@@ -1,25 +1,41 @@
-use super::{
- device_register, device_unregister,
- driver::{driver_register, driver_unregister, DriverError},
- Device, DeviceError, DeviceState, IdTable,
+use super::{sys_devices_kset, Device, DeviceMatchName, DeviceMatcher, DeviceState};
use crate::{
- driver::Driver,
+ driver::base::{device::device_manager, kobject::KObject, kset::KSet, subsys::SubSysPrivate},
- sysfs::{
- bus::{sys_bus_init, sys_bus_register},
- },
- vfs::IndexNode,
+ sysfs::{file::sysfs_emit_str, sysfs_instance, Attribute, AttributeGroup, SysFSOpsSupport},
+ vfs::syscall::ModeType,
- libs::spinlock::SpinLock,
+ libs::rwlock::RwLock,
+ syscall::SystemError,
+use alloc::{
+ string::{String, ToString},
+ sync::Arc,
-use alloc::{collections::BTreeMap, sync::Arc};
-use core::fmt::Debug;
-use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+use core::{ffi::CStr, fmt::Debug, intrinsics::unlikely};
+use hashbrown::HashMap;
+/// `/sys/bus`的kset
+static mut BUS_KSET_INSTANCE: Option<Arc<KSet>> = None;
+/// `/sys/devices/system`的kset
+static mut DEVICES_SYSTEM_KSET_INSTANCE: Option<Arc<KSet>> = None;
+static mut BUS_MANAGER_INSTANCE: Option<BusManager> = None;
-lazy_static! {
- pub static ref BUS_MANAGER: Arc<LockedBusManager> = Arc::new(LockedBusManager::new());
+pub fn sys_bus_kset() -> Arc<KSet> {
+ unsafe { BUS_KSET_INSTANCE.clone().unwrap() }
+pub fn sys_devices_system_kset() -> Arc<KSet> {
+ unsafe { DEVICES_SYSTEM_KSET_INSTANCE.clone().unwrap() }
+pub fn bus_manager() -> &'static BusManager {
+ unsafe { BUS_MANAGER_INSTANCE.as_ref().unwrap() }
/// @brief: 总线状态
@@ -63,151 +79,431 @@ impl From<BusState> for DeviceState {
-/// @brief: 总线驱动trait,所有总线驱动都应实现该trait
-pub trait BusDriver: Driver {
- /// @brief: 判断总线是否为空
- /// @parameter: None
- /// @return: 如果总线上设备和驱动的数量都为0,则返回true,否则,返回false
- fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;
+/// 总线子系统的trait,所有总线都应实现该trait
+/// 请注意,这个trait是用于实现总线子系统的,而不是总线驱动/总线设备。
+/// https://opengrok.ringotek.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/include/linux/device/bus.h#84
+pub trait Bus: Debug + Send + Sync {
+ fn name(&self) -> String;
+ fn dev_name(&self) -> String;
+ fn root_device(&self) -> Option<Arc<dyn Device>> {
+ None
+ }
+ /// 总线上的设备的默认属性组
+ fn dev_groups(&self) -> &'static [&'static dyn AttributeGroup] {
+ &[]
+ }
+ /// 总线的默认属性组
+ fn bus_groups(&self) -> &'static [&'static dyn AttributeGroup] {
+ &[]
+ }
+ /// 总线上的驱动的默认属性组
+ fn drv_groups(&self) -> &'static [&'static dyn AttributeGroup] {
+ &[]
+ }
+ fn subsystem(&self) -> &SubSysPrivate;
+ /// 对当前总线操作的时候需要获取父级总线的锁
+ fn need_parent_lock(&self) -> bool {
+ false
+ }
-/// @brief: 总线设备trait,所有总线都应实现该trait
-pub trait Bus: Device {}
+impl dyn Bus {
+ /// 在bus上,根据条件寻找一个特定的设备
+ ///
+ /// ## 参数
+ ///
+ /// - `matcher` - 匹配器
+ /// - `data` - 传给匹配器的数据
+ pub fn find_device<T: Copy>(
+ &self,
+ matcher: &dyn DeviceMatcher<T>,
+ data: T,
+ ) -> Option<Arc<dyn Device>> {
+ let subsys = self.subsystem();
+ let guard = subsys.devices().read();
+ for dev in guard.iter() {
+ let dev = dev.upgrade();
+ if let Some(dev) = dev {
+ if matcher.match_device(&dev, data) {
+ return Some(dev.clone());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return None;
+ }
+ /// 根据名称匹配设备
+ ///
+ /// ## 参数
+ ///
+ /// - name 设备名称
+ pub fn find_device_by_name(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Arc<dyn Device>> {
+ return self.find_device(&DeviceMatchName, name);
+ }
/// @brief: 总线管理结构体
-#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct BusManager {
- buses: BTreeMap<IdTable, Arc<dyn Bus>>, // 总线设备表
- bus_drvs: BTreeMap<IdTable, Arc<dyn BusDriver>>, // 总线驱动表
- sys_info: Option<Arc<dyn IndexNode>>, // 总线inode
+ /// 存储总线bus的kset结构体与bus实例的映射(用于在sysfs callback的时候,根据kset找到bus实例)
+ kset_bus_map: RwLock<HashMap<Arc<KSet>, Arc<dyn Bus>>>,
-/// @brief: bus管理(锁)
-pub struct LockedBusManager(SpinLock<BusManager>);
-/// @brief: 总线管理方法集
-impl LockedBusManager {
- /// @brief: 创建总线管理实例
- /// @parameter: None
- /// @return: 总线管理实例
- #[inline]
- #[allow(dead_code)]
+impl BusManager {
pub fn new() -> Self {
- LockedBusManager(SpinLock::new(BusManager {
- buses: BTreeMap::new(),
- bus_drvs: BTreeMap::new(),
- sys_info: Some(SYS_BUS_INODE()),
- }))
+ return Self {
+ kset_bus_map: RwLock::new(HashMap::new()),
+ };
- /// @brief: 添加总线
- /// @parameter id_table: 总线标识符,用于唯一标识该总线
- /// @parameter bus_dev: 总线实例
- /// @return: None
- #[inline]
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn add_bus(&self, id_table: IdTable, bus_dev: Arc<dyn Bus>) {
- let mut bus_manager = self.0.lock();
- bus_manager.buses.insert(id_table, bus_dev);
+ ///
+ /// bus_register - register a driver-core subsystem
+ ///
+ /// ## 参数
+ /// - `bus` - bus to register
+ ///
+ /// Once we have that, we register the bus with the kobject
+ /// infrastructure, then register the children subsystems it has:
+ /// the devices and drivers that belong to the subsystem.
+ ///
+ /// 参考: https://opengrok.ringotek.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/base/bus.c?fi=bus_register#783
+ ///
+ /// todo: 增加错误处理逻辑
+ pub fn register(&self, bus: Arc<dyn Bus>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ bus.subsystem().set_bus(Arc::downgrade(&bus));
+ let subsys_kset = bus.subsystem().subsys();
+ subsys_kset.set_name(bus.name());
+ bus.subsystem().set_drivers_autoprobe(true);
+ subsys_kset.register(Some(sys_bus_kset()))?;
+ let devices_kset =
+ KSet::new_and_add("devices".to_string(), None, Some(subsys_kset.clone()))?;
+ bus.subsystem().set_devices_kset(devices_kset);
+ let drivers_kset =
+ KSet::new_and_add("drivers".to_string(), None, Some(subsys_kset.clone()))?;
+ bus.subsystem().set_drivers_kset(drivers_kset);
+ self.add_probe_files(&bus)?;
+ let bus_groups = bus.bus_groups();
+ self.add_groups(&bus, bus_groups)?;
+ // 把bus实例添加到总线管理器中(方便在sysfs callback的时候,根据kset找到bus实例)
+ self.kset_bus_map.write().insert(subsys_kset, bus.clone());
+ return Ok(());
- /// @brief: 添加总线驱动
- /// @parameter id_table: 总线驱动标识符,用于唯一标识该总线驱动
- /// @parameter bus_dev: 总线驱动实例
- /// @return: None
- #[inline]
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn add_driver(&self, id_table: IdTable, bus_drv: Arc<dyn BusDriver>) {
- let mut bus_manager = self.0.lock();
- bus_manager.bus_drvs.insert(id_table, bus_drv);
+ pub fn unregister(&self, _bus: Arc<dyn Bus>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ todo!("bus_unregister")
- /// @brief: 卸载总线
- /// @parameter id_table: 总线标识符,用于唯一标识该总线
- /// @return: None
- #[inline]
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn remove_bus(&self, id_table: &IdTable) {
- let mut bus_manager = self.0.lock();
- bus_manager.buses.remove(id_table);
+ fn add_probe_files(&self, bus: &Arc<dyn Bus>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ self.create_file(bus, &BusAttrDriversProbe)?;
+ let r = self.create_file(bus, &BusAttrDriversAutoprobe);
+ if r.is_err() {
+ self.remove_file(bus, &BusAttrDriversProbe);
+ }
+ return r;
- /// @brief: 卸载总线驱动
- /// @parameter id_table: 总线驱动标识符,用于唯一标识该总线驱动
- /// @return: None
- #[inline]
- pub fn remove_bus_driver(&self, id_table: &IdTable) {
- let mut bus_manager = self.0.lock();
- bus_manager.bus_drvs.remove(id_table);
+ fn remove_probe_files(&self, bus: &Arc<dyn Bus>) {
+ self.remove_file(bus, &BusAttrDriversAutoprobe);
+ self.remove_file(bus, &BusAttrDriversProbe);
- /// @brief: 获取总线设备
- /// @parameter id_table: 总线标识符,用于唯一标识该总线
- /// @return: 总线设备实例
- #[inline]
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn get_bus(&self, id_table: &IdTable) -> Option<Arc<dyn Bus>> {
- let bus_manager = self.0.lock();
- bus_manager.buses.get(id_table).cloned()
+ fn create_file(
+ &self,
+ bus: &Arc<dyn Bus>,
+ attr: &'static dyn Attribute,
+ ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ let bus_kobj = bus.subsystem().subsys() as Arc<dyn KObject>;
+ return sysfs_instance().create_file(&bus_kobj, attr);
+ }
+ fn remove_file(&self, bus: &Arc<dyn Bus>, attr: &'static dyn Attribute) {
+ let bus_kobj = bus.subsystem().subsys() as Arc<dyn KObject>;
+ sysfs_instance().remove_file(&bus_kobj, attr);
- /// @brief: 获取总线驱动
- /// @parameter id_table: 总线驱动标识符,用于唯一标识该总线驱动
- /// @return: 总线驱动实例
+ fn add_groups(
+ &self,
+ bus: &Arc<dyn Bus>,
+ groups: &[&'static dyn AttributeGroup],
+ ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ let bus_kobj = bus.subsystem().subsys() as Arc<dyn KObject>;
+ return sysfs_instance().create_groups(&bus_kobj, groups);
+ }
+ /// 根据bus的kset找到bus实例
+ fn get_bus_by_kset(&self, kset: &Arc<KSet>) -> Option<Arc<dyn Bus>> {
+ return self.kset_bus_map.read().get(kset).map(|bus| bus.clone());
+ }
+ /// 为bus上的设备选择可能的驱动程序
+ ///
+ /// 这个函数会扫描总线上的所有没有驱动的设备,然后为它们选择可能的驱动程序。
+ ///
+ /// ## 参数
+ ///
+ /// - `bus` - bus实例
- pub fn get_driver(&self, id_table: &IdTable) -> Option<Arc<dyn BusDriver>> {
- let bus_manager = self.0.lock();
- return bus_manager.bus_drvs.get(id_table).cloned();
+ pub fn rescan_devices(&self, bus: &Arc<dyn Bus>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ for dev in bus.subsystem().devices().read().iter() {
+ let dev = dev.upgrade();
+ if let Some(dev) = dev {
+ rescan_devices_helper(dev)?;
+ }
+ }
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ /// 为新设备探测驱动
+ ///
+ /// Automatically probe for a driver if the bus allows it.
+ pub fn probe_device(&self, dev: &Arc<dyn Device>) {
+ let bus = dev.bus();
+ if bus.is_none() {
+ return;
+ }
+ let bus = bus.unwrap();
+ if bus.subsystem().drivers_autoprobe() {
+ device_manager().device_initial_probe(dev).ok();
+ }
+ for interface in bus.subsystem().interfaces() {
+ interface.add_device(dev).ok();
+ }
- /// @brief: 获取总线管理器的sys information
- /// @parameter None
- /// @return: sys inode
+ /// 在bus上,根据条件寻找一个特定的设备
+ ///
+ /// ## 参数
+ ///
+ /// - `matcher` - 匹配器
+ /// - `data` - 传给匹配器的数据
- fn sys_info(&self) -> Option<Arc<dyn IndexNode>> {
- return self.0.lock().sys_info.clone();
+ pub fn find_device<T: Copy>(
+ &self,
+ bus: &Arc<dyn Bus>,
+ matcher: &dyn DeviceMatcher<T>,
+ data: T,
+ ) -> Option<Arc<dyn Device>> {
+ return bus.find_device(matcher, data);
-/// @brief: 总线注册,将总线加入全局总线管理器中,并根据id table在sys/bus和sys/devices下生成文件夹
-/// @parameter bus: Bus设备实体
-/// @return: 成功:() 失败:DeviceError
-pub fn bus_register<T: Bus>(bus: Arc<T>) -> Result<(), DeviceError> {
- BUS_MANAGER.add_bus(bus.id_table(), bus.clone());
- match sys_bus_register(&bus.id_table().name()) {
- Ok(inode) => {
- let _ = sys_bus_init(&inode);
- return device_register(bus);
+/// 参考: https://opengrok.ringotek.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/base/bus.c?r=&mo=5649&fi=241#684
+fn rescan_devices_helper(dev: Arc<dyn Device>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ if dev.driver().is_none() {
+ let need_parent_lock = dev.bus().map(|bus| bus.need_parent_lock()).unwrap_or(false);
+ if unlikely(need_parent_lock) {
+ // todo: lock device parent
+ unimplemented!()
- Err(_) => Err(DeviceError::RegisterError),
+ device_manager().device_attach(&dev)?;
+ return Ok(());
+/// bus_register - register a driver-core subsystem
+/// ## 参数
+/// - `bus` - bus to register
+/// Once we have that, we register the bus with the kobject
+/// infrastructure, then register the children subsystems it has:
+/// the devices and drivers that belong to the subsystem.
+pub fn bus_register(bus: Arc<dyn Bus>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ return bus_manager().register(bus);
-/// @brief: 总线注销,将总线从全局总线管理器中删除,并在sys/bus和sys/devices下删除文件夹
+/// @brief: 总线注销,并在sys/bus和sys/devices下删除文件夹
/// @parameter bus: Bus设备实体
-/// @return: 成功:() 失败:DeviceError
+/// @return: 成功:() 失败:SystemError
-pub fn bus_unregister<T: Bus>(bus: Arc<T>) -> Result<(), DeviceError> {
- BUS_MANAGER.remove_bus(&bus.id_table());
- return device_unregister(bus);
+pub fn bus_unregister(bus: Arc<dyn Bus>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ return bus_manager().unregister(bus);
+pub fn buses_init() -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ let bus_kset = KSet::new("bus".to_string());
+ bus_kset.register(None).expect("bus kset register failed");
+ unsafe {
+ BUS_KSET_INSTANCE = Some(bus_kset);
+ }
+ // 初始化 /sys/devices/system
+ {
+ let devices_system_kset = KSet::new("system".to_string());
+ let parent = sys_devices_kset() as Arc<dyn KObject>;
+ devices_system_kset.set_parent(Some(Arc::downgrade(&parent)));
+ devices_system_kset
+ .register(Some(sys_devices_kset()))
+ .expect("devices system kset register failed");
+ }
+ // 初始化总线管理器
+ {
+ let bus_manager = BusManager::new();
+ unsafe {
+ BUS_MANAGER_INSTANCE = Some(bus_manager);
+ }
+ }
+ return Ok(());
+/// 把一个设备添加到总线上
+/// ## 描述
+/// - 添加一个设备的与bus相关的属性
+/// - 在bus和设备文件夹下,创建软链接
+/// - 把设备添加到它的总线的设备列表中
+/// 参考: https://opengrok.ringotek.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/base/bus.c?fi=bus_add_device#441
+/// ## 参数
+/// - `dev` - 要被添加的设备
+pub fn bus_add_device(dev: &Arc<dyn Device>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ let bus = dev.bus();
+ if let Some(bus) = bus {
+ device_manager().add_groups(dev, bus.dev_groups())?;
+ // todo: 增加符号链接
+ todo!("bus_add_device")
+ }
+ return Ok(());
+/// 自动为设备在总线上寻找可用的驱动程序
+/// Automatically probe for a driver if the bus allows it.
+/// ## 参数
+/// - `dev` - 要被添加的设备
+/// 参考: https://opengrok.ringotek.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/base/bus.c?fi=bus_probe_device#478
+pub fn bus_probe_device(dev: &Arc<dyn Device>) {
+ bus_manager().probe_device(dev);
+struct BusAttrDriversProbe;
+impl Attribute for BusAttrDriversProbe {
+ fn mode(&self) -> ModeType {
+ return ModeType::S_IWUSR;
+ }
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ return "drivers_probe";
+ }
+ fn support(&self) -> SysFSOpsSupport {
+ return SysFSOpsSupport::STORE;
+ }
+ /// 参考: https://opengrok.ringotek.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/base/bus.c?r=&mo=5649&fi=241#241
+ fn store(&self, kobj: Arc<dyn KObject>, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
+ let kset: Arc<KSet> = kobj.arc_any().downcast().map_err(|_| SystemError::EINVAL)?;
+ let bus = bus_manager()
+ .get_bus_by_kset(&kset)
+ .ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
+ let name = CStr::from_bytes_with_nul(buf)
+ .map_err(|_| SystemError::EINVAL)?
+ .to_str()
+ .map_err(|_| SystemError::EINVAL)?;
+ let device = bus.find_device_by_name(name).ok_or(SystemError::ENODEV)?;
+ if rescan_devices_helper(device).is_ok() {
+ return Ok(buf.len());
+ }
+ return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
+ }
-/// @brief: 总线驱动注册,将总线驱动加入全局总线管理器中
-/// @parameter bus: Bus设备驱动实体
-/// @return: 成功:() 失败:DeviceError
-pub fn bus_driver_register(bus_driver: Arc<dyn BusDriver>) -> Result<(), DriverError> {
- BUS_MANAGER.add_driver(bus_driver.id_table(), bus_driver.clone());
- return driver_register(bus_driver);
+struct BusAttrDriversAutoprobe;
+impl Attribute for BusAttrDriversAutoprobe {
+ fn mode(&self) -> ModeType {
+ return ModeType::from_bits_truncate(0o644);
+ }
+ fn name(&self) -> &str {
+ return "drivers_autoprobe";
+ }
+ fn support(&self) -> SysFSOpsSupport {
+ return SysFSOpsSupport::STORE | SysFSOpsSupport::SHOW;
+ }
+ /// 参考: https://opengrok.ringotek.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/base/bus.c?r=&mo=5649&fi=241#231
+ fn store(&self, kobj: Arc<dyn KObject>, buf: &[u8]) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
+ if buf.len() == 0 {
+ return Ok(0);
+ }
+ let kset: Arc<KSet> = kobj.arc_any().downcast().map_err(|_| SystemError::EINVAL)?;
+ let bus = bus_manager()
+ .get_bus_by_kset(&kset)
+ .ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
+ if buf[0] == '0' as u8 {
+ bus.subsystem().set_drivers_autoprobe(false);
+ } else {
+ bus.subsystem().set_drivers_autoprobe(true);
+ }
+ return Ok(buf.len());
+ }
+ /// 参考: https://opengrok.ringotek.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/base/bus.c?r=&mo=5649&fi=241#226
+ fn show(&self, kobj: Arc<dyn KObject>, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
+ let kset: Arc<KSet> = kobj.arc_any().downcast().map_err(|_| SystemError::EINVAL)?;
+ let bus = bus_manager()
+ .get_bus_by_kset(&kset)
+ .ok_or(SystemError::EINVAL)?;
+ let val = if bus.subsystem().drivers_autoprobe() {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ return sysfs_emit_str(buf, format!("{val}\n").as_str());
+ }
-/// @brief: 总线驱动注销,将总线从全局总线管理器中删除
-/// @parameter bus: Bus设备驱动实体
-/// @return: 成功:() 失败:DeviceError
-pub fn bus_driver_unregister(bus_driver: Arc<dyn BusDriver>) -> Result<(), DriverError> {
- BUS_MANAGER.remove_bus_driver(&bus_driver.id_table());
- return driver_unregister(bus_driver);
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub enum BusNotifyEvent {
+ /// 一个设备被添加到总线上
+ AddDevice,
+ /// 一个设备将要被移除
+ DelDevice,
+ /// 一个设备已经被移除
+ RemovedDevice,
+ /// 一个驱动将要被绑定
+ BindDriver,
+ /// 一个驱动已经被绑定
+ BoundDriver,
+ /// 一个驱动将要被解绑
+ UnbindDriver,
+ /// 一个驱动已经被解绑
+ UnboundDriver,
+ /// 驱动绑定失败
+ DriverNotBound,