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Merge pull request #574 from vadorovsky/integration-aya-log

integration-test: Add tests for aya-log
Alessandro Decina hai 1 ano

+ 5 - 0

@@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ publish = false
 aya-bpf = { path = "../../bpf/aya-bpf" }
+aya-log-ebpf = { path = "../../bpf/aya-log-ebpf" }
+name = "log"
+path = "src/log.rs"
 name = "map_test"

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+use aya_bpf::{macros::uprobe, programs::ProbeContext};
+use aya_log_ebpf::{debug, error, info, trace, warn};
+pub fn test_log(ctx: ProbeContext) {
+    debug!(&ctx, "Hello from eBPF!");
+    error!(&ctx, "{}, {}, {}", 69, 420i32, "wao");
+    let ipv4 = 167772161u32; //
+    let ipv6 = [
+        32u8, 1u8, 13u8, 184u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 0u8, 1u8,
+    ]; // 2001:db8::1
+    info!(&ctx, "ipv4: {:ipv4}, ipv6: {:ipv6}", ipv4, ipv6);
+    let mac = [4u8, 32u8, 6u8, 9u8, 0u8, 64u8];
+    trace!(&ctx, "mac lc: {:mac}, mac uc: {:MAC}", mac, mac);
+    let hex = 0x2f;
+    warn!(&ctx, "hex lc: {:x}, hex uc: {:X}", hex, hex);
+fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
+    unsafe { core::hint::unreachable_unchecked() }

+ 1 - 0

@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ publish = false
 quote = "1"
+proc-macro2 = "1.0"
 syn = {version = "1.0", features = ["full"]}

+ 28 - 1

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 use proc_macro::TokenStream;
+use proc_macro2::Span;
 use quote::quote;
-use syn::{parse_macro_input, ItemFn};
+use syn::{parse_macro_input, Ident, ItemFn};
 pub fn integration_test(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
@@ -17,3 +18,29 @@ pub fn integration_test(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+pub fn tokio_integration_test(_attr: TokenStream, item: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+    let item = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn);
+    let name = &item.sig.ident;
+    let name_str = &item.sig.ident.to_string();
+    let sync_name_str = format!("sync_{name_str}");
+    let sync_name = Ident::new(&sync_name_str, Span::call_site());
+    let expanded = quote! {
+        #item
+        fn #sync_name() {
+            let rt = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread()
+                .enable_all()
+                .build()
+                .unwrap();
+            rt.block_on(#name());
+        }
+        inventory::submit!(crate::IntegrationTest {
+            name: concat!(module_path!(), "::", #sync_name_str),
+            test_fn: #sync_name,
+        });
+    };
+    TokenStream::from(expanded)

+ 3 - 0

@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ publish = false
 anyhow = "1"
 aya = { path = "../../aya" }
+aya-log = { path = "../../aya-log" }
 aya-obj = { path = "../../aya-obj" }
 clap = { version = "4", features = ["derive"] }
 env_logger = "0.10"
+futures-core = "0.3"
 inventory = "0.3"
 integration-test-macros = { path = "../integration-test-macros" }
 lazy_static = "1"
@@ -20,3 +22,4 @@ rbpf = "0.1.0"
 regex = "1"
 tempfile = "3.3.0"
 libtest-mimic = "0.6.0"
+tokio = { version = "1.24", features = ["rt", "rt-multi-thread", "sync", "time"] }

+ 136 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+use std::sync::{Arc, LockResult, Mutex, MutexGuard};
+use aya::{include_bytes_aligned, programs::UProbe, Bpf};
+use aya_log::BpfLogger;
+use log::{Level, Log, Record};
+use tokio::time::{sleep, Duration};
+use super::tokio_integration_test;
+const MAX_ATTEMPTS: usize = 10;
+const TIMEOUT_MS: u64 = 10;
+pub extern "C" fn trigger_ebpf_program() {}
+struct CapturedLogs(Arc<Mutex<Vec<CapturedLog>>>);
+impl CapturedLogs {
+    fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> Self {
+        Self(Arc::new(Mutex::new(Vec::with_capacity(capacity))))
+    }
+    fn clone(&self) -> Self {
+        Self(self.0.clone())
+    }
+    fn lock(&self) -> LockResult<MutexGuard<'_, Vec<CapturedLog>>> {
+        self.0.lock()
+    }
+    async fn wait_expected_len(&self, expected_len: usize) {
+        for _ in 0..MAX_ATTEMPTS {
+            {
+                let captured_logs = self.0.lock().expect("Failed to lock captured logs");
+                if captured_logs.len() == expected_len {
+                    return;
+                }
+            }
+            sleep(Duration::from_millis(TIMEOUT_MS)).await;
+        }
+        panic!(
+            "Expected {} captured logs, but got {}",
+            expected_len,
+            self.0.lock().unwrap().len()
+        );
+    }
+struct CapturedLog {
+    pub body: String,
+    pub level: Level,
+    pub target: String,
+struct TestingLogger {
+    captured_logs: CapturedLogs,
+impl TestingLogger {
+    pub fn with_capacity(capacity: usize) -> (Self, CapturedLogs) {
+        let captured_logs = CapturedLogs::with_capacity(capacity);
+        (
+            Self {
+                captured_logs: captured_logs.clone(),
+            },
+            captured_logs,
+        )
+    }
+impl Log for TestingLogger {
+    fn enabled(&self, _metadata: &log::Metadata) -> bool {
+        true
+    }
+    fn flush(&self) {}
+    fn log(&self, record: &Record) {
+        let captured_record = CapturedLog {
+            body: format!("{}", record.args()),
+            level: record.level(),
+            target: record.target().to_string(),
+        };
+        self.captured_logs
+            .lock()
+            .expect("Failed to acquire a lock for storing a log")
+            .push(captured_record);
+    }
+async fn log() {
+    let bytes = include_bytes_aligned!("../../../../target/bpfel-unknown-none/release/log");
+    let mut bpf = Bpf::load(bytes).unwrap();
+    let (logger, captured_logs) = TestingLogger::with_capacity(5);
+    BpfLogger::init_with_logger(&mut bpf, logger).unwrap();
+    let prog: &mut UProbe = bpf.program_mut("test_log").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
+    prog.load().unwrap();
+    prog.attach(Some("trigger_ebpf_program"), 0, "/proc/self/exe", None)
+        .unwrap();
+    // Call the function that the uprobe is attached to, so it starts logging.
+    trigger_ebpf_program();
+    captured_logs.wait_expected_len(5).await;
+    let records = captured_logs
+        .lock()
+        .expect("Failed to acquire a lock for reading logs");
+    assert_eq!(records.len(), 5);
+    assert_eq!(records[0].body, "Hello from eBPF!");
+    assert_eq!(records[0].level, Level::Debug);
+    assert_eq!(records[0].target, "log");
+    assert_eq!(records[1].body, "69, 420, wao");
+    assert_eq!(records[1].level, Level::Error);
+    assert_eq!(records[1].target, "log");
+    assert_eq!(records[2].body, "ipv4:, ipv6: 2001:db8::1");
+    assert_eq!(records[2].level, Level::Info);
+    assert_eq!(records[2].target, "log");
+    assert_eq!(
+        records[3].body,
+        "mac lc: 04:20:06:09:00:40, mac uc: 04:20:06:09:00:40"
+    );
+    assert_eq!(records[3].level, Level::Trace);
+    assert_eq!(records[3].target, "log");
+    assert_eq!(records[4].body, "hex lc: 2f, hex uc: 2F");
+    assert_eq!(records[4].level, Level::Warn);
+    assert_eq!(records[4].target, "log");

+ 3 - 1

@@ -7,11 +7,13 @@ use std::{ffi::CStr, mem};
 pub mod btf_relocations;
 pub mod elf;
 pub mod load;
+pub mod log;
 pub mod rbpf;
 pub mod relocations;
 pub mod smoke;
-pub use integration_test_macros::integration_test;
+pub use integration_test_macros::{integration_test, tokio_integration_test};
 pub struct IntegrationTest {
     pub name: &'static str,