@@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
use std::{
fmt::Write as _,
- fs::{read_to_string, write},
+ fs::{read_to_string, File},
+ io::Write as _,
-use anyhow::{bail, Context as _};
+use anyhow::{bail, Context as _, Result};
use cargo_metadata::{Metadata, Package};
use clap::Parser;
use dialoguer::{theme::ColorfulTheme, Confirm};
use diff::{lines, Result as Diff};
-use thiserror::Error;
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
pub struct Options {
@@ -18,18 +18,7 @@ pub struct Options {
pub bless: bool,
-#[derive(Error, Debug)]
-enum PublicApiError {
- #[error("error checking public api for {package}\n{source}\n")]
- Error {
- package: String,
- source: anyhow::Error,
- },
- #[error("public api for {package} changed:\n{diff}\n")]
- Changed { package: String, diff: String },
-pub fn public_api(options: Options, metadata: Metadata) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
+pub fn public_api(options: Options, metadata: Metadata) -> Result<()> {
let toolchain = "nightly";
let Options { bless } = options;
@@ -50,18 +39,30 @@ pub fn public_api(options: Options, metadata: Metadata) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
} = &metadata;
- let mut buf = String::new();
- packages.iter().for_each(|Package { name, publish, .. }| {
- if matches!(publish, Some(publish) if publish.is_empty()) {
- return;
- }
- if let Err(e) = check_package_api(name, toolchain, bless, workspace_root.as_std_path()) {
- write!(&mut buf, "{}", e).unwrap();
- }
- });
+ let errors = packages
+ .iter()
+ .fold(String::new(), |mut buf, Package { name, publish, .. }| {
+ if !matches!(publish, Some(publish) if publish.is_empty()) {
+ match check_package_api(name, toolchain, bless, workspace_root.as_std_path()) {
+ Ok(diff) => {
+ if !diff.is_empty() {
+ writeln!(
+ &mut buf,
+ "{name} public API changed; re-run with --bless. diff:\n{diff}"
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ Err(err) => {
+ writeln!(&mut buf, "{name} failed to check public API: {err}").unwrap();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ buf
+ });
- if !buf.is_empty() {
- bail!("public api may have changed in one or more packages.\nplease bless by re-running this command with --bless\nErrors:\n{buf}");
+ if !errors.is_empty() {
+ bail!("public API errors:\n{errors}");
@@ -71,7 +72,7 @@ fn check_package_api(
toolchain: &str,
bless: bool,
workspace_root: &Path,
-) -> Result<(), PublicApiError> {
+) -> Result<String> {
let path = workspace_root
@@ -83,47 +84,29 @@ fn check_package_api(
- .map_err(|source| PublicApiError::Error {
- package: package.to_string(),
- source: source.into(),
- })?;
+ .context("rustdoc_json::Builder::build")?;
let public_api = public_api::Builder::from_rustdoc_json(rustdoc_json)
- .map_err(|source| PublicApiError::Error {
- package: package.to_string(),
- source: source.into(),
- })?;
+ .context("public_api::Builder::build")?;
if bless {
- write(&path, public_api.to_string().as_bytes()).map_err(|source| {
- PublicApiError::Error {
- package: package.to_string(),
- source: source.into(),
- }
- })?;
+ let mut output =
+ File::create(&path).with_context(|| format!("error creating {}", path.display()))?;
+ write!(&mut output, "{}", public_api)
+ .with_context(|| format!("error writing {}", path.display()))?;
- let current_api = read_to_string(&path)
- .with_context(|| format!("error reading {}", &path.display()))
- .map_err(|source| PublicApiError::Error {
- package: package.to_string(),
- source,
- })?;
+ let current_api =
+ read_to_string(&path).with_context(|| format!("error reading {}", path.display()))?;
- let mut buf = String::new();
- lines(¤t_api, &public_api.to_string())
+ Ok(lines(¤t_api, &public_api.to_string())
- .for_each(|diff| match diff {
- Diff::Both(..) => (),
- Diff::Right(line) => writeln!(&mut buf, "-{}", line).unwrap(),
- Diff::Left(line) => writeln!(&mut buf, "+{}", line).unwrap(),
- });
- if !buf.is_empty() {
- return Err(PublicApiError::Changed {
- package: package.to_string(),
- diff: buf,
- });
- };
- Ok(())
+ .fold(String::new(), |mut buf, diff| {
+ match diff {
+ Diff::Both(..) => (),
+ Diff::Right(line) => writeln!(&mut buf, "-{}", line).unwrap(),
+ Diff::Left(line) => writeln!(&mut buf, "+{}", line).unwrap(),
+ };
+ buf
+ }))