@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+use alloc::{
+ string::{String, ToString},
+ sync::{Arc, Weak},
+ vec::Vec,
+use system_error::SystemError;
+use crate::{
+ driver::base::{
+ device::{bus::Bus, driver::Driver, Device, IdTable},
+ kobject::{KObjType, KObject, KObjectState, LockedKObjectState},
+ kset::KSet,
+ platform::{platform_device::PlatformDevice, platform_driver::PlatformDriver},
+ },
+ filesystem::kernfs::KernFSInode,
+ libs::{
+ rwlock::{RwLockReadGuard, RwLockWriteGuard},
+ spinlock::SpinLock,
+ },
+use super::{i8042_device::I8042PlatformDevice, i8042_setup_aux};
+#[cast_to([sync] PlatformDriver)]
+pub struct I8042Driver {
+ inner: SpinLock<InnerI8042Driver>,
+ kobj_state: LockedKObjectState,
+impl I8042Driver {
+ pub const NAME: &'static str = "i8042";
+ pub fn new() -> Arc<I8042Driver> {
+ let r = Arc::new(Self {
+ inner: SpinLock::new(InnerI8042Driver {
+ ktype: None,
+ kset: None,
+ parent: None,
+ kernfs_inode: None,
+ devices: Vec::new(),
+ bus: None,
+ self_ref: Weak::new(),
+ }),
+ kobj_state: LockedKObjectState::new(None),
+ });
+ r.inner.lock().self_ref = Arc::downgrade(&r);
+ return r;
+ }
+pub struct InnerI8042Driver {
+ ktype: Option<&'static dyn KObjType>,
+ kset: Option<Arc<KSet>>,
+ parent: Option<Weak<dyn KObject>>,
+ kernfs_inode: Option<Arc<KernFSInode>>,
+ devices: Vec<Arc<dyn Device>>,
+ bus: Option<Weak<dyn Bus>>,
+ self_ref: Weak<I8042Driver>,
+impl PlatformDriver for I8042Driver {
+ // TODO: https://code.dragonos.org.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/input/serio/i8042.c#1542
+ fn probe(&self, device: &Arc<dyn PlatformDevice>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ let device = device
+ .clone()
+ .arc_any()
+ .downcast::<I8042PlatformDevice>()
+ .map_err(|_| SystemError::EINVAL)?;
+ device.set_driver(Some(self.inner.lock().self_ref.clone()));
+ i8042_setup_aux()?;
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ // TODO: https://code.dragonos.org.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/input/serio/i8042.c#1587
+ fn remove(&self, _device: &Arc<dyn PlatformDevice>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ todo!()
+ }
+ // TODO: https://code.dragonos.org.cn/xref/linux-6.1.9/drivers/input/serio/i8042.c#1322
+ fn shutdown(&self, _device: &Arc<dyn PlatformDevice>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ todo!()
+ }
+ fn suspend(&self, _device: &Arc<dyn PlatformDevice>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ // do nothing
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+ fn resume(&self, _device: &Arc<dyn PlatformDevice>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ // do nothing
+ return Ok(());
+ }
+impl Driver for I8042Driver {
+ fn id_table(&self) -> Option<IdTable> {
+ Some(IdTable::new(I8042PlatformDevice::NAME.to_string(), None))
+ }
+ fn devices(&self) -> Vec<Arc<dyn Device>> {
+ self.inner.lock().devices.clone()
+ }
+ fn add_device(&self, device: Arc<dyn Device>) {
+ let mut guard = self.inner.lock();
+ // check if the device is already in the list
+ if guard.devices.iter().any(|dev| Arc::ptr_eq(dev, &device)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ guard.devices.push(device);
+ }
+ fn delete_device(&self, device: &Arc<dyn Device>) {
+ let mut guard = self.inner.lock();
+ guard.devices.retain(|dev| !Arc::ptr_eq(dev, device));
+ }
+ fn set_bus(&self, bus: Option<Weak<dyn Bus>>) {
+ self.inner.lock().bus = bus;
+ }
+ fn bus(&self) -> Option<Weak<dyn Bus>> {
+ self.inner.lock().bus.clone()
+ }
+impl KObject for I8042Driver {
+ fn as_any_ref(&self) -> &dyn core::any::Any {
+ self
+ }
+ fn set_inode(&self, inode: Option<Arc<KernFSInode>>) {
+ self.inner.lock().kernfs_inode = inode;
+ }
+ fn inode(&self) -> Option<Arc<KernFSInode>> {
+ self.inner.lock().kernfs_inode.clone()
+ }
+ fn parent(&self) -> Option<Weak<dyn KObject>> {
+ self.inner.lock().parent.clone()
+ }
+ fn set_parent(&self, parent: Option<Weak<dyn KObject>>) {
+ self.inner.lock().parent = parent;
+ }
+ fn kset(&self) -> Option<Arc<KSet>> {
+ self.inner.lock().kset.clone()
+ }
+ fn set_kset(&self, kset: Option<Arc<KSet>>) {
+ self.inner.lock().kset = kset;
+ }
+ fn kobj_type(&self) -> Option<&'static dyn KObjType> {
+ self.inner.lock().ktype
+ }
+ fn set_kobj_type(&self, ktype: Option<&'static dyn KObjType>) {
+ self.inner.lock().ktype = ktype;
+ }
+ fn name(&self) -> String {
+ Self::NAME.to_string()
+ }
+ fn set_name(&self, _name: String) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ fn kobj_state(&self) -> RwLockReadGuard<KObjectState> {
+ self.kobj_state.read()
+ }
+ fn kobj_state_mut(&self) -> RwLockWriteGuard<KObjectState> {
+ self.kobj_state.write()
+ }
+ fn set_kobj_state(&self, state: KObjectState) {
+ *self.kobj_state.write() = state;
+ }