@@ -38,19 +38,47 @@ endif
@bash tools/check_arch.sh
+# ===> Following are oscomp specific
.PHONY: all
-all: kernel user
+ #@make ARCH=x86_64 ci-build
+ @make ARCH=riscv64 ci-build
+ @echo "更新子模块"
+ @sudo chown -R $(shell whoami) .
+ @git submodule update --recursive --init
+ci-build: ci-kernel ci-user ci-gendisk
+ci-run: ci-build ci-start
+ci-kernel: ci-update-submodules
+ @echo "Compile $(ARCH) Kernel..."
+ @$(MAKE) -C ./kernel all ARCH=$(ARCH) || (echo "Kernel compilation failed" && exit 1)
+ @echo "Compile $(ARCH) User..."
+ @$(MAKE) -C ./user all ARCH=$(ARCH) FORCE_UNSAFE_CONFIGURE=1 || (echo "User compilation failed" && exit 1)
-.PHONY: kernel
-kernel: check_arch update-submodules
- mkdir -p bin/kernel/
- $(MAKE) -C ./kernel all ARCH=$(ARCH) || (sh -c "echo 内核编译失败" && exit 1)
-.PHONY: user
-user: check_arch
- $(MAKE) -C ./user all ARCH=$(ARCH) || (sh -c "echo 用户程序编译失败" && exit 1)
+ @echo "Generate disk image"
+ifeq ($(ARCH),x86_64)
+ @bash -c "cd tools && bash grub_auto_install.sh"
+ @bash -c "cd oscomp && sudo DADK=$(DADK) ARCH=$(ARCH) bash write_disk_image.sh --bios=legacy"
+ @echo "Booting $(ARCH)"
+ @cd oscomp && bash ci-start-$(ARCH).sh
+.PHONY: kernel user write_diskimage write_diskimage-uefi qemu qemu-nographic qemu-uefi qemu-vnc qemu-uefi-vnc
+kernel user write_diskimage write_diskimage-uefi qemu qemu-nographic qemu-uefi qemu-vnc qemu-uefi-vnc:
+ @echo "The target \"$@\" is deprecated in this branch. Please use ci-* target instead."
+ @echo "To see the available targets, run \"make help\"."
+ @false
+# <===
.PHONY: clean
@@ -78,74 +106,6 @@ else
gdb-multiarch -n -x tools/.gdbinit
-# 写入磁盘镜像
-write_diskimage: check_arch
- @echo "write_diskimage arch=$(ARCH)"
- bash -c "export ARCH=$(ARCH); cd tools && bash grub_auto_install.sh && sudo DADK=$(DADK) ARCH=$(ARCH) bash $(ROOT_PATH)/tools/write_disk_image.sh --bios=legacy && cd .."
-# 写入磁盘镜像(uefi)
-write_diskimage-uefi: check_arch
- bash -c "export ARCH=$(ARCH); cd tools && bash grub_auto_install.sh && sudo DADK=$(DADK) ARCH=$(ARCH) bash $(ROOT_PATH)/tools/write_disk_image.sh --bios=uefi && cd .."
-# 不编译,直接启动QEMU
-qemu: check_arch
- sh -c "cd oscomp && bash run-qemu.sh --bios=legacy --display=window && cd .."
-# 不编译,直接启动QEMU,不显示图像
-qemu-nographic: check_arch
- sh -c "cd oscomp && bash run-qemu.sh --bios=legacy --display=nographic && cd .."
-# 不编译,直接启动QEMU(UEFI)
-qemu-uefi: check_arch
- sh -c "cd oscomp && bash run-qemu.sh --bios=uefi --display=window && cd .."
-# 不编译,直接启动QEMU,使用VNC Display作为图像输出
-qemu-vnc: check_arch
- sh -c "cd oscomp && bash run-qemu.sh --bios=legacy --display=vnc && cd .."
-# 不编译,直接启动QEMU(UEFI),使用VNC Display作为图像输出
-qemu-uefi-vnc: check_arch
- sh -c "cd oscomp && bash run-qemu.sh --bios=uefi --display=vnc && cd .."
-# 编译并写入磁盘镜像
-build: check_arch
- $(MAKE) all -j $(NPROCS)
- $(MAKE) write_diskimage || exit 1
-# 在docker中编译,并写入磁盘镜像
-docker: check_arch
- @echo "使用docker构建"
- sudo bash tools/build_in_docker.sh || exit 1
- $(MAKE) write_diskimage || exit 1
-# uefi方式启动
-run-uefi: check_arch
- $(MAKE) all -j $(NPROCS)
- $(MAKE) write_diskimage-uefi || exit 1
- $(MAKE) qemu-uefi
-# 编译并启动QEMU
-run: check_arch
- $(MAKE) all -j $(NPROCS)
- $(MAKE) write_diskimage || exit 1
- $(MAKE) qemu
-# uefi方式启动,使用VNC Display作为图像输出
-run-uefi-vnc: check_arch
- $(MAKE) all -j $(NPROCS)
- $(MAKE) write_diskimage-uefi || exit 1
- $(MAKE) qemu-uefi-vnc
-# 编译并启动QEMU,使用VNC Display作为图像输出
-run-vnc: check_arch
- $(MAKE) all -j $(NPROCS)
- $(MAKE) write_diskimage || exit 1
- $(MAKE) qemu-vnc
-# 在docker中编译,并启动QEMU
-run-docker: check_arch
- @echo "使用docker构建并运行"
- sudo bash tools/build_in_docker.sh || exit 1
- $(MAKE) write_diskimage || exit 1
- $(MAKE) qemu
fmt: check_arch
@echo "格式化代码"
FMT_CHECK=$(FMT_CHECK) $(MAKE) fmt -C kernel
@@ -159,9 +119,7 @@ log-monitor:
.PHONY: update-submodules
@echo "更新子模块"
- @sudo chown -R $(USER):$(USER) .
@git submodule update --recursive --init
- # @git submodule foreach git pull origin master
.PHONY: update-submodules-by-mirror
@@ -171,29 +129,28 @@ update-submodules-by-mirror:
@git config --global --unset url."https://git.mirrors.dragonos.org.cn/DragonOS-Community/".insteadOf
- @echo "编译:"
- @echo " make all -j <n> - 本地编译,不运行,n为要用于编译的CPU核心数"
- @echo " make build - 本地编译,并写入磁盘镜像"
- @echo " make docker - Docker编译,并写入磁盘镜像"
- @echo ""
- @echo "编译并运行:"
- @echo " make run-docker - Docker编译,写入磁盘镜像,并在QEMU中运行"
- @echo " make run - 本地编译,写入磁盘镜像,并在QEMU中运行"
- @echo " make run-uefi - 以uefi方式启动运行"
+ @echo "用法:"
+ @echo " make <target> ARCH=<arch>"
@echo ""
- @echo "运行:"
- @echo " make qemu - 不编译,直接从已有的磁盘镜像启动运行"
- @echo " make qemu-uefi - 不编译,直接从已有的磁盘镜像以UEFI启动运行"
+ @echo "Example:"
+ @echo " make ci-run ARCH=riscv64"
@echo ""
+ @echo "When <arch> is not specified, the default value in env.mk will be used."
@echo ""
- @echo "注: 对于上述的run, run-uefi, qemu, qemu-uefi命令可以在命令后加上-vnc后缀,来通过vnc连接到DragonOS, 默认会在5900端口运行vnc服务器。如:make run-vnc "
+ @echo "Targets:"
+ @echo " make ci-run - 本地编译,写入磁盘镜像,并在QEMU中运行"
+ @echo " make ci-kernel - 编译内核"
+ @echo " make ci-gendisk - 写入磁盘镜像"
+ @echo " make ci-build - 编译并写入磁盘镜像"
+ @echo " make ci-start - 不编译,直接启动运行"
@echo ""
@echo "其他:"
- @echo " make clean - 清理编译产生的文件"
- @echo " make fmt - 格式化代码"
- @echo " make log-monitor - 启动日志监控"
- @echo " make docs - 生成文档"
- @echo " make clean-docs - 清理文档"
+ @echo " make all - 用于 CI 编译"
+ @echo " make clean - 清理编译产生的文件"
+ @echo " make fmt - 格式化代码"
+ @echo " make log-monitor - 启动日志监控"
+ @echo " make docs - 生成文档"
+ @echo " make clean-docs - 清理文档"
@echo ""
@echo " make update-submodules - 更新子模块"
@echo " make update-submodules-by-mirror - 从镜像更新子模块"