@@ -4,96 +4,51 @@
-This project is a operating system running on computer which is in X86_ 64 Architecture . The DragonOS is currently under development!
+  This project is a operating system running on computer which is in X86_ 64 Architecture . The DragonOS is currently under development!
+[All you want to know about DragonOS is here - DragonOS](https://dragonos.org/uncategorized/summary/)
## Websites
- Home Page **[DragonOS.org](https://dragonos.org)**
- Documentation **[docs.DragonOS.org](https://docs.dragonos.org)**
- BBS **[bbs.DragonOS.org](https://bbs.dragonos.org)**
- QQ group **115763565**
- code search engine [code.DragonOS.org](http://code.dragonos.org)
-## Development Environment
## How to run?
-1. clone the project
-2. Run the <u>run.sh</u>
-## To do list:
-- [x] multiboot2
-- [x] printk
-- [x] Simple exception capture and interrupt handling
-- [x] APIC
-- [x] Primary memory management unit
-- [x] SLAB memory pool
-- [x] PS/2 Keyboard and mouse driver
-- [x] PCI bus driver
-- [ ] USB Driver
+  The steps to run DragonOS are very simple. You can refer to the following materials to run DragonOS in the shortest 15 minutes!
-- [x] SATA Hard disk driver(AHCI)
+- [Building DragonOS - DragonOS dev document](https://docs.dragonos.org/zh_CN/latest/introduction/build_system.html#docker)
-- [ ] Driver Framework
+- [How to run DragonOS on a computer's virtual machine? || Long Jin's blog](https://longjin666.cn/?p=1514)
-- [ ] Network card driver
+- [Teach you to run DragonOS in 15 minutes- Bilibili](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zF411w7s2?share_source=copy_web&vd_source=41ab4a1b73e6f65219a785923511517e)
-- [ ] Internet protocol stack
+## DragonOS' Features
-- [ ] Graphics driver
+  See documentation:[Features](https://docs.dragonos.org/zh_CN/latest/introduction/features.html)
-- [x] First process
+## How to join DragonOS ?
-- [x] Process management
+  If you are willing to join us, you can check the project panel of GitHub warehouse, select the recently planned functions, and improve them.
-- [ ] IPC
+  Or, you can also bring your ideas and ideas, discuss with the community partners, and create some new functions for dragonos.
-- [x] First system call function
+## How to come in contact with the community?
-- [x] Start dragonos on the physical platform (There is a bug which can make the computer automatically reboot on AMD processor)
+  You can send me an email. My email address is[ [email protected] ](mailto: [email protected] )。
-- [x] Multi core boot
+  Or join our development exchange QQ group: **115763565**
-- [ ] Multi core scheduling and load balancing
+  For the discussion of formal issues, we suggest that they be discussed in the forum [BBS.Dragonos.org](https://bbs.dragonos.org/) In the corresponding section of the, use formal language to post for discussion. Or ask questions under the issue of the warehouse.
-- [x] FAT32 file system
-- [x] virtual file system
-- [x] Parsing ELF file format
-- [x] Floating point support
-- [x] Implementation of system call library based on POSIX
-- [x] Shell
-- [x] Kernel stack backtracking
-- [ ] Dynamic loading module
-## Contribute code
-If you are willing to develop this project with me, please email me first~
+  While posting, you can forward the post to the communication QQ group, which can make the communication of problems more efficient and facilitate the archiving of problems.
## List of contributors
+[Contributors to fslongjin/DragonOS · GitHub](https://github.com/fslongjin/DragonOS/graphs/contributors)
## Contact with me
@@ -103,9 +58,17 @@ Blog:[longjin666.cn](https://longjin666.cn)
## Reward
-If you like, click the link below and buy me a cup of coffee ~ please leave your GitHub ID in the payment remarks and I will post it to this page. The donated funds will be used for website, forum community maintenance and all purposes related to the project.
+  Dragonos is a public welfare open source project, but its daily maintenance still needs some funds. If you want, you can visit [Sponsor - DragonOS](https://dragonos.org/donate/), so as to promote the development of this project. The list of all sponsors will be published.
+### Where will the sponsorship funds be used?
+- Server expenses of official website and community forum
+- Code search engine server expenses (this is not a small amount)
-[The reward webpage](https://longjin666.cn/?page_id=54)
+- Expenses for domain name, CDN and other services
+- Any use that is conducive to the development and construction of DragonOS
## Sponsors
@@ -114,14 +77,17 @@ If you like, click the link below and buy me a cup of coffee ~ please leave your
## Open source statement
-This project adopts GPLv2 LICENSE for open source. You are welcome to use the code of this project on the basis of abiding by the open source license!
+  This project adopts GPLv2 LICENSE for open source. You are welcome to use the code of this project on the basis of abiding by the open source license!
**What we support:** using this project to create greater value and contribute code to this project under the condition of abiding by the agreement.
**What we condemn**: any non-compliance with the open source license. Including but not limited to: plagiarizing the code of the project as your graduation project and other academic misconduct, as well as commercial closed source use without payment.
If you find any violation of the open source license, we welcome you to send email feedback! Let's build an honest open source community together!
## References
-This project refers to the following materials. I sincerely give my thanks to the authors of these projects, books and documents!
+  This project refers to the following materials. I sincerely give my thanks to the authors of these projects, books and documents!
- Implementation of a 64 bit operating system, Tian Yu (POSTS&TELECOM PRESS)