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  DragonOS is a 64-bit operating system designed for lightweight cloud computing scenarios, featuring a fully independent kernel and offering Linux binary compatibility. Developed using the Rust programming language, it aims to provide improved reliability. In the Rust operating system domain, DragonOS consistently ranks among the top three on GitHub nationally.

  The DragonOS open-source community was established in July 2022 and is entirely business-neutral. Our goal is to build a fully independent, open-source, high-performance, and highly reliable server operating system, fostering a digitally autonomous and controllable future!

  DragonOS boasts an excellent and comprehensive architecture design. Compared to other systems of similar scale, DragonOS supports virtualization and has certain advantages in terms of device model and调度子系统 (scheduler subsystem).Currently, significant efforts are being made to promote cloud platform support, RISC-V compatibility, and the porting of compilers and application software. The aim is to achieve large-scale application in production environments within five years.

  Driven by the community, DragonOS is currently evolving rapidly. DragonOS has already implemented about 1/4 of Linux interfaces, and in the future, we will strive to provide 100% compatibility with Linux, along with new features.

All you want to know about DragonOS is here - DragonOS


How to run?

  The steps to run DragonOS are very simple. You can refer to the following information to run DragonOS within 15 minutes at the fastest!

DragonOS' Features

  See documentation:Features

How to join DragonOS ?

  If you are willing to join us, you can visit DragonOS's BBS , learn about development dynamics and development tasks:

  Or, you can also bring your ideas, discuss with community members, and create some new functions for DragonOS.

How to contact the community?

  You can send an email to the project's maintainer: longjin. His email address is [email protected] .

  Or join our development exchange QQ group: 115763565

  For the discussion of formal issues, we recommend that you use the official language to post on the corresponding section of Or you can post questions under the issue of this repository.

List of contributors

Contributors to DragonOS-Community/DragonOS · GitHub

Get contact with us

Community Contact Email: [email protected]

Maintainer longjin's Email:[email protected]


  DragonOS is an open source public welfare project, but its development cannot be separated from the support of funds. If you want, you can visit Sponsor - DragonOS , so as to promote the development of this project. The list of all sponsors will be published. Every bit of your sponsorship will contribute to the development of DragonOS!

Where will the sponsorship funds be used?

We guarantee that all sponsorship funds and items will be used for:

  • Subsidies or equipment support for active community developers
  • Cloud service expenditure of DragonOS
  • Equipment purchase
  • Any use conducive to the development and construction of DragonOS

Sponsor List

Not yet

  • China YaCloud Ya'an Digital Economy Operations Co., Ltd. provides cloud server support for DragonOS.

Individual Sponsor List

Open source statement

  This project adopts GPLv2 LICENSE for open source. You are welcome to use the code of this project on the basis of abiding by the open source license!

What we support: using this project to create greater value and contribute code to this project under the condition of abiding by the agreement.

What we condemn: any non-compliance with the open source license. Including but not limited to: plagiarizing the code of the project as your graduation project and other academic misconduct, as well as commercial closed source use without payment.

If you find any violation of the open source license, we welcome you to send email feedback! Let's build an honest open source community together!


  This project refers to the following materials. I sincerely give my thanks to the authors of these projects, books and documents!

  • Implementation of a 64 bit operating system, Tian Yu (POSTS&TELECOM PRESS)

  • Principle and implementation of modern operating system, Chen Haibo, Xia Yubin (China Machine Press)

  • SimpleKernel


  • ACPI_6_3_final_Jan30

  • the GNU GRUB manual

  • Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual

  • IA-PC HPET (High Precision Event Timers) Specification

  • skiftOS

  • GuideOS

  • redox-os

  • rcore