@@ -38,41 +38,41 @@ bitflags! {
pub struct FileMode: u32{
/* File access modes for `open' and `fcntl'. */
/// Open Read-only
- const O_RDONLY = 0;
+ const O_RDONLY = 0o0;
/// Open Write-only
- const O_WRONLY = 1;
+ const O_WRONLY = 0o1;
/// Open read/write
- const O_RDWR = 2;
+ const O_RDWR = 0o2;
/// Mask for file access modes
- const O_ACCMODE = 00000003;
+ const O_ACCMODE = 0o00000003;
/* Bits OR'd into the second argument to open. */
/// Create file if it does not exist
- const O_CREAT = 00000100;
+ const O_CREAT = 0o00000100;
/// Fail if file already exists
- const O_EXCL = 00000200;
+ const O_EXCL = 0o00000200;
/// Do not assign controlling terminal
- const O_NOCTTY = 00000400;
+ const O_NOCTTY = 0o00000400;
/// 文件存在且是普通文件,并以O_RDWR或O_WRONLY打开,则它会被清空
- const O_TRUNC = 00001000;
+ const O_TRUNC = 0o00001000;
/// 文件指针会被移动到文件末尾
- const O_APPEND = 00002000;
+ const O_APPEND = 0o00002000;
/// 非阻塞式IO模式
- const O_NONBLOCK = 00004000;
+ const O_NONBLOCK = 0o00004000;
/// used to be O_SYNC, see below
- const O_DSYNC = 00010000;
+ const O_DSYNC = 0o00010000;
/// fcntl, for BSD compatibility
- const FASYNC = 00020000;
+ const FASYNC = 0o00020000;
/* direct disk access hint */
- const O_DIRECT = 00040000;
- const O_LARGEFILE = 00100000;
+ const O_DIRECT = 0o00040000;
+ const O_LARGEFILE = 0o00100000;
/// 打开的必须是一个目录
- const O_DIRECTORY = 00200000;
+ const O_DIRECTORY = 0o00200000;
/// Do not follow symbolic links
- const O_NOFOLLOW = 00400000;
- const O_NOATIME = 01000000;
+ const O_NOFOLLOW = 0o00400000;
+ const O_NOATIME = 0o01000000;
/// set close_on_exec
- const O_CLOEXEC = 02000000;
+ const O_CLOEXEC = 0o02000000;