Languages 中文|English
This project is a operating system running on computer which is in X86_ 64 Architecture . The DragonOS is currently under development!
Sorry, DragonOS can't run properly on QEMU virtual machine at present.
clone the project
Create the bin folder under the project's root directory
Copy the boot(empty).img to bin/,and, rename it to boot.img
Run the with sudo privilege.
[x] bootloader
[x] printk
[x] Simple exception capture and interrupt handling
[ ] APIC
[x] Primary memory management unit
[ ] SLAB memory pool
[ ] Keyboard and mouse driver
[ ] Hard disk driver
[ ] Driver Framework
[ ] Network card driver
[ ] Graphics driver
[x] First process
[ ] Process management
[ ] IPC
[x] First system call function
[ ] Start dragonos on the physical platform
[ ] Multi core boot
[ ] Multi core scheduling and load balancing
[ ] FAT32 file system
[ ] virtual file system
[ ] Parsing ELF file format
[ ] Floating point support
[ ] Implementation of system call library based on POSIX
[ ] Shell
[ ] Kernel stack backtracking
[ ] Dynamic loading module
If you are willing to develop this project with me, please email me first~
Email:[email protected]
If you like, click the link below and buy me a cup of coffee ~ please leave your GitHub ID in the payment remarks and I will post it to this page
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