@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+use core::ffi::{c_char, c_void};
+use libc::{
+ chown, fchown, fchownat, getgrnam, getpwnam, gid_t, lchown, mount, uid_t, umount, AT_FDCWD,
+use nix::errno::Errno;
+use std::{
+ ffi::CString,
+ fs::{self, metadata, File},
+ io::{self, Error, Write},
+ os::unix::{
+ fs::{MetadataExt, PermissionsExt},
+ io::AsRawFd,
+ },
+ path::Path,
+fn print_file_owner_group(filename: &str) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let metadata = std::fs::metadata(filename)?;
+ let uid = metadata.uid();
+ let gid = metadata.gid();
+ // 确保 UID 和 GID 打印正确
+ assert!(uid > 0, "UID should be greater than 0");
+ assert!(gid > 0, "GID should be greater than 0");
+ Ok(())
+fn test_fchownat(filename: &str, new_uid: uid_t, new_gid: gid_t, flags: i32) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let c_filename = CString::new(filename)?;
+ let result = unsafe { fchownat(AT_FDCWD, c_filename.as_ptr(), new_uid, new_gid, flags) };
+ // 确保 fchownat 成功
+ assert!(result != -1, "fchownat failed");
+ print_file_owner_group(filename)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn test_chown(filename: &str, new_uid: uid_t, new_gid: gid_t) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let c_filename = CString::new(filename)?;
+ let result = unsafe { chown(c_filename.as_ptr(), new_uid, new_gid) };
+ // 确保 chown 成功
+ assert!(result != -1, "chown failed");
+ print_file_owner_group(filename)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn test_fchown(fd: i32, new_uid: uid_t, new_gid: gid_t) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let result = unsafe { fchown(fd, new_uid, new_gid) };
+ // 确保 fchown 成功
+ assert!(result != -1, "fchown failed");
+ Ok(())
+fn test_lchown(symlink_name: &str, new_uid: uid_t, new_gid: gid_t) -> Result<(), Error> {
+ let c_symlink = CString::new(symlink_name)?;
+ let result = unsafe { lchown(c_symlink.as_ptr(), new_uid, new_gid) };
+ // 确保 lchown 成功
+ assert!(result != -1, "lchown failed");
+ print_file_owner_group(symlink_name)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn main() -> Result<(), Error> {
+ mount_test_ramfs();
+ let filename = "/mnt/myramfs/testfile.txt";
+ let symlink_name = "/mnt/myramfs/testsymlink";
+ let new_owner = "nobody"; // 替换为你测试系统中的有效用户名
+ let new_group = "nogroup"; // 替换为你测试系统中的有效组名
+ // 获取新的 UID 和 GID
+ let pw = unsafe { getpwnam(CString::new(new_owner)?.as_ptr()) };
+ let gr = unsafe { getgrnam(CString::new(new_group)?.as_ptr()) };
+ assert!(!pw.is_null(), "Invalid user name");
+ assert!(!gr.is_null(), "Invalid group name");
+ let new_uid = unsafe { (*pw).pw_uid };
+ let new_gid = unsafe { (*gr).gr_gid };
+ // 创建测试文件
+ let mut file = File::create(filename)?;
+ println!("Created test file: {}", filename);
+ writeln!(file, "This is a test file for chown system call")?;
+ // 创建符号链接
+ std::os::unix::fs::symlink(filename, symlink_name)?;
+ println!("Created symlink: {}", symlink_name);
+ // 打开文件以测试 fchown
+ let fd = file.as_raw_fd();
+ // 测试 chown
+ test_chown(filename, new_uid, new_gid)?;
+ // 测试 fchown
+ test_fchown(fd, new_uid, new_gid)?;
+ // 测试 lchown
+ test_lchown(symlink_name, new_uid, new_gid)?;
+ // 测试 fchownat,带 AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW 标志(不会跟随符号链接)
+ test_fchownat(symlink_name, new_uid, new_gid, AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW)?;
+ // 清理测试文件
+ std::fs::remove_file(filename)?;
+ umount_test_ramfs();
+ println!("All tests passed!");
+ Ok(())
+fn mount_test_ramfs() {
+ let path = Path::new("mnt/myramfs");
+ let dir = fs::create_dir_all(path);
+ assert!(dir.is_ok(), "mkdir /mnt/myramfs failed");
+ let source = b"\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char;
+ let target = b"/mnt/myramfs\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char;
+ let fstype = b"ramfs\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char;
+ // let flags = MS_BIND;
+ let flags = 0;
+ let data = std::ptr::null() as *const c_void;
+ let result = unsafe { mount(source, target, fstype, flags, data) };
+ assert_eq!(
+ result,
+ 0,
+ "Mount myramfs failed, errno: {}",
+ Errno::last().desc()
+ );
+ println!("Mount myramfs for test success!");
+fn umount_test_ramfs() {
+ let path = b"/mnt/myramfs\0".as_ptr() as *const c_char;
+ let result = unsafe { umount(path) };
+ if result != 0 {
+ let err = Errno::last();
+ println!("Errno: {}", err);
+ println!("Infomation: {}", err.desc());
+ } else {
+ // 删除mnt/myramfs
+ let path = Path::new("mnt/myramfs");
+ let _ = fs::remove_dir(path);
+ }
+ assert_eq!(result, 0, "Umount myramfs failed");
+ println!("Umount myramfs for test success!");