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Samuka007 5 months ago

+ 0 - 96

@@ -145,99 +145,3 @@ pub fn poll_ifaces() {
-// /// 对ifaces进行轮询,最多对SOCKET_SET尝试times次加锁。
-// ///
-// /// @return 轮询成功,返回Ok(())
-// /// @return 加锁超时,返回SystemError::EAGAIN_OR_EWOULDBLOCK
-// /// @return 没有网卡,返回SystemError::ENODEV
-// pub fn poll_ifaces_try_lock(times: u16) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
-//     let mut i = 0;
-//     while i < times {
-//         let guard: RwLockReadGuard<BTreeMap<usize, Arc<dyn Iface>>> =
-//             NET_DEVICES.read_irqsave();
-//         if guard.len() == 0 {
-//             warn!("poll_ifaces: No net driver found!");
-//             // 没有网卡,返回错误
-//             return Err(SystemError::ENODEV);
-//         }
-//         for (_, iface) in guard.iter() {
-//             iface.poll();
-//         }
-//         return Ok(());
-//     }
-//     // 尝试次数用完,返回错误
-//     return Err(SystemError::EAGAIN_OR_EWOULDBLOCK);
-// }
-// /// 对ifaces进行轮询,最多对SOCKET_SET尝试一次加锁。
-// ///
-// /// @return 轮询成功,返回Ok(())
-// /// @return 加锁超时,返回SystemError::EAGAIN_OR_EWOULDBLOCK
-// /// @return 没有网卡,返回SystemError::ENODEV
-// pub fn poll_ifaces_try_lock_onetime() -> Result<(), SystemError> {
-//     let guard: RwLockReadGuard<BTreeMap<usize, Arc<dyn Iface>>> = NET_DEVICES.read_irqsave();
-//     if guard.len() == 0 {
-//         warn!("poll_ifaces: No net driver found!");
-//         // 没有网卡,返回错误
-//         return Err(SystemError::ENODEV);
-//     }
-//     for (_, iface) in guard.iter() {
-//         let _ = iface.poll();
-//     }
-//     send_event()?;
-//     return Ok(());
-// }
-// /// ### 处理轮询后的事件
-// fn send_event() -> Result<(), SystemError> {
-//     for (handle, socket_type) in .lock().iter() {
-//         let global_handle = GlobalSocketHandle::new_smoltcp_handle(handle);
-//         let handle_guard = HANDLE_MAP.read_irqsave();
-//         let item: Option<&super::socket::SocketHandleItem> = handle_guard.get(&global_handle);
-//         if item.is_none() {
-//             continue;
-//         }
-//         let handle_item = item.unwrap();
-//         let posix_item = handle_item.posix_item();
-//         if posix_item.is_none() {
-//             continue;
-//         }
-//         let posix_item = posix_item.unwrap();
-//         // 获取socket上的事件
-//         let mut events = SocketPollMethod::poll(socket_type, handle_item).bits() as u64;
-//         // 分发到相应类型socket处理
-//         match socket_type {
-//             smoltcp::socket::Socket::Raw(_) | smoltcp::socket::Socket::Udp(_) => {
-//                 posix_item.wakeup_any(events);
-//             }
-//             smoltcp::socket::Socket::Icmp(_) => unimplemented!("Icmp socket hasn't unimplemented"),
-//             smoltcp::socket::Socket::Tcp(inner_socket) => {
-//                 if inner_socket.is_active() {
-//                     events |= TcpSocket::CAN_ACCPET;
-//                 }
-//                 if inner_socket.state() == smoltcp::socket::tcp::State::Established {
-//                     events |= TcpSocket::CAN_CONNECT;
-//                 }
-//                 if inner_socket.state() == smoltcp::socket::tcp::State::CloseWait {
-//                     events |= EPollEventType::EPOLLHUP.bits() as u64;
-//                 }
-//                 posix_item.wakeup_any(events);
-//             }
-//             smoltcp::socket::Socket::Dhcpv4(_) => {}
-//             smoltcp::socket::Socket::Dns(_) => unimplemented!("Dns socket hasn't unimplemented"),
-//         }
-//         EventPoll::wakeup_epoll(
-//             &posix_item.epitems,
-//             EPollEventType::from_bits_truncate(events as u32),
-//         )?;
-//         drop(handle_guard);
-//     }
-//     Ok(())
-// }

+ 2 - 2

@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ pub trait Socket: Sync + Send + Debug + Any {
     /// 对应于 Posix `getsockopt` ,获取socket选项
     fn get_option(
-        level: OptionsLevel,
+        level: OptionLevel,
         name: usize,
         value: &mut [u8],
     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ pub trait Socket: Sync + Send + Debug + Any {
     /// - value 选项的值
     /// ## Reference
-    fn set_option(&self, level: OptionsLevel, name: usize, val: &[u8]) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+    fn set_option(&self, level: OptionLevel, name: usize, val: &[u8]) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
         log::warn!("setsockopt is not implemented");

+ 1 - 3

@@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
 // pub mod poll_unit;
 mod epoll_items;
-pub mod shutdown;
+pub mod shutdown;
 pub use epoll_items::EPollItems;
-pub use shutdown::Shutdown;
 // /// @brief 在trait Socket的metadata函数中返回该结构体供外部使用
 // #[derive(Debug, Clone)]

+ 0 - 115

@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-// pub const SOL_SOCKET: u8 = 1,
-// bitflags::bitflags! {
-//     pub struct OptionsLevel: u32 {
-//         const IP = 0,
-//         // const SOL_ICMP = 1, // No-no-no! Due to Linux :-) we cannot
-//         const SOCKET = 1,
-//         const TCP = 6,
-//         const UDP = 17,
-//         const IPV6 = 41,
-//         const ICMPV6 = 58,
-//         const SCTP = 132,
-//         const UDPLITE = 136, // UDP-Lite (RFC 3828)
-//         const RAW = 255,
-//         const IPX = 256,
-//         const AX25 = 257,
-//         const ATALK = 258,
-//         const NETROM = 259,
-//         const ROSE = 260,
-//         const DECNET = 261,
-//         const X25 = 262,
-//         const PACKET = 263,
-//         const ATM = 264, // ATM layer (cell level)
-//         const AAL = 265, // ATM Adaption Layer (packet level)
-//         const IRDA = 266,
-//         const NETBEUI = 267,
-//         const LLC = 268,
-//         const DCCP = 269,
-//         const NETLINK = 270,
-//         const TIPC = 271,
-//         const RXRPC = 272,
-//         const PPPOL2TP = 273,
-//         const BLUETOOTH = 274,
-//         const PNPIPE = 275,
-//         const RDS = 276,
-//         const IUCV = 277,
-//         const CAIF = 278,
-//         const ALG = 279,
-//         const NFC = 280,
-//         const KCM = 281,
-//         const TLS = 282,
-//         const XDP = 283,
-//         const MPTCP = 284,
-//         const MCTP = 285,
-//         const SMC = 286,
-//         const VSOCK = 287,
-//     }
-// }
-/// # SOL (Socket Option Level)
-/// Setsockoptions(2) level. Thanks to BSD these must match IPPROTO_xxx
-/// ## Reference
-/// - [Setsockoptions(2) level](
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)]
-pub enum OptionsLevel {
-    IP = 0,
-    SOCKET = 1,
-    // ICMP = 1, No-no-no! Due to Linux :-) we cannot
-    TCP = 6,
-    UDP = 17,
-    IPV6 = 41,
-    ICMPV6 = 58,
-    SCTP = 132,
-    UDPLITE = 136, // UDP-Lite (RFC 3828)
-    RAW = 255,
-    IPX = 256,
-    AX25 = 257,
-    ATALK = 258,
-    NETROM = 259,
-    ROSE = 260,
-    DECNET = 261,
-    X25 = 262,
-    PACKET = 263,
-    ATM = 264, // ATM layer (cell level)
-    AAL = 265, // ATM Adaption Layer (packet level)
-    IRDA = 266,
-    NETBEUI = 267,
-    LLC = 268,
-    DCCP = 269,
-    NETLINK = 270,
-    TIPC = 271,
-    RXRPC = 272,
-    PPPOL2TP = 273,
-    BLUETOOTH = 274,
-    PNPIPE = 275,
-    RDS = 276,
-    IUCV = 277,
-    CAIF = 278,
-    ALG = 279,
-    NFC = 280,
-    KCM = 281,
-    TLS = 282,
-    XDP = 283,
-    MPTCP = 284,
-    MCTP = 285,
-    SMC = 286,
-    VSOCK = 287,
-impl TryFrom<u32> for OptionsLevel {
-    type Error = system_error::SystemError;
-    fn try_from(value: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-        match <Self as num_traits::FromPrimitive>::from_u32(value) {
-            Some(p) => Ok(p),
-            None => Err(system_error::SystemError::EPROTONOSUPPORT),
-        }
-    }
-impl From<OptionsLevel> for u32 {
-    fn from(value: OptionsLevel) -> Self {
-        <OptionsLevel as num_traits::ToPrimitive>::to_u32(&value).unwrap()
-    }

+ 0 - 133

@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-// bitflags! {
-//     // #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug, Clone, Copy)]
-//     pub struct Options: u32 {
-//         const DEBUG = 1;
-//         const REUSEADDR = 2;
-//         const TYPE = 3;
-//         const ERROR = 4;
-//         const DONTROUTE = 5;
-//         const BROADCAST = 6;
-//         const SNDBUF = 7;
-//         const RCVBUF = 8;
-//         const SNDBUFFORCE = 32;
-//         const RCVBUFFORCE = 33;
-//         const KEEPALIVE = 9;
-//         const OOBINLINE = 10;
-//         const NO_CHECK = 11;
-//         const PRIORITY = 12;
-//         const LINGER = 13;
-//         const BSDCOMPAT = 14;
-//         const REUSEPORT = 15;
-//         const PASSCRED = 16;
-//         const PEERCRED = 17;
-//         const RCVLOWAT = 18;
-//         const SNDLOWAT = 19;
-//         const RCVTIMEO_OLD = 20;
-//         const SNDTIMEO_OLD = 21;
-//         const SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION = 22;
-//         const SECURITY_ENCRYPTION_NETWORK = 24;
-//         const BINDTODEVICE = 25;
-//         /// 与GET_FILTER相同
-//         const ATTACH_FILTER = 26;
-//         const DETACH_FILTER = 27;
-//         const PEERNAME = 28;
-//         const ACCEPTCONN = 30;
-//         const PEERSEC = 31;
-//         const PASSSEC = 34;
-//         const MARK = 36;
-//         const PROTOCOL = 38;
-//         const DOMAIN = 39;
-//         const RXQ_OVFL = 40;
-//         /// 与SCM_WIFI_STATUS相同
-//         const WIFI_STATUS = 41;
-//         const PEEK_OFF = 42;
-//         /* Instruct lower device to use last 4-bytes of skb data as FCS */
-//         const NOFCS = 43;
-//         const LOCK_FILTER = 44;
-//         const SELECT_ERR_QUEUE = 45;
-//         const BUSY_POLL = 46;
-//         const MAX_PACING_RATE = 47;
-//         const BPF_EXTENSIONS = 48;
-//         const INCOMING_CPU = 49;
-//         const ATTACH_BPF = 50;
-//         // DETACH_BPF = DETACH_FILTER;
-//         const ATTACH_REUSEPORT_CBPF = 51;
-//         const ATTACH_REUSEPORT_EBPF = 52;
-//         const CNX_ADVICE = 53;
-//         const SCM_TIMESTAMPING_OPT_STATS = 54;
-//         const MEMINFO = 55;
-//         const INCOMING_NAPI_ID = 56;
-//         const COOKIE = 57;
-//         const SCM_TIMESTAMPING_PKTINFO = 58;
-//         const PEERGROUPS = 59;
-//         const ZEROCOPY = 60;
-//         /// 与SCM_TXTIME相同
-//         const TXTIME = 61;
-//         const BINDTOIFINDEX = 62;
-//         const TIMESTAMP_OLD = 29;
-//         const TIMESTAMPNS_OLD = 35;
-//         const TIMESTAMPING_OLD = 37;
-//         const TIMESTAMP_NEW = 63;
-//         const TIMESTAMPNS_NEW = 64;
-//         const TIMESTAMPING_NEW = 65;
-//         const RCVTIMEO_NEW = 66;
-//         const SNDTIMEO_NEW = 67;
-//         const DETACH_REUSEPORT_BPF = 68;
-//         const PREFER_BUSY_POLL = 69;
-//         const BUSY_POLL_BUDGET = 70;
-//         const NETNS_COOKIE = 71;
-//         const BUF_LOCK = 72;
-//         const RESERVE_MEM = 73;
-//         const TXREHASH = 74;
-//         const RCVMARK = 75;
-//     }
-// }
-// bitflags::bitflags! {
-//     pub struct Level: i32 {
-//         const SOL_SOCKET = 1;
-//         const IPPROTO_IP = super::ip::Protocol::IP.bits();
-//         const IPPROTO_IPV6 = super::ip::Protocol::IPv6.bits();
-//         const IPPROTO_TCP = super::ip::Protocol::TCP.bits();
-//     }
-// }
-// bitflags! {
-//     /// @brief socket的选项
-//     #[derive(Default)]
-//     pub struct Options: u32 {
-//         /// 是否阻塞
-//         const BLOCK = 1 << 0;
-//         /// 是否允许广播
-//         const BROADCAST = 1 << 1;
-//         /// 是否允许多播
-//         const MULTICAST = 1 << 2;
-//         /// 是否允许重用地址
-//         const REUSEADDR = 1 << 3;
-//         /// 是否允许重用端口
-//         const REUSEPORT = 1 << 4;
-//     }
-// }

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// socket definitions
+mod option; 
+mod option_level;
+mod msg_flag;
+mod types;
+pub use option::Options; // Socket options SO_*
+pub use option_level::OptionLevel; // Socket options level SOL_*
+pub use msg_flag::MessageFlag; // Socket message flags MSG_*
+pub use types::Type; // Socket types SOCK_*

+ 0 - 0
kernel/src/net/socket/define/ → kernel/src/net/socket/definition/

+ 0 - 0
kernel/src/net/socket/define/ → kernel/src/net/socket/definition/

+ 67 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+/// # SOL (Socket Option Level)
+/// Setsockoptions(2) level. Thanks to BSD these must match IPPROTO_xxx
+/// ## Reference
+/// - [Setsockoptions(2) level](
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)]
+pub enum OptionLevel {
+    IP = 0,
+    SOCKET = 1,
+    // ICMP = 1, No-no-no! Due to Linux :-) we cannot
+    TCP = 6,
+    UDP = 17,
+    IPV6 = 41,
+    ICMPV6 = 58,
+    SCTP = 132,
+    UDPLITE = 136, // UDP-Lite (RFC 3828)
+    RAW = 255,
+    IPX = 256,
+    AX25 = 257,
+    ATALK = 258,
+    NETROM = 259,
+    ROSE = 260,
+    DECNET = 261,
+    X25 = 262,
+    PACKET = 263,
+    ATM = 264, // ATM layer (cell level)
+    AAL = 265, // ATM Adaption Layer (packet level)
+    IRDA = 266,
+    NETBEUI = 267,
+    LLC = 268,
+    DCCP = 269,
+    NETLINK = 270,
+    TIPC = 271,
+    RXRPC = 272,
+    PPPOL2TP = 273,
+    BLUETOOTH = 274,
+    PNPIPE = 275,
+    RDS = 276,
+    IUCV = 277,
+    CAIF = 278,
+    ALG = 279,
+    NFC = 280,
+    KCM = 281,
+    TLS = 282,
+    XDP = 283,
+    MPTCP = 284,
+    MCTP = 285,
+    SMC = 286,
+    VSOCK = 287,
+impl TryFrom<u32> for OptionLevel {
+    type Error = system_error::SystemError;
+    fn try_from(value: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        match <Self as num_traits::FromPrimitive>::from_u32(value) {
+            Some(p) => Ok(p),
+            None => Err(system_error::SystemError::EPROTONOSUPPORT),
+        }
+    }
+impl From<OptionLevel> for u32 {
+    fn from(value: OptionLevel) -> Self {
+        <OptionLevel as num_traits::ToPrimitive>::to_u32(&value).unwrap()
+    }

+ 0 - 12
kernel/src/net/socket/define/ → kernel/src/net/socket/definition/

@@ -1,15 +1,3 @@
-mod option;
-pub use option::Options;
-mod option_level;
-pub use option_level::OptionsLevel;
-mod msg_flag;
-pub use msg_flag::MessageFlag;
-mod ipproto;
-pub use ipproto::IPProtocol;
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)]
 pub enum Type {
     Stream = 1,

+ 0 - 0
kernel/src/net/socket/inet/ → kernel/src/net/socket/inet/definition/

+ 1 - 1
kernel/src/net/socket/define/ → kernel/src/net/socket/inet/definition/

@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-const SOL_SOCKET: u16 = 1;
+pub const SOL_SOCKET: u16 = 1;
 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive, PartialEq, Eq)]
 pub enum IPProtocol {

+ 0 - 67

@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-use alloc::sync::Arc;
 use smoltcp;
-use system_error::SystemError::{self, *};
 // pub mod raw;
 // pub mod icmp;
@@ -16,8 +14,6 @@ pub use datagram::UdpSocket;
 pub use stream::TcpSocket;
 pub use syscall::Inet;
-use crate::filesystem::vfs::IndexNode;
 use super::Socket;
 use smoltcp::wire::*;
@@ -85,66 +81,3 @@ pub trait InetSocket: Socket {
 //         todo!()
 //     }
 // }
-// pub trait Socket: FileLike + Send + Sync {
-//     /// Assign the address specified by socket_addr to the socket
-//     fn bind(&self, _socket_addr: SocketAddr) -> Result<()> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "bind() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Build connection for a given address
-//     fn connect(&self, _socket_addr: SocketAddr) -> Result<()> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "connect() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Listen for connections on a socket
-//     fn listen(&self, _backlog: usize) -> Result<()> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "listen() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Accept a connection on a socket
-//     fn accept(&self) -> Result<(Arc<dyn FileLike>, SocketAddr)> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "accept() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Shut down part of a full-duplex connection
-//     fn shutdown(&self, _cmd: SockShutdownCmd) -> Result<()> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "shutdown() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Get address of this socket.
-//     fn addr(&self) -> Result<SocketAddr> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "getsockname() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Get address of peer socket
-//     fn peer_addr(&self) -> Result<SocketAddr> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "getpeername() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Get options on the socket. The resulted option will put in the `option` parameter, if
-//     /// this method returns success.
-//     fn get_option(&self, _option: &mut dyn SocketOption) -> Result<()> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "getsockopt() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Set options on the socket.
-//     fn set_option(&self, _option: &dyn SocketOption) -> Result<()> {
-//         return_errno_with_message!(Errno::EOPNOTSUPP, "setsockopt() is not supported");
-//     }
-//     /// Sends a message on a socket.
-//     fn sendmsg(
-//         &self,
-//         io_vecs: &[IoVec],
-//         message_header: MessageHeader,
-//         flags: SendRecvFlags,
-//     ) -> Result<usize>;
-//     /// Receives a message from a socket.
-//     ///
-//     /// If successful, the `io_vecs` buffer will be filled with the received content.
-//     /// This method returns the length of the received message,
-//     /// and the message header.
-//     fn recvmsg(&self, io_vecs: &[IoVec], flags: SendRecvFlags) -> Result<(usize, MessageHeader)>;
-// }

+ 4 - 1

@@ -10,9 +10,12 @@ use crate::sched::SchedMode;
 use inet::{InetSocket, UNSPECIFIED_LOCAL_ENDPOINT};
 use smoltcp;
-pub mod inner;
+mod inner;
 use inner::*;
+mod option;
+pub use option::Options as TcpOption;
 type EP = EPollEventType;
 pub struct TcpSocket {

+ 90 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+use num_traits::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive};
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)]
+pub enum Options {
+    /// Turn off Nagle's algorithm.
+    NoDelay = 1,
+    /// Limit MSS.
+    MaxSegment = 2,
+    /// Never send partially complete segments.
+    Cork = 3,
+    /// Start keeplives after this period.
+    KeepIdle = 4,
+    /// Interval between keepalives.
+    KeepIntvl = 5,
+    /// Number of keepalives before death.
+    KeepCnt = 6,
+    /// Number of SYN retransmits.
+    Syncnt = 7,
+    /// Lifetime for orphaned FIN-WAIT-2 state.
+    Linger2 = 8,
+    /// Wake up listener only when data arrive.
+    DeferAccept = 9,
+    /// Bound advertised window
+    WindowClamp = 10,
+    /// Information about this connection.
+    Info = 11,
+    /// Block/reenable quick acks.
+    QuickAck = 12,
+    /// Congestion control algorithm.
+    Congestion = 13,
+    /// TCP MD5 Signature (RFC2385).
+    Md5Sig = 14,
+    /// Use linear timeouts for thin streams
+    ThinLinearTimeouts = 16,
+    /// Fast retrans. after 1 dupack.
+    ThinDupack = 17,
+    /// How long for loss retry before timeout.
+    UserTimeout = 18,
+    /// TCP sock is under repair right now.
+    Repair = 19,
+    RepairQueue = 20,
+    QueueSeq = 21,
+    RepairOptions = 22,
+    /// Enable FastOpen on listeners
+    FastOpen = 23,
+    Timestamp = 24,
+    /// Limit number of unsent bytes in write queue.
+    NotSentLowat = 25,
+    /// Get Congestion Control (optional) info.
+    CCInfo = 26,
+    /// Record SYN headers for new connections.
+    SaveSyn = 27,
+    /// Get SYN headers recorded for connection.
+    SavedSyn = 28,
+    /// Get/set window parameters.
+    RepairWindow = 29,
+    /// Attempt FastOpen with connect.
+    FastOpenConnect = 30,
+    /// Attach a ULP to a TCP connection.
+    ULP = 31,
+    /// TCP MD5 Signature with extensions.
+    Md5SigExt = 32,
+    /// Set the key for Fast Open(cookie).
+    FastOpenKey = 33,
+    /// Enable TFO without a TFO cookie.
+    FastOpenNoCookie = 34,
+    ZeroCopyReceive = 35,
+    /// Notify bytes available to read as a cmsg on read.
+    /// 与TCP_CM_INQ相同
+    INQ = 36,
+    /// delay outgoing packets by XX usec
+    TxDelay = 37,
+impl TryFrom<i32> for Options {
+    type Error = system_error::SystemError;
+    fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        match <Self as FromPrimitive>::from_i32(value) {
+            Some(p) => Ok(p),
+            None => Err(Self::Error::EINVAL),
+        }
+    }
+impl From<Options> for i32 {
+    fn from(val: Options) -> Self {
+        <Options as ToPrimitive>::to_i32(&val).unwrap()
+    }

+ 2 - 3

@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@ impl IndexNode for Inode {
         private_data: &crate::filesystem::vfs::FilePrivateData,
     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
-        // let _ = private_data;
@@ -105,7 +104,7 @@ impl Inode {
     pub fn set_option(
-        level: OptionsLevel,
+        level: OptionLevel,
         name: usize,
         value: &[u8],
     ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
@@ -114,7 +113,7 @@ impl Inode {
     pub fn get_option(
-        level: OptionsLevel,
+        level: OptionLevel,
         name: usize,
         value: &mut [u8],
     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {

+ 2 - 2

@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 mod base;
 mod buffer;
 mod common;
-mod define;
+mod definition;
 mod endpoint;
 mod family;
 pub mod inet;
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ pub use common::{
     // poll_unit::{EPollItems, WaitQueue},
-pub use define::*;
+pub use definition::*;
 pub use endpoint::*;
 pub use family::{AddressFamily, Family};
 pub use inode::Inode;

+ 3 - 3

@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ impl Socket for NetlinkSock {
-    fn set_option(&self, level: OptionsLevel, name: usize, val: &[u8]) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+    fn set_option(&self, level: OptionLevel, name: usize, val: &[u8]) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
         return netlink_setsockopt(self, level, name, val);
@@ -1274,11 +1274,11 @@ fn netlink_getsockbyportid(
 /// 设置 netlink 套接字的选项
 fn netlink_setsockopt(
     nlk: &NetlinkSock,
-    level: OptionsLevel,
+    level: OptionLevel,
     optname: usize,
     optval: &[u8],
 ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
-    if level != OptionsLevel::NETLINK {
+    if level != OptionLevel::NETLINK {
         return Err(SystemError::ENOPROTOOPT);
     let optlen = optval.len();

+ 2 - 2

@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ impl Socket for SeqpacketSocket {
     fn set_option(
-        _level: crate::net::socket::OptionsLevel,
+        _level: crate::net::socket::OptionLevel,
         _optname: usize,
         _optval: &[u8],
     ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ impl Socket for SeqpacketSocket {
     fn get_option(
-        _level: crate::net::socket::OptionsLevel,
+        _level: crate::net::socket::OptionLevel,
         _name: usize,
         _value: &mut [u8],
     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {

+ 2 - 2

@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ impl Socket for StreamSocket {
     fn set_option(
-        _level: OptionsLevel,
+        _level: OptionLevel,
         _optname: usize,
         _optval: &[u8],
     ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ impl Socket for StreamSocket {
     fn get_option(
-        _level: OptionsLevel,
+        _level: OptionLevel,
         _name: usize,
         _value: &mut [u8],
     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {

+ 6 - 94

@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ impl Syscall {
         optname: usize,
         optval: &[u8],
     ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
-        let sol = socket::OptionsLevel::try_from(level as u32)?;
+        let sol = socket::OptionLevel::try_from(level as u32)?;
         let socket: Arc<socket::Inode> = ProcessManager::current_pcb()
             .get_socket(fd as i32)
@@ -172,10 +172,10 @@ impl Syscall {
             .get_socket(fd as i32)
-        let level = socket::OptionsLevel::try_from(level as u32)?;
+        let level = socket::OptionLevel::try_from(level as u32)?;
         use socket::Options as SO;
-        use socket::OptionsLevel as SOL;
+        use socket::OptionLevel as SOL;
         if matches!(level, SOL::SOCKET) {
             let optname = SO::try_from(optname as u32).map_err(|_| ENOPROTOOPT)?;
             match optname {
@@ -209,10 +209,11 @@ impl Syscall {
         // protocol number of TCP.
         if matches!(level, SOL::TCP) {
+            use socket::inet::stream::TcpOption;
             let optname =
-                PosixTcpSocketOptions::try_from(optname as i32).map_err(|_| ENOPROTOOPT)?;
+                TcpOption::try_from(optname as i32).map_err(|_| ENOPROTOOPT)?;
             match optname {
-                PosixTcpSocketOptions::Congestion => return Ok(0),
+                TcpOption::Congestion => return Ok(0),
                 _ => {
                     return Err(ENOPROTOOPT);
@@ -548,92 +549,3 @@ impl Syscall {
         return Ok(0);
-#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)]
-pub enum PosixTcpSocketOptions {
-    /// Turn off Nagle's algorithm.
-    NoDelay = 1,
-    /// Limit MSS.
-    MaxSegment = 2,
-    /// Never send partially complete segments.
-    Cork = 3,
-    /// Start keeplives after this period.
-    KeepIdle = 4,
-    /// Interval between keepalives.
-    KeepIntvl = 5,
-    /// Number of keepalives before death.
-    KeepCnt = 6,
-    /// Number of SYN retransmits.
-    Syncnt = 7,
-    /// Lifetime for orphaned FIN-WAIT-2 state.
-    Linger2 = 8,
-    /// Wake up listener only when data arrive.
-    DeferAccept = 9,
-    /// Bound advertised window
-    WindowClamp = 10,
-    /// Information about this connection.
-    Info = 11,
-    /// Block/reenable quick acks.
-    QuickAck = 12,
-    /// Congestion control algorithm.
-    Congestion = 13,
-    /// TCP MD5 Signature (RFC2385).
-    Md5Sig = 14,
-    /// Use linear timeouts for thin streams
-    ThinLinearTimeouts = 16,
-    /// Fast retrans. after 1 dupack.
-    ThinDupack = 17,
-    /// How long for loss retry before timeout.
-    UserTimeout = 18,
-    /// TCP sock is under repair right now.
-    Repair = 19,
-    RepairQueue = 20,
-    QueueSeq = 21,
-    RepairOptions = 22,
-    /// Enable FastOpen on listeners
-    FastOpen = 23,
-    Timestamp = 24,
-    /// Limit number of unsent bytes in write queue.
-    NotSentLowat = 25,
-    /// Get Congestion Control (optional) info.
-    CCInfo = 26,
-    /// Record SYN headers for new connections.
-    SaveSyn = 27,
-    /// Get SYN headers recorded for connection.
-    SavedSyn = 28,
-    /// Get/set window parameters.
-    RepairWindow = 29,
-    /// Attempt FastOpen with connect.
-    FastOpenConnect = 30,
-    /// Attach a ULP to a TCP connection.
-    ULP = 31,
-    /// TCP MD5 Signature with extensions.
-    Md5SigExt = 32,
-    /// Set the key for Fast Open(cookie).
-    FastOpenKey = 33,
-    /// Enable TFO without a TFO cookie.
-    FastOpenNoCookie = 34,
-    ZeroCopyReceive = 35,
-    /// Notify bytes available to read as a cmsg on read.
-    /// 与TCP_CM_INQ相同
-    INQ = 36,
-    /// delay outgoing packets by XX usec
-    TxDelay = 37,
-impl TryFrom<i32> for PosixTcpSocketOptions {
-    type Error = SystemError;
-    fn try_from(value: i32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
-        match <Self as FromPrimitive>::from_i32(value) {
-            Some(p) => Ok(p),
-            None => Err(SystemError::EINVAL),
-        }
-    }
-impl From<PosixTcpSocketOptions> for i32 {
-    fn from(val: PosixTcpSocketOptions) -> Self {
-        <PosixTcpSocketOptions as ToPrimitive>::to_i32(&val).unwrap()
-    }