123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480 |
- use core::{
- hint::spin_loop,
- sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
- };
- use alloc::{
- string::ToString,
- sync::{Arc, Weak},
- };
- use crate::{
- arch::{driver::apic::ioapic::IoApic, io::PortIOArch, CurrentPortIOArch},
- driver::{
- base::device::{
- device_number::{DeviceNumber, Major},
- DeviceId,
- },
- serial::{AtomicBaudRate, BaudRate, DivisorFraction, UartPort},
- tty::{
- console::ConsoleSwitch,
- kthread::send_to_tty_refresh_thread,
- termios::WindowSize,
- tty_core::{TtyCore, TtyCoreData},
- tty_driver::{TtyDriver, TtyDriverManager, TtyOperation},
- virtual_terminal::{vc_manager, virtual_console::VirtualConsoleData, VirtConsole},
- },
- video::console::dummycon::dummy_console,
- },
- exception::{
- irqdata::IrqHandlerData,
- irqdesc::{IrqHandleFlags, IrqHandler, IrqReturn},
- manage::irq_manager,
- IrqNumber,
- },
- libs::{rwlock::RwLock, spinlock::SpinLock},
- };
- use system_error::SystemError;
- use super::{Serial8250ISADevices, Serial8250ISADriver, Serial8250Manager, Serial8250Port};
- static mut PIO_PORTS: [Option<Serial8250PIOPort>; 8] =
- [None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None];
- const SERIAL_8250_PIO_IRQ: IrqNumber = IrqNumber::new(IoApic::VECTOR_BASE as u32 + 4);
- impl Serial8250Manager {
- #[allow(static_mut_refs)]
- pub(super) fn bind_pio_ports(
- &self,
- uart_driver: &Arc<Serial8250ISADriver>,
- devs: &Arc<Serial8250ISADevices>,
- ) {
- for port in unsafe { &PIO_PORTS }.iter().flatten() {
- port.set_device(Some(devs));
- self.uart_add_one_port(uart_driver, port).ok();
- }
- }
- }
- macro_rules! init_port {
- ($port_num:expr) => {
- unsafe {
- let port = Serial8250PIOPort::new(
- match $port_num {
- 1 => Serial8250PortBase::COM1,
- 2 => Serial8250PortBase::COM2,
- 3 => Serial8250PortBase::COM3,
- 4 => Serial8250PortBase::COM4,
- 5 => Serial8250PortBase::COM5,
- 6 => Serial8250PortBase::COM6,
- 7 => Serial8250PortBase::COM7,
- 8 => Serial8250PortBase::COM8,
- _ => panic!("invalid port number"),
- },
- crate::driver::serial::SERIAL_BAUDRATE,
- );
- if let Ok(port) = port {
- if port.init().is_ok() {
- PIO_PORTS[$port_num - 1] = Some(port);
- true
- } else {
- false
- }
- } else {
- false
- }
- }
- };
- }
- pub(super) fn serial8250_pio_port_early_init() -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- for i in 1..=8 {
- init_port!(i);
- }
- return Ok(());
- }
- #[derive(Debug)]
- pub struct Serial8250PIOPort {
- iobase: Serial8250PortBase,
- baudrate: AtomicBaudRate,
- initialized: AtomicBool,
- inner: RwLock<Serial8250PIOPortInner>,
- }
- impl Serial8250PIOPort {
- const SERIAL8250PIO_MAX_BAUD_RATE: BaudRate = BaudRate::new(115200);
- pub fn new(iobase: Serial8250PortBase, baudrate: BaudRate) -> Result<Self, SystemError> {
- let r = Self {
- iobase,
- baudrate: AtomicBaudRate::new(baudrate),
- initialized: AtomicBool::new(false),
- inner: RwLock::new(Serial8250PIOPortInner::new()),
- };
- r.check_baudrate(&baudrate)?;
- return Ok(r);
- }
- pub fn init(&self) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- let r = self
- .initialized
- .compare_exchange(false, true, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst);
- if r.is_err() {
- return Ok(());
- }
- let port = self.iobase as u16;
- unsafe {
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 1, 0x00);
- self.set_divisor(self.baudrate.load(Ordering::SeqCst))
- .unwrap();
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 2, 0xC7);
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 4, 0x08);
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 4, 0x1E);
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port, 0xAE);
- if CurrentPortIOArch::in8(port) != 0xAE {
- self.initialized.store(false, Ordering::SeqCst);
- return Err(SystemError::ENODEV);
- }
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 4, 0x0b);
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 1, 0x01);
- }
- return Ok(());
- }
- const fn check_baudrate(&self, baudrate: &BaudRate) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- if baudrate.data() > Self::SERIAL8250PIO_MAX_BAUD_RATE.data()
- || Self::SERIAL8250PIO_MAX_BAUD_RATE.data() % baudrate.data() != 0
- {
- return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
- }
- return Ok(());
- }
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- fn serial_received(&self) -> bool {
- self.serial_in(5) & 1 != 0
- }
- fn is_transmit_empty(&self) -> bool {
- self.serial_in(5) & 0x20 != 0
- }
- fn send_bytes(&self, s: &[u8]) {
- while !self.is_transmit_empty() {
- spin_loop();
- }
- for c in s {
- self.serial_out(0, (*c).into());
- }
- }
- fn read_one_byte(&self) -> Option<u8> {
- if !self.serial_received() {
- return None;
- }
- return Some(self.serial_in(0) as u8);
- }
- }
- impl Serial8250Port for Serial8250PIOPort {
- fn device(&self) -> Option<Arc<Serial8250ISADevices>> {
- self.inner.read().device()
- }
- fn set_device(&self, device: Option<&Arc<Serial8250ISADevices>>) {
- self.inner.write().set_device(device);
- }
- }
- impl UartPort for Serial8250PIOPort {
- fn serial_in(&self, offset: u32) -> u32 {
- unsafe { CurrentPortIOArch::in8(self.iobase as u16 + offset as u16).into() }
- }
- fn serial_out(&self, offset: u32, value: u32) {
- unsafe { CurrentPortIOArch::out8(self.iobase as u16 + offset as u16, value as u8) }
- }
- fn divisor(&self, baud: BaudRate) -> (u32, DivisorFraction) {
- let divisor = Self::SERIAL8250PIO_MAX_BAUD_RATE.data() / baud.data();
- return (divisor, DivisorFraction::new(0));
- }
- fn set_divisor(&self, baud: BaudRate) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- self.check_baudrate(&baud)?;
- let port = self.iobase as u16;
- unsafe {
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 3, 0x80);
- let divisor = self.divisor(baud).0;
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port, (divisor & 0xff) as u8);
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 1, ((divisor >> 8) & 0xff) as u8);
- CurrentPortIOArch::out8(port + 3, 0x03);
- }
- self.baudrate.store(baud, Ordering::SeqCst);
- return Ok(());
- }
- fn startup(&self) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- todo!("serial8250_pio::startup")
- }
- fn shutdown(&self) {
- todo!("serial8250_pio::shutdown")
- }
- fn baud_rate(&self) -> Option<BaudRate> {
- Some(self.baudrate.load(Ordering::SeqCst))
- }
- fn handle_irq(&self) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- let mut buf = [0; 8];
- let mut index = 0;
- while index < buf.len() {
- if let Some(c) = self.read_one_byte() {
- buf[index] = c;
- index += 1;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- send_to_tty_refresh_thread(&buf[0..index]);
- Ok(())
- }
- fn iobase(&self) -> Option<usize> {
- Some(self.iobase as usize)
- }
- }
- #[derive(Debug)]
- struct Serial8250PIOPortInner {
- device: Option<Weak<Serial8250ISADevices>>,
- }
- impl Serial8250PIOPortInner {
- pub const fn new() -> Self {
- Self { device: None }
- }
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- pub fn device(&self) -> Option<Arc<Serial8250ISADevices>> {
- if let Some(device) = self.device.as_ref() {
- return device.upgrade();
- }
- return None;
- }
- fn set_device(&mut self, device: Option<&Arc<Serial8250ISADevices>>) {
- self.device = device.map(Arc::downgrade);
- }
- }
- #[allow(dead_code)]
- #[repr(u16)]
- #[derive(Clone, Debug, Copy)]
- pub enum Serial8250PortBase {
- COM1 = 0x3f8,
- COM2 = 0x2f8,
- COM3 = 0x3e8,
- COM4 = 0x2e8,
- COM5 = 0x5f8,
- COM6 = 0x4f8,
- COM7 = 0x5e8,
- COM8 = 0x4e8,
- }
- pub fn send_to_default_serial8250_pio_port(s: &[u8]) {
- if let Some(port) = unsafe { PIO_PORTS[0].as_ref() } {
- port.send_bytes(s);
- }
- }
- #[derive(Debug)]
- pub(super) struct Serial8250PIOTtyDriverInner;
- impl Serial8250PIOTtyDriverInner {
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- Self
- }
- fn do_install(
- &self,
- driver: Arc<TtyDriver>,
- tty: Arc<TtyCore>,
- vc: Arc<VirtConsole>,
- ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- driver.standard_install(tty.clone())?;
- vc.port().setup_internal_tty(Arc::downgrade(&tty));
- tty.set_port(vc.port());
- vc.devfs_setup()?;
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- impl TtyOperation for Serial8250PIOTtyDriverInner {
- fn open(&self, _tty: &TtyCoreData) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- Ok(())
- }
- fn write(&self, tty: &TtyCoreData, buf: &[u8], nr: usize) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
- let index = tty.index();
- if tty.index() >= unsafe { PIO_PORTS.len() } {
- return Err(SystemError::ENODEV);
- }
- let pio_port = unsafe { PIO_PORTS[index].as_ref() }.ok_or(SystemError::ENODEV)?;
- pio_port.send_bytes(&buf[..nr]);
- Ok(nr)
- }
- fn flush_chars(&self, _tty: &TtyCoreData) {}
- fn put_char(&self, tty: &TtyCoreData, ch: u8) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- self.write(tty, &[ch], 1).map(|_| ())
- }
- fn ioctl(&self, _tty: Arc<TtyCore>, _cmd: u32, _arg: usize) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- Err(SystemError::ENOIOCTLCMD)
- }
- fn close(&self, _tty: Arc<TtyCore>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- Ok(())
- }
- fn resize(&self, tty: Arc<TtyCore>, winsize: WindowSize) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- *tty.core().window_size_write() = winsize;
- Ok(())
- }
- fn install(&self, driver: Arc<TtyDriver>, tty: Arc<TtyCore>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- if tty.core().index() >= unsafe { PIO_PORTS.len() } {
- return Err(SystemError::ENODEV);
- }
- *tty.core().window_size_write() = WindowSize::DEFAULT;
- let vc_data = Arc::new(SpinLock::new(VirtualConsoleData::new(usize::MAX)));
- let mut vc_data_guard = vc_data.lock_irqsave();
- vc_data_guard.set_driver_funcs(Arc::downgrade(&dummy_console()) as Weak<dyn ConsoleSwitch>);
- vc_data_guard.init(
- Some(tty.core().window_size().row.into()),
- Some(tty.core().window_size().col.into()),
- true,
- );
- drop(vc_data_guard);
- let vc = VirtConsole::new(Some(vc_data));
- let vc_index = vc_manager().alloc(vc.clone()).ok_or(SystemError::EBUSY)?;
- self.do_install(driver, tty, vc.clone()).inspect_err(|_| {
- vc_manager().free(vc_index);
- })?;
- Ok(())
- }
- }
- pub(super) fn serial_8250_pio_register_tty_devices() -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- let (_, driver) = TtyDriverManager::lookup_tty_driver(DeviceNumber::new(
- Major::TTY_MAJOR,
- Serial8250Manager::TTY_SERIAL_MINOR_START,
- ))
- .ok_or(SystemError::ENODEV)?;
- for (i, port) in unsafe { PIO_PORTS.iter() }.enumerate() {
- if let Some(port) = port {
- let core = driver.init_tty_device(Some(i)).inspect_err(|_| {
- log::error!(
- "failed to init tty device for serial 8250 pio port {}, port iobase: {:?}",
- i,
- port.iobase
- );
- })?;
- core.resize( core.clone(), WindowSize::DEFAULT)
- .inspect_err(|_| {
- log::error!(
- "failed to resize tty device for serial 8250 pio port {}, port iobase: {:?}",
- i,
- port.iobase
- );
- })?;
- }
- }
- irq_manager()
- .request_irq(
- "serial8250_pio".to_string(),
- &Serial8250IrqHandler,
- IrqHandleFlags::IRQF_SHARED | IrqHandleFlags::IRQF_TRIGGER_RISING,
- Some(DeviceId::new(Some("serial8250_pio"), None).unwrap()),
- )
- .inspect_err(|e| {
- log::error!("failed to request irq for serial 8250 pio: {:?}", e);
- })?;
- Ok(())
- }
- #[derive(Debug)]
- struct Serial8250IrqHandler;
- impl IrqHandler for Serial8250IrqHandler {
- fn handle(
- &self,
- _irq: IrqNumber,
- _static_data: Option<&dyn IrqHandlerData>,
- _dynamic_data: Option<Arc<dyn IrqHandlerData>>,
- ) -> Result<IrqReturn, SystemError> {
- for port in unsafe { PIO_PORTS.iter() }.flatten() {
- port.handle_irq()?;
- }
- Ok(IrqReturn::Handled)
- }
- }