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fslongjin 2 years ago

+ 5 - 7

@@ -475,18 +475,16 @@ void do_IRQ(struct pt_regs *rsp, ul number)
-    else if (number >= 0x80 && number != 250)
+    else if (number == 0x80) // 系统调用
+    {
+        do_syscall_int(rsp, 0);
+    }
+    else if (number > 0x80)
         printk_color(RED, BLACK, "SMP IPI [ %d ]\n", number);
-    else if (number == 250) // 系统调用
-    {
-        kdebug("receive syscall");
-        kdebug("rflags=%#010lx", rsp->rflags);
-    }

+ 1 - 2

@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ hardware_intr_controller HPET_intr_controller =
 void HPET_handler(uint64_t number, uint64_t param, struct pt_regs *regs)
-    printk("(HPET)");
+    //printk("(HPET)");
     switch (param)
     case 0: // 定时器0中断
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ void HPET_handler(uint64_t number, uint64_t param, struct pt_regs *regs)
         if (sched_cfs_ready_queue.cpu_exec_proc_jiffies <= 0)
             current_pcb->flags |= PROC_NEED_SCHED;
-            kdebug("need_sched. proc_jiffies=%ld", sched_cfs_ready_queue.cpu_exec_proc_jiffies);

+ 28 - 25

@@ -145,31 +145,32 @@ ENTRY(system_call)
 // 从系统调用中返回
-    movq %rax, 0x80(%rsp)   // 将当前rax的值先存到栈中rax的位置
-	popq	%r15				 
-	popq	%r14				 	
-	popq	%r13				 	
-	popq	%r12				 	
-	popq	%r11				 	
-	popq	%r10	
-	popq	%r9				 	
-	popq	%r8				 	
-	popq	%rbx				 	
-	popq	%rcx				 	
-	popq	%rdx				 	
-	popq	%rsi				 	
-	popq	%rdi				 	
-	popq	%rbp				 	
-	popq	%rax				 	
-	movq	%rax,	%ds			 
-	popq	%rax				 
-	movq	%rax,	%es			 
-	popq	%rax				 
-	addq	$0x38,	%rsp
-	.byte	0x48
-	sysexit		
+    popq %r15
+    popq %r14
+    popq %r13
+    popq %r12
+    popq %r11
+    popq %r10
+    popq %r9
+    popq %r8
+    popq %rbx
+    popq %rcx
+    popq %rdx
+    popq %rsi
+    popq %rdi
+    popq %rbp
+    popq %rax   //  不允许直接pop到ds
+    movq %rax, %ds
+    popq %rax
+    movq %rax, %es
+    popq %rax
+    addq $0x10, %rsp // 弹出变量FUNC和errcode
+    iretq
@@ -337,6 +338,8 @@ ENTRY(virtualization_exception)
     xchgq %rax, (%rsp)  // 把FUNC的地址换入栈中
     jmp Err_Code
 // 0x80 系统调用门

+ 3 - 2

@@ -129,8 +129,9 @@ Build_IRQ(0xcf);
-Build_IRQ(0xfa); // 系统调用入口
-void (*syscall_intr_table[1])(void) = {IRQ0xfainterrupt};
+Build_IRQ(0x80); // 系统调用入口
+void (*syscall_intr_table[1])(void) = {IRQ0x80interrupt};
 // 初始化IPI中断服务程序数组
 void (*SMP_interrupt_table[SMP_IRQ_NUM])(void) =

+ 1 - 23

@@ -169,6 +169,7 @@ void do_stack_segment_fault(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long error_code)
 void do_general_protection(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long error_code)
+    hlt();
     kerror("do_general_protection(13),\tError Code:%#18lx,\tRSP:%#18lx,\tRIP:%#18lx\n", error_code, regs->rsp, regs->rip);
     if (error_code & 0x01)
         printk_color(RED, BLACK, "The exception occurred during delivery of an event external to the program,such as an interrupt or an earlier exception.\n");
@@ -311,27 +312,4 @@ void sys_vector_init()
     // 32-255为用户自定义中断内部
-    /*
-    set_trap_gate(0, 1, divide_error);
-    set_trap_gate(1, 1, debug);
-    set_intr_gate(2, 1, nmi);
-    set_system_trap_gate(3, 1, int3);
-    set_system_trap_gate(4, 1, overflow);
-    set_system_trap_gate(5, 1, bounds);
-    set_trap_gate(6, 1, undefined_opcode);
-    set_trap_gate(7, 1, dev_not_avaliable);
-    set_trap_gate(8, 1, double_fault);
-    set_trap_gate(9, 1, coprocessor_segment_overrun);
-    set_trap_gate(10, 1, invalid_TSS);
-    set_trap_gate(11, 1, segment_not_exists);
-    set_trap_gate(12, 1, stack_segment_fault);
-    set_trap_gate(13, 1, general_protection);
-    set_trap_gate(14, 1, page_fault);
-    // 中断号15由Intel保留,不能使用
-    set_trap_gate(16, 1, x87_FPU_error);
-    set_trap_gate(17, 1, alignment_check);
-    set_trap_gate(18, 1, machine_check);
-    set_trap_gate(19, 1, SIMD_exception);
-    set_trap_gate(20, 1, virtualization_exception);
-    */

+ 11 - 9

@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
 #include <sched/sched.h>
 extern void system_call(void);
  * @brief 切换进程
@@ -31,7 +32,7 @@ void __switch_to(struct process_control_block *prev, struct process_control_bloc
     __asm__ __volatile__("movq	%0,	%%fs \n\t" ::"a"(next->thread->fs));
     __asm__ __volatile__("movq	%0,	%%gs \n\t" ::"a"(next->thread->gs));
-    wrmsr(0x175, next->thread->rbp);
+    //wrmsr(0x175, next->thread->rbp);
     // kdebug("next=%#018lx", next);
     // kdebug("initial_tss[0].rsp1=%#018lx", initial_tss[0].rsp1);
@@ -56,7 +57,6 @@ void user_level_function()
     //	color_printk(RED,BLACK,"user_level_function task is running\n");
     char string[] = "Hello World!\n";
     __asm__ __volatile__("leaq	sysexit_return_address(%%rip),	%%rdx	\n\t"
                          "movq	%%rsp,	%%rcx		\n\t"
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ void user_level_function()
                          : "memory");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
+    for (int i = 0;; ++i)
         long err_code;
         ul addr = (ul)string;
         __asm__ __volatile__(
             "movq %2, %%r8 \n\t"
-            "int $250   \n\t"
+            "int $0x80   \n\t"
             : "=a"(err_code)
             : "a"(SYS_PRINTF), "m"(addr)
             : "memory", "r8");
@@ -93,11 +93,13 @@ void user_level_function()
 ul do_execve(struct pt_regs *regs)
     // 选择这两个寄存器是对应了sysexit指令的需要
-    regs->rdx = 0x800000; // rip 应用层程序的入口地址   这里的地址选择没有特殊要求,只要是未使用的内存区域即可。
-    regs->rcx = 0xa00000; // rsp 应用层程序的栈顶地址
+    regs->rip = 0x800000; // rip 应用层程序的入口地址   这里的地址选择没有特殊要求,只要是未使用的内存区域即可。
+    regs->rsp = 0xa00000; // rsp 应用层程序的栈顶地址
+    regs->cs = USER_CS|3;
+    regs->ds = USER_DS|3;
+    regs->ss = USER_DS |0x3;
+    regs->rflags = 0x200246;
     regs->rax = 1;
-    regs->ds = 0;
     regs->es = 0;
     // kdebug("do_execve is running...");
@@ -359,7 +361,7 @@ unsigned long do_fork(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long clone_flags, unsigned
         kdebug("is kernel proc.");
     kdebug("ret_from_system_call=%#018lx", (ul)ret_from_system_call);
     tsk->state = PROC_RUNNING;

+ 1 - 3

@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@ struct process_control_block *sched_cfs_dequeue()
-    kdebug("dequeued");
     return proc;
@@ -41,7 +40,6 @@ void sched_cfs_enqueue(struct process_control_block *pcb)
     list_append(&proc->list, &pcb->list);
-    kdebug("enqueued");
@@ -111,6 +109,6 @@ void sched_init()
     memset(&sched_cfs_ready_queue, 0, sizeof(struct sched_queue_t));
     sched_cfs_ready_queue.count = 1; // 因为存在IDLE进程,因此为1
-    sched_cfs_ready_queue.cpu_exec_proc_jiffies = 15;
+    sched_cfs_ready_queue.cpu_exec_proc_jiffies = 8;
     sched_cfs_ready_queue.proc_queue.virtual_runtime = 0x7fffffffffffffff;

+ 4 - 55

@@ -25,58 +25,8 @@ ul system_call_function(struct pt_regs *regs)
 void syscall_init()
     kinfo("Initializing syscall...");
-    /*
-    // 向MSR寄存器组中的 IA32_SYSENTER_CS寄存器写入内核的代码段的地址
-    wrmsr(0x174, KERNEL_CS);
-    // 向MSR寄存器组中的 IA32_SYSENTER_ESP寄存器写入内核进程的rbp(在syscall入口中会将rsp减去相应的数值)
-    wrmsr(0x175, current_pcb->thread->rbp);
-    // 向MSR寄存器组中的 IA32_SYSENTER_EIP寄存器写入系统调用入口的地址。
-    wrmsr(0x176, (ul)system_call);
-    set_system_trap_gate(250, 0, syscall_intr_table[0]); // 系统调用门
-long enter_syscall(ul syscall_id, ul arg0, ul arg1, ul arg2, ul arg3, ul arg4, ul arg5, ul arg6, ul arg7)
-    long err_code;
-    __asm__ __volatile__("leaq sysexit_return_address(%%rip), %%rdx   \n\t"
-                         "movq %%rsp, %%rcx      \n\t"
-                         "movq %2, %%r8 \n\t"
-                         "movq %3, %%r9 \n\t"
-                         "movq %4, %%r10 \n\t"
-                         "movq %5, %%r11 \n\t"
-                         "movq %6, %%r12 \n\t"
-                         "movq %7, %%r13 \n\t"
-                         "movq %8, %%r14 \n\t"
-                         "movq %9, %%r15 \n\t"
-                         "sysenter   \n\t"
-                         "sysexit_return_address:    \n\t"
-                         : "=a"(err_code)
-                         : "0"(syscall_id), "m"(arg0), "m"(arg1), "m"(arg2), "m"(arg3), "m"(arg4), "m"(arg5), "m"(arg6), "m"(arg7)
-                         : "memory", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15", "rcx", "rdx");
-    return err_code;
-ul enter_syscall_int(ul syscall_id, ul arg0, ul arg1, ul arg2, ul arg3, ul arg4, ul arg5, ul arg6, ul arg7)
-    long err_code;
-    __asm__ __volatile__(
-        "movq %2, %%r8 \n\t"
-        "movq %3, %%r9 \n\t"
-        "movq %4, %%r10 \n\t"
-        "movq %5, %%r11 \n\t"
-        "movq %6, %%r12 \n\t"
-        "movq %7, %%r13 \n\t"
-        "movq %8, %%r14 \n\t"
-        "movq %9, %%r15 \n\t"
-        "int $0x80   \n\t"
-        : "=a"(err_code)
-        : "a"(syscall_id), "m"(arg0), "m"(arg1), "m"(arg2), "m"(arg3), "m"(arg4), "m"(arg5), "m"(arg6), "m"(arg7)
-        : "memory", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15");
-    return err_code;
+    set_system_trap_gate(0x80, 0, syscall_intr_table[0]); // 系统调用门
@@ -93,7 +43,7 @@ ul enter_syscall_int(ul syscall_id, ul arg0, ul arg1, ul arg2, ul arg3, ul arg4,
  * @param arg7
  * @return long
 long enter_syscall_int(ul syscall_id, ul arg0, ul arg1, ul arg2, ul arg3, ul arg4, ul arg5, ul arg6, ul arg7)
     long err_code;
@@ -112,7 +62,7 @@ long enter_syscall_int(ul syscall_id, ul arg0, ul arg1, ul arg2, ul arg3, ul arg
         : "memory", "r8", "r9", "r10", "r11", "r12", "r13", "r14", "r15", "rcx", "rdx");
     return err_code;
  * @brief 打印字符串的系统调用
@@ -140,6 +90,5 @@ void do_syscall_int(struct pt_regs *regs, unsigned long error_code)
     ul ret = system_call_table[regs->rax](regs);
-    __asm__ __volatile__("movq %0, %%rax    \n\t" ::"r"(ret)
-                         : "memory");
+    regs->rax = ret; // 返回码

+ 1 - 1

@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ void syscall_init();
  * @return long 错误码
 long enter_syscall(ul syscall_id, ul arg0, ul arg1, ul arg2, ul arg3, ul arg4, ul arg5, ul arg6, ul arg7);
-ul enter_syscall_int(ul syscall_id, ul arg0, ul arg1, ul arg2, ul arg3, ul arg4, ul arg5, ul arg6, ul arg7);
+long enter_syscall_int(ul syscall_id, ul arg0, ul arg1, ul arg2, ul arg3, ul arg4, ul arg5, ul arg6, ul arg7);
  * @brief 系统调用不存在时的处理函数