123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285 |
- use core::{hint::spin_loop, sync::atomic::Ordering};
- use alloc::{string::ToString, sync::Arc};
- use system_error::SystemError;
- use crate::{
- driver::{base::block::disk_info::Partition, disk::ahci},
- filesystem::{
- devfs::devfs_init,
- fat::fs::FATFileSystem,
- procfs::procfs_init,
- ramfs::RamFS,
- sysfs::sysfs_init,
- vfs::{mount::MountFS, syscall::ModeType, AtomicInodeId, FileSystem, FileType},
- },
- kdebug, kerror, kinfo,
- process::ProcessManager,
- };
- use super::{
- file::FileMode,
- mount::MountFSInode,
- utils::{rsplit_path, user_path_at},
- };
- /// @brief 原子地生成新的Inode号。
- /// 请注意,所有的inode号都需要通过该函数来生成.全局的inode号,除了以下两个特殊的以外,都是唯一的
- /// 特殊的两个inode号:
- /// [0]: 对应'.'目录项
- /// [1]: 对应'..'目录项
- pub fn generate_inode_id() -> InodeId {
- static INO: AtomicInodeId = AtomicInodeId::new(InodeId::new(1));
- return INO.fetch_add(InodeId::new(1), Ordering::SeqCst);
- }
- static mut __ROOT_INODE: Option<Arc<dyn IndexNode>> = None;
- /// @brief 获取全局的根节点
- #[inline(always)]
- #[allow(non_snake_case)]
- pub fn ROOT_INODE() -> Arc<dyn IndexNode> {
- unsafe {
- return __ROOT_INODE.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
- }
- }
- /// 初始化虚拟文件系统
- #[inline(never)]
- pub fn vfs_init() -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- // 使用Ramfs作为默认的根文件系统
- let ramfs = RamFS::new();
- let mount_fs = MountFS::new(ramfs, None);
- let root_inode = mount_fs.root_inode();
- unsafe {
- __ROOT_INODE = Some(root_inode.clone());
- }
- // 创建文件夹
- root_inode
- .create("proc", FileType::Dir, ModeType::from_bits_truncate(0o755))
- .expect("Failed to create /proc");
- root_inode
- .create("dev", FileType::Dir, ModeType::from_bits_truncate(0o755))
- .expect("Failed to create /dev");
- root_inode
- .create("sys", FileType::Dir, ModeType::from_bits_truncate(0o755))
- .expect("Failed to create /sys");
- kdebug!("dir in root:{:?}", root_inode.list());
- procfs_init().expect("Failed to initialize procfs");
- devfs_init().expect("Failed to initialize devfs");
- sysfs_init().expect("Failed to initialize sysfs");
- let root_entries = ROOT_INODE().list().expect("VFS init failed");
- if !root_entries.is_empty() {
- kinfo!("Successfully initialized VFS!");
- }
- return Ok(());
- }
- /// @brief 真正执行伪文件系统迁移的过程
- ///
- /// @param mountpoint_name 在根目录下的挂载点的名称
- /// @param inode 原本的挂载点的inode
- fn do_migrate(
- new_root_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode>,
- mountpoint_name: &str,
- fs: &MountFS,
- ) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- let r = new_root_inode.find(mountpoint_name);
- let mountpoint = if let Ok(r) = r {
- r
- } else {
- new_root_inode
- .create(
- mountpoint_name,
- FileType::Dir,
- ModeType::from_bits_truncate(0o755),
- )
- .unwrap_or_else(|_| panic!("Failed to create '/{mountpoint_name}' in migrating"))
- };
- // 迁移挂载点
- let inode = mountpoint.arc_any().downcast::<MountFSInode>().unwrap();
- inode.do_mount(inode.inode_id(), fs.self_ref())?;
- return Ok(());
- }
- /// @brief 迁移伪文件系统的inode
- /// 请注意,为了避免删掉了伪文件系统内的信息,因此没有在原root inode那里调用unlink.
- fn migrate_virtual_filesystem(new_fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem>) -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- kinfo!("VFS: Migrating filesystems...");
- // ==== 在这里获取要被迁移的文件系统的inode ===
- let binding = ROOT_INODE().find("proc").expect("ProcFS not mounted!").fs();
- let proc: &MountFS = binding.as_any_ref().downcast_ref::<MountFS>().unwrap();
- let binding = ROOT_INODE().find("dev").expect("DevFS not mounted!").fs();
- let dev: &MountFS = binding.as_any_ref().downcast_ref::<MountFS>().unwrap();
- let binding = ROOT_INODE().find("sys").expect("SysFs not mounted!").fs();
- let sys: &MountFS = binding.as_any_ref().downcast_ref::<MountFS>().unwrap();
- let new_fs = MountFS::new(new_fs, None);
- // 获取新的根文件系统的根节点的引用
- let new_root_inode = new_fs.root_inode();
- // 把上述文件系统,迁移到新的文件系统下
- do_migrate(new_root_inode.clone(), "proc", proc)?;
- do_migrate(new_root_inode.clone(), "dev", dev)?;
- do_migrate(new_root_inode.clone(), "sys", sys)?;
- unsafe {
- // drop旧的Root inode
- let old_root_inode = __ROOT_INODE.take().unwrap();
- drop(old_root_inode);
- // 设置全局的新的ROOT Inode
- __ROOT_INODE = Some(new_root_inode);
- }
- kinfo!("VFS: Migrate filesystems done!");
- return Ok(());
- }
- pub fn mount_root_fs() -> Result<(), SystemError> {
- kinfo!("Try to mount FAT32 as root fs...");
- let partiton: Arc<Partition> = ahci::get_disks_by_name("ahci_disk_0".to_string())
- .unwrap()
- .0
- .lock()
- .partitions[0]
- .clone();
- let fatfs: Result<Arc<FATFileSystem>, SystemError> = FATFileSystem::new(partiton);
- if fatfs.is_err() {
- kerror!(
- "Failed to initialize fatfs, code={:?}",
- fatfs.as_ref().err()
- );
- loop {
- spin_loop();
- }
- }
- let fatfs: Arc<FATFileSystem> = fatfs.unwrap();
- let r = migrate_virtual_filesystem(fatfs);
- if r.is_err() {
- kerror!("Failed to migrate virtual filesystem to FAT32!");
- loop {
- spin_loop();
- }
- }
- kinfo!("Successfully migrate rootfs to FAT32!");
- return Ok(());
- }
- /// @brief 创建文件/文件夹
- pub fn do_mkdir(path: &str, _mode: FileMode) -> Result<u64, SystemError> {
- let path = path.trim();
- let inode: Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, SystemError> = ROOT_INODE().lookup(path);
- if let Err(errno) = inode {
- // 文件不存在,且需要创建
- if errno == SystemError::ENOENT {
- let (filename, parent_path) = rsplit_path(path);
- // 查找父目录
- let parent_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> =
- ROOT_INODE().lookup(parent_path.unwrap_or("/"))?;
- // 创建文件夹
- let _create_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = parent_inode.create(
- filename,
- FileType::Dir,
- ModeType::from_bits_truncate(0o755),
- )?;
- } else {
- // 不需要创建文件,因此返回错误码
- return Err(errno);
- }
- }
- return Ok(0);
- }
- /// @brief 删除文件夹
- pub fn do_remove_dir(dirfd: i32, path: &str) -> Result<u64, SystemError> {
- let path = path.trim();
- let pcb = ProcessManager::current_pcb();
- let (inode_begin, remain_path) = user_path_at(&pcb, dirfd, path)?;
- let (filename, parent_path) = rsplit_path(&remain_path);
- // 最后一项文件项为.时返回EINVAL
- if filename == "." {
- return Err(SystemError::EINVAL);
- }
- // 查找父目录
- let parent_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = inode_begin
- .lookup_follow_symlink(parent_path.unwrap_or("/"), VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES)?;
- if parent_inode.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::Dir {
- return Err(SystemError::ENOTDIR);
- }
- // 在目标点为symlink时也返回ENOTDIR
- let target_inode = parent_inode.find(filename)?;
- if target_inode.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::Dir {
- return Err(SystemError::ENOTDIR);
- }
- // 删除文件夹
- parent_inode.rmdir(filename)?;
- return Ok(0);
- }
- /// @brief 删除文件
- pub fn do_unlink_at(dirfd: i32, path: &str) -> Result<u64, SystemError> {
- let path = path.trim();
- let pcb = ProcessManager::current_pcb();
- let (inode_begin, remain_path) = user_path_at(&pcb, dirfd, path)?;
- let inode: Result<Arc<dyn IndexNode>, SystemError> =
- inode_begin.lookup_follow_symlink(&remain_path, VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES);
- if inode.is_err() {
- let errno = inode.clone().unwrap_err();
- // 文件不存在,且需要创建
- if errno == SystemError::ENOENT {
- return Err(SystemError::ENOENT);
- }
- }
- // 禁止在目录上unlink
- if inode.unwrap().metadata()?.file_type == FileType::Dir {
- return Err(SystemError::EPERM);
- }
- let (filename, parent_path) = rsplit_path(path);
- // 查找父目录
- let parent_inode: Arc<dyn IndexNode> = inode_begin
- .lookup_follow_symlink(parent_path.unwrap_or("/"), VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES)?;
- if parent_inode.metadata()?.file_type != FileType::Dir {
- return Err(SystemError::ENOTDIR);
- }
- // 删除文件
- parent_inode.unlink(filename)?;
- return Ok(0);
- }
- // @brief mount filesystem
- pub fn do_mount(fs: Arc<dyn FileSystem>, mount_point: &str) -> Result<usize, SystemError> {
- .lookup_follow_symlink(mount_point, VFS_MAX_FOLLOW_SYMLINK_TIMES)?
- .mount(fs)?;
- Ok(0)
- }