apic.c 20 KB

  1. #include "apic.h"
  2. #include "../../../common/kprint.h"
  3. #include "../../../common/printk.h"
  4. #include "../../../common/cpu.h"
  5. #include "../../../common/glib.h"
  6. #include "../../../exception/gate.h"
  7. #include "../../acpi/acpi.h"
  8. // 导出定义在irq.c中的中段门表
  9. extern void (*interrupt_table[24])(void);
  10. bool flag_support_apic = false;
  11. bool flag_support_x2apic = false;
  12. uint local_apic_version;
  13. uint local_apic_max_LVT_entries;
  14. static struct acpi_Multiple_APIC_Description_Table_t *madt;
  15. static struct acpi_IO_APIC_Structure_t *io_apic_ICS;
  16. /**
  17. * @brief 初始化io_apic
  18. *
  19. */
  20. void apic_io_apic_init()
  21. {
  22. ul madt_addr;
  23. acpi_iter_SDT(acpi_get_MADT, &madt_addr);
  24. madt = (struct acpi_Multiple_APIC_Description_Table_t *)madt_addr;
  25. kdebug("MADT->local intr controller addr=%#018lx", madt->Local_Interrupt_Controller_Address);
  26. kdebug("MADT->length= %d bytes", madt->header.Length);
  27. // 寻找io apic的ICS
  28. void *ent = (void *)(madt_addr) + sizeof(struct acpi_Multiple_APIC_Description_Table_t);
  29. struct apic_Interrupt_Controller_Structure_header_t *header = (struct apic_Interrupt_Controller_Structure_header_t *)ent;
  30. while (header->length > 2)
  31. {
  32. header = (struct apic_Interrupt_Controller_Structure_header_t *)ent;
  33. if (header->type == 1)
  34. {
  35. struct acpi_IO_APIC_Structure_t *t = (struct acpi_IO_APIC_Structure_t *)ent;
  36. kdebug("IO apic addr = %#018lx", t->IO_APIC_Address);
  37. io_apic_ICS = t;
  38. break;
  39. }
  40. ent += header->length;
  41. }
  42. kdebug("Global_System_Interrupt_Base=%d", io_apic_ICS->Global_System_Interrupt_Base);
  43. apic_ioapic_map.addr_phys = io_apic_ICS->IO_APIC_Address;
  44. apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr = (unsigned char *)APIC_IO_APIC_VIRT_BASE_ADDR;
  45. apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr = (uint *)(APIC_IO_APIC_VIRT_BASE_ADDR + 0x10);
  46. apic_ioapic_map.virtual_EOI_addr = (uint *)(APIC_IO_APIC_VIRT_BASE_ADDR + 0x40);
  47. kdebug("(ul)apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr=%#018lx", (ul)apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr);
  48. // 填写页表,完成地址映射
  49. mm_map_phys_addr((ul)apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr, apic_ioapic_map.addr_phys, PAGE_2M_SIZE, PAGE_KERNEL_PAGE | PAGE_PWT | PAGE_PCD);
  50. // 设置IO APIC ID 为0x0f000000
  51. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr = 0x00;
  52. io_mfence();
  53. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr = 0x0f000000;
  54. io_mfence();
  55. kdebug("I/O APIC ID:%#010x", ((*apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr) >> 24) & 0xff);
  56. io_mfence();
  57. // 获取IO APIC Version
  58. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr = 0x01;
  59. io_mfence();
  60. kdebug("IO APIC Version=%d, Max Redirection Entries=%d", *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr & 0xff, (((*apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr) >> 16) & 0xff) + 1);
  61. // 初始化RTE表项,将所有RTE表项屏蔽
  62. for (int i = 0x10; i < 0x40; i += 2)
  63. {
  64. // 以0x20为起始中断向量号,初始化RTE
  65. apic_ioapic_write_rte(i, 0x10020 + ((i - 0x10) >> 1));
  66. }
  67. // 不需要手动启动IO APIC,只要初始化了RTE寄存器之后,io apic就会自动启用了。
  68. // 而且不是每台电脑都有RCBA寄存器,因此不需要手动启用IO APIC
  69. /*
  70. // get RCBA address
  71. io_out32(0xcf8, 0x8000f8f0);
  72. uint x = io_in32(0xcfc);
  73. uint *p;
  74. printk_color(RED, BLACK, "Get RCBA Address:%#010x\n", x);
  75. x = x & 0xffffc000UL;
  76. printk_color(RED, BLACK, "Get RCBA Address:%#010x\n", x);
  77. // get OIC address
  78. if (x > 0xfec00000 && x < 0xfee00000)
  79. {
  80. p = (unsigned int *)(x + 0x31feUL-apic_ioapic_map.addr_phys+apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr);
  81. }
  82. // enable IOAPIC
  83. x = (*p & 0xffffff00) | 0x100;
  84. io_mfence();
  85. *p = x;
  86. io_mfence();
  87. */
  88. }
  89. /**
  90. * @brief 初始化AP处理器的Local apic
  91. *
  92. */
  93. void apic_init_ap_core_local_apic()
  94. {
  95. kinfo("Initializing AP-core's local apic...");
  96. uint eax, edx;
  97. // 启用xAPIC 和x2APIC
  98. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x1b, %%rcx \n\t" // 读取IA32_APIC_BASE寄存器
  99. "rdmsr \n\t"
  100. "bts $10, %%rax \n\t"
  101. "bts $11, %%rax \n\t"
  102. "wrmsr \n\t"
  103. "movq $0x1b, %%rcx \n\t"
  104. "rdmsr \n\t"
  105. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)::"memory");
  106. // kdebug("After enable xAPIC and x2APIC: edx=%#010x, eax=%#010x", edx, eax);
  107. // 检测是否成功启用xAPIC和x2APIC
  108. if (eax & 0xc00)
  109. kinfo("xAPIC & x2APIC enabled!");
  110. // 设置SVR寄存器,开启local APIC、禁止EOI广播
  111. // enable SVR[8]
  112. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x80f, %%rcx \n\t"
  113. "rdmsr \n\t"
  114. "bts $8, %%rax \n\t"
  115. // "bts $12, %%rax\n\t"
  116. "wrmsr \n\t"
  117. "movq $0x80f, %%rcx \n\t"
  118. "rdmsr \n\t"
  119. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)
  120. :
  121. : "memory");
  122. if (eax & 0x100)
  123. printk_color(RED, YELLOW, "SVR[8] enabled\n");
  124. if (edx & 0x1000)
  125. printk_color(RED, YELLOW, "SVR[12] enabled\n");
  126. // get local APIC ID
  127. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x802, %%rcx \n\t"
  128. "rdmsr \n\t"
  129. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)
  130. :
  131. : "memory");
  132. printk_color(RED, YELLOW, "x2APIC ID:%#010x\n", eax);
  133. // 由于尚未配置LVT对应的处理程序,因此先屏蔽所有的LVT
  134. // mask all LVT
  135. __asm__ __volatile__( //"movq $0x82f, %%rcx \n\t" //CMCI
  136. //"wrmsr \n\t"
  137. "movq $0x832, %%rcx \n\t" // Timer
  138. "wrmsr \n\t"
  139. "movq $0x833, %%rcx \n\t" // Thermal Monitor
  140. "wrmsr \n\t"
  141. "movq $0x834, %%rcx \n\t" // Performance Counter
  142. "wrmsr \n\t"
  143. "movq $0x835, %%rcx \n\t" // LINT0
  144. "wrmsr \n\t"
  145. "movq $0x836, %%rcx \n\t" // LINT1
  146. "wrmsr \n\t"
  147. "movq $0x837, %%rcx \n\t" // Error
  148. "wrmsr \n\t"
  149. :
  150. : "a"(0x10000), "d"(0x00)
  151. : "memory");
  152. /*
  153. io_mfence();
  155. io_mfence();
  156. kdebug("cmci = %#018lx", *(uint *)(APIC_LOCAL_APIC_VIRT_BASE_ADDR + LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_Local_APIC_LVT_CMCI));
  157. */
  159. io_mfence();
  160. /*
  162. io_mfence();
  164. io_mfence();
  166. io_mfence();
  168. io_mfence();
  170. io_mfence();
  171. */
  172. kdebug("All LVT Masked");
  173. }
  174. /**
  175. * @brief 初始化local apic
  176. *
  177. */
  178. void apic_local_apic_init()
  179. {
  180. // 映射Local APIC 寄存器地址
  182. uint a, b, c, d;
  183. cpu_cpuid(1, 0, &a, &b, &c, &d);
  184. // kdebug("CPUID 0x01, eax:%#010lx, ebx:%#010lx, ecx:%#010lx, edx:%#010lx", a, b, c, d);
  185. // 判断是否支持APIC和xAPIC
  186. if ((1 << 9) & d)
  187. {
  188. flag_support_apic = true;
  189. kdebug("This computer support APIC&xAPIC");
  190. }
  191. else
  192. {
  193. flag_support_apic = false;
  194. kerror("This computer does not support APIC&xAPIC");
  195. while (1)
  196. ;
  197. }
  198. // 判断是否支持x2APIC
  199. if ((1 << 21) & c)
  200. {
  201. flag_support_x2apic = true;
  202. kdebug("This computer support x2APIC");
  203. }
  204. else
  205. {
  206. kerror("This computer does not support x2APIC");
  207. }
  208. uint eax, edx;
  209. // 启用xAPIC 和x2APIC
  210. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x1b, %%rcx \n\t" // 读取IA32_APIC_BASE寄存器
  211. "rdmsr \n\t"
  212. "bts $10, %%rax \n\t"
  213. "bts $11, %%rax \n\t"
  214. "wrmsr \n\t"
  215. "movq $0x1b, %%rcx \n\t"
  216. "rdmsr \n\t"
  217. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)::"memory");
  218. // kdebug("After enable xAPIC and x2APIC: edx=%#010x, eax=%#010x", edx, eax);
  219. // 检测是否成功启用xAPIC和x2APIC
  220. if (eax & 0xc00)
  221. kinfo("xAPIC & x2APIC enabled!");
  222. /*
  223. io_mfence();
  225. uint tmp_svr = *svr;
  226. tmp_svr &= (~(1 << 12));
  227. tmp_svr |= (1 << 8);
  228. kdebug("tmp_svr = %#018lx", tmp_svr);
  229. io_mfence();
  230. *svr = tmp_svr;
  231. io_mfence();
  232. kdebug("svr = %#018lx", *svr);
  233. */
  234. // 设置SVR寄存器,开启local APIC、禁止EOI广播
  235. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x80f, %%rcx \n\t"
  236. "rdmsr \n\t"
  237. "bts $8, %%rax \n\t"
  238. // "bts $12, %%rax \n\t"
  239. "movq $0x80f, %%rcx \n\t"
  240. "wrmsr \n\t"
  241. "movq $0x80f , %%rcx \n\t"
  242. "rdmsr \n\t"
  243. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)::"memory");
  244. /*
  245. //enable SVR[8]
  246. __asm__ __volatile__( "movq $0x80f, %%rcx \n\t"
  247. "rdmsr \n\t"
  248. "bts $8, %%rax \n\t"
  249. "bts $12,%%rax\n\t"
  250. "wrmsr \n\t"
  251. "movq $0x80f, %%rcx \n\t"
  252. "rdmsr \n\t"
  253. :"=a"(eax),"=d"(edx)
  254. :
  255. :"memory");
  256. */
  257. // kdebug("After setting SVR: edx=%#010x, eax=%#010x", edx, eax);
  258. if (eax & 0x100)
  259. kinfo("APIC Software Enabled.");
  260. if (eax & 0x1000)
  261. kinfo("EOI-Broadcast Suppression Enabled.");
  262. // 获取Local APIC的基础信息 (参见英特尔开发手册Vol3A 10-39)
  263. // Table 10-6. Local APIC Register Address Map Supported by x2APIC
  264. // 获取 Local APIC ID
  265. // 0x802处是x2APIC ID 位宽32bits 的 Local APIC ID register
  266. /*
  267. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x802, %%rcx \n\t"
  268. "rdmsr \n\t"
  269. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)::"memory");
  270. */
  271. // kdebug("get Local APIC ID: edx=%#010x, eax=%#010x", edx, eax);
  272. // kdebug("local_apic_id=%#018lx", *(uint *)(APIC_LOCAL_APIC_VIRT_BASE_ADDR + LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_Local_APIC_ID));
  273. // 获取Local APIC Version
  274. // 0x803处是 Local APIC Version register
  275. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x803, %%rcx \n\t"
  276. "rdmsr \n\t"
  277. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)::"memory");
  278. local_apic_max_LVT_entries = ((eax >> 16) & 0xff) + 1;
  279. local_apic_version = eax & 0xff;
  280. kdebug("local APIC Version:%#010x,Max LVT Entry:%#010x,SVR(Suppress EOI Broadcast):%#04x\t", local_apic_version, local_apic_max_LVT_entries, (eax >> 24) & 0x1);
  281. if ((eax & 0xff) < 0x10)
  282. {
  283. kdebug("82489DX discrete APIC");
  284. }
  285. else if (((eax & 0xff) >= 0x10) && ((eax & 0xff) <= 0x15))
  286. kdebug("Integrated APIC.");
  287. // 由于尚未配置LVT对应的处理程序,因此先屏蔽所有的LVT
  288. // mask all LVT
  289. __asm__ __volatile__( //"movq $0x82f, %%rcx \n\t" //CMCI
  290. //"wrmsr \n\t"
  291. "movq $0x832, %%rcx \n\t" // Timer
  292. "wrmsr \n\t"
  293. "movq $0x833, %%rcx \n\t" // Thermal Monitor
  294. "wrmsr \n\t"
  295. "movq $0x834, %%rcx \n\t" // Performance Counter
  296. "wrmsr \n\t"
  297. "movq $0x835, %%rcx \n\t" // LINT0
  298. "wrmsr \n\t"
  299. "movq $0x836, %%rcx \n\t" // LINT1
  300. "wrmsr \n\t"
  301. "movq $0x837, %%rcx \n\t" // Error
  302. "wrmsr \n\t"
  303. :
  304. : "a"(0x10000), "d"(0x00)
  305. : "memory");
  306. /*
  307. io_mfence();
  309. io_mfence();
  310. kdebug("cmci = %#018lx", *(uint *)(APIC_LOCAL_APIC_VIRT_BASE_ADDR + LOCAL_APIC_OFFSET_Local_APIC_LVT_CMCI));
  311. */
  313. io_mfence();
  314. /*
  316. io_mfence();
  318. io_mfence();
  320. io_mfence();
  322. io_mfence();
  324. io_mfence();
  325. */
  326. kdebug("All LVT Masked");
  327. /*
  328. // 获取TPR寄存器的值
  329. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x808, %%rcx \n\t"
  330. "rdmsr \n\t"
  331. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)::"memory");
  332. kdebug("LVT_TPR=%#010x", eax);
  333. // 获取PPR寄存器的值
  334. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x80a, %%rcx \n\t"
  335. "rdmsr \n\t"
  336. : "=a"(eax), "=d"(edx)::"memory");
  337. kdebug("LVT_PPR=%#010x", eax);
  338. */
  339. }
  340. /**
  341. * @brief 初始化apic控制器
  342. *
  343. */
  344. void apic_init()
  345. {
  346. // 初始化主芯片
  347. io_out8(0x20, 0x11); // 初始化主芯片的icw1
  348. io_out8(0x21, 0x20); // 设置主芯片的中断向量号为0x20(0x20-0x27)
  349. io_out8(0x21, 0x04); // 设置int2端口级联从芯片
  350. io_out8(0x21, 0x01); // 设置为AEOI模式、FNM、无缓冲
  351. // 初始化从芯片
  352. io_out8(0xa0, 0x11);
  353. io_out8(0xa1, 0x28); // 设置从芯片的中断向量号为0x28(0x28-0x2f)
  354. io_out8(0xa1, 0x02); // 设置从芯片连接到主芯片的int2
  355. io_out8(0xa1, 0x01);
  356. // 屏蔽类8259A芯片
  357. io_mfence();
  358. io_out8(0xa1, 0xff);
  359. io_mfence();
  360. io_out8(0x21, 0xff);
  361. io_mfence();
  362. kdebug("8259A Masked.");
  363. // 初始化中断门, 中断使用第二个ist
  364. for (int i = 32; i <= 55; ++i)
  365. set_intr_gate(i, 2, interrupt_table[i - 32]);
  366. // enable IMCR
  367. io_out8(0x22, 0x70);
  368. io_out8(0x23, 0x01);
  369. apic_local_apic_init();
  370. apic_io_apic_init();
  371. kdebug("vvvvv");
  372. sti();
  373. kdebug("qqqqq");
  374. }
  375. /**
  376. * @brief 中断服务程序
  377. *
  378. * @param rsp 中断栈指针
  379. * @param number 中断向量号
  380. */
  381. void do_IRQ(struct pt_regs *rsp, ul number)
  382. {
  383. unsigned char x = io_in8(0x60);
  384. irq_desc_t *irq = &interrupt_desc[number - 32];
  385. // 执行中断上半部处理程序
  386. if (irq->handler != NULL)
  387. irq->handler(number, irq->parameter, rsp);
  388. else
  389. kwarn("Intr vector [%d] does not have a handler!");
  390. // 向中断控制器发送应答消息
  391. if (irq->controller != NULL && irq->controller->ack != NULL)
  392. irq->controller->ack(number);
  393. else
  394. {
  395. // 向EOI寄存器写入0x00表示结束中断
  396. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x00, %%rdx \n\t"
  397. "movq $0x00, %%rax \n\t"
  398. "movq $0x80b, %%rcx \n\t"
  399. "wrmsr \n\t" ::
  400. : "memory");
  401. }
  402. }
  403. /**
  404. * @brief 读取RTE寄存器
  405. * 由于RTE位宽为64位而IO window寄存器只有32位,因此需要两次读取
  406. * @param index 索引值
  407. * @return ul
  408. */
  409. ul apic_ioapic_read_rte(unsigned char index)
  410. {
  411. // 由于处理器的乱序执行的问题,需要加入内存屏障以保证结果的正确性。
  412. ul ret;
  413. // 先读取高32bit
  414. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr = index + 1;
  415. io_mfence();
  416. ret = *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr;
  417. ret <<= 32;
  418. io_mfence();
  419. // 读取低32bit
  420. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr = index;
  421. io_mfence();
  422. ret |= *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr;
  423. io_mfence();
  424. return ret;
  425. }
  426. /**
  427. * @brief 写入RTE寄存器
  428. *
  429. * @param index 索引值
  430. * @param value 要写入的值
  431. */
  432. void apic_ioapic_write_rte(unsigned char index, ul value)
  433. {
  434. // 先写入低32bit
  435. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr = index;
  436. io_mfence();
  437. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr = value & 0xffffffff;
  438. io_mfence();
  439. // 再写入高32bit
  440. value >>= 32;
  441. io_mfence();
  442. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_index_addr = index + 1;
  443. io_mfence();
  444. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_data_addr = value & 0xffffffff;
  445. io_mfence();
  446. }
  447. // =========== 中断控制操作接口 ============
  448. void apic_ioapic_enable(ul irq_num)
  449. {
  450. ul index = 0x10 + ((irq_num - 32) << 1);
  451. ul value = apic_ioapic_read_rte(index);
  452. value &= (~0x10000UL);
  453. apic_ioapic_write_rte(index, value);
  454. }
  455. void apic_ioapic_disable(ul irq_num)
  456. {
  457. ul index = 0x10 + ((irq_num - 32) << 1);
  458. ul value = apic_ioapic_read_rte(index);
  459. value |= (0x10000UL);
  460. apic_ioapic_write_rte(index, value);
  461. }
  462. ul apic_ioapic_install(ul irq_num, void *arg)
  463. {
  464. struct apic_IO_APIC_RTE_entry *entry = (struct apic_IO_APIC_RTE_entry *)arg;
  465. // RTE表项值写入对应的RTE寄存器
  466. apic_ioapic_write_rte(0x10 + ((irq_num - 32) << 1), *(ul *)entry);
  467. return 0;
  468. }
  469. void apic_ioapic_uninstall(ul irq_num)
  470. {
  471. // 将对应的RTE表项设置为屏蔽状态
  472. apic_ioapic_write_rte(0x10 + ((irq_num - 32) << 1), 0x10000UL);
  473. }
  474. void apic_ioapic_level_ack(ul irq_num) // 电平触发
  475. {
  476. // 向EOI寄存器写入0x00表示结束中断
  477. /*io_mfence();
  479. *eoi = 0x00;
  480. io_mfence(); */
  481. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x00, %%rdx \n\t"
  482. "movq $0x00, %%rax \n\t"
  483. "movq $0x80b, %%rcx \n\t"
  484. "wrmsr \n\t" ::
  485. : "memory");
  486. *apic_ioapic_map.virtual_EOI_addr = irq_num;
  487. }
  488. void apic_ioapic_edge_ack(ul irq_num) // 边沿触发
  489. {
  490. // 向EOI寄存器写入0x00表示结束中断
  491. /*
  493. *eoi = 0x00;
  494. */
  495. __asm__ __volatile__("movq $0x00, %%rdx \n\t"
  496. "movq $0x00, %%rax \n\t"
  497. "movq $0x80b, %%rcx \n\t"
  498. "wrmsr \n\t" ::
  499. : "memory");
  500. }
  501. /**
  502. * @brief 读取指定类型的 Interrupt Control Structure
  503. *
  504. * @param type ics的类型
  505. * @param ret_vaddr 对应的ICS的虚拟地址数组
  506. * @param total 返回数组的元素总个数
  507. * @return uint
  508. */
  509. uint apic_get_ics(const uint type, ul ret_vaddr[], uint *total)
  510. {
  511. void *ent = (void *)(madt) + sizeof(struct acpi_Multiple_APIC_Description_Table_t);
  512. struct apic_Interrupt_Controller_Structure_header_t *header = (struct apic_Interrupt_Controller_Structure_header_t *)ent;
  513. bool flag = false;
  514. uint cnt = 0;
  515. while (header->length > 2)
  516. {
  517. header = (struct apic_Interrupt_Controller_Structure_header_t *)ent;
  518. if (header->type == type)
  519. {
  520. ret_vaddr[cnt++] = (ul)ent;
  521. flag = true;
  522. }
  523. ent += header->length;
  524. }
  525. *total = cnt;
  526. if (!flag)
  527. return APIC_E_NOTFOUND;
  528. else
  529. return APIC_SUCCESS;
  530. }