@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+use crate::arch::{
+ asm::csr::{
+ },
+ cpu::LocalContext,
+ interrupt::TrapFrame,
+use core::arch::asm;
+use kdepends::memoffset::offset_of;
+/// 保存x6-x31寄存器
+macro_rules! save_from_x6_to_x31 {
+ () => {
+ concat!(
+ "
+ sd x6, {off_t1}(sp)
+ sd x7, {off_t2}(sp)
+ sd x8, {off_s0}(sp)
+ sd x9, {off_s1}(sp)
+ sd x10, {off_a0}(sp)
+ sd x11, {off_a1}(sp)
+ sd x12, {off_a2}(sp)
+ sd x13, {off_a3}(sp)
+ sd x14, {off_a4}(sp)
+ sd x15, {off_a5}(sp)
+ sd x16, {off_a6}(sp)
+ sd x17, {off_a7}(sp)
+ sd x18, {off_s2}(sp)
+ sd x19, {off_s3}(sp)
+ sd x20, {off_s4}(sp)
+ sd x21, {off_s5}(sp)
+ sd x22, {off_s6}(sp)
+ sd x23, {off_s7}(sp)
+ sd x24, {off_s8}(sp)
+ sd x25, {off_s9}(sp)
+ sd x26, {off_s10}(sp)
+ sd x27, {off_s11}(sp)
+ sd x28, {off_t3}(sp)
+ sd x29, {off_t4}(sp)
+ sd x30, {off_t5}(sp)
+ sd x31, {off_t6}(sp)
+ "
+ )
+ };
+macro_rules! restore_from_x6_to_x31 {
+ () => {
+ concat!("
+ ld x6, {off_t1}(sp)
+ ld x7, {off_t2}(sp)
+ ld x8, {off_s0}(sp)
+ ld x9, {off_s1}(sp)
+ ld x10, {off_a0}(sp)
+ ld x11, {off_a1}(sp)
+ ld x12, {off_a2}(sp)
+ ld x13, {off_a3}(sp)
+ ld x14, {off_a4}(sp)
+ ld x15, {off_a5}(sp)
+ ld x16, {off_a6}(sp)
+ ld x17, {off_a7}(sp)
+ ld x18, {off_s2}(sp)
+ ld x19, {off_s3}(sp)
+ ld x20, {off_s4}(sp)
+ ld x21, {off_s5}(sp)
+ ld x22, {off_s6}(sp)
+ ld x23, {off_s7}(sp)
+ ld x24, {off_s8}(sp)
+ ld x25, {off_s9}(sp)
+ ld x26, {off_s10}(sp)
+ ld x27, {off_s11}(sp)
+ ld x28, {off_t3}(sp)
+ ld x29, {off_t4}(sp)
+ ld x30, {off_t5}(sp)
+ ld x31, {off_t6}(sp)
+ ")
+ };
+/// Riscv64中断处理入口
+pub unsafe extern "C" fn handle_exception() -> ! {
+ asm!(
+ concat!("
+ /*
+ * If coming from userspace, preserve the user thread pointer and load
+ * the kernel thread pointer. If we came from the kernel, the scratch
+ * register will contain 0, and we should continue on the current TP.
+ */
+ csrrw tp, {csr_scratch}, tp
+ bnez tp, _save_context
+ /* 从内核态进入中断 */
+ j {_restore_kernel_tpsp}
+ "),
+ csr_scratch = const CSR_SSCRATCH,
+ _restore_kernel_tpsp = sym _restore_kernel_tpsp,
+ options(noreturn),
+ )
+unsafe extern "C" fn _restore_kernel_tpsp() -> ! {
+ asm!(
+ concat!("
+ // 这次是从内核态进入中断
+ // 从sscratch寄存器加载当前cpu的上下文
+ csrr tp, {csr_scratch}
+ // 把当前的sp寄存器的值保存到当前cpu的上下文的kernel_sp字段
+ sd sp, {lc_off_kernel_sp}(tp)
+ j {_save_context}
+ "),
+ csr_scratch = const CSR_SSCRATCH,
+ lc_off_kernel_sp = const offset_of!(LocalContext, kernel_sp),
+ _save_context = sym _save_context,
+ options(noreturn),
+ )
+unsafe extern "C" fn _save_context() -> ! {
+ asm!(
+ concat!("
+ // 保存当前cpu的上下文
+ // 保存用户sp
+ sd sp, {lc_off_user_sp}(tp)
+ // 加载内核sp
+ ld sp, {lc_off_kernel_sp}(tp)
+ addi sp, sp, -{trap_frame_size_on_stack}
+ sd x1, {off_ra}(sp)
+ sd x3, {off_gp}(sp)
+ sd x5, {off_t0}(sp)
+ ",
+ save_from_x6_to_x31!(),
+ "
+ /*
+ * Disable user-mode memory access as it should only be set in the
+ * actual user copy routines.
+ *
+ * Disable the FPU/Vector to detect illegal usage of floating point
+ * or vector in kernel space.
+ */
+ li t0, {sr_sum_and_fsvs}
+ ld s0, {lc_off_user_sp}(tp)
+ csrrc s1, {csr_status}, t0
+ csrr s2, {csr_epc}
+ csrr s3, {csr_tval}
+ csrr s4, {csr_cause}
+ csrr s5, {csr_scratch}
+ sd s0, {off_sp}(sp)
+ sd s1, {off_status}(sp)
+ sd s2, {off_epc}(sp)
+ sd s3, {off_badaddr}(sp)
+ sd s4, {off_cause}(sp)
+ sd s5, {off_tp}(sp)
+ /*
+ * Set the scratch register to 0, so that if a recursive exception
+ * occurs, the exception vector knows it came from the kernel
+ */
+ csrw {csr_scratch}, x0
+ /* Load the global pointer */
+ // linux 加载了global pointer,但是我们暂时没有用到
+ // .option push
+ // .option norelax
+ // la gp, __global_pointer$
+ // .option pop
+ mv a0, sp
+ la ra, ret_from_exception
+ tail riscv64_do_irq
+ "
+ ),
+ lc_off_user_sp = const offset_of!(LocalContext, user_sp),
+ lc_off_kernel_sp = const offset_of!(LocalContext, kernel_sp),
+ trap_frame_size_on_stack = const TrapFrame::SIZE_ON_STACK,
+ off_ra = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, ra),
+ off_gp = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, gp),
+ off_t0 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t0),
+ off_t1 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t1),
+ off_t2 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t2),
+ off_s0 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s0),
+ off_s1 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s1),
+ off_a0 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a0),
+ off_a1 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a1),
+ off_a2 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a2),
+ off_a3 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a3),
+ off_a4 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a4),
+ off_a5 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a5),
+ off_a6 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a6),
+ off_a7 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a7),
+ off_s2 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s2),
+ off_s3 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s3),
+ off_s4 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s4),
+ off_s5 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s5),
+ off_s6 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s6),
+ off_s7 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s7),
+ off_s8 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s8),
+ off_s9 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s9),
+ off_s10 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s10),
+ off_s11 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s11),
+ off_t3 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t3),
+ off_t4 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t4),
+ off_t5 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t5),
+ off_t6 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t6),
+ off_sp = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, sp),
+ off_status = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, status),
+ off_badaddr = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, badaddr),
+ off_cause = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, cause),
+ off_tp = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, tp),
+ off_epc = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, epc),
+ sr_sum_and_fsvs = const (SR_FS_VS | SR_SUM),
+ csr_status = const CSR_SSTATUS,
+ csr_epc = const CSR_SEPC,
+ csr_tval = const CSR_STVAL,
+ csr_cause = const CSR_SCAUSE,
+ csr_scratch = const CSR_SSCRATCH,
+ options(noreturn),
+ )
+unsafe extern "C" fn ret_from_exception() -> ! {
+ asm!(
+ concat!("
+ ld s0, {off_status}(sp)
+ andi s0, s0, {sr_spp}
+ bnez s0, 3f
+ // Save unwound kernel stack pointer in thread_info
+ addi s0, sp, {trap_frame_size_on_stack}
+ sd s0, {lc_off_kernel_sp}(tp)
+ /*
+ * Save TP into the scratch register , so we can find the kernel data
+ * structures again.
+ */
+ csrw {csr_scratch}, tp
+ 3:
+ ld a0, {off_status}(sp)
+ ld a2, {off_epc}(sp)
+ sc.d x0, a2, {off_epc}(sp)
+ csrw {csr_status}, a0
+ csrw {csr_epc}, a2
+ ld x1, {off_ra}(sp)
+ ld x3, {off_gp}(sp)
+ ld x4, {off_tp}(sp)
+ ld x5, {off_t0}(sp)
+ ",
+ restore_from_x6_to_x31!(),
+ "
+ ld x2, {off_sp}(sp)
+ sret
+ "
+ ),
+ off_status = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, status),
+ sr_spp = const SR_SPP,
+ trap_frame_size_on_stack = const TrapFrame::SIZE_ON_STACK,
+ lc_off_kernel_sp = const offset_of!(LocalContext, kernel_sp),
+ csr_scratch = const CSR_SSCRATCH,
+ csr_status = const CSR_SSTATUS,
+ csr_epc = const CSR_SEPC,
+ off_ra = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, ra),
+ off_gp = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, gp),
+ off_t0 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t0),
+ off_t1 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t1),
+ off_t2 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t2),
+ off_s0 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s0),
+ off_s1 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s1),
+ off_a0 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a0),
+ off_a1 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a1),
+ off_a2 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a2),
+ off_a3 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a3),
+ off_a4 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a4),
+ off_a5 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a5),
+ off_a6 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a6),
+ off_a7 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, a7),
+ off_s2 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s2),
+ off_s3 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s3),
+ off_s4 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s4),
+ off_s5 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s5),
+ off_s6 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s6),
+ off_s7 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s7),
+ off_s8 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s8),
+ off_s9 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s9),
+ off_s10 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s10),
+ off_s11 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, s11),
+ off_t3 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t3),
+ off_t4 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t4),
+ off_t5 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t5),
+ off_t6 = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, t6),
+ off_sp = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, sp),
+ off_tp = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, tp),
+ off_epc = const offset_of!(TrapFrame, epc),
+ options(noreturn),
+ )