@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+use env_logger;
+use rand;
+use std::alloc;
+use std::alloc::Layout;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
+use std::mem::{size_of, transmute};
+use std::prelude::v1::*;
+use crate::*;
+use test::Bencher;
+/// A simple page allocator based on GlobalAlloc (for testing purposes).
+struct Pager {
+ base_pages: HashSet<*mut u8>, // probably should be hash-tables
+unsafe impl Send for Pager {}
+unsafe impl Sync for Pager {}
+impl Pager {
+ pub fn new() -> Pager {
+ Pager {
+ base_pages: HashSet::with_capacity(1024),
+ }
+ }
+impl Pager {
+ pub fn currently_allocated(&self) -> usize {
+ self.base_pages.len()
+ }
+ fn alloc_page(&mut self, page_size: usize) -> Option<*mut u8> {
+ let r =
+ unsafe { std::alloc::alloc(Layout::from_size_align(page_size, page_size).unwrap()) };
+ if !r.is_null() {
+ match page_size {
+ OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE => self.base_pages.insert(r),
+ _ => unreachable!("invalid page-size supplied"),
+ };
+ Some(r)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ fn dealloc_page(&mut self, ptr: *mut u8, page_size: usize) {
+ let layout = match page_size {
+ assert!(
+ self.base_pages.contains(&ptr),
+ "Trying to deallocate invalid base-page"
+ );
+ self.base_pages.remove(&ptr);
+ Layout::from_size_align(OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE, OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE).unwrap()
+ }
+ _ => unreachable!("invalid page-size supplied"),
+ };
+ unsafe { std::alloc::dealloc(ptr, layout) };
+ }
+trait PageProvider<'a>: Send {
+ fn allocate_page(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut ObjectPage<'a>>;
+ fn release_page(&mut self, page: &'a mut ObjectPage<'a>);
+impl<'a> PageProvider<'a> for Pager {
+ /// Allocates a new ObjectPage from the system.
+ ///
+ /// Uses `mmap` to map a page and casts it to a ObjectPage.
+ fn allocate_page(&mut self) -> Option<&'a mut ObjectPage<'a>> {
+ self.alloc_page(OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE)
+ .map(|r| unsafe { transmute(r as usize) })
+ }
+ /// Release a ObjectPage back to the system.slab_page
+ ///
+ /// Uses `munmap` to release the page back to the OS.
+ fn release_page(&mut self, p: &'a mut ObjectPage<'a>) {
+ self.dealloc_page(p as *const ObjectPage as *mut u8, OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE);
+ }
+fn check_size() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE as usize,
+ size_of::<ObjectPage>(),
+ "ObjectPage should be exactly the size of a single page."
+ );
+fn test_mmap_allocator() {
+ let mut mmap = Pager::new();
+ match mmap.allocate_page() {
+ Some(sp) => {
+ sp.bitfield.initialize(8, OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE - 80);
+ assert!(!sp.is_full(), "Got empty slab");
+ assert!(sp.is_empty(6 * 64), "Got empty slab");
+ mmap.release_page(sp)
+ }
+ None => panic!("failed to allocate ObjectPage"),
+ }
+macro_rules! test_sc_allocation {
+ ($test:ident, $size:expr, $alignment:expr, $allocations:expr, $type:ty) => {
+ #[test]
+ fn $test() {
+ let _ = env_logger::try_init();
+ let mut mmap = Pager::new();
+ {
+ let mut sa: SCAllocator<$type> = SCAllocator::new($size);
+ let alignment = $alignment;
+ let mut objects: Vec<NonNull<u8>> = Vec::new();
+ let mut vec: Vec<(usize, &mut [usize; $size / 8])> = Vec::new();
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align($size, alignment).unwrap();
+ for _ in 0..$allocations {
+ loop {
+ match sa.allocate(layout) {
+ // Allocation was successful
+ Ok(nptr) => {
+ unsafe {
+ vec.push((rand::random::<usize>(), transmute(nptr.as_ptr())))
+ };
+ objects.push(nptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Couldn't allocate need to refill first
+ Err(AllocationError::OutOfMemory) => {
+ let page = mmap.allocate_page().unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ sa.refill(page);
+ }
+ }
+ // Unexpected errors
+ Err(AllocationError::InvalidLayout) => unreachable!("Unexpected error"),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Write the objects with a random pattern
+ for item in vec.iter_mut() {
+ let (pattern, ref mut obj) = *item;
+ assert!(obj.len() == $size / 8);
+ for i in 0..obj.len() {
+ obj[i] = pattern;
+ }
+ }
+ for item in vec.iter() {
+ let (pattern, ref obj) = *item;
+ for i in 0..obj.len() {
+ assert_eq!(
+ obj[i], pattern,
+ "No two allocations point to the same memory."
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure we can correctly deallocate:
+ let pages_allocated = sa.slabs.elements;
+ // Deallocate all the objects
+ for item in objects.iter_mut() {
+ unsafe {
+ sa.deallocate(*item, layout).expect("Can't deallocate");
+ }
+ }
+ objects.clear();
+ sa.check_page_assignments();
+ // then allocate everything again,
+ for _ in 0..$allocations {
+ loop {
+ match sa.allocate(layout) {
+ // Allocation was successful
+ Ok(nptr) => {
+ unsafe {
+ vec.push((rand::random::<usize>(), transmute(nptr.as_ptr())))
+ };
+ objects.push(nptr);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Couldn't allocate need to refill first
+ Err(AllocationError::OutOfMemory) => {
+ let page = mmap.allocate_page().unwrap();
+ unsafe {
+ sa.refill(page);
+ }
+ }
+ // Unexpected errors
+ Err(AllocationError::InvalidLayout) => unreachable!("Unexpected error"),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // and make sure we do not request more pages than what we had previously
+ // println!("{} {}", pages_allocated, sa.slabs.elements);
+ assert_eq!(
+ pages_allocated, sa.slabs.elements,
+ "Did not use more memory for 2nd allocation run."
+ );
+ // Deallocate everything once more
+ for item in objects.iter_mut() {
+ unsafe {
+ sa.deallocate(*item, layout).expect("Can't deallocate");
+ }
+ }
+ // Drain the slab-allocator and give unused pages back to the OS
+ sa.try_reclaim_pages(usize::MAX, &mut |p: *mut ObjectPage| unsafe {
+ mmap.release_page(&mut *p)
+ });
+ }
+ // Check that we released everything to our page allocator:
+ assert_eq!(
+ mmap.currently_allocated(),
+ 0,
+ "Released all pages to the underlying memory manager."
+ );
+ }
+ };
+test_sc_allocation!(op_512_size8_alignment1, 8, 1, 512, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_4096_size8_alignment8, 8, 8, 4096, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_500_size8_alignment64, 8, 64, 500, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_4096_size12_alignment1, 12, 1, 4096, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_4096_size13_alignment1, 13, 1, 4096, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_2000_size14_alignment1, 14, 1, 2000, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_4096_size15_alignment1, 15, 1, 4096, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_8000_size16_alignment1, 16, 1, 8000, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_1024_size24_alignment1, 24, 1, 1024, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_3090_size32_alignment1, 32, 1, 3090, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_4096_size64_alignment1, 64, 1, 4096, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_1000_size512_alignment1, 512, 1, 1000, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_4096_size1024_alignment1, 1024, 1, 4096, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_10_size2048_alignment1, 2048, 1, 10, ObjectPage);
+test_sc_allocation!(op_10000_size512_alignment1, 512, 1, 10000, ObjectPage);
+fn invalid_alignment() {
+ let _layout = Layout::from_size_align(10, 3).unwrap();
+fn test_readme() -> Result<(), AllocationError> {
+ let object_size = 12;
+ let alignment = 4;
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(object_size, alignment).unwrap();
+ // We need something that can provide backing memory
+ // (4 KiB and 2 MiB pages) to our ZoneAllocator
+ // (see tests.rs for a dummy implementation).
+ let mut pager = Pager::new();
+ let page = pager.allocate_page().expect("Can't allocate a page");
+ let mut zone: ZoneAllocator = Default::default();
+ // Prematurely fill the ZoneAllocator with memory.
+ // Alternatively, the allocate call would return an
+ // error which we can capture to refill on-demand.
+ unsafe { zone.refill(layout, page)? };
+ let allocated = zone.allocate(layout)?;
+ unsafe { zone.deallocate(allocated, layout, &SlabCallback) }?;
+ Ok(())
+fn test_readme2() -> Result<(), AllocationError> {
+ let object_size = 10;
+ let alignment = 8;
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(object_size, alignment).unwrap();
+ // We need something that can provide backing memory
+ // (4 KiB and 2 MiB pages) to our ZoneAllocator
+ // (see tests.rs for a dummy implementation).
+ let mut pager = Pager::new();
+ let page = pager.allocate_page().expect("Can't allocate a page");
+ let mut sa: SCAllocator<ObjectPage> = SCAllocator::new(object_size);
+ // Prematurely fill the SCAllocator with memory.
+ // Alternatively, the allocate call would return an
+ // error which we can capture to refill on-demand.
+ unsafe { sa.refill(page) };
+ sa.allocate(layout)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn test_bug1() -> Result<(), AllocationError> {
+ let _ = env_logger::try_init();
+ let mut mmap = Pager::new();
+ let page = mmap.allocate_page();
+ let mut sa: SCAllocator<ObjectPage> = SCAllocator::new(8);
+ unsafe {
+ sa.refill(page.unwrap());
+ }
+ let ptr1 = sa.allocate(Layout::from_size_align(1, 1).unwrap())?;
+ let ptr2 = sa.allocate(Layout::from_size_align(2, 1).unwrap())?;
+ unsafe { sa.deallocate(ptr1, Layout::from_size_align(1, 1).unwrap()) }?;
+ let _ptr3 = sa.allocate(Layout::from_size_align(4, 1).unwrap())?;
+ unsafe {
+ sa.deallocate(ptr2, Layout::from_size_align(2, 1).unwrap())
+ .map(|_| ())
+ }
+fn slabmalloc_allocate_deallocate(b: &mut Bencher) {
+ let _ = env_logger::try_init();
+ let mut mmap = Pager::new();
+ let mut sa: SCAllocator<ObjectPage> = SCAllocator::new(8);
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(8, 1).unwrap();
+ let page = mmap.allocate_page();
+ unsafe {
+ sa.refill(page.unwrap());
+ }
+ let ptr = sa.allocate(layout).expect("Can't allocate");
+ test::black_box(ptr);
+ b.iter(|| {
+ let ptr = sa.allocate(layout).expect("Can't allocate");
+ test::black_box(ptr);
+ unsafe { sa.deallocate(ptr, layout).expect("Can't deallocate") };
+ });
+fn slabmalloc_allocate_deallocate_big(b: &mut Bencher) {
+ let _ = env_logger::try_init();
+ let mut mmap = Pager::new();
+ let mut sa: SCAllocator<ObjectPage> = SCAllocator::new(512);
+ let page = mmap.allocate_page();
+ unsafe {
+ sa.refill(page.unwrap());
+ }
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(512, 1).unwrap();
+ let ptr = sa.allocate(layout).expect("Can't allocate");
+ test::black_box(ptr);
+ b.iter(|| {
+ let ptr = sa.allocate(layout).expect("Can't allocate");
+ test::black_box(ptr);
+ unsafe { sa.deallocate(ptr, layout).expect("Can't deallocate") };
+ });
+fn jemalloc_allocate_deallocate(b: &mut Bencher) {
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(8, 1).unwrap();
+ let ptr = unsafe { alloc::alloc(layout) };
+ test::black_box(ptr);
+ b.iter(|| unsafe {
+ let ptr = alloc::alloc(layout);
+ test::black_box(ptr);
+ alloc::dealloc(ptr, layout);
+ });
+fn jemalloc_allocate_deallocate_big(b: &mut Bencher) {
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(512, 1).unwrap();
+ let ptr = unsafe { alloc::alloc(layout) };
+ test::black_box(ptr);
+ b.iter(|| unsafe {
+ let ptr = alloc::alloc(layout);
+ test::black_box(ptr);
+ alloc::dealloc(ptr, layout);
+ });
+pub fn check_first_fit() {
+ let op: ObjectPage = Default::default();
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(8, 8).unwrap();
+ println!("{:?}", op.first_fit(layout));
+fn list_pop() {
+ let mut op1: ObjectPage = Default::default();
+ let op1_ptr = &op1 as *const ObjectPage<'_>;
+ let mut op2: ObjectPage = Default::default();
+ let op2_ptr = &op2 as *const ObjectPage<'_>;
+ let mut op3: ObjectPage = Default::default();
+ let op3_ptr = &op3 as *const ObjectPage<'_>;
+ let mut op4: ObjectPage = Default::default();
+ let op4_ptr = &op4 as *const ObjectPage<'_>;
+ let mut list: PageList<ObjectPage> = PageList::new();
+ list.insert_front(&mut op1);
+ list.insert_front(&mut op2);
+ list.insert_front(&mut op3);
+ assert!(list.contains(op1_ptr));
+ assert!(list.contains(op2_ptr));
+ assert!(list.contains(op3_ptr));
+ assert!(!list.contains(op4_ptr));
+ let popped = list.pop();
+ assert_eq!(popped.unwrap() as *const ObjectPage, op3_ptr);
+ assert!(!list.contains(op3_ptr));
+ let popped = list.pop();
+ assert_eq!(popped.unwrap() as *const ObjectPage, op2_ptr);
+ assert!(!list.contains(op2_ptr));
+ list.insert_front(&mut op4);
+ assert!(list.contains(op4_ptr));
+ let popped = list.pop();
+ assert_eq!(popped.unwrap() as *const ObjectPage, op4_ptr);
+ assert!(!list.contains(op4_ptr));
+ let popped = list.pop();
+ assert_eq!(popped.unwrap() as *const ObjectPage, op1_ptr);
+ assert!(!list.contains(op1_ptr));
+ let popped = list.pop();
+ assert!(popped.is_none());
+ assert!(!list.contains(op1_ptr));
+ assert!(!list.contains(op2_ptr));
+ assert!(!list.contains(op3_ptr));
+ assert!(!list.contains(op4_ptr));
+pub fn iter_empty_list() {
+ let mut new_head1: ObjectPage = Default::default();
+ let mut l = PageList::new();
+ l.insert_front(&mut new_head1);
+ for _p in l.iter_mut() {}
+pub fn check_is_full_8() {
+ let _r = env_logger::try_init();
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(8, 1).unwrap();
+ let mut page: ObjectPage = Default::default();
+ page.bitfield.initialize(8, OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE - 80);
+ let obj_per_page = core::cmp::min((OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE - 80) / 8, 8 * 64);
+ let mut allocs = 0;
+ loop {
+ if page.allocate(layout).is_null() {
+ break;
+ }
+ allocs += 1;
+ if allocs < obj_per_page {
+ assert!(
+ !page.is_full(),
+ "Page mistakenly considered full after {} allocs",
+ allocs
+ );
+ assert!(!page.is_empty(obj_per_page));
+ }
+ }
+ assert_eq!(allocs, obj_per_page, "Can use all bitmap space");
+ assert!(page.is_full());
+// Test for bug that reports pages not as full when
+// the entire bitfield wasn't allocated.
+pub fn check_is_full_512() {
+ let _r = env_logger::try_init();
+ let mut page: ObjectPage = Default::default();
+ page.bitfield.initialize(512, OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE - 80);
+ let layout = Layout::from_size_align(512, 1).unwrap();
+ let obj_per_page = core::cmp::min((OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE - 80) / 512, 6 * 64);
+ let mut allocs = 0;
+ loop {
+ if page.allocate(layout).is_null() {
+ break;
+ }
+ allocs += 1;
+ if allocs < (OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE - 80) / 512 {
+ assert!(!page.is_full());
+ assert!(!page.is_empty(obj_per_page));
+ }
+ }
+ assert!(page.is_full());
+pub fn issue_9() -> Result<(), AllocationError> {
+ let mut pager = Pager::new();
+ let mut zone: ZoneAllocator = Default::default();
+ // size: 256 align: 1 | my pager gets called
+ let l1 = Layout::from_size_align(256, 1).unwrap();
+ assert!(zone.allocate(l1).is_err(), "my pager gets called");
+ let page = pager.allocate_page().expect("Can't allocate a page");
+ unsafe { zone.refill(l1, page)? };
+ let p1 = zone.allocate(l1)?;
+ // size: 48 align: 8 | my pager gets called
+ let l2 = Layout::from_size_align(48, 8).unwrap();
+ assert!(zone.allocate(l2).is_err(), "my pager gets called");
+ let page = pager.allocate_page().expect("Can't allocate a page");
+ unsafe { zone.refill(l2, page)? };
+ let p2 = zone.allocate(l2)?;
+ assert_eq!(p2.as_ptr() as usize % l2.align(), 0);
+ assert_ne!(p2, p1);
+ // size: 6 align: 1 | my pager gets called and returns the properly aligned address X
+ let l3 = Layout::from_size_align(6, 1).unwrap();
+ assert!(
+ zone.allocate(l3).is_err(),
+ "my pager gets called and returns the properly aligned address X"
+ );
+ let page = pager.allocate_page().expect("Can't allocate a page");
+ unsafe { zone.refill(l3, page)? };
+ let p3 = zone.allocate(l3)?;
+ assert_eq!(p3.as_ptr() as usize % l3.align(), 0);
+ assert_ne!(p3, p2);
+ assert_ne!(p3, p1);
+ //size: 8 align: 1 | my pager doesn't get called
+ let l4 = Layout::from_size_align(8, 1).unwrap();
+ // my pager doesn't get called
+ let p4 = zone.allocate(l4)?;
+ assert_eq!(p4.as_ptr() as usize % l4.align(), 0);
+ assert_ne!(p4, p3);
+ assert_ne!(p4, p2);
+ assert_ne!(p4, p1);
+ // size: 16 align: 1 | my pager gets called
+ let l5 = Layout::from_size_align(16, 1).unwrap();
+ assert!(zone.allocate(l5).is_err(), "my pager gets called");
+ let page = pager.allocate_page().expect("Can't allocate a page");
+ unsafe { zone.refill(l5, page)? };
+ let p5 = zone.allocate(l5)?;
+ assert_eq!(p5.as_ptr() as usize % l5.align(), 0);
+ assert_ne!(p5, p1);
+ assert_ne!(p5, p2);
+ assert_ne!(p5, p3);
+ assert_ne!(p5, p4);
+ Ok(())
+/// 归还slab_page给buddy的回调
+struct SlabCallback;
+impl CallBack for SlabCallback {
+ unsafe fn free_slab_page(&self, base_addr: *mut u8, size: usize) {
+ assert_eq!(base_addr as usize & (OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE - 1), 0); // 确认地址4k对齐
+ assert_eq!(size, OBJECT_PAGE_SIZE); // 确认释放的slab_page大小
+ }