@@ -1,268 +1,265 @@
-use core::{ffi::c_void, ptr::null_mut};
+use core::{
+ fmt::Debug,
+ intrinsics::unlikely,
+ mem::{self, MaybeUninit},
+ ptr::null_mut,
+ sync::atomic::{compiler_fence, Ordering},
-use alloc::boxed::Box;
+use alloc::{boxed::Box, sync::Arc};
+use num_traits::FromPrimitive;
use crate::{
use crate::{
- arch::interrupt::{cli, sti},
- include::bindings::bindings::verify_area,
- kBUG,
- libs::spinlock::RawSpinlock,
- syscall::SystemError, kdebug,
+ arch::{
+ asm::{
+ current::current_pcb,
+ irqflags::{local_irq_restore, local_irq_save},
+ },
+ interrupt::{cli, sti},
+ },
+ include::bindings::bindings::MAX_CPU_NUM,
+ kdebug, kinfo,
+ libs::rwlock::RwLock,
+ smp::core::smp_get_processor_id,
+ syscall::SystemError,
+ time::timer::clock,
const MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM: u64 = 64;
const MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM: u64 = 64;
-const MAX_LOCK_TRIAL_TIME: u64 = 50;
-pub static mut SOFTIRQ_HANDLER_PTR: *mut Softirq = null_mut();
+const MAX_SOFTIRQ_RESTART: i32 = 20;
-/// 软中断向量号码
-pub enum SoftirqNumber {
- TIMER = 0, //时钟软中断信号
- VideoRefresh = 1, //帧缓冲区刷新软中断
+static mut __CPU_PENDING: Option<Box<[VecStatus; MAX_CPU_NUM as usize]>> = None;
+static mut __SORTIRQ_VECTORS: *mut Softirq = null_mut();
-#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
-pub struct SoftirqVector {
- pub action: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(data: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void)>, //软中断处理函数
- pub data: *mut c_void,
+pub extern "C" fn rs_softirq_init() {
+ softirq_init().expect("softirq_init failed");
-impl Default for SoftirqVector {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self {
- action: None,
- data: null_mut(),
+pub fn softirq_init() -> Result<(), SystemError> {
+ kinfo!("Initializing softirq...");
+ unsafe {
+ __SORTIRQ_VECTORS = Box::leak(Box::new(Softirq::new()));
+ __CPU_PENDING = Some(Box::new([VecStatus::default(); MAX_CPU_NUM as usize]));
+ let cpu_pending = __CPU_PENDING.as_mut().unwrap();
+ for i in 0..MAX_CPU_NUM {
+ cpu_pending[i as usize] = VecStatus::default();
+ return Ok(());
-pub struct Softirq {
- modify_lock: RawSpinlock,
- pending: u64,
- running: u64,
- table: [SoftirqVector; MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM as usize],
-/// @brief 提供给c的接口函数,用于初始化静态指针
-pub extern "C" fn softirq_init() {
- if unsafe { SOFTIRQ_HANDLER_PTR.is_null() } {
- unsafe {
- SOFTIRQ_HANDLER_PTR = Box::leak(Box::new(Softirq::default()));
- }
- } else {
- kBUG!("Try to init SOFTIRQ_HANDLER_PTR twice.");
- panic!("Try to init SOFTIRQ_HANDLER_PTR twice.");
+pub fn softirq_vectors() -> &'static mut Softirq {
+ unsafe {
+ return __SORTIRQ_VECTORS.as_mut().unwrap();
-/// @brief 将raw pointer转换为指针,减少unsafe块
-pub fn __get_softirq_handler_mut() -> &'static mut Softirq {
- return unsafe { SOFTIRQ_HANDLER_PTR.as_mut().unwrap() };
+fn cpu_pending(cpu_id: usize) -> &'static mut VecStatus {
+ unsafe {
+ return &mut __CPU_PENDING.as_mut().unwrap()[cpu_id];
+ }
+/// 软中断向量号码
-pub extern "C" fn raise_softirq(sirq_num: u32) {
- let softirq_handler = __get_softirq_handler_mut();
- softirq_handler.set_softirq_pending(sirq_num);
+#[derive(FromPrimitive, Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum SoftirqNumber {
+ /// 时钟软中断信号
+ TIMER = 0,
+ VideoRefresh = 1, //帧缓冲区刷新软中断
-/// @brief 软中断注册函数
-/// @param irq_num 软中断号
-/// @param action 响应函数
-/// @param data 响应数据结构体
-pub extern "C" fn register_softirq(
- irq_num: u32,
- action: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(data: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void)>,
- data: *mut c_void,
-) {
- let softirq_handler = __get_softirq_handler_mut();
- softirq_handler.register_softirq(irq_num, action, data).expect(&format!("Softirq: Failed to register {}", irq_num));
+impl From<u64> for SoftirqNumber {
+ fn from(value: u64) -> Self {
+ return <Self as FromPrimitive>::from_u64(value).unwrap();
+ }
-/// @brief 卸载软中断
-/// @param irq_num 软中断号
-pub extern "C" fn unregister_softirq(irq_num: u32) {
- let softirq_handler = __get_softirq_handler_mut();
- softirq_handler.unregister_softirq(irq_num).expect(&format!("Softirq: Failed to unregister {}", irq_num));
+bitflags! {
+ #[derive(Default)]
+ pub struct VecStatus: u64 {
+ const TIMER = 1 << 0;
+ const VIDEO_REFRESH = 1 << 1;
+ }
-/// 设置软中断的运行状态(只应在do_softirq中调用此宏)
-pub extern "C" fn set_softirq_pending(irq_num: u32) {
- let softirq_handler = __get_softirq_handler_mut();
- softirq_handler.set_softirq_pending(irq_num);
+impl From<SoftirqNumber> for VecStatus {
+ fn from(value: SoftirqNumber) -> Self {
+ return Self::from_bits_truncate(1 << (value as u64));
+ }
-/// @brief 设置软中断运行结束
-/// @param softirq_num
-pub extern "C" fn clear_softirq_pending(irq_num: u32) {
- let softirq_handler = __get_softirq_handler_mut();
- softirq_handler.clear_softirq_pending(irq_num);
+pub trait SoftirqVec: Send + Sync + Debug {
+ fn run(&self);
-/// @brief 软中断处理程序
-pub extern "C" fn do_softirq() {
- let softirq_handler = __get_softirq_handler_mut();
- softirq_handler.do_softirq();
+pub struct Softirq {
+ table: RwLock<[Option<Arc<dyn SoftirqVec>>; MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM as usize]>,
+impl Softirq {
+ fn new() -> Softirq {
+ let mut data: [MaybeUninit<Option<Arc<dyn SoftirqVec>>>; MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM as usize] =
+ unsafe { MaybeUninit::uninit().assume_init() };
-impl Default for Softirq {
- fn default() -> Self {
- Self {
- modify_lock: RawSpinlock::INIT,
- pending: (0),
- running: (0),
- table: [Default::default(); MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM as usize],
+ for i in 0..MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM {
+ data[i as usize] = MaybeUninit::new(None);
- }
-impl Softirq {
- #[inline]
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn get_softirq_pending(&self) -> u64 {
- return self.pending;
- }
+ let data: [Option<Arc<dyn SoftirqVec>>; MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM as usize] = unsafe {
+ mem::transmute::<_, [Option<Arc<dyn SoftirqVec>>; MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM as usize]>(data)
+ };
- #[inline]
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn get_softirq_running(&self) -> u64 {
- return self.running;
+ return Softirq {
+ table: RwLock::new(data),
+ };
- #[inline]
- pub fn set_softirq_pending(&mut self, softirq_num: u32) {
- self.pending |= 1 << softirq_num;
- }
+ /// @brief 注册软中断向量
+ ///
+ /// @param softirq_num 中断向量号
+ ///
+ /// @param hanlder 中断函数对应的结构体
+ pub fn register_softirq(
+ &self,
+ softirq_num: SoftirqNumber,
+ handler: Arc<dyn SoftirqVec>,
+ ) -> Result<i32, SystemError> {
+ // kdebug!("register_softirq softirq_num = {:?}", softirq_num as u64);
- #[inline]
- pub fn set_softirq_running(&mut self, softirq_num: u32) {
- self.running |= 1 << softirq_num;
- }
+ // let self = &mut SOFTIRQ_VECTORS.lock();
+ // 判断该软中断向量是否已经被注册
+ let mut table_guard = self.table.write();
+ if table_guard[softirq_num as usize].is_some() {
+ // kdebug!("register_softirq failed");
- #[inline]
- pub fn clear_softirq_running(&mut self, softirq_num: u32) {
- self.running &= !(1 << softirq_num);
- }
+ return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
+ }
+ table_guard[softirq_num as usize] = Some(handler);
+ drop(table_guard);
- /// @brief 清除软中断pending标志位
- #[inline]
- pub fn clear_softirq_pending(&mut self, softirq_num: u32) {
- self.pending &= !(1 << softirq_num);
+ // kdebug!(
+ // "register_softirq successfully, softirq_num = {:?}",
+ // softirq_num as u64
+ // );
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ return Ok(0);
- /// @brief 判断对应running标志位是否为0
- /// @return true: 标志位为1; false: 标志位为0
- #[inline]
- pub fn is_running(&mut self, softirq_num: u32) -> bool {
- return (self.running & (1 << softirq_num)).ne(&0);
+ /// @brief 解注册软中断向量
+ ///
+ /// @param irq_num 中断向量号码
+ pub fn unregister_softirq(&self, softirq_num: SoftirqNumber) {
+ // kdebug!("unregister_softirq softirq_num = {:?}", softirq_num as u64);
+ let table_guard = &mut self.table.write();
+ // 将软中断向量清空
+ table_guard[softirq_num as usize] = None;
+ drop(table_guard);
+ // 将对应位置的pending和runing都置0
+ // self.running.lock().set(VecStatus::from(softirq_num), false);
+ // 将对应CPU的pending置0
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ cpu_pending(smp_get_processor_id() as usize).set(VecStatus::from(softirq_num), false);
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
- /// @brief 判断对应pending标志位是否为0
- /// @return true: 标志位为1; false: 标志位为0
- #[inline]
- pub fn is_pending(&mut self, softirq_num: u32) -> bool {
- return (self.pending & (1 << softirq_num)).ne(&0);
- }
+ pub fn do_softirq(&self) {
+ // TODO pcb的flags未修改
+ // todo: 是否需要判断在当前cpu上面,该函数的嵌套层数?(防止爆栈)
+ let end = clock() + 500 * 2;
+ let cpu_id = smp_get_processor_id();
+ let mut max_restart = MAX_SOFTIRQ_RESTART;
+ loop {
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ let pending = cpu_pending(cpu_id as usize).bits;
+ cpu_pending(cpu_id as usize).bits = 0;
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
- /// @brief 注册软中断向量
- /// @param irq_num 中断向量号码
- /// @param action 中断函数的入口地址
- /// @param data 中断函数的操作数据
- pub fn register_softirq(
- &mut self,
- irq_num: u32,
- action: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(data: *mut ::core::ffi::c_void)>,
- data: *mut c_void,
- ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- if self.table[irq_num as usize].action.is_some() {
- return Err(SystemError::EEXIST);
- }
+ sti();
+ if pending != 0 {
+ for i in 0..MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM {
+ if pending & (1 << i) == 0 {
+ continue;
+ }
- if unsafe { verify_area(action.unwrap() as u64, 1) } {
- return Err(SystemError::EPERM);
- }
- self.modify_lock.lock();
- self.table[irq_num as usize].action = action;
- self.table[irq_num as usize].data = data;
- self.modify_lock.unlock();
- return Ok(());
- }
+ let table_guard = self.table.read();
+ let softirq_func = table_guard[i as usize].clone();
+ drop(table_guard);
+ if softirq_func.is_none() {
+ continue;
+ }
- /// @brief 解注册软中断向量
- /// @param irq_num 中断向量号码
- pub fn unregister_softirq(&mut self, irq_num: u32) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- for _trial_time in 0..MAX_LOCK_TRIAL_TIME {
- if self.is_running(irq_num) {
- continue; //running标志位为1
+ let prev_count = current_pcb().preempt_count;
+ softirq_func.as_ref().unwrap().run();
+ if unlikely(prev_count != current_pcb().preempt_count) {
+ kdebug!(
+ "entered softirq {:?} with preempt_count {:?},exited with {:?}",
+ i,
+ prev_count,
+ current_pcb().preempt_count
+ );
+ current_pcb().preempt_count = prev_count;
+ }
+ }
- if self.modify_lock.try_lock() {
- if self.is_running(irq_num) {
- self.modify_lock.unlock();
+ cli();
+ max_restart -= 1;
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ if cpu_pending(cpu_id as usize).is_empty() {
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ if clock() < end && max_restart > 0 {
+ } else {
+ break;
+ } else {
+ // TODO:当有softirqd时 唤醒它
- // 存在尝试加锁规定次数后仍加锁失败的情况,报告错误并退出
- if !self.modify_lock.is_locked() {
- return Err(SystemError::EBUSY);
- }
- kdebug!("SOftirq: unregister {irq_num}");
- self.clear_softirq_running(irq_num);
- self.clear_softirq_pending(irq_num);
- self.table[irq_num as usize].action = None;
- self.table[irq_num as usize].data = null_mut();
- self.modify_lock.unlock();
- return Ok(());
- /// @brief 遍历执行软中断
- pub fn do_softirq(&mut self) {
- sti();
- let mut softirq_index: u32 = 0; //软中断向量号码
- while (softirq_index as u64) < MAX_SOFTIRQ_NUM && self.pending != 0 {
- if self.is_pending(softirq_index)
- && self.table[softirq_index as usize].action.is_some()
- && !self.is_running(softirq_index)
- {
- if self.modify_lock.try_lock() {
- if self.is_running(softirq_index)
- || self.table[softirq_index as usize].action.is_none()
- {
- self.modify_lock.unlock();
- continue;
- }
- self.clear_softirq_pending(softirq_index);
- self.set_softirq_running(softirq_index);
- self.modify_lock.unlock();
- unsafe {
- (self.table[softirq_index as usize].action.unwrap())(
- self.table[softirq_index as usize].data,
- );
- }
- self.clear_softirq_running(softirq_index);
- }
- }
- softirq_index += 1;
- }
- cli();
+ pub fn raise_softirq(&self, softirq_num: SoftirqNumber) {
+ let mut flags = 0;
+ local_irq_save(&mut flags);
+ let processor_id = smp_get_processor_id() as usize;
+ cpu_pending(processor_id).insert(VecStatus::from(softirq_num));
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ local_irq_restore(&flags);
+ // kdebug!("raise_softirq exited");
+ }
+ pub fn clear_softirq_pending(&self, softirq_num: SoftirqNumber) {
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ cpu_pending(smp_get_processor_id() as usize).remove(VecStatus::from(softirq_num));
+ compiler_fence(Ordering::SeqCst);
+// ======= 以下为给C提供的接口 =======
+pub extern "C" fn rs_raise_softirq(softirq_num: u32) {
+ softirq_vectors().raise_softirq(SoftirqNumber::from(softirq_num as u64));
+pub extern "C" fn rs_unregister_softirq(softirq_num: u32) {
+ softirq_vectors().unregister_softirq(SoftirqNumber::from(softirq_num as u64));
+pub extern "C" fn rs_do_softirq() {
+ softirq_vectors().do_softirq();
+pub extern "C" fn rs_clear_softirq_pending(softirq_num: u32) {
+ softirq_vectors().clear_softirq_pending(SoftirqNumber::from(softirq_num as u64));