@@ -1,2271 +0,0 @@
-#include "xhci.h"
-#include "internal.h"
-#include <common/hid.h>
-#include <common/kprint.h>
-#include <common/spinlock.h>
-#include <common/time.h>
-#include <debug/bug.h>
-#include <debug/traceback/traceback.h>
-#include <driver/interrupt/apic/apic.h>
-#include <exception/irq.h>
-#include <mm/mm.h>
-#include <mm/slab.h>
-// 由于xhci寄存器读取需要对齐,因此禁用GCC优化选项
-#pragma GCC optimize("O0")
-spinlock_t xhci_controller_init_lock = {0}; // xhci控制器初始化锁(在usb_init中被初始化)
-static int xhci_ctrl_count = 0; // xhci控制器计数
-static struct xhci_host_controller_t xhci_hc[XHCI_MAX_HOST_CONTROLLERS] = {0};
-void xhci_hc_irq_enable(uint64_t irq_num);
-void xhci_hc_irq_disable(uint64_t irq_num);
-uint64_t xhci_hc_irq_install(uint64_t irq_num, void *arg);
-void xhci_hc_irq_uninstall(uint64_t irq_num);
-static int xhci_hc_find_available_id();
-static int xhci_hc_stop(int id);
-static int xhci_hc_reset(int id);
-static int xhci_hc_stop_legacy(int id);
-static int xhci_hc_start_sched(int id);
-static int xhci_hc_stop_sched(int id);
-static uint32_t xhci_hc_get_protocol_offset(int id, uint32_t list_off, const int version, uint32_t *offset,
- uint32_t *count, uint16_t *protocol_flag);
-static int xhci_hc_pair_ports(int id);
-static uint64_t xhci_create_ring(int trbs);
-static uint64_t xhci_create_event_ring(int trbs, uint64_t *ret_ring_addr);
-void xhci_hc_irq_handler(uint64_t irq_num, uint64_t cid, struct pt_regs *regs);
-static int xhci_hc_init_intr(int id);
-static int xhci_hc_start_ports(int id);
-static int xhci_send_command(int id, struct xhci_TRB_t *trb, const bool do_ring);
-static uint64_t xhci_initialize_slot(const int id, const int port, const int speed, const int max_packet);
-static void xhci_initialize_ep(const int id, const uint64_t slot_vaddr, const int port_id, const int ep_num,
- const int max_packet, const int max_burst, const int type, const int direction,
- const int speed, const int ep_interval);
-static int xhci_set_address(const int id, const uint64_t slot_vaddr, const int slot_id, const bool block);
-static int xhci_control_in(const int id, struct usb_request_packet_t *packet, void *target, const int port_id,
- const int max_packet);
-static int xhci_control_out(const int id, struct usb_request_packet_t *packet, void *target, const int slot_id,
- const int max_packet);
-static int xhci_setup_stage(struct xhci_ep_info_t *ep, const struct usb_request_packet_t *packet,
- const uint8_t direction);
-static int xhci_data_stage(struct xhci_ep_info_t *ep, uint64_t buf_vaddr, uint8_t trb_type, const uint32_t size,
- uint8_t direction, const int max_packet, const uint64_t status_vaddr);
-static int xhci_status_stage(struct xhci_ep_info_t *ep, uint8_t direction, uint64_t status_buf_vaddr);
-static int xhci_wait_for_interrupt(const int id, uint64_t status_vaddr);
-static inline int xhci_get_desc(const int id, const int port_id, void *target, const uint16_t desc_type,
- const uint8_t desc_index, const uint16_t lang_id, const uint16_t length);
-static int xhci_get_config_desc(const int id, const int port_id, struct usb_config_desc *conf_desc);
-static inline int xhci_get_config_desc_full(const int id, const int port_id, const struct usb_config_desc *conf_desc,
- void *target);
-static int xhci_get_interface_desc(const void *in_buf, const uint8_t if_num, struct usb_interface_desc **if_desc);
-static inline int xhci_get_endpoint_desc(const struct usb_interface_desc *if_desc, const uint8_t ep_num,
- struct usb_endpoint_desc **ep_desc);
-static int xhci_get_descriptor(const int id, const int port_id, struct usb_device_desc *dev_desc);
-static int xhci_configure_port(const int id, const int port_id);
-static int xhci_configure_endpoint(const int id, const int port_id, const uint8_t ep_num, const uint8_t ep_type,
- struct usb_endpoint_desc *ep_desc);
-static int xhci_get_hid_report(int id, int port_id, int interface_number, void *ret_hid_report,
- uint32_t hid_report_len);
-static int xhci_get_hid_descriptor(int id, int port_id, const void *full_conf, int interface_number,
- struct usb_hid_desc **ret_hid_desc);
-hardware_intr_controller xhci_hc_intr_controller = {
- .enable = xhci_hc_irq_enable,
- .disable = xhci_hc_irq_disable,
- .install = xhci_hc_irq_install,
- .uninstall = xhci_hc_irq_uninstall,
- .ack = apic_local_apic_edge_ack,
- * @brief 在controller数组之中寻找可用插槽
- *
- * 注意:该函数只能被获得init锁的进程所调用
- * @return int 可用id(无空位时返回-1)
- */
-static int xhci_hc_find_available_id()
- if (unlikely(xhci_ctrl_count >= XHCI_MAX_HOST_CONTROLLERS))
- return -1;
- for (int i = 0; i < XHCI_MAX_HOST_CONTROLLERS; ++i)
- {
- if (xhci_hc[i].pci_dev_hdr == NULL)
- return i;
- }
- return -1;
- * @brief 从指定地址读取trb
- *
- * @param trb 要存储到的trb的地址
- * @param address 待读取trb的地址
- */
-static __always_inline void xhci_get_trb(struct xhci_TRB_t *trb, const uint64_t address)
- trb->param = __read8b(address);
- trb->status = __read4b(address + 8);
- trb->command = __read4b(address + 12);
- * @brief 将给定的trb写入指定的地址
- *
- * @param trb 源trb
- * @param address 拷贝的目标地址
- */
-static __always_inline void xhci_set_trb(struct xhci_TRB_t *trb, const uint64_t address)
- __write8b(address, trb->param);
- __write4b(address + 8, trb->status);
- __write4b(address + 12, trb->command);
- * @brief 将ep结构体写入到设备上下文中的对应块内
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param slot_vaddr 设备上下文虚拟地址
- * @param ep_num ep结构体要写入到哪个块中(在设备上下文中的块号)
- * @param ep 源数据
- */
-static __always_inline void __write_ep(int id, uint64_t slot_vaddr, int ep_num, struct xhci_ep_context_t *ep)
- memcpy((void *)(slot_vaddr + ep_num * xhci_hc[id].context_size), ep, sizeof(struct xhci_ep_context_t));
- * @brief 从设备上下文中的对应块内读取数据到ep结构体
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param slot_vaddr 设备上下文虚拟地址
- * @param ep_num 要从哪个块中读取(在设备上下文中的块号)
- * @param ep 目标地址
- */
-static __always_inline void __read_from_ep(int id, uint64_t slot_vaddr, int ep_num, struct xhci_ep_context_t *ep)
- memcpy(ep, (void *)(slot_vaddr + ep_num * xhci_hc[id].context_size), sizeof(struct xhci_ep_context_t));
- * @brief 将slot上下文数组结构体写入插槽的上下文空间
- *
- * @param vaddr 目标地址
- * @param slot_ctx slot上下文数组
- */
-static __always_inline void __write_slot(const uint64_t vaddr, struct xhci_slot_context_t *slot_ctx)
- memcpy((void *)vaddr, slot_ctx, sizeof(struct xhci_slot_context_t));
- * @brief 从指定地址读取slot context
- *
- * @param slot_ctx 目标地址
- * @param slot_vaddr 源地址
- * @return __always_inline
- */
-static __always_inline void __read_from_slot(struct xhci_slot_context_t *slot_ctx, uint64_t slot_vaddr)
- memcpy(slot_ctx, (void *)slot_vaddr, sizeof(struct xhci_slot_context_t));
- * @brief 写入doorbell寄存器
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param slot_id usb控制器插槽id(0用作命令门铃,其他的用于具体的设备的门铃)
- * @param value endpoint
- */
-static __always_inline void __xhci_write_doorbell(const int id, const uint16_t slot_id, const uint32_t value)
- // 确保写入门铃寄存器之前,所有的写操作均已完成
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_cap_reg32(id, xhci_hc[id].db_offset + slot_id * sizeof(uint32_t), value);
- io_mfence();
- * @brief 将trb写入指定的ring中,并更新下一个要写入的地址的值
- *
- * @param ep_info 端点信息结构体
- * @param trb 待写入的trb
- */
-static __always_inline void __xhci_write_trb(struct xhci_ep_info_t *ep_info, struct xhci_TRB_t *trb)
- memcpy((void *)ep_info->current_ep_ring_vaddr, trb, sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_t));
- ep_info->current_ep_ring_vaddr += sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_t);
- struct xhci_TRB_normal_t *ptr = (struct xhci_TRB_normal_t *)(ep_info->current_ep_ring_vaddr);
- // ring到头了,转换cycle,然后回到第一个trb
- if (unlikely(ptr->TRB_type == TRB_TYPE_LINK))
- {
- ptr->cycle = ep_info->current_ep_ring_cycle;
- ep_info->current_ep_ring_vaddr = ep_info->ep_ring_vbase;
- ep_info->current_ep_ring_cycle ^= 1;
- }
- * @brief 获取设备上下文缓冲区的虚拟地址
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param port_id 端口id
- * @return 设备上下文缓冲区的虚拟地址
- */
-static __always_inline uint64_t xhci_get_device_context_vaddr(const int id, const int port_id)
- return (uint64_t)phys_2_virt(
- __read8b(xhci_hc[id].dcbaap_vaddr + (xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].slot_id * sizeof(uint64_t))));
- * @brief 停止xhci主机控制器
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @return int
- */
-static int xhci_hc_stop(int id)
- // 判断是否已经停止
- if (unlikely((xhci_read_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBSTS) & (1 << 0)) == 1))
- return 0;
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBCMD, 0x00000000);
- io_mfence();
- char timeout = 17;
- while ((xhci_read_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBSTS) & (1 << 0)) == 0)
- {
- io_mfence();
- rs_usleep(1000);
- if (--timeout == 0)
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
- }
- return 0;
- * @brief reset xHCI主机控制器
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @return int
- */
-static int xhci_hc_reset(int id)
- int retval = 0;
- io_mfence();
- // 判断HCHalted是否置位
- if ((xhci_read_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBSTS) & (1 << 0)) == 0)
- {
- io_mfence();
- kdebug("stopping usb hc...");
- // 未置位,需要先尝试停止usb主机控制器
- retval = xhci_hc_stop(id);
- if (unlikely(retval))
- return retval;
- }
- int timeout = 500; // wait 500ms
- // reset
- uint32_t cmd = xhci_read_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBCMD);
- io_mfence();
- cmd |= (1 << 1);
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBCMD, cmd);
- io_mfence();
- io_mfence();
- while (xhci_read_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBCMD) & (1 << 1))
- {
- io_mfence();
- rs_usleep(1000);
- if (--timeout == 0)
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
- }
- return retval;
- * @brief 停止指定xhci控制器的legacy support
- *
- * @param id 控制器id
- * @return int
- */
-static int xhci_hc_stop_legacy(int id)
- uint64_t current_offset = xhci_hc[id].ext_caps_off;
- do
- {
- // 判断当前entry是否为legacy support entry
- if ((xhci_read_cap_reg32(id, current_offset) & 0xff) == XHCI_XECP_ID_LEGACY)
- {
- io_mfence();
- // 接管控制权
- xhci_write_cap_reg32(id, current_offset,
- xhci_read_cap_reg32(id, current_offset) | XHCI_XECP_LEGACY_OS_OWNED);
- io_mfence();
- // 等待响应完成
- while ((xhci_read_cap_reg32(id, current_offset) & XHCI_XECP_LEGACY_OWNING_MASK) !=
- {
- io_mfence();
- rs_usleep(1000);
- if (--timeout == 0)
- {
- kerror("The BIOS doesn't stop legacy support.");
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
- }
- }
- // 处理完成
- return 0;
- }
- io_mfence();
- // 读取下一个entry的偏移增加量
- int next_off = ((xhci_read_cap_reg32(id, current_offset) & 0xff00) >> 8) << 2;
- io_mfence();
- // 将指针跳转到下一个entry
- current_offset = next_off ? (current_offset + next_off) : 0;
- } while (current_offset);
- // 当前controller不存在legacy支持,也问题不大,不影响
- return 0;
- * @brief 启用指定xhci控制器的调度
- *
- * @param id 控制器id
- * @return int
- */
-static int xhci_hc_start_sched(int id)
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBCMD, (1 << 0) | (1 << 2) | (1 << 3));
- io_mfence();
- rs_usleep(100 * 1000);
- * @brief 停止指定xhci控制器的调度
- *
- * @param id 控制器id
- * @return int
- */
-static int xhci_hc_stop_sched(int id)
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBCMD, 0x00);
- io_mfence();
- * @brief 在Ex capability list中寻找符合指定的协议号的寄存器offset、count、flag信息
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param list_off 列表项位置距离控制器虚拟基地址的偏移量
- * @param version 要寻找的端口版本号(2或3)
- * @param offset 返回的 Compatible Port Offset
- * @param count 返回的 Compatible Port Count
- * @param protocol_flag 返回的与协议相关的flag
- * @return uint32_t 下一个列表项的偏移量
- */
-static uint32_t xhci_hc_get_protocol_offset(int id, uint32_t list_off, const int version, uint32_t *offset,
- uint32_t *count, uint16_t *protocol_flag)
- if (count)
- *count = 0;
- do
- {
- uint32_t dw0 = xhci_read_cap_reg32(id, list_off);
- io_mfence();
- uint32_t next_list_off = (dw0 >> 8) & 0xff;
- next_list_off = next_list_off ? (list_off + (next_list_off << 2)) : 0;
- if ((dw0 & 0xff) == XHCI_XECP_ID_PROTOCOL && ((dw0 & 0xff000000) >> 24) == version)
- {
- uint32_t dw2 = xhci_read_cap_reg32(id, list_off + 8);
- io_mfence();
- if (offset != NULL)
- *offset = (uint32_t)(dw2 & 0xff) - 1; // 使其转换为zero based
- if (count != NULL)
- *count = (uint32_t)((dw2 & 0xff00) >> 8);
- if (protocol_flag != NULL && version == 2)
- *protocol_flag = (uint16_t)((dw2 >> 16) & 0x0fff);
- return next_list_off;
- }
- list_off = next_list_off;
- } while (list_off);
- return 0;
- * @brief 配对xhci主机控制器的usb2、usb3端口
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @return int 返回码
- */
-static int xhci_hc_pair_ports(int id)
- struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS1_reg_t hcs1;
- io_mfence();
- memcpy(&hcs1, xhci_get_ptr_cap_reg32(id, XHCI_CAPS_HCSPARAMS1), sizeof(struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS1_reg_t));
- io_mfence();
- // 从hcs1获取端口数量
- xhci_hc[id].port_num = hcs1.max_ports;
- // 找到所有的端口并标记其端口信息
- xhci_hc[id].port_num_u2 = 0;
- xhci_hc[id].port_num_u3 = 0;
- uint32_t next_off = xhci_hc[id].ext_caps_off;
- uint32_t offset, cnt;
- uint16_t protocol_flags = 0;
- // 寻找所有的usb2端口
- while (next_off)
- {
- io_mfence();
- next_off = xhci_hc_get_protocol_offset(id, next_off, 2, &offset, &cnt, &protocol_flags);
- io_mfence();
- if (cnt)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
- {
- io_mfence();
- xhci_hc[id].ports[offset + i].offset = xhci_hc[id].port_num_u2++;
- xhci_hc[id].ports[offset + i].flags = XHCI_PROTOCOL_USB2;
- io_mfence();
- // usb2 high speed only
- if (protocol_flags & 2)
- xhci_hc[id].ports[offset + i].flags |= XHCI_PROTOCOL_HSO;
- }
- }
- }
- // 寻找所有的usb3端口
- next_off = xhci_hc[id].ext_caps_off;
- while (next_off)
- {
- io_mfence();
- next_off = xhci_hc_get_protocol_offset(id, next_off, 3, &offset, &cnt, &protocol_flags);
- io_mfence();
- if (cnt)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
- {
- io_mfence();
- xhci_hc[id].ports[offset + i].offset = xhci_hc[id].port_num_u3++;
- xhci_hc[id].ports[offset + i].flags = XHCI_PROTOCOL_USB3;
- }
- }
- }
- // 将对应的USB2端口和USB3端口进行配对
- for (int i = 0; i < xhci_hc[id].port_num; ++i)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < xhci_hc[id].port_num; ++j)
- {
- if (unlikely(i == j))
- continue;
- io_mfence();
- if ((xhci_hc[id].ports[i].offset == xhci_hc[id].ports[j].offset) &&
- ((xhci_hc[id].ports[i].flags & XHCI_PROTOCOL_INFO) !=
- (xhci_hc[id].ports[j].flags & XHCI_PROTOCOL_INFO)))
- {
- xhci_hc[id].ports[i].paired_port_num = j;
- xhci_hc[id].ports[i].flags |= XHCI_PROTOCOL_HAS_PAIR;
- io_mfence();
- xhci_hc[id].ports[j].paired_port_num = i;
- xhci_hc[id].ports[j].flags |= XHCI_PROTOCOL_HAS_PAIR;
- }
- }
- }
- // 标记所有的usb3、单独的usb2端口为激活状态
- for (int i = 0; i < xhci_hc[id].port_num; ++i)
- {
- io_mfence();
- if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB3(id, i) || (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB2(id, i) && (!XHCI_PORT_HAS_PAIR(id, i))))
- xhci_hc[id].ports[i].flags |= XHCI_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE;
- }
- kinfo("Found %d ports on root hub, usb2 ports:%d, usb3 ports:%d", xhci_hc[id].port_num, xhci_hc[id].port_num_u2,
- xhci_hc[id].port_num_u3);
- /*
- // 打印配对结果
- for (int i = 1; i <= xhci_hc[id].port_num; ++i)
- {
- if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB3(id, i))
- {
- kdebug("USB3 port %d, offset=%d, pair with usb2 port %d, current port is %s", i,
- xhci_hc[id].ports[i].offset, xhci_hc[id].ports[i].paired_port_num, XHCI_PORT_IS_ACTIVE(id, i) ? "active" :
- "inactive");
- }
- else if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB2(id, i) && (!XHCI_PORT_HAS_PAIR(id, i))) // 单独的2.0接口
- {
- kdebug("Stand alone USB2 port %d, offset=%d, current port is %s", i, xhci_hc[id].ports[i].offset,
- XHCI_PORT_IS_ACTIVE(id, i) ? "active" : "inactive");
- }
- else if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB2(id, i))
- {
- kdebug("USB2 port %d, offset=%d, current port is %s, has pair=%s", i, xhci_hc[id].ports[i].offset,
- XHCI_PORT_IS_ACTIVE(id, i) ? "active" : "inactive", XHCI_PORT_HAS_PAIR(id, i) ? "true" : "false");
- }
- }
- */
- return 0;
- * @brief 创建ring,并将最后一个trb指向头一个trb
- *
- * @param trbs 要创建的trb数量
- * @return uint64_t trb数组的起始虚拟地址
- */
-static uint64_t xhci_create_ring(int trbs)
- int total_size = trbs * sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_t);
- const uint64_t vaddr = (uint64_t)kmalloc(total_size, 0);
- io_mfence();
- memset((void *)vaddr, 0, total_size);
- io_mfence();
- // 设置最后一个trb为link trb
- xhci_TRB_set_link_cmd(vaddr + total_size - sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_t));
- io_mfence();
- return vaddr;
- * @brief 创建新的event ring table和对应的ring segment
- *
- * @param trbs 包含的trb的数量
- * @param ret_ring_addr 返回的第一个event ring segment的基地址(虚拟)
- * @return uint64_t trb table的虚拟地址
- */
-static uint64_t xhci_create_event_ring(int trbs, uint64_t *ret_ring_addr)
- const uint64_t table_vaddr = (const uint64_t)kmalloc(64, 0); // table支持8个segment
- io_mfence();
- if (unlikely(table_vaddr == NULL))
- return -ENOMEM;
- memset((void *)table_vaddr, 0, 64);
- // 暂时只创建1个segment
- const uint64_t seg_vaddr = (const uint64_t)kmalloc(trbs * sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_t), 0);
- io_mfence();
- if (unlikely(seg_vaddr == NULL))
- return -ENOMEM;
- memset((void *)seg_vaddr, 0, trbs * sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_t));
- io_mfence();
- // 将segment地址和大小写入table
- *(uint64_t *)(table_vaddr) = virt_2_phys(seg_vaddr);
- *(uint64_t *)(table_vaddr + 8) = trbs;
- *ret_ring_addr = seg_vaddr;
- return table_vaddr;
-void xhci_hc_irq_enable(uint64_t irq_num)
- int cid = xhci_find_hcid_by_irq_num(irq_num);
- io_mfence();
- if (WARN_ON(cid == -1))
- return;
- io_mfence();
- pci_start_msi(xhci_hc[cid].pci_dev_hdr);
- io_mfence();
- xhci_hc_start_sched(cid);
- io_mfence();
- xhci_hc_start_ports(cid);
-void xhci_hc_irq_disable(uint64_t irq_num)
- int cid = xhci_find_hcid_by_irq_num(irq_num);
- io_mfence();
- if (WARN_ON(cid == -1))
- return;
- xhci_hc_stop_sched(cid);
- io_mfence();
- pci_disable_msi(xhci_hc[cid].pci_dev_hdr);
- io_mfence();
- * @brief xhci中断的安装函数
- *
- * @param irq_num 要安装的中断向量号
- * @param arg 参数
- * @return uint64_t 错误码
- */
-uint64_t xhci_hc_irq_install(uint64_t irq_num, void *arg)
- int cid = xhci_find_hcid_by_irq_num(irq_num);
- io_mfence();
- if (WARN_ON(cid == -1))
- return -EINVAL;
- struct xhci_hc_irq_install_info_t *info = (struct xhci_hc_irq_install_info_t *)arg;
- struct msi_desc_t msi_desc;
- memset(&msi_desc, 0, sizeof(struct msi_desc_t));
- io_mfence();
- msi_desc.irq_num = irq_num;
- msi_desc.msi_index = 0;
- msi_desc.pci_dev = (struct pci_device_structure_header_t *)xhci_hc[cid].pci_dev_hdr;
- msi_desc.assert = info->assert;
- msi_desc.edge_trigger = info->edge_trigger;
- msi_desc.processor = info->processor;
- msi_desc.pci.msi_attribute.is_64 = 1;
- msi_desc.pci.msi_attribute.is_msix = 1;
- io_mfence();
- // 因pci_enable_msi不再单独映射MSIX表,所以需要对pci设备的bar进行映射
- int retval = pci_enable_msi(&msi_desc);
- return 0;
-void xhci_hc_irq_uninstall(uint64_t irq_num)
- // todo
- int cid = xhci_find_hcid_by_irq_num(irq_num);
- io_mfence();
- if (WARN_ON(cid == -1))
- return;
- xhci_hc_stop(cid);
- io_mfence();
- * @brief xhci主机控制器的中断处理函数
- *
- * @param irq_num 中断向量号
- * @param cid 控制器号
- * @param regs 寄存器值
- */
-void xhci_hc_irq_handler(uint64_t irq_num, uint64_t cid, struct pt_regs *regs)
- // kdebug("USB irq received.");
- /*
- 写入usb status寄存器,以表明当前收到了中断,清除usb status寄存器中的EINT位
- 需要先清除这个位,再清除interrupter中的pending bit)
- */
- xhci_write_op_reg32(cid, XHCI_OPS_USBSTS, xhci_read_op_reg32(cid, XHCI_OPS_USBSTS));
- // 读取第0个usb interrupter的intr management寄存器
- const uint32_t iman0 = xhci_read_intr_reg32(cid, 0, XHCI_IR_MAN);
- uint64_t dequeue_reg = xhci_read_intr_reg64(cid, 0, XHCI_IR_DEQUEUE);
- if (((iman0 & 3) == 3) || (dequeue_reg & 8)) // 中断被启用,且pending不为0
- {
- // kdebug("to handle");
- // 写入1以清除该interrupter的pending bit
- xhci_write_intr_reg32(cid, 0, XHCI_IR_MAN, iman0 | 3);
- io_mfence();
- struct xhci_TRB_t event_trb, origin_trb; // event ring trb以及其对应的command trb
- uint64_t origin_vaddr;
- // 暂存当前trb的起始地址
- uint64_t last_event_ring_vaddr = xhci_hc[cid].current_event_ring_vaddr;
- xhci_get_trb(&event_trb, xhci_hc[cid].current_event_ring_vaddr);
- {
- struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *event_trb_ptr = (struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *)&event_trb;
- // kdebug("TRB_type=%d, comp_code=%d", event_trb_ptr->TRB_type, event_trb_ptr->code);
- }
- while ((event_trb.command & 1) == xhci_hc[cid].current_event_ring_cycle) // 循环处理处于当前周期的所有event ring
- {
- struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *event_trb_ptr = (struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *)&event_trb;
- // kdebug("TRB_type=%d, comp_code=%d", event_trb_ptr->TRB_type, event_trb_ptr->code);
- if ((event_trb.command & (1 << 2)) == 0) // 当前event trb不是由于short packet产生的
- {
- // kdebug("event_trb_ptr->code=%d", event_trb_ptr->code);
- // kdebug("event_trb_ptr->TRB_type=%d", event_trb_ptr->TRB_type);
- switch (event_trb_ptr->code) // 判断它的完成码
- {
- case TRB_COMP_TRB_SUCCESS: // trb执行成功,则将结果返回到对应的command ring的trb里面
- switch (event_trb_ptr->TRB_type) // 根据event trb类型的不同,采取不同的措施
- {
- origin_vaddr = (uint64_t)phys_2_virt(event_trb.param);
- // 获取对应的command trb
- xhci_get_trb(&origin_trb, origin_vaddr);
- switch (((struct xhci_TRB_normal_t *)&origin_trb)->TRB_type)
- {
- case TRB_TYPE_ENABLE_SLOT: // 源命令为enable slot
- // 将slot id返回到命令TRB的command字段中
- origin_trb.command &= 0x00ffffff;
- origin_trb.command |= (event_trb.command & 0xff000000);
- origin_trb.status = event_trb.status;
- break;
- default:
- origin_trb.status = event_trb.status;
- break;
- }
- // 标记该命令已经执行完成
- origin_trb.status |= XHCI_IRQ_DONE;
- // 将command trb写入到表中
- xhci_set_trb(&origin_trb, origin_vaddr);
- // kdebug("set origin:%#018lx", origin_vaddr);
- break;
- }
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- else // 当前TRB是由short packet产生的
- {
- switch (event_trb_ptr->TRB_type)
- {
- case TRB_TYPE_TRANS_EVENT: // 当前 event trb是 transfer event TRB
- // If SPD was encountered in this TD, comp_code will be SPD, else it should be SUCCESS
- // (specs
- __write4b((uint64_t)phys_2_virt(event_trb.param),
- (event_trb.status | XHCI_IRQ_DONE)); // return code + bytes *not* transferred
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- // 获取下一个event ring TRB
- last_event_ring_vaddr = xhci_hc[cid].current_event_ring_vaddr;
- xhci_hc[cid].current_event_ring_vaddr += sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_t);
- xhci_get_trb(&event_trb, xhci_hc[cid].current_event_ring_vaddr);
- if (((struct xhci_TRB_normal_t *)&event_trb)->TRB_type == TRB_TYPE_LINK)
- {
- xhci_hc[cid].current_event_ring_vaddr = xhci_hc[cid].event_ring_vaddr;
- xhci_get_trb(&event_trb, xhci_hc[cid].current_event_ring_vaddr);
- }
- }
- // 当前event ring cycle的TRB处理结束
- // 更新dequeue指针, 并清除event handler busy标志位
- xhci_write_intr_reg64(cid, 0, XHCI_IR_DEQUEUE, virt_2_phys(last_event_ring_vaddr) | (1 << 3));
- io_mfence();
- }
- * @brief 重置端口
- *
- * @param id 控制器id
- * @param port 端口id
- * @return int
- */
-static int xhci_reset_port(const int id, const int port)
- int retval = 0;
- // 相对于op寄存器基地址的偏移量
- uint64_t port_status_offset = XHCI_OPS_PRS + port * 16;
- io_mfence();
- // 检查端口电源状态
- if ((xhci_read_op_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC) & (1 << 9)) == 0)
- {
- kdebug("port is power off, starting...");
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_cap_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC, (1 << 9));
- io_mfence();
- rs_usleep(2000);
- // 检测端口是否被启用, 若未启用,则报错
- if ((xhci_read_op_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC) & (1 << 9)) == 0)
- {
- kdebug("cannot power on %d", port);
- return -EAGAIN;
- }
- }
- // kdebug("port:%d, power check ok", port);
- io_mfence();
- // 确保端口的status被清0
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC, (1 << 9) | XHCI_PORTUSB_CHANGE_BITS);
- // kdebug("to reset timeout;");
- io_mfence();
- // 重置当前端口
- if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB3(id, port))
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC, (1 << 9) | (1U << 31));
- else
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC, (1 << 9) | (1 << 4));
- retval = -ETIMEDOUT;
- // kdebug("to wait reset timeout;");
- // 等待portsc的port reset change位被置位,说明reset完成
- int timeout = 100;
- while (timeout)
- {
- io_mfence();
- uint32_t val = xhci_read_op_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC);
- io_mfence();
- if (val & (1 << 21))
- break;
- // QEMU对usb的模拟有bug,因此需要检测这里
-#ifdef __QEMU_EMULATION__
- if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB3(id, port) && (val & (1U << 31)) == 0)
- break;
- else if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB2(id, port) && (val & (1 << 4)) == 0)
- break;
- --timeout;
- rs_usleep(500);
- }
- // kdebug("timeout= %d", timeout);
- if (timeout > 0)
- {
- // 等待恢复
- rs_usleep(USB_TIME_RST_REC * 100);
- uint32_t val = xhci_read_op_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC);
- io_mfence();
- // kdebug("to check if reset ok, val=%#010lx", val);
- // 如果reset之后,enable bit仍然是1,那么说明reset成功
- if (val & (1 << 1))
- {
- // kdebug("reset ok");
- retval = 0;
- io_mfence();
- // 清除status change bit
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, port_status_offset + XHCI_PORT_PORTSC, (1 << 9) | XHCI_PORTUSB_CHANGE_BITS);
- io_mfence();
- }
- else
- retval = -1;
- }
- // kdebug("reset ok!");
- // 如果usb2端口成功reset,则处理该端口的active状态
- if (retval == 0 && XHCI_PORT_IS_USB2(id, port))
- {
- xhci_hc[id].ports[port].flags |= XHCI_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE;
- if (XHCI_PORT_HAS_PAIR(id, port)) // 如果有对应的usb3端口,则将usb3端口设置为未激活
- xhci_hc[id].ports[xhci_hc[id].ports[port].paired_port_num].flags &= ~(XHCI_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE);
- }
- // 如果usb3端口reset失败,则启用与之配对的usb2端口
- if (retval != 0 && XHCI_PORT_IS_USB3(id, port))
- {
- xhci_hc[id].ports[port].flags &= ~XHCI_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE;
- xhci_hc[id].ports[xhci_hc[id].ports[port].paired_port_num].flags |= XHCI_PROTOCOL_ACTIVE;
- }
- return retval;
- * @brief 初始化设备slot的上下文,并将其写入dcbaap中的上下文index数组
- * - at this time, we don't know if the device is a hub or not, so we don't
- * set the slot->hub, ->mtt, ->ttt, ->etc, items.
- *
- * @param id 控制器id
- * @param port 端口号
- * @param speed 端口速度
- * @param max_packet 最大数据包大小
- * @return uint64_t 初始化好的设备上下文空间的虚拟地址
- */
-static uint64_t xhci_initialize_slot(const int id, const int port, const int speed, const int max_packet)
- // 为所有的endpoint分配上下文空间
- // todo: 按需分配上下文空间
- uint64_t device_context_vaddr = (uint64_t)kzalloc(xhci_hc[id].context_size * 32, 0);
- // kdebug("slot id=%d, device_context_vaddr=%#018lx, port=%d", slot_id, device_context_vaddr, port);
- // 写到数组中
- __write8b(xhci_hc[id].dcbaap_vaddr + (xhci_hc[id].ports[port].slot_id * sizeof(uint64_t)),
- virt_2_phys(device_context_vaddr));
- struct xhci_slot_context_t slot_ctx = {0};
- slot_ctx.entries = 1;
- slot_ctx.speed = speed;
- slot_ctx.route_string = 0;
- slot_ctx.rh_port_num = port + 1; // 由于xhci控制器是1-base的,因此把驱动程序中存储的端口号加1,才是真实的端口号
- slot_ctx.max_exit_latency = 0; // 稍后会计算这个值
- slot_ctx.int_target = 0; // 当前全部使用第0个interrupter
- slot_ctx.slot_state = XHCI_SLOT_STATE_DISABLED_OR_ENABLED;
- slot_ctx.device_address = 0;
- // 将slot信息写入上下文空间
- __write_slot(device_context_vaddr, &slot_ctx);
- // 初始化控制端点
- xhci_initialize_ep(id, device_context_vaddr, port, XHCI_EP_CONTROL, max_packet, 0, USB_EP_CONTROL, 0, speed, 0);
- return device_context_vaddr;
- * @brief 初始化endpoint
- *
- * @param id 控制器id
- * @param slot_vaddr slot上下文的虚拟地址
- * @param port_id 插槽id
- * @param ep_num 端点上下文在slot上下文区域内的编号
- * @param max_packet 最大数据包大小
- * @param type 端点类型
- * @param direction 传输方向
- * @param speed 传输速度
- * @param ep_interval 端点的连续请求间隔
- */
-static void xhci_initialize_ep(const int id, const uint64_t slot_vaddr, const int port_id, const int ep_num,
- const int max_packet, const int max_burst, const int type, const int direction,
- const int speed, const int ep_interval)
- // 由于目前只实现获取设备的描述符,因此暂时只支持control ep
- if (type != USB_EP_CONTROL && type != USB_EP_INTERRUPT)
- return;
- struct xhci_ep_context_t ep_ctx = {0};
- memset(&ep_ctx, 0, sizeof(struct xhci_ep_context_t));
- xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[ep_num].ep_ring_vbase = xhci_create_ring(XHCI_TRBS_PER_RING);
- // 申请ep的 transfer ring
- ep_ctx.tr_dequeue_ptr = virt_2_phys(xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[ep_num].ep_ring_vbase);
- xhci_ep_set_dequeue_cycle_state(&ep_ctx, XHCI_TRB_CYCLE_ON);
- xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[ep_num].current_ep_ring_vaddr =
- xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[ep_num].ep_ring_vbase;
- xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[ep_num].current_ep_ring_cycle = xhci_ep_get_dequeue_cycle_state(&ep_ctx);
- // kdebug("ep_ctx.tr_dequeue_ptr = %#018lx", ep_ctx.tr_dequeue_ptr);
- // kdebug("xhci_hc[id].control_ep_info.current_ep_ring_cycle = %d",
- // xhci_hc[id].control_ep_info.current_ep_ring_cycle);
- kdebug("max_packet=%d, max_burst=%d", max_packet, max_burst);
- switch (type)
- {
- case USB_EP_CONTROL: // Control ep
- // 设置初始值
- ep_ctx.max_packet_size = max_packet;
- ep_ctx.linear_stream_array = 0;
- ep_ctx.max_primary_streams = 0;
- ep_ctx.mult = 0;
- ep_ctx.ep_state = XHCI_EP_STATE_DISABLED;
- ep_ctx.hid = 0;
- ep_ctx.ep_type = XHCI_EP_TYPE_CONTROL;
- ep_ctx.average_trb_len = 8; // 所有的control ep的该值均为8
- ep_ctx.err_cnt = 3;
- ep_ctx.max_burst_size = max_burst;
- ep_ctx.interval = ep_interval;
- break;
- ep_ctx.max_packet_size = max_packet & 0x7ff;
- ep_ctx.max_burst_size = max_burst;
- ep_ctx.ep_state = XHCI_EP_STATE_DISABLED;
- ep_ctx.mult = 0;
- ep_ctx.err_cnt = 3;
- ep_ctx.max_esti_payload_hi = ((max_packet * (max_burst + 1)) >> 8) & 0xff;
- ep_ctx.max_esti_payload_lo = ((max_packet * (max_burst + 1))) & 0xff;
- ep_ctx.interval = ep_interval;
- ep_ctx.average_trb_len = 8; // todo: It's not sure how much to fill in this value
- // ep_ctx.ep_type = XHCI_EP_TYPE_INTR_IN;
- ep_ctx.ep_type = ((ep_num % 2) ? XHCI_EP_TYPE_INTR_IN : XHCI_EP_TYPE_INTR_OUT);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- // 将ep的信息写入到slot上下文中对应的ep的块中
- __write_ep(id, slot_vaddr, ep_num, &ep_ctx);
- * @brief 向usb控制器发送 address_device命令
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param slot_vaddr 插槽上下文的虚拟基地址
- * @param slot_id 插槽id
- * @param block 是否阻断 set address 信息向usb设备的传输
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_set_address(const int id, const uint64_t slot_vaddr, const int slot_id, const bool block)
- int retval = 0;
- struct xhci_slot_context_t slot;
- struct xhci_ep_context_t ep;
- // 创建输入上下文缓冲区
- uint64_t input_ctx_buffer = (uint64_t)kzalloc(xhci_hc[id].context_size * 33, 0);
- // 置位input control context和slot context的add bit
- __write4b(input_ctx_buffer + 4, 0x3);
- // 拷贝slot上下文和control ep上下文到输入上下文中
- // __write_ep(id, input_ctx_buffer, 2, &ep_ctx);
- __read_from_slot(&slot, slot_vaddr);
- __read_from_ep(id, slot_vaddr, 1, &ep);
- ep.err_cnt = 3;
- kdebug("slot.slot_state=%d, speed=%d, root hub port num=%d", slot.slot_state, slot.speed, slot.rh_port_num);
- kdebug("ep.type=%d, max_packet=%d, dequeue_ptr=%#018lx", ep.ep_type, ep.max_packet_size, ep.tr_dequeue_ptr);
- __write_slot(input_ctx_buffer + xhci_hc[id].context_size, &slot);
- __write_ep(id, input_ctx_buffer, 2, &ep);
- struct xhci_TRB_normal_t trb = {0};
- trb.buf_paddr = virt_2_phys(input_ctx_buffer);
- trb.bei = (block ? 1 : 0);
- trb.intr_target = 0;
- trb.cycle = xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_cycle;
- trb.Reserved |= ((slot_id << 8) & 0xffff);
- retval = xhci_send_command(id, (struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb, true);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- {
- kerror("slotid:%d, address device failed", slot_id);
- goto failed;
- }
- struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *trb_done = (struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *)&trb;
- if (trb_done->code == TRB_COMP_TRB_SUCCESS) // 成功执行
- {
- // 如果要从控制器获取刚刚设置的设备地址的话,可以在这里读取slot context
- ksuccess("slot %d successfully addressed.", slot_id);
- retval = 0;
- }
- else
- retval = -EAGAIN;
- kfree((void *)input_ctx_buffer);
- return retval;
- * @brief 在指定的端点的ring中,写入一个setup stage TRB
- *
- * @param ep 端点信息结构体
- * @param packet usb请求包
- * @param direction 传输的方向
- * @return int 产生的TRB数量
- */
-static int xhci_setup_stage(struct xhci_ep_info_t *ep, const struct usb_request_packet_t *packet,
- const uint8_t direction)
- // kdebug("ep->current_ep_ring_cycle=%d", ep->current_ep_ring_cycle);
- struct xhci_TRB_setup_stage_t trb = {0};
- trb.bmRequestType = packet->request_type;
- trb.bRequest = packet->request;
- trb.wValue = packet->value;
- trb.wIndex = packet->index;
- trb.wLength = packet->length;
- trb.transfer_legth = 8;
- trb.intr_target = 0; // 使用第0个interrupter
- trb.cycle = ep->current_ep_ring_cycle;
- trb.ioc = 0;
- trb.idt = 1;
- trb.trt = direction;
- // 将setup stage trb拷贝到ep的transfer ring中
- __xhci_write_trb(ep, (struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb);
- return 1;
- * @brief 向指定的端点中写入data stage trb
- *
- * @param ep 端点信息结构体
- * @param buf_vaddr 数据缓冲区虚拟地址
- * @param trb_type trb类型
- * @param size 要传输的数据大小
- * @param direction 传输方向
- * @param max_packet 最大请求包大小
- * @param status_vaddr event data TRB的缓冲区(4字节,且地址按照16字节对齐)
- * @return int 产生的TRB数量
- */
-static int xhci_data_stage(struct xhci_ep_info_t *ep, uint64_t buf_vaddr, uint8_t trb_type, const uint32_t size,
- uint8_t direction, const int max_packet, const uint64_t status_vaddr)
- if (size == 0)
- return 0;
- int64_t remain_bytes = size;
- uint32_t remain_packets = (size + max_packet - 1) / max_packet;
- struct xhci_TRB_data_stage_t trb = {0};
- int count_packets = 0;
- // 分多个trb来执行
- while (remain_bytes > 0)
- {
- --remain_packets;
- trb.buf_paddr = virt_2_phys(buf_vaddr);
- trb.intr_target = 0;
- trb.TD_size = remain_packets;
- trb.transfer_length = (remain_bytes < max_packet ? size : max_packet);
- trb.dir = direction;
- trb.TRB_type = trb_type;
- trb.chain = 1;
- trb.ent = (remain_packets == 0);
- trb.cycle = ep->current_ep_ring_cycle;
- trb.ioc = 0;
- // 将data stage trb拷贝到ep的transfer ring中
- __xhci_write_trb(ep, (struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb);
- buf_vaddr += max_packet;
- remain_bytes -= max_packet;
- ++count_packets;
- // 对于data stage trb而言,除了第一个trb以外,剩下的trb都是NORMAL的,并且dir是无用的
- trb_type = TRB_TYPE_NORMAL;
- direction = 0;
- }
- // 写入data event trb, 待完成后,完成信息将会存到status_vaddr指向的地址中
- memset(&trb, 0, sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_data_stage_t *));
- trb.buf_paddr = virt_2_phys(status_vaddr);
- trb.intr_target = 0;
- trb.cycle = ep->current_ep_ring_cycle;
- trb.ioc = 1;
- __xhci_write_trb(ep, (struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb);
- return count_packets + 1;
- * @brief 填写xhci status stage TRB到control ep的transfer ring
- *
- * @param ep 端点信息结构体
- * @param direction 方向:(h2d:0, d2h:1)
- * @param status_buf_vaddr
- * @return int 创建的TRB数量
- */
-static int xhci_status_stage(struct xhci_ep_info_t *ep, uint8_t direction, uint64_t status_buf_vaddr)
- // kdebug("write status stage trb");
- {
- struct xhci_TRB_status_stage_t trb = {0};
- // 写入status stage trb
- trb.intr_target = 0;
- trb.cycle = ep->current_ep_ring_cycle;
- trb.ent = 0;
- trb.ioc = 1;
- trb.dir = direction;
- __xhci_write_trb(ep, (struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb);
- }
- {
- // 写入event data TRB
- struct xhci_TRB_data_stage_t trb = {0};
- trb.buf_paddr = virt_2_phys(status_buf_vaddr);
- trb.intr_target = 0;
- trb.ioc = 1;
- trb.cycle = ep->current_ep_ring_cycle;
- __xhci_write_trb(ep, (struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb);
- }
- return 2;
- * @brief 等待状态数据被拷贝到status缓冲区中
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param status_vaddr status 缓冲区
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_wait_for_interrupt(const int id, uint64_t status_vaddr)
- int timer = 500;
- while (timer)
- {
- if (__read4b(status_vaddr) & XHCI_IRQ_DONE)
- {
- uint32_t status = __read4b(status_vaddr);
- // 判断完成码
- switch (xhci_get_comp_code(status))
- {
- return 0;
- break;
- return -EINVAL;
- default:
- kerror("xhci wait interrupt: status=%#010x, complete_code=%d", status, xhci_get_comp_code(status));
- return -EIO;
- }
- }
- --timer;
- rs_usleep(1000);
- }
- kerror(" USB xHCI Interrupt wait timed out.");
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
- * @brief 从指定插槽的control endpoint读取信息
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param packet usb数据包
- * @param target 读取到的信息存放到的位置
- * @param port_id 端口id
- * @param max_packet 最大数据包大小
- * @return int 读取到的数据的大小
- */
-static int xhci_control_in(const int id, struct usb_request_packet_t *packet, void *target, const int port_id,
- const int max_packet)
- uint64_t status_buf_vaddr =
- (uint64_t)kzalloc(16, 0); // 本来是要申请4bytes的buffer的,但是因为xhci控制器需要16bytes对齐,因此申请16bytes
- uint64_t data_buf_vaddr = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- // 往control ep写入一个setup stage trb
- xhci_setup_stage(&xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[XHCI_EP_CONTROL], packet, XHCI_DIR_IN);
- if (packet->length)
- {
- data_buf_vaddr = (uint64_t)kzalloc(packet->length, 0);
- xhci_data_stage(&xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[XHCI_EP_CONTROL], data_buf_vaddr, TRB_TYPE_DATA_STAGE,
- packet->length, XHCI_DIR_IN_BIT, max_packet, status_buf_vaddr);
- }
- QEMU doesn't quite handle SETUP/DATA/STATUS transactions correctly.
- It will wait for the STATUS TRB before it completes the transfer.
- Technically, you need to check for a good transfer before you send the
- STATUS TRB. However, since QEMU doesn't update the status until after
- the STATUS TRB, waiting here will not complete a successful transfer.
- Bochs and real hardware handles this correctly, however QEMU does not.
- If you are using QEMU, do not ring the doorbell here. Ring the doorbell
- *after* you place the STATUS TRB on the ring.
- (See bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/qemu/+bug/1859378 )
-#ifndef __QEMU_EMULATION__
- // 如果不是qemu虚拟机,则可以直接发起传输
- // kdebug(" not qemu");
- __xhci_write_doorbell(id, xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].slot_id, XHCI_EP_CONTROL);
- retval = xhci_wait_for_interrupt(id, status_buf_vaddr);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- memset((void *)status_buf_vaddr, 0, 16);
- xhci_status_stage(&xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[XHCI_EP_CONTROL], XHCI_DIR_OUT_BIT, status_buf_vaddr);
- __xhci_write_doorbell(id, xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].slot_id, XHCI_EP_CONTROL);
- retval = xhci_wait_for_interrupt(id, status_buf_vaddr);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- // 将读取到的数据拷贝到目标区域
- if (packet->length)
- memcpy(target, (void *)data_buf_vaddr, packet->length);
- retval = packet->length;
- goto done;
- kdebug("wait 4 interrupt failed");
- retval = 0;
- // 释放内存
- kfree((void *)status_buf_vaddr);
- if (packet->length)
- kfree((void *)data_buf_vaddr);
- return retval;
- * @brief 向指定插槽的control ep输出信息
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param packet usb数据包
- * @param target 返回的数据存放的位置
- * @param port_id 端口id
- * @param max_packet 最大数据包大小
- * @return int 读取到的数据的大小
- */
-static int xhci_control_out(const int id, struct usb_request_packet_t *packet, void *target, const int port_id,
- const int max_packet)
- uint64_t status_buf_vaddr = (uint64_t)kzalloc(16, 0);
- uint64_t data_buf_vaddr = 0;
- int retval = 0;
- // 往control ep写入一个setup stage trb
- xhci_setup_stage(&xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[XHCI_EP_CONTROL], packet, XHCI_DIR_OUT);
- if (packet->length)
- {
- data_buf_vaddr = (uint64_t)kzalloc(packet->length, 0);
- xhci_data_stage(&xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[XHCI_EP_CONTROL], data_buf_vaddr, TRB_TYPE_DATA_STAGE,
- packet->length, XHCI_DIR_OUT_BIT, max_packet, status_buf_vaddr);
- }
-#ifndef __QEMU_EMULATION__
- // 如果不是qemu虚拟机,则可以直接发起传输
- __xhci_write_doorbell(id, xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].slot_id, XHCI_EP_CONTROL);
- retval = xhci_wait_for_interrupt(id, status_buf_vaddr);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- memset((void *)status_buf_vaddr, 0, 16);
- xhci_status_stage(&xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].ep_info[XHCI_EP_CONTROL], XHCI_DIR_IN_BIT, status_buf_vaddr);
- __xhci_write_doorbell(id, xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].slot_id, XHCI_EP_CONTROL);
-#ifndef __QEMU_EMULATION__
- // qemu对于这个操作的处理有问题,status_buf并不会被修改。而真机不存在该问题
- retval = xhci_wait_for_interrupt(id, status_buf_vaddr);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- // 将读取到的数据拷贝到目标区域
- if (packet->length)
- memcpy(target, (void *)data_buf_vaddr, packet->length);
- retval = packet->length;
- goto done;
- kdebug("wait 4 interrupt failed");
- retval = 0;
- // 释放内存
- kfree((void *)status_buf_vaddr);
- if (packet->length)
- kfree((void *)data_buf_vaddr);
- return retval;
- * @brief 获取描述符
- *
- * @param id 控制器号
- * @param port_id 端口号
- * @param target 获取到的数据要拷贝到的地址
- * @param desc_type 描述符类型
- * @param desc_index 描述符的索引号
- * @param lang_id 语言id(默认为0)
- * @param length 要传输的数据长度
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static inline int xhci_get_desc(const int id, const int port_id, void *target, const uint16_t desc_type,
- const uint8_t desc_index, const uint16_t lang_id, const uint16_t length)
- struct usb_device_desc *dev_desc = xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].dev_desc;
- int count;
- BUG_ON(dev_desc == NULL);
- // 设备端口没有对应的描述符
- if (unlikely(dev_desc == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- uint8_t req_type = USB_REQ_TYPE_GET_REQUEST;
- if (desc_type == USB_DT_HID_REPORT)
- DECLARE_USB_PACKET(ctrl_in_packet, req_type, USB_REQ_GET_DESCRIPTOR, (desc_type << 8) | desc_index, lang_id,
- length);
- count = xhci_control_in(id, &ctrl_in_packet, target, port_id, dev_desc->max_packet_size);
- if (unlikely(count == 0))
- return -EAGAIN;
- return 0;
-static inline int xhci_set_configuration(const int id, const int port_id, const uint8_t conf_value)
- struct usb_device_desc *dev_desc = xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].dev_desc;
- int count;
- BUG_ON(dev_desc == NULL);
- // 设备端口没有对应的描述符
- if (unlikely(dev_desc == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- DECLARE_USB_PACKET(ctrl_out_packet, USB_REQ_TYPE_SET_REQUEST, USB_REQ_SET_CONFIGURATION, conf_value & 0xff, 0, 0);
- // kdebug("set conf: to control out");
- count = xhci_control_out(id, &ctrl_out_packet, NULL, port_id, dev_desc->max_packet_size);
- // kdebug("set conf: count=%d", count);
- return 0;
- * @brief 获取usb 设备的config_desc
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param port_id 端口id
- * @param conf_desc 要获取的conf_desc
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_get_config_desc(const int id, const int port_id, struct usb_config_desc *conf_desc)
- if (unlikely(conf_desc == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- kdebug("to get conf for port %d", port_id);
- int retval = xhci_get_desc(id, port_id, conf_desc, USB_DT_CONFIG, 0, 0, 9);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- return retval;
- kdebug("port %d got conf ok. type=%d, len=%d, total_len=%d, num_interfaces=%d, max_power=%dmA", port_id,
- conf_desc->type, conf_desc->len, conf_desc->total_len, conf_desc->num_interfaces,
- (xhci_get_port_speed(id, port_id) == XHCI_PORT_SPEED_SUPER) ? (conf_desc->max_power * 8)
- : (conf_desc->max_power * 2));
- return 0;
- * @brief 获取完整的config desc(包含conf、interface、endpoint)
- *
- * @param id 控制器id
- * @param port_id 端口id
- * @param conf_desc 之前已经获取好的config_desc
- * @param target 最终结果要拷贝到的地址
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static inline int xhci_get_config_desc_full(const int id, const int port_id, const struct usb_config_desc *conf_desc,
- void *target)
- if (unlikely(conf_desc == NULL || target == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- return xhci_get_desc(id, port_id, target, USB_DT_CONFIG, 0, 0, conf_desc->total_len);
- * @brief 从完整的conf_desc数据中获取指定的interface_desc的指针
- *
- * @param in_buf 存储了完整的conf_desc的缓冲区
- * @param if_num 接口号
- * @param if_desc 返回的指向接口结构体的指针
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_get_interface_desc(const void *in_buf, const uint8_t if_num, struct usb_interface_desc **if_desc)
- if (unlikely(if_desc == NULL || in_buf == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- // 判断接口index是否合理
- if (if_num >= ((struct usb_config_desc *)in_buf)->num_interfaces)
- return -EINVAL;
- uint32_t total_len = ((struct usb_config_desc *)in_buf)->total_len;
- uint32_t pos = 0;
- while (pos < total_len)
- {
- struct usb_interface_desc *ptr = (struct usb_interface_desc *)(in_buf + pos);
- if (ptr->type != USB_DT_INTERFACE)
- {
- pos += ptr->len;
- continue;
- }
- if (ptr->interface_number == if_num) // 找到目标interface desc
- {
- kdebug("get interface desc ok. interface_number=%d, num_endpoints=%d, class=%d, subclass=%d",
- ptr->interface_number, ptr->num_endpoints, ptr->interface_class, ptr->interface_sub_class);
- *if_desc = ptr;
- return 0;
- }
- pos += ptr->len;
- }
- return -EINVAL;
- * @brief 获取端点描述符
- *
- * @param if_desc 接口描述符
- * @param ep_num 端点号
- * @param ep_desc 返回的指向端点描述符的指针
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static inline int xhci_get_endpoint_desc(const struct usb_interface_desc *if_desc, const uint8_t ep_num,
- struct usb_endpoint_desc **ep_desc)
- if (unlikely(if_desc == NULL || ep_desc == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- BUG_ON(ep_num >= if_desc->num_endpoints);
- *ep_desc = (struct usb_endpoint_desc *)((uint64_t)(if_desc + 1) + ep_num * sizeof(struct usb_endpoint_desc));
- kdebug("get endpoint desc: ep_addr=%d, max_packet=%d, attr=%#06x, interval=%d", (*ep_desc)->endpoint_addr,
- (*ep_desc)->max_packet, (*ep_desc)->attributes, (*ep_desc)->interval);
- return 0;
- * @brief 初始化设备端口,并获取端口的描述信息
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param port_id 端口id
- * @param dev_desc 设备描述符
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_get_descriptor(const int id, const int port_id, struct usb_device_desc *dev_desc)
- int retval = 0;
- int count = 0;
- if (unlikely(dev_desc == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- // 读取端口速度。 full=1, low=2, high=3, super=4
- uint32_t speed = xhci_get_port_speed(id, port_id);
- /*
- * Some devices will only send the first 8 bytes of the device descriptor
- * while in the default state. We must request the first 8 bytes, then reset
- * the port, set address, then request all 18 bytes.
- */
- struct xhci_TRB_normal_t trb = {0};
- // kdebug("to enable slot");
- if (xhci_send_command(id, (struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb, true) != 0)
- {
- kerror("portid:%d: send enable slot failed", port_id);
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
- }
- // kdebug("send enable slot ok");
- uint32_t slot_id = ((struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *)&trb)->slot_id;
- int16_t max_packet;
- if (slot_id != 0) // slot id不为0时,是合法的slot id
- {
- // 为不同速度的设备确定最大的数据包大小
- switch (speed)
- {
- max_packet = 8;
- break;
- max_packet = 64;
- break;
- max_packet = 512;
- break;
- }
- }
- else
- return -EAGAIN; // slot id 不合法
- xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].slot_id = slot_id;
- // kdebug("speed=%d", speed);
- // 初始化接口的上下文
- uint64_t slot_vaddr = xhci_initialize_slot(id, port_id, speed, max_packet);
- retval = xhci_set_address(id, slot_vaddr, slot_id, true);
- // kdebug("set addr again");
- // 再次发送 set_address命令
- // kdebug("to set addr again");
- retval = xhci_set_address(id, slot_vaddr, slot_id, false);
- if (retval != 0)
- return retval;
- memset(dev_desc, 0, sizeof(struct usb_device_desc));
- count = xhci_control_in(id, &ctrl_in_packet, dev_desc, port_id, max_packet);
- if (unlikely(count == 0))
- return -EAGAIN;
- /*
- TODO: if the dev_desc->max_packet was different than what we have as max_packet,
- you would need to change it here and in the slot context by doing a
- evaluate_slot_context call.
- */
- xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].dev_desc = dev_desc;
- // print the descriptor
- printk(" Found USB Device:\n"
- " port: %i\n"
- " len: %i\n"
- " type: %i\n"
- " version: %01X.%02X\n"
- " class: %i\n"
- " subclass: %i\n"
- " protocol: %i\n"
- " max packet size: %i\n"
- " vendor id: 0x%04X\n"
- " product id: 0x%04X\n"
- " release ver: %i%i.%i%i\n"
- " manufacture index: %i (index to a string)\n"
- " product index: %i\n"
- " serial index: %i\n"
- " number of configs: %i\n",
- port_id, dev_desc->len, dev_desc->type, dev_desc->usb_version >> 8, dev_desc->usb_version & 0xFF,
- dev_desc->_class, dev_desc->subclass, dev_desc->protocol, dev_desc->max_packet_size, dev_desc->vendor_id,
- dev_desc->product_id, (dev_desc->device_rel & 0xF000) >> 12, (dev_desc->device_rel & 0x0F00) >> 8,
- (dev_desc->device_rel & 0x00F0) >> 4, (dev_desc->device_rel & 0x000F) >> 0, dev_desc->manufacturer_index,
- dev_desc->procuct_index, dev_desc->serial_index, dev_desc->config);
- return 0;
- * @brief 启用xhci控制器的端口
- *
- * @param id 控制器id
- * @return int
- */
-static int xhci_hc_start_ports(int id)
- int cnt = 0;
- // 注意,这两个循环应该不能合并到一起,因为可能存在usb2端口offset在前,usb3端口在后的情况,那样的话就会出错
- // 循环启动所有的usb3端口
- for (int i = 0; i < xhci_hc[id].port_num; ++i)
- {
- if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB3(id, i) && XHCI_PORT_IS_ACTIVE(id, i))
- {
- io_mfence();
- // kdebug("to reset port %d, rflags=%#018lx", id, get_rflags());
- int rst_ret = xhci_reset_port(id, i);
- // kdebug("reset done!, val=%d", rst_ret);
- // reset该端口
- if (likely(rst_ret == 0)) // 如果端口reset成功,就获取它的描述符
- // 否则,reset函数会把它给设置为未激活,并且标志配对的usb2端口是激活的
- {
- // kdebug("reset port %d ok", id);
- struct usb_device_desc dev_desc = {0};
- if (xhci_get_descriptor(id, i, &dev_desc) == 0)
- {
- xhci_configure_port(id, i);
- ++cnt;
- }
- kdebug("usb3 port %d get desc ok", i);
- }
- }
- }
- kdebug("Active usb3 ports:%d", cnt);
- // 循环启动所有的usb2端口
- for (int i = 0; i < xhci_hc[id].port_num; ++i)
- {
- if (XHCI_PORT_IS_USB2(id, i) && XHCI_PORT_IS_ACTIVE(id, i))
- {
- // kdebug("initializing usb2: %d", i);
- // reset该端口
- // kdebug("to reset port %d, rflags=%#018lx", i, get_rflags());
- if (likely(xhci_reset_port(id, i) ==
- 0)) // 如果端口reset成功,就获取它的描述符
- // 否则,reset函数会把它给设置为未激活,并且标志配对的usb2端口是激活的
- {
- // kdebug("reset port %d ok", id);
- struct usb_device_desc dev_desc = {0};
- if (xhci_get_descriptor(id, i, &dev_desc) == 0)
- {
- xhci_configure_port(id, i);
- ++cnt;
- }
- kdebug("USB2 port %d get desc ok", i);
- }
- }
- }
- kinfo("xHCI controller %d: Started %d ports.", id, cnt);
- return 0;
- * @brief 发送HID设备的IDLE数据包
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器号
- * @param port_id 端口号
- * @param if_desc 接口结构体
- * @return int
- */
-static int xhci_hid_set_idle(const int id, const int port_id, struct usb_interface_desc *if_desc)
- struct usb_device_desc *dev_desc = xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].dev_desc;
- if (unlikely(dev_desc) == NULL)
- {
- BUG_ON(1);
- return -EINVAL;
- }
- DECLARE_USB_PACKET(ctrl_out_packet, USB_REQ_TYPE_SET_CLASS_INTERFACE, 0x0a, 0, 0, 0);
- xhci_control_out(id, &ctrl_out_packet, NULL, port_id, dev_desc->max_packet_size);
- kdebug("xhci set idle done!");
- return 0;
- * @brief 配置端点上下文,并发送configure endpoint命令
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param port_id 端口号
- * @param ep_num 端点号
- * @param ep_type 端点类型
- * @param ep_desc 端点描述符
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_configure_endpoint(const int id, const int port_id, const uint8_t ep_num, const uint8_t ep_type,
- struct usb_endpoint_desc *ep_desc)
- int retval = 0;
- uint64_t slot_context_vaddr = xhci_get_device_context_vaddr(id, port_id);
- xhci_initialize_ep(id, slot_context_vaddr, port_id, ep_num, xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].dev_desc->max_packet_size,
- usb_get_max_burst_from_ep(ep_desc), ep_type, (ep_num % 2) ? XHCI_DIR_IN_BIT : XHCI_DIR_OUT_BIT,
- xhci_get_port_speed(id, port_id), ep_desc->interval);
- struct xhci_slot_context_t slot;
- struct xhci_ep_context_t ep = {0};
- // 创建输入上下文缓冲区
- uint64_t input_ctx_buffer = (uint64_t)kzalloc(xhci_hc[id].context_size * 33, 0);
- // 置位对应的add bit
- __write4b(input_ctx_buffer + 4, (1 << ep_num) | 1);
- __write4b(input_ctx_buffer + 0x1c, 1);
- // 拷贝slot上下文
- __read_from_slot(&slot, slot_context_vaddr);
- // 设置该端口的最大端点号。注意,必须设置这里,否则会出错
- slot.entries = (ep_num > slot.entries) ? ep_num : slot.entries;
- __write_slot(input_ctx_buffer + xhci_hc[id].context_size, &slot);
- // __write_ep(id, input_ctx_buffer, 2, &ep);
- // kdebug("ep_num=%d", ep_num);
- // 拷贝将要被配置的端点的信息
- __read_from_ep(id, slot_context_vaddr, ep_num, &ep);
- // kdebug("ep.tr_dequeue_ptr=%#018lx", ep.tr_dequeue_ptr);
- ep.err_cnt = 3;
- // 加一是因为input_context头部比slot_context多了一个input_control_ctx
- __write_ep(id, input_ctx_buffer, ep_num + 1, &ep);
- struct xhci_TRB_normal_t trb = {0};
- trb.buf_paddr = virt_2_phys(input_ctx_buffer);
- trb.TRB_type = TRB_TYPE_CONFIG_EP;
- trb.cycle = xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_cycle;
- trb.Reserved |= (((uint16_t)xhci_hc[id].ports[port_id].slot_id) << 8) & 0xffff;
- // kdebug("addr=%#018lx", ((struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb)->param);
- // kdebug("status=%#018lx", ((struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb)->status);
- // kdebug("command=%#018lx", ((struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb)->command);
- retval = xhci_send_command(id, (struct xhci_TRB_t *)&trb, true);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- {
- kerror("port_id:%d, configure endpoint %d failed", port_id, ep_num);
- goto failed;
- }
- struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *trb_done = (struct xhci_TRB_cmd_complete_t *)&trb;
- if (trb_done->code == TRB_COMP_TRB_SUCCESS) // 成功执行
- {
- // 如果要从控制器获取刚刚设置的设备地址的话,可以在这里读取slot context
- ksuccess("port_id:%d, ep:%d successfully configured.", port_id, ep_num);
- retval = 0;
- }
- else
- retval = -EAGAIN;
- kfree((void *)input_ctx_buffer);
- return retval;
- * @brief 配置连接在指定端口上的设备
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @param port_id 端口id
- * @param full_conf 完整的config
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_configure_port(const int id, const int port_id)
- void *full_conf = NULL;
- struct usb_interface_desc *if_desc = NULL;
- struct usb_endpoint_desc *ep_desc = NULL;
- int retval = 0;
- // hint: 暂时只考虑对键盘的初始化
- // 获取完整的config
- {
- struct usb_config_desc conf_desc = {0};
- retval = xhci_get_config_desc(id, port_id, &conf_desc);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- return retval;
- full_conf = kzalloc(conf_desc.total_len, 0);
- if (unlikely(full_conf == NULL))
- return -ENOMEM;
- retval = xhci_get_config_desc_full(id, port_id, &conf_desc, full_conf);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- }
- retval = xhci_get_interface_desc(full_conf, 0, &if_desc);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- if (if_desc->interface_class == USB_CLASS_HID)
- {
- // 由于暂时只支持键盘,因此把键盘的驱动也写在这里
- // todo: 分离usb键盘驱动
- retval = xhci_get_endpoint_desc(if_desc, 0, &ep_desc);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- // kdebug("to set conf, val=%#010lx", ((struct usb_config_desc *)full_conf)->value);
- retval = xhci_set_configuration(id, port_id, ((struct usb_config_desc *)full_conf)->value);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- // kdebug("set conf ok");
- // configure endpoint
- retval = xhci_configure_endpoint(id, port_id, ep_desc->endpoint_addr, USB_EP_INTERRUPT, ep_desc);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- retval = xhci_hid_set_idle(id, port_id, if_desc);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- struct usb_hid_desc *hid_desc = NULL;
- uint32_t hid_desc_len = 0;
- // 获取hid desc
- retval = xhci_get_hid_descriptor(id, port_id, full_conf, if_desc->interface_number, &hid_desc);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- goto failed;
- // 获取hid report
- void *hid_report_data = kzalloc(hid_desc->report_desc_len, 0);
- if (unlikely(hid_report_data == NULL))
- goto failed;
- retval =
- xhci_get_hid_report(id, port_id, if_desc->interface_number, hid_report_data, hid_desc->report_desc_len);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- {
- kfree(hid_report_data);
- goto failed;
- }
- kdebug("to parse hid report");
- // todo:这里的parse有问题,详见hid_parse函数的注释
- // hid_parse_report(hid_report_data, hid_desc->report_desc_len);
- kdebug("parse hid report done");
- // kdebug("to find object from hid path");
- // struct hid_data_t data = {0};
- // data.type = HID_ITEM_INPUT;
- // data.path.node[0].u_page = HID_USAGE_PAGE_GEN_DESKTOP;
- // data.path.node[0].usage = 0xff;
- // data.path.node[2].usage = USAGE_POINTER_Y; // to get the Y Coordinate, comment X above and uncomment this
- // line data.path.node[2].usage = USAGE_POINTER_WHEEL; // to get the Wheel Coordinate, comment X above and
- // uncomment this line
- // data.path.size = 1;
- // hid_parse_find_object(hid_report_data, hid_desc->report_desc_len, &data);
- kfree(hid_report_data);
- }
- goto out;
- kerror("failed at xhci_configure_port, retval=%d", retval);
- kfree(full_conf);
- return retval;
- * @brief 初始化xhci主机控制器的中断控制
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器id
- * @return int 返回码
- */
-static int xhci_hc_init_intr(int id)
- uint64_t retval = 0;
- struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS1_reg_t hcs1;
- struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS2_reg_t hcs2;
- io_mfence();
- memcpy(&hcs1, xhci_get_ptr_cap_reg32(id, XHCI_CAPS_HCSPARAMS1), sizeof(struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS1_reg_t));
- io_mfence();
- memcpy(&hcs2, xhci_get_ptr_cap_reg32(id, XHCI_CAPS_HCSPARAMS2), sizeof(struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS2_reg_t));
- io_mfence();
- uint32_t max_segs = (1 << (uint32_t)(hcs2.ERST_Max));
- uint32_t max_interrupters = hcs1.max_intrs;
- // 创建 event ring
- retval = xhci_create_event_ring(4096, &xhci_hc[id].event_ring_vaddr);
- io_mfence();
- if (unlikely((int64_t)(retval) == -ENOMEM))
- return -ENOMEM;
- xhci_hc[id].event_ring_table_vaddr = retval;
- xhci_hc[id].current_event_ring_vaddr =
- xhci_hc[id].event_ring_vaddr; // 设置驱动程序要读取的下一个event ring trb的地址
- retval = 0;
- xhci_hc[id].current_event_ring_cycle = 1;
- // 写入第0个中断寄存器组
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_intr_reg32(id, 0, XHCI_IR_MAN, 0x3); // 使能中断并清除pending位(这个pending位是写入1就清0的)
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_intr_reg32(id, 0, XHCI_IR_MOD, 0); // 关闭中断管制
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_intr_reg32(id, 0, XHCI_IR_TABLE_SIZE, 1); // 当前只有1个segment
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_intr_reg64(id, 0, XHCI_IR_DEQUEUE,
- virt_2_phys(xhci_hc[id].current_event_ring_vaddr) |
- (1 << 3)); // 写入dequeue寄存器,并清除busy位(写1就会清除)
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_intr_reg64(id, 0, XHCI_IR_TABLE_ADDR, virt_2_phys(xhci_hc[id].event_ring_table_vaddr)); // 写入table地址
- io_mfence();
- // 清除状态位
- xhci_write_op_reg32(id, XHCI_OPS_USBSTS, (1 << 10) | (1 << 4) | (1 << 3) | (1 << 2));
- io_mfence();
- // 开启usb中断
- // 注册中断处理程序
- struct xhci_hc_irq_install_info_t install_info;
- install_info.assert = 1;
- install_info.edge_trigger = 1;
- install_info.processor = 0; // 投递到bsp
- char *buf = (char *)kmalloc(16, 0);
- memset(buf, 0, 16);
- sprintk(buf, "xHCI HC%d", id);
- io_mfence();
- irq_register(xhci_controller_irq_num[id], &install_info, &xhci_hc_irq_handler, id, &xhci_hc_intr_controller, buf);
- io_mfence();
- kfree(buf);
- kdebug("xhci host controller %d: interrupt registered. irq num=%d", id, xhci_controller_irq_num[id]);
- return 0;
- * @brief 往xhci控制器发送trb, 并将返回的数据存入原始的trb中
- *
- * @param id xhci控制器号
- * @param trb 传输请求块
- * @param do_ring 是否通知doorbell register
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_send_command(int id, struct xhci_TRB_t *trb, const bool do_ring)
- uint64_t origin_trb_vaddr = xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_vaddr;
- // 必须先写入参数和状态数据,最后写入command
- __write8b(xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_vaddr, trb->param); // 参数
- __write4b(xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_vaddr + 8, trb->status); // 状态
- __write4b(xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_vaddr + 12, trb->command | xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_cycle); // 命令
- xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_vaddr += sizeof(struct xhci_TRB_t); // 跳转到下一个trb
- {
- // 如果下一个trb是link trb,则将下一个要操作的地址是设置为第一个trb
- struct xhci_TRB_normal_t *ptr = (struct xhci_TRB_normal_t *)xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_vaddr;
- if (ptr->TRB_type == TRB_TYPE_LINK)
- {
- ptr->cycle = xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_cycle;
- xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_vaddr = xhci_hc[id].cmd_ring_vaddr;
- xhci_hc[id].cmd_trb_cycle ^= 1;
- }
- }
- if (do_ring) // 按响命令门铃
- {
- __xhci_write_doorbell(id, 0, 0);
- // 等待中断产生
- int timer = 400;
- const uint32_t iman0 = xhci_read_intr_reg32(id, 0, XHCI_IR_MAN);
- // Now wait for the interrupt to happen
- // We use bit 31 of the command dword since it is reserved
- while (timer && ((__read4b(origin_trb_vaddr + 8) & XHCI_IRQ_DONE) == 0))
- {
- rs_usleep(1000);
- --timer;
- }
- uint32_t x = xhci_read_cap_reg32(id, xhci_hc[id].rts_offset + 0x20);
- if (timer == 0)
- return -ETIMEDOUT;
- else
- {
- xhci_get_trb(trb, origin_trb_vaddr);
- trb->status &= (~XHCI_IRQ_DONE);
- }
- }
- return 0;
- * @brief 获取接口的hid descriptor
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器号
- * @param port_id 端口号
- * @param full_conf 完整的cofig缓冲区
- * @param interface_number 接口号
- * @param ret_hid_desc 返回的指向hid描述符的指针
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_get_hid_descriptor(int id, int port_id, const void *full_conf, int interface_number,
- struct usb_hid_desc **ret_hid_desc)
- if (unlikely(ret_hid_desc == NULL || full_conf == NULL))
- return -EINVAL;
- kdebug("to get hid_descriptor.");
- // 判断接口index是否合理
- if (interface_number >= ((struct usb_config_desc *)full_conf)->num_interfaces)
- return -EINVAL;
- uint32_t total_len = ((struct usb_config_desc *)full_conf)->total_len;
- uint32_t pos = 0;
- while (pos < total_len)
- {
- struct usb_hid_desc *ptr = (struct usb_hid_desc *)(full_conf + pos);
- if (ptr->type != USB_DT_HID)
- {
- pos += ptr->len;
- continue;
- }
- // 找到目标hid描述符
- *ret_hid_desc = ptr;
- kdebug("Found hid descriptor for port:%d, if:%d, report_desc_len=%d", port_id, interface_number,
- ptr->report_desc_len);
- return 0;
- }
- return -EINVAL;
- * @brief 发送get_hid_descriptor请求,将hid
- *
- * @param id 主机控制器号
- * @param port_id 端口号
- * @param interface_number 接口号
- * @param ret_hid_report hid report要拷贝到的地址
- * @param hid_report_len hid report的长度
- * @return int 错误码
- */
-static int xhci_get_hid_report(int id, int port_id, int interface_number, void *ret_hid_report, uint32_t hid_report_len)
- int retval = xhci_get_desc(id, port_id, ret_hid_report, USB_DT_HID_REPORT, 0, interface_number, hid_report_len);
- if (unlikely(retval != 0))
- kerror("xhci_get_hid_report failed: host_controller:%d, port:%d, interface %d", id, port_id, interface_number);
- return retval;
- * @brief 初始化xhci控制器
- *
- * @param header 指定控制器的pci device头部
- */
-void xhci_init(struct pci_device_structure_general_device_t *dev_hdr)
- if (xhci_ctrl_count >= XHCI_MAX_HOST_CONTROLLERS)
- {
- kerror("Initialize xhci controller failed: exceed the limit of max controllers.");
- return;
- }
- spin_lock(&xhci_controller_init_lock);
- kinfo("Initializing xhci host controller: bus=%#02x, device=%#02x, func=%#02x, VendorID=%#04x, irq_line=%d, "
- "irq_pin=%d",
- dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, dev_hdr->header.Vendor_ID,
- dev_hdr->Interrupt_Line, dev_hdr->Interrupt_PIN);
- io_mfence();
- int cid = xhci_hc_find_available_id();
- if (cid < 0)
- {
- kerror("Initialize xhci controller failed: exceed the limit of max controllers.");
- goto failed_exceed_max;
- }
- memset(&xhci_hc[cid], 0, sizeof(struct xhci_host_controller_t));
- xhci_hc[cid].controller_id = cid;
- xhci_hc[cid].pci_dev_hdr = dev_hdr;
- io_mfence();
- {
- uint32_t tmp = pci_read_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 0x4);
- tmp |= 0x6;
- // mem I/O access enable and bus master enable
- pci_write_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 0x4, tmp);
- }
- io_mfence();
- // 为当前控制器映射寄存器地址空间
- xhci_hc[cid].vbase =
- SPECIAL_MEMOEY_MAPPING_VIRT_ADDR_BASE + XHCI_MAPPING_OFFSET + 65536 * xhci_hc[cid].controller_id;
- // kdebug("dev_hdr->BAR0 & (~0xf)=%#018lx", dev_hdr->BAR0 & (~0xf));
- mm_map_phys_addr(xhci_hc[cid].vbase, dev_hdr->BAR0 & (~0xf), 65536, PAGE_KERNEL_PAGE | PAGE_PWT | PAGE_PCD, true);
- io_mfence();
- // 计算operational registers的地址
- xhci_hc[cid].vbase_op = xhci_hc[cid].vbase + (xhci_read_cap_reg32(cid, XHCI_CAPS_CAPLENGTH) & 0xff);
- io_mfence();
- // 重置xhci控制器
- FAIL_ON_TO(xhci_hc_reset(cid), failed);
- io_mfence();
- // 读取xhci控制寄存器
- uint16_t iversion = *(uint16_t *)(xhci_hc[cid].vbase + XHCI_CAPS_HCIVERSION);
- struct xhci_caps_HCCPARAMS1_reg_t hcc1;
- struct xhci_caps_HCCPARAMS2_reg_t hcc2;
- struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS1_reg_t hcs1;
- struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS2_reg_t hcs2;
- memcpy(&hcc1, xhci_get_ptr_cap_reg32(cid, XHCI_CAPS_HCCPARAMS1), sizeof(struct xhci_caps_HCCPARAMS1_reg_t));
- memcpy(&hcc2, xhci_get_ptr_cap_reg32(cid, XHCI_CAPS_HCCPARAMS2), sizeof(struct xhci_caps_HCCPARAMS2_reg_t));
- memcpy(&hcs1, xhci_get_ptr_cap_reg32(cid, XHCI_CAPS_HCSPARAMS1), sizeof(struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS1_reg_t));
- memcpy(&hcs2, xhci_get_ptr_cap_reg32(cid, XHCI_CAPS_HCSPARAMS2), sizeof(struct xhci_caps_HCSPARAMS2_reg_t));
- xhci_hc[cid].db_offset = xhci_read_cap_reg32(cid, XHCI_CAPS_DBOFF) & (~0x3); // bits [1:0] reserved
- io_mfence();
- xhci_hc[cid].rts_offset = xhci_read_cap_reg32(cid, XHCI_CAPS_RTSOFF) & (~0x1f); // bits [4:0] reserved.
- io_mfence();
- xhci_hc[cid].ext_caps_off = 1UL * (hcc1.xECP) * 4;
- xhci_hc[cid].context_size = (hcc1.csz) ? 64 : 32;
- if (iversion < 0x95)
- kwarn("Unsupported/Unknowned xHCI controller version: %#06x. This may cause unexpected behavior.", iversion);
- {
- // Write to the FLADJ register incase the BIOS didn't
- uint32_t tmp = pci_read_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 0x60);
- tmp |= (0x20 << 8);
- pci_write_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 0x60, tmp);
- }
- // if it is a Panther Point device, make sure sockets are xHCI controlled.
- if (((pci_read_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 0) & 0xffff) == 0x8086) &&
- (((pci_read_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 0) >> 16) & 0xffff) ==
- 0x1E31) &&
- ((pci_read_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 8) & 0xff) == 4))
- {
- kdebug("Is a Panther Point device");
- pci_write_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 0xd8, 0xffffffff);
- pci_write_config(dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device, dev_hdr->header.func, 0xd0, 0xffffffff);
- }
- io_mfence();
- // 关闭legacy支持
- FAIL_ON_TO(xhci_hc_stop_legacy(cid), failed);
- io_mfence();
- // 端口配对
- FAIL_ON_TO(xhci_hc_pair_ports(cid), failed);
- io_mfence();
- // ========== 设置USB host controller =========
- // 获取页面大小
- xhci_hc[cid].page_size = (xhci_read_op_reg32(cid, XHCI_OPS_PAGESIZE) & 0xffff) << 12;
- io_mfence();
- // 获取设备上下文空间
- xhci_hc[cid].dcbaap_vaddr = (uint64_t)kzalloc(2048, 0); // 分配2KB的设备上下文地址数组空间
- io_mfence();
- // kdebug("dcbaap_vaddr=%#018lx", xhci_hc[cid].dcbaap_vaddr);
- if (unlikely(!xhci_is_aligned64(xhci_hc[cid].dcbaap_vaddr))) // 地址不是按照64byte对齐
- {
- kerror("dcbaap isn't 64 byte aligned.");
- goto failed_free_dyn;
- }
- // 写入dcbaap
- xhci_write_op_reg64(cid, XHCI_OPS_DCBAAP, virt_2_phys(xhci_hc[cid].dcbaap_vaddr));
- io_mfence();
- // 创建scratchpad buffer array
- uint32_t max_scratchpad_buf = (((uint32_t)hcs2.max_scratchpad_buf_HI5) << 5) | hcs2.max_scratchpad_buf_LO5;
- kdebug("max scratchpad buffer=%d", max_scratchpad_buf);
- if (max_scratchpad_buf > 0)
- {
- xhci_hc[cid].scratchpad_buf_array_vaddr = (uint64_t)kzalloc(sizeof(uint64_t) * max_scratchpad_buf, 0);
- __write8b(xhci_hc[cid].dcbaap_vaddr, virt_2_phys(xhci_hc[cid].scratchpad_buf_array_vaddr));
- // 创建scratchpad buffers
- for (int i = 0; i < max_scratchpad_buf; ++i)
- {
- uint64_t buf_vaddr = (uint64_t)kzalloc(xhci_hc[cid].page_size, 0);
- __write8b(xhci_hc[cid].scratchpad_buf_array_vaddr, virt_2_phys(buf_vaddr));
- }
- }
- // 创建command ring
- xhci_hc[cid].cmd_ring_vaddr = xhci_create_ring(XHCI_CMND_RING_TRBS);
- xhci_hc[cid].cmd_trb_vaddr = xhci_hc[cid].cmd_ring_vaddr;
- if (unlikely(!xhci_is_aligned64(xhci_hc[cid].cmd_ring_vaddr))) // 地址不是按照64byte对齐
- {
- kerror("cmd ring isn't 64 byte aligned.");
- goto failed_free_dyn;
- }
- // 设置初始cycle bit为1
- xhci_hc[cid].cmd_trb_cycle = XHCI_TRB_CYCLE_ON;
- io_mfence();
- // 写入command ring控制寄存器
- xhci_write_op_reg64(cid, XHCI_OPS_CRCR, virt_2_phys(xhci_hc[cid].cmd_ring_vaddr) | xhci_hc[cid].cmd_trb_cycle);
- // 写入配置寄存器
- uint32_t max_slots = hcs1.max_slots;
- // kdebug("max slots = %d", max_slots);
- io_mfence();
- xhci_write_op_reg32(cid, XHCI_OPS_CONFIG, max_slots);
- io_mfence();
- // 写入设备通知控制寄存器
- xhci_write_op_reg32(cid, XHCI_OPS_DNCTRL, (1 << 1)); // 目前只有N1被支持
- io_mfence();
- FAIL_ON_TO(xhci_hc_init_intr(cid), failed_free_dyn);
- io_mfence();
- ++xhci_ctrl_count;
- io_mfence();
- spin_unlock(&xhci_controller_init_lock);
- io_mfence();
- return;
-failed_free_dyn:; // 释放动态申请的内存
- if (xhci_hc[cid].dcbaap_vaddr)
- kfree((void *)xhci_hc[cid].dcbaap_vaddr);
- if (xhci_hc[cid].cmd_ring_vaddr)
- kfree((void *)xhci_hc[cid].cmd_ring_vaddr);
- if (xhci_hc[cid].event_ring_table_vaddr)
- kfree((void *)xhci_hc[cid].event_ring_table_vaddr);
- if (xhci_hc[cid].event_ring_vaddr)
- kfree((void *)xhci_hc[cid].event_ring_vaddr);
- io_mfence();
- // 取消地址映射
- mm_unmap_addr(xhci_hc[cid].vbase, 65536);
- io_mfence();
- // 清空数组
- memset((void *)&xhci_hc[cid], 0, sizeof(struct xhci_host_controller_t));
- kerror("Failed to initialize controller: bus=%d, dev=%d, func=%d", dev_hdr->header.bus, dev_hdr->header.device,
- dev_hdr->header.func);
- spin_unlock(&xhci_controller_init_lock);