#include "cmd.h" #include "cmd_help.h" #include "cmd_test.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // 当前工作目录(在main_loop中初始化) char *shell_current_path = NULL; /** * @brief shell 内建函数的主命令与处理函数的映射表 * */ struct built_in_cmd_t shell_cmds[] = { {"cd", shell_cmd_cd}, {"cat", shell_cmd_cat}, {"exec", shell_cmd_exec}, {"ls", shell_cmd_ls}, {"mkdir", shell_cmd_mkdir}, {"pwd", shell_cmd_pwd}, {"rm", shell_cmd_rm}, {"rmdir", shell_cmd_rmdir}, {"reboot", shell_cmd_reboot}, {"touch", shell_cmd_touch}, {"about", shell_cmd_about}, {"free", shell_cmd_free}, {"help", shell_help}, {"pipe", shell_pipe_test}, {"kill", shell_cmd_kill}, }; // 总共的内建命令数量 const static int total_built_in_cmd_num = sizeof(shell_cmds) / sizeof(struct built_in_cmd_t); /** * @brief 将cwd与文件名进行拼接,得到最终的文件绝对路径 * * @param filename 文件名 * @param result_path_len 结果字符串的大小 * @return char* 结果字符串 */ static char *get_target_filepath(const char *filename, int *result_path_len) { char *file_path = NULL; if (filename[0] != '/') { int cwd_len = strlen(shell_current_path); // 计算文件完整路径的长度 *result_path_len = cwd_len + strlen(filename); file_path = (char *)malloc(*result_path_len + 2); memset(file_path, 0, *result_path_len + 2); strncpy(file_path, shell_current_path, cwd_len); // 在文件路径中加入斜杠 if (cwd_len > 1) file_path[cwd_len] = '/'; // 拼接完整路径 strcat(file_path, filename); } else { *result_path_len = strlen(filename); file_path = (char *)malloc(*result_path_len + 2); memset(file_path, 0, *result_path_len + 2); strncpy(file_path, filename, *result_path_len); if(filename[(*result_path_len)-1]!='/') file_path[*result_path_len] = '/'; } return file_path; } /** * @brief 寻找对应的主命令编号 * * @param main_cmd 主命令 * @return int 成功:主命令编号 * 失败: -1 */ int shell_find_cmd(char *main_cmd) { for (int i = 0; i < total_built_in_cmd_num; ++i) { if (strcmp(main_cmd, shell_cmds[i].name) == 0) // 找到对应的命令号 return i; } // 找不到该命令 return -1; } /** * @brief 运行shell内建的命令 * * @param index 主命令编号 * @param argc 参数数量 * @param argv 参数列表 */ void shell_run_built_in_command(int index, int argc, char **argv) { if (index >= total_built_in_cmd_num) return; // printf("run built-in command : %s\n", shell_cmds[index].name); shell_cmds[index].func(argc, argv); } /** * @brief cd命令:进入文件夹 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_cd(int argc, char **argv) { int current_dir_len = strlen(shell_current_path); if (argc < 2) { shell_help_cd(); goto done; } // 进入当前文件夹 if (!strcmp(".", argv[1])) goto done; // 进入父目录 if (!strcmp("..", argv[1])) { // 当前已经是根目录 if (!strcmp("/", shell_current_path)) goto done; // 返回到父目录 int index = current_dir_len - 1; for (; index > 1; --index) { if (shell_current_path[index] == '/') break; } shell_current_path[index] = '\0'; // printf("switch to \" %s \"\n", shell_current_path); goto done; } int dest_len = strlen(argv[1]); // 路径过长 if (dest_len >= SHELL_CWD_MAX_SIZE - 1) { printf("ERROR: Path too long!\n"); goto fail; } if (argv[1][0] == '/') { // ======进入绝对路径===== int ec = chdir(argv[1]); if (ec == -1) ec = errno; if (ec == 0) { // 获取新的路径字符串 char *new_path = (char *)malloc(dest_len + 2); memset(new_path, 0, dest_len + 2); strncpy(new_path, argv[1], dest_len); // 释放原有的路径字符串的内存空间 free(shell_current_path); shell_current_path = new_path; shell_current_path[dest_len] = '\0'; return 0; } else goto fail; ; // 出错则直接忽略 } else // ======进入相对路径===== { int dest_offset = 0; if (dest_len > 2) { if (argv[1][0] == '.' && argv[1][1] == '/') // 相对路径 dest_offset = 2; } int new_len = current_dir_len + dest_len - dest_offset; if (new_len >= SHELL_CWD_MAX_SIZE - 1) { printf("ERROR: Path too long!\n"); goto fail; } // 拼接出新的字符串 char *new_path = (char *)malloc(new_len + 2); memset(new_path, 0, sizeof(new_path)); strncpy(new_path, shell_current_path, current_dir_len); if (current_dir_len > 1) new_path[current_dir_len] = '/'; strcat(new_path, argv[1] + dest_offset); int x = chdir(new_path); if (x == 0) // 成功切换目录 { free(shell_current_path); // printf("new_path=%s, newlen= %d\n", new_path, new_len); new_path[new_len + 1] = '\0'; shell_current_path = new_path; goto done; } else { free(new_path); printf("ERROR: Cannot switch to directory: %s\n", new_path); goto fail; } } fail:; done:; // 释放参数所占的内存 free(argv); return 0; } /** * @brief 查看文件夹下的文件列表 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_ls(int argc, char **argv) { struct DIR *dir = opendir(shell_current_path); if (dir == NULL) return -1; struct dirent *buf = NULL; // printf("dir=%#018lx\n", dir); while (1) { buf = readdir(dir); if (buf == NULL) break; int color = COLOR_WHITE; if (buf->d_type & VFS_IF_DIR) color = COLOR_YELLOW; else if (buf->d_type & VFS_IF_FILE) color = COLOR_INDIGO; else if (buf->d_type & VFS_IF_DEVICE) color = COLOR_GREEN; char output_buf[256] = {0}; sprintf(output_buf, "%s ", buf->d_name); put_string(output_buf, color, COLOR_BLACK); } printf("\n"); closedir(dir); if (argv != NULL) free(argv); return 0; } /** * @brief 显示当前工作目录的命令 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_pwd(int argc, char **argv) { if (shell_current_path) printf("%s\n", shell_current_path); if (argv != NULL) free(argv); return 0; } /** * @brief 查看文件内容的命令 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_cat(int argc, char **argv) { int path_len = 0; char *file_path = get_target_filepath(argv[1], &path_len); // 打开文件 int fd = open(file_path, 0); // 获取文件总大小 int file_size = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); // 将文件指针切换回文件起始位置 lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET); char *buf = (char *)malloc(512); memset(buf, 0, 512); while (file_size > 0) { int l = read(fd, buf, 511); buf[l] = '\0'; file_size -= l; printf("%s", buf); } close(fd); free(buf); free(file_path); if (argv != NULL) free(argv); return 0; } /** * @brief 创建空文件的命令 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_touch(int argc, char **argv) { int path_len = 0; char *file_path; bool alloc_full_path = false; if (argv[1][0] == '/') file_path = argv[1]; else { file_path = get_target_filepath(argv[1], &path_len); alloc_full_path = true; } // 打开文件 int fd = open(file_path, O_CREAT); switch (fd) { case -ENOENT: put_string("Parent dir not exists.\n", COLOR_RED, COLOR_BLACK); break; default: break; } close(fd); if (argv != NULL) free(argv); if (alloc_full_path) free(file_path); return 0; } /** * @brief 创建文件夹的命令 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_mkdir(int argc, char **argv) { int result_path_len = -1; char *full_path = NULL; bool alloc_full_path = false; if (argv[1][0] == '/') full_path = argv[1]; else { full_path = get_target_filepath(argv[1], &result_path_len); alloc_full_path = true; } // printf("mkdir: full_path = %s\n", full_path); int retval = mkdir(full_path, 0); if (argv != NULL) free(argv); if (alloc_full_path) free(full_path); return retval; } /** * @brief 删除文件夹的命令 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_rmdir(int argc, char **argv) { char *full_path = NULL; int result_path_len = -1; bool alloc_full_path = false; if (argv[1][0] == '/') full_path = argv[1]; else { full_path = get_target_filepath(argv[1], &result_path_len); alloc_full_path = true; } int retval = rmdir(full_path); if (retval != 0) printf("Failed to remove %s, retval=%d\n", full_path, retval); // printf("rmdir: path=%s, retval=%d\n", full_path, retval); if (argv != NULL) free(argv); if (alloc_full_path) free(full_path); return retval; } /** * @brief 删除文件的命令 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_rm(int argc, char **argv) { char *full_path = NULL; int result_path_len = -1; int retval = 0; bool alloc_full_path = false; if (argv[1][0] == '/') full_path = argv[1]; else { full_path = get_target_filepath(argv[1], &result_path_len); alloc_full_path = true; } retval = rm(full_path); // printf("rmdir: path=%s, retval=%d\n", full_path, retval); if (retval != 0) printf("Failed to remove %s, retval=%d\n", full_path, retval); if (alloc_full_path) free(full_path); if (argv != NULL) free(argv); return retval; } /** * @brief 执行新的程序的命令 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_exec(int argc, char **argv) { pid_t pid = fork(); int retval = 0; // printf(" pid=%d \n",pid); if (pid == 0) { // 子进程 int path_len = 0; char *file_path = get_target_filepath(argv[1], &path_len); // printf("before execv, path=%s, argc=%d\n", file_path, argc); execv(file_path, argv); free(argv); free(file_path); exit(-1); } else { // 如果不指定后台运行,则等待退出 if (strcmp(argv[argc - 1], "&") != 0) waitpid(pid, &retval, 0); else { // 输出子进程的pid printf("[1] %d\n", pid); } free(argv); } } int shell_cmd_about(int argc, char **argv) { if (argv != NULL) free(argv); int aac = 0; char **aav; unsigned char input_buffer[INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0}; strcpy(input_buffer, "exec /bin/about.elf\0"); parse_command(input_buffer, &aac, &aav); return shell_cmd_exec(aac, aav); } int shell_cmd_kill(int argc, char **argv) { int retval = 0; if (argc < 2) { printf("Usage: Kill \n"); retval = -EINVAL; goto out; } retval = kill(atoi(argv[1]), SIGKILL); out:; free(argv); return retval; } /** * @brief 重启命令 * * @param argc * @param argv * @return int */ int shell_cmd_reboot(int argc, char **argv) { return syscall_invoke(SYS_REBOOT, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } int shell_cmd_free(int argc, char **argv) { int retval = 0; if (argc == 2 && strcmp("-m", argv[1]) != 0) { retval = -EINVAL; printf("Invalid argument: %s\n", argv[1]); goto done; } struct mstat_t mst = {0}; retval = mstat(&mst); if (retval != 0) { printf("Failed: retval=%d", retval); goto done; } printf("\ttotal\tused\tfree\tshared\tcache\tavailable\n"); printf("Mem:\t"); if (argc == 1) // 按照kb显示 { printf("%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t\n", mst.total >> 10, mst.used >> 10, mst.free >> 10, mst.shared >> 10, mst.cache_used >> 10, mst.available >> 10); } else // 按照MB显示 { printf("%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t%ld\t\n", mst.total >> 20, mst.used >> 20, mst.free >> 20, mst.shared >> 20, mst.cache_used >> 20, mst.available >> 20); } done:; if (argv != NULL) free(argv); return retval; } /** * @brief 解析shell命令 * * @param buf 输入缓冲区 * @param argc 返回值:参数数量 * @param argv 返回值:参数列表 * @return int 主命令的编号 */ int parse_command(char *buf, int *argc, char ***argv) { // printf("parse command\n"); int index = 0; // 当前访问的是buf的第几位 // 去除命令前导的空格 while (index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE && buf[index] == ' ') ++index; // 计算参数数量 for (int i = index; i < (INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1); ++i) { // 到达了字符串末尾 if (!buf[i]) break; if (buf[i] != ' ' && (buf[i + 1] == ' ' || buf[i + 1] == '\0')) ++(*argc); } // printf("\nargc=%d\n", *argc); // 为指向每个指令的指针分配空间 *argv = (char **)malloc(sizeof(char **) * (*argc)); memset(*argv, 0, sizeof(char **) * (*argc)); // 将每个命令都单独提取出来 for (int i = 0; i < *argc && index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE; ++i) { // 提取出命令,以空格作为分割 *((*argv) + i) = &buf[index]; while (index < (INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE - 1) && buf[index] && buf[index] != ' ') ++index; buf[index++] = '\0'; // 删除命令间多余的空格 while (index < INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE && buf[index] == ' ') ++index; // printf("%s\n", (*argv)[i]); } // 以第一个命令作为主命令,查找其在命令表中的编号 return shell_find_cmd(**argv); }