@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ use std::{
io::{self, BufRead, BufReader},
os::fd::{AsFd as _, AsRawFd as _, BorrowedFd},
+ sync::LazyLock,
time::{Duration, SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH},
@@ -31,27 +32,26 @@ pub(crate) fn attach_raw_tracepoint<T: Link + From<FdLink>>(
/// Find tracefs filesystem path.
pub(crate) fn find_tracefs_path() -> Result<&'static Path, ProgramError> {
- lazy_static::lazy_static! {
- static ref TRACE_FS: Option<&'static Path> = {
- let known_mounts = [
- Path::new("/sys/kernel/tracing"),
- Path::new("/sys/kernel/debug/tracing"),
- ];
- for mount in known_mounts {
- // Check that the mount point exists and is not empty
- // Documented here: (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/trace/ftrace.txt)
- // In some cases, tracefs will only mount at /sys/kernel/debug/tracing
- // but, the kernel will still create the directory /sys/kernel/tracing.
- // The user may be expected to manually mount the directory in order for it to
- // exist in /sys/kernel/tracing according to the documentation.
- if mount.exists() && mount.read_dir().ok()?.next().is_some() {
- return Some(mount);
+ static TRACE_FS: LazyLock<Option<&'static Path>> = LazyLock::new(|| {
+ [
+ Path::new("/sys/kernel/tracing"),
+ Path::new("/sys/kernel/debug/tracing"),
+ ]
+ .into_iter()
+ .find(|&mount| {
+ // Check that the mount point exists and is not empty
+ // Documented here: (https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/trace/ftrace.txt)
+ // In some cases, tracefs will only mount at /sys/kernel/debug/tracing
+ // but, the kernel will still create the directory /sys/kernel/tracing.
+ // The user may be expected to manually mount the directory in order for it to
+ // exist in /sys/kernel/tracing according to the documentation.
+ mount.exists()
+ && match mount.read_dir() {
+ Ok(mut entries) => entries.next().is_some(),
+ Err(io::Error { .. }) => false,
- }
- None
- };
- }
+ })
+ });