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:new: 新增了ata驱动程序

fslongjin 3 years ago
6 changed files with 429 additions and 24 deletions
  1. 2 1
  2. 1 0
  3. 60 0
  4. 345 0
  5. 1 1
  6. 20 22

+ 2 - 1

@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@

+ 1 - 0

@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@
 // 定义类型的缩写
+typedef unsigned short ushort;
 typedef unsigned int uint;
 typedef unsigned long ul;
 typedef unsigned long long int ull;

+ 60 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+#include "ata.h"
+#include "../../common/kprint.h"
+#include "../interrupt/apic/apic.h"
+struct apic_IO_APIC_RTE_entry entry;
+ * @brief 硬盘中断上半部处理程序
+ * 
+ * @param irq_num 
+ * @param param 
+ * @param regs 
+ */
+void ata_disk_handler(ul irq_num, ul param, struct pt_regs *regs)
+hardware_intr_controller ata_disk_intr_controller = 
+    .enable = apic_ioapic_enable,
+    .disable = apic_ioapic_disable,
+    .install = apic_ioapic_install,
+    .uninstall = apic_ioapic_uninstall,
+    .ack = apic_ioapic_edge_ack,
+ * @brief 初始化ATA磁盘驱动程序
+ *
+ */
+void ata_init()
+    entry.vector = 0x2f;
+    entry.deliver_mode = IO_APIC_FIXED;
+    entry.dest_mode = DEST_PHYSICAL;
+    entry.deliver_status = IDLE;
+    entry.polarity = POLARITY_HIGH;
+    entry.remote_IRR = IRR_RESET;
+    entry.trigger_mode = EDGE_TRIGGER;
+    entry.mask = MASKED;
+    entry.reserved = 0;
+    entry.destination.physical.reserved1 = 0;
+    entry.destination.physical.reserved2 = 0;
+    entry.destination.physical.phy_dest = 0; // 投递至BSP
+    irq_register(entry.vector, &entry, &ata_disk_handler, 0, &ata_disk_intr_controller, "ATA Disk 1");
+    io_out8(PORT_DISK1_STATUS_CTRL_REG, 0);   // 使能中断请求
+    io_out8(PORT_DISK1_ERR_STATUS, 0);
+    io_out8(PORT_DISK1_SECTOR_CNT, 0);
+    io_out8(PORT_DISK1_LBA_7_0, 0);
+    io_out8(PORT_DISK1_LBA_15_8, 0);
+    io_out8(PORT_DISK1_LBA_23_16, 0);
+    io_out8(PORT_DISK1_CONTROLLER_STATUS_CMD, 0xec);    // 获取硬件设备识别信息

+ 345 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "../../common/glib.h"
+// ======== PIO端口定义 ========
+#define PORT_DISK0_DATA 0x1f0                     // 数据
+#define PORT_DISK0_ERR_STATUS 0x1f1               // 错误状态
+#define PORT_DISK0_SECTOR_CNT 0x1f2               // 操作扇区数
+#define PORT_DISK0_LBA_7_0 0x1f3                  // 扇区号 / LBA[7:0]
+#define PORT_DISK0_LBA_15_8 0x1f4                 // 柱面号[7:0] / LBA[15:8]
+#define PORT_DISK0_LBA_23_16 0x1f5                // 柱面号[15:8] / LBA[23:16]
+#define PORT_DISK0_LBA_DEVICE_CONFIGURE_REG 0x1f6 // 设备配置寄存器
+#define PORT_DISK0_CONTROLLER_STATUS_CMD 0x1f7    // 控制器状态端口 / 控制器命令端口
+#define PORT_DISK0_STATUS_CTRL_REG 0x3f6          // 状态寄存器 / 控制寄存器
+#define PORT_DISK1_DATA 0x170                  // 数据
+#define PORT_DISK1_ERR_STATUS 0x171            // 错误状态
+#define PORT_DISK1_SECTOR_CNT 0x172            // 操作扇区数
+#define PORT_DISK1_LBA_7_0 0x173               // 扇区号 / LBA[7:0]
+#define PORT_DISK1_LBA_15_8 0x174              // 柱面号[7:0] / LBA[15:8]
+#define PORT_DISK1_LBA_23_16 0x175             // 柱面号[15:8] / LBA[23:16]
+#define PORT_DISK1_DEVICE_CONFIGURE_REG 0x176  // 设备配置寄存器
+#define PORT_DISK1_CONTROLLER_STATUS_CMD 0x177 // 控制器状态端口 / 控制器命令端口
+#define PORT_DISK1_STATUS_CTRL_REG 0x376       // 状态寄存器 / 控制寄存器
+// ======= 状态寄存器的状态位 ==========
+#define DISK_STATUS_BUSY (1 << 7)       // 控制器忙
+#define DISK_STATUS_READY (1 << 6)      // 驱动器准备就绪
+#define DISK_STATUS_SEEK (1 << 4)       // 驱动器寻道
+#define DISK_STATUS_DATA_REQ (1 << 3)   // 数据请求
+#define DISK_STATUS_DATA_ERROR (1 << 0) // 命令执行错误
+ * @brief 执行0xec指令返回的512bytes的硬件设备识别信息
+ * 位于ATA8-ACS中
+ */
+struct ata_identify_device_data
+    //	0	General configuration bit-significant information
+    unsigned short General_Config;
+    //	1	Obsolete
+    unsigned short Obsolete0;
+    //	2	Specific configuration
+    unsigned short Specific_Coinfig;
+    //	3	Obsolete
+    unsigned short Obsolete1;
+    //	4-5	Retired
+    unsigned short Retired0[2];
+    //	6	Obsolete
+    unsigned short Obsolete2;
+    //	7-8	Reserved for the CompactFlash Association
+    unsigned short CompactFlash[2];
+    //	9	Retired
+    unsigned short Retired1;
+    //	10-19	Serial number (20 ASCII characters)
+    unsigned short Serial_Number[10];
+    //	20-21	Retired
+    unsigned short Retired2[2];
+    //	22	Obsolete
+    unsigned short Obsolete3;
+    //	23-26	Firmware revision(8 ASCII characters)
+    unsigned short Firmware_Version[4];
+    //	27-46	Model number (40 ASCII characters)
+    unsigned short Model_Number[20];
+    //	47	15:8 	80h
+    //		7:0  	00h=Reserved
+    //			01h-FFh = Maximumnumber of logical sectors that shall be transferred per DRQ data block on READ/WRITE MULTIPLE commands
+    unsigned short Max_logical_transferred_per_DRQ;
+    //	48	Trusted Computing feature set options
+    unsigned short Trusted_Computing_feature_set_options;
+    //	49	Capabilities
+    unsigned short Capabilities0;
+    //	50	Capabilities
+    unsigned short Capabilities1;
+    //	51-52	Obsolete
+    unsigned short Obsolete4[2];
+    //	53	15:8	Free-fall Control Sensitivity
+    //		7:3 	Reserved
+    //		2 	the fields reported in word 88 are valid
+    //		1 	the fields reported in words (70:64) are valid
+    unsigned short Report_88_70to64_valid;
+    //	54-58	Obsolete
+    unsigned short Obsolete5[5];
+    //	59	15:9	Reserved
+    //		8	Multiple sector setting is valid
+    //		7:0	xxh current setting for number of logical sectors that shall be transferred per DRQ data block on READ/WRITE Multiple commands
+    unsigned short Mul_Sec_Setting_Valid;
+    //	60-61	Total number of user addresssable logical sectors for 28bit CMD
+    unsigned short Addressable_Logical_Sectors_for_28[2];
+    //	62	Obsolete
+    unsigned short Obsolete6;
+    //	63	15:11	Reserved
+    //		10:8=1 	Multiword DMA mode 210 is selected
+    //		7:3 	Reserved
+    //		2:0=1 	Multiword DMA mode 210 and below are supported
+    unsigned short MultWord_DMA_Select;
+    //	64	15:8	Reserved
+    //		7:0	PIO mdoes supported
+    unsigned short PIO_mode_supported;
+    //	65	Minimum Multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word
+    unsigned short Min_MulWord_DMA_cycle_time_per_word;
+    //	66	Manufacturer`s recommended Multiword DMA transfer cycle time
+    unsigned short Manufacture_Recommend_MulWord_DMA_cycle_time;
+    //	67	Minimum PIO transfer cycle time without flow control
+    unsigned short Min_PIO_cycle_time_Flow_Control;
+    //	68	Minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY flow control
+    unsigned short Min_PIO_cycle_time_IOREDY_Flow_Control;
+    //	69-70	Reserved
+    unsigned short Reserved1[2];
+    //	71-74	Reserved for the IDENTIFY PACKET DEVICE command
+    unsigned short Reserved2[4];
+    //	75	Queue depth
+    unsigned short Queue_depth;
+    //	76	Serial ATA Capabilities
+    unsigned short SATA_Capabilities;
+    //	77	Reserved for Serial ATA
+    unsigned short Reserved3;
+    //	78	Serial ATA features Supported
+    unsigned short SATA_features_Supported;
+    //	79	Serial ATA features enabled
+    unsigned short SATA_features_enabled;
+    //	80	Major Version number
+    unsigned short Major_Version;
+    //	81	Minor version number
+    unsigned short Minor_Version;
+    //	82	Commands and feature sets supported
+    unsigned short Cmd_feature_sets_supported0;
+    //	83	Commands and feature sets supported
+    unsigned short Cmd_feature_sets_supported1;
+    //	84	Commands and feature sets supported
+    unsigned short Cmd_feature_sets_supported2;
+    //	85	Commands and feature sets supported or enabled
+    unsigned short Cmd_feature_sets_supported3;
+    //	86	Commands and feature sets supported or enabled
+    unsigned short Cmd_feature_sets_supported4;
+    //	87	Commands and feature sets supported or enabled
+    unsigned short Cmd_feature_sets_supported5;
+    //	88	15 	Reserved
+    //		14:8=1 	Ultra DMA mode 6543210 is selected
+    //		7 	Reserved
+    //		6:0=1 	Ultra DMA mode 6543210 and below are suported
+    unsigned short Ultra_DMA_modes;
+    //	89	Time required for Normal Erase mode SECURITY ERASE UNIT command
+    unsigned short Time_required_Erase_CMD;
+    //	90	Time required for an Enhanced Erase mode SECURITY ERASE UNIT command
+    unsigned short Time_required_Enhanced_CMD;
+    //	91	Current APM level value
+    unsigned short Current_APM_level_Value;
+    //	92	Master Password Identifier
+    unsigned short Master_Password_Identifier;
+    //	93	Hardware resset result.The contents of bits (12:0) of this word shall change only during the execution of a hardware reset.
+    unsigned short HardWare_Reset_Result;
+    //	94	Current AAM value
+    //		15:8 	Vendor’s recommended AAM value
+    //		7:0 	Current AAM value
+    unsigned short Current_AAM_value;
+    //	95	Stream Minimum Request Size
+    unsigned short Stream_Min_Request_Size;
+    //	96	Streaming Transger Time-DMA
+    unsigned short Streaming_Transger_time_DMA;
+    //	97	Streaming Access Latency-DMA and PIO
+    unsigned short Streaming_Access_Latency_DMA_PIO;
+    //	98-99	Streaming Performance Granularity (DWord)
+    unsigned short Streaming_Performance_Granularity[2];
+    //	100-103	Total Number of User Addressable Logical Sectors for 48-bit commands (QWord)
+    unsigned short Total_user_LBA_for_48_Address_Feature_set[4];
+    //	104	Streaming Transger Time-PIO
+    unsigned short Streaming_Transfer_Time_PIO;
+    //	105	Reserved
+    unsigned short Reserved4;
+    //	106	Physical Sector size/Logical Sector Size
+    unsigned short Physical_Logical_Sector_Size;
+    //	107	Inter-seek delay for ISO-7779 acoustic testing in microseconds
+    unsigned short Inter_seek_delay;
+    //	108-111	World wide name
+    unsigned short World_wide_name[4];
+    //	112-115	Reserved
+    unsigned short Reserved5[4];
+    //	116	Reserved for TLC
+    unsigned short Reserved6;
+    //	117-118	Logical sector size (DWord)
+    unsigned short Words_per_Logical_Sector[2];
+    //	119	Commands and feature sets supported (Continued from words 84:82)
+    unsigned short CMD_feature_Supported;
+    //	120	Commands and feature sets supported or enabled (Continued from words 87:85)
+    unsigned short CMD_feature_Supported_enabled;
+    //	121-126	Reserved for expanded supported and enabled settings
+    unsigned short Reserved7[6];
+    //	127	Obsolete
+    unsigned short Obsolete7;
+    //	128	Security status
+    unsigned short Security_Status;
+    //	129-159	Vendor specific
+    unsigned short Vendor_Specific[31];
+    //	160	CFA power mode
+    unsigned short CFA_Power_mode;
+    //	161-167	Reserved for the CompactFlash Association
+    unsigned short Reserved8[7];
+    //	168	Device Nominal Form Factor
+    unsigned short Dev_from_Factor;
+    //	169-175	Reserved
+    unsigned short Reserved9[7];
+    //	176-205	Current media serial number (ATA string)
+    unsigned short Current_Media_Serial_Number[30];
+    //	206	SCT Command Transport
+    unsigned short SCT_Cmd_Transport;
+    //	207-208	Reserved for CE-ATA
+    unsigned short Reserved10[2];
+    //	209	Alignment of logical blocks within a physical block
+    unsigned short Alignment_Logical_blocks_within_a_physical_block;
+    //	210-211	Write-Read-Verify Sector Count Mode 3 (DWord)
+    unsigned short Write_Read_Verify_Sector_Count_Mode_3[2];
+    //	212-213	Write-Read-Verify Sector Count Mode 2 (DWord)
+    unsigned short Write_Read_Verify_Sector_Count_Mode_2[2];
+    //	214	NV Cache Capabilities
+    unsigned short NV_Cache_Capabilities;
+    //	215-216	NV Cache Size in Logical Blocks (DWord)
+    unsigned short NV_Cache_Size[2];
+    //	217	Nominal media rotation rate
+    unsigned short Nominal_media_rotation_rate;
+    //	218	Reserved
+    unsigned short Reserved11;
+    //	219	NV Cache Options
+    unsigned short NV_Cache_Options;
+    //	220	Write-Read-Verify feature set current mode
+    unsigned short Write_Read_Verify_feature_set_current_mode;
+    //	221	Reserved
+    unsigned short Reserved12;
+    //	222	Transport major version number.
+    //		0000h or ffffh = device does not report version
+    unsigned short Transport_Major_Version_Number;
+    //	223	Transport Minor version number
+    unsigned short Transport_Minor_Version_Number;
+    //	224-233	Reserved for CE-ATA
+    unsigned short Reserved13[10];
+    //	234	Minimum number of 512-byte data blocks per DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command for mode 03h
+    unsigned short Mini_blocks_per_CMD;
+    //	235	Maximum number of 512-byte data blocks per DOWNLOAD MICROCODE command for mode 03h
+    unsigned short Max_blocks_per_CMD;
+    //	236-254	Reserved
+    unsigned short Reserved14[19];
+    //	255	Integrity word
+    //		15:8	Checksum
+    //		7:0	Checksum Validity Indicator
+    unsigned short Integrity_word;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * @brief 初始化ATA磁盘驱动程序
+ *
+ */
+void ata_init();

+ 1 - 1

@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ struct apic_IO_APIC_RTE_entry
         remote_IRR : 1,      // 14 远程IRR标志位(只读)
         trigger_mode : 1,    // 15 触发模式(0位边沿触发,1为电平触发)
         mask : 1,            // 16 屏蔽标志位,(0为未屏蔽, 1为已屏蔽)
-        reserved : 19;       // [31:17]位保留
+        reserved : 15;       // [31:17]位保留

+ 20 - 22

@@ -162,8 +162,8 @@ void system_initialize()
-   ps2_keyboard_init();
-   ps2_mouse_init();
+    ps2_keyboard_init();
+    ps2_mouse_init();
     // test_slab();
     // test_mm();
@@ -180,29 +180,27 @@ void Start_Kernel(void)
     // show_welcome();
     // test_mm();
-        while (1)
-        {
-            ps2_keyboard_analyze_keycode();
-            struct ps2_mouse_packet_3bytes packet = {0};
-            //struct ps2_mouse_packet_4bytes packet = {0};
-            int errcode = 0;
-            errcode = ps2_mouse_get_packet(&packet);
-            if(errcode == 0)
-            {
-                printk_color(GREEN, BLACK, " (Mouse: byte0:%d, x:%3d, y:%3d)\n", packet.byte0, packet.movement_x, packet.movement_y);
-                //printk_color(GREEN, BLACK, " (Mouse: byte0:%d, x:%3d, y:%3d, byte3:%3d)\n", packet.byte0, packet.movement_x, packet.movement_y, (unsigned char)packet.byte3);
-            }
-        }
     while (1)
-        keyboard_analyze_keycode();
-        analyze_mousecode();
+        ps2_keyboard_analyze_keycode();
+        struct ps2_mouse_packet_3bytes packet = {0};
+        // struct ps2_mouse_packet_4bytes packet = {0};
+        int errcode = 0;
+        errcode = ps2_mouse_get_packet(&packet);
+        if (errcode == 0)
+        {
+            printk_color(GREEN, BLACK, " (Mouse: byte0:%d, x:%3d, y:%3d)\n", packet.byte0, packet.movement_x, packet.movement_y);
+            // printk_color(GREEN, BLACK, " (Mouse: byte0:%d, x:%3d, y:%3d, byte3:%3d)\n", packet.byte0, packet.movement_x, packet.movement_y, (unsigned char)packet.byte3);
+        }
+    /*
+        while (1)
+        {
+            keyboard_analyze_keycode();
+            analyze_mousecode();
+        }
+    */
     while (1)