@@ -139,6 +139,8 @@ struct vfs_dir_entry_t *fat32_lookup(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, stru
if (js >= dest_dentry->name_length) // 找到需要的目录项,返回
+ kdebug("found target long name.");
goto find_lookup_success;
@@ -149,6 +151,7 @@ struct vfs_dir_entry_t *fat32_lookup(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, stru
js = 0;
for (int x = 0; x < 8; ++x)
+ kdebug("no long name, comparing short name");
// kdebug("value = %#02x", tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x]);
switch (tmp_dEntry->DIR_Name[x])
@@ -214,11 +217,16 @@ struct vfs_dir_entry_t *fat32_lookup(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, stru
- ++js;
+ // ++js;
+ goto continue_cmp_fail;
+ if (js > dest_dentry->name_length)
+ {
+ kdebug("js > namelen");
+ goto continue_cmp_fail;
+ }
// 若短目录项为文件,则匹配扩展名
if (!(tmp_dEntry->DIR_Attr & ATTR_DIRECTORY))
@@ -269,6 +277,11 @@ struct vfs_dir_entry_t *fat32_lookup(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, stru
+ if (js > dest_dentry->name_length)
+ {
+ kdebug("js > namelen");
+ goto continue_cmp_fail;
+ }
goto find_lookup_success;
@@ -762,13 +775,13 @@ long fat32_write(struct vfs_file_t *file_ptr, char *buf, int64_t count, long *po
if (next_clus >= 0x0ffffff8) // 已经到达了最后一个簇,需要分配新簇
- if(fat32_alloc_clusters(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode, &next_clus, 1) != 0)
+ if (fat32_alloc_clusters(file_ptr->dEntry->dir_inode, &next_clus, 1) != 0)
- // 没有空闲簇
+ // 没有空闲簇
return -ENOSPC;
cluster = next_clus; // 切换当前簇
flags = 1; // 标记当前簇是新分配的簇
@@ -892,7 +905,29 @@ int64_t fat32_mkdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_
uint64_t tmp_parent_dentry_clus = 0;
// 寻找空闲目录项
struct fat32_Directory_t *empty_fat32_dentry = fat32_find_empty_dentry(parent_inode, cnt_longname + 1, 0, &tmp_dentry_sector, &tmp_parent_dentry_clus, &tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr);
- kdebug("found empty dentry");
+ kdebug("found empty dentry, cnt_longname=%ld", cnt_longname);
+ // ====== 初始化inode =======
+ struct vfs_index_node_t *inode = (struct vfs_index_node_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_index_node_t), 0);
+ memset(inode, 0, sizeof(struct vfs_index_node_t));
+ inode->attribute = VFS_ATTR_DIR;
+ inode->blocks = fsbi->sec_per_clus;
+ inode->file_ops = &fat32_file_ops;
+ inode->file_size = fsbi->bytes_per_clus;
+ inode->inode_ops = &fat32_inode_ops;
+ inode->sb = parent_inode->sb;
+ // ===== 初始化inode的文件系统私有信息 ====
+ inode->private_inode_info = (fat32_inode_info_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(fat32_inode_info_t), 0);
+ memset(inode->private_inode_info, 0, sizeof(fat32_inode_info_t));
+ fat32_inode_info_t *p = (fat32_inode_info_t *)inode->private_inode_info;
+ p->first_clus = 0;
+ p->dEntry_location_clus = tmp_parent_dentry_clus;
+ p->dEntry_location_clus_offset = empty_fat32_dentry - (struct fat32_Directory_t *)tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr;
+ kdebug(" p->dEntry_location_clus_offset=%d", p->dEntry_location_clus_offset);
+ // todo: 填写完全fat32_inode_info的信息
// ====== 为新的文件夹分配一个簇 =======
// uint32_t new_dir_clus = fat32_find_available_cluster(fsbi);
// kdebug("new_dir_clus=%d", new_dir_clus);
@@ -900,12 +935,14 @@ int64_t fat32_mkdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_
// ====== 为新的文件夹分配一个簇 =======
uint32_t new_dir_clus;
- if (fat32_alloc_clusters(parent_inode, &new_dir_clus, 1) != 0)
+ if (fat32_alloc_clusters(inode, &new_dir_clus, 1) != 0)
retval = -ENOSPC;
goto fail;
+ kdebug("new dir clus=%ld", new_dir_clus);
// ====== 填写短目录项
memset(empty_fat32_dentry, 0, sizeof(struct fat32_Directory_t));
@@ -938,9 +975,10 @@ int64_t fat32_mkdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_
// ======== 填写长目录项
uint32_t current_name_index = 0;
- struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *Ldentry = (struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *)(empty_fat32_dentry - 1);
- for (int i = 1; i <= cnt_longname; ++i, --Ldentry)
+ struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *Ldentry = (struct fat32_LongDirectory_t *)(empty_fat32_dentry);
+ for (int i = 1; i <= cnt_longname; ++i)
+ --Ldentry;
Ldentry->LDIR_Ord = i;
for (int j = 0; j < 5; ++j, ++current_name_index)
@@ -969,13 +1007,16 @@ int64_t fat32_mkdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_
Ldentry->LDIR_Type = 0;
Ldentry->LDIR_Chksum = short_dentry_ChkSum;
// 最后一个长目录项的ord要|=0x40
- Ldentry->LDIR_Ord = 0xe5 | 0x40;
+ Ldentry->LDIR_Ord |= 0x40;
// ====== 将目录项写回磁盘
+ kdebug("tmp_dentry_sector=%ld", tmp_dentry_sector);
ahci_operation.transfer(AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, tmp_dentry_sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus, tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr, fsbi->ahci_ctrl_num, fsbi->ahci_port_num);
// ====== 初始化新的文件夹的目录项 =====
+ kdebug("to create dot and dot dot.");
void *buf = kmalloc(fsbi->bytes_per_clus, 0);
struct fat32_Directory_t *new_dir_dentries = (struct fat32_Directory_t *)buf;
memset((void *)new_dir_dentries, 0, fsbi->bytes_per_clus);
@@ -1004,31 +1045,15 @@ int64_t fat32_mkdir(struct vfs_index_node_t *parent_inode, struct vfs_dir_entry_
// 写入磁盘
uint64_t sector = fsbi->first_data_sector + (new_dir_clus - 2) * fsbi->sec_per_clus;
+ kdebug("add dot and dot dot: sector=%ld", sector);
ahci_operation.transfer(AHCI_CMD_WRITE_DMA_EXT, sector, fsbi->sec_per_clus, (uint64_t)buf, fsbi->ahci_ctrl_num, fsbi->ahci_port_num);
- // ===== 初始化inode ====
- struct vfs_index_node_t *finode = (struct vfs_index_node_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(struct vfs_index_node_t), 0);
- memset(finode, 0, sizeof(struct vfs_index_node_t));
- finode->attribute = VFS_ATTR_DIR;
- finode->blocks = fsbi->sec_per_clus;
- finode->file_ops = &fat32_file_ops;
- finode->file_size = fsbi->bytes_per_clus;
- finode->inode_ops = &fat32_inode_ops;
- finode->sb = parent_inode->sb;
- finode->private_inode_info = (fat32_inode_info_t *)kmalloc(sizeof(fat32_inode_info_t), 0);
- memset(finode->private_inode_info, 0, sizeof(fat32_inode_info_t));
- fat32_inode_info_t *p = (fat32_inode_info_t *)finode->private_inode_info;
- p->first_clus = new_dir_clus;
- p->dEntry_location_clus = tmp_parent_dentry_clus;
- p->dEntry_location_clus_offset = empty_fat32_dentry - (struct fat32_Directory_t *)tmp_dentry_clus_buf_addr;
- // todo: 填写fat32_inode_info的信息
// 初始化dentry信息
dEntry->dir_ops = &fat32_dEntry_ops;
- dEntry->dir_inode = finode;
+ dEntry->dir_inode = inode;
// 注意:parent字段需要在调用函数的地方进行设置
// 注意:需要将当前dentry加入父目录的subdirs_list