@@ -0,0 +1,515 @@
+//! PCI transport for VirtIO.
+use super::volatile::{
+ volread, volwrite, ReadOnly, Volatile, VolatileReadable, VolatileWritable, WriteOnly,
+use crate::driver::pci::pci::{
+ capabilities_offset, pci_bar_init, CapabilityIterator, DeviceFunction, PciDeviceBar, PciError,
+use crate::include::bindings::bindings::pci_read_config;
+use core::{
+ fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},
+ mem::{align_of, size_of},
+ ptr::{self, addr_of_mut, NonNull},
+use virtio_drivers::{
+ transport::{DeviceStatus, DeviceType, Transport},
+ Error, Hal, PhysAddr, VirtAddr,
+/// The PCI vendor ID for VirtIO devices.
+/// PCI Virtio设备的vendor ID
+const VIRTIO_VENDOR_ID: u16 = 0x1af4;
+/// The offset to add to a VirtIO device ID to get the corresponding PCI device ID.
+/// PCI Virtio设备的DEVICE_ID 的offset
+const PCI_DEVICE_ID_OFFSET: u16 = 0x1040;
+/// PCI Virtio 设备的DEVICE_ID及其对应的设备类型
+const TRANSITIONAL_NETWORK: u16 = 0x1000;
+const TRANSITIONAL_BLOCK: u16 = 0x1001;
+const TRANSITIONAL_CONSOLE: u16 = 0x1003;
+const TRANSITIONAL_SCSI_HOST: u16 = 0x1004;
+const TRANSITIONAL_9P_TRANSPORT: u16 = 0x1009;
+/// The offset of the bar field within `virtio_pci_cap`.
+const CAP_BAR_OFFSET: u8 = 4;
+/// The offset of the offset field with `virtio_pci_cap`.
+const CAP_BAR_OFFSET_OFFSET: u8 = 8;
+/// The offset of the `length` field within `virtio_pci_cap`.
+const CAP_LENGTH_OFFSET: u8 = 12;
+/// The offset of the`notify_off_multiplier` field within `virtio_pci_notify_cap`.
+/// Common configuration.
+/// Notifications.
+/// ISR Status.
+const VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_ISR_CFG: u8 = 3;
+/// Device specific configuration.
+///@brief device id 转换为设备类型
+///@param pci_device_id,device_id
+///@return DeviceType 对应的设备类型
+fn device_type(pci_device_id: u16) -> DeviceType {
+ match pci_device_id {
+ TRANSITIONAL_NETWORK => DeviceType::Network,
+ TRANSITIONAL_BLOCK => DeviceType::Block,
+ TRANSITIONAL_CONSOLE => DeviceType::Console,
+ TRANSITIONAL_SCSI_HOST => DeviceType::ScsiHost,
+ TRANSITIONAL_ENTROPY_SOURCE => DeviceType::EntropySource,
+ id if id >= PCI_DEVICE_ID_OFFSET => DeviceType::from(id - PCI_DEVICE_ID_OFFSET),
+ _ => DeviceType::Invalid,
+ }
+/// PCI transport for VirtIO.
+/// Ref: 4.1 Virtio Over PCI Bus
+pub struct PciTransport {
+ device_type: DeviceType,
+ /// The bus, device and function identifier for the VirtIO device.
+ device_function: DeviceFunction,
+ /// The common configuration structure within some BAR.
+ common_cfg: NonNull<CommonCfg>,
+ /// The start of the queue notification region within some BAR.
+ notify_region: NonNull<[WriteOnly<u16>]>,
+ notify_off_multiplier: u32,
+ /// The ISR status register within some BAR.
+ isr_status: NonNull<Volatile<u8>>,
+ /// The VirtIO device-specific configuration within some BAR.
+ config_space: Option<NonNull<[u32]>>,
+impl PciTransport {
+ /// Construct a new PCI VirtIO device driver for the given device function on the given PCI
+ /// root controller.
+ ///
+ /// The PCI device must already have had its BARs allocated.
+ pub fn new<H: Hal>(device_function: DeviceFunction) -> Result<Self, VirtioPciError> {
+ let device_vendor = unsafe {
+ let bar_temp = pci_read_config(
+ device_function.bus,
+ device_function.device,
+ device_function.function,
+ 0,
+ );
+ bar_temp
+ };
+ let device_id = (device_vendor >> 16) as u16;
+ let vendor_id = device_vendor as u16;
+ if vendor_id != VIRTIO_VENDOR_ID {
+ return Err(VirtioPciError::InvalidVendorId(vendor_id));
+ }
+ let device_type = device_type(device_id);
+ // Find the PCI capabilities we need.
+ let mut common_cfg = None;
+ let mut notify_cfg = None;
+ let mut notify_off_multiplier = 0;
+ let mut isr_cfg = None;
+ let mut device_cfg = None;
+ //device_capability为迭代器,遍历其相当于遍历所有的cap空间
+ let device_capability = CapabilityIterator {
+ device_function: device_function,
+ next_capability_offset: capabilities_offset(device_function),
+ };
+ let device_bar = pci_bar_init(device_function)?;
+ for capability in device_capability {
+ if capability.id != PCI_CAP_ID_VNDR {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let cap_len = capability.private_header as u8;
+ let cfg_type = (capability.private_header >> 8) as u8;
+ if cap_len < 16 {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let struct_info = VirtioCapabilityInfo {
+ bar: unsafe {
+ let temp = pci_read_config(
+ device_function.bus,
+ device_function.device,
+ device_function.function,
+ capability.offset + CAP_BAR_OFFSET,
+ );
+ temp as u8
+ },
+ offset: unsafe {
+ let temp = pci_read_config(
+ device_function.bus,
+ device_function.device,
+ device_function.function,
+ capability.offset + CAP_BAR_OFFSET_OFFSET,
+ );
+ temp
+ },
+ length: unsafe {
+ let temp = pci_read_config(
+ device_function.bus,
+ device_function.device,
+ device_function.function,
+ capability.offset + CAP_LENGTH_OFFSET,
+ );
+ temp
+ },
+ };
+ match cfg_type {
+ VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_COMMON_CFG if common_cfg.is_none() => {
+ common_cfg = Some(struct_info);
+ }
+ VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_NOTIFY_CFG if cap_len >= 20 && notify_cfg.is_none() => {
+ notify_cfg = Some(struct_info);
+ notify_off_multiplier = unsafe {
+ let temp = pci_read_config(
+ device_function.bus,
+ device_function.device,
+ device_function.function,
+ );
+ temp
+ };
+ }
+ VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_ISR_CFG if isr_cfg.is_none() => {
+ isr_cfg = Some(struct_info);
+ }
+ VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_DEVICE_CFG if device_cfg.is_none() => {
+ device_cfg = Some(struct_info);
+ }
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ }
+ let common_cfg = get_bar_region::<_>(
+ &device_bar,
+ &common_cfg.ok_or(VirtioPciError::MissingCommonConfig)?,
+ )?;
+ let notify_cfg = notify_cfg.ok_or(VirtioPciError::MissingNotifyConfig)?;
+ if notify_off_multiplier % 2 != 0 {
+ return Err(VirtioPciError::InvalidNotifyOffMultiplier(
+ notify_off_multiplier,
+ ));
+ }
+ let notify_region = get_bar_region_slice::<_>(&device_bar, ¬ify_cfg)?;
+ let isr_status = get_bar_region::<_>(
+ &device_bar,
+ &isr_cfg.ok_or(VirtioPciError::MissingIsrConfig)?,
+ )?;
+ let config_space = if let Some(device_cfg) = device_cfg {
+ Some(get_bar_region_slice::<_>(&device_bar, &device_cfg)?)
+ } else {
+ None
+ };
+ Ok(Self {
+ device_type,
+ device_function,
+ common_cfg,
+ notify_region,
+ notify_off_multiplier,
+ isr_status,
+ config_space,
+ })
+ }
+impl Transport for PciTransport {
+ fn device_type(&self) -> DeviceType {
+ self.device_type
+ }
+ fn read_device_features(&mut self) -> u64 {
+ // Safe because the common config pointer is valid and we checked in get_bar_region that it
+ // was aligned.
+ unsafe {
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, device_feature_select, 0);
+ let mut device_features_bits = volread!(self.common_cfg, device_feature) as u64;
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, device_feature_select, 1);
+ device_features_bits |= (volread!(self.common_cfg, device_feature) as u64) << 32;
+ device_features_bits
+ }
+ }
+ fn write_driver_features(&mut self, driver_features: u64) {
+ // Safe because the common config pointer is valid and we checked in get_bar_region that it
+ // was aligned.
+ unsafe {
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, driver_feature_select, 0);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, driver_feature, driver_features as u32);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, driver_feature_select, 1);
+ volwrite!(
+ self.common_cfg,
+ driver_feature,
+ (driver_features >> 32) as u32
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ fn max_queue_size(&self) -> u32 {
+ // Safe because the common config pointer is valid and we checked in get_bar_region that it
+ // was aligned.
+ unsafe { volread!(self.common_cfg, queue_size) }.into()
+ }
+ fn notify(&mut self, queue: u16) {
+ // Safe because the common config and notify region pointers are valid and we checked in
+ // get_bar_region that they were aligned.
+ unsafe {
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_select, queue);
+ // TODO: Consider caching this somewhere (per queue).
+ let queue_notify_off = volread!(self.common_cfg, queue_notify_off);
+ let offset_bytes = usize::from(queue_notify_off) * self.notify_off_multiplier as usize;
+ let index = offset_bytes / size_of::<u16>();
+ addr_of_mut!((*self.notify_region.as_ptr())[index]).vwrite(queue);
+ }
+ }
+ fn set_status(&mut self, status: DeviceStatus) {
+ // Safe because the common config pointer is valid and we checked in get_bar_region that it
+ // was aligned.
+ unsafe {
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, device_status, status.bits() as u8);
+ }
+ }
+ fn set_guest_page_size(&mut self, _guest_page_size: u32) {
+ // No-op, the PCI transport doesn't care.
+ }
+ fn queue_set(
+ &mut self,
+ queue: u16,
+ size: u32,
+ descriptors: PhysAddr,
+ driver_area: PhysAddr,
+ device_area: PhysAddr,
+ ) {
+ // Safe because the common config pointer is valid and we checked in get_bar_region that it
+ // was aligned.
+ unsafe {
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_select, queue);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_size, size as u16);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_desc, descriptors as u64);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_driver, driver_area as u64);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_device, device_area as u64);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_enable, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ fn queue_unset(&mut self, queue: u16) {
+ // Safe because the common config pointer is valid and we checked in get_bar_region that it
+ // was aligned.
+ unsafe {
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_enable, 0);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_select, queue);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_size, 0);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_desc, 0);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_driver, 0);
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_device, 0);
+ }
+ }
+ fn queue_used(&mut self, queue: u16) -> bool {
+ // Safe because the common config pointer is valid and we checked in get_bar_region that it
+ // was aligned.
+ unsafe {
+ volwrite!(self.common_cfg, queue_select, queue);
+ volread!(self.common_cfg, queue_enable) == 1
+ }
+ }
+ fn ack_interrupt(&mut self) -> bool {
+ // Safe because the common config pointer is valid and we checked in get_bar_region that it
+ // was aligned.
+ // Reading the ISR status resets it to 0 and causes the device to de-assert the interrupt.
+ let isr_status = unsafe { self.isr_status.as_ptr().vread() };
+ // TODO: Distinguish between queue interrupt and device configuration interrupt.
+ isr_status & 0x3 != 0
+ }
+ fn config_space<T>(&self) -> Result<NonNull<T>, Error> {
+ if let Some(config_space) = self.config_space {
+ if size_of::<T>() > config_space.len() * size_of::<u32>() {
+ Err(Error::ConfigSpaceTooSmall)
+ } else if align_of::<T>() > 4 {
+ // Panic as this should only happen if the driver is written incorrectly.
+ panic!(
+ "Driver expected config space alignment of {} bytes, but VirtIO only guarantees 4 byte alignment.",
+ align_of::<T>()
+ );
+ } else {
+ // TODO: Use NonNull::as_non_null_ptr once it is stable.
+ let config_space_ptr = NonNull::new(config_space.as_ptr() as *mut u32).unwrap();
+ Ok(config_space_ptr.cast())
+ }
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::ConfigSpaceMissing)
+ }
+ }
+/// `virtio_pci_common_cfg`, see "Common configuration structure layout".
+struct CommonCfg {
+ device_feature_select: Volatile<u32>,
+ device_feature: ReadOnly<u32>,
+ driver_feature_select: Volatile<u32>,
+ driver_feature: Volatile<u32>,
+ msix_config: Volatile<u16>,
+ num_queues: ReadOnly<u16>,
+ device_status: Volatile<u8>,
+ config_generation: ReadOnly<u8>,
+ queue_select: Volatile<u16>,
+ queue_size: Volatile<u16>,
+ queue_msix_vector: Volatile<u16>,
+ queue_enable: Volatile<u16>,
+ queue_notify_off: Volatile<u16>,
+ queue_desc: Volatile<u64>,
+ queue_driver: Volatile<u64>,
+ queue_device: Volatile<u64>,
+/// Information about a VirtIO structure within some BAR, as provided by a `virtio_pci_cap`.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+struct VirtioCapabilityInfo {
+ /// The bar in which the structure can be found.
+ bar: u8,
+ /// The offset within the bar.
+ offset: u32,
+ /// The length in bytes of the structure within the bar.
+ length: u32,
+/// An error encountered initialising a VirtIO PCI transport.
+/// VirtIO PCI transport 初始化时的错误
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
+pub enum VirtioPciError {
+ /// PCI device vender ID was not the VirtIO vendor ID.
+ InvalidVendorId(u16),
+ /// No valid `VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_COMMON_CFG` capability was found.
+ MissingCommonConfig,
+ /// No valid `VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_NOTIFY_CFG` capability was found.
+ MissingNotifyConfig,
+ /// `VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_NOTIFY_CFG` capability has a `notify_off_multiplier` that is not a multiple
+ /// of 2.
+ InvalidNotifyOffMultiplier(u32),
+ /// No valid `VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_ISR_CFG` capability was found.
+ MissingIsrConfig,
+ /// An IO BAR was provided rather than a memory BAR.
+ UnexpectedBarType,
+ /// A BAR which we need was not allocated an address.
+ BarNotAllocated(u8),
+ /// The offset for some capability was greater than the length of the BAR.
+ BarOffsetOutOfRange,
+ /// The virtual address was not aligned as expected.
+ Misaligned {
+ /// The virtual address in question.
+ vaddr: VirtAddr,
+ /// The expected alignment in bytes.
+ alignment: usize,
+ },
+ ///获取虚拟地址失败
+ BarGetVaddrFailed,
+ /// A generic PCI error,
+ Pci(PciError),
+impl Display for VirtioPciError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ match self {
+ Self::InvalidVendorId(vendor_id) => write!(
+ f,
+ "PCI device vender ID {:#06x} was not the VirtIO vendor ID {:#06x}.",
+ vendor_id, VIRTIO_VENDOR_ID
+ ),
+ Self::MissingCommonConfig => write!(
+ f,
+ "No valid `VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_COMMON_CFG` capability was found."
+ ),
+ Self::MissingNotifyConfig => write!(
+ f,
+ "No valid `VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_NOTIFY_CFG` capability was found."
+ ),
+ Self::InvalidNotifyOffMultiplier(notify_off_multiplier) => {
+ write!(
+ f,
+ "`VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_NOTIFY_CFG` capability has a `notify_off_multiplier` that is not a multiple of 2: {}",
+ notify_off_multiplier
+ )
+ }
+ Self::MissingIsrConfig => {
+ write!(f, "No valid `VIRTIO_PCI_CAP_ISR_CFG` capability was found.")
+ }
+ Self::UnexpectedBarType => write!(f, "Unexpected BAR (expected memory BAR)."),
+ Self::BarNotAllocated(bar_index) => write!(f, "Bar {} not allocated.", bar_index),
+ Self::BarOffsetOutOfRange => write!(f, "Capability offset greater than BAR length."),
+ Self::Misaligned { vaddr, alignment } => write!(
+ f,
+ "Virtual address {:#018x} was not aligned to a {} byte boundary as expected.",
+ vaddr, alignment
+ ),
+ Self::BarGetVaddrFailed => write!(f, "Get bar virtaddress failed"),
+ Self::Pci(pci_error) => pci_error.fmt(f),
+ }
+ }
+///PCI error到VirtioPciError的转换,层层上报
+impl From<PciError> for VirtioPciError {
+ fn from(error: PciError) -> Self {
+ Self::Pci(error)
+ }
+///@brief 获取虚拟地址并将其转化为对应类型的指针
+///@param device_bar 存储bar信息的结构体 struct_info 存储cfg空间的位置信息
+///@return Result<NonNull<T>, VirtioPciError> 成功则返回对应类型的指针,失败则返回Error
+fn get_bar_region<T>(
+ device_bar: &PciDeviceBar,
+ struct_info: &VirtioCapabilityInfo,
+) -> Result<NonNull<T>, VirtioPciError> {
+ let bar_info = device_bar.get_bar(struct_info.bar)?;
+ let (bar_address, bar_size) = bar_info
+ .memory_address_size()
+ .ok_or(VirtioPciError::UnexpectedBarType)?;
+ if bar_address == 0 {
+ return Err(VirtioPciError::BarNotAllocated(struct_info.bar));
+ }
+ if struct_info.offset + struct_info.length > bar_size
+ || size_of::<T>() > struct_info.length as usize
+ {
+ return Err(VirtioPciError::BarOffsetOutOfRange);
+ }
+ let vaddr = (bar_info
+ .virtual_address()
+ .ok_or(VirtioPciError::BarGetVaddrFailed)?) as usize
+ + struct_info.offset as usize;
+ if vaddr % align_of::<T>() != 0 {
+ return Err(VirtioPciError::Misaligned {
+ vaddr,
+ alignment: align_of::<T>(),
+ });
+ }
+ Ok(NonNull::new((vaddr) as _).unwrap())
+///@brief 获取虚拟地址并将其转化为对应类型的指针
+///@param device_bar 存储bar信息的结构体 struct_info 存储cfg空间的位置信息
+///@return Result<NonNull<[T]>, VirtioPciError> 成功则返回对应类型的指针切片,失败则返回Error
+fn get_bar_region_slice<T>(
+ device_bar: &PciDeviceBar,
+ struct_info: &VirtioCapabilityInfo,
+) -> Result<NonNull<[T]>, VirtioPciError> {
+ let ptr = get_bar_region::<T>(device_bar, struct_info)?;
+ let raw_slice =
+ ptr::slice_from_raw_parts_mut(ptr.as_ptr(), struct_info.length as usize / size_of::<T>());
+ Ok(NonNull::new(raw_slice).unwrap())