Browse Source

Statx (#632)

* 实现statx及测试的应用程序
TTaq 11 months ago

+ 284 - 0

@@ -146,6 +146,182 @@ impl PosixKstat {
+#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
+/// # 文件信息结构体X
+pub struct PosixStatx {
+    /* 0x00 */
+    stx_mask: PosixStatxMask,
+    /// 文件系统块大小
+    stx_blksize: u32,
+    /// Flags conveying information about the file [uncond]
+    stx_attributes: StxAttributes,
+    /* 0x10 */
+    /// 硬链接数
+    stx_nlink: u32,
+    /// 所有者用户ID
+    stx_uid: u32,
+    /// 所有者组ID
+    stx_gid: u32,
+    /// 文件权限
+    stx_mode: ModeType,
+    /* 0x20 */
+    /// inode号
+    stx_inode: u64,
+    /// 文件大小
+    stx_size: i64,
+    /// 分配的512B块数
+    stx_blocks: u64,
+    /// Mask to show what's supported in stx_attributes
+    stx_attributes_mask: StxAttributes,
+    /* 0x40 */
+    /// 最后访问时间
+    stx_atime: TimeSpec,
+    /// 文件创建时间
+    stx_btime: TimeSpec,
+    /// 最后状态变化时间
+    stx_ctime: TimeSpec,
+    /// 最后修改时间
+    stx_mtime: TimeSpec,
+    /* 0x80 */
+    /// 主设备ID
+    stx_rdev_major: u32,
+    /// 次设备ID
+    stx_rdev_minor: u32,
+    /// 主硬件设备ID
+    stx_dev_major: u32,
+    /// 次硬件设备ID
+    stx_dev_minor: u32,
+    /* 0x90 */
+    stx_mnt_id: u64,
+    stx_dio_mem_align: u32,
+    stx_dio_offset_align: u32,
+impl PosixStatx {
+    fn new() -> Self {
+        Self {
+            stx_mask: PosixStatxMask::STATX_BASIC_STATS,
+            stx_blksize: 0,
+            stx_attributes: StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_APPEND,
+            stx_nlink: 0,
+            stx_uid: 0,
+            stx_gid: 0,
+            stx_mode: ModeType { bits: 0 },
+            stx_inode: 0,
+            stx_size: 0,
+            stx_blocks: 0,
+            stx_attributes_mask: StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_APPEND,
+            stx_atime: TimeSpec {
+                tv_sec: 0,
+                tv_nsec: 0,
+            },
+            stx_btime: TimeSpec {
+                tv_sec: 0,
+                tv_nsec: 0,
+            },
+            stx_ctime: TimeSpec {
+                tv_sec: 0,
+                tv_nsec: 0,
+            },
+            stx_mtime: TimeSpec {
+                tv_sec: 0,
+                tv_nsec: 0,
+            },
+            stx_rdev_major: 0,
+            stx_rdev_minor: 0,
+            stx_dev_major: 0,
+            stx_dev_minor: 0,
+            stx_mnt_id: 0,
+            stx_dio_mem_align: 0,
+            stx_dio_offset_align: 0,
+        }
+    }
+bitflags! {
+    pub struct PosixStatxMask: u32{
+        ///  Want stx_mode & S_IFMT
+        const STATX_TYPE = 0x00000001;
+        /// Want stx_mode & ~S_IFMT
+        const STATX_MODE = 0x00000002;
+        /// Want stx_nlink
+        const STATX_NLINK = 0x00000004;
+        /// Want stx_uid
+        const STATX_UID = 0x00000008;
+        /// Want stx_gid
+        const STATX_GID = 0x00000010;
+        /// Want stx_atime
+        const STATX_ATIME = 0x00000020;
+        /// Want stx_mtime
+        const STATX_MTIME = 0x00000040;
+        /// Want stx_ctime
+        const STATX_CTIME = 0x00000080;
+        /// Want stx_ino
+        const STATX_INO = 0x00000100;
+        /// Want stx_size
+        const STATX_SIZE = 0x00000200;
+        /// Want stx_blocks
+        const STATX_BLOCKS = 0x00000400;
+        /// [All of the above]
+        const STATX_BASIC_STATS = 0x000007ff;
+        /// Want stx_btime
+        const STATX_BTIME = 0x00000800;
+        /// The same as STATX_BASIC_STATS | STATX_BTIME.
+        /// It is deprecated and should not be used.
+        const STATX_ALL = 0x00000fff;
+        /// Want stx_mnt_id (since Linux 5.8)
+        const STATX_MNT_ID = 0x00001000;
+        /// Want stx_dio_mem_align and stx_dio_offset_align
+        /// (since Linux 6.1; support varies by filesystem)
+        const STATX_DIOALIGN = 0x00002000;
+        /// Reserved for future struct statx expansion
+        const STATX_RESERVED = 0x80000000;
+    }
+bitflags! {
+    pub struct StxAttributes: u64 {
+        /// 文件被文件系统压缩
+        const STATX_ATTR_COMPRESSED = 0x00000004;
+        /// 文件被标记为不可修改
+        const STATX_ATTR_IMMUTABLE = 0x00000010;
+        /// 文件是只追加写入的
+        const STATX_ATTR_APPEND = 0x00000020;
+        /// 文件不会被备份
+        const STATX_ATTR_NODUMP = 0x00000040;
+        /// 文件需要密钥才能在文件系统中解密
+        const STATX_ATTR_ENCRYPTED = 0x00000800;
+        /// 目录是自动挂载触发器
+        const STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT = 0x00001000;
+        /// 目录是挂载点的根目录
+        const STATX_ATTR_MOUNT_ROOT = 0x00002000;
+        /// 文件受到 Verity 保护
+        const STATX_ATTR_VERITY = 0x00100000;
+        /// 文件当前处于 DAX 状态 CPU直接访问
+        const STATX_ATTR_DAX = 0x00200000;
+    }
 ///  Arguments for how openat2(2) should open the target path. If only @flags and
 ///  @mode are non-zero, then openat2(2) operates very similarly to openat(2).
@@ -928,6 +1104,114 @@ impl Syscall {
         return r;
+    pub fn do_statx(
+        fd: i32,
+        path: *const u8,
+        flags: u32,
+        mask: u32,
+        usr_kstat: *mut PosixStatx,
+    ) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
+        if usr_kstat.is_null() {
+            return Err(SystemError::EFAULT);
+        }
+        let mask = PosixStatxMask::from_bits_truncate(mask);
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_RESERVED) {
+            return Err(SystemError::ENAVAIL);
+        }
+        let flags = FileMode::from_bits_truncate(flags);
+        let ofd = Self::open(path, flags.bits(), ModeType::empty().bits, true)?;
+        let binding = ProcessManager::current_pcb().fd_table();
+        let fd_table_guard =;
+        let file = fd_table_guard
+            .get_file_by_fd(ofd as i32)
+            .ok_or(SystemError::EBADF)?;
+        // drop guard 以避免无法调度的问题
+        drop(fd_table_guard);
+        let mut writer = UserBufferWriter::new(usr_kstat, size_of::<PosixStatx>(), true)?;
+        let mut tmp: PosixStatx = PosixStatx::new();
+        // 获取文件信息
+        let metadata = file.lock().metadata()?;
+        tmp.stx_mask |= PosixStatxMask::STATX_BASIC_STATS;
+        tmp.stx_blksize = metadata.blk_size as u32;
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_MODE) || mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_TYPE) {
+            tmp.stx_mode = metadata.mode;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_NLINK) {
+            tmp.stx_nlink = metadata.nlinks as u32;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_UID) {
+            tmp.stx_uid = metadata.uid as u32;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_GID) {
+            tmp.stx_gid = metadata.gid as u32;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_ATIME) {
+            tmp.stx_atime.tv_sec = metadata.atime.tv_sec;
+            tmp.stx_atime.tv_nsec = metadata.atime.tv_nsec;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_MTIME) {
+            tmp.stx_mtime.tv_sec = metadata.ctime.tv_sec;
+            tmp.stx_mtime.tv_nsec = metadata.ctime.tv_nsec;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_CTIME) {
+            // ctime是文件上次修改状态的时间
+            tmp.stx_ctime.tv_sec = metadata.mtime.tv_sec;
+            tmp.stx_ctime.tv_nsec = metadata.mtime.tv_nsec;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_INO) {
+            tmp.stx_inode = metadata.inode_id.into() as u64;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_SIZE) {
+            tmp.stx_size = metadata.size;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_BLOCKS) {
+            tmp.stx_blocks = metadata.blocks as u64;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_BTIME) {
+            // btime是文件创建时间
+            tmp.stx_btime.tv_sec = metadata.ctime.tv_sec;
+            tmp.stx_btime.tv_nsec = metadata.ctime.tv_nsec;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_ALL) {
+            tmp.stx_attributes = StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_APPEND;
+            tmp.stx_attributes_mask |=
+                StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_AUTOMOUNT | StxAttributes::STATX_ATTR_DAX;
+            tmp.stx_dev_major = metadata.dev_id as u32;
+            tmp.stx_dev_minor = metadata.dev_id as u32; //
+            tmp.stx_rdev_major = as u32;
+            tmp.stx_rdev_minor = as u32;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_MNT_ID) {
+            tmp.stx_mnt_id = 0;
+        }
+        if mask.contains(PosixStatxMask::STATX_DIOALIGN) {
+            tmp.stx_dio_mem_align = 0;
+            tmp.stx_dio_offset_align = 0;
+        }
+        match file.lock().file_type() {
+            FileType::File => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFREG),
+            FileType::Dir => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFDIR),
+            FileType::BlockDevice => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFBLK),
+            FileType::CharDevice => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
+            FileType::SymLink => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFLNK),
+            FileType::Socket => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFSOCK),
+            FileType::Pipe => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFIFO),
+            FileType::KvmDevice => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
+            FileType::FramebufferDevice => tmp.stx_mode.insert(ModeType::S_IFCHR),
+        }
+        writer.copy_one_to_user(&tmp, 0)?;
+        Self::close(fd as usize).ok();
+        return Ok(0);
+    }
     pub fn mknod(
         path: *const u8,
         mode: ModeType,

+ 12 - 0

@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ use core::{
 use crate::{
     arch::{ipc::signal::SigSet, syscall::nr::*},
+    filesystem::vfs::syscall::PosixStatx,
     libs::{futex::constant::FutexFlag, rand::GRandFlags},
@@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ use crate::{
 use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
 use system_error::SystemError;
+use uefi::proto::debug;
 use crate::{
     arch::{cpu::cpu_reset, interrupt::TrapFrame, MMArch},
@@ -703,6 +705,16 @@ impl Syscall {
                 Self::stat(path, kstat)
+            SYS_STATX => {
+                let fd = args[0] as i32;
+                let path = args[1] as *const u8;
+                let flags = args[2] as u32;
+                let mask = args[3] as u32;
+                let kstat = args[4] as *mut PosixStatx;
+                Self::do_statx(fd, path, flags, mask, kstat)
+            }
             SYS_EPOLL_CREATE => Self::epoll_create(args[0] as i32),
             SYS_EPOLL_CREATE1 => Self::epoll_create1(args[0]),

+ 2 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+name = "test_statx"
+version = "0.1.0"
+edition = "2021"
+libc = "0.2.153"
+sc = "0.2.7"

+ 56 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+# RUSTFLAGS+="-C target-feature=+crt-static -C link-arg=-no-pie"
+# 如果是在dadk中编译,那么安装到dadk的安装目录中
+# 如果是在本地编译,那么安装到当前目录下的install目录中
+	INSTALL_DIR = ./install
+ifeq ($(ARCH), x86_64)
+	export RUST_TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
+else ifeq ($(ARCH), riscv64)
+	export RUST_TARGET=riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu
+# 默认为x86_86,用于本地编译
+	export RUST_TARGET=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
+	RUSTFLAGS=$(RUSTFLAGS) cargo $(TOOLCHAIN) fmt --check
+	RUSTFLAGS=$(RUSTFLAGS) cargo $(TOOLCHAIN) run --target $(RUST_TARGET) --release
+	RUSTFLAGS=$(RUSTFLAGS) cargo $(TOOLCHAIN) build --target $(RUST_TARGET) --release
+	RUSTFLAGS=$(RUSTFLAGS) cargo $(TOOLCHAIN) clean --target $(RUST_TARGET) --release
+	RUSTFLAGS=$(RUSTFLAGS) cargo $(TOOLCHAIN) test --target $(RUST_TARGET) --release
+.PHONY: install
+	RUSTFLAGS=$(RUSTFLAGS) cargo $(TOOLCHAIN) install --target $(RUST_TARGET) --path . --no-track --root $(INSTALL_DIR) --force

+ 63 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+use libc::syscall;
+use libc::AT_FDCWD;
+use std::ffi::CString;
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct Statx {
+    pub stx_mask: u32,
+    pub stx_blksize: u32,
+    pub stx_attributes: u64,
+    pub stx_nlink: u32,
+    pub stx_uid: u32,
+    pub stx_gid: u32,
+    pub stx_mode: u16,
+    __statx_pad1: [u16; 1],
+    pub stx_ino: u64,
+    pub stx_size: u64,
+    pub stx_blocks: u64,
+    pub stx_attributes_mask: u64,
+    pub stx_atime: StatxTimestamp,
+    pub stx_btime: StatxTimestamp,
+    pub stx_ctime: StatxTimestamp,
+    pub stx_mtime: StatxTimestamp,
+    pub stx_rdev_major: u32,
+    pub stx_rdev_minor: u32,
+    pub stx_dev_major: u32,
+    pub stx_dev_minor: u32,
+    pub stx_mnt_id: u64,
+    pub stx_dio_mem_align: u32,
+    pub stx_dio_offset_align: u32,
+    __statx_pad3: [u64; 12],
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
+pub struct StatxTimestamp {
+    pub tv_sec: i64,
+    pub tv_nsec: u32,
+    pub __statx_timestamp_pad1: [i32; 1],
+fn main() {
+    let path = CString::new("/bin/about.elf").expect("Failed to create CString");
+    let mut statxbuf: Statx = unsafe { std::mem::zeroed() };
+    let x = sc::nr::STATX as i64;
+    let result = unsafe {
+        syscall(
+            x,
+            AT_FDCWD,
+            path.as_ptr(),
+            libc::AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW,
+            0x7ff,
+            &mut statxbuf,
+        )
+    };
+    if result != -1 {
+        println!("statx succeeded: {:?}", statxbuf);
+    } else {
+        eprintln!("statx failed");
+    }

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+  "name": "test_statx",
+  "version": "0.1.0",
+  "description": "statx测试",
+  "task_type": {
+    "BuildFromSource": {
+      "Local": {
+        "path": "apps/test_statx"
+      }
+    }
+  },
+  "depends": [],
+  "build": {
+    "build_command": "make install"
+  },
+  "install": {
+    "in_dragonos_path": "/"
+  },
+  "clean": {
+    "clean_command": "make clean"
+  },
+  "envs": [],
+  "build_once": false,
+  "install_once": false