offset(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT12(_) | FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                return Some(
+                    self.root_dir_bytes_offset() + (self.bpb.root_entries_cnt as u64) * 32,
+                );
+            }
+            _ => {
+                return None;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取簇在磁盘内的字节偏移量(相对磁盘起始位置。注意,不是分区内偏移量)
+    pub fn cluster_bytes_offset(&self, cluster: Cluster) -> u64 {
+        if cluster.cluster_num >= 2 {
+            // 指定簇的第一个扇区号
+            let first_sec_of_cluster = (cluster.cluster_num - 2)
+                * (self.bpb.sector_per_cluster as u64)
+                + self.first_data_sector;
+            return (self.get_lba_from_offset(first_sec_of_cluster) * LBA_SIZE) as u64;
+        } else {
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取一个空闲簇
+    ///
+    /// @param prev_cluster 簇链的前一个簇。本函数将会把新获取的簇,连接到它的后面。
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(Cluster) 新获取的空闲簇
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn allocate_cluster(&self, prev_cluster: Option<Cluster>) -> Result<Cluster, i32> {
+        let end_cluster: Cluster = self.max_cluster_number();
+        let start_cluster: Cluster = match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                let next_free: u64 = match self.fs_info.0.lock().next_free() {
+                    Some(x) => x,
+                    None => 0xffffffff,
+                };
+                if next_free < end_cluster.cluster_num {
+                    Cluster::new(next_free)
+                } else {
+                    Cluster::new(RESERVED_CLUSTERS as u64)
+                }
+            }
+            _ => Cluster::new(RESERVED_CLUSTERS as u64),
+        };
+        // 寻找一个空的簇
+        let free_cluster: Cluster = match self.get_free_cluster(start_cluster, end_cluster) {
+            Ok(c) => c,
+            Err(_) if start_cluster.cluster_num > RESERVED_CLUSTERS as u64 => {
+                self.get_free_cluster(Cluster::new(RESERVED_CLUSTERS as u64), end_cluster)?
+            }
+            Err(e) => return Err(e),
+        };
+        self.set_entry(free_cluster, FATEntry::EndOfChain)?;
+        // 减少空闲簇计数
+        self.fs_info.0.lock().update_free_count_delta(-1);
+        // 更新搜索空闲簇的参考量
+        self.fs_info
+            .0
+            .lock()
+            .update_next_free((free_cluster.cluster_num + 1) as u32);
+        // 如果这个空闲簇不是簇链的第一个簇,那么把当前簇跟前一个簇连上。
+        if let Some(prev_cluster) = prev_cluster {
+            // kdebug!("set entry, prev ={prev_cluster:?}, next = {free_cluster:?}");
+            self.set_entry(prev_cluster, FATEntry::Next(free_cluster))?;
+        }
+        // 清空新获取的这个簇
+        self.zero_cluster(free_cluster)?;
+        return Ok(free_cluster);
+    }
+    /// @brief 释放簇链上的所有簇
+    ///
+    /// @param start_cluster 簇链的第一个簇
+    pub fn deallocate_cluster_chain(&self, start_cluster: Cluster) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let clusters: Vec<Cluster> = self.clusters(start_cluster);
+        for c in clusters {
+            self.deallocate_cluster(c)?;
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 释放簇
+    ///
+    /// @param 要释放的簇
+    pub fn deallocate_cluster(&self, cluster: Cluster) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let entry: FATEntry = self.get_fat_entry(cluster)?;
+        // 如果不是坏簇
+        if entry != FATEntry::Bad {
+            self.set_entry(cluster, FATEntry::Unused)?;
+            self.fs_info.0.lock().update_free_count_delta(1);
+            // 安全选项:清空被释放的簇
+            #[cfg(feature = "secure")]
+            self.zero_cluster(cluster)?;
+            return Ok(());
+        } else {
+            // 不能释放坏簇
+            kerror!("Bad clusters cannot be freed.");
+            return Err(-(EFAULT as i32));
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取文件系统的根目录项
+    pub fn root_dir(&self) -> FATDir {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(s) => {
+                return FATDir {
+                    first_cluster: Cluster::new(s.root_cluster as u64),
+                    dir_name: String::from("/"),
+                    root_offset: None,
+                    short_dir_entry: None,
+                    loc: None,
+                };
+            }
+            _ => FATDir {
+                first_cluster: Cluster::new(0),
+                dir_name: String::from("/"),
+                root_offset: Some(self.root_dir_bytes_offset()),
+                short_dir_entry: None,
+                loc: None,
+            },
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取FAT表的起始扇区(相对分区起始扇区的偏移量)
+    pub fn fat_start_sector(&self) -> u64 {
+        let active_fat = self.active_fat();
+        let fat_size = self.fat_size();
+        return self.bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt as u64 + active_fat * fat_size;
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前活动的FAT表
+    pub fn active_fat(&self) -> u64 {
+        if self.mirroring_enabled() {
+            return 0;
+        } else {
+            match self.bpb.fat_type {
+                FATType::FAT32(bpb32) => {
+                    return (bpb32.ext_flags & 0x0f) as u64;
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    return 0;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前文件系统的每个FAT表的大小
+    pub fn fat_size(&self) -> u64 {
+        if self.bpb.fat_size_16 != 0 {
+            return self.bpb.fat_size_16 as u64;
+        } else {
+            match self.bpb.fat_type {
+                FATType::FAT32(bpb32) => {
+                    return bpb32.fat_size_32 as u64;
+                }
+                _ => {
+                    panic!("FAT12 and FAT16 volumes should have non-zero BPB_FATSz16");
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前文件系统是否启用了FAT表镜像
+    pub fn mirroring_enabled(&self) -> bool {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(bpb32) => {
+                return (bpb32.ext_flags & 0x80) == 0;
+            }
+            _ => {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 根据分区内的扇区偏移量,获得在磁盘上的LBA地址
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn get_lba_from_offset(&self, in_partition_sec_offset: u64) -> usize {
+        return (self.partition.lba_start
+            + in_partition_sec_offset * (self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64 / LBA_SIZE as u64))
+            as usize;
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取每个扇区占用多少个LBA
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn lba_per_sector(&self) -> usize {
+        return self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as usize / LBA_SIZE;
+    }
+    /// @brief 将分区内字节偏移量转换为扇区偏移量
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn bytes_to_sector(&self, in_partition_bytes_offset: u64) -> u64 {
+        return in_partition_bytes_offset / (self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64);
+    }
+    /// @brief 根据磁盘上的字节偏移量,获取对应位置在分区内的字节偏移量
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn get_in_partition_bytes_offset(&self, disk_bytes_offset: u64) -> u64 {
+        return disk_bytes_offset - (self.partition.lba_start * LBA_SIZE as u64);
+    }
+    /// @brief 根据字节偏移量计算在逻辑块内的字节偏移量
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn get_in_block_offset(&self, bytes_offset: u64) -> u64 {
+        return bytes_offset % LBA_SIZE as u64;
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取在FAT表中,以start_cluster开头的FAT链的所有簇的信息
+    ///
+    /// @param start_cluster 整个FAT链的起始簇号
+    pub fn clusters(&self, start_cluster: Cluster) -> Vec<Cluster> {
+        return self.cluster_iter(start_cluster).collect();
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取在FAT表中,以start_cluster开头的FAT链的长度(总计经过多少个簇)
+    ///
+    /// @param start_cluster 整个FAT链的起始簇号
+    pub fn num_clusters_chain(&self, start_cluster: Cluster) -> u64 {
+        return self
+            .cluster_iter(start_cluster)
+            .fold(0, |size, _cluster| size + 1);
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取一个簇迭代器对象
+    ///
+    /// @param start_cluster 整个FAT链的起始簇号
+    fn cluster_iter(&self, start_cluster: Cluster) -> ClusterIter {
+        return ClusterIter {
+            current_cluster: Some(start_cluster),
+            fs: self,
+        };
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取从start_cluster开始的簇链中,第n个簇的信息。(请注意,下标从0开始)
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn get_cluster_by_relative(&self, start_cluster: Cluster, n: usize) -> Option<Cluster> {
+        return self.cluster_iter(start_cluster).skip(n).next();
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取整个簇链的最后一个簇
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn get_last_cluster(&self, start_cluster: Cluster) -> Option<Cluster> {
+        return self.cluster_iter(start_cluster).last();
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断FAT文件系统的shut bit是否正常。
+    /// shut bit 表示文件系统是否正常卸载。如果这一位是1,则表示这个卷是“干净的”
+    /// 参考资料:
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(true) 正常
+    /// @return Ok(false) 不正常
+    /// @return Err(i32) 在判断时发生错误
+    pub fn is_shut_bit_ok(&mut self) -> Result<bool, i32> {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                // 对于FAT32, error bit位于第一个扇区的第8字节。
+                let bit = self.get_fat_entry_raw(Cluster::new(1))? & 0x0800_0000;
+                return Ok(bit > 0);
+            }
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                let bit = self.get_fat_entry_raw(Cluster::new(1))? & 0x8000;
+                return Ok(bit > 0);
+            }
+            _ => return Ok(true),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断FAT文件系统的hard error bit是否正常。
+    /// 如果此位为0,则文件系统驱动程序在上次安装卷时遇到磁盘 I/O 错误,这表明
+    /// 卷上的某些扇区可能已损坏。
+    /// 参考资料:
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(true) 正常
+    /// @return Ok(false) 不正常
+    /// @return Err(i32) 在判断时发生错误
+    pub fn is_hard_error_bit_ok(&mut self) -> Result<bool, i32> {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                let bit = self.get_fat_entry_raw(Cluster::new(1))? & 0x0400_0000;
+                return Ok(bit > 0);
+            }
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                let bit = self.get_fat_entry_raw(Cluster::new(1))? & 0x4000;
+                return Ok(bit > 0);
+            }
+            _ => return Ok(true),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 设置文件系统的shut bit为正常状态
+    /// 参考资料:
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(()) 设置成功
+    /// @return Err(i32) 在设置过程中,出现错误
+    pub fn set_shut_bit_ok(&mut self) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                let raw_entry = self.get_fat_entry_raw(Cluster::new(1))? | 0x0800_0000;
+                self.set_entry(Cluster::new(1), FATEntry::Next(Cluster::new(raw_entry)))?;
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                let raw_entry = self.get_fat_entry_raw(Cluster::new(1))? | 0x8000;
+                self.set_entry(Cluster::new(1), FATEntry::Next(Cluster::new(raw_entry)))?;
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            _ => return Ok(()),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 设置文件系统的hard error bit为正常状态
+    /// 参考资料:
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(()) 设置成功
+    /// @return Err(i32) 在设置过程中,出现错误
+    pub fn set_hard_error_bit_ok(&mut self) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                let raw_entry = self.get_fat_entry_raw(Cluster::new(1))? | 0x0400_0000;
+                self.set_entry(Cluster::new(1), FATEntry::Next(Cluster::new(raw_entry)))?;
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                let raw_entry = self.get_fat_entry_raw(Cluster::new(1))? | 0x4000;
+                self.set_entry(Cluster::new(1), FATEntry::Next(Cluster::new(raw_entry)))?;
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            _ => return Ok(()),
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 执行文件系统卸载前的一些准备工作:设置好对应的标志位,并把缓存中的数据刷入磁盘
+    pub fn umount(&mut self) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        self.fs_info.0.lock().flush(&self.partition)?;
+        self.set_shut_bit_ok()?;
+        self.set_hard_error_bit_ok()?;
+        self.partition.disk().sync()?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取文件系统的最大簇号
+    pub fn max_cluster_number(&self) -> Cluster {
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT32(s) => {
+                // FAT32
+                // 数据扇区数量(总扇区数-保留扇区-FAT占用的扇区)
+                let data_sec: u64 = self.bpb.total_sectors_32 as u64
+                    - (self.bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt as u64
+                        + self.bpb.num_fats as u64 * s.fat_size_32 as u64);
+                // 数据区的簇数量
+                let total_clusters: u64 = data_sec / self.bpb.sector_per_cluster as u64;
+                // 返回最大的簇号
+                return Cluster::new(total_clusters + RESERVED_CLUSTERS as u64 - 1);
+            }
+            _ => {
+                // FAT12 / FAT16
+                let root_dir_sectors: u64 = (((self.bpb.root_entries_cnt as u64) * 32)
+                    + self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64
+                    - 1)
+                    / self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64;
+                // 数据区扇区数
+                let data_sec: u64 = self.bpb.total_sectors_16 as u64
+                    - (self.bpb.rsvd_sec_cnt as u64
+                        + (self.bpb.num_fats as u64 * self.bpb.fat_size_16 as u64)
+                        + root_dir_sectors);
+                let total_clusters = data_sec / self.bpb.sector_per_cluster as u64;
+                return Cluster::new(total_clusters + RESERVED_CLUSTERS as u64 - 1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 在文件系统中寻找一个簇号在给定的范围(左闭右开区间)内的空闲簇
+    ///
+    /// @param start_cluster 起始簇号
+    /// @param end_cluster 终止簇号(不包含)
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(Cluster) 寻找到的空闲簇
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码。如果磁盘无剩余空间,或者簇号达到给定的最大值,则返回-ENOSPC.
+    pub fn get_free_cluster(
+        &self,
+        start_cluster: Cluster,
+        end_cluster: Cluster,
+    ) -> Result<Cluster, i32> {
+        let max_cluster: Cluster = self.max_cluster_number();
+        let mut cluster: u64 = start_cluster.cluster_num;
+        let fat_type: FATType = self.bpb.fat_type;
+        let fat_start_sector: u64 = self.fat_start_sector();
+        let bytes_per_sec: u64 = self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64;
+        match fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT12(_) => {
+                let part_bytes_offset: u64 =
+                    fat_type.get_fat_bytes_offset(start_cluster, fat_start_sector, bytes_per_sec);
+                let in_block_offset = self.get_in_block_offset(part_bytes_offset);
+                let lba = self.get_lba_from_offset(self.bytes_to_sector(part_bytes_offset));
+                // 由于FAT12的FAT表不大于6K,因此直接读取6K
+                let num_lba = (6 * 1024) / LBA_SIZE;
+                let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+                v.resize(num_lba * LBA_SIZE, 0);
+                self.partition.disk().read_at(lba, num_lba, &mut v)?;
+                let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+       as i64))?;
+                let mut packed_val: u16 = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                loop {
+                    let val = if (cluster & 0x1) > 0 {
+                        packed_val >> 4
+                    } else {
+                        packed_val & 0x0fff
+                    };
+                    if val == 0 {
+                        return Ok(Cluster::new(cluster as u64));
+                    }
+                    cluster += 1;
+                    // 磁盘无剩余空间,或者簇号达到给定的最大值
+                    if cluster == end_cluster.cluster_num || cluster == max_cluster.cluster_num {
+                        return Err(-(ENOSPC as i32));
+                    }
+                    packed_val = match cluster & 1 {
+                        0 => cursor.read_u16()?,
+                        _ => {
+                            let next_byte = cursor.read_u8()? as u16;
+                            (packed_val >> 8) | (next_byte << 8)
+                        }
+                    };
+                }
+            }
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                // todo: 优化这里,减少读取磁盘的次数。
+                while cluster < end_cluster.cluster_num && cluster < max_cluster.cluster_num {
+                    let part_bytes_offset: u64 = fat_type.get_fat_bytes_offset(
+                        Cluster::new(cluster),
+                        fat_start_sector,
+                        bytes_per_sec,
+                    );
+                    let in_block_offset = self.get_in_block_offset(part_bytes_offset);
+                    let lba = self.get_lba_from_offset(self.bytes_to_sector(part_bytes_offset));
+                    let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+                    v.resize(self.lba_per_sector() * LBA_SIZE, 0);
+                    self.partition
+                        .disk()
+                        .read_at(lba, self.lba_per_sector(), &mut v)?;
+                    let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+           as i64))?;
+                    let val = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                    // 找到空闲簇
+                    if val == 0 {
+                        return Ok(Cluster::new(val as u64));
+                    }
+                    cluster += 1;
+                }
+                // 磁盘无剩余空间,或者簇号达到给定的最大值
+                return Err(-(ENOSPC as i32));
+            }
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                // todo: 优化这里,减少读取磁盘的次数。
+                while cluster < end_cluster.cluster_num && cluster < max_cluster.cluster_num {
+                    let part_bytes_offset: u64 = fat_type.get_fat_bytes_offset(
+                        Cluster::new(cluster),
+                        fat_start_sector,
+                        bytes_per_sec,
+                    );
+                    let in_block_offset = self.get_in_block_offset(part_bytes_offset);
+                    let lba = self.get_lba_from_offset(self.bytes_to_sector(part_bytes_offset));
+                    let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+                    v.resize(self.lba_per_sector() * LBA_SIZE, 0);
+                    self.partition
+                        .disk()
+                        .read_at(lba, self.lba_per_sector(), &mut v)?;
+                    let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+           as i64))?;
+                    let val = cursor.read_u32()? & 0x0fffffff;
+                    if val == 0 {
+                        return Ok(Cluster::new(cluster));
+                    }
+                    cluster += 1;
+                }
+                // 磁盘无剩余空间,或者簇号达到给定的最大值
+                return Err(-(ENOSPC as i32));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 在FAT表中,设置指定的簇的信息。
+    ///
+    /// @param cluster 目标簇
+    /// @param fat_entry 这个簇在FAT表中,存储的信息(下一个簇的簇号)
+    pub fn set_entry(&self, cluster: Cluster, fat_entry: FATEntry) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // fat表项在分区上的字节偏移量
+        let fat_part_bytes_offset: u64 = self.bpb.fat_type.get_fat_bytes_offset(
+            cluster,
+            self.fat_start_sector(),
+            self.bpb.bytes_per_sector as u64,
+        );
+        match self.bpb.fat_type {
+            FATType::FAT12(_) => {
+                // 计算要写入的值
+                let raw_val: u16 = match fat_entry {
+                    FATEntry::Unused => 0,
+                    FATEntry::Bad => 0xff7,
+                    FATEntry::EndOfChain => 0xfff,
+                    FATEntry::Next(c) => c.cluster_num as u16,
+                };
+                let in_block_offset = self.get_in_block_offset(fat_part_bytes_offset);
+                let lba = self.get_lba_from_offset(self.bytes_to_sector(fat_part_bytes_offset));
+                let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+                v.resize(LBA_SIZE, 0);
+                self.partition.disk().read_at(lba, 1, &mut v)?;
+                let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+       as i64))?;
+                let old_val: u16 = cursor.read_u16()?;
+                let new_val: u16 = if (cluster.cluster_num & 0x1) > 0 {
+                    (old_val & 0x000f) | (raw_val << 4)
+                } else {
+                    (old_val & 0xf000) | raw_val
+                };
+                // 写回数据到磁盘上
+       as i64))?;
+                cursor.write_u16(new_val)?;
+                self.partition.disk().write_at(lba, 1, cursor.as_slice())?;
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            FATType::FAT16(_) => {
+                // 计算要写入的值
+                let raw_val: u16 = match fat_entry {
+                    FATEntry::Unused => 0,
+                    FATEntry::Bad => 0xfff7,
+                    FATEntry::EndOfChain => 0xfdff,
+                    FATEntry::Next(c) => c.cluster_num as u16,
+                };
+                let in_block_offset = self.get_in_block_offset(fat_part_bytes_offset);
+                let lba = self.get_lba_from_offset(self.bytes_to_sector(fat_part_bytes_offset));
+                let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+                v.resize(LBA_SIZE, 0);
+                self.partition.disk().read_at(lba, 1, &mut v)?;
+                let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+       as i64))?;
+                cursor.write_u16(raw_val)?;
+                self.partition.disk().write_at(lba, 1, cursor.as_slice())?;
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+            FATType::FAT32(_) => {
+                let fat_size: u64 = self.fat_size();
+                let bound: u64 = if self.mirroring_enabled() {
+                    1
+                } else {
+                    self.bpb.num_fats as u64
+                };
+                // kdebug!("set entry, bound={bound}, fat_size={fat_size}");
+                for i in 0..bound {
+                    // 当前操作的FAT表在磁盘上的字节偏移量
+                    let f_offset: u64 = fat_part_bytes_offset + i * fat_size;
+                    let in_block_offset: u64 = self.get_in_block_offset(f_offset);
+                    let lba = self.get_lba_from_offset(self.bytes_to_sector(f_offset));
+                    // kdebug!("set entry, lba={lba}, in_block_offset={in_block_offset}");
+                    let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+                    v.resize(LBA_SIZE, 0);
+                    self.partition.disk().read_at(lba, 1, &mut v)?;
+                    let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+           as i64))?;
+                    // FAT32的高4位保留
+                    let old_bits = cursor.read_u32()? & 0xf0000000;
+                    if fat_entry == FATEntry::Unused
+                        && cluster.cluster_num >= 0x0ffffff7
+                        && cluster.cluster_num <= 0x0fffffff
+                    {
+                        kerror!(
+                            "FAT32: Reserved Cluster {:?} cannot be marked as free",
+                            cluster
+                        );
+                        return Err(-(EPERM as i32));
+                    }
+                    // 计算要写入的值
+                    let mut raw_val: u32 = match fat_entry {
+                        FATEntry::Unused => 0,
+                        FATEntry::Bad => 0x0FFFFFF7,
+                        FATEntry::EndOfChain => 0x0FFFFFFF,
+                        FATEntry::Next(c) => c.cluster_num as u32,
+                    };
+                    // 恢复保留位
+                    raw_val |= old_bits;
+                    // kdebug!("sent entry, raw_val={raw_val}");
+           as i64))?;
+                    cursor.write_u32(raw_val)?;
+                    self.partition.disk().write_at(lba, 1, cursor.as_slice())?;
+                }
+                return Ok(());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 清空指定的簇
+    ///
+    /// @param cluster 要被清空的簇
+    pub fn zero_cluster(&self, cluster: Cluster) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 准备数据,用于写入
+        let zeros: Vec<u8> = vec![0u8; self.bytes_per_cluster() as usize];
+        let offset: usize = self.cluster_bytes_offset(cluster) as usize;
+        self.partition
+            .disk()
+            .device()
+            .write_at(offset, zeros.len(), zeros.as_slice())?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+impl Drop for FATFileSystem {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        let r = self.umount();
+        if r.is_err() {
+            kerror!(
+                "Umount FAT filesystem failed: errno={}, FS detail:{self:?}",
+                r.unwrap_err()
+            );
+        }
+    }
+impl FATFsInfo {
+    const LEAD_SIG: u32 = 0x41615252;
+    const STRUC_SIG: u32 = 0x61417272;
+    const TRAIL_SIG: u32 = 0xAA550000;
+    const FS_INFO_SIZE: u64 = 512;
+    /// @brief 从磁盘上读取FAT文件系统的FSInfo结构体
+    ///
+    /// @param partition 磁盘分区
+    /// @param in_disk_fs_info_offset FSInfo扇区在磁盘内的字节偏移量(单位:字节)
+    /// @param bytes_per_sec 每扇区字节数
+    pub fn new(
+        partition: Arc<Partition>,
+        in_disk_fs_info_offset: u64,
+        bytes_per_sec: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Self, i32> {
+        let mut v = Vec::<u8>::new();
+        v.resize(bytes_per_sec, 0);
+        // 计算fs_info扇区在磁盘上的字节偏移量,从磁盘读取数据
+        partition
+            .disk()
+            .read_at(in_disk_fs_info_offset as usize / LBA_SIZE, 1, &mut v)?;
+        let mut cursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+        let mut fsinfo = FATFsInfo::default();
+        fsinfo.lead_sig = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        fsinfo.struc_sig = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        fsinfo.free_count = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        fsinfo.next_free = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        fsinfo.trail_sig = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        fsinfo.dirty = false;
+        fsinfo.offset = Some(in_disk_fs_info_offset);
+        if fsinfo.is_valid() {
+            return Ok(fsinfo);
+        } else {
+            kerror!("Error occurred while parsing FATFsInfo.");
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断是否为正确的FsInfo结构体
+    fn is_valid(&self) -> bool {
+        self.lead_sig == Self::LEAD_SIG
+            && self.struc_sig == Self::STRUC_SIG
+            && self.trail_sig == Self::TRAIL_SIG
+    }
+    /// @brief 根据fsinfo的信息,计算当前总的空闲簇数量
+    ///
+    /// @param 当前文件系统的最大簇号
+    pub fn count_free_cluster(&self, max_cluster: Cluster) -> Option<u64> {
+        let count_clusters = max_cluster.cluster_num - RESERVED_CLUSTERS as u64 + 1;
+        // 信息不合理,当前的FsInfo中存储的free count大于计算出来的值
+        if self.free_count as u64 > count_clusters {
+            return None;
+        } else {
+            match self.free_count {
+                // free count字段不可用
+                0xffffffff => return None,
+                // 返回FsInfo中存储的数据
+                n => return Some(n as u64),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 更新FsInfo中的“空闲簇统计信息“为new_count
+    ///
+    /// 请注意,除非手动调用`flush()`,否则本函数不会将数据刷入磁盘
+    pub fn update_free_count_abs(&mut self, new_count: u32) {
+        self.free_count = new_count;
+    }
+    /// @brief 更新FsInfo中的“空闲簇统计信息“,把它加上delta.
+    ///
+    /// 请注意,除非手动调用`flush()`,否则本函数不会将数据刷入磁盘
+    pub fn update_free_count_delta(&mut self, delta: i32) {
+        self.free_count = (self.free_count as i32 + delta) as u32;
+    }
+    /// @brief 更新FsInfo中的“第一个空闲簇统计信息“为next_free.
+    ///
+    /// 请注意,除非手动调用`flush()`,否则本函数不会将数据刷入磁盘
+    pub fn update_next_free(&mut self, next_free: u32) {
+        // 这个值是参考量,不一定要准确,仅供加速查找
+        self.next_free = next_free;
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取fs info 记载的第一个空闲簇。(不一定准确,仅供参考)
+    pub fn next_free(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+        match self.next_free {
+            0xffffffff => return None,
+            0 | 1 => return None,
+            n => return Some(n as u64),
+        };
+    }
+    /// @brief 把fs info刷入磁盘
+    ///
+    /// @param partition fs info所在的分区
+    pub fn flush(&self, partition: &Arc<Partition>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if let Some(off) = self.offset {
+            let in_block_offset = off % LBA_SIZE as u64;
+            let lba = off as usize / LBA_SIZE;
+            let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+            v.resize(LBA_SIZE, 0);
+            partition.disk().read_at(lba, 1, &mut v)?;
+            let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+   as i64))?;
+            cursor.write_u32(self.lead_sig)?;
+  ;
+            cursor.write_u32(self.struc_sig)?;
+            cursor.write_u32(self.free_count)?;
+            cursor.write_u32(self.next_free)?;
+  ;
+            cursor.write_u32(self.trail_sig)?;
+            partition.disk().write_at(lba, 1, cursor.as_slice())?;
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 读取磁盘上的Fs Info扇区,将里面的内容更新到结构体中
+    ///
+    /// @param partition fs info所在的分区
+    pub fn update(&mut self, partition: Arc<Partition>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if let Some(off) = self.offset {
+            let in_block_offset = off % LBA_SIZE as u64;
+            let lba = off as usize / LBA_SIZE;
+            let mut v: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
+            v.resize(LBA_SIZE, 0);
+            partition.disk().read_at(lba, 1, &mut v)?;
+            let mut cursor: VecCursor = VecCursor::new(v);
+   as i64))?;
+            self.lead_sig = cursor.read_u32()?;
+  ;
+            self.struc_sig = cursor.read_u32()?;
+            self.free_count = cursor.read_u32()?;
+            self.next_free = cursor.read_u32()?;
+  ;
+            self.trail_sig = cursor.read_u32()?;
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+impl IndexNode for LockedFATInode {
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        let mut guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        match &guard.inode_type {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) | FATDirEntry::VolId(f) => {
+                let r =
+                    &guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap(),
+                    &mut buf[0..len],
+                    offset as u64,
+                );
+                guard.update_metadata();
+                return r;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(_) => {
+                return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => {
+                kerror!("FATFS: param: Inode_type uninitialized.");
+                return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        let mut guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        let fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem> = &guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+        match &mut guard.inode_type {
+            FATDirEntry::File(f) | FATDirEntry::VolId(f) => {
+                let r = f.write(fs, &buf[0..len], offset as u64);
+                guard.update_metadata();
+                return r;
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(_) => {
+                return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => {
+                kerror!("FATFS: param: Inode_type uninitialized.");
+                return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus, i32> {
+        // 加锁
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 检查当前inode是否为一个文件夹,如果是的话,就返回错误
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        return Ok(PollStatus {
+            flags: PollStatus::READ_MASK | PollStatus::WRITE_MASK,
+        });
+    }
+    fn create(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        file_type: FileType,
+        _mode: u32,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        // 由于FAT32不支持文件权限的功能,因此忽略mode参数
+        let mut guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        let fs: &Arc<FATFileSystem> = &guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+        match &mut guard.inode_type {
+            FATDirEntry::File(_) | FATDirEntry::VolId(_) => {
+                return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => match file_type {
+                FileType::File => {
+                    d.create_file(name, fs)?;
+                    return Ok(guard.find(name)?);
+                }
+                FileType::Dir => {
+                    d.create_dir(name, fs)?;
+                    return Ok(guard.find(name)?);
+                }
+                FileType::SymLink => return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32)),
+                _ => return Err(-(EINVAL as i32)),
+            },
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => {
+                kerror!("FATFS: param: Inode_type uninitialized.");
+                return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.0.lock().fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        return self;
+    }
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        return Ok(self.0.lock().metadata.clone());
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, i32> {
+        let mut guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        let fatent: &FATDirEntry = &guard.inode_type;
+        match fatent {
+            FATDirEntry::File(_) | FATDirEntry::VolId(_) => {
+                return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(dir) => {
+                // 获取当前目录下的所有目录项
+                let mut ret: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
+                let dir_iter: FATDirIter = dir.to_iter(guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap());
+                for ent in dir_iter {
+                    ret.push(;
+                    // ====== 生成inode缓存,存入B树
+                    let name: String =;
+                    // kdebug!("name={name}");
+                    if guard.children.contains_key(&name.to_uppercase()) == false
+                        && name != "."
+                        && name != ".."
+                    {
+                        // 创建新的inode
+                        let entry_inode: Arc<LockedFATInode> = LockedFATInode::new(
+                            guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap(),
+                            guard.self_ref.clone(),
+                            ent,
+                        );
+                        // 加入缓存区, 由于FAT文件系统的大小写不敏感问题,因此存入缓存区的key应当是全大写的
+                        guard
+                            .children
+                            .insert(name.to_uppercase(), entry_inode.clone());
+                    }
+                }
+                return Ok(ret);
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => {
+                kerror!("FATFS: param: Inode_type uninitialized.");
+                return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn find(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        let mut guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        let target = guard.find(name)?;
+        return Ok(target);
+    }
+    fn open(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn close(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn unlink(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        let target: Arc<LockedFATInode> = guard.find(name)?;
+        // 对目标inode上锁,以防更改
+        let target_guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = target.0.lock();
+        // 先从缓存删除
+        guard.children.remove(&name.to_uppercase());
+        let dir = match &guard.inode_type {
+            FATDirEntry::File(_) | FATDirEntry::VolId(_) => {
+                return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => d,
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => {
+                kerror!("FATFS: param: Inode_type uninitialized.");
+                return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+            }
+        };
+        // 检查文件是否存在
+        dir.check_existence(name, Some(false), guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap())?;
+        // 再从磁盘删除
+        let r = dir.remove(guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap().clone(), name, true);
+        drop(target_guard);
+        return r;
+    }
+    fn rmdir(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        let target: Arc<LockedFATInode> = guard.find(name)?;
+        // 对目标inode上锁,以防更改
+        let target_guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = target.0.lock();
+        // 先从缓存删除
+        guard.children.remove(&name.to_uppercase());
+        let dir = match &guard.inode_type {
+            FATDirEntry::File(_) | FATDirEntry::VolId(_) => {
+                return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+            }
+            FATDirEntry::Dir(d) => d,
+            FATDirEntry::UnInit => {
+                kerror!("FATFS: param: Inode_type uninitialized.");
+                return Err(-(EROFS as i32));
+            }
+        };
+        // 检查文件夹是否存在
+        dir.check_existence(name, Some(true), guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap())?;
+        // 再从磁盘删除
+        let r: Result<(), i32> = dir.remove(guard.fs.upgrade().unwrap().clone(), name, true);
+        if r.is_ok() {
+            return r;
+        } else {
+            let r = r.unwrap_err();
+            if r == -(ENOTEMPTY as i32) {
+                // 如果要删除的是目录,且不为空,则删除动作未发生,重新加入缓存
+                guard.children.insert(name.to_uppercase(), target.clone());
+                drop(target_guard);
+            }
+            return Err(r);
+        }
+    }
+    fn get_entry_name(&self, ino: InodeId) -> Result<String, i32> {
+        let guard: SpinLockGuard<FATInode> = self.0.lock();
+        if guard.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match ino {
+            0 => {
+                return Ok(String::from("."));
+            }
+            1 => {
+                return Ok(String::from(".."));
+            }
+            ino => {
+                // 暴力遍历所有的children,判断inode id是否相同
+                // TODO: 优化这里,这个地方性能很差!
+                let mut key: Vec<String> = guard
+                    .children
+                    .keys()
+                    .filter(|k| guard.children.get(*k).unwrap().metadata().unwrap().inode_id == ino)
+                    .cloned()
+                    .collect();
+                match key.len() {
+                    0=>{return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));}
+                    1=>{return Ok(key.remove(0));}
+                    _ => panic!("FatFS get_entry_name: key.len()={key_len}>1, current inode_id={inode_id}, to find={to_find}", key_len=key.len(), inode_id = guard.metadata.inode_id, to_find=ino)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl Default for FATFsInfo {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        return FATFsInfo {
+            lead_sig: FATFsInfo::LEAD_SIG,
+            struc_sig: FATFsInfo::STRUC_SIG,
+            free_count: 0xFFFFFFFF,
+            next_free: RESERVED_CLUSTERS,
+            trail_sig: FATFsInfo::TRAIL_SIG,
+            dirty: false,
+            offset: None,
+        };
+    }
+impl Cluster {
+    pub fn new(cluster: u64) -> Self {
+        return Cluster {
+            cluster_num: cluster,
+            parent_cluster: 0,
+        };
+    }
+/// @brief 用于迭代FAT表的内容的簇迭代器对象
+struct ClusterIter<'a> {
+    /// 迭代器的next要返回的簇
+    current_cluster: Option<Cluster>,
+    /// 属于的文件系统
+    fs: &'a FATFileSystem,
+impl<'a> Iterator for ClusterIter<'a> {
+    type Item = Cluster;
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
+        // 当前要返回的簇
+        let ret: Option<Cluster> = self.current_cluster;
+        // 获得下一个要返回簇
+        let new: Option<Cluster> = match self.current_cluster {
+            Some(c) => {
+                let entry: Option<FATEntry> = self.fs.get_fat_entry(c).ok();
+                match entry {
+                    Some(FATEntry::Next(c)) => Some(c),
+                    _ => None,
+                }
+            }
+            _ => None,
+        };
+        self.current_cluster = new;
+        return ret;
+    }

+ 4 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+pub mod bpb;
+pub mod entry;
+pub mod fs;
+pub mod utils;

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/// FAT文件系统保留开头的2个簇
+pub const RESERVED_CLUSTERS: u32 = 2;
+/// @brief 将u8转为ascii字符。
+/// 当转码成功时,返回对应的ascii字符,否则返回Unicode占位符
+pub fn decode_u8_ascii(value: u8) -> char {
+    if value <= 0x7f {
+        return value as char;
+    } else {
+        // 如果不是ascii字符,则返回Unicode占位符 U+FFFD
+    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS += -I .
-kernel_fs_fat32_objs:= $(shell find ./*.c)
-	@echo "$@"
-$(kernel_fs_fat32_objs): ECHO
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $@ -o [email protected]
-all: $(kernel_fs_fat32_objs)

+ 0 - 1416

@@ -1,1416 +0,0 @@
-#include "fat32.h"
-#include "fat_ent.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include <common/errno.h>
-#include <common/kprint.h>
-#include <common/spinlock.h>
-#include <common/stdio.h>
-#include <common/string.h>
-#include <driver/disk/ahci/ahci.h>
-#include <filesystem/MBR.h>
-#include <mm/slab.h>
-struct vfs_super_block_operations_t fat32_sb_ops;
-struct vfs_dir_entry_operations_t fat32_dEntry_ops;
-struct vfs_file_operations_t fat32_file_ops;
-struct vfs_inode_operations_t fat32_inode_ops;
-extern struct blk_gendisk ahci_gendisk0;
-static unsigned int vfat_striptail_len(unsigned int len, const char *name);
-static int vfat_find(struct vfs_index_node_t *dir, const char *name, struct fat32_slot_info *slot_info);
-static int __fat32_search_long_short(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, const char *name, int name_len,
-                                     struct fat32_slot_info *sinfo);
-static int fat32_detach_inode(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode);
- * @brief 注册指定磁盘上的指定分区的fat32文件系统
- *
- * @param blk_dev 块设备结构体
- * @param part_num 磁盘分区编号
- *
- * @return struct vfs_super_block_t * 文件系统的超级块
- */
-struct vfs_superblock_t *fat32_register_partition(struct block_device *blk_dev, uint8_t part_num)
-    // 挂载文件系统到vfs
-    return vfs_mount_fs("/", "FAT32", blk_dev);
- * @brief 计算短目录项文件名的校验和
- *
- * @param name 短目录项文件名字符串(长度为11)
- * @return uint8_t 校验和
- */
-static uint8_t fat32_ChkSum(uint8_t *name)
-    uint8_t chksum = 0;
-    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
-    {
-        chksum = ((chksum & 1) ? 0x80 : 0) + (chksum >> 1) + *name;
-        ++name;
-    }
-    return chksum;
-static int __fat32_search_long_short(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, const char *name, int name_len,
-                                     struct fat32_slot_info *sinfo)
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)parent_inode->private_inode_info;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)parent_inode->sb->private_sb_info;
-    struct block_device *blk = parent_inode->sb->blk_device;
-    uint8_t *buf = kzalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
-    // 计算父目录项的起始簇号
-    uint32_t cluster = finode->first_clus;
-    struct fat32_Directory_t *tmp_dEntry = NULL;
-    int cnt_long_dir = 0; // 最终结果中,长目录项的数量
-    while (true)
-    {
-        // 计算父目录项的起始LBA扇区号
-        uint64_t sector = __fat32_calculate_LBA(fsbi->first_data_sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus, cluster);
-        // kdebug("fat32_part_info[part_id].bootsector.BPB_SecPerClus=%d",fat32_part_info[part_id].bootsector.BPB_SecPerClus);
-        // kdebug("sector=%d",sector);
-        // 读取父目录项的起始簇数据
-        blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus, (uint64_t)buf);
-        tmp_dEntry = (struct fat32_Directory_t *)buf;
-        // 查找每个文件的短目录项
-        for (int i = 0; i < fsbi->bytes_per_clus; i += 32, ++tmp_dEntry)
-        {
-            // 跳过长目录项
-            if (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Attr == ATTR_LONG_NAME)
-                continue;
-            // 跳过无效目录项、空闲目录项
-            if (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[0] == 0xe5 || tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[0] == 0x00 || tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[0] == 0x05)
-                continue;
-            // kdebug("short name [%d] %s\n 33333==[%#02x]", i / 32, tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name, tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[3]);
-            // 找到长目录项,位于短目录项之前
-            struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *tmp_ldEntry = (struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *)tmp_dEntry - 1;
-            cnt_long_dir = 0;
-            int js = 0;
-            // 遍历每个长目录项
-            while (tmp_ldEntry->LDIR_Attr == ATTR_LONG_NAME && tmp_ldEntry->LDIR_Ord != 0xe5)
-            {
-                // 比较name1
-                for (int x = 0; x < 5; ++x)
-                {
-                    if (js >= name_len && (tmp_ldEntry->LDIR_Name1[x] == 0xffff))
-                        continue;
-                    else if (js > name_len ||
-                             tmp_ldEntry->LDIR_Name1[x] != (uint16_t)(name[js++])) // 文件名不匹配,检索下一个短目录项
-                        goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                }
-                // 比较name2
-                for (int x = 0; x < 6; ++x)
-                {
-                    if (js >= name_len && (tmp_ldEntry->LDIR_Name2[x] == 0xffff))
-                        continue;
-                    else if (js > name_len ||
-                             tmp_ldEntry->LDIR_Name2[x] != (uint16_t)(name[js++])) // 文件名不匹配,检索下一个短目录项
-                        goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                }
-                // 比较name3
-                for (int x = 0; x < 2; ++x)
-                {
-                    if (js >= name_len && (tmp_ldEntry->LDIR_Name3[x] == 0xffff))
-                        continue;
-                    else if (js > name_len ||
-                             tmp_ldEntry->LDIR_Name3[x] != (uint16_t)(name[js++])) // 文件名不匹配,检索下一个短目录项
-                        goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                }
-                if (js >= name_len) // 找到需要的目录项,返回
-                {
-                    // kdebug("found target long name.");
-                    cnt_long_dir = tmp_dEntry - (struct fat32_Directory_t *)tmp_ldEntry;
-                    goto success;
-                }
-                --tmp_ldEntry; // 检索下一个长目录项
-            }
-            // 不存在长目录项,匹配短目录项的基础名
-            js = 0;
-            for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x)
-            {
-                // kdebug("no long name, comparing short name");
-                // kdebug("value = %#02x", tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x]);
-                switch (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x])
-                {
-                case ' ':
-                    if (!(tmp_dEntry->DIR_Attr & ATTR_DIRECTORY)) // 不是文件夹(是文件)
-                    {
-                        if (name[js] == '.')
-                            continue;
-                        else if (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x] == name[js])
-                        {
-                            ++js;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        else
-                            goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                    }
-                    else // 是文件夹
-                    {
-                        if (js < name_len && tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x] == name[js]) // 当前位正确匹配
-                        {
-                            ++js;
-                            break; // 进行下一位的匹配
-                        }
-                        else if (js == name_len)
-                            continue;
-                        else
-                            goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                // 当前位是字母
-                case 'A' ... 'Z':
-                case 'a' ... 'z':
-                    if (tmp_dEntry->DIR_NTRes & LOWERCASE_BASE) // 为兼容windows系统,检测DIR_NTRes字段
-                    {
-                        if (js < name_len && (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x] + 32 == name[js]))
-                        {
-                            ++js;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        else
-                            goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                    }
-                    else
-                    {
-                        if (js < name_len && tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x] == name[js])
-                        {
-                            ++js;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        else
-                            goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                    }
-                    break;
-                case '0' ... '9':
-                    if (js < name_len && tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x] == name[js])
-                    {
-                        ++js;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    else
-                        goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                    break;
-                default:
-                    // ++js;
-                    goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-            if (js > name_len)
-            {
-                // kdebug("js > namelen");
-                goto continue_cmp_fail;
-            }
-            // 若短目录项为文件,则匹配扩展名
-            if (!(tmp_dEntry->DIR_Attr & ATTR_DIRECTORY))
-            {
-                ++js;
-                for (int x = 8; x < 11; ++x)
-                {
-                    switch (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x])
-                    {
-                        // 当前位是字母
-                    case 'A' ... 'Z':
-                    case 'a' ... 'z':
-                        if (tmp_dEntry->DIR_NTRes & LOWERCASE_EXT) // 为兼容windows系统,检测DIR_NTRes字段
-                        {
-                            if ((tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x] + 32 == name[js]))
-                            {
-                                ++js;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            else
-                                goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                        }
-                        else
-                        {
-                            if (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x] == name[js])
-                            {
-                                ++js;
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            else
-                                goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                        }
-                        break;
-                    case '0' ... '9':
-                    case ' ':
-                        if (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x] == name[js])
-                        {
-                            ++js;
-                            break;
-                        }
-                        else
-                            goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                        break;
-                    default:
-                        goto continue_cmp_fail;
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            if (js > name_len)
-            {
-                // kdebug("js > namelen");
-                goto continue_cmp_fail;
-            }
-            cnt_long_dir = 0;
-            goto success;
-        continue_cmp_fail:;
-        }
-        // 当前簇没有发现目标文件名,寻找下一个簇
-        cluster = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-        if (cluster >= 0x0ffffff7) // 寻找完父目录的所有簇,都没有找到目标文件名
-        {
-            kfree(buf);
-            return -ENOENT;
-        }
-    }
-    if (unlikely(tmp_dEntry == NULL))
-    {
-        BUG_ON(1);
-        kfree(buf);
-        return -ENOENT;
-    }
-    // 填充sinfo
-    sinfo->buffer = buf;
-    sinfo->de = tmp_dEntry;
-    sinfo->i_pos = __fat32_calculate_LBA(fsbi->first_data_sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus, cluster);
-    sinfo->num_slots = cnt_long_dir + 1;
-    sinfo->slot_off = tmp_dEntry - (struct fat32_Directory_t *)buf;
-    // kdebug("successfully found:%s", name);
-    return 0;
- * @brief 在父目录中寻找指定的目录项
- *
- * @param parent_inode 父目录项的inode
- * @param dest_dentry 搜索目标目录项
- * @return struct vfs_dir_entry_t* 目标目录项
- */
-struct vfs_dir_entry_t *fat32_lookup(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dentry)
-    int errcode = 0;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)parent_inode->sb->private_sb_info;
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = NULL;
-    struct fat32_slot_info sinfo = {0};
-    errcode = vfat_find(parent_inode, dest_dentry->name, &sinfo);
-    if (unlikely(errcode != 0))
-        return NULL;
-find_lookup_success:; // 找到目标dentry
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *p = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    p->file_size =>DIR_FileSize;
-    // 计算文件占用的扇区数, 由于最小存储单位是簇,因此需要按照簇的大小来对齐扇区
-    p->blocks = (p->file_size + fsbi->bytes_per_clus - 1) / fsbi->bytes_per_sec;
-    p->attribute = (>DIR_Attr & ATTR_DIRECTORY) ? VFS_IF_DIR : VFS_IF_FILE;
-    p->sb = parent_inode->sb;
-    p->file_ops = &fat32_file_ops;
-    p->inode_ops = &fat32_inode_ops;
-    // 为inode的与文件系统相关的信息结构体分配空间
-    p->private_inode_info = (void *)kzalloc(sizeof(fat32_inode_info_t), 0);
-    finode = (fat32_inode_info_t *)p->private_inode_info;
-    finode->first_clus = ((>DIR_FstClusHI << 16) |>DIR_FstClusLO) & 0x0fffffff;
-    finode->dEntry_location_clus = __fat32_LBA_to_cluster(fsbi->first_data_sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus, sinfo.i_pos);
-    finode->dEntry_location_clus_offset = sinfo.slot_off; // 计算dentry的偏移量
-    // kdebug("finode->dEntry_location_clus=%#018lx", finode->dEntry_location_clus);
-    // kdebug("finode->dEntry_location_clus_offset=%#018lx", finode->dEntry_location_clus_offset);
-    finode->create_date =>DIR_CrtDate;
-    finode->create_time =>DIR_CrtTime;
-    finode->write_date =>DIR_WrtDate;
-    finode->write_time =>DIR_WrtTime;
-    // 暂时使用fat32的高4bit来标志设备文件
-    // todo: 引入devfs后删除这段代码
-    if ((>DIR_FstClusHI >> 12) && (p->attribute & VFS_IF_FILE))
-        p->attribute |= VFS_IF_DEVICE;
-    dest_dentry->dir_inode = p;
-    dest_dentry->dir_ops = &fat32_dEntry_ops;
-    list_init(&dest_dentry->child_node_list);
-    list_init(&dest_dentry->subdirs_list);
-    kfree(sinfo.buffer);
-    return dest_dentry;
- * @brief 创建fat32文件系统的超级块
- *
- * @param blk 块设备结构体
- * @return struct vfs_superblock_t* 创建好的超级块
- */
-struct vfs_superblock_t *fat32_read_superblock(struct block_device *blk)
-    // BUG
-    // 读取文件系统的boot扇区
-    uint8_t buf[512] = {0};
-    blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, blk->bd_start_LBA, 1, (uint64_t)&buf);
-    // 分配超级块的空间
-    struct vfs_superblock_t *sb_ptr = (struct vfs_superblock_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_superblock_t), 0);
-    blk->bd_superblock = sb_ptr;
-    sb_ptr->sb_ops = &fat32_sb_ops;
-    sb_ptr->dir_ops = &fat32_dEntry_ops;
-    sb_ptr->private_sb_info = kzalloc(sizeof(fat32_sb_info_t), 0);
-    sb_ptr->blk_device = blk;
-    struct fat32_BootSector_t *fbs = (struct fat32_BootSector_t *)buf;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)(sb_ptr->private_sb_info);
-    fsbi->starting_sector = blk->bd_start_LBA;
-    fsbi->sector_count = blk->bd_sectors_num;
-    fsbi->sec_per_clus = fbs->BPB_SecPerClus;
-    fsbi->bytes_per_clus = fbs->BPB_SecPerClus * fbs->BPB_BytesPerSec;
-    fsbi->bytes_per_sec = fbs->BPB_BytesPerSec;
-    fsbi->first_data_sector = blk->bd_start_LBA + fbs->BPB_RsvdSecCnt + fbs->BPB_FATSz32 * fbs->BPB_NumFATs;
-    fsbi->FAT1_base_sector = blk->bd_start_LBA + fbs->BPB_RsvdSecCnt;
-    fsbi->FAT2_base_sector = fsbi->FAT1_base_sector + fbs->BPB_FATSz32;
-    fsbi->sec_per_FAT = fbs->BPB_FATSz32;
-    fsbi->NumFATs = fbs->BPB_NumFATs;
-    fsbi->fsinfo_sector_addr_infat = fbs->BPB_FSInfo;
-    fsbi->bootsector_bak_sector_addr_infat = fbs->BPB_BkBootSec;
-    printk_color(ORANGE, BLACK,
-                 "FAT32 Boot Sector\n\tBPB_FSInfo:%#018lx\n\tBPB_BkBootSec:%#018lx\n\tBPB_TotSec32:%#018lx\n",
-                 fbs->BPB_FSInfo, fbs->BPB_BkBootSec, fbs->BPB_TotSec32);
-    // fsinfo扇区的信息
-    memset(&fsbi->fsinfo, 0, sizeof(struct fat32_FSInfo_t));
-    blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT,
-                                 blk->bd_start_LBA + fsbi->fsinfo_sector_addr_infat, 1, (uint64_t)&fsbi->fsinfo);
-    printk_color(BLUE, BLACK, "FAT32 FSInfo\n\tFSI_LeadSig:%#018lx\n\tFSI_StrucSig:%#018lx\n\tFSI_Free_Count:%#018lx\n",
-                 fsbi->fsinfo.FSI_LeadSig, fsbi->fsinfo.FSI_StrucSig, fsbi->fsinfo.FSI_Free_Count);
-    // 初始化超级块的dir entry
-    sb_ptr->root = vfs_alloc_dentry(2);
-    sb_ptr->root->parent = sb_ptr->root;
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_ops = &fat32_dEntry_ops;
-    // 分配2个字节的name
-    sb_ptr->root->name[0] = '/';
-    sb_ptr->root->name_length = 1;
-    // 为root目录项分配index node
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->inode_ops = &fat32_inode_ops;
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->file_ops = &fat32_file_ops;
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->file_size = 0;
-    // 计算文件占用的扇区数, 由于最小存储单位是簇,因此需要按照簇的大小来对齐扇区
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->blocks =
-        (sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->file_size + fsbi->bytes_per_clus - 1) / fsbi->bytes_per_sec;
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->attribute = VFS_IF_DIR;
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->sb = sb_ptr; // 反向绑定对应的超级块
-    // 初始化inode信息
-    sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->private_inode_info = kmalloc(sizeof(struct fat32_inode_info_t), 0);
-    memset(sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->private_inode_info, 0, sizeof(struct fat32_inode_info_t));
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)sb_ptr->root->dir_inode->private_inode_info;
-    finode->first_clus = fbs->BPB_RootClus;
-    finode->dEntry_location_clus = 0;
-    finode->dEntry_location_clus_offset = 0;
-    finode->create_time = 0;
-    finode->create_date = 0;
-    finode->write_date = 0;
-    finode->write_time;
-    return sb_ptr;
- * @brief todo: 写入superblock
- *
- * @param sb
- */
-void fat32_write_superblock(struct vfs_superblock_t *sb)
- * @brief 释放superblock的内存空间
- *
- * @param sb 要被释放的superblock
- */
-void fat32_put_superblock(struct vfs_superblock_t *sb)
-    kfree(sb->private_sb_info);
-    kfree(sb->root->dir_inode->private_inode_info);
-    kfree(sb->root->dir_inode);
-    kfree(sb->root);
-    kfree(sb);
- * @brief 写入inode到硬盘上
- *
- * @param inode
- */
-void fat32_write_inode(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode)
-    fat32_inode_info_t *finode = inode->private_inode_info;
-    if (finode->dEntry_location_clus == 0)
-    {
-        kerror("FAT32 error: Attempt to write the root inode");
-        return;
-    }
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)inode->sb->private_sb_info;
-    // 计算目标inode对应数据区的LBA地址
-    uint64_t fLBA = fsbi->first_data_sector + (finode->dEntry_location_clus - 2) * fsbi->sec_per_clus;
-    struct fat32_Directory_t *buf = (struct fat32_Directory_t *)kmalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
-    memset(buf, 0, fsbi->bytes_per_clus);
-    inode->sb->blk_device->bd_disk->fops->transfer(inode->sb->blk_device->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, fLBA,
-                                                   fsbi->sec_per_clus, (uint64_t)buf);
-    // 计算目标dEntry所在的位置
-    struct fat32_Directory_t *fdEntry = buf + finode->dEntry_location_clus_offset;
-    // 写入fat32文件系统的dir_entry
-    fdEntry->DIR_FileSize = inode->file_size;
-    fdEntry->DIR_FstClusLO = finode->first_clus & 0xffff;
-    fdEntry->DIR_FstClusHI = (finode->first_clus >> 16) | (fdEntry->DIR_FstClusHI & 0xf000);
-    // 将dir entry写回磁盘
-    inode->sb->blk_device->bd_disk->fops->transfer(inode->sb->blk_device->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, fLBA,
-                                                   fsbi->sec_per_clus, (uint64_t)buf);
-    kfree(buf);
-struct vfs_super_block_operations_t fat32_sb_ops = {
-    .write_superblock = fat32_write_superblock,
-    .put_superblock = fat32_put_superblock,
-    .write_inode = fat32_write_inode,
-// todo: compare
-long fat32_compare(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dEntry, char *source_filename, char *dest_filename)
-    return 0;
-// todo: hash
-long fat32_hash(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, char *filename)
-    return 0;
-// todo: release
-long fat32_release(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry)
-    return 0;
-// todo: iput
-long fat32_iput(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, struct vfs_index_node_t *inode)
-    return 0;
- * @brief fat32文件系统对于dEntry的操作
- *
- */
-struct vfs_dir_entry_operations_t fat32_dEntry_ops = {
-    .compare = fat32_compare,
-    .hash = fat32_hash,
-    .release = fat32_release,
-    .iput = fat32_iput,
-// todo: open
-long fat32_open(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr)
-    return 0;
-// todo: close
-long fat32_close(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr)
-    return 0;
- * @brief 从fat32文件系统读取数据
- *
- * @param file_ptr 文件描述符
- * @param buf 输出缓冲区
- * @param count 要读取的字节数
- * @param position 文件指针位置
- * @return long 执行成功:传输的字节数量    执行失败:错误码(小于0)
- */
-long fat32_read(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *position)
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->private_inode_info);
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->sb->private_sb_info);
-    struct block_device *blk = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->sb->blk_device;
-    // First cluster num of the file
-    uint64_t cluster = finode->first_clus;
-    // kdebug("fsbi->bytes_per_clus=%d fsbi->sec_per_clus=%d finode->first_clus=%d cluster=%d", fsbi->bytes_per_clus,
-    // fsbi->sec_per_clus, finode->first_clus, cluster);
-    // kdebug("fsbi->bytes_per_clus=%d", fsbi->bytes_per_clus);
-    // clus offset in file
-    uint64_t clus_offset_in_file = (*position) / fsbi->bytes_per_clus;
-    // bytes offset in clus
-    uint64_t bytes_offset = (*position) % fsbi->bytes_per_clus;
-    if (!cluster)
-        return -EFAULT;
-    // find the actual cluster on disk of the specified position
-    for (int i = 0; i < clus_offset_in_file; ++i)
-        cluster = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-    // 如果需要读取的数据边界大于文件大小
-    if (*position + count > file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size)
-        count = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size - *position;
-    // 剩余还需要传输的字节数量
-    int64_t bytes_remain = count;
-    // alloc buffer memory space for ahci transfer
-    void *tmp_buffer = kmalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
-    int64_t retval = 0;
-    do
-    {
-        memset(tmp_buffer, 0, fsbi->bytes_per_clus);
-        uint64_t sector = fsbi->first_data_sector + (cluster - 2) * fsbi->sec_per_clus;
-        // 读取一个簇的数据
-        int errno = blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus,
-                                                 (uint64_t)tmp_buffer);
-        if (errno != AHCI_SUCCESS)
-        {
-            kerror("FAT32 FS(read) error!");
-            retval = -EIO;
-            break;
-        }
-        int64_t step_trans_len = 0; // 当前循环传输的字节数
-        if (bytes_remain > (fsbi->bytes_per_clus - bytes_offset))
-            step_trans_len = (fsbi->bytes_per_clus - bytes_offset);
-        else
-            step_trans_len = bytes_remain;
-        if (((uint64_t)buf) < USER_MAX_LINEAR_ADDR)
-            copy_to_user(buf, tmp_buffer + bytes_offset, step_trans_len);
-        else
-            memcpy(buf, tmp_buffer + bytes_offset, step_trans_len);
-        bytes_remain -= step_trans_len;
-        buf += step_trans_len;
-        bytes_offset -= bytes_offset;
-        *position += step_trans_len; // 更新文件指针
-        cluster = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-    } while (bytes_remain && (cluster < 0x0ffffff8) && cluster != 0);
-    kfree(tmp_buffer);
-    if (!bytes_remain)
-        retval = count;
-    return retval;
- * @brief 向fat32文件系统写入数据
- *
- * @param file_ptr 文件描述符
- * @param buf 输入写入的字节数
- * @param position 文件指针位置
- * @return long 执行成功:传输的字节数量    执行失败:错误码(小于0)
- */
-long fat32_write(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *position)
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->private_inode_info;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->sb->private_sb_info);
-    struct block_device *blk = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->sb->blk_device;
-    // First cluster num of the file
-    uint32_t cluster = finode->first_clus;
-    int64_t flags = 0;
-    // clus offset in file
-    uint64_t clus_offset_in_file = (*position) / fsbi->bytes_per_clus;
-    // bytes offset in clus
-    uint64_t bytes_offset = (*position) % fsbi->bytes_per_clus;
-    if (!cluster) // 起始簇号为0,说明是空文件
-    {
-        // 分配空闲簇
-        if (fat32_alloc_clusters(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode, &cluster, 1) != 0)
-            return -ENOSPC;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // 跳转到position所在的簇
-        for (uint64_t i = 0; i < clus_offset_in_file; ++i)
-            cluster = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-    }
-    // kdebug("cluster(start)=%d", cluster);
-    //  没有可用的磁盘空间
-    if (!cluster)
-        return -ENOSPC;
-    int64_t bytes_remain = count;
-    if (count < 0) // 要写入的字节数小于0
-        return -EINVAL;
-    uint64_t sector;
-    int64_t retval = 0;
-    void *tmp_buffer = kmalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
-    do
-    {
-        memset(tmp_buffer, 0, fsbi->bytes_per_clus);
-        sector = fsbi->first_data_sector + (cluster - 2) * fsbi->sec_per_clus; // 计算对应的扇区
-        if (!flags)                                                            // 当前簇已分配
-        {
-            // kdebug("read existed sec=%ld", sector);
-            //  读取一个簇的数据
-            int errno = blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus,
-                                                     (uint64_t)tmp_buffer);
-            if (errno != 0)
-            {
-                // kerror("FAT32 FS(write)  read disk error!");
-                retval = -EIO;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        int64_t step_trans_len = 0; // 当前循环传输的字节数
-        if (bytes_remain > (fsbi->bytes_per_clus - bytes_offset))
-            step_trans_len = (fsbi->bytes_per_clus - bytes_offset);
-        else
-            step_trans_len = bytes_remain;
-        // kdebug("step_trans_len=%d, bytes_offset=%d", step_trans_len, bytes_offset);
-        if (((uint64_t)buf) < USER_MAX_LINEAR_ADDR)
-            copy_from_user(tmp_buffer + bytes_offset, buf, step_trans_len);
-        else
-            memcpy(tmp_buffer + bytes_offset, buf, step_trans_len);
-        // 写入数据到对应的簇
-        int errno = blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus,
-                                                 (uint64_t)tmp_buffer);
-        if (errno != AHCI_SUCCESS)
-        {
-            kerror("FAT32 FS(write)  write disk error!");
-            retval = -EIO;
-            break;
-        }
-        bytes_remain -= step_trans_len;
-        buf += step_trans_len;
-        bytes_offset -= bytes_offset;
-        *position += step_trans_len; // 更新文件指针
-        // kdebug("step_trans_len=%d", step_trans_len);
-        int next_clus = 0;
-        if (bytes_remain)
-            next_clus = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-        else
-            break;
-        if (next_clus >= 0x0ffffff8) // 已经到达了最后一个簇,需要分配新簇
-        {
-            if (fat32_alloc_clusters(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode, &next_clus, 1) != 0)
-            {
-                // 没有空闲簇
-                kfree(tmp_buffer);
-                return -ENOSPC;
-            }
-            cluster = next_clus; // 切换当前簇
-            flags = 1;           // 标记当前簇是新分配的簇
-        }
-    } while (bytes_remain);
-    // 文件大小有增长
-    if (*position > (file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size))
-    {
-        file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size = *position;
-        file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->sb->sb_ops->write_inode(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode);
-        // kdebug("new file size=%ld", *position);
-    }
-    kfree(tmp_buffer);
-    if (!bytes_remain)
-        retval = count;
-    // kdebug("retval=%lld", retval);
-    return retval;
- * @brief 调整文件的当前访问位置
- *
- * @param file_ptr vfs文件指针
- * @param offset 调整的偏移量
- * @param whence 调整方法
- * @return long 更新后的指针位置
- */
-long fat32_lseek(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, long offset, long whence)
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode;
-    long pos = 0;
-    switch (whence)
-    {
-    case SEEK_SET: // 相对于文件头
-        pos = offset;
-        break;
-    case SEEK_CUR: // 相对于当前位置
-        pos = file_ptr->position + offset;
-        break;
-    case SEEK_END: // 相对于文件末尾
-        pos = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size + offset;
-        break;
-    default:
-        return -EINVAL;
-        break;
-    }
-    if (pos < 0 || pos > file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size)
-        return -EOVERFLOW;
-    file_ptr->position = pos;
-    // kdebug("fat32 lseek -> position=%d", file_ptr->position);
-    return pos;
-// todo: ioctl
-long fat32_ioctl(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, uint64_t cmd, uint64_t arg)
-    return 0;
- * @brief fat32文件系统,关于文件的操作
- *
- */
-struct vfs_file_operations_t fat32_file_ops = {
-    .open = fat32_open,
-    .close = fat32_close,
-    .read = fat32_read,
-    .write = fat32_write,
-    .lseek = fat32_lseek,
-    .ioctl = fat32_ioctl,
-    .readdir = fat32_readdir,
- * @brief 创建新的文件
- * @param parent_inode 父目录的inode结构体
- * @param dest_dEntry 新文件的dentry
- * @param mode 创建模式
- */
-long fat32_create(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry, int mode)
-    // 文件系统超级块信息
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)parent_inode->sb->private_sb_info;
-    // 父目录项的inode的私有信息
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *parent_inode_info = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)parent_inode->private_inode_info;
-    int64_t retval = 0;
-    // ======== 检验名称的合法性
-    retval = fat32_check_name_available(dest_dEntry->name, dest_dEntry->name_length, 0);
-    if (retval != 0)
-        return retval;
-    if (dest_dEntry->dir_inode != NULL)
-        return -EEXIST;
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    dest_dEntry->dir_inode = inode;
-    dest_dEntry->dir_ops = &fat32_dEntry_ops;
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct fat32_inode_info_t), 0);
-    inode->attribute = VFS_IF_FILE;
-    inode->file_ops = &fat32_file_ops;
-    inode->file_size = 0;
-    inode->sb = parent_inode->sb;
-    inode->inode_ops = &fat32_inode_ops;
-    inode->private_inode_info = (void *)finode;
-    inode->blocks = fsbi->sec_per_clus;
-    struct block_device *blk = inode->sb->blk_device;
-    // 计算总共需要多少个目录项
-    uint32_t cnt_longname = (dest_dEntry->name_length + 25) / 26;
-    // 默认都是创建长目录项来存储
-    if (cnt_longname == 0)
-        cnt_longname = 1;
-    // 空闲dentry所在的扇区号
-    uint32_t tmp_dentry_sector = 0;
-    // 空闲dentry所在的缓冲区的基地址
-    uint64_t tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr = 0;
-    uint64_t tmp_parent_dentry_clus = 0;
-    // 寻找空闲目录项
-    struct fat32_Directory_t *empty_fat32_dentry = fat32_find_empty_dentry(
-        parent_inode, cnt_longname + 1, 0, &tmp_dentry_sector, &tmp_parent_dentry_clus, &tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
-    // kdebug("found empty dentry, cnt_longname=%ld", cnt_longname);
-    finode->first_clus = 0;
-    finode->dEntry_location_clus = tmp_parent_dentry_clus;
-    finode->dEntry_location_clus_offset = empty_fat32_dentry - (struct fat32_Directory_t *)tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr;
-    // ====== 为新的文件分配一个簇 =======
-    uint32_t new_dir_clus;
-    if (fat32_alloc_clusters(inode, &new_dir_clus, 1) != 0)
-    {
-        retval = -ENOSPC;
-        goto fail;
-    }
-    // kdebug("new dir clus=%ld", new_dir_clus);
-    // kdebug("dest_dEntry->name=%s", dest_dEntry->name);
-    // ====== 填写短目录项
-    fat32_fill_shortname(dest_dEntry, empty_fat32_dentry, new_dir_clus);
-    // kdebug("dest_dEntry->name=%s",dest_dEntry->name);
-    // 计算校验和
-    uint8_t short_dentry_ChkSum = fat32_ChkSum(empty_fat32_dentry->DIR_Name);
-    // kdebug("dest_dEntry->name=%s", dest_dEntry->name);
-    // ======== 填写长目录项
-    fat32_fill_longname(dest_dEntry, (struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *)(empty_fat32_dentry - 1), short_dentry_ChkSum,
-                        cnt_longname);
-    // ====== 将目录项写回磁盘
-    // kdebug("tmp_dentry_sector=%ld", tmp_dentry_sector);
-    blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, tmp_dentry_sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus,
-                                 tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
-    // 注意:parent字段需要在调用函数的地方进行设置
-    // 释放在find empty dentry中动态申请的缓冲区
-    kfree((void *)tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
-    return 0;
-    // 释放在find empty dentry中动态申请的缓冲区
-    kfree((void *)tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
-    dest_dEntry->dir_inode = NULL;
-    dest_dEntry->dir_ops = NULL;
-    kfree(finode);
-    kfree(inode);
-    return retval;
- * @brief 创建文件夹
- * @param inode 父目录的inode
- * @param dEntry 新的文件夹的dentry
- * @param mode 创建文件夹的mode
- * @return long 错误码
- */
-int64_t fat32_mkdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, int mode)
-    int64_t retval = 0;
-    // 文件系统超级块信息
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)parent_inode->sb->private_sb_info;
-    // 父目录项的inode私有信息
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *parent_inode_info = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)parent_inode->private_inode_info;
-    // ======== 检验名称的合法性
-    retval = fat32_check_name_available(dEntry->name, dEntry->name_length, 0);
-    if (retval != 0)
-        return retval;
-    // ====== 找一块连续的区域放置新的目录项 =====
-    // 计算总共需要多少个目录项
-    uint32_t cnt_longname = (dEntry->name_length + 25) / 26;
-    // 默认都是创建长目录项来存储
-    if (cnt_longname == 0)
-        cnt_longname = 1;
-    // 空闲dentry所在的扇区号
-    uint32_t tmp_dentry_sector = 0;
-    // 空闲dentry所在的缓冲区的基地址
-    uint64_t tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr = 0;
-    uint64_t tmp_parent_dentry_clus = 0;
-    // 寻找空闲目录项
-    struct fat32_Directory_t *empty_fat32_dentry = fat32_find_empty_dentry(
-        parent_inode, cnt_longname + 1, 0, &tmp_dentry_sector, &tmp_parent_dentry_clus, &tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
-    // ====== 初始化inode =======
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    inode->attribute = VFS_IF_DIR;
-    inode->blocks = fsbi->sec_per_clus;
-    inode->file_ops = &fat32_file_ops;
-    inode->file_size = 0;
-    inode->inode_ops = &fat32_inode_ops;
-    inode->sb = parent_inode->sb;
-    struct block_device *blk = inode->sb->blk_device;
-    // ===== 初始化inode的文件系统私有信息 ====
-    inode->private_inode_info = (fat32_inode_info_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(fat32_inode_info_t), 0);
-    memset(inode->private_inode_info, 0, sizeof(fat32_inode_info_t));
-    fat32_inode_info_t *p = (fat32_inode_info_t *)inode->private_inode_info;
-    p->first_clus = 0;
-    p->dEntry_location_clus = tmp_parent_dentry_clus;
-    p->dEntry_location_clus_offset = empty_fat32_dentry - (struct fat32_Directory_t *)tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr;
-    // kdebug(" p->dEntry_location_clus_offset=%d", p->dEntry_location_clus_offset);
-    // todo: 填写完全fat32_inode_info的信息
-    // 初始化dentry信息
-    dEntry->dir_ops = &fat32_dEntry_ops;
-    dEntry->dir_inode = inode;
-    // ====== 为新的文件夹分配一个簇 =======
-    uint32_t new_dir_clus;
-    if (fat32_alloc_clusters(inode, &new_dir_clus, 1) != 0)
-    {
-        retval = -ENOSPC;
-        goto fail;
-    }
-    // kdebug("new dir clus=%ld", new_dir_clus);
-    // ====== 填写短目录项
-    fat32_fill_shortname(dEntry, empty_fat32_dentry, new_dir_clus);
-    // 计算校验和
-    uint8_t short_dentry_ChkSum = fat32_ChkSum(empty_fat32_dentry->DIR_Name);
-    // ======== 填写长目录项
-    fat32_fill_longname(dEntry, (struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *)(empty_fat32_dentry - 1), short_dentry_ChkSum,
-                        cnt_longname);
-    // ====== 将目录项写回磁盘
-    // kdebug("tmp_dentry_sector=%ld", tmp_dentry_sector);
-    blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, tmp_dentry_sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus,
-                                 tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
-    // ====== 初始化新的文件夹的目录项 =====
-    {
-        // kdebug("to create dot and dot dot.");
-        void *buf = kmalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
-        struct fat32_Directory_t *new_dir_dentries = (struct fat32_Directory_t *)buf;
-        memset((void *)new_dir_dentries, 0, fsbi->bytes_per_clus);
-        // 新增 . 目录项
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_Attr = ATTR_DIRECTORY;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_FileSize = 0;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_Name[0] = '.';
-        for (int i = 1; i < 11; ++i)
-            new_dir_dentries->DIR_Name[i] = 0x20;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_FstClusHI = empty_fat32_dentry->DIR_FstClusHI;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_FstClusLO = empty_fat32_dentry->DIR_FstClusLO;
-        // 新增 .. 目录项
-        ++new_dir_dentries;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_Attr = ATTR_DIRECTORY;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_FileSize = 0;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_Name[0] = '.';
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_Name[1] = '.';
-        for (int i = 2; i < 11; ++i)
-            new_dir_dentries->DIR_Name[i] = 0x20;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_FstClusHI = (unsigned short)(parent_inode_info->first_clus >> 16) & 0x0fff;
-        new_dir_dentries->DIR_FstClusLO = (unsigned short)(parent_inode_info->first_clus) & 0xffff;
-        // 写入磁盘
-        uint64_t sector = fsbi->first_data_sector + (new_dir_clus - 2) * fsbi->sec_per_clus;
-        // kdebug("add dot and dot dot: sector=%ld", sector);
-        blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus, (uint64_t)buf);
-    }
-    // 注意:parent字段需要在调用函数的地方进行设置
-    // 注意:需要将当前dentry加入父目录的subdirs_list
-    // 释放在find empty dentry中动态申请的缓冲区
-    kfree((void *)tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
-    return 0;
-    // 释放在find empty dentry中动态申请的缓冲区
-    kfree((void *)tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
-    return retval;
-// todo: rmdir
-int64_t fat32_rmdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry)
-    return 0;
-// todo: rename
-int64_t fat32_rename(struct vfs_index_node_t *old_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *old_dEntry,
-                     struct vfs_index_node_t *new_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *new_dEntry)
-    return 0;
-// todo: getAttr
-int64_t fat32_getAttr(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, uint64_t *attr)
-    return 0;
-// todo: setAttr
-int64_t fat32_setAttr(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, uint64_t *attr)
-    return 0;
- * @brief 从fat32中卸载inode
- *
- * @param inode 要被卸载的inode
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int fat32_detach_inode(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode)
-    // todo: 当引入哈希表管理inode之后,这个函数负责将inode从哈希表中删除
-    // 参考Linux的fat_detach
-    return 0;
- * @brief 取消inode和dentry之间的链接关系(删除文件)
- *
- * @param inode 要被取消关联关系的目录项的【父目录项】
- * @param dentry 要被取消关联关系的子目录项
- */
-int64_t fat32_unlink(struct vfs_index_node_t *dir, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry)
-    int retval = 0;
-    struct vfs_superblock_t *sb = dir->sb;
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode_to_remove = dentry->dir_inode;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)sb->private_sb_info;
-    struct fat32_slot_info sinfo = {0};
-    // todo: 对fat32的超级块加锁
-    retval = vfat_find(dir, dentry->name, &sinfo);
-    if (unlikely(retval != 0))
-        goto out;
-    // 从fat表删除目录项
-    retval = fat32_remove_entries(dir, &sinfo);
-    if (unlikely(retval != 0))
-        goto out;
-    retval = fat32_detach_inode(dentry->dir_inode);
-    if (unlikely(retval != 0))
-        goto out;
-    if (sinfo.buffer != NULL)
-        kfree(sinfo.buffer);
-    // todo: 对fat32的超级块放锁
-    return retval;
- * @brief 读取文件夹(在指定目录中找出有效目录项)
- *
- * @param file_ptr 文件结构体指针
- * @param dirent 返回的dirent
- * @param filler 填充dirent的函数
- * @return uint64_t dirent的总大小
- */
-int64_t fat32_readdir(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, void *dirent, vfs_filldir_t filler)
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->private_inode_info;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->sb->private_sb_info;
-    struct block_device *blk = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->sb->blk_device;
-    unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *)kzalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
-    uint32_t cluster = finode->first_clus;
-    // 当前文件指针所在位置的簇号(文件内偏移量)
-    int clus_num = file_ptr->position / fsbi->bytes_per_clus;
-    // 循环读取fat entry,直到读取到文件当前位置的所在簇号
-    for (int i = 0; i < clus_num; ++i)
-    {
-        cluster = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-        if (cluster > 0x0ffffff7) // 文件结尾
-        {
-            kerror("file position out of range! (cluster not exists)");
-            return NULL;
-        }
-    }
-    uint64_t dentry_type = 0; // 传递给filler的dentry类型数据
-    char *dir_name = NULL;
-    int name_len = 0;
-    // ==== 此时已经将文件夹的目录项起始簇的簇号读取到cluster变量中 ===
-    while (cluster <= 0x0ffffff7) // cluster在循环末尾更新(如果当前簇已经没有短目录项的话)
-    {
-        // 计算文件夹当前位置所在簇的起始扇区号
-        uint64_t sector = fsbi->first_data_sector + (cluster - 2) * fsbi->sec_per_clus;
-        // 读取文件夹目录项当前位置起始扇区的数据
-        if (AHCI_SUCCESS != blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, sector,
-                                                         fsbi->sec_per_clus, (uint64_t)buf))
-        {
-            // 读取失败
-            kerror("Failed to read the file's first sector.");
-            kfree(buf);
-            return NULL;
-        }
-        struct fat32_Directory_t *dentry = NULL;
-        struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *long_dentry = NULL;
-        // 找到当前短目录项
-        dentry = (struct fat32_Directory_t *)(buf + file_ptr->position % fsbi->bytes_per_clus);
-        name_len = 0;
-        // 逐个查找短目录项
-        for (int i = file_ptr->position % fsbi->bytes_per_clus; i < fsbi->bytes_per_clus;
-             i += 32, file_ptr->position += 32, ++dentry)
-        {
-            // 若是长目录项则跳过
-            if (dentry->DIR_Attr == ATTR_LONG_NAME)
-                continue;
-            // 跳过无效表项、空闲表项
-            if (dentry->DIR_Name[0] == 0xe5 || dentry->DIR_Name[0] == 0x00 || dentry->DIR_Name[0] == 0x05)
-                continue;
-            // 找到短目录项
-            // 该短目录项对应的第一个长目录项
-            long_dentry = (struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *)(dentry - 1);
-            // 如果长目录项有效,则读取长目录项
-            if (long_dentry->LDIR_Attr == ATTR_LONG_NAME && long_dentry->LDIR_Ord != 0xe5 &&
-                long_dentry->LDIR_Ord != 0x00 && long_dentry->LDIR_Ord != 0x05)
-            {
-                int count_long_dentry = 0;
-                // 统计长目录项的个数
-                while (long_dentry->LDIR_Attr == ATTR_LONG_NAME && long_dentry->LDIR_Ord != 0xe5 &&
-                       long_dentry->LDIR_Ord != 0x00 && long_dentry->LDIR_Ord != 0x05)
-                {
-                    ++count_long_dentry;
-                    if (long_dentry->LDIR_Ord & 0x40) // 最后一个长目录项
-                        break;
-                    --long_dentry;
-                }
-                // 为目录名分配空间
-                dir_name = (char *)kmalloc(count_long_dentry * 26 + 1, 0);
-                memset(dir_name, 0, count_long_dentry * 26 + 1);
-                // 重新将长目录项指针指向第一个长目录项
-                long_dentry = (struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *)(dentry - 1);
-                name_len = 0;
-                // 逐个存储文件名
-                for (int j = 0; j < count_long_dentry; ++j, --long_dentry)
-                {
-                    // 存储name1
-                    for (int k = 0; k < 5; ++k)
-                    {
-                        if (long_dentry->LDIR_Name1[k] != 0xffff && long_dentry->LDIR_Name1[k] != 0x0000)
-                            dir_name[name_len++] = (char)long_dentry->LDIR_Name1[k];
-                    }
-                    // 存储name2
-                    for (int k = 0; k < 6; ++k)
-                    {
-                        if (long_dentry->LDIR_Name2[k] != 0xffff && long_dentry->LDIR_Name2[k] != 0x0000)
-                            dir_name[name_len++] = (char)long_dentry->LDIR_Name2[k];
-                    }
-                    // 存储name3
-                    for (int k = 0; k < 2; ++k)
-                    {
-                        if (long_dentry->LDIR_Name3[k] != 0xffff && long_dentry->LDIR_Name3[k] != 0x0000)
-                            dir_name[name_len++] = (char)long_dentry->LDIR_Name3[k];
-                    }
-                }
-                // 读取目录项成功,返回
-                dentry_type = dentry->DIR_Attr;
-                goto find_dir_success;
-            }
-            else // 不存在长目录项
-            {
-                dir_name = (char *)kmalloc(15, 0);
-                memset(dir_name, 0, 15);
-                name_len = 0;
-                int total_len = 0;
-                // 读取基础名
-                for (int j = 0; j < 8; ++j, ++total_len)
-                {
-                    if (dentry->DIR_Name[j] == ' ')
-                        break;
-                    if (dentry->DIR_NTRes & LOWERCASE_BASE) // 如果标记了文件名小写,则转换为小写字符
-                        dir_name[name_len++] = dentry->DIR_Name[j] + 32;
-                    else
-                        dir_name[name_len++] = dentry->DIR_Name[j];
-                }
-                // 如果当前短目录项为文件夹,则直接返回,不需要读取扩展名
-                if (dentry->DIR_Attr & ATTR_DIRECTORY)
-                {
-                    dentry_type = dentry->DIR_Attr;
-                    goto find_dir_success;
-                }
-                // 是文件,增加  .
-                dir_name[name_len++] = '.';
-                // 读取扩展名
-                // 读取基础名
-                for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j, ++total_len)
-                {
-                    if (dentry->DIR_Name[j] == ' ')
-                        break;
-                    if (dentry->DIR_NTRes & LOWERCASE_BASE) // 如果标记了文件名小写,则转换为小写字符
-                        dir_name[name_len++] = dentry->DIR_Name[j] + 32;
-                    else
-                        dir_name[name_len++] = dentry->DIR_Name[j];
-                }
-                if (total_len == 8) // 没有扩展名
-                    dir_name[--name_len] = '\0';
-                dentry_type = dentry->DIR_Attr;
-                goto find_dir_success;
-            }
-        }
-        // 当前簇不存在目录项
-        cluster = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-    }
-    kfree(buf);
-    // 在上面的循环中读取到目录项结尾了,仍没有找到
-    return NULL;
-    // 将文件夹位置坐标加32(即指向下一个目录项)
-    file_ptr->position += 32;
-    // todo: 计算ino_t
-    if (dentry_type & ATTR_DIRECTORY)
-        dentry_type = VFS_IF_DIR;
-    else
-        dentry_type = VFS_IF_FILE;
-    return filler(dirent, 0, dir_name, name_len, dentry_type, 0);
-struct vfs_inode_operations_t fat32_inode_ops = {
-    .create = fat32_create,
-    .mkdir = fat32_mkdir,
-    .rmdir = fat32_rmdir,
-    .lookup = fat32_lookup,
-    .rename = fat32_rename,
-    .getAttr = fat32_getAttr,
-    .setAttr = fat32_setAttr,
-    .unlink = fat32_unlink,
- * @brief 给定字符串长度,计算去除字符串尾部的'.'后,剩余部分的长度
- *
- * @param len 字符串长度(不包括\0)
- * @param name 名称字符串
- * @return unsigned int 去除'.'后的
- */
-static unsigned int vfat_striptail_len(unsigned int len, const char *name)
-    while (len && name[len - 1] == '.')
-        --len;
-    return len;
- * @brief 在指定inode的长目录项中搜索目标子目录项
- *
- * @param dir 父目录项inode
- * @param name 要查找的子目录项的名称
- * @param len 子目录项名称长度
- * @param slot_info 返回的对应的子目录项的短目录项。
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int fat_search_long(struct vfs_index_node_t *dir, const char *name, int len, struct fat32_slot_info *slot_info)
-    int retval = 0;
-    retval = __fat32_search_long_short(dir, name, len, slot_info);
-    return retval;
- * @brief 在fat32中,根据父inode,寻找给定名称的子inode
- *
- * @param dir 父目录项的inode
- * @param name 子目录项名称
- * @param slot_info 找到的slot的信息
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int vfat_find(struct vfs_index_node_t *dir, const char *name, struct fat32_slot_info *slot_info)
-    uint32_t len = vfat_striptail_len(strnlen(name, PAGE_4K_SIZE - 1), name);
-    if (len == 0)
-        return -ENOENT;
-    return fat_search_long(dir, name, len, slot_info);
-struct vfs_filesystem_type_t fat32_fs_type = {
-    .name = "FAT32",
-    .fs_flags = 0,
-    .read_superblock = fat32_read_superblock,
-    .next = NULL,
-void fat32_init()
-    kinfo("Initializing FAT32...");
-    // 在VFS中注册fat32文件系统
-    vfs_register_filesystem(&fat32_fs_type);
-    // 挂载根文件系统
-    fat32_register_partition(ahci_gendisk0.partition + 0, 0);

+ 0 - 221

@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- * @file fat32.h
- * @author fslongjin ([email protected])
- * @brief fat32文件系统
- * @version 0.1
- * @date 2022-04-19
- *
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2022
- *
- */
-#pragma once
-#include <filesystem/MBR.h>
-#include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#define FAT32_MAX_PARTITION_NUM 128 // 系统支持的最大的fat32分区数量
-#define FAT32_DELETED_FLAG 0xe5 // 如果短目录项的name[0]为这个值,那么意味着这个短目录项是空闲的
- * @brief fat32文件系统引导扇区结构体
- *
- */
-struct fat32_BootSector_t
-    uint8_t BS_jmpBoot[3];    // 跳转指令
-    uint8_t BS_OEMName[8];    // 生产厂商名
-    uint16_t BPB_BytesPerSec; // 每扇区字节数
-    uint8_t BPB_SecPerClus;   // 每簇扇区数
-    uint16_t BPB_RsvdSecCnt;  // 保留扇区数
-    uint8_t BPB_NumFATs;      // FAT表数量
-    uint16_t BPB_RootEntCnt;  // 根目录文件数最大值
-    uint16_t BPB_TotSec16;    // 16位扇区总数
-    uint8_t BPB_Media;        // 介质描述符
-    uint16_t BPB_FATSz16;     // FAT12/16每FAT扇区数
-    uint16_t BPB_SecPerTrk;   // 每磁道扇区数
-    uint16_t BPB_NumHeads;    // 磁头数
-    uint32_t BPB_HiddSec;     // 隐藏扇区数
-    uint32_t BPB_TotSec32;    // 32位扇区总数
-    uint32_t BPB_FATSz32;   // FAT32每FAT扇区数
-    uint16_t BPB_ExtFlags;  // 扩展标志
-    uint16_t BPB_FSVer;     // 文件系统版本号
-    uint32_t BPB_RootClus;  // 根目录起始簇号
-    uint16_t BPB_FSInfo;    // FS info结构体的扇区号
-    uint16_t BPB_BkBootSec; // 引导扇区的备份扇区号
-    uint8_t BPB_Reserved0[12];
-    uint8_t BS_DrvNum; // int0x13的驱动器号
-    uint8_t BS_Reserved1;
-    uint8_t BS_BootSig;       // 扩展引导标记
-    uint32_t BS_VolID;        // 卷序列号
-    uint8_t BS_VolLab[11];    // 卷标
-    uint8_t BS_FilSysType[8]; // 文件系统类型
-    uint8_t BootCode[420]; // 引导代码、数据
-    uint16_t BS_TrailSig; // 结束标志0xAA55
-} __attribute__((packed));
- * @brief fat32文件系统的FSInfo扇区结构体
- *
- */
-struct fat32_FSInfo_t
-    uint32_t FSI_LeadSig;       // FS info扇区标志符 数值为0x41615252
-    uint8_t FSI_Reserved1[480]; // 保留使用,全部置为0
-    uint32_t FSI_StrucSig;      // 另一个标志符,数值为0x61417272
-    uint32_t FSI_Free_Count;    // 上一次记录的空闲簇数量,这是一个参考值
-    uint32_t FSI_Nxt_Free;      // 空闲簇的起始搜索位置,这是为驱动程序提供的参考值
-    uint8_t FSI_Reserved2[12];  // 保留使用,全部置为0
-    uint32_t FSI_TrailSig;      // 结束标志,数值为0xaa550000
-} __attribute__((packed));
-#define ATTR_READ_ONLY (1 << 0)
-#define ATTR_HIDDEN (1 << 1)
-#define ATTR_SYSTEM (1 << 2)
-#define ATTR_VOLUME_ID (1 << 3)
-#define ATTR_DIRECTORY (1 << 4)
-#define ATTR_ARCHIVE (1 << 5)
- * @brief fat32文件系统短目录项,大小为32bytes
- *
- */
-struct fat32_Directory_t
-    unsigned char DIR_Name[11];
-    unsigned char DIR_Attr;         // 目录项属性
-    unsigned char DIR_NTRes;        // EXT|BASE => 8(BASE).3(EXT)
-                                    // BASE:LowerCase(8),UpperCase(0)
-                                    // EXT:LowerCase(16),UpperCase(0)
-    unsigned char DIR_CrtTimeTenth; // 文件创建的毫秒级时间戳
-    unsigned short DIR_CrtTime;     // 文件创建时间
-    unsigned short DIR_CrtDate;     // 文件创建日期
-    unsigned short DIR_LastAccDate; // 文件的最后访问日期
-    unsigned short DIR_FstClusHI;   // 起始簇号(高16bit)
-    unsigned short DIR_WrtTime;     // 最后写入时间
-    unsigned short DIR_WrtDate;     // 最后写入日期
-    unsigned short DIR_FstClusLO;   // 起始簇号(低16bit)
-    unsigned int DIR_FileSize;      // 文件大小
-} __attribute__((packed));
-#define LOWERCASE_BASE (8)
-#define LOWERCASE_EXT (16)
- * @brief fat32文件系统长目录项,大小为32bytes
- *
- */
-struct fat32_LongDirectory_t
-    unsigned char LDIR_Ord;        // 长目录项的序号
-    unsigned short LDIR_Name1[5];  // 长文件名的第1-5个字符,每个字符占2bytes
-    unsigned char LDIR_Attr;       // 目录项属性必须为ATTR_LONG_NAME
-    unsigned char LDIR_Type;       // 如果为0,则说明这是长目录项的子项
-    unsigned char LDIR_Chksum;     // 短文件名的校验和
-    unsigned short LDIR_Name2[6];  // 长文件名的第6-11个字符,每个字符占2bytes
-    unsigned short LDIR_FstClusLO; // 必须为0
-    unsigned short LDIR_Name3[2];  // 长文件名的12-13个字符,每个字符占2bytes
-} __attribute__((packed));
- * @brief fat32文件系统的超级块信息结构体
- *
- */
-struct fat32_partition_info_t
-    uint16_t partition_id; // 全局fat32分区id
-    // todo: 增加mutex,使得对fat32文件系统的访问是互斥的
-    struct fat32_BootSector_t bootsector;
-    struct fat32_FSInfo_t fsinfo;
-    uint64_t fsinfo_sector_addr_infat;
-    uint64_t bootsector_bak_sector_addr_infat;
-    uint64_t starting_sector;
-    uint64_t sector_count;
-    uint64_t sec_per_clus;   // 每簇扇区数
-    uint64_t bytes_per_sec;  // 每扇区字节数
-    uint64_t bytes_per_clus; // 每簇字节数
-    uint64_t first_data_sector; // 数据区起始扇区号
-    uint64_t FAT1_base_sector;  // FAT1表的起始簇号
-    uint64_t FAT2_base_sector;  // FAT2表的起始簇号
-    uint64_t sec_per_FAT;       // 每FAT表扇区数
-    uint64_t NumFATs;           // FAT表数
-typedef struct fat32_partition_info_t fat32_sb_info_t;
-struct fat32_inode_info_t
-    uint32_t first_clus;                  // 文件的起始簇号
-    uint64_t dEntry_location_clus;        // fat entry的起始簇号 dEntry struct in cluster (0 is root, 1 is invalid)
-    uint64_t dEntry_location_clus_offset; // fat entry在起始簇中的偏移量(是第几个entry) dEntry struct offset in cluster
-    uint16_t create_date;
-    uint16_t create_time;
-    uint16_t write_time;
-    uint16_t write_date;
-typedef struct fat32_inode_info_t fat32_inode_info_t;
- * @brief FAT32目录项插槽信息
- * 一个插槽指的是 一个长目录项/短目录项
- */
-struct fat32_slot_info
-    off_t i_pos;    // on-disk position of directory entry(扇区号)
-    off_t slot_off; // offset for slot or (de) start
-    int num_slots;  // number of slots +1(de) in filename
-    struct fat32_Directory_t * de;
-    // todo: 加入block io层后,在这里引入buffer_head
-    void *buffer;   // 记得释放这个buffer!!!
- * @brief 注册指定磁盘上的指定分区的fat32文件系统
- *
- * @param blk_dev 块设备结构体
- * @param part_num 磁盘分区编号
- *
- * @return struct vfs_super_block_t * 文件系统的超级块
- */
-struct vfs_superblock_t *fat32_register_partition(struct block_device *blk_dev, uint8_t part_num);
- * @brief 创建fat32文件系统的超级块
- *
- * @param blk 块设备结构体
- * @return struct vfs_superblock_t* 创建好的超级块
- */
-struct vfs_superblock_t *fat32_read_superblock(struct block_device *blk);
- * @brief 创建新的文件
- * @param parent_inode 父目录的inode结构体
- * @param dest_dEntry 新文件的dentry
- * @param mode 创建模式
- */
-long fat32_create(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry, int mode);
-void fat32_init();
- * @brief 读取文件夹(在指定目录中找出有效目录项)
- *
- * @param file_ptr 文件结构体指针
- * @param dirent 返回的dirent
- * @param filler 填充dirent的函数
- * @return int64_t
- */
-int64_t fat32_readdir(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, void *dirent, vfs_filldir_t filler);

+ 0 - 481

@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-#include "fat_ent.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include <common/errno.h>
-#include <driver/disk/ahci/ahci.h>
-#include <mm/slab.h>
-static const char unavailable_character_in_short_name[] = {0x22, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x3a, 0x3b,
-                                                           0x3c, 0x3d, 0x3e, 0x3f, 0x5b, 0x5c, 0x5d, 0x7c};
- * @brief 请求分配指定数量的簇
- *
- * @param inode 要分配簇的inode
- * @param clusters 返回的被分配的簇的簇号结构体
- * @param num_clusters 要分配的簇的数量
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int fat32_alloc_clusters(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, uint32_t *clusters, int32_t num_clusters)
-    int retval = 0;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)inode->sb->private_sb_info;
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)inode->private_inode_info;
-    struct block_device *blk = inode->sb->blk_device;
-    uint64_t sec_per_fat = fsbi->sec_per_FAT;
-    // 申请1扇区的缓冲区
-    uint32_t *buf = (uint32_t *)kzalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_sec, 0);
-    int ent_per_sec = (fsbi->bytes_per_sec >> 2);
-    int clus_idx = 0;
-    for (int i = 0; i < sec_per_fat; ++i)
-    {
-        if (clus_idx >= num_clusters)
-            goto done;
-        memset(buf, 0, fsbi->bytes_per_sec);
-        blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, fsbi->FAT1_base_sector + i, 1, (uint64_t)buf);
-        // 依次检查簇是否空闲
-        for (int j = 0; j < ent_per_sec; ++j)
-        {
-            if (clus_idx >= num_clusters)
-                goto done;
-            // 找到空闲簇
-            if ((buf[j] & 0x0fffffff) == 0)
-            {
-                // kdebug("clus[%d] = %d", clus_idx, i * ent_per_sec + j);
-                clusters[clus_idx] = i * ent_per_sec + j;
-                ++clus_idx;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    // 空间不足
-    retval = -ENOSPC;
-    kfree(buf);
-    if (retval == 0) // 成功
-    {
-        int cluster, idx;
-        if (finode->first_clus == 0)
-        {
-            // 空文件
-            finode->first_clus = clusters[0];
-            cluster = finode->first_clus;
-            // 写入inode到磁盘
-            inode->sb->sb_ops->write_inode(inode);
-            idx = 1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            // 跳转到文件当前的最后一个簇
-            idx = 0;
-            int tmp_clus = finode->first_clus;
-            cluster = tmp_clus;
-            while (true)
-            {
-                tmp_clus = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-                if (tmp_clus <= 0x0ffffff7)
-                    cluster = tmp_clus;
-                else
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
-        // 写入fat表
-        for (int i = idx; i < num_clusters; ++i)
-        {
-            // kdebug("write cluster i=%d : cluster=%d, value= %d", i, cluster, clusters[i]);
-            fat32_write_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster, clusters[i]);
-            cluster = clusters[i];
-        }
-        fat32_write_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster, 0x0ffffff8);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    else // 出现错误
-    {
-        kwarn("err in alloc clusters");
-        if (clus_idx < num_clusters)
-            fat32_free_clusters(inode, clusters[0]);
-        return retval;
-    }
-    return 0;
- * @brief 释放从属于inode的,从cluster开始的所有簇
- *
- * @param inode 指定的文件的inode
- * @param cluster 指定簇
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int fat32_free_clusters(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, int32_t cluster)
-    // todo: 释放簇
-    return 0;
- * @brief 读取指定簇的FAT表项
- *
- * @param blk 块设备结构体
- * @param fsbi fat32超级块私有信息结构体
- * @param cluster 指定簇
- * @return uint32_t 下一个簇的簇号
- */
-uint32_t fat32_read_FAT_entry(struct block_device *blk, fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi, uint32_t cluster)
-    // 计算每个扇区内含有的FAT表项数
-    // FAT每项4bytes
-    uint32_t fat_ent_per_sec = (fsbi->bytes_per_sec >> 2); // 该值应为2的n次幂
-    uint32_t buf[256];
-    memset(buf, 0, fsbi->bytes_per_sec);
-    // 读取一个sector的数据,
-    blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT,
-                                 fsbi->FAT1_base_sector + (cluster / fat_ent_per_sec), 1, (uint64_t)&buf);
-    // 返回下一个fat表项的值(也就是下一个cluster)
-    return buf[cluster & (fat_ent_per_sec - 1)] & 0x0fffffff;
- * @brief 写入指定簇的FAT表项
- *
- * @param blk 块设备结构体
- * @param fsbi fat32超级块私有信息结构体
- * @param cluster 指定簇
- * @param value 要写入该fat表项的值
- * @return uint32_t errcode
- */
-int fat32_write_FAT_entry(struct block_device *blk, fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi, uint32_t cluster, uint32_t value)
-    // 计算每个扇区内含有的FAT表项数
-    // FAT每项4bytes
-    uint32_t fat_ent_per_sec = (fsbi->bytes_per_sec >> 2); // 该值应为2的n次幂
-    uint32_t *buf = kzalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_sec, 0);
-    blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT,
-                                 fsbi->FAT1_base_sector + (cluster / fat_ent_per_sec), 1, (uint64_t)buf);
-    buf[cluster & (fat_ent_per_sec - 1)] = (buf[cluster & (fat_ent_per_sec - 1)] & 0xf0000000) | (value & 0x0fffffff);
-    // 向FAT1和FAT2写入数据
-    blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT,
-                                 fsbi->FAT1_base_sector + (cluster / fat_ent_per_sec), 1, (uint64_t)buf);
-    blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT,
-                                 fsbi->FAT2_base_sector + (cluster / fat_ent_per_sec), 1, (uint64_t)buf);
-    kfree(buf);
-    return 0;
- * @brief 在父亲inode的目录项簇中,寻找连续num个空的目录项
- *
- * @param parent_inode 父inode
- * @param num 请求的目录项数量
- * @param mode 操作模式
- * @param res_sector 返回信息:缓冲区对应的扇区号
- * @param res_cluster 返回信息:缓冲区对应的簇号
- * @param res_data_buf_base 返回信息:缓冲区的内存基地址(记得要释放缓冲区内存!!!!)
- * @return struct fat32_Directory_t*
- * 符合要求的entry的指针(指向地址高处的空目录项,也就是说,有连续num个≤这个指针的空目录项)
- */
-struct fat32_Directory_t *fat32_find_empty_dentry(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, uint32_t num, uint32_t mode,
-                                                  uint32_t *res_sector, uint64_t *res_cluster,
-                                                  uint64_t *res_data_buf_base)
-    // kdebug("find empty_dentry");
-    struct fat32_inode_info_t *finode = (struct fat32_inode_info_t *)parent_inode->private_inode_info;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)parent_inode->sb->private_sb_info;
-    uint8_t *buf = kzalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
-    struct block_device *blk = parent_inode->sb->blk_device;
-    // 计算父目录项的起始簇号
-    uint32_t cluster = finode->first_clus;
-    struct fat32_Directory_t *tmp_dEntry = NULL;
-    // 指向最终的有用的dentry的指针
-    struct fat32_Directory_t *result_dEntry = NULL;
-    while (true)
-    {
-        // 计算父目录项的起始LBA扇区号
-        uint64_t sector = fsbi->first_data_sector + (cluster - 2) * fsbi->sec_per_clus;
-        // 读取父目录项的起始簇数据
-        blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_READ_DMA_EXT, sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus, (uint64_t)buf);
-        tmp_dEntry = (struct fat32_Directory_t *)buf;
-        // 计数连续的空目录项
-        uint32_t count_continuity = 0;
-        // 查找连续num个空闲目录项
-        for (int i = 0; (i < fsbi->bytes_per_clus) && count_continuity < num; i += 32, ++tmp_dEntry)
-        {
-            if (!(tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[0] == 0xe5 || tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[0] == 0x00 ||
-                  tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[0] == 0x05))
-            {
-                count_continuity = 0;
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (count_continuity == 0)
-                result_dEntry = tmp_dEntry;
-            ++count_continuity;
-        }
-        // 成功查找到符合要求的目录项
-        if (count_continuity == num)
-        {
-            result_dEntry += (num - 1);
-            *res_sector = sector;
-            *res_data_buf_base = (uint64_t)buf;
-            *res_cluster = cluster;
-            return result_dEntry;
-        }
-        // 当前簇没有发现符合条件的空闲目录项,寻找下一个簇
-        uint64_t old_cluster = cluster;
-        cluster = fat32_read_FAT_entry(blk, fsbi, cluster);
-        if (cluster >= 0x0ffffff7) // 寻找完父目录的所有簇,都没有找到符合要求的空目录项
-        {
-            // 新增一个簇
-            if (fat32_alloc_clusters(parent_inode, &cluster, 1) != 0)
-            {
-                kerror("Cannot allocate a new cluster!");
-                while (1)
-                    pause();
-            }
-            // 将这个新的簇清空
-            sector = fsbi->first_data_sector + (cluster - 2) * fsbi->sec_per_clus;
-            void *tmp_buf = kzalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
-            blk->bd_disk->fops->transfer(blk->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus,
-                                         (uint64_t)tmp_buf);
-            kfree(tmp_buf);
-        }
-    }
- * @brief 检查文件名是否合法
- *
- * @param name 文件名
- * @param namelen 文件名长度
- * @param reserved 保留字段
- * @return int 合法:0, 其他:错误码
- */
-int fat32_check_name_available(const char *name, int namelen, int8_t reserved)
-    if (namelen > 255 || namelen <= 0)
-        return -ENAMETOOLONG;
-    // 首个字符不能是空格或者'.'
-    if (name[0] == 0x20 || name[0] == '.')
-        return -EINVAL;
-    return 0;
- * @brief 检查字符在短目录项中是否合法
- *
- * @param c 给定字符
- * @param index 字符在文件名中处于第几位
- * @return true 合法
- * @return false 不合法
- */
-bool fat32_check_char_available_in_short_name(const char c, int index)
-    // todo: 严格按照fat规范完善合法性检查功能
-    if (index == 0)
-    {
-        if (c < 0x20)
-        {
-            if (c != 0x05)
-                return false;
-            return true;
-        }
-    }
-    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(unavailable_character_in_short_name) / sizeof(char); ++i)
-    {
-        if (c == unavailable_character_in_short_name[i])
-            return false;
-    }
-    return true;
- * @brief 填充短目录项的函数
- *
- * @param dEntry 目标dentry
- * @param target 目标dentry对应的短目录项
- * @param cluster 短目录项对应的文件/文件夹起始簇
- */
-void fat32_fill_shortname(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, struct fat32_Directory_t *target, uint32_t cluster)
-    memset(target, 0, sizeof(struct fat32_Directory_t));
-    {
-        int tmp_index = 0;
-        // kdebug("dEntry->name_length=%d", dEntry->name_length);
-        for (tmp_index = 0; tmp_index < min(8, dEntry->name_length); ++tmp_index)
-        {
-            if (dEntry->name[tmp_index] == '.')
-                break;
-            if (fat32_check_char_available_in_short_name(dEntry->name[tmp_index], tmp_index))
-                target->DIR_Name[tmp_index] = dEntry->name[tmp_index];
-            else
-                target->DIR_Name[tmp_index] = 0x20;
-        }
-        // 不满的部分使用0x20填充
-        while (tmp_index < 8)
-        {
-            // kdebug("tmp index = %d", tmp_index);
-            target->DIR_Name[tmp_index] = 0x20;
-            ++tmp_index;
-        }
-        if (dEntry->dir_inode->attribute & VFS_IF_DIR)
-        {
-            while (tmp_index < 11)
-            {
-                // kdebug("tmp index = %d", tmp_index);
-                target->DIR_Name[tmp_index] = 0x20;
-                ++tmp_index;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            for (int j = 8; j < 11; ++j)
-            {
-                target->DIR_Name[j] = 'a';
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = dEntry->dir_inode;
-    target->DIR_Attr = 0;
-    if (inode->attribute & VFS_IF_DIR)
-        target->DIR_Attr |= ATTR_DIRECTORY;
-    target->DIR_FileSize = dEntry->dir_inode->file_size;
-    target->DIR_FstClusHI = (uint16_t)((cluster >> 16) & 0x0fff);
-    target->DIR_FstClusLO = (uint16_t)(cluster & 0xffff);
-    // todo: 填写短目录项中的时间信息
- * @brief 填充长目录项的函数
- *
- * @param dEntry 目标dentry
- * @param target 起始长目录项
- * @param checksum 短目录项的校验和
- * @param cnt_longname 总的长目录项的个数
- */
-void fat32_fill_longname(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *target, uint8_t checksum,
-                         uint32_t cnt_longname)
-    uint32_t current_name_index = 0;
-    struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *Ldentry = (struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *)(target + 1);
-    // kdebug("filling long name, name=%s, namelen=%d", dEntry->name, dEntry->name_length);
-    int name_length = dEntry->name_length + 1;
-    for (int i = 1; i <= cnt_longname; ++i)
-    {
-        --Ldentry;
-        Ldentry->LDIR_Ord = i;
-        for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j, ++current_name_index)
-        {
-            if (current_name_index < name_length)
-                Ldentry->LDIR_Name1[j] = dEntry->name[current_name_index];
-            else
-                Ldentry->LDIR_Name1[j] = 0xffff;
-        }
-        for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j, ++current_name_index)
-        {
-            if (current_name_index < name_length)
-                Ldentry->LDIR_Name2[j] = dEntry->name[current_name_index];
-            else
-                Ldentry->LDIR_Name2[j] = 0xffff;
-        }
-        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j, ++current_name_index)
-        {
-            if (current_name_index < name_length)
-                Ldentry->LDIR_Name3[j] = dEntry->name[current_name_index];
-            else
-                Ldentry->LDIR_Name3[j] = 0xffff;
-        }
-        Ldentry->LDIR_Attr = ATTR_LONG_NAME;
-        Ldentry->LDIR_FstClusLO = 0;
-        Ldentry->LDIR_Type = 0;
-        Ldentry->LDIR_Chksum = checksum;
-    }
-    // 最后一个长目录项的ord要|=0x40
-    Ldentry->LDIR_Ord |= 0x40;
- * @brief 删除目录项
- *
- * @param dir 父目录的inode
- * @param sinfo 待删除的dentry的插槽信息
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int fat32_remove_entries(struct vfs_index_node_t *dir, struct fat32_slot_info *sinfo)
-    int retval = 0;
-    struct vfs_superblock_t *sb = dir->sb;
-    struct fat32_Directory_t *de = sinfo->de;
-    fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi = (fat32_sb_info_t *)sb->private_sb_info;
-    int cnt_dentries = sinfo->num_slots;
-    // 获取文件数据区的起始簇号
-    int data_cluster = ((((uint32_t)de->DIR_FstClusHI) << 16) | ((uint32_t)de->DIR_FstClusLO)) & 0x0fffffff;
-    // kdebug("data_cluster=%d, cnt_dentries=%d, offset=%d", data_cluster, cnt_dentries, sinfo->slot_off);
-    // kdebug("fsbi->first_data_sector=%d, sec per clus=%d, i_pos=%d", fsbi->first_data_sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus,
-    //        sinfo->i_pos);
-    // === 第一阶段,先删除短目录项
-    while (cnt_dentries > 0)
-    {
-        de->DIR_Name[0] = FAT32_DELETED_FLAG;
-        --cnt_dentries;
-        --de;
-    }
-    // === 第二阶段:将对目录项的更改写入磁盘
-    sb->blk_device->bd_disk->fops->transfer(sb->blk_device->bd_disk, AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, sinfo->i_pos,
-                                            fsbi->sec_per_clus, (uint64_t)sinfo->buffer);
-    // === 第三阶段:清除文件的数据区
-    uint32_t next_clus;
-    int js = 0;
-    // kdebug("data_cluster=%#018lx", data_cluster);
-    while (data_cluster < 0x0ffffff8 && data_cluster >= 2)
-    {
-        // 读取下一个表项
-        next_clus = fat32_read_FAT_entry(sb->blk_device, fsbi, data_cluster);
-        // kdebug("data_cluster=%#018lx, next_clus=%#018lx", data_cluster, next_clus);
-        // 清除当前表项
-        retval = fat32_write_FAT_entry(sb->blk_device, fsbi, data_cluster, 0);
-        if (unlikely(retval != 0))
-        {
-            kerror("fat32_remove_entries: Failed to mark fat entry as unused for cluster:%d", data_cluster);
-            goto out;
-        }
-        ++js;
-        data_cluster = next_clus;
-    }
-    // kdebug("Successfully remove %d clusters.", js);
-    return retval;

+ 0 - 99

@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "fat32.h"
-#include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#include <stdbool.h>
- * @brief 请求分配指定数量的簇
- *
- * @param inode 要分配簇的inode
- * @param clusters 返回的被分配的簇的簇号结构体
- * @param num_clusters 要分配的簇的数量
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int fat32_alloc_clusters(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, uint32_t *clusters, int32_t num_clusters);
- * @brief 释放从属于inode的,从cluster开始的所有簇
- *
- * @param inode 指定的文件的inode
- * @param cluster 指定簇
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int fat32_free_clusters(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, int32_t cluster);
- * @brief 读取指定簇的FAT表项
- *
- * @param blk 块设备结构体
- * @param fsbi fat32超级块私有信息结构体
- * @param cluster 指定簇
- * @return uint32_t 下一个簇的簇号
- */
-uint32_t fat32_read_FAT_entry(struct block_device * blk, fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi, uint32_t cluster);
- * @brief 写入指定簇的FAT表项
- *
- * @param blk 块设备结构体
- * @param fsbi fat32超级块私有信息结构体
- * @param cluster 指定簇
- * @param value 要写入该fat表项的值
- * @return uint32_t errcode
- */
-int fat32_write_FAT_entry(struct block_device * blk, fat32_sb_info_t *fsbi, uint32_t cluster, uint32_t value);
- * @brief 在父亲inode的目录项簇中,寻找连续num个空的目录项
- *
- * @param parent_inode 父inode
- * @param num 请求的目录项数量
- * @param mode 操作模式
- * @param res_sector 返回信息:缓冲区对应的扇区号
- * @param res_cluster 返回信息:缓冲区对应的簇号
- * @param res_data_buf_base 返回信息:缓冲区的内存基地址(记得要释放缓冲区内存!!!!)
- * @return struct fat32_Directory_t* 符合要求的entry的指针(指向地址高处的空目录项,也就是说,有连续num个≤这个指针的空目录项)
- */
-struct fat32_Directory_t *fat32_find_empty_dentry(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, uint32_t num, uint32_t mode, uint32_t *res_sector, uint64_t *res_cluster, uint64_t *res_data_buf_base);
- * @brief 检查文件名是否合法
- *
- * @param name 文件名
- * @param namelen 文件名长度
- * @param reserved 保留字段
- * @return int 合法:0, 其他:错误码
- */
-int fat32_check_name_available(const char *name, int namelen, int8_t reserved);
- * @brief 检查字符在短目录项中是否合法
- *
- * @param c 给定字符
- * @param index 字符在文件名中处于第几位
- * @return true 合法
- * @return false 不合法
- */
-bool fat32_check_char_available_in_short_name(const char c, int index);
- * @brief 填充短目录项的函数
- * 
- * @param dEntry 目标dentry
- * @param target 目标dentry对应的短目录项
- * @param cluster 短目录项对应的文件/文件夹起始簇
- */
-void fat32_fill_shortname(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, struct fat32_Directory_t *target, uint32_t cluster);
- * @brief 填充长目录项的函数
- * 
- * @param dEntry 目标dentry
- * @param target 起始长目录项
- * @param checksum 短目录项的校验和
- * @param cnt_longname 总的长目录项的个数
- */
-void fat32_fill_longname(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *target, uint8_t checksum, uint32_t cnt_longname);
-int fat32_remove_entries(struct vfs_index_node_t *dir, struct fat32_slot_info *sinfo);

+ 0 - 28

@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <common/sys/types.h>
- * @brief 根据簇号计算该簇的起始扇区号(LBA地址)
- *
- * @param first_data_sector 数据区的其实扇区号
- * @param sec_per_clus 每个簇的扇区数量
- * @param cluster 簇号
- * @return uint32_t LBA地址
- */
-static inline uint32_t __fat32_calculate_LBA(uint32_t first_data_sector, uint32_t sec_per_clus, uint32_t cluster)
-    return first_data_sector + (cluster - 2) * sec_per_clus;
- * @brief 计算LBA地址所在的簇
- *
- * @param first_data_sector 数据区的其实扇区号
- * @param sec_per_clus 每个簇的扇区数量
- * @param LBA LBA地址
- * @return uint32_t 所在的簇
- */
-static inline uint32_t __fat32_LBA_to_cluster(uint32_t first_data_sector, uint32_t sec_per_clus, uint32_t LBA)
-    return ((LBA - first_data_sector) / sec_per_clus) + 2;

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 65 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+use core::default::Default;
+/// @brief MBR硬盘分区表项的结构
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct MbrDiskPartitionTableEntry {
+    pub flags: u8,                     // 引导标志符,标记此分区为活动分区
+    pub starting_head: u8,             // 起始磁头号
+    pub starting_sector_cylinder: u16, // sector : 低6, cylinder : 高10;   起始扇区号 + 起始柱面号
+    pub part_type: u8,                 // 分区类型ID
+    pub ending_head: u8,               // 结束磁头号
+    pub ending_sector_cylingder: u16, // ending_sector : 低6, ending_cylinder : 高10;  结束扇区号 + 结束柱面号
+    pub starting_lba: u32,            // 起始逻辑扇区
+    pub total_sectors: u32,           // 分区占用的磁盘扇区数
+impl MbrDiskPartitionTableEntry {
+    pub fn starting_sector(&self) -> u16 {
+        return self.starting_sector_cylinder & ((1 << 6) - 1) as u16;
+    }
+    pub fn starting_cylinder(&self) -> u16 {
+        return (self.starting_sector_cylinder >> 6) & ((1 << 10) - 1) as u16;
+    }
+    pub fn ending_sector(&self) -> u16 {
+        return self.ending_sector_cylingder & ((1 << 6) - 1) as u16;
+    }
+    pub fn ending_cylinder(&self) -> u16 {
+        return (self.ending_sector_cylingder >> 6) & ((1 << 10) - 1) as u16;
+    }
+/// @brief MBR磁盘分区表结构体
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct MbrDiskPartionTable {
+    pub reserved: [u8; 446],
+    pub dpte: [MbrDiskPartitionTableEntry; 4], // 磁盘分区表项
+    pub bs_trailsig: u16,
+impl Default for MbrDiskPartitionTableEntry {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        MbrDiskPartitionTableEntry {
+            flags: 0,
+            starting_head: 0,
+            starting_sector_cylinder: 0,
+            part_type: 0,
+            ending_head: 0,
+            ending_sector_cylingder: 0,
+            starting_lba: 0,
+            total_sectors: 0,
+        }
+    }
+impl Default for MbrDiskPartionTable {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        MbrDiskPartionTable {
+            reserved: [0; 446],
+            dpte: [Default::default(); 4],
+            bs_trailsig: Default::default(),
+        }
+    }

+ 3 - 2

@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 pub mod devfs;
 pub mod devfs;
-pub mod fat32;
+pub mod fat;
+pub mod mbr;
 pub mod procfs;
 pub mod procfs;
-pub mod rootfs;
+pub mod ramfs;
 pub mod vfs;
 pub mod vfs;

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS += -I .
-kernel_fs_procfs_objs:= $(shell find ./*.c)
-	@echo "$@"
-$(kernel_fs_procfs_objs): ECHO
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $@ -o [email protected]
-all: $(kernel_fs_procfs_objs)

+ 705 - 0

@@ -1 +1,706 @@
+use core::intrinsics::size_of;
+use alloc::{
+    borrow::ToOwned,
+    collections::BTreeMap,
+    format,
+    string::{String, ToString},
+    sync::{Arc, Weak},
+    vec::Vec,
+use crate::{
+    filesystem::vfs::{
+        core::{generate_inode_id, ROOT_INODE},
+        FileType,
+    },
+    include::bindings::bindings::{
+        pid_t, process_find_pcb_by_pid, EEXIST, EINVAL, EISDIR, ENOBUFS, ENOENT, ENOTDIR,
+    },
+    kerror,
+    libs::spinlock::{SpinLock, SpinLockGuard},
+    time::TimeSpec,
+use super::vfs::{
+    file::FilePrivateData, FileSystem, FsInfo, IndexNode, InodeId, Metadata, PollStatus,
+/// @brief 进程文件类型
+/// @usage 用于定义进程文件夹下的各类文件类型
+pub enum ProcFileType {
+    ///展示进程状态信息
+    ProcStatus = 0,
+    //todo: 其他文件类型
+    ///默认文件类型
+    Default,
+impl From<u8> for ProcFileType {
+    fn from(value: u8) -> Self {
+        match value {
+            0 => ProcFileType::ProcStatus,
+            _ => ProcFileType::Default,
+        }
+    }
+/// @brief 节点私有信息结构体
+/// @usage 用于传入各类文件所需的信息
+pub struct InodeInfo {
+    ///进程的pid
+    pid: i64,
+    ///文件类型
+    ftype: ProcFileType,
+    //其他需要传入的信息在此定义
+/// @brief procfs的inode名称的最大长度
+const PROCFS_MAX_NAMELEN: usize = 64;
+/// @brief procfs文件系统的Inode结构体
+pub struct LockedProcFSInode(SpinLock<ProcFSInode>);
+/// @brief procfs文件系统结构体
+pub struct ProcFS {
+    /// procfs的root inode
+    root_inode: Arc<LockedProcFSInode>,
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct ProcfsFilePrivateData {
+    data: Vec<u8>,
+impl ProcfsFilePrivateData {
+    pub fn new() -> Self {
+        return ProcfsFilePrivateData { data: Vec::new() };
+    }
+/// @brief procfs文件系统的Inode结构体(不包含锁)
+pub struct ProcFSInode {
+    /// 指向父Inode的弱引用
+    parent: Weak<LockedProcFSInode>,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedProcFSInode>,
+    /// 子Inode的B树
+    children: BTreeMap<String, Arc<LockedProcFSInode>>,
+    /// 当前inode的数据部分
+    data: Vec<u8>,
+    /// 当前inode的元数据
+    metadata: Metadata,
+    /// 指向inode所在的文件系统对象的指针
+    fs: Weak<ProcFS>,
+    /// 储存私有信息
+    fdata: InodeInfo,
+/// 对ProcFSInode实现获取各类文件信息的函数
+impl ProcFSInode {
+    /// @brief 去除Vec中所有的\0,并在结尾添加\0
+    #[inline]
+    fn trim_string(&self, data: &mut Vec<u8>) {
+        data.drain_filter(|x: &mut u8| *x == 0);
+        data.push(0);
+    }
+    // todo:其他数据获取函数实现
+    /// @brief 打开status文件
+    ///
+    fn open_status(&self, pdata: &mut ProcfsFilePrivateData) -> Result<i64, i32> {
+        // 获取该pid对应的pcb结构体
+        let pid: &i64 = &;
+        let pcb = unsafe { process_find_pcb_by_pid(*pid).as_mut() };
+        let pcb = if pcb.is_none() {
+            kerror!(
+                "ProcFS: Cannot find pcb for pid {} when opening its 'status' file.",
+                pid
+            );
+            return Err(-(ESRCH as i32));
+        } else {
+            pcb.unwrap()
+        };
+        // 传入数据
+        let pdata: &mut Vec<u8> = &mut;
+        // !!!!!由于目前有bug,不能获取到pcb的name,因此暂时用'Unknown'代替
+        let tmp_name: Vec<u8> = "Unknown".as_bytes().to_vec();
+        // kdebug!("{:?}",;
+        // let mut tmp_name: Vec<u8> = Vec::with_capacity(;
+        // for val in {
+        //     tmp_name.push(*val as u8);
+        // }
+        pdata.append(
+            &mut format!(
+                "Name:\t{}",
+                String::from_utf8(tmp_name).unwrap_or("NULL".to_string())
+            )
+            .as_bytes()
+            .to_owned(),
+        );
+        pdata.append(&mut format!("\nstate:\t{}", pcb.state).as_bytes().to_owned());
+        pdata.append(&mut format!("\npid:\t{}",;
+        pdata.append(
+            &mut format!("\nPpid:\t{}", unsafe { *pcb.parent_pcb }.pid)
+                .as_bytes()
+                .to_owned(),
+        );
+        pdata.append(&mut format!("\ncpu_id:\t{}", pcb.cpu_id).as_bytes().to_owned());
+        pdata.append(
+            &mut format!("\npriority:\t{}", pcb.priority)
+                .as_bytes()
+                .to_owned(),
+        );
+        pdata.append(
+            &mut format!("\npreempt:\t{}", pcb.preempt_count)
+                .as_bytes()
+                .to_owned(),
+        );
+        pdata.append(
+            &mut format!("\nvrtime:\t{}", pcb.virtual_runtime)
+                .as_bytes()
+                .to_owned(),
+        );
+        // 当前进程运行过程中占用内存的峰值
+        let hiwater_vm: u64 =
+            unsafe { *(* }.vm_end - unsafe { *(* }.vm_start;
+        // 进程数据段的大小
+        let text: u64 = unsafe { * }.code_addr_end - unsafe { * }.code_addr_start;
+        // 进程代码的大小
+        let data: u64 = unsafe { * }.data_addr_end - unsafe { * }.data_addr_start;
+        pdata.append(
+            &mut format!("\nVmPeak:\t{} kB", hiwater_vm)
+                .as_bytes()
+                .to_owned(),
+        );
+        pdata.append(&mut format!("\nVmData:\t{} kB", data).as_bytes().to_owned());
+        pdata.append(&mut format!("\nVmExe:\t{} kB\n", text).as_bytes().to_owned());
+        // 去除多余的\0
+        self.trim_string(pdata);
+        return Ok((pdata.len() * size_of::<u8>()) as i64);
+    }
+    /// status文件读取函数
+    fn read_status(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        _pdata: &mut ProcfsFilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        let start =;
+        let end = + len);
+        // buffer空间不足
+        if buf.len() < (end - start) {
+            return Err(-(ENOBUFS as i32));
+        }
+        // 拷贝数据
+        let src = &[start..end];
+        buf[0..src.len()].copy_from_slice(src);
+        return Ok(src.len());
+    }
+impl FileSystem for ProcFS {
+    fn root_inode(&self) -> Arc<dyn super::vfs::IndexNode> {
+        return self.root_inode.clone();
+    }
+    fn info(&self) -> FsInfo {
+        return FsInfo {
+            blk_dev_id: 0,
+            max_name_len: PROCFS_MAX_NAMELEN,
+        };
+    }
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+impl ProcFS {
+    pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
+        // 初始化root inode
+        let root: Arc<LockedProcFSInode> =
+            Arc::new(LockedProcFSInode(SpinLock::new(ProcFSInode {
+                parent: Weak::default(),
+                self_ref: Weak::default(),
+                children: BTreeMap::new(),
+                data: Vec::new(),
+                metadata: Metadata {
+                    dev_id: 0,
+                    inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                    size: 0,
+                    blk_size: 0,
+                    blocks: 0,
+                    atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                    mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                    ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                    file_type: FileType::Dir,
+                    mode: 0o777,
+                    nlinks: 1,
+                    uid: 0,
+                    gid: 0,
+                    raw_dev: 0,
+                },
+                fs: Weak::default(),
+                fdata: InodeInfo {
+                    pid: 0,
+                    ftype: ProcFileType::Default,
+                },
+            })));
+        let result: Arc<ProcFS> = Arc::new(ProcFS { root_inode: root });
+        // 对root inode加锁,并继续完成初始化工作
+        let mut root_guard: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = result.root_inode.0.lock();
+        root_guard.parent = Arc::downgrade(&result.root_inode);
+        root_guard.self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result.root_inode);
+        root_guard.fs = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        // 释放锁
+        drop(root_guard);
+        return result;
+    }
+    /// @brief 进程注册函数
+    /// @usage 在进程中调用并创建进程对应文件
+    pub fn register_pid(&self, pid: i64) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 获取当前inode
+        let proc: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = self.root_inode();
+        // 创建对应进程文件夹
+        let _pf: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = proc.create(&pid.to_string(), FileType::Dir, 0o777)?;
+        // 创建相关文件
+        // status文件
+        let binding: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = _pf.create("status", FileType::File, 0o777)?;
+        let _sf: &LockedProcFSInode = binding
+            .as_any_ref()
+            .downcast_ref::<LockedProcFSInode>()
+            .unwrap();
+        _sf.0.lock() = pid;
+        _sf.0.lock().fdata.ftype = ProcFileType::ProcStatus;
+        //todo: 创建其他文件
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 解除进程注册
+    ///
+    pub fn unregister_pid(&self, pid: i64) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 获取当前inode
+        let proc: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = self.root_inode();
+        // 获取进程文件夹
+        let pid_dir: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = proc.find(&format!("{}", pid))?;
+        // 删除进程文件夹下文件
+        pid_dir.unlink("status")?;
+        // 查看进程文件是否还存在
+        // let pf= pid_dir.find("status").expect("Cannot find status");
+        // 删除进程文件夹
+        proc.unlink(&format!("{}", pid))?;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+impl IndexNode for LockedProcFSInode {
+    fn open(&self, data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 加锁
+        let mut inode: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 如果inode类型为文件夹,则直接返回成功
+        if let FileType::Dir = inode.metadata.file_type {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        let mut private_data = ProcfsFilePrivateData::new();
+        // 根据文件类型获取相应数据
+        let file_size = match inode.fdata.ftype {
+            ProcFileType::ProcStatus => inode.open_status(&mut private_data)?,
+            _ => {
+                todo!()
+            }
+        };
+        *data = FilePrivateData::Procfs(private_data);
+        // 更新metadata里面的文件大小数值
+        inode.metadata.size = file_size;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn close(&self, data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let guard: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 如果inode类型为文件夹,则直接返回成功
+        if let FileType::Dir = guard.metadata.file_type {
+            return Ok(());
+        }
+        // 获取数据信息
+        let private_data = match data {
+            FilePrivateData::Procfs(p) => p,
+            _ => {
+                panic!("ProcFS: FilePrivateData mismatch!");
+            }
+        };
+        // 释放资源
+        drop(private_data);
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        // 加锁
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 检查当前inode是否为一个文件夹,如果是的话,就返回错误
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 获取数据信息
+        let private_data = match data {
+            FilePrivateData::Procfs(p) => p,
+            _ => {
+                panic!("ProcFS: FilePrivateData mismatch!");
+            }
+        };
+        // 根据文件类型读取相应数据
+        match inode.fdata.ftype {
+            ProcFileType::ProcStatus => return inode.read_status(offset, len, buf, private_data),
+            ProcFileType::Default => (),
+        };
+        // 默认读取
+        let start =;
+        let end = + len);
+        // buffer空间不足
+        if buf.len() < (end - start) {
+            return Err(-(ENOBUFS as i32));
+        }
+        // 拷贝数据
+        let src = &[start..end];
+        buf[0..src.len()].copy_from_slice(src);
+        return Ok(src.len());
+    }
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        _offset: usize,
+        _len: usize,
+        _buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus, i32> {
+        // 加锁
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 检查当前inode是否为一个文件夹,如果是的话,就返回错误
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        return Ok(PollStatus {
+            flags: PollStatus::READ_MASK,
+        });
+    }
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.0.lock().fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        let inode = self.0.lock();
+        let metadata = inode.metadata.clone();
+        return Ok(metadata);
+    }
+    fn set_metadata(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        inode.metadata.atime = metadata.atime;
+        inode.metadata.mtime = metadata.mtime;
+        inode.metadata.ctime = metadata.ctime;
+        inode.metadata.mode = metadata.mode;
+        inode.metadata.uid = metadata.uid;
+        inode.metadata.gid = metadata.gid;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn resize(&self, len: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::File {
+  , 0);
+            return Ok(());
+        } else {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+    }
+    fn create_with_data(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        file_type: FileType,
+        mode: u32,
+        data: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        // 获取当前inode
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        // 如果当前inode不是文件夹,则返回
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 如果有重名的,则返回
+        if inode.children.contains_key(name) {
+            return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+        }
+        // 创建inode
+        let result: Arc<LockedProcFSInode> =
+            Arc::new(LockedProcFSInode(SpinLock::new(ProcFSInode {
+                parent: inode.self_ref.clone(),
+                self_ref: Weak::default(),
+                children: BTreeMap::new(),
+                data: Vec::new(),
+                metadata: Metadata {
+                    dev_id: 0,
+                    inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                    size: 0,
+                    blk_size: 0,
+                    blocks: 0,
+                    atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                    mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                    ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                    file_type: file_type,
+                    mode: mode,
+                    nlinks: 1,
+                    uid: 0,
+                    gid: 0,
+                    raw_dev: data,
+                },
+                fs: inode.fs.clone(),
+                fdata: InodeInfo {
+                    pid: 0,
+                    ftype: ProcFileType::Default,
+                },
+            })));
+        // 初始化inode的自引用的weak指针
+        result.0.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        // 将子inode插入父inode的B树中
+        inode.children.insert(String::from(name), result.clone());
+        return Ok(result);
+    }
+    fn link(&self, name: &str, other: &Arc<dyn IndexNode>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let other: &LockedProcFSInode = other
+            .downcast_ref::<LockedProcFSInode>()
+            .ok_or(-(EPERM as i32))?;
+        let mut inode: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        let mut other_locked: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = other.0.lock();
+        // 如果当前inode不是文件夹,那么报错
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 如果另一个inode是文件夹,那么也报错
+        if other_locked.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 如果当前文件夹下已经有同名文件,也报错。
+        if inode.children.contains_key(name) {
+            return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+        }
+        inode
+            .children
+            .insert(String::from(name), other_locked.self_ref.upgrade().unwrap());
+        // 增加硬链接计数
+        other_locked.metadata.nlinks += 1;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn unlink(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 如果当前inode不是目录,那么也没有子目录/文件的概念了,因此要求当前inode的类型是目录
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 不允许删除当前文件夹,也不允许删除上一个目录
+        if name == "." || name == ".." {
+            return Err(-(ENOTEMPTY as i32));
+        }
+        // 获得要删除的文件的inode
+        let to_delete = inode.children.get(name).ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?;
+        // 减少硬链接计数
+        to_delete.0.lock().metadata.nlinks -= 1;
+        // 在当前目录中删除这个子目录项
+        inode.children.remove(name);
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn move_(
+        &self,
+        _old_name: &str,
+        _target: &Arc<dyn IndexNode>,
+        _new_name: &str,
+    ) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    fn find(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        let inode = self.0.lock();
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match name {
+            "" | "." => {
+                return Ok(inode.self_ref.upgrade().ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?);
+            }
+            ".." => {
+                return Ok(inode.parent.upgrade().ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?);
+            }
+            name => {
+                // 在子目录项中查找
+                return Ok(inode.children.get(name).ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?.clone());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn get_entry_name(&self, ino: InodeId) -> Result<String, i32> {
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<ProcFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match ino {
+            0 => {
+                return Ok(String::from("."));
+            }
+            1 => {
+                return Ok(String::from(".."));
+            }
+            ino => {
+                // 暴力遍历所有的children,判断inode id是否相同
+                // TODO: 优化这里,这个地方性能很差!
+                let mut key: Vec<String> = inode
+                    .children
+                    .keys()
+                    .filter(|k| inode.children.get(*k).unwrap().0.lock().metadata.inode_id == ino)
+                    .cloned()
+                    .collect();
+                match key.len() {
+                        0=>{return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));}
+                        1=>{return Ok(key.remove(0));}
+                        _ => panic!("Procfs get_entry_name: key.len()={key_len}>1, current inode_id={inode_id}, to find={to_find}", key_len=key.len(), inode_id = inode.metadata.inode_id, to_find=ino)
+                    }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, i32> {
+        let info = self.metadata()?;
+        if info.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        let mut keys: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
+        keys.push(String::from("."));
+        keys.push(String::from(".."));
+        keys.append(&mut self.0.lock().children.keys().cloned().collect());
+        return Ok(keys);
+    }
+pub extern "C" fn rs_procfs_register_pid(pid: pid_t) -> u64 {
+    let r = procfs_register_pid(pid);
+    if r.is_ok() {
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        return r.unwrap_err() as u64;
+    }
+/// @brief 向procfs注册进程
+pub fn procfs_register_pid(pid: pid_t) -> Result<(), i32> {
+    let procfs_inode = ROOT_INODE().find("proc")?;
+    let procfs_inode = procfs_inode
+        .downcast_ref::<LockedProcFSInode>()
+        .expect("Failed to find procfs' root inode");
+    let fs = procfs_inode.fs();
+    let procfs: &ProcFS = fs.as_any_ref().downcast_ref::<ProcFS>().unwrap();
+    // 调用注册函数
+    procfs.register_pid(pid)?;
+    return Ok(());
+pub extern "C" fn rs_procfs_unregister_pid(pid: pid_t) -> u64 {
+    let r = procfs_unregister_pid(pid);
+    if r.is_ok() {
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        return r.unwrap_err() as u64;
+    }
+/// @brief 在ProcFS中,解除进程的注册
+pub fn procfs_unregister_pid(pid: pid_t) -> Result<(), i32> {
+    // 获取procfs实例
+    let procfs_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = ROOT_INODE().find("proc")?;
+    let procfs_inode: &LockedProcFSInode = procfs_inode
+        .downcast_ref::<LockedProcFSInode>()
+        .expect("Failed to find procfs' root inode");
+    let fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem> = procfs_inode.fs();
+    let procfs: &ProcFS = fs.as_any_ref().downcast_ref::<ProcFS>().unwrap();
+    // 调用解除注册函数
+    return procfs.unregister_pid(pid);

+ 0 - 505

@@ -1,505 +0,0 @@
-#include "procfs.h"
-#define PROC_STATUS 1
-#define FDATA_RBUF_SIZE 1024
-struct vfs_super_block_operations_t procfs_sb_ops;
-struct vfs_dir_entry_operations_t procfs_dentry_ops;
-struct vfs_file_operations_t procfs_file_ops;
-struct vfs_inode_operations_t procfs_inode_ops;
-struct vfs_superblock_t procfs_sb = {0};
-struct vfs_dir_entry_t *procfs_root_dentry; // 根结点的dentry
-static spinlock_t procfs_global_lock;       // procfs的全局锁
-const char __procfs_mount_path[] = "/proc"; // 挂在路径
-static int64_t proc_create_file(const char *path, mode_t type, long pid);
-static int __check_name_available(const char *name, int namelen, int8_t reserved);
-static long simple_procfs_read(void *to, int64_t count, long *position, void *from, int64_t available);
- * @brief 文件的私有信息结构
- *
- */
-struct procfs_file_private_data
-    int readlen;
-    char *rbuffer;
-    int writelen;
-    char *wbuffer;
- * @brief 创建procfs的super block
- *
- * @param blk 未使用(procfs为伪文件系统,不需要物理设备)
- * @return struct vfs_superblock_t*
- */
-struct vfs_superblock_t *procfs_read_superblock(struct block_device *blk)
-    procfs_sb.blk_device = NULL;
-    procfs_sb.root = procfs_root_dentry;
-    procfs_sb.sb_ops = &procfs_sb_ops;
-    procfs_sb.dir_ops = &procfs_dentry_ops;
-    procfs_sb.private_sb_info = NULL;
-    kdebug("procfs read superblock done");
-    return &procfs_sb;
-static void procfs_write_superblock(struct vfs_superblock_t *sb)
-    return;
-static void procfs_put_superblock(struct vfs_superblock_t *sb)
-    return;
-static void procfs_write_inode(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode)
-    return;
-struct vfs_super_block_operations_t procfs_sb_ops = {
-    .write_superblock = &procfs_write_superblock,
-    .put_superblock = &procfs_put_superblock,
-    .write_inode = &procfs_write_inode,
-static long procfs_compare(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dEntry, char *source_filename, char *dest_filename)
-    return 0;
-static long procfs_hash(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, char *filename)
-    return 0;
-static long procfs_release(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry)
-    return 0;
-static long procfs_iput(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, struct vfs_index_node_t *inode)
-    return 0;
-struct vfs_dir_entry_operations_t procfs_dentry_ops = {
-    .compare = &procfs_compare,
-    .hash = &procfs_hash,
-    .release = &procfs_release,
-    .iput = &procfs_iput,
-void data_puts(struct procfs_file_private_data *fdata, const char *s)
-    int len = strlen(s);
-    if(fdata->readlen+len > FDATA_RBUF_SIZE)
-    {
-        kerror("out of buffer");
-        return;
-    }
-    strncpy(fdata->rbuffer + fdata->readlen, s, len);
-    fdata->readlen += len;
-static long procfs_open(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr)
-    if (inode->attribute & VFS_IF_DIR)
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    struct procfs_inode_info_t *finode = inode->private_inode_info;
-    if (finode == NULL)
-    {
-        return 0;
-    }
-    // kdebug("finode=%#018lx", finode);
-    struct procfs_file_private_data *fdata = kzalloc(sizeof(struct procfs_file_private_data), 0);
-    struct process_control_block *pcb_t = process_find_pcb_by_pid(finode->pid);
-    //判断文件类型
-    int mode = finode->type;
-    fdata->rbuffer = kzalloc(FDATA_RBUF_SIZE, 0);
-    int len = 0;
-    switch (mode)
-    {
-    case 1:
-        data_puts(fdata, "Name:\t");
-        data_puts(fdata, pcb_t->name);
-        data_puts(fdata, "\nstate:\t");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(pcb_t->state));
-        data_puts(fdata, "\npid:\t");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(pcb_t->pid));
-        data_puts(fdata, "\nPpid:\t");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(pcb_t->parent_pcb->pid));
-        data_puts(fdata, "\ncpu_id:\t");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(pcb_t->cpu_id));
-        data_puts(fdata, "\npriority:\t");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(pcb_t->priority));
-        data_puts(fdata, "\npreempt:\t");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(pcb_t->preempt_count));
-        data_puts(fdata, "\nvrtime:\t");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(pcb_t->virtual_runtime));
-        // data_puts(fdata,"\n");
-        uint64_t hiwater_vm, text, data;
-        hiwater_vm = pcb_t->mm->vmas->vm_end - pcb_t->mm->vmas->vm_start;
-        text = pcb_t->mm->code_addr_end - pcb_t->mm->code_addr_start;
-        data = pcb_t->mm->data_addr_end - pcb_t->mm->data_addr_start;
-        data_puts(fdata, "\nVmPeak:");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(hiwater_vm));
-        data_puts(fdata, " kB");
-        data_puts(fdata, "\nVmData:");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(data));
-        data_puts(fdata, " kB");
-        data_puts(fdata, "\nVmExe:");
-        data_puts(fdata, ltoa(text));
-        data_puts(fdata, " kB\n");
-        break;
-    default:
-        break;
-    }
-    inode->file_size = fdata->readlen;
-    file_ptr->private_data = fdata;
-    return 0;
-static long procfs_close(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr)
-    return 0;
-static long procfs_read(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *position)
-    // 获取私有信息
-    struct procfs_file_private_data *priv = (struct procfs_file_private_data *)file_ptr->private_data;
-    // kdebug("priv=%#018lx", priv);
-    if (!priv->rbuffer)
-        return -EINVAL;
-    return simple_procfs_read(buf, count, position, priv->rbuffer, priv->readlen);
- * @brief 检查读取并将数据从内核拷贝到用户
- *
- * @param to: 要读取的用户空间缓冲区
- * @param count: 要读取的最大字节数
- * @param position: 缓冲区中的当前位置
- * @param from: 要读取的缓冲区
- * @param available: 读取的缓冲区大小
- *
- * @return long 读取字节数
- */
-static long simple_procfs_read(void *to, int64_t count, long *position, void *from, int64_t available)
-    long pos = *position;
-    // kdebug("pos:%ld",pos);
-    // kdebug("count:%ld",count);
-    // kdebug("available:%ld",available);
-    int64_t ret = 0;
-    if (pos < 0)
-        return -EINVAL;
-    if (pos >= available || !count)
-        return 0;
-    if (count > available - pos)
-        count = available - pos;
-    // kdebug("count:%d",count);
-    ret = copy_to_user(to, from + pos, count);
-    *position = pos + ret;
-    return ret;
-static long procfs_write(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *position)
-    return 0;
- * @brief 调整文件的访问位置
- *
- * @param file_ptr 文件描述符号
- * @param offset 偏移量
- * @param whence 调整模式
- * @return uint64_t 调整结束后的文件访问位置
- */
-static long procfs_lseek(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, long offset, long whence)
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode;
-    long pos = 0;
-    switch (whence)
-    {
-    case SEEK_SET: // 相对于文件头
-        pos = offset;
-        break;
-    case SEEK_CUR: // 相对于当前位置
-        pos = file_ptr->position + offset;
-        break;
-    case SEEK_END: // 相对于文件末尾
-        pos = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size + offset;
-        break;
-    default:
-        return -EINVAL;
-        break;
-    }
-    if (pos < 0 || pos > file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size)
-        return -EOVERFLOW;
-    file_ptr->position = pos;
-    return pos;
-static long procfs_ioctl(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, uint64_t cmd, uint64_t arg)
-    return 0;
- * @brief 读取该目录下的目录项
- *
- * @param file_ptr 文件结构体的指针
- * @param dirent 返回的dirent
- * @param filler 填充dirent的函数
- *
- * @return long 错误码
- */
-static long procfs_readdir(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, void *dirent, vfs_filldir_t filler)
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = file_ptr->dEntry;
-    struct List *list = &dentry->subdirs_list;
-    // 先切换到position处
-    for (int i = 0; i <= file_ptr->position; ++i)
-    {
-        list = list_next(list);
-        if (list == &dentry->subdirs_list) // 找完了
-            goto failed;
-    }
-    // 若存在目录项,则增加偏移量
-    ++file_ptr->position;
-    // 获取目标dentry(由于是子目录项,因此是child_node_list)
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *target_dent = container_of(list, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-    char *name = (char *)kzalloc(target_dent->name_length + 1, 0);
-    strncpy(name, target_dent->name, target_dent->name_length);
-    uint32_t dentry_type;
-    if (target_dent->dir_inode->attribute & VFS_IF_DIR)
-        dentry_type = VFS_IF_DIR;
-    else
-        dentry_type = VFS_IF_FILE;
-    return filler(dirent, file_ptr->position - 1, name, target_dent->name_length, dentry_type, file_ptr->position - 1);
-    return 0;
-struct vfs_file_operations_t procfs_file_ops = {
-    .open = &procfs_open,
-    .close = &procfs_close,
-    .read = &procfs_read,
-    .write = &procfs_write,
-    .lseek = &procfs_lseek,
-    .ioctl = &procfs_ioctl,
-    .readdir = &procfs_readdir,
- * @brief 检查文件名是否合法
- *
- * @param name 文件名
- * @param namelen 文件名长度
- * @param reserved 保留字段
- * @return int 合法:0, 其他:错误码
- */
-static int __check_name_available(const char *name, int namelen, int8_t reserved)
-    if (namelen > 255 || namelen <= 0)
-        return -ENAMETOOLONG;
-    // 首个字符不能是空格或者'.'
-    if (name[0] == 0x20 || name[0] == '.')
-        return -EINVAL;
-    return 0;
- * @brief 在procfs中创建文件
- *
- * @param parent_inode 父目录的inode
- * @param dest_dEntry 目标dentry
- * @param mode 创建模式
- * @return long 错误码
- */
-static long procfs_create(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry, int mode)
-    int64_t retval = 0;
-    //检验名称和法性
-    retval = __check_name_available(dest_dEntry->name, dest_dEntry->name_length, 0);
-    if (retval != 0)
-        return retval;
-    if (dest_dEntry->dir_inode != NULL)
-        return -EEXIST;
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    dest_dEntry->dir_inode = inode;
-    dest_dEntry->dir_ops = &procfs_dentry_ops;
-    inode->attribute = VFS_IF_FILE;
-    inode->file_ops = &procfs_file_ops;
-    inode->file_size = 0;
-    inode->sb = parent_inode->sb;
-    inode->inode_ops = &procfs_inode_ops;
-    // kdebug("finode:%#018lx",inode->private_inode_info);
-    inode->blocks = 0;
-    return 0;
-static struct vfs_dir_entry_t *procfs_lookup(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry)
-    return NULL;
- * @brief 在procfs中创建文件夹(作用是完善子文件夹的inode信息)
- *
- * @param inode 父目录的inode
- * @param dEntry 目标dentry
- * @param mode 创建模式
- * @return long 错误码
- */
-static long procfs_mkdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, int mode)
-    int64_t retval = 0;
-    //检验名称和法性
-    retval = __check_name_available(dEntry->name, dEntry->name_length, 0);
-    if (retval != 0)
-        return retval;
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    dEntry->dir_inode = inode;
-    dEntry->dir_ops = &procfs_dentry_ops;
-    //结点信息初始化
-    struct procfs_inode_info_t *finode = (struct procfs_inode_info_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct procfs_inode_info_t), 0);
-    finode->pid = 0;
-    finode->type = 0;
-    inode->attribute = VFS_IF_DIR;
-    inode->file_ops = &procfs_file_ops;
-    inode->file_size = 0;
-    inode->sb = parent_inode->sb;
-    inode->inode_ops = &procfs_inode_ops;
-    inode->private_inode_info = (void *)finode;
-    // kdebug("inode->private_inode_info=%#018lx", inode->private_inode_info);
-    inode->blocks = 0;
-    return 0;
-struct vfs_inode_operations_t procfs_inode_ops = {
-    .create = &procfs_create,
-    .lookup = &procfs_lookup,
-    .mkdir = &procfs_mkdir,
-struct vfs_filesystem_type_t procfs_fs_type = {
-    .name = "procfs",
-    .fs_flags = 0,
-    .read_superblock = procfs_read_superblock,
-    .next = NULL,
-static __always_inline void __procfs_init_root_inode()
-    procfs_root_dentry->dir_inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    procfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->file_ops = &procfs_file_ops;
-    procfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->inode_ops = &procfs_inode_ops;
-    procfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->private_inode_info = NULL;
-    procfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->sb = &procfs_sb;
-    procfs_root_dentry->dir_inode->attribute = VFS_IF_DIR;
- * @brief 初始化procfs的根dentry
- */
-static __always_inline void __procfs_init_root_dentry()
-    procfs_root_dentry = vfs_alloc_dentry(0);
-    procfs_root_dentry->dir_ops = &procfs_dentry_ops;
-    __procfs_init_root_inode();
- * @brief 创建进程对应文件夹
- *
- * @param pid 进程号
- * @return int64_t 错误码
- */
-int64_t procfs_register_pid(long pid)
-    int retval = 0;
-    //创建文件夹
-    char tmp[70] = {0};
-    int len = strlen(ltoa(pid));
-    // kdebug("len:%d",len);
-    strcpy(tmp, "/proc/");
-    strcpy(tmp + 6, ltoa(pid));
-    // kdebug("tmp:%s",tmp);
-    retval = vfs_mkdir(tmp, 0, false);
-    // kdebug("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa");
-    //创建各相关文件
-    strcpy(tmp + 6 + len, "/status");
-    // kdebug("tmp:%s",tmp);
-    retval = proc_create_file(tmp, PROC_STATUS, pid);
-    return retval;
- * @brief 创建文件
- *
- * @param path 文件夹路径
- * @param type 文件类型
- * @param pid pid
- * @return int64_t 错误码
- */
-static int64_t proc_create_file(const char *path, mode_t type, long pid)
-    kdebug("procfs: Creating: %s", path);
-    int ret = do_open(path, O_CREAT, false);
-    // kdebug("ret:%d", ret);
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = vfs_path_walk(path, 0);
-    // kdebug("dentry=%#018lx", dentry);
-    //结点信息配置
-    struct procfs_inode_info_t *finode = (struct procfs_inode_info_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct procfs_inode_info_t), 0);
-    finode->pid = pid;
-    // kdebug("pid:%d",finode->pid);
-    finode->type = type;
-    dentry->dir_inode->private_inode_info = (void *)finode;
-    ret = vfs_close(ret);
-    return ret;
- * @brief 初始化procfs
- *
- */
-void procfs_init()
-    __procfs_init_root_dentry();
-    vfs_register_filesystem(&procfs_fs_type);
-    spin_init(&procfs_global_lock);
-    vfs_mount_fs(__procfs_mount_path, "procfs", NULL);

+ 0 - 43

@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <common/list.h>
-#include <common/lockref.h>
-#include <common/spinlock.h>
-#include <common/stdio.h>
-#include <common/stdlib.h>
-#include <common/string.h>
-#include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#include <process/process.h>
- * @brief 初始化procfs
- *
- */
-void procfs_init();
- * @brief proc文件系统的超级块信息结构体
- *
- */
-struct procfs_sb_info_t
-    struct lockref lockref; //该lockref包含自旋锁以及引用计数
- * @brief procfs文件系统的结点私有信息
- *
- */
-struct procfs_inode_info_t
-    long pid;
-    int type;
- * @brief 创建进程对应文件
- *
- * @param pid 进程号
- * @return int64_t 错误码
- */
-int64_t procfs_register_pid(long pid);

+ 444 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
+use core::any::Any;
+use alloc::{
+    collections::BTreeMap,
+    string::String,
+    sync::{Arc, Weak},
+    vec::Vec,
+use crate::{
+    filesystem::vfs::{core::generate_inode_id, FileType},
+    include::bindings::bindings::{
+    },
+    libs::spinlock::{SpinLock, SpinLockGuard},
+    time::TimeSpec,
+use super::vfs::{
+    file::FilePrivateData, FileSystem, FsInfo, IndexNode, InodeId, Metadata, PollStatus,
+/// RamFS的inode名称的最大长度
+const RAMFS_MAX_NAMELEN: usize = 64;
+/// @brief 内存文件系统的Inode结构体
+struct LockedRamFSInode(SpinLock<RamFSInode>);
+/// @brief 内存文件系统结构体
+pub struct RamFS {
+    /// RamFS的root inode
+    root_inode: Arc<LockedRamFSInode>,
+/// @brief 内存文件系统的Inode结构体(不包含锁)
+pub struct RamFSInode {
+    // parent变量目前只在find函数中使用到
+    // 所以只有当inode是文件夹的时候,parent才会生效
+    // 对于文件来说,parent就没什么作用了
+    // 关于parent的说明: 目录不允许有硬链接
+    /// 指向父Inode的弱引用
+    parent: Weak<LockedRamFSInode>,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<LockedRamFSInode>,
+    /// 子Inode的B树
+    children: BTreeMap<String, Arc<LockedRamFSInode>>,
+    /// 当前inode的数据部分
+    data: Vec<u8>,
+    /// 当前inode的元数据
+    metadata: Metadata,
+    /// 指向inode所在的文件系统对象的指针
+    fs: Weak<RamFS>,
+impl FileSystem for RamFS {
+    fn root_inode(&self) -> Arc<dyn super::vfs::IndexNode> {
+        return self.root_inode.clone();
+    }
+    fn info(&self) -> FsInfo {
+        return FsInfo {
+            blk_dev_id: 0,
+            max_name_len: RAMFS_MAX_NAMELEN,
+        };
+    }
+    /// @brief 本函数用于实现动态转换。
+    /// 具体的文件系统在实现本函数时,最简单的方式就是:直接返回self
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn Any {
+        self
+    }
+impl RamFS {
+    pub fn new() -> Arc<Self> {
+        // 初始化root inode
+        let root: Arc<LockedRamFSInode> = Arc::new(LockedRamFSInode(SpinLock::new(RamFSInode {
+            parent: Weak::default(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            children: BTreeMap::new(),
+            data: Vec::new(),
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 0,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: 0,
+                blocks: 0,
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: FileType::Dir,
+                mode: 0o777,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: 0,
+            },
+            fs: Weak::default(),
+        })));
+        let result: Arc<RamFS> = Arc::new(RamFS { root_inode: root });
+        // 对root inode加锁,并继续完成初始化工作
+        let mut root_guard: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = result.root_inode.0.lock();
+        root_guard.parent = Arc::downgrade(&result.root_inode);
+        root_guard.self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result.root_inode);
+        root_guard.fs = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        // 释放锁
+        drop(root_guard);
+        return result;
+    }
+impl IndexNode for LockedRamFSInode {
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        // 加锁
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 检查当前inode是否为一个文件夹,如果是的话,就返回错误
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        let start =;
+        let end = + len);
+        // buffer空间不足
+        if buf.len() < (end - start) {
+            return Err(-(ENOBUFS as i32));
+        }
+        // 拷贝数据
+        let src = &[start..end];
+        buf[0..src.len()].copy_from_slice(src);
+        return Ok(src.len());
+    }
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+        // 加锁
+        let mut inode: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 检查当前inode是否为一个文件夹,如果是的话,就返回错误
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        let data: &mut Vec<u8> = &mut;
+        // 如果文件大小比原来的大,那就resize这个数组
+        if offset + len > data.len() {
+            data.resize(offset + len, 0);
+        }
+        let target = &mut data[offset..offset + len];
+        target.copy_from_slice(&buf[0..len]);
+        return Ok(len);
+    }
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus, i32> {
+        // 加锁
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 检查当前inode是否为一个文件夹,如果是的话,就返回错误
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        return Ok(PollStatus {
+            flags: PollStatus::READ_MASK | PollStatus::WRITE_MASK,
+        });
+    }
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.0.lock().fs.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        self
+    }
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        let inode = self.0.lock();
+        let mut metadata = inode.metadata.clone();
+        metadata.size = as i64;
+        return Ok(metadata);
+    }
+    fn set_metadata(&self, metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        inode.metadata.atime = metadata.atime;
+        inode.metadata.mtime = metadata.mtime;
+        inode.metadata.ctime = metadata.ctime;
+        inode.metadata.mode = metadata.mode;
+        inode.metadata.uid = metadata.uid;
+        inode.metadata.gid = metadata.gid;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn resize(&self, len: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        if inode.metadata.file_type == FileType::File {
+  , 0);
+            return Ok(());
+        } else {
+            return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+        }
+    }
+    fn create_with_data(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        file_type: FileType,
+        mode: u32,
+        data: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        // 获取当前inode
+        let mut inode = self.0.lock();
+        // 如果当前inode不是文件夹,则返回
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 如果有重名的,则返回
+        if inode.children.contains_key(name) {
+            return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+        }
+        // 创建inode
+        let result: Arc<LockedRamFSInode> = Arc::new(LockedRamFSInode(SpinLock::new(RamFSInode {
+            parent: inode.self_ref.clone(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+            children: BTreeMap::new(),
+            data: Vec::new(),
+            metadata: Metadata {
+                dev_id: 0,
+                inode_id: generate_inode_id(),
+                size: 0,
+                blk_size: 0,
+                blocks: 0,
+                atime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                mtime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                ctime: TimeSpec::default(),
+                file_type: file_type,
+                mode: mode,
+                nlinks: 1,
+                uid: 0,
+                gid: 0,
+                raw_dev: data,
+            },
+            fs: inode.fs.clone(),
+        })));
+        // 初始化inode的自引用的weak指针
+        result.0.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&result);
+        // 将子inode插入父inode的B树中
+        inode.children.insert(String::from(name), result.clone());
+        return Ok(result);
+    }
+    fn link(&self, name: &str, other: &Arc<dyn IndexNode>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let other: &LockedRamFSInode = other
+            .downcast_ref::<LockedRamFSInode>()
+            .ok_or(-(EPERM as i32))?;
+        let mut inode: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        let mut other_locked: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = other.0.lock();
+        // 如果当前inode不是文件夹,那么报错
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 如果另一个inode是文件夹,那么也报错
+        if other_locked.metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EISDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 如果当前文件夹下已经有同名文件,也报错。
+        if inode.children.contains_key(name) {
+            return Err(-(EEXIST as i32));
+        }
+        inode
+            .children
+            .insert(String::from(name), other_locked.self_ref.upgrade().unwrap());
+        // 增加硬链接计数
+        other_locked.metadata.nlinks += 1;
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn unlink(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 如果当前inode不是目录,那么也没有子目录/文件的概念了,因此要求当前inode的类型是目录
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 不允许删除当前文件夹,也不允许删除上一个目录
+        if name == "." || name == ".." {
+            return Err(-(ENOTEMPTY as i32));
+        }
+        // 获得要删除的文件的inode
+        let to_delete = inode.children.get(name).ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?;
+        if to_delete.0.lock().metadata.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(EPERM as i32));
+        }
+        // 减少硬链接计数
+        to_delete.0.lock().metadata.nlinks -= 1;
+        // 在当前目录中删除这个子目录项
+        inode.children.remove(name);
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn rmdir(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let mut inode: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        // 如果当前inode不是目录,那么也没有子目录/文件的概念了,因此要求当前inode的类型是目录
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 获得要删除的文件夹的inode
+        let to_delete = inode.children.get(name).ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?;
+        if to_delete.0.lock().metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        to_delete.0.lock().metadata.nlinks -= 1;
+        // 在当前目录中删除这个子目录项
+        inode.children.remove(name);
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn move_(
+        &self,
+        old_name: &str,
+        target: &Arc<dyn IndexNode>,
+        new_name: &str,
+    ) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let old_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = self.find(old_name)?;
+        // 在新的目录下创建一个硬链接
+, &old_inode)?;
+        // 取消现有的目录下的这个硬链接
+        if let Err(err) = self.unlink(old_name) {
+            // 如果取消失败,那就取消新的目录下的硬链接
+            target.unlink(new_name)?;
+            return Err(err);
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    fn find(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        let inode = self.0.lock();
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match name {
+            "" | "." => {
+                return Ok(inode.self_ref.upgrade().ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?);
+            }
+            ".." => {
+                return Ok(inode.parent.upgrade().ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?);
+            }
+            name => {
+                // 在子目录项中查找
+                return Ok(inode.children.get(name).ok_or(-(ENOENT as i32))?.clone());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn get_entry_name(&self, ino: InodeId) -> Result<String, i32> {
+        let inode: SpinLockGuard<RamFSInode> = self.0.lock();
+        if inode.metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        match ino {
+            0 => {
+                return Ok(String::from("."));
+            }
+            1 => {
+                return Ok(String::from(".."));
+            }
+            ino => {
+                // 暴力遍历所有的children,判断inode id是否相同
+                // TODO: 优化这里,这个地方性能很差!
+                let mut key: Vec<String> = inode
+                    .children
+                    .keys()
+                    .filter(|k| inode.children.get(*k).unwrap().0.lock().metadata.inode_id == ino)
+                    .cloned()
+                    .collect();
+                match key.len() {
+                    0=>{return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));}
+                    1=>{return Ok(key.remove(0));}
+                    _ => panic!("Ramfs get_entry_name: key.len()={key_len}>1, current inode_id={inode_id}, to find={to_find}", key_len=key.len(), inode_id = inode.metadata.inode_id, to_find=ino)
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, i32> {
+        let info = self.metadata()?;
+        if info.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        let mut keys: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
+        keys.push(String::from("."));
+        keys.push(String::from(".."));
+        keys.append(&mut self.0.lock().children.keys().cloned().collect());
+        return Ok(keys);
+    }

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS += -I .
-kernel_fs_rootfs_objs:= $(shell find ./*.c)
-	@echo "$@"
-$(kernel_fs_rootfs_objs): ECHO
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $@ -o [email protected]
-all: $(kernel_fs_rootfs_objs)

+ 0 - 1

@@ -1 +0,0 @@

+ 0 - 228

@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-#include "rootfs.h"
-#include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#include <common/string.h>
-#include <filesystem/vfs/mount.h>
-static struct vfs_superblock_t rootfs_sb = {0};
-extern struct vfs_superblock_t *vfs_root_sb;
- * @brief 释放dentry本身所占的内存
- *
- * @param dentry
- */
-static inline void __release_dentry(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry)
-    kfree(dentry->name);
-    kfree(dentry);
-struct vfs_super_block_operations_t rootfs_sb_ops = {
-    .put_superblock = NULL,
-    .write_inode = NULL,
-    .write_superblock = NULL,
-static struct vfs_dir_entry_t *rootfs_lookup(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dest_dEntry)
-    return NULL;
-struct vfs_inode_operations_t rootfs_inode_ops = {
-    .create = NULL,
-    .getAttr = NULL,
-    .lookup = NULL,
-    .lookup = &rootfs_lookup,
-    .mkdir = NULL,
-    .rename = NULL,
-    .rmdir = NULL,
-    .setAttr = NULL,
-static long rootfs_open(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr)
-    return 0;
-static long rootfs_close(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr) { return 0; }
-static long rootfs_read(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *position) { return 0; }
-static long rootfs_write(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *position) { return 0; }
-static long rootfs_lseek(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, long offset, long origin) { return 0; }
-static long rootfs_ioctl(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, uint64_t cmd, uint64_t arg) { return 0; }
-static long rootfs_readdir(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, void *dirent, vfs_filldir_t filler)
-    // 循环读取目录下的目录项
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = file_ptr->dEntry;
-    struct List *list = &dentry->subdirs_list;
-    // 先切换到position处
-    for (int i = 0; i <= file_ptr->position; ++i)
-    {
-        list = list_next(list);
-        if (list == &dentry->subdirs_list) // 找完了
-            goto failed;
-    }
-    // 存在目录项
-    // 增加偏移量
-    ++file_ptr->position;
-    // 获取目标dentry(由于是子目录项,因此是child_node_list)
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *target_dent = container_of(list, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-    // kdebug("target name=%s, namelen=%d", target_dent->name, target_dent->name_length);
-    char *name = (char *)kzalloc(target_dent->name_length + 1, 0);
-    strncpy(name, target_dent->name, target_dent->name_length);
-    uint32_t dentry_type = target_dent->dir_inode->attribute;
-    return filler(dirent, file_ptr->position - 1, name, target_dent->name_length, dentry_type, file_ptr->position - 1);
-    return 0;
-static long rootfs_compare(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dEntry, char *source_filename, char *dest_filename) { return 0; }
-static long rootfs_hash(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, char *filename) { return 0; }
-static long rootfs_release(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry) { return 0; }
-static long rootfs_iput(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dEntry, struct vfs_index_node_t *inode) { return 0; }
-struct vfs_dir_entry_operations_t rootfs_dentry_ops =
-    {
-        .compare = &rootfs_compare,
-        .hash = &rootfs_hash,
-        .release = &rootfs_release,
-        .iput = &rootfs_iput,
-struct vfs_file_operations_t rootfs_file_ops = {
-    .open = &rootfs_open,
-    .close = &rootfs_close,
-    .read = &rootfs_read,
-    .write = &rootfs_write,
-    .lseek = &rootfs_lseek,
-    .ioctl = &rootfs_ioctl,
-    .readdir = &rootfs_readdir,
- * @brief 为在rootfs下创建目录(仅仅是形式上的目录,为了支持文件系统挂载)
- *
- * @param name 目录名称
- * @return int
- */
-static int rootfs_add_dir(const char *name)
-    {
-        // 检查名称重复
-        struct List *list = &rootfs_sb.root->subdirs_list;
-        while (list_next(list) != &rootfs_sb.root->subdirs_list)
-        {
-            list = list_next(list);
-            struct vfs_dir_entry_t *tmp = container_of(list, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-            if (strcmp(tmp->name, name) == 0)
-                return -EEXIST;
-        }
-    }
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = vfs_alloc_dentry(strlen(name) + 1);
-    strcpy(dentry->name, name);
-    dentry->name_length = strlen(name);
-    dentry->parent = rootfs_sb.root;
-    list_append(&rootfs_sb.root->subdirs_list, &dentry->child_node_list);
-    return 0;
-void rootfs_init()
-    // 初始化超级块
-    rootfs_sb.blk_device = NULL;
-    rootfs_sb.private_sb_info = NULL;
-    rootfs_sb.sb_ops = &rootfs_sb_ops;
-    rootfs_sb.dir_ops = &rootfs_dentry_ops;
-    // 初始化dentry
-    rootfs_sb.root = vfs_alloc_dentry(sizeof("/"));
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = rootfs_sb.root;
-    strncpy(dentry->name, "/", 2);
-    dentry->name_length = 1;
-    dentry->parent = dentry;
-    // 初始化root inode
-    dentry->dir_inode = vfs_alloc_inode();
-    dentry->dir_inode->sb = &rootfs_sb;
-    dentry->dir_inode->inode_ops = &rootfs_inode_ops;
-    dentry->dir_inode->file_ops = &rootfs_file_ops;
-    dentry->dir_inode->attribute = VFS_IF_DIR;
-    // 直接将vfs的根superblock设置为rootfs的超级块
-    vfs_root_sb = &rootfs_sb;
-    // 创建/dev等目录的dentry(以便文件系统的mount)
-    if (rootfs_add_dir("dev") != 0)
-        kerror("create dir 'dev' in rootfs failed");
-    // 创建/procfs目录的dentry
-    if (rootfs_add_dir("proc") != 0)
-        kerror("create dir 'proc' in rootfs failed");
- * @brief 当新的根文件系统被挂载后,将原有的挂载在rootfs下的文件系统,迁移到新的根文件系统上
- *
- */
-static void rootfs_migrate()
-    kdebug("Migrating rootfs's dentries...");
-    struct List *list = &rootfs_sb.root->subdirs_list;
-    if (unlikely(list_empty(list)))
-        return;
-    list = list_next(list);
-    while (list != &rootfs_sb.root->subdirs_list)
-    {
-        struct vfs_dir_entry_t *tmp = container_of(list, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-        if (tmp->dir_inode != NULL)
-        {
-            list = list_next(list); // 获取下一个列表结点(不然的话下面的几行代码就覆盖掉了正确的值了)
-            tmp->parent = vfs_root_sb->root;
-            list_init(&tmp->child_node_list);
-            list_append(&vfs_root_sb->root->subdirs_list, &tmp->child_node_list);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            list = list_next(list); // 不迁移空的dentry,直接释放他们
-            list_del(&tmp->child_node_list);
-            __release_dentry(tmp);
-        }
-    }
- * @brief 当磁盘文件系统被成功挂载后,释放rootfs所占的空间
- *
- */
-void rootfs_umount()
-    // 将原有的“dev”文件夹等进行迁移
-    rootfs_migrate();
-    kinfo("Umounting rootfs...");
-    // 遍历mount链表,删除所有父目录是rootfs的dentry
-    struct mountpoint *mp = NULL;
-    while (1)
-    {
-        mp = mount_find_mnt_list_by_parent(rootfs_sb.root);
-        if (mp == NULL)
-            break;
-        // 释放dentry(由于没有创建inode,因此不需要释放)
-        __release_dentry(mp->dentry);
-        // 释放mountpoint结构体
-        mount_release_mountpoint(mp);
-    }
-    // 释放root dentry及其inode
-    kfree(rootfs_sb.root->dir_inode);
-    __release_dentry(rootfs_sb.root);

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-void rootfs_init();
- * @brief 当磁盘文件系统被成功挂载后,释放rootfs所占的空间
- * 
- */
-void rootfs_umount();

+ 0 - 17

@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS += -I .
-kernel_fs_vfs_objs:= $(shell find ./*.c)
-	@echo "$@"
-$(kernel_fs_vfs_objs): ECHO
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $@ -o [email protected]
-all: $(kernel_fs_vfs_objs)

+ 0 - 898

@@ -1,898 +0,0 @@
-#include "VFS.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include "mount.h"
-#include <common/dirent.h>
-#include <common/err.h>
-#include <common/errno.h>
-#include <common/kprint.h>
-#include <common/string.h>
-#include <debug/bug.h>
-#include <filesystem/rootfs/rootfs.h>
-#include <mm/mm.h>
-#include <mm/slab.h>
-#include <process/process.h>
-#include <process/ptrace.h>
-// 为filesystem_type_t结构体实例化一个链表头
-static struct vfs_filesystem_type_t vfs_fs = {"filesystem", 0};
-struct vfs_superblock_t *vfs_root_sb = NULL;
-struct vfs_dir_entry_t *vfs_alloc_dentry(const int name_size);
- * @brief 挂载文件系统
- *
- * @param path 要挂载到的路径
- * @param name 文件系统名
- * @param blk 块设备结构体
- * @return struct vfs_superblock_t* 挂载后,文件系统的超级块
- */
-struct vfs_superblock_t *vfs_mount_fs(const char *path, char *name, struct block_device *blk)
-    // 判断挂载点是否存在
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *target_dentry = NULL;
-    target_dentry = vfs_path_walk(path, 0);
-    if (target_dentry == NULL)
-        return NULL;
-    struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *p = NULL;
-    for (p = &vfs_fs; p; p = p->next)
-    {
-        if (!strcmp(p->name, name)) // 存在符合的文件系统
-        {
-            struct vfs_superblock_t *sb = p->read_superblock(blk);
-            if (strcmp(path, "/") == 0) // 如果挂载到的是'/'挂载点,则让其成为最顶层的文件系统
-            {
-                vfs_root_sb = sb;
-            }
-            else
-            {
-                kdebug("to mount %s", name);
-                // 调用mount机制,挂载文件系统
-                struct vfs_dir_entry_t *new_dentry = sb->root;
-                // 注意,umount的时候需要释放这些内存
-                new_dentry->name = kzalloc(target_dentry->name_length + 1, 0);
-                new_dentry->name_length = target_dentry->name_length;
-                do_mount(target_dentry, new_dentry);
-            }
-            return sb;
-        }
-    }
-    kdebug("unsupported fs: %s", name);
-    return NULL;
- * @brief 在VFS中注册文件系统
- *
- * @param fs 文件系统类型结构体
- * @return uint64_t
- */
-uint64_t vfs_register_filesystem(struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *fs)
-    struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *p = NULL;
-    for (p = &vfs_fs; p; p = p->next)
-    {
-        if (!strcmp(p->name, fs->name)) // 已经注册相同名称的文件系统
-            return -EEXIST;
-    }
-    fs->next =;
- = fs;
-    return 0;
-uint64_t vfs_unregister_filesystem(struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *fs)
-    struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *p = &vfs_fs;
-    while (p->next)
-    {
-        if (p->next == fs)
-        {
-            p->next = p->next->next;
-            fs->next = NULL;
-            return 0;
-        }
-        else
-            p = p->next;
-    }
-    return -EINVAL;
- * @brief 在dentry的sub_dir_list中搜索指定名称的dentry
- *
- * @param dentry 目录项结构体dentry
- * @param name 待搜索的dentry名称
- * @return struct vfs_dir_entry_t* 目标dentry (无结果则返回NULL)
- */
-static struct vfs_dir_entry_t *vfs_search_dentry_list(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry, const char *name)
-    if (list_empty(&dentry->subdirs_list))
-        return NULL;
-    struct List *ptr = &dentry->subdirs_list;
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *d_ptr = NULL;
-    do
-    {
-        ptr = list_next(ptr);
-        d_ptr = container_of(ptr, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-        if (strcmp(name, d_ptr->name) == 0)
-            return d_ptr;
-    } while (list_next(ptr) != (&dentry->subdirs_list));
-    return NULL;
- * @brief 按照路径查找文件
- *
- * @param path 路径
- * @param flags 1:返回父目录项, 0:返回结果目录项
- * @return struct vfs_dir_entry_t* 目录项
- */
-struct vfs_dir_entry_t *vfs_path_walk(const char *path, uint64_t flags)
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent = vfs_root_sb->root;
-    // 去除路径前的斜杠
-    while (*path == '/')
-        ++path;
-    if ((!*path) || (*path == '\0'))
-        return parent;
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = NULL;
-    // kdebug("path before walk:%s", path);
-    while (true)
-    {
-        // 提取出下一级待搜索的目录名或文件名,并保存在dEntry_name中
-        const char *tmp_path = path;
-        while ((*path && *path != '\0') && (*path != '/'))
-            ++path;
-        int tmp_path_len = path - tmp_path;
-        // 搜索是否有dentry缓存
-        {
-            char *tmpname = kzalloc(tmp_path_len + 1, 0);
-            strncpy(tmpname, tmp_path, tmp_path_len);
-            tmpname[tmp_path_len] = '\0';
-            // kdebug("tmpname=%s", tmpname);
-            dentry = vfs_search_dentry_list(parent, tmpname);
-            kfree(tmpname);
-        }
-        // 如果没有找到dentry缓存,则申请新的dentry
-        if (dentry == NULL)
-        {
-            dentry = vfs_alloc_dentry(tmp_path_len + 1);
-            memcpy(dentry->name, (void *)tmp_path, tmp_path_len);
-            dentry->name[tmp_path_len] = '\0';
-            // kdebug("tmp_path_len=%d, dentry->name=%s", tmp_path_len, dentry->name);
-            dentry->name_length = tmp_path_len;
-            if (parent->dir_inode->inode_ops->lookup(parent->dir_inode, dentry) == NULL)
-            {
-                // 搜索失败
-                // kwarn("cannot find the file/dir : %s", dentry->name);
-                kfree(dentry->name);
-                kfree(dentry);
-                return NULL;
-            }
-            // 找到子目录项
-            dentry->parent = parent;
-            list_add(&parent->subdirs_list, &dentry->child_node_list);
-        }
-        while (*path == '/')
-            ++path;
-        if ((!*path) || (*path == '\0')) //  已经到达末尾
-        {
-            if (flags & 1) // 返回父目录
-            {
-                return parent;
-            }
-            return dentry;
-        }
-        parent = dentry;
-    }
- * @brief 填充dentry
- *
- * @return dirent的总大小
- */
-int vfs_fill_dirent(void *buf, ino_t d_ino, char *name, int namelen, unsigned char type, off_t offset)
-    struct dirent *dent = (struct dirent *)buf;
-    // 如果尝试访问内核空间,则返回错误
-    if (!(verify_area((uint64_t)buf, sizeof(struct dirent) + namelen)))
-        return -EFAULT;
-    // ====== 填充dirent结构体 =====
-    memset(buf, 0, sizeof(struct dirent) + namelen);
-    memcpy(dent->d_name, name, namelen);
-    dent->d_name[namelen] = '\0';
-    // 暂时不显示目录下的记录数
-    dent->d_reclen = 0;
-    dent->d_ino = d_ino;
-    dent->d_off = offset;
-    dent->d_type = type;
-    // 返回dirent的总大小
-    return sizeof(struct dirent) + namelen;
- * @brief 创建文件夹
- *
- * @param path 文件夹路径
- * @param mode 创建模式
- * @param from_userland 该创建请求是否来自用户态
- * @return int64_t 错误码
- */
-int64_t vfs_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode, bool from_userland)
-    uint32_t pathlen;
-    int retval = 0;
-    if (from_userland)
-        pathlen = strnlen_user(path, PAGE_4K_SIZE - 1);
-    else
-        pathlen = strnlen(path, PAGE_4K_SIZE - 1);
-    if (pathlen == 0)
-        return -ENOENT;
-    int last_slash = -1;
-    // 查找最后一个'/',忽略路径末尾的'/'
-    for (int i = pathlen - 2; i >= 0; --i)
-    {
-        if (path[i] == '/')
-        {
-            last_slash = i;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    // 路径格式不合法(必须使用绝对路径)
-    if (last_slash < 0)
-        return -ENOTDIR;
-    char *buf = (char *)kzalloc(last_slash + 2, 0);
-    // 拷贝字符串(不包含要被创建的部分)
-    if (from_userland)
-        strncpy_from_user(buf, path, last_slash);
-    else
-        strncpy(buf, path, last_slash);
-    buf[last_slash + 1] = '\0';
-    // 查找父目录
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dir = vfs_path_walk(buf, 0);
-    if (parent_dir == NULL)
-    {
-        kwarn("parent dir is NULL.");
-        kfree(buf);
-        return -ENOENT;
-    }
-    kfree(buf);
-    // 检查父目录中是否已经有相同的目录项
-    if (vfs_path_walk((const char *)path, 0) != NULL)
-    {
-        // 目录中已有对应的文件夹
-        kwarn("Dir '%s' aleardy exists.", path);
-        return -EEXIST;
-    }
-    spin_lock(&parent_dir->lockref.lock);
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *subdir_dentry = vfs_alloc_dentry(pathlen - last_slash);
-    if (path[pathlen - 1] == '/')
-        subdir_dentry->name_length = pathlen - last_slash - 2;
-    else
-        subdir_dentry->name_length = pathlen - last_slash - 1;
-    for (int i = last_slash + 1, cnt = 0; i < pathlen && cnt < subdir_dentry->name_length; ++i, ++cnt)
-        subdir_dentry->name[cnt] = path[i];
-    // 设置subdir的dentry的父路径
-    subdir_dentry->parent = parent_dir;
-    // kdebug("to mkdir, parent name=%s", parent_dir->name);
-    spin_lock(&parent_dir->dir_inode->lockref.lock);
-    retval = parent_dir->dir_inode->inode_ops->mkdir(parent_dir->dir_inode, subdir_dentry, 0);
-    spin_unlock(&parent_dir->dir_inode->lockref.lock);
-    if (retval != 0)
-    {
-        if (vfs_dentry_put(parent_dir) != 0) // 释放dentry
-            spin_unlock(&parent_dir->lockref.lock);
-        return retval;
-    }
-    // 获取append前一个dentry并加锁
-    struct List *target_list = &parent_dir->subdirs_list;
-    // kdebug("target_list=%#018lx target_list->prev=%#018lx",target_list,target_list->prev);
-    if (list_empty(target_list) == false)
-    {
-        struct vfs_dir_entry_t *prev_dentry = list_entry(target_list->prev, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-        // kdebug("prev_dentry%#018lx",prev_dentry);
-        spin_lock(&prev_dentry->lockref.lock);
-        list_append(&parent_dir->subdirs_list, &subdir_dentry->child_node_list);
-        // kdebug("retval = %d", retval);
-        spin_unlock(&prev_dentry->lockref.lock);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        list_append(&parent_dir->subdirs_list, &subdir_dentry->child_node_list);
-        goto out;
-    }
-    spin_unlock(&parent_dir->lockref.lock);
-    return retval;
- * @brief 创建文件夹
- *
- * @param path(r8) 路径
- * @param mode(r9) 模式
- * @return uint64_t
- */
-uint64_t sys_mkdir(struct pt_regs *regs)
-    const char *path = (const char *)regs->r8;
-    // kdebug("path = %s", path);
-    mode_t mode = (mode_t)regs->r9;
-    if (user_mode(regs))
-        return vfs_mkdir(path, mode, true);
-    else
-        return vfs_mkdir(path, mode, false);
- * @brief 打开文件
- *
- * @param filename 文件路径
- * @param flags 标志位
- * @param from_user 是否由用户态调用,1为是,0为否
- * @return uint64_t 错误码
- */
-uint64_t do_open(const char *filename, int flags, bool from_user)
-    long path_len = 0;
-    if (from_user)
-        path_len = strnlen_user(filename, PAGE_4K_SIZE) + 1;
-    else
-        path_len = strnlen(filename, PAGE_4K_SIZE) + 1;
-    if (path_len <= 0) // 地址空间错误
-        return -EFAULT;
-    else if (path_len >= PAGE_4K_SIZE) // 名称过长
-        return -ENAMETOOLONG;
-    // 为待拷贝文件路径字符串分配内存空间
-    char *path = (char *)kzalloc(path_len, 0);
-    if (path == NULL)
-        return -ENOMEM;
-    if (from_user)
-        strncpy_from_user(path, filename, path_len);
-    else
-        strncpy(path, filename, path_len);
-    // 去除末尾的 '/'
-    if (path_len >= 2 && path[path_len - 2] == '/')
-    {
-        path[path_len - 2] = '\0';
-        --path_len;
-    }
-    // 寻找文件
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = vfs_path_walk(path, 0);
-    if (dentry == NULL && flags & O_CREAT)
-    {
-        // 先找到倒数第二级目录
-        int tmp_index = -1;
-        for (int i = path_len - 1; i >= 0; --i)
-        {
-            if (path[i] == '/')
-            {
-                tmp_index = i;
-                break;
-            }
-        }
-        struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dentry = NULL;
-        // kdebug("tmp_index=%d", tmp_index);
-        if (tmp_index > 0)
-        {
-            path[tmp_index] = '\0';
-            parent_dentry = vfs_path_walk(path, 0);
-            if (parent_dentry == NULL)
-            {
-                kfree(path);
-                return -ENOENT;
-            }
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            parent_dentry = vfs_root_sb->root;
-        }
-        // 创建新的文件
-        dentry = vfs_alloc_dentry(path_len - tmp_index);
-        dentry->name_length = path_len - tmp_index - 2;
-        // kdebug("to create new file:%s   namelen=%d", dentry->name, dentry->name_length);
-        strncpy(dentry->name, path + tmp_index + 1, dentry->name_length);
-        dentry->parent = parent_dentry;
-        // 对父目录项加锁
-        spin_lock(&parent_dentry->lockref.lock);
-        spin_lock(&parent_dentry->dir_inode->lockref.lock);
-        // 创建子目录项
-        uint64_t retval = parent_dentry->dir_inode->inode_ops->create(parent_dentry->dir_inode, dentry, 0);
-        spin_unlock(&parent_dentry->dir_inode->lockref.lock); // 解锁inode
-        if (retval != 0)
-        {
-            if (vfs_dentry_put(dentry) != 0) // 释放dentry
-                BUG_ON(1);
-            BUG_ON(1);
-            kfree(path);
-            spin_unlock(&parent_dentry->lockref.lock);
-            return retval;
-        }
-        // ==== 将子目录项添加到链表 ====
-        struct vfs_dir_entry_t *next_dentry = NULL;
-        // 若list非空,则对前一个dentry加锁
-        if (!list_empty(&parent_dentry->subdirs_list))
-        {
-            next_dentry = list_entry(list_next(&parent_dentry->subdirs_list), struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-            spin_lock(&next_dentry->lockref.lock);
-        }
-        list_add(&parent_dentry->subdirs_list, &dentry->child_node_list);
-        if (next_dentry != NULL)
-            spin_unlock(&next_dentry->lockref.lock);
-        // 新建文件结束,对父目录项解锁
-        spin_unlock(&parent_dentry->lockref.lock);
-        // kdebug("created.");
-    }
-    kfree(path);
-    if (dentry == NULL)
-    {
-        return -ENOENT;
-    }
-    spin_lock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-    // 要求打开文件夹而目标不是文件夹
-    if ((flags & O_DIRECTORY) && (dentry->dir_inode->attribute != VFS_IF_DIR))
-    {
-        spin_unlock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-        return -ENOTDIR;
-    }
-    // 创建文件描述符
-    struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr = (struct vfs_file_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_file_t), 0);
-    int errcode = -1;
-    file_ptr->dEntry = dentry;
-    file_ptr->mode = flags;
-    file_ptr->file_ops = dentry->dir_inode->file_ops;
-    // 如果文件系统实现了打开文件的函数
-    if (file_ptr->file_ops && file_ptr->file_ops->open)
-        errcode = file_ptr->file_ops->open(dentry->dir_inode, file_ptr);
-    if (errcode != 0)
-    {
-        kfree(file_ptr);
-        spin_unlock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-        return -EFAULT;
-    }
-    if (file_ptr->mode & O_TRUNC) // 清空文件
-        file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size = 0;
-    if (file_ptr->mode & O_APPEND)
-        file_ptr->position = file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode->file_size;
-    else
-        file_ptr->position = 0;
-    int fd_num = process_fd_alloc(file_ptr);
-    // 指针数组没有空位了
-    if (fd_num == -1)
-    {
-        kfree(file_ptr);
-        spin_unlock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-        return -ENFILE;
-    }
-    spin_unlock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-    return fd_num;
-uint64_t sys_open(struct pt_regs *regs)
-    char *filename = (char *)(regs->r8);
-    int flags = (int)(regs->r9);
-    return do_open(filename, flags, true);
- * @brief 关闭文件
- *
- * @param fd_num 文件描述符
- * @return uint64_t 错误码
- */
-uint64_t vfs_close(int fd_num)
-    // 校验文件描述符范围
-    if (fd_num < 0 || fd_num > PROC_MAX_FD_NUM)
-        return -EBADF;
-    // 文件描述符不存在
-    if (current_pcb->fds[fd_num] == NULL)
-        return -EBADF;
-    struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr = current_pcb->fds[fd_num];
-    uint64_t ret;
-    // If there is a valid close function
-    if (file_ptr->file_ops && file_ptr->file_ops->close)
-        ret = file_ptr->file_ops->close(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode, file_ptr);
-    kfree(file_ptr);
-    current_pcb->fds[fd_num] = NULL;
-    return 0;
- * @brief 动态分配dentry以及路径字符串名称
- *
- * @param name_size 名称字符串大小(字节)(注意考虑字符串最后需要有一个‘\0’作为结尾)
- * @return struct vfs_dir_entry_t* 创建好的dentry
- */
-struct vfs_dir_entry_t *vfs_alloc_dentry(const int name_size)
-    if (unlikely(name_size > VFS_MAX_PATHLEN))
-        return NULL;
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = (struct vfs_dir_entry_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_dir_entry_t), 0);
-    if (unlikely(dentry == NULL))
-        return NULL;
-    if (name_size != 0)
-        dentry->name = (char *)kzalloc(name_size, 0);
-    // 初始化lockref
-    spin_init(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-    dentry->lockref.count = 1;
-    // 初始化链表
-    list_init(&dentry->child_node_list);
-    list_init(&dentry->subdirs_list);
-    return dentry;
- * @brief 判断是否可以删除指定的dentry
- *
- * 1、我们不能删除一个只读的dentry
- * 2、我们应当对这个dentry的inode拥有写、执行权限(暂时还没有实现权限)
- * 3、如果dentry指向的是文件夹,而isdir为false,则不能删除
- * 3、如果dentry指向的是文件,而isdir为true,则不能删除
- * @param dentry 将要被删除的dentry
- * @param isdir 是否要删除文件夹
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int vfs_may_delete(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry, bool isdir)
-    // 当dentry没有inode的时候,认为是bug
-    BUG_ON(dentry->dir_inode == NULL);
-    // todo: 进行权限检查
-    if (isdir) // 要删除文件夹
-    {
-        if (!D_ISDIR(dentry))
-            return -ENOTDIR;
-        else if (IS_ROOT(dentry))
-            return -EBUSY;
-    }
-    else if (D_ISDIR(dentry)) // 要删除文件但是当前是文件夹
-        return -EISDIR;
-    return 0;
- * @brief 删除文件夹
- *
- * @param path 文件夹路径
- * @param from_userland 请求是否来自用户态
- * @return int64_t 错误码
- */
-int64_t vfs_rmdir(const char *path, bool from_userland)
-    uint32_t pathlen;
-    int retval = 0;
-    if (from_userland)
-        pathlen = strnlen_user(path, PAGE_4K_SIZE - 1);
-    else
-        pathlen = strnlen(path, PAGE_4K_SIZE - 1);
-    if (pathlen == 0)
-        return -ENOENT;
-    int last_slash = -1;
-    // 去除末尾的'/'
-    for (int i = pathlen - 1; i >= 0; --i)
-    {
-        if (path[i] != '/')
-        {
-            last_slash = i + 1;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    // 路径格式不合法
-    if (last_slash < 0)
-        return -ENOTDIR;
-    else if (path[0] != '/')
-        return -EINVAL;
-    char *buf = (char *)kzalloc(last_slash + 2, 0);
-    // 拷贝字符串(不包含要被创建的部分)
-    if (from_userland)
-        strncpy_from_user(buf, path, last_slash);
-    else
-        strncpy(buf, path, last_slash);
-    buf[last_slash + 1] = '\0';
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = vfs_path_walk(buf, 0);
-    kfree(buf);
-    if (dentry == NULL)
-    {
-        retval = -ENOENT;
-        goto out0;
-    }
-    // todo: 检查文件夹是否为空
-    spin_lock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-    retval = vfs_may_delete(dentry, true);
-    if (retval != 0)
-        goto out1;
-    // todo: 对dentry和inode加锁
-    retval = -EBUSY;
-    if (is_local_mountpoint(dentry))
-        goto out1;
-    // todo:
-    retval = dentry->dir_inode->inode_ops->rmdir(dentry->dir_inode, dentry);
-    if (retval != 0)
-    {
-        BUG_ON(1);
-        goto out1;
-    }
-    dentry->dir_inode->attribute |= VFS_IF_DEAD; // 将当前inode标记为dead
-    dont_mount(dentry);                          // 将当前dentry标记为不可被挂载
-    detach_mounts(dentry);                       // 清理同样挂载在该路径的所有挂载点的挂载树
-    // 释放dentry
-    retval = vfs_dentry_put(dentry);
-    if (retval != 0)
-        goto out1;
-    goto out0;
-    spin_unlock(&dentry->dir_inode->lockref.lock);
-    spin_unlock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-    return retval;
- * @brief unlink a filesystem object
- *
- * 调用者必须持有parent_inode->lockref.lock
- *
- * @param mnt_userns 暂时未使用 用户命名空间. 请置为NULL
- * @param parent_inode 父目录项的inode
- * @param dentry 要被删除的目录项
- * @param delegated_inode 暂未使用,请置为NULL
- * @return int
- */
-int vfs_unlink(struct user_namespace *mnt_userns, struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry,
-               struct vfs_index_node_t **delegated_inode)
-    // 暂时不支持用户命名空间,因此发出警告
-    if (unlikely(mnt_userns != NULL))
-    {
-        WARN_ON(1);
-        return -EINVAL;
-    }
-    int retval = 0;
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *target = dentry->dir_inode;
-    retval = vfs_may_delete(dentry, false);
-    if (unlikely(retval != 0))
-        return retval;
-    // 没有unlink方法,则不允许删除
-    if (!parent_inode->inode_ops->unlink)
-        return -EPERM;
-    // 对inode加锁
-    spin_lock(&target->lockref.lock);
-    if (is_local_mountpoint(dentry))
-        retval = -EBUSY;
-    else
-    {
-        retval = parent_inode->inode_ops->unlink(parent_inode, dentry);
-        if (retval == 0)
-        {
-            dont_mount(dentry);
-            detach_mounts(dentry);
-        }
-    }
-    spin_unlock(&target->lockref.lock);
-    return retval;
- * @brief 取消dentry和inode之间的链接
- *
- * @param dfd 进程相对路径基准目录的文件描述符(fcntl.h)
- * @param pathname 路径
- * @param from_userland 请求是否来自用户态
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int do_unlink_at(int dfd, const char *pathname, bool from_userland)
-    // 暂时不支持相对路径,只支持绝对路径
-    if (dfd & AT_FDCWD)
-    {
-        kwarn("Not support: AT_FDCWD");
-        return -EINVAL;
-    }
-    uint32_t pathlen;
-    int retval = 0;
-    if (from_userland)
-        pathlen = strnlen_user(pathname, PAGE_4K_SIZE - 1);
-    else
-        pathlen = strnlen(pathname, PAGE_4K_SIZE - 1);
-    if (pathlen == 0)
-        return -ENOENT;
-    int last_slash = -1;
-    // 去除末尾的'/'
-    for (int i = pathlen - 1; i >= 0; --i)
-    {
-        if (pathname[i] != '/')
-        {
-            last_slash = i + 1;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    // 路径格式不合法
-    if (last_slash < 0)
-        return -ENOTDIR;
-    else if (pathname[0] != '/')
-        return -EINVAL;
-    char *buf = (char *)kzalloc(last_slash + 1, 0);
-    // 拷贝字符串
-    if (from_userland)
-        strncpy_from_user(buf, pathname, last_slash);
-    else
-        strncpy(buf, pathname, last_slash);
-    buf[last_slash] = '\0';
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = vfs_path_walk(buf, 0);
-    kfree(buf);
-    if (dentry == NULL || dentry->parent == NULL)
-    {
-        retval = -ENOENT;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *p_inode = dentry->parent->dir_inode;
-    // 对父inode加锁
-    spin_lock(&p_inode->lockref.lock);
-    spin_lock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-    retval = vfs_unlink(NULL, dentry->parent->dir_inode, dentry, NULL);
-    if (unlikely(retval != 0))
-    {
-        // kdebug("retval=%d", retval);
-        spin_unlock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-        spin_unlock(&p_inode->lockref.lock);
-        goto out;
-    }
-    // kdebug("vfs_dentry_put=%d", retval);
-    spin_unlock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-    spin_unlock(&p_inode->lockref.lock);
-    if (IS_ERR_VALUE(retval))
-        kwarn("In do_unlink_at: dentry put failed; retval=%d", retval);
-    else
-        retval = 0;
-    return retval;
- * @brief 删除文件夹、取消文件的链接、删除文件的系统调用
- *
- * @param regs->r8 dfd 进程相对路径基准目录的文件描述符(见fcntl.h)
- * @param regs->r9 路径名称字符串
- * @param regs->r10 flag 预留的标志位,暂时未使用,请置为0。
- * @return uint64_t 错误码
- */
-uint64_t sys_unlink_at(struct pt_regs *regs)
-    int dfd = regs->r8;
-    const char *pathname = (const char *)regs->r9;
-    int flag = regs->r10;
-    bool from_user = SYSCALL_FROM_USER(regs) ? true : false;
-    if ((flag & (~AT_REMOVEDIR)) != 0)
-        return -EINVAL;
-    if (flag & AT_REMOVEDIR)
-        return vfs_rmdir(pathname, from_user);
-    // kdebug("to do_unlink_at, path=%s", pathname);
-    return do_unlink_at(dfd, pathname, from_user);
- * @brief 分配inode并将引用计数初始化为1
- *
- * @return struct vfs_index_node_t * 分配得到的inode
- */
-struct vfs_index_node_t *vfs_alloc_inode()
-    struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = kzalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_index_node_t), 0);
-    spin_init(&inode->lockref.lock);
-    inode->lockref.count = 1; // 初始化引用计数为1
-    return inode;
- * @brief 初始化vfs
- *
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int vfs_init()
-    mount_init();
-    rootfs_init();
-    return 0;

+ 2 - 96

@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
 #include <common/glib.h>
 #include <common/glib.h>
 #include <common/lockref.h>
 #include <common/lockref.h>
 #include <common/user_namespace.h>
 #include <common/user_namespace.h>
+#include <DragonOS/stdint.h>
 #include <mm/slab.h>
 #include <mm/slab.h>
-extern struct vfs_superblock_t *vfs_root_sb;
 #define VFS_DPT_MBR 0 // MBR分区表
 #define VFS_DPT_MBR 0 // MBR分区表
 #define VFS_DPT_GPT 1 // GPT分区表
 #define VFS_DPT_GPT 1 // GPT分区表
@@ -193,102 +192,9 @@ struct vfs_file_operations_t
     long (*readdir)(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, void *dirent, vfs_filldir_t filler); // 读取文件夹
     long (*readdir)(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, void *dirent, vfs_filldir_t filler); // 读取文件夹
- * @brief 在VFS中注册文件系统
- *
- * @param fs 文件系统类型结构体
- * @return uint64_t
- */
-uint64_t vfs_register_filesystem(struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *fs);
-uint64_t vfs_unregister_filesystem(struct vfs_filesystem_type_t *fs);
- * @brief 挂载文件系统
- *
- * @param path 要挂载到的路径
- * @param name 文件系统名
- * @param blk 块设备结构体
- * @return struct vfs_superblock_t* 挂载后,文件系统的超级块
- */
-struct vfs_superblock_t *vfs_mount_fs(const char *path, char *name, struct block_device *blk);
- * @brief 按照路径查找文件
- *
- * @param path 路径
- * @param flags 1:返回父目录项, 0:返回结果目录项
- * @return struct vfs_dir_entry_t* 目录项
- */
-struct vfs_dir_entry_t *vfs_path_walk(const char *path, uint64_t flags);
- * @brief 填充dentry
- *
- */
-int vfs_fill_dirent(void *buf, ino_t d_ino, char *name, int namelen, unsigned char type, off_t offset);
  * @brief 初始化vfs
  * @brief 初始化vfs
  * @return int 错误码
  * @return int 错误码
-int vfs_init();
- * @brief 动态分配dentry以及路径字符串名称
- *
- * @param name_size 名称字符串大小(字节)(注意考虑字符串最后需要有一个‘\0’作为结尾)
- * @return struct vfs_dir_entry_t* 创建好的dentry
- */
-struct vfs_dir_entry_t *vfs_alloc_dentry(const int name_size);
- * @brief 分配inode并将引用计数初始化为1
- *
- * @return struct vfs_index_node_t * 分配得到的inode
- */
-struct vfs_index_node_t *vfs_alloc_inode();
-uint64_t do_open(const char *filename, int flags, bool from_user);
- * @brief 关闭文件
- *
- * @param fd_num 文件描述符
- * @return uint64_t 错误码
- */
-uint64_t vfs_close(int fd_num);
- * @brief 创建文件夹
- *
- * @param path 文件夹路径
- * @param mode 创建模式
- * @param from_userland 该创建请求是否来自用户态
- * @return int64_t 错误码
- */
-int64_t vfs_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode, bool from_userland);
- * @brief 删除文件夹
- *
- * @param path 文件夹路径
- * @param from_userland 请求是否来自用户态
- * @return int64_t 错误码
- */
-int64_t vfs_rmdir(const char *path, bool from_userland);
- * @brief 释放dentry,并视情况自动释放inode。 在调用该函数前,需要将dentry加锁。
- *
- * @param dentry 目标dentry
- *
- * @return 错误码
- *          注意,当dentry指向文件时,如果返回值为正数,则表示在释放了该dentry后,该dentry指向的inode的引用计数。
- */
-int vfs_dentry_put(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry);
-int vfs_unlink(struct user_namespace *mnt_userns, struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry,
-               struct vfs_index_node_t **delegated_inode);
-int do_unlink_at(int dfd, const char *pathname, bool name);
+extern int vfs_init();

+ 392 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,392 @@
+use core::{
+    hint::spin_loop,
+    ptr::null_mut,
+    sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
+use alloc::{boxed::Box, format, string::ToString, sync::Arc};
+use crate::{
+    arch::asm::current::current_pcb,
+    driver::disk::ahci::{self},
+    filesystem::{
+        devfs::DevFS,
+        fat::fs::FATFileSystem,
+        procfs::ProcFS,
+        ramfs::RamFS,
+        vfs::{file::File, mount::MountFS, FileSystem, FileType},
+    },
+    include::bindings::bindings::{EBADF, ENAMETOOLONG, ENOENT, ENOTDIR, EPERM, PAGE_4K_SIZE},
+    io::SeekFrom,
+    kerror, kinfo,
+use super::{file::FileMode, utils::rsplit_path, IndexNode, InodeId};
+/// @brief 原子地生成新的Inode号。
+/// 请注意,所有的inode号都需要通过该函数来生成.全局的inode号,除了以下两个特殊的以外,都是唯一的
+/// 特殊的两个inode号:
+/// [0]: 对应'.'目录项
+/// [1]: 对应'..'目录项
+pub fn generate_inode_id() -> InodeId {
+    static INO: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(1);
+    return INO.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
+static mut __ROOT_INODE: *mut Arc<dyn IndexNode> = null_mut();
+/// @brief 获取全局的根节点
+pub fn ROOT_INODE() -> Arc<dyn IndexNode> {
+    unsafe {
+        return __ROOT_INODE.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
+    }
+pub extern "C" fn vfs_init() -> i32 {
+    // 使用Ramfs作为默认的根文件系统
+    let ramfs = RamFS::new();
+    let mount_fs = MountFS::new(ramfs, None);
+    let root_inode = Box::leak(Box::new(mount_fs.root_inode()));
+    unsafe {
+        __ROOT_INODE = root_inode;
+    }
+    // 创建文件夹
+    root_inode
+        .create("proc", FileType::Dir, 0o777)
+        .expect("Failed to create /proc");
+    root_inode
+        .create("dev", FileType::Dir, 0o777)
+        .expect("Failed to create /dev");
+    // // 创建procfs实例
+    let procfs: Arc<ProcFS> = ProcFS::new();
+    // procfs挂载
+    let _t = root_inode
+        .find("proc")
+        .expect("Cannot find /proc")
+        .mount(procfs)
+        .expect("Failed to mount procfs.");
+    kinfo!("ProcFS mounted.");
+    // 创建 devfs 实例
+    let devfs: Arc<DevFS> = DevFS::new();
+    // devfs 挂载
+    let _t = root_inode
+        .find("dev")
+        .expect("Cannot find /dev")
+        .mount(devfs)
+        .expect("Failed to mount devfs");
+    kinfo!("DevFS mounted.");
+    let root_inode = ROOT_INODE().list().expect("VFS init failed");
+    if root_inode.len() > 0 {
+        kinfo!("Successfully initialized VFS!");
+    }
+    return 0;
+/// @brief 真正执行伪文件系统迁移的过程
+/// @param mountpoint_name 在根目录下的挂载点的名称
+/// @param inode 原本的挂载点的inode
+fn do_migrate(
+    new_root_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode>,
+    mountpoint_name: &str,
+    fs: &MountFS,
+) -> Result<(), i32> {
+    let r = new_root_inode.find(mountpoint_name);
+    let mountpoint = if r.is_err() {
+        new_root_inode
+            .create(mountpoint_name, FileType::Dir, 0o777)
+            .expect(format!("Failed to create '/{mountpoint_name}'").as_str())
+    } else {
+        r.unwrap()
+    };
+    // 迁移挂载点
+    mountpoint
+        .mount(fs.inner_filesystem())
+        .expect(format!("Failed to migrate {mountpoint_name}").as_str());
+    return Ok(());
+/// @brief 迁移伪文件系统的inode
+/// 请注意,为了避免删掉了伪文件系统内的信息,因此没有在原root inode那里调用unlink.
+fn migrate_virtual_filesystem(new_fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+    kinfo!("VFS: Migrating filesystems...");
+    // ==== 在这里获取要被迁移的文件系统的inode ===
+    let binding = ROOT_INODE().find("proc").expect("ProcFS not mounted!").fs();
+    let proc: &MountFS = binding.as_any_ref().downcast_ref::<MountFS>().unwrap();
+    let binding = ROOT_INODE().find("dev").expect("DevFS not mounted!").fs();
+    let dev: &MountFS = binding.as_any_ref().downcast_ref::<MountFS>().unwrap();
+    let new_fs = MountFS::new(new_fs, None);
+    // 获取新的根文件系统的根节点的引用
+    let new_root_inode = Box::leak(Box::new(new_fs.root_inode()));
+    // 把上述文件系统,迁移到新的文件系统下
+    do_migrate(new_root_inode.clone(), "proc", proc)?;
+    do_migrate(new_root_inode.clone(), "dev", dev)?;
+    unsafe {
+        // drop旧的Root inode
+        let old_root_inode: Box<Arc<dyn IndexNode>> = Box::from_raw(__ROOT_INODE);
+        __ROOT_INODE = null_mut();
+        drop(old_root_inode);
+        // 设置全局的新的ROOT Inode
+        __ROOT_INODE = new_root_inode;
+    }
+    kinfo!("VFS: Migrate filesystems done!");
+    return Ok(());
+pub extern "C" fn mount_root_fs() -> i32 {
+    kinfo!("Try to mount FAT32 as root fs...");
+    let partiton: Arc<crate::io::disk_info::Partition> =
+        ahci::get_disks_by_name("ahci_disk_0".to_string())
+            .unwrap()
+            .0
+            .lock()
+            .partitions[0]
+            .clone();
+    let fatfs: Result<Arc<FATFileSystem>, i32> = FATFileSystem::new(partiton);
+    if fatfs.is_err() {
+        kerror!(
+            "Failed to initialize fatfs, code={:?}",
+            fatfs.as_ref().err()
+        );
+        loop {
+            spin_loop();
+        }
+    }
+    let fatfs: Arc<FATFileSystem> = fatfs.unwrap();
+    let r = migrate_virtual_filesystem(fatfs);
+    if r.is_err() {
+        kerror!("Failed to migrate virtual filesystem to FAT32!");
+        loop {
+            spin_loop();
+        }
+    }
+    kinfo!("Successfully migrate rootfs to FAT32!");
+    return 0;
+/// @brief 为当前进程打开一个文件
+pub fn do_open(path: &str, mode: FileMode) -> Result<i32, i32> {
+    // 文件名过长
+    if path.len() > PAGE_4K_SIZE as usize {
+        return Err(-(ENAMETOOLONG as i32));
+    }
+    let inode: Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> = ROOT_INODE().lookup(path);
+    let inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = if inode.is_err() {
+        let errno = inode.unwrap_err();
+        // 文件不存在,且需要创建
+        if mode.contains(FileMode::O_CREAT)
+            && !mode.contains(FileMode::O_DIRECTORY)
+            && errno == -(ENOENT as i32)
+        {
+            let (filename, parent_path) = rsplit_path(path);
+            // 查找父目录
+            let parent_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> =
+                ROOT_INODE().lookup(parent_path.unwrap_or("/"))?;
+            // 创建文件
+            let inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = parent_inode.create(filename, FileType::File, 0o777)?;
+            inode
+        } else {
+            // 不需要创建文件,因此返回错误码
+            return Err(errno);
+        }
+    } else {
+        inode.unwrap()
+    };
+    let file_type: FileType = inode.metadata()?.file_type;
+    // 如果要打开的是文件夹,而目标不是文件夹
+    if mode.contains(FileMode::O_DIRECTORY) && file_type != FileType::Dir {
+        return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+    }
+    // 如果O_TRUNC,并且,打开模式包含O_RDWR或O_WRONLY,清空文件
+    if mode.contains(FileMode::O_TRUNC)
+        && (mode.contains(FileMode::O_RDWR) || mode.contains(FileMode::O_WRONLY))
+        && file_type == FileType::File
+    {
+        inode.truncate(0)?;
+    }
+    // 创建文件对象
+    let mut file: File = File::new(inode, mode)?;
+    // 打开模式为“追加”
+    if mode.contains(FileMode::O_APPEND) {
+        file.lseek(SeekFrom::SeekEnd(0))?;
+    }
+    // 把文件对象存入pcb
+    return current_pcb().alloc_fd(file);
+/// @brief 根据文件描述符,读取文件数据。尝试读取的数据长度与buf的长度相同。
+/// @param fd 文件描述符编号
+/// @param buf 输出缓冲区。
+/// @return Ok(usize) 成功读取的数据的字节数
+/// @return Err(i32) 读取失败,返回posix错误码
+pub fn do_read(fd: i32, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+    let file: Option<&mut File> = current_pcb().get_file_mut_by_fd(fd);
+    if file.is_none() {
+        return Err(-(EBADF as i32));
+    }
+    let file: &mut File = file.unwrap();
+    return, buf);
+/// @brief 根据文件描述符,向文件写入数据。尝试写入的数据长度与buf的长度相同。
+/// @param fd 文件描述符编号
+/// @param buf 输入缓冲区。
+/// @return Ok(usize) 成功写入的数据的字节数
+/// @return Err(i32) 写入失败,返回posix错误码
+pub fn do_write(fd: i32, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+    let file: Option<&mut File> = current_pcb().get_file_mut_by_fd(fd);
+    if file.is_none() {
+        return Err(-(EBADF as i32));
+    }
+    let file: &mut File = file.unwrap();
+    return file.write(buf.len(), buf);
+/// @brief 调整文件操作指针的位置
+/// @param fd 文件描述符编号
+/// @param seek 调整的方式
+/// @return Ok(usize) 调整后,文件访问指针相对于文件头部的偏移量
+/// @return Err(i32) 调整失败,返回posix错误码
+pub fn do_lseek(fd: i32, seek: SeekFrom) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+    let file: Option<&mut File> = current_pcb().get_file_mut_by_fd(fd);
+    if file.is_none() {
+        return Err(-(EBADF as i32));
+    }
+    let file: &mut File = file.unwrap();
+    return file.lseek(seek);
+/// @brief 创建文件/文件夹
+pub fn do_mkdir(path: &str, _mode: FileMode) -> Result<u64, i32> {
+    // 文件名过长
+    if path.len() > PAGE_4K_SIZE as usize {
+        return Err(-(ENAMETOOLONG as i32));
+    }
+    let inode: Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> = ROOT_INODE().lookup(path);
+    if inode.is_err() {
+        let errno = inode.unwrap_err();
+        // 文件不存在,且需要创建
+        if errno == -(ENOENT as i32) {
+            let (filename, parent_path) = rsplit_path(path);
+            // 查找父目录
+            let parent_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> =
+                ROOT_INODE().lookup(parent_path.unwrap_or("/"))?;
+            // 创建文件夹
+            let _create_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> =
+                parent_inode.create(filename, FileType::Dir, 0o777)?;
+        } else {
+            // 不需要创建文件,因此返回错误码
+            return Err(errno);
+        }
+    }
+    return Ok(0);
+/// @breif 删除文件夹
+pub fn do_remove_dir(path: &str) -> Result<u64, i32> {
+    // 文件名过长
+    if path.len() > PAGE_4K_SIZE as usize {
+        return Err(-(ENAMETOOLONG as i32));
+    }
+    let inode: Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> = ROOT_INODE().lookup(path);
+    if inode.is_err() {
+        let errno = inode.unwrap_err();
+        // 文件不存在
+        if errno == -(ENOENT as i32) {
+            return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));
+        }
+    }
+    let (filename, parent_path) = rsplit_path(path);
+    // 查找父目录
+    let parent_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = ROOT_INODE().lookup(parent_path.unwrap_or("/"))?;
+    if parent_inode.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+        return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+    }
+    let target_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = parent_inode.find(filename)?;
+    if target_inode.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+        return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+    }
+    // 删除文件夹
+    parent_inode.rmdir(filename)?;
+    return Ok(0);
+/// @brief 删除文件
+pub fn do_unlink_at(path: &str, _mode: FileMode) -> Result<u64, i32> {
+    // 文件名过长
+    if path.len() > PAGE_4K_SIZE as usize {
+        return Err(-(ENAMETOOLONG as i32));
+    }
+    let inode: Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> = ROOT_INODE().lookup(path);
+    if inode.is_err() {
+        let errno = inode.clone().unwrap_err();
+        // 文件不存在,且需要创建
+        if errno == -(ENOENT as i32) {
+            return Err(-(ENOENT as i32));
+        }
+    }
+    // 禁止在目录上unlink
+    if inode.unwrap().metadata()?.file_type == FileType::Dir {
+        return Err(-(EPERM as i32));
+    }
+    let (filename, parent_path) = rsplit_path(path);
+    // 查找父目录
+    let parent_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = ROOT_INODE().lookup(parent_path.unwrap_or("/"))?;
+    if parent_inode.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+        return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+    }
+    // 删除文件
+    parent_inode.unlink(filename)?;
+    return Ok(0);

+ 0 - 134

@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-#include "internal.h"
-#include <common/kfifo.h>
-#include <debug/bug.h>
- * @brief 释放dentry,并视情况自动释放inode. 在调用该函数前,需要将dentry加锁。
- *
- * @param dentry 目标dentry
- *
- * @return 错误码
- *          注意,当dentry指向文件时,如果返回值为正数,则表示在释放了该dentry后,该dentry指向的inode的引用计数。
- */
-int vfs_dentry_put(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry)
-    int retval = 0;
-    uint64_t in_value = 0;
-    struct kfifo_t fifo = {0};
-    const struct vfs_dir_entry_t *start_dentry = dentry;
-    // 引用计数大于1时,尝试释放dentry的话,抛出错误信息
-    if (unlikely(dentry->lockref.count > 1))
-    {
-        BUG_ON(1);
-        retval = -EBUSY;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    if (D_ISDIR(dentry))
-    {
-        // 创建一个用来存放指向dentry的指针的fifo队列
-        // 暂时假设队列大小为1024个元素
-        // todo: 实现队列的自动扩容功能
-        retval = kfifo_alloc(&fifo, 1024 * sizeof(uint64_t), 0);
-        if (retval != 0)
-            goto failed;
-        // 将根dentry加入队列
-        in_value = (uint64_t)dentry;
-        kfifo_in(&fifo, &in_value, sizeof(uint64_t));
-        list_del(&dentry->child_node_list); // 从父dentry中删除
-        while (!kfifo_empty(&fifo))
-        {
-            // 取出队列中的下一个元素
-            kfifo_out(&fifo, &dentry, sizeof(uint64_t));
-            BUG_ON(dentry == NULL);
-            struct List *list = &dentry->subdirs_list;
-            if (!list_empty(list))
-            {
-                // 将当前dentry下的所有dentry加入队列
-                do
-                {
-                    list = list_next(list);
-                    in_value = (uint64_t)container_of(list, struct vfs_dir_entry_t, child_node_list);
-                    if (in_value != NULL)
-                        kfifo_in(&fifo, &in_value, sizeof(uint64_t));
-                } while (list_next(list) != (&dentry->subdirs_list));
-            }
-            if (unlikely(dentry != start_dentry))
-                spin_lock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-            if (dentry->lockref.count > 1)
-            {
-                if (unlikely(dentry != start_dentry))
-                    spin_unlock(&dentry->lockref.lock);
-                continue;
-            }
-            // 释放inode
-            spin_lock(&dentry->dir_inode->lockref.lock);
-            retval = vfs_free_inode(dentry->dir_inode);
-            if (retval > 0) // 还有其他的dentry引用着这个inode
-            {
-                spin_unlock(&dentry->dir_inode->lockref.lock);
-                retval = 0;
-            }
-            // 若当前dentry是否为挂载点,则umount
-            if (is_local_mountpoint(dentry))
-                do_umount(dentry);
-            if (dentry->dir_ops->release != NULL)
-                dentry->dir_ops->release(dentry);
-            kfree(dentry);
-        }
-        kfifo_free_alloc(&fifo);
-        retval = 0;
-        goto out;
-    }
-    else // 是文件或设备
-    {
-        kdebug("to put dentry: file: %s", dentry->name);
-        list_del(&dentry->child_node_list); // 从父dentry中删除
-        // 释放inode
-        spin_lock(&dentry->dir_inode->lockref.lock);
-        retval = vfs_free_inode(dentry->dir_inode);
-        kdebug("retval=%d", retval);
-        if (retval > 0) // 还有其他的dentry引用着这个inode
-            spin_unlock(&dentry->dir_inode->lockref.lock);
-        if (dentry->dir_ops->release != NULL)
-            dentry->dir_ops->release(dentry);
-        kfree(dentry);
-        goto out;
-    }
-    if (fifo.buffer != NULL)
-        kfifo_free_alloc(&fifo);
-    kerror("dentry_put failed.");
-    // 在这里不用释放dentry的锁,因为dentry已经被释放掉了
-    return retval;
- * @brief 释放inode(要求已经对inode进行加锁后调用该函数)
- *
- * @param inode 待释放的inode
- * @return int 错误码
- *             当inode还有其他的使用者时,返回inode的使用者数量
- */
-int vfs_free_inode(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode)
-    --inode->lockref.count;
-    BUG_ON(inode->lockref.count < 0);
-    if (inode->lockref.count == 0)
-    {
-        kfree(inode->private_inode_info);
-        kfree(inode);
-        return 0;
-    }
-    else // 如果inode没有被释放
-        return inode->lockref.count;

+ 330 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
+use alloc::{boxed::Box, string::String, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
+use crate::{
+    arch::asm::current::current_pcb,
+    filesystem::procfs::ProcfsFilePrivateData,
+    include::bindings::bindings::{
+        process_control_block, EINVAL, ENOBUFS, EOVERFLOW, EPERM, ESPIPE,
+    },
+    io::SeekFrom,
+    kerror,
+use super::{Dirent, FileType, IndexNode, Metadata};
+/// 文件私有信息的枚举类型
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub enum FilePrivateData {
+    // procfs文件私有信息
+    Procfs(ProcfsFilePrivateData),
+    // 不需要文件私有信息
+    Unused,
+impl Default for FilePrivateData {
+    fn default() -> Self {
+        return Self::Unused;
+    }
+bitflags! {
+    /// @brief 文件打开模式
+    /// 其中,低2bit组合而成的数字的值,用于表示访问权限。其他的bit,才支持通过按位或的方式来表示参数
+    ///
+    /// 与Linux 5.19.10的uapi/asm-generic/fcntl.h相同
+    ///
+    pub struct FileMode: u32{
+    /* File access modes for `open' and `fcntl'.  */
+    /// Open Read-only
+    const O_RDONLY = 0;
+    /// Open Write-only
+    const O_WRONLY = 1;
+    /// Open read/write
+    const O_RDWR = 2;
+    /// Mask for file access modes
+    const O_ACCMODE = 00000003;
+    /* Bits OR'd into the second argument to open.  */
+    /// Create file if it does not exist
+    const O_CREAT = 00000100;
+    /// Fail if file already exists
+    const O_EXCL = 00000200;
+    /// Do not assign controlling terminal
+    const O_NOCTTY = 00000400;
+    /// 文件存在且是普通文件,并以O_RDWR或O_WRONLY打开,则它会被清空
+    const O_TRUNC = 00001000;
+    /// 文件指针会被移动到文件末尾
+    const O_APPEND = 00002000;
+    /// 非阻塞式IO模式
+    const O_NONBLOCK = 00004000;
+    /// used to be O_SYNC, see below
+    const O_DSYNC = 00010000;
+    /// fcntl, for BSD compatibility
+    const FASYNC = 00020000;
+    /* direct disk access hint */
+    const O_DIRECT = 00040000;
+    const O_LARGEFILE = 00100000;
+    /// 打开的必须是一个目录
+    const O_DIRECTORY = 00200000;
+    /// Do not follow symbolic links
+    const O_NOFOLLOW = 00400000;
+    const O_NOATIME = 01000000;
+    /// set close_on_exec
+    const O_CLOEXEC = 02000000;
+    }
+/// @brief 抽象文件结构体
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct File {
+    inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode>,
+    /// 对于文件,表示字节偏移量;对于文件夹,表示当前操作的子目录项偏移量
+    offset: usize,
+    /// 文件的打开模式
+    mode: FileMode,
+    /// 文件类型
+    file_type: FileType,
+    /// readdir时候用的,暂存的本次循环中,所有子目录项的名字的数组
+    readdir_subdirs_name: Vec<String>,
+    pub private_data: FilePrivateData,
+impl File {
+    /// @brief 创建一个新的文件对象
+    ///
+    /// @param inode 文件对象对应的inode
+    /// @param mode 文件的打开模式
+    pub fn new(inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode>, mode: FileMode) -> Result<Self, i32> {
+        let file_type: FileType = inode.metadata()?.file_type;
+        let mut f = File {
+            inode,
+            offset: 0,
+            mode,
+            file_type,
+            readdir_subdirs_name: Vec::new(),
+            private_data: FilePrivateData::default(),
+        };
+        // kdebug!("inode:{:?}",f.inode);
+ f.private_data)?;
+        return Ok(f);
+    }
+    /// @brief 从文件中读取指定的字节数到buffer中
+    ///
+    /// @param len 要读取的字节数
+    /// @param buf 目标buffer
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(usize) 成功读取的字节数
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn read(&mut self, len: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        // 先检查本文件在权限等规则下,是否可读取。
+        self.readable()?;
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(ENOBUFS as i32));
+        }
+        let len = self
+            .inode
+            .read_at(self.offset, len, buf, &mut self.private_data)?;
+        self.offset += len;
+        return Ok(len);
+    }
+    /// @brief 从buffer向文件写入指定的字节数的数据
+    ///
+    /// @param len 要写入的字节数
+    /// @param buf 源数据buffer
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(usize) 成功写入的字节数
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn write(&mut self, len: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        // 先检查本文件在权限等规则下,是否可写入。
+        self.writeable()?;
+        if buf.len() < len {
+            return Err(-(ENOBUFS as i32));
+        }
+        let len = self
+            .inode
+            .write_at(self.offset, len, buf, &mut FilePrivateData::Unused)?;
+        self.offset += len;
+        return Ok(len);
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取文件的元数据
+    pub fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        return self.inode.metadata();
+    }
+    /// @brief 根据inode号获取子目录项的名字
+    pub fn get_entry_name(&self, ino: usize) -> Result<String, i32> {
+        return self.inode.get_entry_name(ino);
+    }
+    /// @brief 调整文件操作指针的位置
+    ///
+    /// @param origin 调整的起始位置
+    pub fn lseek(&mut self, origin: SeekFrom) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if self.inode.metadata().unwrap().file_type == FileType::Pipe {
+            return Err(-(ESPIPE as i32));
+        }
+        let pos: i64;
+        match origin {
+            SeekFrom::SeekSet(offset) => {
+                pos = offset;
+            }
+            SeekFrom::SeekCurrent(offset) => {
+                pos = self.offset as i64 + offset;
+            }
+            SeekFrom::SeekEnd(offset) => {
+                let metadata = self.metadata()?;
+                pos = metadata.size + offset;
+            }
+            SeekFrom::Invalid => {
+                return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+            }
+        }
+        if pos < 0 || pos > self.metadata()?.size {
+            return Err(-(EOVERFLOW as i32));
+        }
+        self.offset = pos as usize;
+        return Ok(self.offset);
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前文件是否可读
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn readable(&self) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 暂时认为只要不是write only, 就可读
+        if self.mode == FileMode::O_WRONLY {
+            return Err(-(EPERM as i32));
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前文件是否可写
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn writeable(&self) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 暂时认为只要不是read only, 就可写
+        if self.mode == FileMode::O_RDONLY {
+            return Err(-(EPERM as i32));
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @biref 充填dirent结构体
+    /// @return 返回dirent结构体的大小
+    pub fn readdir(&mut self, dirent: &mut Dirent) -> Result<u64, i32> {
+        let inode: &Arc<dyn IndexNode> = &self.inode;
+        // 如果偏移量为0
+        if self.offset == 0 {
+            self.readdir_subdirs_name = inode.list()?;
+            self.readdir_subdirs_name.sort();
+        }
+        // kdebug!("sub_entries={sub_entries:?}");
+        if self.readdir_subdirs_name.is_empty() {
+            self.offset = 0;
+            return Ok(0);
+        }
+        let name: String = self.readdir_subdirs_name.remove(0);
+        let sub_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = match inode.find(&name) {
+            Ok(i) => i,
+            Err(e) => {
+                kerror!("Readdir error: Failed to find sub inode, file={self:?}");
+                return Err(e);
+            }
+        };
+        let name_bytes: &[u8] = name.as_bytes();
+        self.offset += 1;
+        dirent.d_ino = sub_inode.metadata().unwrap().inode_id as u64;
+        dirent.d_off = 0;
+        dirent.d_reclen = 0;
+        dirent.d_type = sub_inode.metadata().unwrap().file_type.get_file_type_num() as u8;
+        // 根据posix的规定,dirent中的d_name是一个不定长的数组,因此需要unsafe来拷贝数据
+        unsafe {
+            let ptr = &mut dirent.d_name as *mut u8;
+            let buf: &mut [u8] =
+                ::core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut::<'static, u8>(ptr, name_bytes.len());
+            buf.copy_from_slice(name_bytes);
+        }
+        // 计算dirent结构体的大小
+        return Ok((name_bytes.len() + ::core::mem::size_of::<Dirent>()
+            - ::core::mem::size_of_val(&dirent.d_name)) as u64);
+    }
+    pub fn inode(&self) -> Arc<dyn IndexNode> {
+        return self.inode.clone();
+    }
+impl Drop for File {
+    fn drop(&mut self) {
+        let r: Result<(), i32> = self.inode.close(&mut self.private_data);
+        // 打印错误信息
+        if r.is_err() {
+            kerror!(
+                "pid: {} failed to close file: {:?}, errno={}",
+                current_pcb().pid,
+                self,
+                r.unwrap_err()
+            );
+        }
+    }
+/// @brief pcb里面的文件描述符数组
+#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
+pub struct FileDescriptorVec {
+    /// 当前进程打开的文件描述符
+    pub fds: [Option<Box<File>>; FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD],
+impl FileDescriptorVec {
+    pub const PROCESS_MAX_FD: usize = 32;
+    pub fn new() -> Box<FileDescriptorVec> {
+        // 先声明一个未初始化的数组
+        let mut data: [MaybeUninit<Option<Box<File>>>; FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD] =
+            unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
+        // 逐个把每个元素初始化为None
+        for i in 0..FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD {
+            data[i] = MaybeUninit::new(None);
+        }
+        // 由于一切都初始化完毕,因此将未初始化的类型强制转换为已经初始化的类型
+        let data: [Option<Box<File>>; FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD] = unsafe {
+            core::mem::transmute::<_, [Option<Box<File>>; FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD]>(data)
+        };
+        // 初始化文件描述符数组结构体
+        return Box::new(FileDescriptorVec { fds: data });
+    }
+    /// @brief 从pcb的fds字段,获取文件描述符数组的可变引用
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn from_pcb(pcb: &'static process_control_block) -> Option<&'static mut FileDescriptorVec> {
+        return unsafe { (pcb.fds as usize as *mut FileDescriptorVec).as_mut() };
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断文件描述符序号是否合法
+    ///
+    /// @return true 合法
+    ///
+    /// @return false 不合法
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn validate_fd(fd: i32) -> bool {
+        if fd < 0 || fd as usize > FileDescriptorVec::PROCESS_MAX_FD {
+            return false;
+        } else {
+            return true;
+        }
+    }

+ 0 - 45

@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include "VFS.h"
-#include "mount.h"
- * @brief 判断是否可以删除指定的dentry
- *
- * 1、我们不能删除一个只读的dentry
- * 2、我们应当对这个dentry拥有写、执行权限(暂时还没有实现权限)
- * 3、如果dentry指向的是文件夹,而isdir为false,则不能删除
- * 3、如果dentry指向的是文件,而isdir为true,则不能删除
- * @param dentry 将要被删除的dentry
- * @param isdir 是否要删除文件夹
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int vfs_may_delete(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry, bool isdir);
-#define D_ISDIR(dentry) ((dentry)->dir_inode->attribute & VFS_IF_DIR)
-// 判断是否为根目录
-#define IS_ROOT(x) ((x) == (x)->parent)
- * @brief 判断当前dentry是否为挂载点
- *
- * @param dentry
- */
-static inline bool is_local_mountpoint(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry)
-    if (D_MOUNTED(dentry))
-        return true;
-    else
-        return false;
- * @brief 释放inode(要求已经对inode进行加锁后调用该函数)
- *
- * @param inode 待释放的inode
- * @return int 错误码
- *             当inode还有其他的使用者时,返回inode的使用者数量
- */
-int vfs_free_inode(struct vfs_index_node_t * inode);

+ 516 - 0

@@ -1 +1,517 @@
+pub mod core;
+pub mod file;
+pub mod mount;
+mod syscall;
+mod utils;
+use ::core::{any::Any, fmt::Debug};
+use alloc::{string::String, sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::{ENOTDIR, ENOTSUP},
+    time::TimeSpec,
+pub use self::{core::ROOT_INODE, file::FilePrivateData, mount::MountFS};
+/// vfs容许的最大的路径名称长度
+pub const MAX_PATHLEN: u32 = 1024;
+/// 定义inode号的类型为usize
+pub type InodeId = usize;
+/// 文件的类型
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum FileType {
+    /// 文件
+    File,
+    /// 文件夹
+    Dir,
+    /// 块设备
+    BlockDevice,
+    /// 字符设备
+    CharDevice,
+    /// 管道文件
+    Pipe,
+    /// 符号链接
+    SymLink,
+/* these are defined by POSIX and also present in glibc's dirent.h */
+/// 完整含义请见
+pub const DT_UNKNOWN: u16 = 0;
+/// 命名管道,或者FIFO
+pub const DT_FIFO: u16 = 1;
+// 字符设备
+pub const DT_CHR: u16 = 2;
+// 目录
+pub const DT_DIR: u16 = 4;
+// 块设备
+pub const DT_BLK: u16 = 6;
+// 常规文件
+pub const DT_REG: u16 = 8;
+// 符号链接
+pub const DT_LNK: u16 = 10;
+// 是一个socket
+pub const DT_SOCK: u16 = 12;
+// 这个是抄Linux的,还不知道含义
+pub const DT_WHT: u16 = 14;
+pub const DT_MAX: u16 = 16;
+impl FileType {
+    pub fn get_file_type_num(&self) -> u16 {
+        return match self {
+            FileType::File => DT_REG,
+            FileType::Dir => DT_DIR,
+            FileType::BlockDevice => DT_BLK,
+            FileType::CharDevice => DT_CHR,
+            FileType::Pipe => DT_FIFO,
+            FileType::SymLink => DT_LNK,
+        };
+    }
+/// @brief inode的状态(由poll方法返回)
+#[derive(Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
+pub struct PollStatus {
+    pub flags: u8,
+impl PollStatus {
+    pub const WRITE_MASK: u8 = (1u8 << 0);
+    pub const READ_MASK: u8 = (1u8 << 1);
+    pub const ERR_MASK: u8 = (1u8 << 2);
+pub trait IndexNode: Any + Sync + Send + Debug {
+    /// @brief 打开文件
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn open(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 关闭文件
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn close(&self, _data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 在inode的指定偏移量开始,读取指定大小的数据
+    ///
+    /// @param offset 起始位置在Inode中的偏移量
+    /// @param len 要读取的字节数
+    /// @param buf 缓冲区. 请注意,必须满足@buf.len()>=@len
+    /// @param _data 各文件系统系统所需私有信息
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok(读取的字节数)
+    ///         失败:Err(Posix错误码)
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32>;
+    /// @brief 在inode的指定偏移量开始,写入指定大小的数据(从buf的第0byte开始写入)
+    ///
+    /// @param offset 起始位置在Inode中的偏移量
+    /// @param len 要写入的字节数
+    /// @param buf 缓冲区. 请注意,必须满足@buf.len()>=@len
+    /// @param _data 各文件系统系统所需私有信息
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok(写入的字节数)
+    ///         失败:Err(Posix错误码)
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32>;
+    /// @brief 获取当前inode的状态。
+    ///
+    /// @return PollStatus结构体
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<PollStatus, i32>;
+    /// @brief 获取inode的元数据
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok(inode的元数据)
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<Metadata, i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 设置inode的元数据
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn set_metadata(&self, _metadata: &Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 重新设置文件的大小
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn resize(&self, _len: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录下创建一个新的inode
+    ///
+    /// @param name 目录项的名字
+    /// @param file_type 文件类型
+    /// @param mode 权限
+    ///
+    /// @return 创建成功:返回Ok(新的inode的Arc指针)
+    /// @return 创建失败:返回Err(错误码)
+    fn create(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        file_type: FileType,
+        mode: u32,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则默认调用其create_with_data方法。如果仍未实现,则会得到一个Err(-ENOTSUP)的返回值
+        return self.create_with_data(name, file_type, mode, 0);
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录下创建一个新的inode,并传入一个简单的data字段,方便进行初始化。
+    ///
+    /// @param name 目录项的名字
+    /// @param file_type 文件类型
+    /// @param mode 权限
+    /// @param data 用于初始化该inode的数据。(为0则表示忽略此字段)对于不同的文件系统来说,代表的含义可能不同。
+    ///
+    /// @return 创建成功:返回Ok(新的inode的Arc指针)
+    /// @return 创建失败:返回Err(错误码)
+    fn create_with_data(
+        &self,
+        _name: &str,
+        _file_type: FileType,
+        _mode: u32,
+        _data: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录下,创建一个名为Name的硬链接,指向另一个IndexNode
+    ///
+    /// @param name 硬链接的名称
+    /// @param other 要被指向的IndexNode的Arc指针
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn link(&self, _name: &str, _other: &Arc<dyn IndexNode>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前目录下,删除一个名为Name的硬链接
+    ///
+    /// @param name 硬链接的名称
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn unlink(&self, _name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 删除文件夹
+    /// 
+    /// @param name 文件夹名称
+    /// 
+    /// @return 成功 Ok(())
+    /// @return 失败 Err(错误码)
+    fn rmdir(&self, _name: &str) ->Result<(), i32>{
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 将指定名称的子目录项的文件内容,移动到target这个目录下。如果_old_name所指向的inode与_target的相同,那么则直接执行重命名的操作。
+    ///
+    /// @param old_name 旧的名字
+    ///
+    /// @param target 移动到指定的inode
+    ///
+    /// @param new_name 新的文件名
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功: Ok()
+    ///         失败: Err(错误码)
+    fn move_(
+        &self,
+        _old_name: &str,
+        _target: &Arc<dyn IndexNode>,
+        _new_name: &str,
+    ) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 寻找一个名为Name的inode
+    ///
+    /// @param name 要寻找的inode的名称
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn find(&self, _name: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 根据inode号,获取子目录项的名字
+    ///
+    /// @param ino inode号
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn get_entry_name(&self, _ino: InodeId) -> Result<String, i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 根据inode号,获取子目录项的名字和元数据
+    ///
+    /// @param ino inode号
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok(String, Metadata)
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn get_entry_name_and_metadata(&self, ino: InodeId) -> Result<(String, Metadata), i32> {
+        // 如果有条件,请在文件系统中使用高效的方式实现本接口,而不是依赖这个低效率的默认实现。
+        let name = self.get_entry_name(ino)?;
+        let entry = self.find(&name)?;
+        return Ok((name, entry.metadata()?));
+    }
+    /// @brief io control接口
+    ///
+    /// @param cmd 命令
+    /// @param data 数据
+    ///
+    /// @return 成功:Ok()
+    ///         失败:Err(错误码)
+    fn ioctl(&self, _cmd: u32, _data: usize) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        // 若文件系统没有实现此方法,则返回“不支持”
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取inode所在的文件系统的指针
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem>;
+    /// @brief 本函数用于实现动态转换。
+    /// 具体的文件系统在实现本函数时,最简单的方式就是:直接返回self
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn Any;
+    /// @brief 列出当前inode下的所有目录项的名字
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<Vec<String>, i32>;
+    /// @brief 在当前Inode下,挂载一个新的文件系统
+    /// 请注意!该函数只能被MountFS实现,其他文件系统不应实现这个函数
+    fn mount(&self, _fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem>) -> Result<Arc<MountFS>, i32> {
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+    /// @brief 截断当前inode到指定的长度。如果当前文件长度小于len,则不操作。
+    ///
+    /// @param len 要被截断到的目标长度
+    fn truncate(&self, _len: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return Err(-(ENOTSUP as i32));
+    }
+impl dyn IndexNode {
+    /// @brief 将当前Inode转换为一个具体的结构体(类型由T指定)
+    /// 如果类型正确,则返回Some,否则返回None
+    pub fn downcast_ref<T: IndexNode>(&self) -> Option<&T> {
+        return self.as_any_ref().downcast_ref::<T>();
+    }
+    /// @brief 查找文件(不考虑符号链接)
+    ///
+    /// @param path 文件路径
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(Arc<dyn IndexNode>) 要寻找的目录项的inode
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn lookup(&self, path: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        return self.lookup_follow_symlink(path, 0);
+    }
+    /// @brief 查找文件(考虑符号链接)
+    ///
+    /// @param path 文件路径
+    /// @param max_follow_times 最大经过的符号链接的大小
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(Arc<dyn IndexNode>) 要寻找的目录项的inode
+    /// @return Err(i32) 错误码
+    pub fn lookup_follow_symlink(
+        &self,
+        path: &str,
+        max_follow_times: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        if self.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 处理绝对路径
+        // result: 上一个被找到的inode
+        // rest_path: 还没有查找的路径
+        let (mut result, mut rest_path) = if let Some(rest) = path.strip_prefix('/') {
+            (ROOT_INODE().clone(), String::from(rest))
+        } else {
+            // 是相对路径
+            (self.find(".")?, String::from(path))
+        };
+        // 逐级查找文件
+        while !rest_path.is_empty() {
+            // 当前这一级不是文件夹
+            if result.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+                return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+            }
+            let name;
+            // 寻找“/”
+            match rest_path.find('/') {
+                Some(pos) => {
+                    // 找到了,设置下一个要查找的名字
+                    name = String::from(&rest_path[0..pos]);
+                    // 剩余的路径字符串
+                    rest_path = String::from(&rest_path[pos + 1..]);
+                }
+                None => {
+                    name = rest_path;
+                    rest_path = String::new();
+                }
+            }
+            // 遇到连续多个"/"的情况
+            if name.is_empty() {
+                continue;
+            }
+            let inode = result.find(&name)?;
+            // 处理符号链接的问题
+            if inode.metadata()?.file_type == FileType::SymLink && max_follow_times > 0 {
+                let mut content = [0u8; 256];
+                // 读取符号链接
+                let len = inode.read_at(0, 256, &mut content, &mut FilePrivateData::Unused)?;
+                // 将读到的数据转换为utf8字符串(先转为str,再转为String)
+                let link_path = String::from(
+                    ::core::str::from_utf8(&content[..len]).map_err(|_| -(ENOTDIR as i32))?,
+                );
+                let new_path = link_path + "/" + &rest_path;
+                // 继续查找符号链接
+                return result.lookup_follow_symlink(&new_path, max_follow_times - 1);
+            } else {
+                result = inode;
+            }
+        }
+        return Ok(result);
+    }
+/// IndexNode的元数据
+/// 对应Posix2008中的sys/stat.h中的定义
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Clone)]
+pub struct Metadata {
+    /// 当前inode所在的文件系统的设备号
+    pub dev_id: usize,
+    /// inode号
+    pub inode_id: InodeId,
+    /// Inode的大小
+    /// 文件:文件大小(单位:字节)
+    /// 目录:目录项中的文件、文件夹数量
+    pub size: i64,
+    /// Inode所在的文件系统中,每个块的大小
+    pub blk_size: usize,
+    /// Inode所占的块的数目
+    pub blocks: usize,
+    /// inode最后一次被访问的时间
+    pub atime: TimeSpec,
+    /// inode最后一次修改的时间
+    pub mtime: TimeSpec,
+    /// inode的创建时间
+    pub ctime: TimeSpec,
+    /// 文件类型
+    pub file_type: FileType,
+    /// 权限
+    pub mode: u32,
+    /// 硬链接的数量
+    pub nlinks: usize,
+    /// User ID
+    pub uid: usize,
+    /// Group ID
+    pub gid: usize,
+    /// 文件指向的设备的id(对于设备文件系统来说)
+    pub raw_dev: usize,
+/// @brief 所有文件系统都应该实现的trait
+pub trait FileSystem: Any + Sync + Send + Debug {
+    /// @brief 获取当前文件系统的root inode的指针
+    fn root_inode(&self) -> Arc<dyn IndexNode>;
+    /// @brief 获取当前文件系统的信息
+    fn info(&self) -> FsInfo;
+    /// @brief 本函数用于实现动态转换。
+    /// 具体的文件系统在实现本函数时,最简单的方式就是:直接返回self
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn Any;
+pub struct FsInfo {
+    /// 文件系统所在的块设备的id
+    pub blk_dev_id: usize,
+    /// 文件名的最大长度
+    pub max_name_len: usize,
+/// @brief 整合主设备号+次设备号
+pub fn make_rawdev(major: usize, minor: usize) -> usize {
+    ((major & 0xffffff) << 8) | (minor & 0xff)
+/// @brief
+pub struct Dirent {
+    d_ino: u64,    // 文件序列号
+    d_off: i64,    // dir偏移量
+    d_reclen: u16, // 目录下的记录数
+    d_type: u8,    // entry的类型
+    d_name: u8,    // 文件entry的名字(是一个零长数组), 本字段仅用于占位

+ 0 - 99

@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-#include "mount.h"
-#include "VFS.h"
-#include <common/glib.h>
-#include <common/string.h>
-static struct List mnt_list_head; // 挂载点链表头
- * @brief 初始化mount机制
- *
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int mount_init()
-    list_init(&mnt_list_head);
-    return 0;
- * @brief 将new_dentry挂载
- *
- * @param old_dentry 挂载点的dentry
- * @param new_dentry 待挂载的新的dentry(需使用vfs_alloc_dentry来分配)
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int do_mount(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *old_dentry, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *new_dentry)
-    struct mountpoint *mp = (struct mountpoint *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct mountpoint), 0);
-    list_init(&mp->mnt_list);
-    mp->dentry = old_dentry;
-    mp->parent_dentry = old_dentry->parent;
-    // 拷贝名称
-    strncpy(new_dentry->name, old_dentry->name, old_dentry->name_length);
-    kdebug("new_dentry->name=%s, old_dentry->name=%s, old_dentry->name_length=%d", new_dentry->name, old_dentry->name, old_dentry->name_length);
-    new_dentry->d_flags |= VFS_DF_MOUNTED; // 标记新的dentry是一个挂载点
-    list_init(&new_dentry->child_node_list);
-    list_init(&new_dentry->subdirs_list);
-    new_dentry->parent = old_dentry->parent;
-    // 将新的dentry的list结点替换掉父dentry的列表中的old_dentry的list结点
-    list_replace(&old_dentry->child_node_list, &new_dentry->child_node_list);
-    // 后挂载的dentry在链表的末尾(umount恢复的时候需要依赖这个性质)
-    list_append(&mnt_list_head, &mp->mnt_list);
-    return 0;
- * @brief 取消某个文件系统的挂载
- *
- * @param dentry 对应文件系统的根dentry
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int do_umount(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry)
-    // todo: 实现umount(主要是结点的恢复问题)
-    return 0;
- * @brief 根据mountpoint的父目录dentry查找第一个符合条件的mountpoint结构体
- *
- * @param dentry 父dentry
- * @return struct mountpoint* 第一个符合条件的mountpoint结构体的指针
- */
-struct mountpoint *mount_find_mnt_list_by_parent(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry)
-    struct List *list = &mnt_list_head;
-    struct mountpoint *ret = NULL;
-    if (list_empty(list))
-        return NULL;
-    while (list_next(list) != &mnt_list_head)
-    {
-        list = list_next(list);
-        struct mountpoint *tmp = container_of(list, struct mountpoint, mnt_list);
-        if (dentry == tmp->parent_dentry)
-            return tmp;
-    }
-    return NULL;
- * @brief 将挂载点结构体从链表中删除并释放
- *
- * @param mp mountpoint结构体
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int mount_release_mountpoint(struct mountpoint *mp)
-    list_del(&mp->mnt_list);
-    return kfree(mp);

+ 0 - 76

@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-#include <common/glib.h>
-#include "VFS.h"
- * @brief 挂载点结构体(用来表示dentry被挂载其他文件系统之后,原先存在的数据)
- *
- */
-struct mountpoint
-    struct List mnt_list;                  // 挂载点串在一起的链表
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry;        // 被挂载前,当前目录项的dentry
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *parent_dentry; // 被挂载前,父目录项的dentry
- * @brief 初始化mount机制
- *
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int mount_init();
- * @brief 将new_dentry挂载
- *
- * @param old_dentry 挂载点的dentry
- * @param new_dentry 待挂载的新的dentry(需使用vfs_alloc_dentry来分配)
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int do_mount(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *old_dentry, struct vfs_dir_entry_t *new_dentry);
- * @brief 取消某个文件系统的挂载
- *
- * @param dentry 对应文件系统的根dentry
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int do_umount(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry);
-// 判断dentry是否是一个挂载点
-#define D_MOUNTED(x) ((x)->d_flags & VFS_DF_MOUNTED)
- * @brief 将给定的dentry标记为“不可挂载”
- *
- * @param dentry 目标dentry
- */
-static inline void dont_mount(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry)
-    // todo: 对dentry加锁
-    dentry->d_flags |= VFS_DF_CANNOT_MOUNT;
-static inline void detach_mounts(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry)
-    if (!D_MOUNTED(dentry))
-        return; // 如果当前文件夹不是一个挂载点,则直接返回
-    // todo:如果当前文件夹是一个挂载点,则对同样挂载在当前文件夹下的dentry进行清理。以免造成内存泄露
-    // 可参考 linux5.17或以上的detach_mounts()函数
- * @brief 根据mountpoint的父目录dentry查找第一个符合条件的mountpoint结构体
- * 
- * @param dentry 父dentry
- * @return struct mountpoint* 第一个符合条件的mountpoint结构体的指针
- */
-struct mountpoint *mount_find_mnt_list_by_parent(struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry);
- * @brief 释放挂载点结构体
- * 
- * @param mp mountpoint结构体
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-int mount_release_mountpoint(struct mountpoint* mp);

+ 365 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+use core::any::Any;
+use alloc::{
+    collections::BTreeMap,
+    sync::{Arc, Weak},
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::{EBUSY, ENOTDIR},
+    libs::spinlock::SpinLock, kdebug,
+use super::{FilePrivateData, FileSystem, FileType, IndexNode, InodeId};
+/// @brief 挂载文件系统
+/// 挂载文件系统的时候,套了MountFS这一层,以实现文件系统的递归挂载
+pub struct MountFS {
+    // MountFS内部的文件系统
+    inner_filesystem: Arc<dyn FileSystem>,
+    /// 用来存储InodeID->挂载点的MountFS的B树
+    mountpoints: SpinLock<BTreeMap<InodeId, Arc<MountFS>>>,
+    /// 当前文件系统挂载到的那个挂载点的Inode
+    self_mountpoint: Option<Arc<MountFSInode>>,
+    /// 指向当前MountFS的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<MountFS>,
+/// @brief MountFS的Index Node 注意,这个IndexNode只是一个中间层。它的目的是将具体文件系统的Inode与挂载机制连接在一起。
+pub struct MountFSInode {
+    /// 当前挂载点对应到具体的文件系统的Inode
+    inner_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode>,
+    /// 当前Inode对应的MountFS
+    mount_fs: Arc<MountFS>,
+    /// 指向自身的弱引用
+    self_ref: Weak<MountFSInode>,
+impl MountFS {
+    pub fn new(
+        inner_fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem>,
+        self_mountpoint: Option<Arc<MountFSInode>>,
+    ) -> Arc<Self> {
+        return MountFS {
+            inner_filesystem: inner_fs,
+            mountpoints: SpinLock::new(BTreeMap::new()),
+            self_mountpoint: self_mountpoint,
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+        }
+        .wrap();
+    }
+    /// @brief 用Arc指针包裹MountFS对象。
+    /// 本函数的主要功能为,初始化MountFS对象中的自引用Weak指针
+    /// 本函数只应在构造器中被调用
+    fn wrap(self) -> Arc<Self> {
+        // 创建Arc指针
+        let mount_fs: Arc<MountFS> = Arc::new(self);
+        // 创建weak指针
+        let weak: Weak<MountFS> = Arc::downgrade(&mount_fs);
+        // 将Arc指针转为Raw指针并对其内部的self_ref字段赋值
+        let ptr: *mut MountFS = Arc::into_raw(mount_fs) as *mut Self;
+        unsafe {
+            (*ptr).self_ref = weak;
+            // 返回初始化好的MountFS对象
+            return Arc::from_raw(ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取挂载点的文件系统的root inode
+    pub fn mountpoint_root_inode(&self) -> Arc<MountFSInode> {
+        return MountFSInode {
+            inner_inode: self.inner_filesystem.root_inode(),
+            mount_fs: self.self_ref.upgrade().unwrap(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+        }
+        .wrap();
+    }
+    pub fn inner_filesystem(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.inner_filesystem.clone();
+    }
+impl MountFSInode {
+    /// @brief 用Arc指针包裹MountFSInode对象。
+    /// 本函数的主要功能为,初始化MountFSInode对象中的自引用Weak指针
+    /// 本函数只应在构造器中被调用
+    fn wrap(self) -> Arc<Self> {
+        // 创建Arc指针
+        let inode: Arc<MountFSInode> = Arc::new(self);
+        // 创建Weak指针
+        let weak: Weak<MountFSInode> = Arc::downgrade(&inode);
+        // 将Arc指针转为Raw指针并对其内部的self_ref字段赋值
+        let ptr: *mut MountFSInode = Arc::into_raw(inode) as *mut Self;
+        unsafe {
+            (*ptr).self_ref = weak;
+            // 返回初始化好的MountFSInode对象
+            return Arc::from_raw(ptr);
+        }
+    }
+    /// @brief 判断当前inode是否为它所在的文件系统的root inode
+    fn is_mountpoint_root(&self) -> Result<bool, i32> {
+        return Ok(self.inner_inode.fs().root_inode().metadata()?.inode_id
+            == self.inner_inode.metadata()?.inode_id);
+    }
+    /// @brief 在挂载树上进行inode替换。
+    /// 如果当前inode是父MountFS内的一个挂载点,那么,本函数将会返回挂载到这个挂载点下的文件系统的root inode.
+    /// 如果当前inode在父MountFS内,但不是挂载点,那么说明在这里不需要进行inode替换,因此直接返回当前inode。
+    ///
+    /// @return Arc<MountFSInode>
+    fn overlaid_inode(&self) -> Arc<MountFSInode> {
+        let inode_id = self.metadata().unwrap().inode_id;
+        if let Some(sub_mountfs) = self.mount_fs.mountpoints.lock().get(&inode_id) {
+            return sub_mountfs.mountpoint_root_inode();
+        } else {
+            return self.self_ref.upgrade().unwrap();
+        }
+    }
+impl IndexNode for MountFSInode {
+    fn open(&self, data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return;
+    }
+    fn close(&self, data: &mut FilePrivateData) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.close(data);
+    }
+    fn create_with_data(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        file_type: FileType,
+        mode: u32,
+        data: usize,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        return self
+            .inner_inode
+            .create_with_data(name, file_type, mode, data);
+    }
+    fn truncate(&self, len: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.truncate(len);
+    }
+    fn read_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &mut [u8],
+        data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        return self
+            .inner_inode
+            .read_at(offset, len, buf, data);
+    }
+    fn write_at(
+        &self,
+        offset: usize,
+        len: usize,
+        buf: &[u8],
+        _data: &mut FilePrivateData,
+    ) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        return self
+            .inner_inode
+            .write_at(offset, len, buf, &mut FilePrivateData::Unused);
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn poll(&self) -> Result<super::PollStatus, i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.poll();
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn fs(&self) -> Arc<dyn FileSystem> {
+        return self.mount_fs.clone();
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+        return self.inner_inode.as_any_ref();
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn metadata(&self) -> Result<super::Metadata, i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.metadata();
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn set_metadata(&self, metadata: &super::Metadata) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.set_metadata(metadata);
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn resize(&self, len: usize) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.resize(len);
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn create(
+        &self,
+        name: &str,
+        file_type: FileType,
+        mode: u32,
+    ) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        return Ok(MountFSInode {
+            inner_inode: self.inner_inode.create(name, file_type, mode)?,
+            mount_fs: self.mount_fs.clone(),
+            self_ref: Weak::default(),
+        }
+        .wrap());
+    }
+    fn link(&self, name: &str, other: &Arc<dyn IndexNode>) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return, other);
+    }
+    /// @brief 在挂载文件系统中删除文件/文件夹
+    #[inline]
+    fn unlink(&self, name: &str) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        let inode_id = self.inner_inode.find(name)?.metadata()?.inode_id;
+        // 先检查这个inode是否为一个挂载点,如果当前inode是一个挂载点,那么就不能删除这个inode
+        if self.mount_fs.mountpoints.lock().contains_key(&inode_id) {
+            return Err(-(EBUSY as i32));
+        }
+        // 调用内层的inode的方法来删除这个inode
+        return self.inner_inode.unlink(name);
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn rmdir(&self, name: &str) ->Result<(), i32> {
+        let inode_id = self.inner_inode.find(name)?.metadata()?.inode_id;
+        kdebug!("rmdir {name}");
+        // 先检查这个inode是否为一个挂载点,如果当前inode是一个挂载点,那么就不能删除这个inode
+        if self.mount_fs.mountpoints.lock().contains_key(&inode_id) {
+            return Err(-(EBUSY as i32));
+        }
+        // 调用内层的rmdir的方法来删除这个inode
+        let r = self.inner_inode.rmdir(name);
+        kdebug!("r={r:?}");
+        return r;
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn move_(
+        &self,
+        old_name: &str,
+        target: &Arc<dyn IndexNode>,
+        new_name: &str,
+    ) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.move_(old_name, target, new_name);
+    }
+    fn find(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, i32> {
+        match name {
+            // 查找的是当前目录
+            "" | "." => return Ok(self.self_ref.upgrade().unwrap()),
+            // 往父级查找
+            ".." => {
+                if self.is_mountpoint_root()? {
+                    // 当前inode是它所在的文件系统的root inode
+                    match &self.mount_fs.self_mountpoint {
+                        Some(inode) => {
+                            return inode.find(name);
+                        }
+                        None => {
+                            return Ok(self.self_ref.upgrade().unwrap());
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    // 向上查找时,不会跨过文件系统的边界,因此直接调用当前inode所在的文件系统的find方法进行查找
+                    return Ok(MountFSInode {
+                        inner_inode: self.inner_inode.find(name)?,
+                        mount_fs: self.mount_fs.clone(),
+                        self_ref: Weak::default(),
+                    }
+                    .wrap());
+                }
+            }
+            // 在当前目录下查找
+            _ => {
+                // 直接调用当前inode所在的文件系统的find方法进行查找
+                // 由于向下查找可能会跨越文件系统的边界,因此需要尝试替换inode
+                return Ok(MountFSInode {
+                    inner_inode: self.inner_inode.find(name)?,
+                    mount_fs: self.mount_fs.clone(),
+                    self_ref: Weak::default(),
+                }
+                .wrap()
+                .overlaid_inode());
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn get_entry_name(&self, ino: InodeId) -> Result<alloc::string::String, i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.get_entry_name(ino);
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn get_entry_name_and_metadata(
+        &self,
+        ino: InodeId,
+    ) -> Result<(alloc::string::String, super::Metadata), i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.get_entry_name_and_metadata(ino);
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn ioctl(&self, cmd: u32, data: usize) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.ioctl(cmd, data);
+    }
+    #[inline]
+    fn list(&self) -> Result<alloc::vec::Vec<alloc::string::String>, i32> {
+        return self.inner_inode.list();
+    }
+    /// @brief 在当前inode下,挂载一个文件系统
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(Arc<MountFS>) 挂载成功,返回指向MountFS的指针
+    fn mount(&self, fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem>) -> Result<Arc<MountFS>, i32> {
+        let metadata = self.inner_inode.metadata()?;
+        if metadata.file_type != FileType::Dir {
+            return Err(-(ENOTDIR as i32));
+        }
+        // 为新的挂载点创建挂载文件系统
+        let new_mount_fs: Arc<MountFS> = MountFS::new(fs, Some(self.self_ref.upgrade().unwrap()));
+        // 将新的挂载点-挂载文件系统添加到父级的挂载树
+        self.mount_fs
+            .mountpoints
+            .lock()
+            .insert(metadata.inode_id, new_mount_fs.clone());
+        return Ok(new_mount_fs);
+    }
+impl FileSystem for MountFS {
+    fn root_inode(&self) -> Arc<dyn IndexNode> {
+        match &self.self_mountpoint {
+            Some(inode) => return inode.mount_fs.root_inode(),
+            // 当前文件系统是rootfs
+            None => self.mountpoint_root_inode(),
+        }
+    }
+    fn info(&self) -> super::FsInfo {
+        return;
+    }
+    /// @brief 本函数用于实现动态转换。
+    /// 具体的文件系统在实现本函数时,最简单的方式就是:直接返回self
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn Any {
+        self
+    }

+ 352 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,352 @@
+use core::ffi::{c_char, CStr};
+use alloc::{
+    boxed::Box,
+    string::{String, ToString},
+use crate::{
+    arch::asm::{current::current_pcb, ptrace::user_mode},
+    include::bindings::bindings::{
+    },
+    io::SeekFrom,
+    kdebug, kerror,
+use super::{
+    core::{do_lseek, do_mkdir, do_open, do_read, do_remove_dir, do_unlink_at, do_write},
+    file::{File, FileMode},
+    Dirent, FileType, ROOT_INODE,
+/// @brief 打开文件
+/// @param regs->r8 path 文件路径
+/// @param regs->r9 o_flags 打开文件的标志位
+/// @return u64 文件描述符编号,或者是错误码
+pub extern "C" fn sys_open(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    let path: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(regs.r8 as usize as *const c_char) };
+    let path: Result<&str, core::str::Utf8Error> = path.to_str();
+    if path.is_err() {
+        return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    let path: &str = path.unwrap();
+    let flags = regs.r9;
+    let open_flags: FileMode = FileMode::from_bits_truncate(flags as u32);
+    let r: Result<i32, i32> = do_open(path, open_flags);
+    if r.is_ok() {
+        return r.unwrap() as u64;
+    } else {
+        return r.unwrap_err() as u64;
+    }
+/// @brief 关闭文件的系统调用函数
+/// @param regs->r8 fd:文件描述符编号
+pub extern "C" fn sys_close(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    let fd = regs.r8 as i32;
+    let r: Result<(), i32> = current_pcb().drop_fd(fd);
+    if r.is_ok() {
+        return 0;
+    } else {
+        return r.unwrap_err() as u64;
+    }
+/// @brief 读取文件的系统调用函数
+/// @param regs->r8 文件描述符编号
+/// @param regs->r9 输出缓冲区
+/// @param regs->r10 要读取的长度
+pub extern "C" fn sys_read(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    let fd = regs.r8 as i32;
+    let buf_vaddr = regs.r9 as usize;
+    let len = regs.r10 as usize;
+    // 判断缓冲区是否来自用户态,进行权限校验
+    if user_mode(regs) && unsafe { !verify_area(buf_vaddr as u64, len as u64) } {
+        // 来自用户态,而buffer在内核态,这样的操作不被允许
+        return (-(EPERM as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    let buf: &mut [u8] =
+        unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut::<'static, u8>(buf_vaddr as *mut u8, len) };
+    let r: Result<usize, i32> = do_read(fd, buf);
+    if r.is_ok() {
+        return r.unwrap() as u64;
+    } else {
+        return r.unwrap_err() as u64;
+    }
+/// @brief 向文件写入数据的系统调用函数
+/// @param regs->r8 文件描述符编号
+/// @param regs->r9 输入缓冲区
+/// @param regs->r10 要写入的长度
+pub extern "C" fn sys_write(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    let fd = regs.r8 as i32;
+    let buf_vaddr = regs.r9 as usize;
+    let len = regs.r10 as usize;
+    // 判断缓冲区是否来自用户态,进行权限校验
+    if user_mode(regs) && unsafe { !verify_area(buf_vaddr as u64, len as u64) } {
+        // 来自用户态,而buffer在内核态,这样的操作不被允许
+        return (-(EPERM as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    let buf: &[u8] =
+        unsafe { core::slice::from_raw_parts::<'static, u8>(buf_vaddr as *mut u8, len) };
+    let r: Result<usize, i32> = do_write(fd, buf);
+    if r.is_ok() {
+        return r.unwrap() as u64;
+    } else {
+        return r.unwrap_err() as u64;
+    }
+/// @brief 调整文件访问指针位置的系统调用函数
+/// @param regs->r8 文件描述符编号
+/// @param regs->r9 调整偏移量
+/// @param regs->r10 调整的模式
+pub extern "C" fn sys_lseek(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    let fd = regs.r8 as i32;
+    let offset = regs.r9 as i64;
+    let whence = regs.r10 as u32;
+    let w: SeekFrom = match whence {
+        SEEK_SET => SeekFrom::SeekSet(offset),
+        SEEK_CUR => SeekFrom::SeekCurrent(offset),
+        SEEK_END => SeekFrom::SeekEnd(offset),
+        SEEK_MAX => SeekFrom::SeekEnd(0),
+        _ => return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64,
+    };
+    let r: Result<usize, i32> = do_lseek(fd, w);
+    if r.is_ok() {
+        return r.unwrap() as u64;
+    } else {
+        return r.unwrap_err() as u64;
+    }
+/// @brief 切换工作目录
+/// @param dest_path 目标路径
+/// @return   返回码  描述  
+///      0       |          成功  
+///   EACCESS    |        权限不足        
+///    ELOOP     | 解析path时遇到路径循环
+/// ENAMETOOLONG |       路径名过长       
+///    ENOENT    |  目标文件或目录不存在  
+///    ENODIR    |  检索期间发现非目录项  
+///    ENOMEM    |      系统内存不足      
+///    EFAULT    |       错误的地址      
+/// ENAMETOOLONG |        路径过长        
+pub extern "C" fn sys_chdir(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    if regs.r8 == 0 {
+        return -(EFAULT as i32) as u64;
+    }
+    let ptr = regs.r8 as usize as *const c_char;
+    // 权限校验
+    if ptr.is_null()
+        || (user_mode(regs) && unsafe { !verify_area(ptr as u64, PAGE_2M_SIZE as u64) })
+    {
+        return -(EINVAL as i32) as u64;
+    }
+    let dest_path: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) };
+    let dest_path: Result<&str, core::str::Utf8Error> = dest_path.to_str();
+    if dest_path.is_err() {
+        return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    let dest_path: &str = dest_path.unwrap();
+    kdebug!("chdir: dest_path={dest_path}");
+    if dest_path.len() == 0 {
+        return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64;
+    } else if dest_path.len() >= PAGE_4K_SIZE as usize {
+        return (-(ENAMETOOLONG as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    let path = Box::new(dest_path.clone());
+    let inode = match ROOT_INODE().lookup(&path) {
+        Err(e) => {
+            kerror!("Change Directory Failed, Error = {}", e);
+            return (-(ENOENT as i32)) as u64;
+        }
+        Ok(i) => i,
+    };
+    match inode.metadata() {
+        Err(e) => {
+            kerror!("INode Get MetaData Failed, Error = {}", e);
+            return (-(ENOENT as i32)) as u64;
+        }
+        Ok(i) => {
+            if let FileType::Dir = i.file_type {
+                return 0;
+            } else {
+                return (-(ENOTDIR as i32)) as u64;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+/// @brief 获取目录中的数据
+/// @param fd 文件描述符号
+/// @return uint64_t dirent的总大小
+pub extern "C" fn sys_getdents(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    let fd = regs.r8 as i32;
+    let count = regs.r10 as i64;
+    let dirent = match unsafe { (regs.r9 as usize as *mut Dirent).as_mut() } {
+        None => {
+            return 0;
+        }
+        Some(dirent) => dirent,
+    };
+    if fd < 0 || fd as u32 > PROC_MAX_FD_NUM {
+        return (-(EBADF as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    if count < 0 {
+        return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    // 获取fd
+    let file: &mut File = match current_pcb().get_file_mut_by_fd(fd) {
+        None => {
+            return (-(EBADF as i32)) as u64;
+        }
+        Some(file) => file,
+    };
+    // kdebug!("file={file:?}");
+    return match file.readdir(dirent) {
+        Err(_) => 0,
+        Ok(len) => len,
+    };
+/// @brief 创建文件夹
+/// @param path(r8) 路径 / mode(r9) 模式
+/// @return uint64_t 负数错误码 / 0表示成功
+pub extern "C" fn sys_mkdir(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    let ptr = regs.r8 as usize as *const c_char;
+    if ptr.is_null()
+        || (user_mode(regs) && unsafe { !verify_area(ptr as u64, PAGE_2M_SIZE as u64) })
+    {
+        return -(EINVAL as i32) as u64;
+    }
+    let path: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) };
+    let path: Result<&str, core::str::Utf8Error> = path.to_str();
+    let mode = regs.r9;
+    if path.is_err() {
+        return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    let path = &path.unwrap().to_string();
+    if path.trim() == "" {
+        return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    return match do_mkdir(&path, FileMode::from_bits_truncate(mode as u32)) {
+        Err(err) => {
+            kerror!("Failed in do_mkdir, Error Code = {}", err);
+            err as u64
+        }
+        Ok(_) => 0,
+    };
+///@brief 删除文件夹、取消文件的链接、删除文件的系统调用
+///@param regs->r8 dfd 进程相对路径基准目录的文件描述符(见fcntl.h)
+///@param regs->r9 路径名称字符串
+///@param regs->r10 flag 预留的标志位,暂时未使用,请置为0。
+///@return uint64_t 错误码
+pub extern "C" fn sys_unlink_at(regs: &pt_regs) -> u64 {
+    let _dfd = regs.r8;
+    let ptr = regs.r9 as usize as *const c_char;
+    if ptr.is_null()
+        || (user_mode(regs) && unsafe { !verify_area(ptr as u64, PAGE_2M_SIZE as u64) })
+    {
+        return -(EINVAL as i32) as u64;
+    }
+    let path: &CStr = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(ptr) };
+    let path: Result<&str, core::str::Utf8Error> = path.to_str();
+    let flag = regs.r10;
+    if path.is_err() {
+        return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    let path = &path.unwrap().to_string();
+    // kdebug!("sys_unlink_at={path:?}");
+    if (flag & (!(AT_REMOVEDIR as u64))) != 0_u64 {
+        return (-(EINVAL as i32)) as u64;
+    }
+    if (flag & (AT_REMOVEDIR as u64)) > 0 {
+        // kdebug!("rmdir");
+        match do_remove_dir(&path) {
+            Err(err) => {
+                kerror!("Failed to Remove Directory, Error Code = {}", err);
+                return err as u64;
+            }
+            Ok(_) => {
+                return 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    // kdebug!("rm");
+    match do_unlink_at(&path, FileMode::from_bits_truncate(flag as u32)) {
+        Err(err) => {
+            kerror!("Failed to Remove Directory, Error Code = {}", err);
+            return err as u64;
+        }
+        Ok(_) => {
+            return 0;
+        }
+    }

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+/// @brief 切分路径字符串,返回最左侧那一级的目录名和剩余的部分。
+/// 举例:对于 /123/456/789/   本函数返回的第一个值为123, 第二个值为456/789
+pub fn split_path(path: &str) -> (&str, Option<&str>) {
+    let mut path_split: core::str::SplitN<&str> = path.trim_matches('/').splitn(2, "/");
+    let comp ="");
+    let rest_opt =;
+    return (comp, rest_opt);
+/// @brief 切分路径字符串,返回最右侧那一级的目录名和剩余的部分。
+/// 举例:对于 /123/456/789/   本函数返回的第一个值为789, 第二个值为123/456
+pub fn rsplit_path(path: &str) -> (&str, Option<&str>) {
+    let mut path_split: core::str::RSplitN<&str> = path.trim_matches('/').rsplitn(2, "/");
+    let comp ="");
+    let rest_opt =;
+    return (comp, rest_opt);

+ 4 - 0

@@ -25,9 +25,13 @@
 #include <common/lz4.h>
 #include <common/lz4.h>
 #include <common/printk.h>
 #include <common/printk.h>
 #include <common/spinlock.h>
 #include <common/spinlock.h>
+#include <common/stdio.h>
 #include <common/time.h>
 #include <common/time.h>
 #include <common/unistd.h>
 #include <common/unistd.h>
+#include <common/string.h>
 #include <driver/disk/ahci/ahci.h>
 #include <driver/disk/ahci/ahci.h>
+#include <driver/disk/ahci/ahci_rust.h>
+#include <driver/pci/pci.h>
 #include <include/DragonOS/refcount.h>
 #include <include/DragonOS/refcount.h>
 #include <include/DragonOS/signal.h>
 #include <include/DragonOS/signal.h>
 #include <mm/mm.h>
 #include <mm/mm.h>

+ 0 - 15

@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#include <common/kthread.h>
-#include <io/block/block_io_scheduler.h>
-#include <sched/sched.h>
-#include <smp/smp.h>
- * @brief 初始化io调度器
- */
-void block_io_scheduler_init()
-    // 使用rust中的函数进行初始化
-    block_io_scheduler_init_rust();
-    struct process_control_block *pcb = kthread_run(&block_io_scheduler_address_requests, NULL, "block_io_scheduler", NULL);
-    if (smp_get_total_cpu() > 1)
-        sched_migrate_process(pcb, 1);

+ 0 - 9

@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-#pragma once
-extern void block_io_scheduler_address_requests();
-extern void block_io_scheduler_init_rust();
- * @brief 初始化io调度器
- */
-void block_io_scheduler_init();

+ 0 - 304

@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-use core::{ptr::null_mut, sync::atomic::compiler_fence};
-use alloc::{boxed::Box, vec::Vec};
-use crate::{
-    arch::mm::barrier::mfence,
-    include::bindings::bindings::{
-        ahci_check_complete, ahci_query_disk, ahci_request_packet_t, block_device_request_packet,
-        complete, completion, completion_alloc, wait_for_completion,
-    },
-    kBUG,
-    libs::spinlock::RawSpinlock,
-///  achi请求包
-pub struct AhciRequestPacket {
-    pub ahci_ctrl_num: u8,
-    pub port_num: u8,
-    pub slot: i8,
-impl AhciRequestPacket {
-    pub fn new() -> Self {
-        return AhciRequestPacket {
-            ..Default::default()
-        };
-    }
-impl Default for AhciRequestPacket {
-    fn default() -> Self {
-        AhciRequestPacket {
-            ahci_ctrl_num: 0,
-            port_num: Default::default(),
-            slot: -1,
-        }
-    }
-/// io请求包
-pub struct BlockDeviceRequestPacket<T> {
-    pub cmd: u8,
-    pub lba_start: u64,
-    pub count: u32,
-    pub buffer_vaddr: u64,
-    pub device_type: u8, // 0: ahci
-    pub end_handler: ::core::option::Option<
-        unsafe extern "C" fn(num: ::core::ffi::c_ulong, arg: ::core::ffi::c_ulong),
-    >,
-    pub private_ahci_request_packet: T,
-    pub status: *mut completion,
-impl<AhciRequestPacket> BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket> {
-    pub fn new(
-        ahci_request_packet: AhciRequestPacket,
-    ) -> BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket> {
-        let cmpl: *mut completion = unsafe { completion_alloc() };
-        return BlockDeviceRequestPacket {
-            cmd: Default::default(),
-            lba_start: Default::default(),
-            count: Default::default(),
-            buffer_vaddr: Default::default(),
-            device_type: Default::default(),
-            end_handler: Default::default(),
-            private_ahci_request_packet: ahci_request_packet,
-            status: cmpl,
-        };
-    }
-struct RequestQueue {
-    lock: RawSpinlock,
-    waiting_queue: Vec<BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>>,
-    processing_queue: Vec<BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>>,
-impl RequestQueue {
-    pub fn new() -> RequestQueue {
-        RequestQueue {
-            lock: RawSpinlock::INIT,
-            waiting_queue: Vec::new(),
-            processing_queue: Vec::new(),
-        }
-    }
-    ///  @brief 将请求包插入等待队列中
-    pub fn push_waiting_queue(
-        &mut self,
-        ahci_request_packet: BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>,
-    ) {
-        self.waiting_queue.push(ahci_request_packet);
-    }
-    ///  @brief 将请求包从正在执行队列中弹出
-    pub fn pop_waiting_queue(&mut self) -> Option<BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>> {
-        let mut res: Option<BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>> = None;
-        if self.waiting_queue.len() == 0 {
-            return res;
-        }
-        res = Some(self.waiting_queue.remove(0));
-        return res;
-    }
-    ///  @brief 将请求包插入正在执行队列中
-    pub fn push_processing_queue(
-        &mut self,
-        ahci_request_packet: BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>,
-    ) {
-        self.processing_queue.push(ahci_request_packet);
-    }
-    ///  @brief 将请求包从正在执行队列中弹出
-    pub fn pop_processing_queue(&mut self) -> Option<BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>> {
-        let mut res: Option<BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>> = None;
-        if self.processing_queue.len() == 0 {
-            return res;
-        }
-        res = Some(self.processing_queue.remove(0));
-        return res;
-    }
-    ///  @brief 将已完成请求包从执行队列中弹出
-    pub fn pop_finished_packets(&mut self) {
-        if self.processing_queue.len() != 0 {
-            compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-            //将状态设置为完成
-            mfence();
-            // 过滤器,过滤已完成的请求包
-            let filter = |packet: &mut BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>| {
-                //判断请求是否完成
-                let res = unsafe {
-                    ahci_check_complete(
-                        packet.private_ahci_request_packet.port_num,
-                        packet.private_ahci_request_packet.ahci_ctrl_num,
-                        packet.private_ahci_request_packet.slot,
-                        null_mut(),
-                    )
-                };
-                // 完成则complete请求包
-                if res == 0 {
-                    unsafe {
-                        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-                        complete(packet.status);
-                        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-                    }
-                    return true;
-                }
-                return false;
-            };
-            self.processing_queue.drain_filter(filter);
-            mfence();
-            compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-        }
-    }
-pub struct SchedulerIO {
-    io_queue: Vec<&'static mut RequestQueue>,
-impl SchedulerIO {
-    pub fn new() -> SchedulerIO {
-        return SchedulerIO {
-            io_queue: Default::default(),
-        };
-    }
-// io调度器全局指针
-pub static mut IO_SCHEDULER_PTR: *mut SchedulerIO = null_mut();
-pub fn __get_io_scheduler() -> &'static mut SchedulerIO {
-    return unsafe { IO_SCHEDULER_PTR.as_mut().unwrap() };
-/// @brief 初始化io调度器
-pub unsafe extern "C" fn block_io_scheduler_init_rust() {
-    if IO_SCHEDULER_PTR.is_null() {
-        IO_SCHEDULER_PTR = Box::leak(Box::new(SchedulerIO::new()));
-        create_io_queue();
-    } else {
-        kBUG!("Try to init IO Scheduler twice.");
-        panic!("Try to init IO Scheduler twice.");
-    }
-/// @brief 初始化io请求队列
-pub extern "C" fn create_io_queue() {
-    let io_scheduler = __get_io_scheduler();
-    io_scheduler
-        .io_queue
-        .push(Box::leak(Box::new(RequestQueue::new())));
-/// @brief 处理请求 (守护线程运行)
-pub extern "C" fn block_io_scheduler_address_requests() {
-    let io_scheduler = __get_io_scheduler();
-    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-    //FIXME 暂时只考虑了一个io队列的情况
-    loop {
-        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-        //请不要修改下面三个循环的顺序
-        let size = io_scheduler.io_queue[0].waiting_queue.len();
-        for i in 0..16 {
-            // 正在运行队列大小限制为16
-            if i >= size || io_scheduler.io_queue[0].processing_queue.len() == 16 {
-                break;
-            }
-            compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-            // if !io_scheduler.io_queue[0].lock.is_locked() {
-            io_scheduler.io_queue[0].lock.lock();
-            let mut packet = io_scheduler.io_queue[0].pop_waiting_queue().unwrap();
-            //将rust中的请求包转成c中的请求包
-            let mut ahci_packet: ahci_request_packet_t = convert_c_ahci_request(&packet);
-            let mut ret_slot: i8 = -1;
-            //分发请求包
-            unsafe {
-                compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-                ahci_query_disk(&mut ahci_packet, &mut ret_slot);
-                compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-            }
-            //获取请求运行的插槽
-            packet.private_ahci_request_packet.slot = ret_slot;
-            io_scheduler.io_queue[0].push_processing_queue(packet);
-            io_scheduler.io_queue[0].lock.unlock();
-            // }
-            compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-        }
-        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-        //检查是否有完成的请求包
-        io_scheduler.io_queue[0].lock.lock();
-        io_scheduler.io_queue[0].pop_finished_packets();
-        io_scheduler.io_queue[0].lock.unlock();
-        mfence();
-        compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-    }
-pub fn convert_c_ahci_request(
-    pakcet: &BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>,
-) -> ahci_request_packet_t {
-    let ahci_packet: ahci_request_packet_t = ahci_request_packet_t {
-        ahci_ctrl_num: pakcet.private_ahci_request_packet.ahci_ctrl_num,
-        port_num: pakcet.private_ahci_request_packet.port_num,
-        blk_pak: block_device_request_packet {
-            LBA_start: pakcet.lba_start,
-            cmd: pakcet.cmd,
-            buffer_vaddr: pakcet.buffer_vaddr,
-            count: pakcet.count,
-            device_type: pakcet.device_type,
-            end_handler: pakcet.end_handler,
-        },
-    };
-    return ahci_packet;
-/// @brief 将c中的ahci_request_packet_t转换成rust中的BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket>
-pub fn create_ahci_request(
-    ahci_request_packet: &ahci_request_packet_t,
-) -> BlockDeviceRequestPacket<AhciRequestPacket> {
-    let cmpl: *mut completion = unsafe { completion_alloc() };
-    let ahci_packet = AhciRequestPacket {
-        ahci_ctrl_num: ahci_request_packet.ahci_ctrl_num,
-        port_num: ahci_request_packet.port_num,
-        slot: -1,
-    };
-    let packet = BlockDeviceRequestPacket {
-        private_ahci_request_packet: ahci_packet,
-        buffer_vaddr: ahci_request_packet.blk_pak.buffer_vaddr,
-        cmd: ahci_request_packet.blk_pak.cmd,
-        count: ahci_request_packet.blk_pak.count,
-        device_type: ahci_request_packet.blk_pak.device_type,
-        end_handler: ahci_request_packet.blk_pak.end_handler,
-        lba_start: ahci_request_packet.blk_pak.LBA_start,
-        status: cmpl,
-    };
-    return packet;
-/// @brief 将ahci的io请求插入等待队列中
-pub extern "C" fn ahci_push_request(ahci_request_packet: &ahci_request_packet_t) {
-    let packet = create_ahci_request(ahci_request_packet);
-    let io_scheduler = __get_io_scheduler();
-    let status = packet.status;
-    io_scheduler.io_queue[0].lock.lock();
-    io_scheduler.io_queue[0].push_waiting_queue(packet);
-    io_scheduler.io_queue[0].lock.unlock();
-    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);
-    unsafe {
-        wait_for_completion(status);
-    }
-    compiler_fence(core::sync::atomic::Ordering::SeqCst);

+ 1 - 1

@@ -1 +1 @@
-pub mod block_io_scheduler;
+// pub mod block_io_scheduler;

+ 323 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+/// 引入Module
+use crate::include::bindings::bindings::E2BIG;
+use alloc::{sync::Arc, vec::Vec};
+use core::{any::Any, fmt::Debug};
+use super::disk_info::Partition;
+/// 该文件定义了 Device 和 BlockDevice 的接口
+/// Notice 设备错误码使用 Posix 规定的 int32_t 的错误码表示,而不是自己定义错误enum
+// 使用方法:
+// 假设 blk_dev 是块设备
+// <blk_dev as Device>::read_at() 调用的是Device的函数
+// <blk_dev as BlockDevice>::read_at() 调用的是BlockDevice的函数
+/// 定义类型
+pub type BlockId = usize;
+/// 定义常量
+const BLK_SIZE_LOG2_LIMIT: u8 = 12; // 设定块设备的块大小不能超过 1 << 12.
+/// 在DragonOS中,我们认为磁盘的每个LBA大小均为512字节。(注意,文件系统的1个扇区可能事实上是多个LBA)
+pub const LBA_SIZE: usize = 512;
+/// @brief 设备应该实现的操作
+/// @usage Device::read_at()
+pub trait Device: Any + Send + Sync + Debug {
+    /// Notice buffer对应设备按字节划分,使用u8类型
+    /// Notice offset应该从0开始计数
+    /// @brief: 从设备的第offset个字节开始,读取len个byte,存放到buf中
+    /// @parameter offset: 起始字节偏移量
+    /// @parameter len: 读取字节的数量
+    /// @parameter buf: 目标数组
+    /// @return: 如果操作成功,返回操作的长度(单位是字节);否则返回错误码;如果操作异常,但是并没有检查出什么错误,将返回已操作的长度
+    fn read_at(&self, offset: usize, len: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, i32>;
+    /// @brief: 从设备的第offset个字节开始,把buf数组的len个byte,写入到设备中
+    /// @parameter offset: 起始字节偏移量
+    /// @parameter len: 读取字节的数量
+    /// @parameter buf: 目标数组
+    /// @return: 如果操作成功,返回操作的长度(单位是字节);否则返回错误码;如果操作异常,但是并没有检查出什么错误,将返回已操作的长度
+    fn write_at(&self, offset: usize, len: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, i32>;
+    /// @brief: 同步信息,把所有的dirty数据写回设备 - 待实现
+    fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), i32>;
+    // TODO: 待实现 open, close
+/// @brief 块设备应该实现的操作
+pub trait BlockDevice: Any + Send + Sync + Debug {
+    /// @brief: 在块设备中,从第lba_id_start个块开始,读取count个块数据,存放到buf中
+    ///
+    /// @parameter lba_id_start: 起始块
+    /// @parameter count: 读取块的数量
+    /// @parameter buf: 目标数组
+    /// @return: 如果操作成功,返回 Ok(操作的长度) 其中单位是字节;
+    ///          否则返回Err(错误码),其中错误码为负数;
+    ///          如果操作异常,但是并没有检查出什么错误,将返回Err(已操作的长度)
+    fn read_at(&self, lba_id_start: BlockId, count: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, i32>;
+    /// @brief: 在块设备中,从第lba_id_start个块开始,把buf中的count个块数据,存放到设备中
+    /// @parameter lba_id_start: 起始块
+    /// @parameter count: 写入块的数量
+    /// @parameter buf: 目标数组
+    /// @return: 如果操作成功,返回 Ok(操作的长度) 其中单位是字节;
+    ///          否则返回Err(错误码),其中错误码为负数;
+    ///          如果操作异常,但是并没有检查出什么错误,将返回Err(已操作的长度)
+    fn write_at(&self, lba_id_start: BlockId, count: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, i32>;
+    /// @brief: 同步磁盘信息,把所有的dirty数据写回硬盘 - 待实现
+    fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), i32>;
+    /// @breif: 每个块设备都必须固定自己块大小,而且该块大小必须是2的幂次
+    /// @return: 返回一个固定量,硬编码(编程的时候固定的常量).
+    fn blk_size_log2(&self) -> u8;
+    // TODO: 待实现 open, close
+    /// @brief 本函数用于实现动态转换。
+    /// 具体的文件系统在实现本函数时,最简单的方式就是:直接返回self
+    fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn Any;
+    /// @brief 本函数用于将BlockDevice转换为Device。
+    /// 由于实现了BlockDevice的结构体,本身也实现了Device Trait, 因此转换是可能的。
+    /// 思路:在BlockDevice的结构体中新增一个self_ref变量,返回self_ref.upgrade()即可。
+    fn device(&self) -> Arc<dyn Device>;
+    /// @brief 返回块设备的块大小(单位:字节)
+    fn block_size(&self) -> usize;
+    /// @brief 返回当前磁盘上的所有分区的Arc指针数组
+    fn partitions(&self) -> Vec<Arc<Partition>>;
+/// 对于所有<块设备>自动实现 Device Trait 的 read_at 和 write_at 函数
+impl<T: BlockDevice> Device for T {
+    // 读取设备操作,读取设备内部 [offset, offset + buf.len) 区间内的字符,存放到 buf 中
+    fn read_at(&self, offset: usize, len: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        if len > buf.len() {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        let iter = BlockIter::new_multiblock(offset, offset + len, self.blk_size_log2());
+        let multi = iter.multiblock;
+        // 枚举每一个range
+        for range in iter {
+            let buf_begin = range.origin_begin() - offset; // 本次读操作的起始位置/已经读了这么多字节
+            let buf_end = range.origin_end() - offset;
+            let buf_slice = &mut buf[buf_begin..buf_end];
+            let count: usize = (range.lba_end - range.lba_start).try_into().unwrap();
+            let full = multi && range.is_multi() || !multi && range.is_full();
+            if full {
+                // 调用 BlockDevice::read_at() 直接把引用传进去,不是把整个数组move进去
+                BlockDevice::read_at(self, range.lba_start, count, buf_slice)?;
+            } else {
+                // 判断块的长度不能超过最大值
+                if self.blk_size_log2() > BLK_SIZE_LOG2_LIMIT {
+                    return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+                }
+                let mut temp = Vec::new();
+                temp.resize(1usize << self.blk_size_log2(), 0);
+                BlockDevice::read_at(self, range.lba_start, 1, &mut temp[..])?;
+                // 把数据从临时buffer复制到目标buffer
+                buf_slice.copy_from_slice(&temp[range.begin..range.end]);
+            }
+        }
+        return Ok(len);
+    }
+    /// 写入设备操作,把 buf 的数据写入到设备内部 [offset, offset + len) 区间内
+    fn write_at(&self, offset: usize, len: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        // assert!(len <= buf.len());
+        if len > buf.len() {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        let iter = BlockIter::new_multiblock(offset, offset + len, self.blk_size_log2());
+        let multi = iter.multiblock;
+        for range in iter {
+            let buf_begin = range.origin_begin() - offset; // 本次读操作的起始位置/已经读了这么多字节
+            let buf_end = range.origin_end() - offset;
+            let buf_slice = &buf[buf_begin..buf_end];
+            let count: usize = (range.lba_end - range.lba_start).try_into().unwrap();
+            let full = multi && range.is_multi() || !multi && range.is_full();
+            if full {
+                BlockDevice::write_at(self, range.lba_start, count, buf_slice)?;
+            } else {
+                if self.blk_size_log2() > BLK_SIZE_LOG2_LIMIT {
+                    return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+                }
+                let mut temp = Vec::new();
+                temp.resize(1usize << self.blk_size_log2(), 0);
+                // 由于块设备每次读写都是整块的,在不完整写入之前,必须把不完整的地方补全
+                BlockDevice::read_at(self, range.lba_start, 1, &mut temp[..])?;
+                // 把数据从临时buffer复制到目标buffer
+                temp[range.begin..range.end].copy_from_slice(&buf_slice);
+                BlockDevice::write_at(self, range.lba_start, 1, &temp[..])?;
+            }
+        }
+        return Ok(len);
+    }
+    /// 数据同步
+    fn sync(&self) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        BlockDevice::sync(self)
+    }
+/// @brief 块设备的迭代器
+/// @usage 某次操作读/写块设备的[L,R]范围内的字节,
+///        那么可以使用此结构体进行迭代遍历,每次调用next()返回一个BlockRange
+pub struct BlockIter {
+    pub begin: usize, // 迭代器的起始位置 -> 块设备的地址 (单位是字节)
+    pub end: usize,
+    pub blk_size_log2: u8,
+    pub multiblock: bool, // 是否启用连续整块同时遍历
+/// @brief Range搭配迭代器BlockIter使用,[L,R]区间被分割成多个小的Range
+///        Range要么是整块,要么是一块的某一部分
+/// 细节: range = [begin, end) 左闭右开
+pub struct BlockRange {
+    pub lba_start: usize, // 起始块的lba_id
+    pub lba_end: usize,   // 终止块的lba_id
+    pub begin: usize, // 起始位置在块内的偏移量, 如果BlockIter启用Multiblock,则是多个块的偏移量
+    pub end: usize,   // 结束位置在块内的偏移量,单位是字节
+    pub blk_size_log2: u8,
+impl BlockIter {
+    #[allow(dead_code)]
+    pub fn new(start_addr: usize, end_addr: usize, blk_size_log2: u8) -> BlockIter {
+        return BlockIter {
+            begin: start_addr,
+            end: end_addr,
+            blk_size_log2: blk_size_log2,
+            multiblock: false,
+        };
+    }
+    pub fn new_multiblock(start_addr: usize, end_addr: usize, blk_size_log2: u8) -> BlockIter {
+        return BlockIter {
+            begin: start_addr,
+            end: end_addr,
+            blk_size_log2: blk_size_log2,
+            multiblock: true,
+        };
+    }
+    /// 获取下一个整块或者不完整的块
+    pub fn next_block(&mut self) -> BlockRange {
+        let blk_size_log2 = self.blk_size_log2;
+        let blk_size = 1usize << self.blk_size_log2;
+        let lba_id = self.begin / blk_size;
+        let begin = self.begin % blk_size;
+        let end = if lba_id == self.end / blk_size {
+            self.end % blk_size
+        } else {
+            blk_size
+        };
+        self.begin += end - begin;
+        return BlockRange {
+            lba_start: lba_id,
+            lba_end: lba_id + 1,
+            begin: begin,
+            end: end,
+            blk_size_log2: blk_size_log2,
+        };
+    }
+    /// 如果能返回多个连续的整块,则返回;否则调用next_block()返回不完整的块
+    pub fn next_multiblock(&mut self) -> BlockRange {
+        let blk_size_log2 = self.blk_size_log2;
+        let blk_size = 1usize << self.blk_size_log2;
+        let lba_start = self.begin / blk_size;
+        let lba_end = self.end / blk_size;
+        // 如果不是整块,先返回非整块的小部分
+        if __bytes_to_lba(self.begin, blk_size)
+            != __bytes_to_lba(self.begin + blk_size - 1, blk_size)
+            || lba_start == lba_end
+        {
+            return self.next_block();
+        }
+        let begin = self.begin % blk_size; // 因为是多个整块,这里必然是0
+        let end = __lba_to_bytes(lba_end, blk_size) - self.begin;
+        self.begin += end - begin;
+        return BlockRange {
+            lba_start: lba_start,
+            lba_end: lba_end,
+            begin: begin,
+            end: end,
+            blk_size_log2: blk_size_log2,
+        };
+    }
+/// BlockIter 函数实现
+impl Iterator for BlockIter {
+    type Item = BlockRange;
+    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<<Self as Iterator>::Item> {
+        if self.begin >= self.end {
+            return None;
+        }
+        if self.multiblock {
+            return Some(self.next_multiblock());
+        } else {
+            return Some(self.next_block());
+        }
+    }
+/// BlockRange 函数实现
+impl BlockRange {
+    #[allow(dead_code)]
+    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
+        return self.end == self.begin;
+    }
+    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+        return self.end - self.begin;
+    }
+    /// 判断是不是整块
+    pub fn is_full(&self) -> bool {
+        return self.len() == (1usize << self.blk_size_log2);
+    }
+    /// 判断是不是多个整块连在一起
+    pub fn is_multi(&self) -> bool {
+        return self.len() >= (1usize << self.blk_size_log2)
+            && (self.len() % (1usize << self.blk_size_log2) == 0);
+    }
+    /// 获取 BlockRange 在块设备内部的起始位置 (单位是字节)
+    pub fn origin_begin(&self) -> usize {
+        return (self.lba_start << self.blk_size_log2) + self.begin;
+    }
+    /// 获取 BlockRange 在块设备内部的结尾位置 (单位是字节)
+    pub fn origin_end(&self) -> usize {
+        return (self.lba_start << self.blk_size_log2) + self.end;
+    }
+/// 从字节地址转换到lba id
+pub fn __bytes_to_lba(addr: usize, blk_size: usize) -> BlockId {
+    return addr / blk_size;
+/// 从lba id转换到字节地址, 返回lba_id的最左侧字节
+pub fn __lba_to_bytes(lba_id: usize, blk_size: usize) -> BlockId {
+    return lba_id * blk_size;

+ 49 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use super::device::BlockDevice;
+use alloc::sync::{Arc, Weak};
+pub type SectorT = u64;
+pub const BLK_TYPE_AHCI: u64 = 0;
+pub const DISK_NAME_LEN: usize = 32; // 磁盘名称的最大长度
+pub const BLK_GF_AHCI: u16 = 1 << 0; // 定义blk_gendisk中的标志位
+/// @brief: 磁盘的分区信息 - (保留了c版本的数据信息)
+pub struct Partition {
+    pub start_sector: SectorT,   // 该分区的起始扇区
+    pub lba_start: u64,          // 起始LBA号
+    pub sectors_num: u64,        // 该分区的扇区数
+    disk: Weak<dyn BlockDevice>, // 当前分区所属的磁盘
+    pub partno: u16,             // 在磁盘上的分区号
+                                 // struct block_device_request_queue *bd_queue; // 请求队列
+                                 // struct vfs_superblock_t *bd_superblock;      // 执行超级块的指针
+/// @brief: 分区信息 - 成员函数
+impl Partition {
+    /// @brief: 为 disk new 一个分区结构体
+    pub fn new(
+        start_sector: SectorT,
+        lba_start: u64,
+        sectors_num: u64,
+        disk: Weak<dyn BlockDevice>,
+        partno: u16,
+    ) -> Arc<Self> {
+        return Arc::new(Partition {
+            start_sector,
+            lba_start,
+            sectors_num,
+            disk,
+            partno,
+        });
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前分区所属的磁盘的Arc指针
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn disk(&self) -> Arc<dyn BlockDevice> {
+        return self.disk.upgrade().unwrap();
+    }

+ 11 - 0

@@ -1 +1,12 @@
 pub mod block;
 pub mod block;
+pub mod device;
+pub mod disk_info;
+pub enum SeekFrom {
+    SeekSet(i64),
+    SeekCurrent(i64),
+    SeekEnd(i64),
+    Invalid,

+ 3 - 3

@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-all: pipe.o
 CFLAGS += -I .
 CFLAGS += -I .
-pipe.o: pipe.c
-	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c pipe.c -o pipe.o
+# pipe.o: pipe.c
+# 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c pipe.c -o pipe.o
 	echo "Done."
 	echo "Done."

+ 0 - 176

@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-#include "pipe.h"
-#include <common/spinlock.h>
-#include <process/process.h>
-#include <process/ptrace.h>
-#include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#include <filesystem/fat32/fat32.h>
-#include <common/atomic.h>
-#include <mm/slab.h>
-struct pipe_data_t
-    volatile unsigned int valid_cnt;
-    unsigned int read_pos;
-    unsigned int write_pos;
-    wait_queue_node_t read_wait_queue;
-    wait_queue_node_t write_wait_queue;
-    spinlock_t lock;
-} __attribute__((packed));
-// 由于kmalloc分配的内存是按照2^n对齐的,因此我们需要这样来确定pipe的buffer大小以消除内部碎片
-// 我们设定pipe的总大小为1024字节
-#define PIPE_BUFF_SIZE (1024 - sizeof(struct pipe_data_t))
-struct pipe_t
-    struct pipe_data_t data;
-    char buf[PIPE_BUFF_SIZE];
-long pipe_read(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf,
-               int64_t count, long *position)
-    int i = 0;
-    struct pipe_t *pipe_ptr = NULL;
-    kdebug("pipe_read into!\n");
-    pipe_ptr = (struct pipe_t *)file_ptr->private_data;
-    spin_lock(&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-    while (pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt == 0)
-    {
-        /* pipe 空 */
-        kdebug("pipe_read empty!\n");
-        wait_queue_wakeup(&pipe_ptr->data.write_wait_queue, PROC_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
-        wait_queue_sleep_on_unlock(&pipe_ptr->data.read_wait_queue, (void *)&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-        spin_lock(&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-    }
-    for (i = 0; i < pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt; i++)
-    {
-        if (i == count)
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-        copy_to_user(buf + i, &pipe_ptr->buf[pipe_ptr->data.read_pos], sizeof(char));
-        pipe_ptr->data.read_pos = (pipe_ptr->data.read_pos + 1) % PIPE_BUFF_SIZE;
-    }
-    pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt = pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt - i;
-    spin_unlock(&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-    wait_queue_wakeup(&pipe_ptr->data.write_wait_queue, PROC_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
-    kdebug("pipe_read end!\n");
-    return i;
-long pipe_write(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf,
-                int64_t count, long *position)
-    int i = 0;
-    struct pipe_t *pipe_ptr = NULL;
-    kdebug("pipe_write into!\n");
-    pipe_ptr = (struct pipe_t *)file_ptr->private_data;
-    spin_lock(&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-    while (pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt + count >= PIPE_BUFF_SIZE)
-    {
-        /* pipe 满 */
-        kdebug("pipe_write pipe full!\n");
-        wait_queue_wakeup(&pipe_ptr->data.read_wait_queue, PROC_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
-        wait_queue_sleep_on_unlock(&pipe_ptr->data.write_wait_queue, (void *)&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-        spin_lock(&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-    }
-    for (i = pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt; i < PIPE_BUFF_SIZE; i++)
-    {
-        if (i - pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt == count)
-        {
-            break;
-        }
-        copy_from_user(&pipe_ptr->buf[pipe_ptr->data.write_pos], buf + i, sizeof(char));
-        pipe_ptr->data.write_pos = (pipe_ptr->data.write_pos + 1) % PIPE_BUFF_SIZE;
-    }
-    pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt += count;
-    spin_unlock(&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-    wait_queue_wakeup(&pipe_ptr->data.read_wait_queue, PROC_UNINTERRUPTIBLE);
-    kdebug("pipe_write out!\n");
-    return count;
-long pipe_close(struct vfs_index_node_t *inode, struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr)
-    return 0;
-struct vfs_file_operations_t g_pipe_file_ops = {
-    .open = NULL,
-    .close = pipe_close,
-    .read = pipe_read,
-    .write = pipe_write,
-    .lseek = NULL,
-    .ioctl = NULL,
-    .readdir = NULL,
-static struct pipe_t *pipe_alloc()
-    struct pipe_t *pipe_ptr = NULL;
-    pipe_ptr = (struct pipe_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct pipe_t), 0);
-    spin_init(&pipe_ptr->data.lock);
-    pipe_ptr->data.read_pos = 0;
-    pipe_ptr->data.write_pos = 0;
-    pipe_ptr->data.valid_cnt = 0;
-    memset(pipe_ptr->buf, 0, PIPE_BUFF_SIZE);
-    wait_queue_init(&pipe_ptr->data.read_wait_queue, NULL);
-    wait_queue_init(&pipe_ptr->data.write_wait_queue, NULL);
-    return pipe_ptr;
- * @brief 创建管道
- *
- * @param fd(r8) 文件句柄指针
- * @param num(r9) 文件句柄个数
- * @return uint64_t
- */
-uint64_t sys_pipe(struct pt_regs *regs)
-    int *fd = NULL;
-    struct pipe_t *pipe_ptr = NULL;
-    struct vfs_file_t *read_file = NULL;
-    struct vfs_file_t *write_file = NULL;
-    fd = (int *)regs->r8;
-    kdebug("pipe creat into!\n");
-    /* step1 申请pipe结构体、初始化 */
-    pipe_ptr = pipe_alloc();
-    /* step2 申请2个fd文件句柄,1个作为读端、1个作为写端 */
-    read_file = (struct vfs_file_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_file_t), 0);
-    fd[0] = process_fd_alloc(read_file);
-    if (fd[0] == -1)
-    {
-        kdebug("pipe alloc read fd fail!\n");
-        kfree(pipe_ptr);
-        kfree(read_file);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    write_file = (struct vfs_file_t *)kzalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_file_t), 0);
-    fd[1] = process_fd_alloc(write_file);
-    if (fd[1] == -1)
-    {
-        kdebug("pipe alloc write fd fail!\n");
-        kfree(pipe_ptr);
-        kfree(read_file);
-        kfree(write_file);
-        return -1;
-    }
-    /* step3 绑定pipe和file */
-    read_file->private_data = (void *)pipe_ptr;
-    read_file->file_ops = &g_pipe_file_ops;
-    read_file->mode = VFS_FILE_MODE_READ;
-    write_file->private_data = (void *)pipe_ptr;
-    write_file->file_ops = &g_pipe_file_ops;
-    write_file->mode = VFS_FILE_MODE_WRITE;
-    kdebug("pipe creat end!\n");
-    return 0;

+ 0 - 4

@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef __PIPE_H__
-#define __PIPE_H__

+ 10 - 7

@@ -16,26 +16,29 @@ use core::panic::PanicInfo;
 #[path = "arch/x86_64/"]
 #[path = "arch/x86_64/"]
 mod arch;
 mod arch;
-mod driver;
-mod filesystem;
-mod include;
-mod ipc;
 mod libs;
 mod libs;
+mod include;
+mod driver; // 如果driver依赖了libs,应该在libs后面导出
 mod exception;
 mod exception;
-pub mod io;
+mod filesystem;
+mod io;
+mod ipc;
 mod mm;
 mod mm;
 mod process;
 mod process;
 mod sched;
 mod sched;
 mod smp;
 mod smp;
 mod time;
 mod time;
 extern crate alloc;
 extern crate alloc;
 extern crate lazy_static;
 extern crate lazy_static;
+extern crate bitflags;
 use mm::allocator::KernelAllocator;
 use mm::allocator::KernelAllocator;
 // <3>
 // <3>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
  * @param fifo 队列结构体
  * @param fifo 队列结构体
  * @param size 缓冲区大小
  * @param size 缓冲区大小
  * @param reserved 暂时保留,请置为0
  * @param reserved 暂时保留,请置为0
- * @return int 错误码成功->0
+ * @return int 错误码: NOMEM; 成功->0
 int kfifo_alloc(struct kfifo_t *fifo, uint32_t size, uint64_t reserved)
 int kfifo_alloc(struct kfifo_t *fifo, uint32_t size, uint64_t reserved)

+ 50 - 31

@@ -52,16 +52,20 @@ void lockref_inc(struct lockref *lock_ref)
  * @brief 原子地将引用计数加1.如果原来的count≤0,则操作失败。
  * @brief 原子地将引用计数加1.如果原来的count≤0,则操作失败。
  * @param lock_ref 指向要被操作的lockref变量的指针
  * @param lock_ref 指向要被操作的lockref变量的指针
- * @return int  操作成功=>true
+ * @return bool  操作成功=>true
  *              操作失败=>false
  *              操作失败=>false
 bool lockref_inc_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 bool lockref_inc_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref)
-    CMPXCHG_LOOP(lock_ref,
-                 if (old.count <= 0) return false;
-                 ++new.count;
-                 ,
-                 return true;)
+        lock_ref,
+        {
+            if (old.count <= 0)
+                return false;
+            ++new.count;
+        },
+        { return true; })
     bool retval;
     bool retval;
     retval = false;
     retval = false;
@@ -86,11 +90,14 @@ bool lockref_inc_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 int lockref_dec(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 int lockref_dec(struct lockref *lock_ref)
-    CMPXCHG_LOOP(lock_ref,
-                 if (old.count <= 0) break;
-                 --new.count;
-                 ,
-                 return new.count;);
+        lock_ref,
+        {
+            if (old.count <= 0)
+                break;
+            --new.count;
+        },
+        { return new.count; })
     // 如果xchg时,处于已加锁的状态或者检测到old.count <= 0,则采取加锁处理
     // 如果xchg时,处于已加锁的状态或者检测到old.count <= 0,则采取加锁处理
     int retval = -1;
     int retval = -1;
@@ -117,11 +124,14 @@ int lockref_dec(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 int lockref_dec_return(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 int lockref_dec_return(struct lockref *lock_ref)
-    CMPXCHG_LOOP(lock_ref,
-                 if (old.count <= 0) return -1;
-                 --new.count;
-                 ,
-                 return new.count;);
+        lock_ref,
+        {
+            if (old.count <= 0)
+                return -1;
+            --new.count;
+        },
+        { return new.count; })
     return -1;
     return -1;
@@ -138,11 +148,14 @@ int lockref_dec_return(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 bool lockref_dec_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 bool lockref_dec_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref)
-    CMPXCHG_LOOP(lock_ref,
-                 if (old.count <= 1) return false;
-                 --new.count;
-                 ,
-                 return true;)
+        lock_ref,
+        {
+            if (old.count <= 1)
+                return false;
+            --new.count;
+        },
+        { return true; })
     bool retval = false;
     bool retval = false;
@@ -167,11 +180,14 @@ bool lockref_dec_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 bool lockref_dec_or_lock_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 bool lockref_dec_or_lock_not_zero(struct lockref *lock_ref)
-    CMPXCHG_LOOP(lock_ref,
-                 if (old.count <= 1) break;
-                 --new.count;
-                 ,
-                 return true;);
+        lock_ref,
+        {
+            if (old.count <= 1)
+                break;
+            --new.count;
+        },
+        { return true; });
     bool retval = false;
     bool retval = false;
@@ -205,11 +221,14 @@ void lockref_mark_dead(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 bool lockref_inc_not_dead(struct lockref *lock_ref)
 bool lockref_inc_not_dead(struct lockref *lock_ref)
-    CMPXCHG_LOOP(lock_ref,
-                 if (old.count < 0) return false;
-                 ++new.count;
-                 ,
-                 return true;)
+        lock_ref,
+        {
+            if (old.count < 0)
+                return false;
+            ++new.count;
+        },
+        { return true; })
     bool retval = false;
     bool retval = false;
     // 快捷路径操作失败,尝试加锁
     // 快捷路径操作失败,尝试加锁

+ 3 - 0

@@ -7,6 +7,9 @@ pub mod atomic;
 pub mod list;
 pub mod list;
 pub mod lockref;
 pub mod lockref;
 pub mod mutex;
 pub mod mutex;
+pub mod vec_cursor;
+pub mod volatile_io;
 pub mod rwlock;
 pub mod rwlock;
 pub mod semaphore;
 pub mod semaphore;
 pub mod wait_queue;
 pub mod wait_queue;

+ 251 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+use core::mem::size_of;
+use alloc::vec::Vec;
+use crate::{
+    include::bindings::bindings::{E2BIG, EINVAL, EOVERFLOW},
+    io::SeekFrom,
+/// @brief 本模块用于为数组提供游标的功能,以简化其操作。
+pub struct VecCursor {
+    /// 游标管理的数据
+    data: Vec<u8>,
+    /// 游标的位置
+    pos: usize,
+impl VecCursor {
+    /// @brief 新建一个游标
+    pub fn new(data: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
+        return Self { data: data, pos: 0 };
+    }
+    /// @brief 创建一个全0的cursor
+    pub fn zerod(length: usize) -> Self {
+        let mut result = VecCursor {
+            data: Vec::new(),
+            pos: 0,
+        };
+, 0);
+        return result;
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取游标管理的数据的可变引用
+    pub fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Vec<u8> {
+        return &mut;
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取游标管理的数据的不可变引用
+    pub fn get_ref(&self) -> &Vec<u8> {
+        return &;
+    }
+    /// @brief 读取一个u8的数据(小端对齐)
+    pub fn read_u8(&mut self) -> Result<u8, i32> {
+        if self.pos >= {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        self.pos += 1;
+        return Ok([self.pos - 1]);
+    }
+    /// @brief 读取一个u16的数据(小端对齐)
+    pub fn read_u16(&mut self) -> Result<u16, i32> {
+        if self.pos + 2 > {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        let mut res = 0u16;
+        res |= ([self.pos] as u16) & 0xff;
+        self.pos += 1;
+        res |= (([self.pos] as u16) & 0xff) << 8;
+        self.pos += 1;
+        return Ok(res);
+    }
+    /// @brief 读取一个u32的数据(小端对齐)
+    pub fn read_u32(&mut self) -> Result<u32, i32> {
+        if self.pos + 4 > {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        let mut res = 0u32;
+        for i in 0..4 {
+            res |= (([self.pos] as u32) & 0xff) << (8 * i);
+            self.pos += 1;
+        }
+        return Ok(res);
+    }
+    /// @brief 读取一个u64的数据(小端对齐)
+    pub fn read_u64(&mut self) -> Result<u64, i32> {
+        if self.pos + 8 > {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        let mut res = 0u64;
+        for i in 0..8 {
+            res |= (([self.pos] as u64) & 0xff) << (8 * i);
+            self.pos += 1;
+        }
+        return Ok(res);
+    }
+    /// @brief 精确读取与buf同样大小的数据。
+    ///
+    /// @param buf 要读取到的目标缓冲区
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(()) 成功读取
+    /// @retunr Err(-E2BIG) 没有这么多数据,读取失败
+    pub fn read_exact(&mut self, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if self.pos + buf.len() > {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        buf.copy_from_slice(&[self.pos..self.pos + buf.len()]);
+        self.pos += buf.len();
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 小端对齐,读取数据到u16数组.
+    ///
+    /// @param buf 目标u16数组
+    pub fn read_u16_into(&mut self, buf: &mut [u16]) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if self.pos + buf.len() * size_of::<u16>() > * size_of::<u16>() {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        for i in 0..buf.len() {
+            buf[i] = self.read_u16()?;
+        }
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 调整游标的位置
+    ///
+    /// @param 调整的相对值
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(新的游标位置) 调整成功,返回新的游标位置
+    /// @return Err(-EOVERFLOW) 调整失败,游标超出正确的范围。(失败时游标位置不变)
+    pub fn seek(&mut self, origin: SeekFrom) -> Result<usize, i32> {
+        let pos: i64;
+        match origin {
+            SeekFrom::SeekSet(offset) => {
+                pos = offset;
+            }
+            SeekFrom::SeekCurrent(offset) => {
+                pos = self.pos as i64 + offset;
+            }
+            SeekFrom::SeekEnd(offset) => {
+                // 请注意,此处的offset应小于等于0,否则肯定是不合法的
+                pos = as i64 + offset;
+            }
+            SeekFrom::Invalid => {
+                return Err(-(EINVAL as i32));
+            }
+        }
+        if pos < 0 || pos > as i64 {
+            return Err(-(EOVERFLOW as i32));
+        }
+        self.pos = pos as usize;
+        return Ok(self.pos);
+    }
+    /// @brief 写入一个u8的数据(小端对齐)
+    pub fn write_u8(&mut self, value: u8) -> Result<u8, i32> {
+        if self.pos >= {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+[self.pos] = value;
+        self.pos += 1;
+        return Ok(value);
+    }
+    /// @brief 写入一个u16的数据(小端对齐)
+    pub fn write_u16(&mut self, value: u16) -> Result<u16, i32> {
+        if self.pos + 2 > {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+[self.pos] = (value & 0xff) as u8;
+        self.pos += 1;
+[self.pos] = ((value >> 8) & 0xff) as u8;
+        self.pos += 1;
+        return Ok(value);
+    }
+    /// @brief 写入一个u32的数据(小端对齐)
+    pub fn write_u32(&mut self, value: u32) -> Result<u32, i32> {
+        if self.pos + 4 > {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        for i in 0..4 {
+  [self.pos] = ((value >> (i * 8)) & 0xff) as u8;
+            self.pos += 1;
+        }
+        return Ok(value);
+    }
+    /// @brief 写入一个u64的数据(小端对齐)
+    pub fn write_u64(&mut self, value: u64) -> Result<u64, i32> {
+        if self.pos + 8 > {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+        for i in 0..8 {
+  [self.pos] = ((value >> (i * 8)) & 0xff) as u8;
+            self.pos += 1;
+        }
+        return Ok(value);
+    }
+    /// @brief 精确写入与buf同样大小的数据。
+    ///
+    /// @param buf 要写入到的目标缓冲区
+    ///
+    /// @return Ok(()) 成功写入
+    /// @retunr Err(-E2BIG) 没有这么多数据,写入失败
+    pub fn write_exact(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<(), i32> {
+        if self.pos + buf.len() > {
+            return Err(-(E2BIG as i32));
+        }
+[self.pos..self.pos + buf.len()].copy_from_slice(&buf[..]);
+        self.pos += buf.len();
+        return Ok(());
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前的数据切片
+    pub fn as_slice(&self) -> &[u8] {
+        return &[..];
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取可变数据切片
+    pub fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> &mut [u8] {
+        return &mut[..];
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取当前游标的位置
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn pos(&self) -> usize {
+        return self.pos;
+    }
+    /// @brief 获取缓冲区数据的大小
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
+        return;
+    }

+ 37 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+macro_rules! volatile_read {
+    ($data: expr) => {
+        unsafe { core::ptr::read_volatile(core::ptr::addr_of!($data)) }
+    };
+macro_rules! volatile_write {
+    ($data: expr, $value: expr) => {
+        unsafe { core::ptr::write_volatile(core::ptr::addr_of_mut!($data), $value) }
+    };
+/// @brief: 用于volatile设置某些bits
+/// @param val: 设置这些位
+/// @param flag: true表示设置这些位为1; false表示设置这些位为0;
+macro_rules! volatile_set_bit {
+    ($data: expr, $val: expr, $flag: expr) => {
+        volatile_write!(
+            $data,
+            match $flag {
+                true => core::ptr::read_volatile(core::ptr::addr_of!($data)) | $val,
+                false => core::ptr::read_volatile(core::ptr::addr_of!($data)) & (!$val),
+            }
+        )
+    };
+/// @param data: volatile变量
+/// @param bits: 置1的位才有效,表示写这些位
+/// @param val: 要写的值
+/// 比如: 写 x 的 2至8bit, 为 10, 可以这么写 volatile_write_bit(x, (1<<8)-(1<<2), 10<<2);    
+macro_rules! volatile_write_bit {
+    ($data: expr, $bits: expr, $val: expr) => {
+        volatile_set_bit!($data, $bits, false);
+        volatile_set_bit!($data, ($val) & ($bits), true);
+    };

+ 4 - 11

@@ -20,9 +20,6 @@
 #include <smp/ipi.h>
 #include <smp/ipi.h>
 #include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
 #include <filesystem/vfs/VFS.h>
-#include <filesystem/devfs/devfs.h>
-#include <filesystem/procfs/procfs.h>
-#include <filesystem/fat32/fat32.h>
 #include "driver/acpi/acpi.h"
 #include "driver/acpi/acpi.h"
 #include "driver/disk/ahci/ahci.h"
 #include "driver/disk/ahci/ahci.h"
@@ -52,8 +49,7 @@ void reload_gdt()
     gdtp.size = bsp_gdt_size - 1;
     gdtp.size = bsp_gdt_size - 1;
     gdtp.gdt_vaddr = (ul)phys_2_virt((ul)&GDT_Table);
     gdtp.gdt_vaddr = (ul)phys_2_virt((ul)&GDT_Table);
-    asm volatile("lgdt (%0)   \n\t" ::"r"(&gdtp)
-                 : "memory");
+    asm volatile("lgdt (%0)   \n\t" ::"r"(&gdtp) : "memory");
 void reload_idt()
 void reload_idt()
@@ -64,8 +60,7 @@ void reload_idt()
     // kdebug("gdtvaddr=%#018lx", p.gdt_vaddr);
     // kdebug("gdtvaddr=%#018lx", p.gdt_vaddr);
     // kdebug("gdt size=%d", p.size);
     // kdebug("gdt size=%d", p.size);
-    asm volatile("lidt (%0)   \n\t" ::"r"(&idtp)
-                 : "memory");
+    asm volatile("lidt (%0)   \n\t" ::"r"(&idtp) : "memory");
 // 初始化系统各模块
 // 初始化系统各模块
@@ -141,12 +136,10 @@ void system_initialize()
-    devfs_init();
-    procfs_init();
-    tty_init();
+    // tty_init();
     // ps2_mouse_init();
     // ps2_mouse_init();
     // ata_init();
     // ata_init();
@@ -167,7 +160,7 @@ void system_initialize()
     // 启用double buffer
     // 启用double buffer
     // scm_enable_double_buffer();  // 因为时序问题, 该函数调用被移到 initial_kernel_thread
     // scm_enable_double_buffer();  // 因为时序问题, 该函数调用被移到 initial_kernel_thread

+ 14 - 0

@@ -1,3 +1,17 @@
+use crate::include::bindings::bindings::PAGE_OFFSET;
 pub mod allocator;
 pub mod allocator;
 pub mod gfp;
 pub mod gfp;
 pub mod mmio_buddy;
 pub mod mmio_buddy;
+/// @brief 将内核空间的虚拟地址转换为物理地址
+pub fn virt_2_phys(addr: usize) -> usize {
+    addr - PAGE_OFFSET as usize
+/// @brief 将物理地址转换为内核空间的虚拟地址
+pub fn phys_2_virt(addr: usize) -> usize {
+    addr + PAGE_OFFSET as usize

+ 5 - 32

@@ -2,14 +2,15 @@
 #include <common/err.h>
 #include <common/err.h>
 #include <common/kthread.h>
 #include <common/kthread.h>
 #include <common/spinlock.h>
 #include <common/spinlock.h>
-#include <filesystem/procfs/procfs.h>
 extern spinlock_t process_global_pid_write_lock;
 extern spinlock_t process_global_pid_write_lock;
 extern long process_global_pid;
 extern long process_global_pid;
 extern void kernel_thread_func(void);
 extern void kernel_thread_func(void);
+extern uint64_t rs_procfs_register_pid(uint64_t);
+extern uint64_t rs_procfs_unregister_pid(uint64_t);
-int process_copy_files(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb);
+extern int process_copy_files(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb);
 int process_copy_flags(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb);
 int process_copy_flags(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb);
 int process_copy_mm(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb);
 int process_copy_mm(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb);
 int process_copy_thread(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb, uint64_t stack_start,
 int process_copy_thread(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb, uint64_t stack_start,
@@ -137,7 +138,7 @@ unsigned long do_fork(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long clone_flags, unsigned
     // 创建对应procfs文件
     // 创建对应procfs文件
-    procfs_register_pid(tsk->pid);
+    rs_procfs_register_pid(tsk->pid);
     return retval;
     return retval;
@@ -147,6 +148,7 @@ copy_thread_failed:;
     // 回收文件
     // 回收文件
+    rs_procfs_unregister_pid(tsk->pid);
@@ -173,35 +175,6 @@ int process_copy_flags(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb)
     return 0;
     return 0;
- * @brief 拷贝当前进程的文件描述符等信息
- *
- * @param clone_flags 克隆标志位
- * @param pcb 新的进程的pcb
- * @return uint64_t
- */
-int process_copy_files(uint64_t clone_flags, struct process_control_block *pcb)
-    int retval = 0;
-    // 如果CLONE_FS被置位,那么子进程与父进程共享文件描述符
-    // 文件描述符已经在复制pcb时被拷贝
-    if (clone_flags & CLONE_FS)
-        return retval;
-    // TODO: 这里是临时性的特殊处理stdio,待文件系统重构及tty设备实现后,需要改写这里
-    process_open_stdio(current_pcb);
-    // 为新进程拷贝新的文件描述符
-    for (int i = 3; i < PROC_MAX_FD_NUM; ++i)
-    {
-        if (current_pcb->fds[i] == NULL)
-            continue;
-        pcb->fds[i] = (struct vfs_file_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_file_t), 0);
-        memcpy(pcb->fds[i], current_pcb->fds[i], sizeof(struct vfs_file_t));
-    }
-    return retval;
  * @brief 拷贝当前进程的内存空间分布结构体信息
  * @brief 拷贝当前进程的内存空间分布结构体信息

+ 2 - 3

@@ -110,9 +110,8 @@ struct process_control_block
     int64_t virtual_runtime; // 虚拟运行时间
     int64_t virtual_runtime; // 虚拟运行时间
     int64_t rt_time_slice;   // 由实时调度器管理的时间片
     int64_t rt_time_slice;   // 由实时调度器管理的时间片
-    // 进程拥有的文件描述符的指针数组
-    // todo: 改用动态指针数组
-    struct vfs_file_t *fds[PROC_MAX_FD_NUM];
+    // 进程拥有的文件描述符的指针数组(由Rust进行管理)
+    void * fds;
     // 链表中的下一个pcb
     // 链表中的下一个pcb
     struct process_control_block *prev_pcb, *next_pcb;
     struct process_control_block *prev_pcb, *next_pcb;

+ 105 - 115

@@ -20,11 +20,6 @@
 #include <driver/usb/usb.h>
 #include <driver/usb/usb.h>
 #include <driver/video/video.h>
 #include <driver/video/video.h>
 #include <exception/gate.h>
 #include <exception/gate.h>
-#include <filesystem/devfs/devfs.h>
-#include <filesystem/fat32/fat32.h>
-#include <filesystem/procfs/procfs.h>
-#include <filesystem/rootfs/rootfs.h>
-#include <io/block/block_io_scheduler.h>
 #include <ktest/ktest.h>
 #include <ktest/ktest.h>
 #include <mm/mmio.h>
 #include <mm/mmio.h>
 #include <mm/slab.h>
 #include <mm/slab.h>
@@ -41,6 +36,7 @@ long process_global_pid = 1;              // 系统中最大的pid
 extern void system_call(void);
 extern void system_call(void);
 extern void kernel_thread_func(void);
 extern void kernel_thread_func(void);
+extern void rs_procfs_unregister_pid(uint64_t);
 ul _stack_start; // initial proc的栈基地址(虚拟地址)
 ul _stack_start; // initial proc的栈基地址(虚拟地址)
 extern struct mm_struct initial_mm;
 extern struct mm_struct initial_mm;
@@ -50,6 +46,7 @@ extern struct sighand_struct INITIAL_SIGHAND;
 extern void process_exit_sighand(struct process_control_block *pcb);
 extern void process_exit_sighand(struct process_control_block *pcb);
 extern void process_exit_signal(struct process_control_block *pcb);
 extern void process_exit_signal(struct process_control_block *pcb);
 extern void initial_proc_init_signal(struct process_control_block *pcb);
 extern void initial_proc_init_signal(struct process_control_block *pcb);
+extern int process_init_files();
 // 设置初始进程的PCB
 // 设置初始进程的PCB
 #define INITIAL_PROC(proc)                                                                                             \
 #define INITIAL_PROC(proc)                                                                                             \
@@ -86,7 +83,7 @@ struct tss_struct initial_tss[MAX_CPU_NUM] = {[0 ... MAX_CPU_NUM - 1] = INITIAL_
  * @param pcb 要被回收的进程的pcb
  * @param pcb 要被回收的进程的pcb
  * @return uint64_t
  * @return uint64_t
-uint64_t process_exit_files(struct process_control_block *pcb);
+extern int process_exit_files(struct process_control_block *pcb);
  * @brief 释放进程的页表
  * @brief 释放进程的页表
@@ -139,32 +136,15 @@ void process_switch_fsgs(uint64_t fs, uint64_t gs)
  * @brief 打开要执行的程序文件
  * @brief 打开要执行的程序文件
  * @param path
  * @param path
- * @return struct vfs_file_t*
+ * @return int 文件描述符编号
-struct vfs_file_t *process_open_exec_file(char *path)
+int process_open_exec_file(char *path)
-    struct vfs_dir_entry_t *dentry = NULL;
-    struct vfs_file_t *filp = NULL;
-    // kdebug("path=%s", path);
-    dentry = vfs_path_walk(path, 0);
-    if (dentry == NULL)
-        return (void *)-ENOENT;
-    if (dentry->dir_inode->attribute == VFS_IF_DIR)
-        return (void *)-ENOTDIR;
-    filp = (struct vfs_file_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_file_t), 0);
-    if (filp == NULL)
-        return (void *)-ENOMEM;
-    filp->position = 0;
-    filp->mode = 0;
-    filp->dEntry = dentry;
-    filp->mode = ATTR_READ_ONLY;
-    filp->file_ops = dentry->dir_inode->file_ops;
-    return filp;
+    struct pt_regs tmp = {0};
+    tmp.r8 = (uint64_t)path;
+    tmp.r9 = O_RDONLY;
+    int fd = sys_open(&tmp);
+    return fd;
@@ -177,19 +157,38 @@ struct vfs_file_t *process_open_exec_file(char *path)
 static int process_load_elf_file(struct pt_regs *regs, char *path)
 static int process_load_elf_file(struct pt_regs *regs, char *path)
     int retval = 0;
     int retval = 0;
-    struct vfs_file_t *filp = process_open_exec_file(path);
+    int fd = process_open_exec_file(path);
-    if ((long)filp <= 0 && (long)filp >= -255)
+    if ((long)fd < 0)
-        kdebug("(long)filp=%ld", (long)filp);
-        return (unsigned long)filp;
+        kdebug("(long)fd=%ld", (long)fd);
+        return (unsigned long)fd;
-    void *buf = kmalloc(PAGE_4K_SIZE, 0);
-    memset(buf, 0, PAGE_4K_SIZE);
+    void *buf = kzalloc(PAGE_4K_SIZE, 0);
     uint64_t pos = 0;
     uint64_t pos = 0;
-    pos = filp->file_ops->lseek(filp, 0, SEEK_SET);
-    retval = filp->file_ops->read(filp, (char *)buf, sizeof(Elf64_Ehdr), &pos);
+    struct pt_regs tmp_use_fs = {0};
+    tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+    tmp_use_fs.r9 = 0;
+    tmp_use_fs.r10 = SEEK_SET;
+    retval = sys_lseek(&tmp_use_fs);
+    // 读取 Elf64_Ehdr
+    tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+    tmp_use_fs.r9 = (uint64_t)buf;
+    tmp_use_fs.r10 = sizeof(Elf64_Ehdr);
+    retval = sys_read(&tmp_use_fs);
+    tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+    tmp_use_fs.r9 = 0;
+    tmp_use_fs.r10 = SEEK_CUR;
+    pos = sys_lseek(&tmp_use_fs);
+    if (retval != sizeof(Elf64_Ehdr))
+    {
+        kerror("retval=%d, not equal to sizeof(Elf64_Ehdr):%d", retval, sizeof(Elf64_Ehdr));
+    }
     retval = 0;
     retval = 0;
     if (!elf_check(buf))
     if (!elf_check(buf))
@@ -229,18 +228,33 @@ static int process_load_elf_file(struct pt_regs *regs, char *path)
     // kdebug("ehdr.e_phoff=%#018lx\t ehdr.e_phentsize=%d, ehdr.e_phnum=%d", ehdr.e_phoff, ehdr.e_phentsize,
     // kdebug("ehdr.e_phoff=%#018lx\t ehdr.e_phentsize=%d, ehdr.e_phnum=%d", ehdr.e_phoff, ehdr.e_phentsize,
     // ehdr.e_phnum); 将指针移动到program header处
     // ehdr.e_phnum); 将指针移动到program header处
-    pos = ehdr.e_phoff;
     // 读取所有的phdr
     // 读取所有的phdr
-    pos = filp->file_ops->lseek(filp, pos, SEEK_SET);
-    filp->file_ops->read(filp, (char *)buf, (uint64_t)ehdr.e_phentsize * (uint64_t)ehdr.e_phnum, &pos);
-    if ((unsigned long)filp <= 0)
+    pos = ehdr.e_phoff;
+    tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+    tmp_use_fs.r9 = pos;
+    tmp_use_fs.r10 = SEEK_SET;
+    pos = sys_lseek(&tmp_use_fs);
+    memset(buf, 0, PAGE_4K_SIZE);
+    tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+    tmp_use_fs.r9 = (uint64_t)buf;
+    tmp_use_fs.r10 = (uint64_t)ehdr.e_phentsize * (uint64_t)ehdr.e_phnum;
+    sys_read(&tmp_use_fs);
+    tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+    tmp_use_fs.r9 = 0;
+    tmp_use_fs.r10 = SEEK_CUR;
+    pos = sys_lseek(&tmp_use_fs);
+    if ((long)retval < 0)
-        kdebug("(unsigned long)filp=%d", (long)filp);
+        kdebug("(unsigned long)filp=%d", (long)retval);
         retval = -ENOEXEC;
         retval = -ENOEXEC;
         goto load_elf_failed;
         goto load_elf_failed;
-    Elf64_Phdr *phdr = buf;
+    Elf64_Phdr *phdr = buf;
     // 将程序加载到内存中
     // 将程序加载到内存中
     for (int i = 0; i < ehdr.e_phnum; ++i, ++phdr)
     for (int i = 0; i < ehdr.e_phnum; ++i, ++phdr)
@@ -310,12 +324,38 @@ static int process_load_elf_file(struct pt_regs *regs, char *path)
-            pos = filp->file_ops->lseek(filp, pos, SEEK_SET);
+            tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+            tmp_use_fs.r9 = pos;
+            tmp_use_fs.r10 = SEEK_SET;
+            pos = sys_lseek(&tmp_use_fs);
             int64_t val = 0;
             int64_t val = 0;
             if (remain_file_size > 0)
             if (remain_file_size > 0)
                 int64_t to_trans = (remain_file_size > PAGE_2M_SIZE) ? PAGE_2M_SIZE : remain_file_size;
                 int64_t to_trans = (remain_file_size > PAGE_2M_SIZE) ? PAGE_2M_SIZE : remain_file_size;
-                val = filp->file_ops->read(filp, (char *)(virt_base + beginning_offset), to_trans, &pos);
+                void *buf3 = kzalloc(PAGE_4K_SIZE, 0);
+                while (to_trans > 0)
+                {
+                    int64_t x = 0;
+                    tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+                    tmp_use_fs.r9 = (uint64_t)buf3;
+                    tmp_use_fs.r10 = to_trans;
+                    x = sys_read(&tmp_use_fs);
+                    memcpy(virt_base + beginning_offset + val, buf3, x);
+                    val += x;
+                    to_trans -= x;
+                    tmp_use_fs.r8 = fd;
+                    tmp_use_fs.r9 = 0;
+                    tmp_use_fs.r10 = SEEK_CUR;
+                    pos = sys_lseek(&tmp_use_fs);
+                }
+                kfree(buf3);
+                // kdebug("virt_base + beginning_offset=%#018lx, val=%d, to_trans=%d", virt_base + beginning_offset,
+                // val,
+                //        to_trans);
+                // kdebug("to_trans=%d", to_trans);
             if (val < 0)
             if (val < 0)
@@ -346,6 +386,12 @@ static int process_load_elf_file(struct pt_regs *regs, char *path)
     memset((void *)(current_pcb->mm->stack_start - PAGE_2M_SIZE), 0, PAGE_2M_SIZE);
     memset((void *)(current_pcb->mm->stack_start - PAGE_2M_SIZE), 0, PAGE_2M_SIZE);
+    {
+        struct pt_regs tmp = {0};
+        tmp.r8 = fd;
+        sys_close(&tmp);
+    }
     if (buf != NULL)
     if (buf != NULL)
     return retval;
     return retval;
@@ -409,8 +455,7 @@ ul do_execve(struct pt_regs *regs, char *path, char *argv[], char *envp[])
     // 关闭之前的文件描述符
     // 关闭之前的文件描述符
-    process_open_stdio(current_pcb);
+    process_init_files();
     // 清除进程的vfork标志位
     // 清除进程的vfork标志位
     current_pcb->flags &= ~PF_VFORK;
     current_pcb->flags &= ~PF_VFORK;
@@ -499,18 +544,21 @@ ul initial_kernel_thread(ul arg)
-    block_io_scheduler_init();
+    // block_io_scheduler_init();
-    fat32_init();
-    rootfs_umount();
+    mount_root_fs();
     // 使用单独的内核线程来初始化usb驱动程序
     // 使用单独的内核线程来初始化usb驱动程序
     // 注释:由于目前usb驱动程序不完善,因此先将其注释掉
     // 注释:由于目前usb驱动程序不完善,因此先将其注释掉
     // int usb_pid = kernel_thread(usb_init, 0, 0);
     // int usb_pid = kernel_thread(usb_init, 0, 0);
     kinfo("LZ4 lib Version=%s", LZ4_versionString());
     kinfo("LZ4 lib Version=%s", LZ4_versionString());
+    // while (1)
+    // {
+    //     /* code */
+    // }
     // 对completion完成量进行测试
     // 对completion完成量进行测试
     // __test_completion();
     // __test_completion();
@@ -660,9 +708,9 @@ void process_init()
     // 初始化init进程的signal相关的信息
     // 初始化init进程的signal相关的信息
-    // TODO: 这里是临时性的特殊处理stdio,待文件系统重构及tty设备实现后,需要改写这里
-    process_open_stdio(current_pcb);
+    kdebug("Initial process to init files");
+    process_init_files();
+    kdebug("Initial process init files ok");
     // 临时设置IDLE进程的的虚拟运行时间为0,防止下面的这些内核线程的虚拟运行时间出错
     // 临时设置IDLE进程的的虚拟运行时间为0,防止下面的这些内核线程的虚拟运行时间出错
     current_pcb->virtual_runtime = 0;
     current_pcb->virtual_runtime = 0;
@@ -689,7 +737,6 @@ struct process_control_block *process_find_pcb_by_pid(pid_t pid)
     // todo: 当进程管理模块拥有pcblist_lock之后,对其加锁
     // todo: 当进程管理模块拥有pcblist_lock之后,对其加锁
     struct process_control_block *pcb = initial_proc_union.pcb.next_pcb;
     struct process_control_block *pcb = initial_proc_union.pcb.next_pcb;
     // 使用蛮力法搜索指定pid的pcb
     // 使用蛮力法搜索指定pid的pcb
     // todo: 使用哈希表来管理pcb
     // todo: 使用哈希表来管理pcb
     for (; pcb != &initial_proc_union.pcb; pcb = pcb->next_pcb)
     for (; pcb != &initial_proc_union.pcb; pcb = pcb->next_pcb)
@@ -736,7 +783,7 @@ int process_wakeup_immediately(struct process_control_block *pcb)
     if (retval != 0)
     if (retval != 0)
         return retval;
         return retval;
     // 将当前进程标志为需要调度,缩短新进程被wakeup的时间
     // 将当前进程标志为需要调度,缩短新进程被wakeup的时间
-        current_pcb->flags |= PF_NEED_SCHED;
+    current_pcb->flags |= PF_NEED_SCHED;
     if (pcb->cpu_id == current_pcb->cpu_id)
     if (pcb->cpu_id == current_pcb->cpu_id)
@@ -745,31 +792,6 @@ int process_wakeup_immediately(struct process_control_block *pcb)
     return 0;
     return 0;
- * @brief 回收进程的所有文件描述符
- *
- * @param pcb 要被回收的进程的pcb
- * @return uint64_t
- */
-uint64_t process_exit_files(struct process_control_block *pcb)
-    // TODO: 当stdio不再被以-1来特殊处理时,在这里要释放stdio文件的内存
-    // 不与父进程共享文件描述符
-    if (!(pcb->flags & PF_VFORK))
-    {
-        for (int i = 3; i < PROC_MAX_FD_NUM; ++i)
-        {
-            if (pcb->fds[i] == NULL)
-                continue;
-            kfree(pcb->fds[i]);
-        }
-    }
-    // 清空当前进程的文件描述符列表
-    memset(pcb->fds, 0, sizeof(struct vfs_file_t *) * PROC_MAX_FD_NUM);
  * @brief 释放进程的页表
  * @brief 释放进程的页表
@@ -860,33 +882,12 @@ int process_release_pcb(struct process_control_block *pcb)
     pcb->next_pcb->prev_pcb = pcb->prev_pcb;
     pcb->next_pcb->prev_pcb = pcb->prev_pcb;
+    rs_procfs_unregister_pid(pcb->pid);
     // 释放当前pcb
     // 释放当前pcb
     return 0;
     return 0;
- * @brief 申请可用的文件句柄
- *
- * @return int
- */
-int process_fd_alloc(struct vfs_file_t *file)
-    int fd_num = -1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < PROC_MAX_FD_NUM; ++i)
-    {
-        /* 找到指针数组中的空位 */
-        if (current_pcb->fds[i] == NULL)
-        {
-            fd_num = i;
-            current_pcb->fds[i] = file;
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    return fd_num;
  * @brief 给pcb设置名字
  * @brief 给pcb设置名字
@@ -911,14 +912,3 @@ void process_set_pcb_name(struct process_control_block *pcb, const char *pcb_nam
     __set_pcb_name(pcb, pcb_name);
     __set_pcb_name(pcb, pcb_name);
-void process_open_stdio(struct process_control_block *pcb)
-    // TODO: 这里是临时性的特殊处理stdio,待文件系统重构及tty设备实现后,需要改写这里
-    // stdin
-    pcb->fds[0] = -1UL;
-    // stdout
-    pcb->fds[1] = -1UL;
-    // stderr
-    pcb->fds[2] = -1UL;

Niektoré súbory nie sú zobrazené, pretože je v týchto rozdielových dátach zmenené mnoho súborov