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:new: 输入about即可展示系统的“关于”信息

fslongjin 2 years ago
5 changed files with 124 additions and 67 deletions
  1. 2 1
  2. 26 3
  3. 74 4
  4. 20 0
  5. 2 59

+ 2 - 1

@@ -634,7 +634,8 @@ uint64_t sys_wait4(struct pt_regs *regs)
     // 拷贝子进程的返回码
-    copy_to_user(status, (void*)child_proc->exit_code, sizeof(int));
+    *status = child_proc->exit_code;
+    // copy_to_user(status, (void*)child_proc->exit_code, sizeof(int));
     proc->next_pcb = child_proc->next_pcb;
     // 释放子进程的页表

+ 26 - 3

@@ -1,8 +1,31 @@
 #include <libc/stdio.h>
+void print_ascii_logo()
+    printf(" ____                                      ___   ____ \n");
+    printf("|  _ \\  _ __   __ _   __ _   ___   _ __   / _ \\ / ___| \n");
+    printf("| | | || '__| / _` | / _` | / _ \\ | '_ \\ | | | |\\___ \\  \n");
+    printf("| |_| || |   | (_| || (_| || (_) || | | || |_| | ___) |\n");
+    printf("|____/ |_|    \\__,_| \\__, | \\___/ |_| |_| \\___/ |____/ \n");
+    printf("                     |___/     \n");
+void print_copyright()
+    printf(" DragonOS - An opensource operating system.\n");
+    printf(" Copyright: fslongjin. 2022, All rights reserved.\n");
+    printf(" You can visit the project via:\n");
+    printf("\n");
+    put_string("\n", COLOR_ORANGE, COLOR_BLACK);
+    printf("\n");
+    printf("    Email: [email protected]\n");
+    printf("\n");
 int main()
-    printf("Hello World!\n");
-    exit(0);
-    while(1);
+    // printf("Hello World!\n");
+    print_ascii_logo();
+    print_copyright();
+    exit(1);
+    while (1)
+        ;

+ 74 - 4

@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ struct built_in_cmd_t shell_cmds[] =
         {"rmdir", shell_cmd_rmdir},
         {"reboot", shell_cmd_reboot},
         {"touch", shell_cmd_touch},
+        {"about", shell_cmd_about},
         {"help", shell_help},
@@ -62,7 +63,10 @@ static char *get_target_filepath(const char *filename, int *result_path_len)
         file_path[cwd_len] = '/';
     // 拼接完整路径
-    strcat(file_path, filename);
+    if (filename[0] == '/')
+        strcat(file_path, filename + 1);
+    else
+        strcat(file_path, filename);
     return file_path;
@@ -377,21 +381,37 @@ int shell_cmd_exec(int argc, char **argv)
         // 子进程
         int path_len = 0;
         char *file_path = get_target_filepath(argv[1], &path_len);
-        // printf("before execv, path=%s, argc=%d\n", file_path, argc);
+        printf("before execv, path=%s, argc=%d\n", file_path, argc);
         execv(file_path, argv);
-        while(1);
+        while (1)
+            ;
         printf("parent process wait for pid:[ %d ]\n", pid);
         waitpid(pid, &retval, 0);
         printf("parent process wait pid [ %d ], exit code=%d\n", pid, retval);
+int shell_cmd_about(int argc, char **argv)
+    if (argv != NULL)
+        free(argv);
+    int aac = 0;
+    char **aav;
+    unsigned char input_buffer[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
+    strcpy(input_buffer, "exec /about.elf\0");
+    parse_command(input_buffer, &aac, &aav);
+    shell_cmd_exec(aac, aav);
@@ -406,4 +426,54 @@ int shell_cmd_exec(int argc, char **argv)
 int shell_cmd_reboot(int argc, char **argv)
     return syscall_invoke(SYS_REBOOT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
+ * @brief 解析shell命令
+ *
+ * @param buf 输入缓冲区
+ * @param argc 返回值:参数数量
+ * @param argv 返回值:参数列表
+ * @return int 主命令的编号
+ */
+int parse_command(char *buf, int *argc, char ***argv)
+    // printf("parse command\n");
+    int index = 0; // 当前访问的是buf的第几位
+    // 去除命令前导的空格
+    while (index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE && buf[index] == ' ')
+        ++index;
+    // 计算参数数量
+    for (int i = index; i < (INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); ++i)
+    {
+        // 到达了字符串末尾
+        if (!buf[i])
+            break;
+        if (buf[i] != ' ' && (buf[i + 1] == ' ' || buf[i + 1] == '\0'))
+            ++(*argc);
+    }
+    // printf("\nargc=%d\n", *argc);
+    // 为指向每个指令的指针分配空间
+    *argv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char **) * (*argc));
+    memset(*argv, 0, sizeof(char **) * (*argc));
+    // 将每个命令都单独提取出来
+    for (int i = 0; i < *argc && index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i)
+    {
+        // 提取出命令,以空格作为分割
+        *((*argv) + i) = &buf[index];
+        while (index < (INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) && buf[index] && buf[index] != ' ')
+            ++index;
+        buf[index++] = '\0';
+        // 删除命令间多余的空格
+        while (index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE && buf[index] == ' ')
+            ++index;
+        // printf("%s\n", (*argv)[i]);
+    }
+    // 以第一个命令作为主命令,查找其在命令表中的编号
+    return shell_find_cmd(**argv);

+ 20 - 0

@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
 // cwd字符串的最大大小
 #define SHELL_CWD_MAX_SIZE  256
+#define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 512
  * @brief shell内建命令结构体
@@ -121,3 +122,22 @@ int shell_cmd_exec(int argc, char **argv);
  * @return int
 int shell_cmd_reboot(int argc, char **argv);
+ * @brief 关于软件
+ * 
+ * @param argc 
+ * @param argv 
+ * @return int 
+ */
+int shell_cmd_about(int argc, char **argv);
+ * @brief 解析shell命令
+ *
+ * @param buf 输入缓冲区
+ * @param argc 返回值:参数数量
+ * @param argv 返回值:参数列表
+ * @return int
+ */
+int parse_command(char *buf, int *argc, char ***argv);

+ 2 - 59

@@ -17,20 +17,12 @@
  * @param buf 输入缓冲区
  * @return 读取的字符数
-#define INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE 512
 int shell_readline(int fd, char *buf);
 extern char *shell_current_path;
- * @brief 解析shell命令
- *
- * @param buf 输入缓冲区
- * @param argc 返回值:参数数量
- * @param argv 返回值:参数列表
- * @return int
- */
-int parse_command(char *buf, int *argc, char ***argv);
  * @brief shell主循环
@@ -130,52 +122,3 @@ int shell_readline(int fd, char *buf)
- * @brief 解析shell命令
- *
- * @param buf 输入缓冲区
- * @param argc 返回值:参数数量
- * @param argv 返回值:参数列表
- * @return int 主命令的编号
- */
-int parse_command(char *buf, int *argc, char ***argv)
-    // printf("parse command\n");
-    int index = 0; // 当前访问的是buf的第几位
-    // 去除命令前导的空格
-    while (index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE && buf[index] == ' ')
-        ++index;
-    // 计算参数数量
-    for (int i = index; i < (INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); ++i)
-    {
-        // 到达了字符串末尾
-        if (!buf[i])
-            break;
-        if (buf[i] != ' ' && (buf[i + 1] == ' ' || buf[i + 1] == '\0'))
-            ++(*argc);
-    }
-    // printf("\nargc=%d\n", *argc);
-    // 为指向每个指令的指针分配空间
-    *argv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char **) * (*argc));
-    memset(*argv, 0, sizeof(char **) * (*argc));
-    // 将每个命令都单独提取出来
-    for (int i = 0; i < *argc && index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i)
-    {
-        // 提取出命令,以空格作为分割
-        *((*argv) + i) = &buf[index];
-        while (index < (INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) && buf[index] && buf[index] != ' ')
-            ++index;
-        buf[index++] = '\0';
-        // 删除命令间多余的空格
-        while (index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE && buf[index] == ' ')
-            ++index;
-        // printf("%s\n", (*argv)[i]);
-    }
-    // 以第一个命令作为主命令,查找其在命令表中的编号
-    return shell_find_cmd(**argv);