@@ -1,1058 +0,0 @@
-#include <arch/arch.h>
-#if ARCH(I386) || ARCH(X86_64)
-#include <common/idr.h>
-#include <mm/slab.h>
- * @brief 更换两个idr_layer指针
- *
- * @param a
- * @param b
- */
-static void __swap(struct idr_layer **a, struct idr_layer **b)
- struct idr_layer *t = *a;
- *a = *b, *b = t;
- * @brief 初始化idr - 你需要保证函数调用之前 free_list指针 为空
- *
- * @param idp
- */
-void idr_init(struct idr *idp)
- memset(idp, 0, sizeof(struct idr));
- spin_init(&idp->lock);
- * @brief 向idr的free_list中添加一个节点(空节点)
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param p
- */
-static void __move_to_free_list(struct idr *idp, struct idr_layer *p)
- unsigned long flags;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&idp->lock, flags);
- // 插入free_list
- p->ary[0] = idp->free_list;
- io_sfence();
- idp->free_list = p;
- io_sfence();
- ++(idp->id_free_cnt);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&idp->lock, flags);
- * @brief Get the free_idr_layer from free list object
- *
- * @param idp
- * @return void*
- */
-static void *__get_from_free_list(struct idr *idp)
- if (idp->id_free_cnt == 0)
- {
- if (idr_preload(idp, 0) != 0)
- {
- kBUG("idr-module find a BUG: get free node fail.(Possible ENOMEM error)");
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- unsigned long flags;
- spin_lock_irqsave(&idp->lock, flags);
- // free_list还有节点
- struct idr_layer *item = idp->free_list;
- if (item == NULL)
- {
- BUG_ON(1);
- }
- io_sfence();
- idp->free_list = idp->free_list->ary[0];
- io_sfence();
- item->ary[0] = NULL; // 记得清空原来的数据
- io_sfence();
- --(idp->id_free_cnt);
- spin_unlock_irqrestore(&idp->lock, flags);
- return item;
- * @brief 为idr预分配空间
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param gfp_mask
- * @return int (如果分配成功,将返回0; 否则返回负数 -ENOMEM, 有可能是内存空间不够)
- */
-int idr_preload(struct idr *idp, gfp_t gfp_mask)
- int timer = 0;
- while (idp->id_free_cnt < IDR_FREE_MAX)
- {
- struct idr_layer *new_one;
- new_one = kzalloc(sizeof(struct idr_layer), gfp_mask); // 默认清空?
- if (unlikely(new_one == NULL))
- return -ENOMEM;
- __move_to_free_list(idp, new_one);
- timer++;
- }
- return 0;
- * @brief 释放一个layer的空间
- *
- * @param p
- */
-static void __idr_layer_free(struct idr_layer *p)
- kfree(p);
- * @brief 向上生长一层idr_layer
- *
- * @param idp
- * @return int (0生长成功, 否则返回错误码)
- */
-static int __idr_grow(struct idr *idp)
- struct idr_layer *new_node = __get_from_free_list(idp);
- if (NULL == new_node)
- return -ENOMEM;
- __swap(&new_node, &idp->top);
- idp->top->ary[0] = new_node;
- idp->top->layer = new_node ? (new_node->layer + 1) : 0; // 注意特判空指针
- idp->top->bitmap = 0;
- idp->top->full = 0; // clear
- if (new_node != NULL) // 设置第0位 = 1, 同时维护树的大小
- {
- idp->top->bitmap = 1;
- }
- if (new_node != NULL && new_node->full == IDR_FULL)
- {
- idp->top->full = 1; // 别忘了初始化 full
- }
- return 0;
- * @brief 获取一个没有被占领的ID
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param stk 栈空间
- * @return int (负数表示获取ID失败, [0 <= id && id <= INT_MAX] 则获取ID成功)
- */
-static int __idr_get_empty_slot(struct idr *idp, struct idr_layer **stk)
- // 注意特判 idp->top == NULL
- while (NULL == idp->top || idp->top->full == IDR_FULL)
- if (__idr_grow(idp) != 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
- int64_t id = 0;
- int layer = idp->top->layer;
- BUG_ON(layer + 1 >= 7);
- stk[layer + 1] = NULL; // 标志为数组末尾
- struct idr_layer *cur_layer = idp->top;
- while (layer >= 0)
- {
- stk[layer] = cur_layer;
- int pos = __lowbit_id(~cur_layer->full);
- if (unlikely(pos < 0))
- {
- kBUG("Value 'cur_layer->full' had been full;"
- "but __idr_get_empty_slot still try to insert a value.");
- }
- id = (id << IDR_BITS) | pos;
- cur_layer = cur_layer->ary[pos];
- if (layer > 0 && NULL == cur_layer) // 只有非叶子节点才需要开辟儿子节点
- {
- // 初始化儿子节点
- cur_layer = __get_from_free_list(idp);
- if (NULL == cur_layer)
- return -ENOMEM;
- cur_layer->layer = layer - 1; // 儿子节点的layer
- cur_layer->full = 0;
- cur_layer->bitmap = 0;
- stk[layer]->ary[pos] = cur_layer; // 最后别忘了记录儿子节点
- }
- --layer;
- }
- return id;
- * @brief 更新full对象 (辅助函数,内部没有边界特判)
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param id
- * @param stk 需要保证stk数组末尾是NULL
- * @param mark 0代表叶子空, 1代表叶子非空但未满, 2代表满
- */
-static __always_inline void __idr_mark_full(struct idr *idp, int id, struct idr_layer **stk, int mark)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (unlikely(NULL == stk[0] || NULL == idp->top))
- {
- kBUG("idr-module find a BUG: idp->top can't be NULL.");
- return;
- }
- // 处理叶子节点的full/bitmap标记
- int64_t layer_id = __id & IDR_MASK;
- if (mark == 2)
- stk[0]->full |= (1ull << layer_id);
- if (mark >= 1)
- stk[0]->bitmap |= (1ull << layer_id);
- for (int i = 1; stk[i]; ++i)
- {
- __id >>= IDR_BITS;
- layer_id = __id & IDR_MASK;
- stk[i]->bitmap |= (1ull << layer_id);
- if (stk[i - 1]->full == IDR_FULL)
- stk[i]->full |= (1ull << layer_id);
- }
- * @brief 提取一条已存在的路径
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param id
- * @param stk
- * @return int (0表示没有这条路径, 1表示找到这条路径)
- */
-static __always_inline int __idr_get_path(struct idr *idp, int id, struct idr_layer **stk)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (unlikely(idp->top == NULL || __id < 0))
- {
- kBUG("idr-module find a BUG: idp->top can't be NULL and id must be non-negative.");
- return 0;
- }
- struct idr_layer *cur_layer = idp->top;
- int layer = cur_layer->layer;
- stk[layer + 1] = NULL; // 标志数组结尾
- if (unlikely((__id >> ((layer + 1ull) * IDR_BITS)) > 0))
- {
- kBUG("idr-module find a BUG: id is invalid.");
- return 0;
- }
- // 提取路径
- while (layer >= 0)
- {
- stk[layer] = cur_layer;
- int64_t layer_id = (__id >> (layer * IDR_BITS)) & IDR_MASK;
- if (unlikely(((cur_layer->bitmap >> layer_id) & 1) == 0))
- {
- kBUG("idr-module find a BUG: no-such son.");
- return 0; // 没有这一个儿子
- }
- cur_layer = cur_layer->ary[layer_id];
- --layer;
- }
- return 1;
- * @brief 更新full对象 (辅助函数,内部没有边界特判)
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param id
- * @param stk 需要保证stk数组末尾是NULL
- * @param mark 0代表叶子空, 1代表叶子非空但未满, 2代表满
- */
-static __always_inline void __idr_erase_full(struct idr *idp, int id, struct idr_layer **stk, int mark)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (unlikely(NULL == stk[0] || NULL == idp->top))
- {
- kBUG("idr-module find a BUG: idp->top can't be NULL.");
- return;
- }
- // 处理叶子节点的full/bitmap标记
- int64_t layer_id = __id & IDR_MASK;
- if (mark == 0) // 叶子的某个插槽为空
- {
- stk[0]->ary[layer_id] = NULL;
- stk[0]->bitmap ^= (1ull << layer_id);
- }
- if (mark != 2 && ((stk[0]->full >> layer_id) & 1))
- stk[0]->full ^= (1ull << layer_id);
- // 删除节点
- for (int layer = 1; stk[layer]; ++layer)
- {
- __id >>= IDR_BITS;
- layer_id = __id & IDR_MASK;
- if (NULL == stk[layer - 1]->bitmap) // 儿子是空节点
- {
- stk[layer]->ary[layer_id] = NULL;
- stk[layer]->bitmap ^= (1ull << layer_id);
- if ((stk[layer]->full >> layer_id) & 1)
- stk[layer]->full ^= (1ull << layer_id);
- __idr_layer_free(stk[layer - 1]);
- stk[layer - 1] = NULL; // 释放空间记得设置为 NULL
- }
- else if (stk[layer - 1]->full != IDR_FULL)
- {
- if ((stk[layer]->full >> layer_id) & 1)
- stk[layer]->full ^= (1ull << layer_id);
- }
- }
- // 特判根节点是否只剩0号儿子节点 (注意还要layer > 0)
- // (注意,有可能出现idp->top=NULL)
- // bitmap: 1000...000/00.....000
- while (idp->top != NULL && ((idp->top->bitmap <= 1 && idp->top->layer > 0) || // 一条链的情况
- (idp->top->layer == 0 && idp->top->bitmap == 0))) // 最后一个点的情况
- {
- struct idr_layer *t = idp->top->layer ? idp->top->ary[0] : NULL;
- __idr_layer_free(idp->top);
- idp->top = t;
- }
- * @brief 内部的分配ID函数 (辅助函数)
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param ptr
- * @param starting_id 暂时没用
- * @return (0 <= id <= INT_MAX 表示申请的ID;否则是负数错误码, 可能是内存空间不够或者程序逻辑有误);
- */
-static int __idr_get_new_above_int(struct idr *idp, void *ptr, int starting_id)
- struct idr_layer *stk[MAX_LEVEL + 1] = {0};
- // kdebug("stk=%#018lx, sizeof_stk=%d", stk, sizeof(stk));
- // memset(stk, 0, sizeof(stk));
- // 你可以选择 memset(stk, 0, sizeof(stk));
- int64_t id = __idr_get_empty_slot(idp, stk);
- if (id >= 0)
- {
- stk[0]->ary[IDR_MASK & id] = ptr;
- __idr_mark_full(idp, id, stk, 2);
- }
- return id;
- * @brief 从[0,INT_MAX]区间内返回一个最小的空闲ID
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param ptr - id 所对应的指针
- * @param int* id - 传入int指针,获取到的NEW_ID存在id里
- * @return int (0表示获取id成功, 负数代表错误 - 可能是内存空间不够)
- */
-int idr_alloc(struct idr *idp, void *ptr, int *id)
- int rv = __idr_get_new_above_int(idp, ptr, 0);
- if (rv < 0)
- return rv; // error
- *id = rv;
- return 0;
- * @brief 删除一个id, 但是不释放对应的ptr指向的空间, 同时返回这个被删除id所对应的ptr
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param id
- * @return void*
- * (如果删除成功,就返回被删除id所对应的ptr;否则返回NULL。注意:如果这个id本来就和NULL绑定,那么也会返回NULL)
- */
-void *idr_remove(struct idr *idp, int id)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (unlikely(idp->top == NULL || __id < 0))
- return NULL;
- struct idr_layer *stk[MAX_LEVEL + 1] = {0};
- if (0 == __idr_get_path(idp, __id, stk))
- return NULL; // 找不到路径
- void *ret = stk[0]->ary[__id & IDR_MASK];
- __idr_erase_full(idp, __id, stk, 0);
- return ret;
- * @brief 移除IDR中所有的节点,如果free=true,则同时释放所有数据指针的空间(kfree)
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param free
- */
-static void __idr_remove_all_with_free(struct idr *idp, bool free)
- if (unlikely(NULL == idp->top))
- {
- kBUG("idr-module find a BUG: idp->top can't be NULL.");
- return;
- }
- int sz = sizeof(struct idr_layer);
- struct idr_layer *stk[MAX_LEVEL + 1] = {0};
- struct idr_layer *cur_layer = idp->top;
- int layer = cur_layer->layer;
- BUG_ON(layer + 1 >= 7);
- stk[layer + 1] = NULL; // 标记数组结尾
- while (cur_layer != NULL)
- {
- if (layer > 0 && cur_layer->bitmap) // 非叶子节点
- {
- stk[layer] = cur_layer; // 入栈
- int64_t id = __lowbit_id(cur_layer->bitmap);
- cur_layer->bitmap ^= (1ull << id);
- cur_layer = cur_layer->ary[id];
- stk[layer]->ary[id] = NULL;
- --layer;
- }
- else
- {
- if (free)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < IDR_SIZE; i++) // 释放数据指针的空间
- {
- kfree(cur_layer->ary[i]);
- cur_layer->ary[i] = NULL;
- }
- }
- __idr_layer_free(cur_layer); // 释放空间记得设置为NULL
- ++layer;
- cur_layer = stk[layer]; // 出栈
- }
- }
- idp->top = NULL;
- * @brief 删除idr的所有节点,同时释放数据指针的空间,回收free_list的所有空间 - (数据指针指ID所绑定的pointer)
- * @param idp
- */
-static void __idr_destroy_with_free(struct idr *idp)
- if (likely(idp->top))
- __idr_remove_all_with_free(idp, 1);
- idp->top = NULL;
- while (idp->id_free_cnt)
- __idr_layer_free(__get_from_free_list(idp));
- idp->free_list = NULL;
- * @brief 删除所有的ID
- *
- * @param idp
- */
-void idr_remove_all(struct idr *idp)
- if (unlikely(NULL == idp->top))
- return;
- __idr_remove_all_with_free(idp, 0);
- * @brief 释放一个idr占用的所有空间
- *
- * @param idp
- */
-void idr_destroy(struct idr *idp)
- idr_remove_all(idp);
- idp->top = NULL;
- while (idp->id_free_cnt)
- __idr_layer_free(__get_from_free_list(idp));
- idp->free_list = NULL;
- * @brief 返回id对应的数据指针
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param id
- * @return void* (如果id不存在返回NULL;否则返回对应的指针ptr; 注意: 有可能用户的数据本来就是NULL)
- */
-void *idr_find(struct idr *idp, int id)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (unlikely(idp->top == NULL || __id < 0))
- {
- // kwarn("idr-find: idp->top == NULL || id < 0.");
- return NULL;
- }
- struct idr_layer *cur_layer = idp->top;
- int layer = cur_layer->layer; // 特判NULL
- barrier();
- // 如果查询的ID的bit数量比layer*IDR_BITS还大, 直接返回NULL
- if ((__id >> ((layer + 1) * IDR_BITS)) > 0)
- return NULL;
- barrier();
- barrier();
- int64_t layer_id = 0;
- while (layer >= 0 && cur_layer != NULL)
- {
- barrier();
- layer_id = (__id >> (IDR_BITS * layer)) & IDR_MASK;
- barrier();
- cur_layer = cur_layer->ary[layer_id];
- --layer;
- }
- return cur_layer;
- * @brief 返回id大于 start_id 的数据指针(即非空闲id对应的指针), 如果没有则返回NULL; 可以传入nextid指针,获取下一个id;
- * 时间复杂度O(log_64(n)), 空间复杂度O(log_64(n)) 约为 6;
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param start_id
- * @param nextid
- * @return void* (如果分配,将返回该ID对应的数据指针; 否则返回NULL。注意,
- * 返回NULL不一定代表这ID不存在,有可能该ID就是与空指针绑定。)
- */
-void *idr_find_next_getid(struct idr *idp, int64_t start_id, int *nextid)
- BUG_ON(nextid == NULL);
- if (unlikely(idp->top == NULL))
- {
- *nextid = -1;
- return NULL;
- }
- ++start_id;
- start_id = max(0, start_id); // 特判负数
- *nextid = 0;
- struct idr_layer *stk[MAX_LEVEL + 1] = {0};
- // memset(stk, 0, sizeof(struct idr_layer *) * (MAX_LEVEL + 1));
- bool state[MAX_LEVEL + 1] = {0}; // 标记是否大于等于]
- int pos_i[MAX_LEVEL + 1] = {0};
- // memset(state, 0, sizeof(state));
- // memset(pos_i, 0, sizeof(pos_i)); // 必须清空
- struct idr_layer *cur_layer = idp->top;
- bool cur_state = false;
- bool init_flag = true;
- int layer = cur_layer->layer;
- BUG_ON(layer + 1 >= 7);
- stk[layer + 1] = NULL; // 标记数组结尾
- // 如果查询的ID的bit数量比layer*IDR_BITS还大, 直接返回NULL
- if ((start_id >> ((layer + 1) * IDR_BITS)) > 0)
- {
- *nextid = -1;
- return NULL;
- }
- while (cur_layer) // layer < top->layer + 1
- {
- BUG_ON(layer < 0);
- if (init_flag) // 第一次入栈
- {
- stk[layer] = cur_layer;
- state[layer] = cur_state;
- pos_i[layer] = cur_state ? 0 : ((start_id >> (layer * IDR_BITS)) & IDR_MASK);
- }
- else
- {
- pos_i[layer]++;
- state[layer] = cur_state = true;
- }
- BUG_ON(pos_i[layer] >= 64);
- unsigned long t_bitmap = (cur_layer->bitmap >> pos_i[layer]);
- if (t_bitmap) // 进一步递归到儿子下面去
- {
- int64_t layer_id = __lowbit_id(t_bitmap) + pos_i[layer];
- // 特别情况
- if ((cur_state == false) && (layer_id > pos_i[layer] > 0))
- cur_state = true;
- pos_i[layer] = layer_id;
- *nextid = (((uint64_t)*nextid) << IDR_BITS) | layer_id; // 更新答案
- if (layer == 0)
- {
- // 找到下一个id: nextid
- return cur_layer->ary[layer_id];
- }
- cur_layer = cur_layer->ary[layer_id];
- init_flag = true; // 儿子节点第一次入栈, 需要init
- --layer;
- }
- else // 子树搜索完毕,向上回溯
- {
- (*nextid) >>= IDR_BITS; // 维护答案
- ++layer;
- cur_layer = stk[layer];
- init_flag = false; // 不是第一次入栈, 不需要init
- }
- }
- *nextid = -1;
- return NULL; // 找不到
- * @brief 返回id大于 start_id 的数据指针(即非空闲id对应的指针), 如果没有则返回NULL
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param start_id
- * @return void* (如果分配,将返回该ID对应的数据指针; 否则返回NULL。注意,
- * 返回NULL不一定代表这ID不存在,有可能该ID就是与空指针绑定。)
- */
-void *idr_find_next(struct idr *idp, int start_id)
- int nextid;
- void *ptr = idr_find_next_getid(idp, start_id, &nextid);
- return ptr; // 当 nextid == -1 时, 出现错误
- * @brief 根据id替换指针,你需要保证这个id存在于idr中,否则将会出现错误
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param ptr (要替换旧指针的新指针 - new_ptr)
- * @param id
- * @param old_ptr (返回旧指针, 注意NULL不一定是出现错误,有可能是数据本来就是NULL)
- * @return int (0代表成功,否则就是负数 - 代表错误)
- */
-int idr_replace_get_old(struct idr *idp, void *ptr, int id, void **old_ptr)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (unlikely(old_ptr == NULL))
- {
- BUG_ON(1);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- *old_ptr = NULL;
- if (unlikely(idp->top == NULL || __id < 0))
- return -EDOM; // 参数错误
- struct idr_layer *cur_layer = idp->top;
- int64_t layer = cur_layer->layer;
- // 如果查询的ID的bit数量比layer*IDR_BITS还大, 直接返回NULL
- if ((__id >> ((layer + 1) * IDR_BITS)) > 0)
- return -EDOM;
- while (layer > 0)
- {
- int64_t layer_id = (__id >> (layer * IDR_BITS)) & IDR_MASK;
- if (unlikely(NULL == cur_layer->ary[layer_id]))
- return -ENOMEM;
- cur_layer = cur_layer->ary[layer_id];
- layer--;
- }
- __id &= IDR_MASK;
- *old_ptr = cur_layer->ary[__id];
- cur_layer->ary[__id] = ptr;
- return 0;
- * @brief 根据id替换指针,你需要保证这个id存在于idr中,否则将会出现错误
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param ptr (要替换 '旧数据指针' 的 '新数据指针' - new_ptr)
- * @param id
- * @return int (0代表成功,否则就是错误码 - 代表错误)
- */
-int idr_replace(struct idr *idp, void *ptr, int id)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (__id < 0)
- return -EDOM;
- void *old_ptr;
- int flags = idr_replace_get_old(idp, ptr, __id, &old_ptr);
- return flags;
- * @brief 判断一个idr是否为空
- *
- * @param idp
- * @return true
- * @return false
- */
-bool idr_empty(struct idr *idp)
- if (idp == NULL || idp->top == NULL || !idp->top->bitmap)
- return true;
- return false;
-static bool __idr_cnt_pd(struct idr_layer *cur_layer, int layer_id)
- // if(layer_id)
- unsigned long flags = ((cur_layer->bitmap) >> layer_id);
- if ((flags % 2) == 0)
- {
- barrier();
- return false; // 没有这一个儿子
- }
- return true;
-static bool __idr_cnt(int layer, int id, struct idr_layer *cur_layer)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- while (layer >= 0) // 提取路径
- {
- barrier();
- int64_t layer_id = (__id >> (layer * IDR_BITS)) & IDR_MASK;
- barrier();
- if (__idr_cnt_pd(cur_layer, layer_id) == false)
- return false;
- barrier();
- barrier();
- cur_layer = cur_layer->ary[layer_id];
- barrier();
- --layer;
- }
- return true;
- * @brief 这个函数是可以用于判断一个ID是否已经被分配的。
- *
- * @param idp
- * @param id
- * @return true
- * @return false
- */
-bool idr_count(struct idr *idp, int id)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- barrier();
- if (unlikely(idp == NULL || idp->top == NULL || __id < 0))
- return false;
- barrier();
- struct idr_layer *cur_layer = idp->top;
- barrier();
- int layer = cur_layer->layer;
- // 如果查询的ID的bit数量比 layer*IDR_BITS 还大, 直接返回false
- if (unlikely((__id >> ((layer + 1ull) * IDR_BITS)) > 0))
- {
- BUG_ON(1);
- return false;
- }
- barrier();
- return __idr_cnt(layer, id, cur_layer);
-/********* ****************************************** ida - idr 函数实现分割线
- * **********************************************************/
- * @brief 初始化IDA, 你需要保证调用函数之前, ida的free_list为空, 否则会导致内存泄漏
- * @param ida_p
- */
-void ida_init(struct ida *ida_p)
- memset(ida_p, 0, sizeof(struct ida));
- idr_init(&ida_p->idr);
- * @brief 释放bitmap空间
- *
- */
-static void __ida_bitmap_free(struct ida_bitmap *bitmap)
- kfree(bitmap);
- * @brief 为ida预分配空间
- *
- * @param ida_p
- * @param gfp_mask
- * @return int (如果分配成功,将返回0; 否则返回负数错误码, 有可能是内存空间不够)
- */
-int ida_preload(struct ida *ida_p, gfp_t gfp_mask)
- if (idr_preload(&ida_p->idr, gfp_mask) != 0)
- return -ENOMEM;
- spin_lock(&ida_p->idr.lock);
- if (NULL == ida_p->free_list)
- {
- struct ida_bitmap *bitmap;
- bitmap = kzalloc(sizeof(struct ida_bitmap), gfp_mask);
- if (NULL == bitmap)
- {
- spin_unlock(&ida_p->idr.lock);
- return -ENOMEM;
- }
- ida_p->free_list = bitmap;
- }
- spin_unlock(&ida_p->idr.lock);
- return 0;
- * @brief Get the ida bitmap object
- *
- * @param ida_p
- * @return void*
- */
-static void *__get_ida_bitmap(struct ida *ida_p, gfp_t gfp_mask)
- if (NULL == ida_p->free_list)
- if (ida_preload(ida_p, gfp_mask) < 0)
- {
- kBUG("error : no memory.");
- return NULL;
- }
- struct ida_bitmap *tmp = ida_p->free_list;
- ida_p->free_list = NULL;
- return tmp;
- * @brief 从bitmap中获取id, 并且标记这个ID已经被使用
- * @return int
- */
-static int __get_id_from_bitmap(struct ida_bitmap *bmp)
- int ret = 0;
- for (int ary_id = 0; ary_id < IDA_BITMAP_LONGS; ary_id++)
- {
- if (bmp->bitmap[ary_id] != IDR_FULL)
- {
- int bmp_id = __lowbit_id(~bmp->bitmap[ary_id]);
- bmp->bitmap[ary_id] |= (1ull << bmp_id);
- bmp->count++; // 注意, 这里已经标记这一位已经使用, 同时更新了ida_count
- if (unlikely((unsigned long long)ary_id * IDA_BMP_SIZE + bmp_id > INT32_MAX))
- {
- BUG_ON(1);
- // kBUG("ida设置id范围为[0, INT32_MAX], 但ida获取的id数值超过INT32_MAX.");
- return -EDOM;
- }
- return ary_id * IDA_BMP_SIZE + bmp_id;
- }
- }
- return -EDOM; // 不合法
- * @brief 获取一个ID
- *
- * @param ida_p
- * @param p_id
- * @return int (0表示获取ID成功, 否则是负数 - 错误码)
- */
-int ida_alloc(struct ida *ida_p, int *p_id)
- BUG_ON(p_id == NULL);
- *p_id = -1;
- struct idr_layer *stk[MAX_LEVEL + 1] = {0}; // 你可以选择memset(0)
- // memset(stk, 0, sizeof(struct idr_layer *) * (MAX_LEVEL + 1));
- io_sfence();
- int64_t idr_id = __idr_get_empty_slot(&ida_p->idr, stk);
- // 如果stk[0]=NULL,可能是idr内部出错/内存空间不够
- if (unlikely(NULL == stk[0]))
- return -ENOMEM;
- if (unlikely(idr_id < 0))
- return idr_id;
- int64_t layer_id = idr_id & IDR_MASK;
- if (NULL == stk[0]->ary[layer_id])
- stk[0]->ary[layer_id] = __get_ida_bitmap(ida_p, 0);
- if (unlikely(NULL == stk[0]->ary[layer_id]))
- return -ENOMEM;
- struct ida_bitmap *bmp = (struct ida_bitmap *)stk[0]->ary[layer_id];
- int low_id = __get_id_from_bitmap(bmp);
- if (unlikely(low_id < 0))
- return low_id;
- *p_id = idr_id * IDA_BITMAP_BITS + low_id;
- __idr_mark_full(&ida_p->idr, idr_id, stk, (bmp->count == IDA_FULL ? 2 : 1));
- return 0;
- * @brief 查询ID是否已经被分配
- *
- * @param ida_p
- * @param id
- * @return true
- * @return false
- */
-bool ida_count(struct ida *ida_p, int id)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (unlikely(NULL == ida_p || NULL == ida_p->idr.top || id < 0))
- return false;
- int idr_id = __id / IDA_BITMAP_BITS;
- int ary_id = (__id % IDA_BITMAP_BITS) / IDA_BMP_SIZE;
- int bmp_id = (__id % IDA_BITMAP_BITS) % IDA_BMP_SIZE;
- struct ida_bitmap *bmp = idr_find(&ida_p->idr, idr_id);
- if (NULL == bmp)
- return false;
- return ((bmp->bitmap[ary_id] >> bmp_id) & 1);
- * @brief 删除一个ID
- *
- * @param ida_p
- * @param id
- */
-void ida_remove(struct ida *ida_p, int id)
- int64_t __id = (int64_t)id;
- if (unlikely(NULL == ida_p || NULL == ida_p->idr.top || id < 0))
- return;
- int64_t idr_id = __id / IDA_BITMAP_BITS;
- int64_t ary_id = (__id % IDA_BITMAP_BITS) / IDA_BMP_SIZE;
- int64_t bmp_id = (__id % IDA_BITMAP_BITS) % IDA_BMP_SIZE;
- struct idr_layer *stk[MAX_LEVEL + 1] = {0};
- // memset(stk, 0, sizeof(struct idr_layer *) * (MAX_LEVEL + 1));
- if (0 == __idr_get_path(&ida_p->idr, idr_id, stk))
- return;
- struct ida_bitmap *b_p = (struct ida_bitmap *)(stk[0]->ary[idr_id & IDR_MASK]);
- // 不存在这个ID 或者 b_p == NULL
- if (unlikely(NULL == b_p || 0 == ((b_p->bitmap[ary_id] >> bmp_id) & 1)))
- return;
- b_p->count--; // 更新了ida_count
- b_p->bitmap[ary_id] ^= (1ull << bmp_id);
- __idr_erase_full(&ida_p->idr, idr_id, stk, (b_p->count > 0 ? 1 : 0));
- if (0 == b_p->count)
- {
- __ida_bitmap_free(b_p);
- if (stk[0]) // stk[0] 有可能在 __idr_erase_full 里面已经kfree了
- stk[0]->ary[idr_id & IDR_MASK] = NULL; // 记得设置为空
- }
- * @brief 释放所有空间(包括: idr + ida_bitmap + free_list)
- * @param ida_p
- */
-void ida_destroy(struct ida *ida_p)
- if (unlikely(ida_p == NULL))
- {
- BUG_ON(1);
- return;
- }
- __idr_destroy_with_free(&ida_p->idr);
- ida_p->idr.top = NULL;
- __ida_bitmap_free(ida_p->free_list);
- ida_p->free_list = NULL;
- * @brief 判断一个ida是否为空
- *
- * @param ida_p
- * @return true
- * @return false
- */
-bool ida_empty(struct ida *ida_p)
- if (ida_p == NULL || ida_p->idr.top == NULL || !ida_p->idr.top->bitmap)
- return true;
- return false;