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integration-tests: run on macos to get nested virtualization

Switch integration-test host to macos as only macos runners support nested
virtualization. Adjust integration test runner accordingly.
Alessandro Decina 2 years ago
6 changed files with 416 additions and 86 deletions
  1. 4 1
  2. 1 40
  3. 43 0
  4. 264 0
  5. 95 39
  6. 9 6

+ 4 - 1

@@ -7,4 +7,7 @@ build-bpfeb = "build -Zbuild-std=core --target=bpfeb-unknown-none"
 linker = "arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc"
-linker = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
+linker = "arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc"
+linker = "aarch64-linux-musl-gcc"

+ 1 - 40

@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ env:
-  build:
+  build-test:
@@ -43,42 +43,3 @@ jobs:
           RUST_BACKTRACE: full
         run: |
           cross test --verbose --target ${{matrix.arch}}
-  test:
-    runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
-    needs: build
-    steps:
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
-      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
-        with:
-          repository: libbpf/libbpf
-          path: libbpf
-      - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
-        with:
-          toolchain: nightly
-          components: rustfmt, clippy, rust-src
-          target: x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
-          override: true
-      - uses: Swatinem/rust-cache@v1
-      - name: Install Pre-requisites
-        run: |
-          wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
-          echo "deb llvm-toolchain-focal-15 main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
-          sudo apt-get update
-          sudo apt-get -qy install linux-tools-common qemu-system-x86 cloud-image-utils openssh-client libelf-dev gcc-multilib llvm-15 clang-15
-          sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/llvm-objcopy llvm-objcopy /usr/bin/llvm-objcopy-15 200
-          sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/clang clang /usr/bin/clang-15 200
-          cargo install bpf-linker
-      - name: Lint integration tests
-        run: |
-          cargo xtask build-integration-test-ebpf --libbpf-dir ./libbpf
-          cargo clippy -p integration-test -- --deny warnings
-      - name: Run integration tests
-        run: |
-          (cd test && ./ ../libbpf)

+ 43 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+name: integration-tests
+  push:
+    branches:
+      - main
+  pull_request:
+    branches:
+      - main
+  test:
+    runs-on: macos-latest
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+        with:
+          repository: libbpf/libbpf
+          path: libbpf
+      - name: Install Pre-requisites
+        run: |
+          brew install qemu gnu-getopt coreutils cdrtools
+      - name: Cache tmp files
+        uses: actions/cache@v3
+        with:
+          path: |
+            .tmp/*.qcow2
+            .tmp/test_rsa
+            .tmp/
+          # FIXME: we should invalidate the cache on new bpf-linker releases.
+          # For now we must manually delete the cache when we release a new
+          # bpf-linker version.
+          key: tmp-files-${{ hashFiles('test/') }}
+      - name: Run integration tests
+        run: test/ ./libbpf

+ 264 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
+fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; }
+Usage() {
+	cat <<EOF
+Usage: ${0##*/} [ options ] output user-data [meta-data]
+   Create a disk for cloud-init to utilize nocloud
+   options:
+     -h | --help             show usage
+     -d | --disk-format D    disk format to output. default: raw
+                             can be anything supported by qemu-img or
+                             tar, tar-seed-local, tar-seed-net
+     -H | --hostname    H    set hostname in metadata to H
+     -f | --filesystem  F    filesystem format (vfat or iso), default: iso9660
+     -i | --interfaces  F    write network interfaces file into metadata
+     -N | --network-config F write network config file to local datasource
+     -m | --dsmode      M    add 'dsmode' ('local' or 'net') to the metadata
+                             default in cloud-init is 'net', meaning network is
+                             required.
+     -V | --vendor-data F    vendor-data file
+     -v | --verbose          increase verbosity
+   Note, --dsmode, --hostname, and --interfaces are incompatible
+   with metadata.
+   Example:
+    * cat my-user-data
+      #cloud-config
+      password: passw0rd
+      chpasswd: { expire: False }
+      ssh_pwauth: True
+    * echo "instance-id: \$(uuidgen || echo i-abcdefg)" > my-meta-data
+    * ${0##*/} my-seed.img my-user-data my-meta-data
+    * kvm -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \\
+         -drive file=disk1.img,if=virtio -drive file=my-seed.img,if=virtio
+    * ssh -p 2222 ubuntu@localhost
+bad_Usage() { Usage 1>&2; [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; }
+cleanup() {
+	[ -z "${TEMP_D}" -o ! -d "${TEMP_D}" ] || rm -Rf "${TEMP_D}"
+debug() {
+	local level=${1}; shift;
+	[ "${level}" -gt "${VERBOSITY}" ] && return
+	error "${@}"
+has_cmd() {
+	command -v "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1
+getopt_out=$(getopt -n "${0##*/}" \
+	-o "${short_opts}" -l "${long_opts}" -- "$@") &&
+	eval set -- "${getopt_out}" ||
+	bad_Usage
+## <<insert default variables here>>
+while [ $# -ne 0 ]; do
+	cur=${1}; next=${2};
+	case "$cur" in
+		-h|--help) Usage ; exit 0;;
+		-d|--disk-format) diskformat=$next; shift;;
+		-f|--filesystem) filesystem=$next; shift;;
+		-H|--hostname) hostname=$next; shift;;
+		-i|--interfaces) interfaces=$next; shift;;
+		-N|--network-config) netcfg=$next; shift;;
+		-m|--dsmode) dsmode=$next; shift;;
+		-v|--verbose) VERBOSITY=$((${VERBOSITY}+1));;
+		-V|--vendor-data) vendordata="$next";;
+		--) shift; break;;
+	esac
+	shift;
+## check arguments here
+## how many args do you expect?
+echo $1
+echo $2
+echo $3
+[ $# -ge 2 ] || bad_Usage "must provide output, userdata"
+[ $# -le 3 ] || bad_Usage "confused by additional args"
+if [ -n "$metadata" ]; then
+	[ "$interfaces" = "_unset" -a -z "$dsmode" -a -z "$hostname" ] ||
+		fail "metadata is incompatible with:" \
+			"--interfaces, --hostname, --dsmode"
+case "$diskformat" in
+	tar|tar-seed-local|tar-seed-net)
+		if [ "${filesystem:-tar}" != "tar" ]; then
+			fail "diskformat=tar is incompatible with filesystem"
+		fi
+		filesystem="$diskformat"
+		;;
+	tar*)
+		fail "supported 'tar' formats are tar, tar-seed-local, tar-seed-net"
+if [ -z "$filesystem" ]; then
+	filesystem="$DEF_FILESYSTEM"
+if [ "$filesystem" = "iso" ]; then
+	filesystem="iso9660"
+case "$filesystem" in
+	tar*)
+		has_cmd tar ||
+			fail "missing 'tar'. Required for --filesystem=$filesystem";;
+	vfat)
+		has_cmd mkfs.vfat ||
+			fail "missing 'mkfs.vfat'. Required for --filesystem=vfat."
+		has_cmd mcopy ||
+			fail "missing 'mcopy'. Required for --filesystem=vfat."
+		;;
+	iso9660)
+		has_cmd mkisofs ||
+			fail "missing 'mkisofs'.  Required for --filesystem=iso9660."
+		;;
+	*) fail "unknown filesystem $filesystem";;
+case "$diskformat" in
+	tar*|raw) :;;
+	*) has_cmd "qemu-img" ||
+		fail "missing 'qemu-img'.  Required for --disk-format=$diskformat."
+[ "$interfaces" = "_unset" -o -r "$interfaces" ] ||
+	fail "$interfaces: not a readable file"
+TEMP_D=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/${0##*/}.XXXXXX") ||
+	fail "failed to make tempdir"
+trap cleanup EXIT
+files=( "${TEMP_D}/user-data" "${TEMP_D}/meta-data" )
+if [ -n "$metadata" ]; then
+	cp "$metadata" "$TEMP_D/meta-data" || fail "$metadata: failed to copy"
+	instance_id="iid-local01"
+	iface_data=""
+	[ "$interfaces" != "_unset" ] &&
+		iface_data=$(sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n/\\n/g' "$interfaces")
+	# write json formatted user-data (json is a subset of yaml)
+	mdata=""
+	for kv in "instance-id:$instance_id" "local-hostname:$hostname" \
+		"interfaces:${iface_data}" "dsmode:$dsmode"; do
+		key=${kv%%:*}
+		val=${kv#*:}
+		[ -n "$val" ] || continue
+		mdata="${mdata:+${mdata},${CR}}\"$key\": \"$val\""
+	done
+	printf "{\n%s\n}\n" "$mdata" > "${TEMP_D}/meta-data"
+if [ -n "$netcfg" ]; then
+	cp "$netcfg" "${TEMP_D}/$ncname" ||
+		fail "failed to copy network config"
+	files[${#files[@]}]="$TEMP_D/$ncname"
+if [ -n "$vendordata" ]; then
+	cp "$vendordata" "${TEMP_D}/vendor-data" ||
+		fail "failed to copy vendor data"
+	files[${#files[@]}]="$TEMP_D/vendor-data"
+files_rel=( )
+for f in "${files[@]}"; do
+	files_rel[${#files_rel[@]}]="${f#${TEMP_D}/}"
+if [ "$userdata" = "-" ]; then
+	cat > "$TEMP_D/user-data" || fail "failed to read from stdin"
+	cp "$userdata" "$TEMP_D/user-data" || fail "$userdata: failed to copy"
+## alternatively, create a vfat filesystem with same files
+tar_opts=( --owner=root --group=root )
+case "$filesystem" in
+	tar)
+		tar "${tar_opts[@]}" -C "${TEMP_D}" -cf "$img" "${files_rel[@]}" ||
+			fail "failed to create tarball of ${files_rel[*]}"
+		;;
+	tar-seed-local|tar-seed-net)
+		if [ "$filesystem" = "tar-seed-local" ]; then
+			path="var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud"
+		else
+			path="var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net"
+		fi
+		mkdir -p "${TEMP_D}/${path}" ||
+			fail "failed making path for seed files"
+		mv "${files[@]}" "${TEMP_D}/$path" ||
+			fail "failed moving files"
+		tar "${tar_opts[@]}" -C "${TEMP_D}" -cf "$img" "${path}" ||
+			fail "failed to create tarball with $path"
+		;;
+	iso9660)
+		mkisofs -output "$img" -volid cidata \
+			-joliet -rock "${files[@]}" > "$TEMP_D/err" 2>&1 ||
+			{ cat "$TEMP_D/err" 1>&2; fail "failed to mkisofs"; }
+		;;
+	vfat)
+		truncate -s 128K "$img" || fail "failed truncate image"
+		out=$(mkfs.vfat -n cidata "$img" 2>&1) ||
+			{ error "failed: mkfs.vfat -n cidata $img"; error "$out"; }
+		mcopy -oi "$img" "${files[@]}" :: ||
+			fail "failed to copy user-data, meta-data to img"
+		;;
+[ "$output" = "-" ] && output="$TEMP_D/final"
+if [ "${diskformat#tar}" != "$diskformat" -o "$diskformat" = "raw" ]; then
+	cp "$img" "$output" ||
+		fail "failed to copy image to $output"
+	qemu-img convert -f raw -O "$diskformat" "$img" "$output" ||
+		fail "failed to convert to disk format $diskformat"
+[ "$output" != "$TEMP_D/final" ] || { cat "$output" && output="-"; } ||
+	fail "failed to write to -"
+debug 1 "wrote ${output} with filesystem=$filesystem and diskformat=$diskformat"
+# vi: ts=4 noexpandtab

+ 95 - 39

@@ -2,15 +2,40 @@
 set -e
+if [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
+    export PATH="$(dirname $(brew list gnu-getopt | grep "bin/getopt$")):$PATH"
+AYA_SOURCE_DIR="$(realpath $(dirname $0)/..)"
 # Temporary directory for tests to use.
 # Directory for VM images
-# Test Architecture
-if [ -z "${AYA_TEST_ARCH}" ]; then
-    AYA_TEST_ARCH="$(uname -m)"
+if [ -z "${AYA_BUILD_TARGET}" ]; then
+    AYA_BUILD_TARGET=$(rustc -vV | sed -n 's|host: ||p')
+AYA_HOST_ARCH=$(uname -m)
+if [ "${AYA_HOST_ARCH}" = "arm64" ]; then
+    AYA_HOST_ARCH="aarch64"
+if [ -z "${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}" ]; then
+if [ "${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}" = "aarch64" ]; then
+    if [ -z "${AARCH64_UEFI}" ]; then
+        AARCH64_UEFI="$(brew list qemu -1 -v | grep edk2-aarch64-code.fd)"
+    fi
+if [ -z "$AYA_MUSL_TARGET" ]; then
+    AYA_MUSL_TARGET=${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}-unknown-linux-musl
 # Test Image
@@ -27,19 +52,19 @@ download_images() {
     mkdir -p "${AYA_IMGDIR}"
     case $1 in
-            if [ ! -f "${AYA_IMGDIR}/fedora37.${AYA_TEST_ARCH}.qcow2" ]; then
-                IMAGE="Fedora-Cloud-Base-37-1.7.${AYA_TEST_ARCH}.qcow2"
-                IMAGE_URL="${AYA_TEST_ARCH}/images"
+            if [ ! -f "${AYA_IMGDIR}/fedora37.${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}.qcow2" ]; then
+                IMAGE="Fedora-Cloud-Base-37-1.7.${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}.qcow2"
+                IMAGE_URL="${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}/images"
                 echo "Downloading: ${IMAGE}, this may take a while..."
-                curl -o "${AYA_IMGDIR}/fedora37.${AYA_TEST_ARCH}.qcow2" -sSL "${IMAGE_URL}/${IMAGE}"
+                curl -o "${AYA_IMGDIR}/fedora37.${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}.qcow2" -sSL "${IMAGE_URL}/${IMAGE}"
-            if [ ! -f "${AYA_IMGDIR}/centos8.${AYA_TEST_ARCH}.qcow2" ]; then
-                IMAGE="CentOS-8-GenericCloud-8.4.2105-20210603.0.${AYA_TEST_ARCH}.qcow2"
-                IMAGE_URL="${AYA_TEST_ARCH}/images"
+            if [ ! -f "${AYA_IMGDIR}/centos8.${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}.qcow2" ]; then
+                IMAGE="CentOS-8-GenericCloud-8.4.2105-20210603.0.${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}.qcow2"
+                IMAGE_URL="${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}/images"
                 echo "Downloading: ${IMAGE}, this may take a while..."
-                curl -o "${AYA_IMGDIR}/centos8.${AYA_TEST_ARCH}.qcow2" -sSL "${IMAGE_URL}/${IMAGE}"
+                curl -o "${AYA_IMGDIR}/centos8.${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}.qcow2" -sSL "${IMAGE_URL}/${IMAGE}"
@@ -60,11 +85,6 @@ EOF
     if [ ! -f "${AYA_TMPDIR}/test_rsa" ]; then
         ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f "${AYA_TMPDIR}/test_rsa" -N "" -C "" -q
         pub_key=$(cat "${AYA_TMPDIR}/")
-        cat > "${AYA_TMPDIR}/user-data.yaml" <<EOF
-  - ${pub_key}
     if [ ! -f "${AYA_TMPDIR}/ssh_config" ]; then
@@ -75,14 +95,20 @@ GlobalKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
-    cloud-localds "${AYA_TMPDIR}/seed.img" "${AYA_TMPDIR}/user-data.yaml" "${AYA_TMPDIR}/metadata.yaml"
+    cat > "${AYA_TMPDIR}/user-data.yaml" <<EOF
+  - ${pub_key}
-    case "${AYA_TEST_ARCH}" in
+    $AYA_SOURCE_DIR/test/cloud-localds "${AYA_TMPDIR}/seed.img" "${AYA_TMPDIR}/user-data.yaml" "${AYA_TMPDIR}/metadata.yaml"
+    case "${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}" in
-            if [ "$(uname -m)" = "${AYA_TEST_ARCH}" ]; then
+            nr_cpus="$(nproc --all)"
+            if [ "${AYA_HOST_ARCH}" = "${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}" ]; then
                 if [ -c /dev/kvm ]; then
@@ -96,34 +122,48 @@ EOF
-            if [ "$(uname -m)" = "${AYA_TEST_ARCH}" ]; then
+            uefi="-drive file=${AARCH64_UEFI},if=pflash,format=raw,readonly=on"
+            if [ "${AYA_HOST_ARCH}" = "${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}" ]; then
                 if [ -c /dev/kvm ]; then
+                    nr_cpus="$(nproc --all)"
                 elif [ "$(uname -s)" = "Darwin" ]; then
-                    machine="${machine},accel=hvf"
-                    cpu="host"
+                    machine="${machine},accel=hvf,highmem=off"
+                    cpu="cortex-a72"
+                    # nrpoc --all on apple silicon returns the two extra fancy
+                    # cores and then qemu complains that nr_cpus > actual_cores
+                    nr_cpus=8
-            echo "${AYA_TEST_ARCH} is not supported"
+            echo "${AYA_GUEST_ARCH} is not supported"
             return 1
-    qemu-img create -F qcow2 -f qcow2 -o backing_file="${AYA_IMGDIR}/${AYA_TEST_IMAGE}.${AYA_TEST_ARCH}.qcow2" "${AYA_TMPDIR}/vm.qcow2" || return 1
+    if [ ! -f "${AYA_IMGDIR}/vm.qcow2" ]; then
+        echo "Creating VM image"
+        qemu-img create -F qcow2 -f qcow2 -o backing_file="${AYA_IMGDIR}/${AYA_TEST_IMAGE}.${AYA_GUEST_ARCH}.qcow2" "${AYA_IMGDIR}/vm.qcow2" || return 1
+        CACHED_VM=0
+    else
+        echo "Reusing existing VM image"
+        CACHED_VM=1
+    fi
     $QEMU \
         -machine "${machine}" \
         -cpu "${cpu}" \
-        -m 2G \
+        -m 3G \
+        -smp "${nr_cpus}" \
         -display none \
         -monitor none \
         -daemonize \
         -pidfile "${AYA_TMPDIR}/" \
         -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=net0 \
         -netdev user,id=net0,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
-        -drive if=virtio,format=qcow2,file="${AYA_TMPDIR}/vm.qcow2" \
+        $uefi \
+        -drive if=virtio,format=qcow2,file="${AYA_IMGDIR}/vm.qcow2" \
         -drive if=virtio,format=raw,file="${AYA_TMPDIR}/seed.img" || return 1
     trap cleanup_vm EXIT
@@ -142,7 +182,11 @@ EOF
     echo "VM launched"
     exec_vm uname -a
     echo "Installing dependencies"
-    exec_vm sudo dnf install -qy bpftool
+    exec_vm sudo dnf install -qy bpftool llvm llvm-devel clang clang-devel zlib-devel
+    exec_vm 'curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh -s -- \
+        -y --profile minimal --default-toolchain nightly --component rust-src --component clippy'
+    exec_vm 'echo source ~/.cargo/env >> ~/.bashrc'
+    exec_vm cargo install bpf-linker --no-default-features --features system-llvm
 scp_vm() {
@@ -154,6 +198,10 @@ scp_vm() {
+rsync_vm() {
+    rsync -a -e "ssh -p 2222 -F ${AYA_TMPDIR}/ssh_config -i ${AYA_TMPDIR}/test_rsa" $1 $AYA_SSH_USER@localhost:
 exec_vm() {
     ssh -q -F "${AYA_TMPDIR}/ssh_config" \
         -i "${AYA_TMPDIR}/test_rsa" \
@@ -168,26 +216,34 @@ stop_vm() {
         kill -9 "$(cat "${AYA_TMPDIR}/")"
         rm "${AYA_TMPDIR}/"
-    rm -f "${AYA_TMPDIR}/vm.qcow2"
 cleanup_vm() {
+    stop_vm
     if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
-        stop_vm
+        rm -f "${AYA_IMGDIR}/vm.qcow2"
-if [ -z "$1" ]; then
+if [ -z "$LIBBPF_DIR" ]; then
     echo "path to libbpf required"
     exit 1
-trap stop_vm EXIT
-cargo xtask build-integration-test --musl --libbpf-dir "$1"
-scp_vm ../target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/debug/integration-test
-exec_vm sudo ./integration-test --skip relocations
-# Relocation tests build the eBPF programs themself. We run them outside VM.
-sudo -E ../target/x86_64-unknown-linux-musl/debug/integration-test relocations
+trap cleanup_vm EXIT
+# make sure we always use fresh aya and libbpf (also see comment at the end)
+exec_vm "rm -rf aya/* libbpf"
+rsync_vm "--exclude=target --exclude=.tmp $AYA_SOURCE_DIR"
+rsync_vm "$LIBBPF_DIR"
+# need to build or linting will fail trying to include object files
+exec_vm "cd aya; cargo xtask build-integration-test --libbpf-dir ~/libbpf"
+exec_vm "cd aya; cargo clippy -p integration-test -- --deny warnings"
+exec_vm "cd aya; cargo xtask integration-test --libbpf-dir ~/libbpf"
+# we rm and sync but it doesn't seem to work reliably - I guess we could sleep a
+# few seconds after but ain't nobody got time for that. Instead we also rm
+# before rsyncing.
+exec_vm "rm -rf aya/* libbpf; sync"

+ 9 - 6

@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ use crate::build_ebpf;
 pub struct Options {
-    /// Whether to compile for the musl libc target
-    #[clap(short, long)]
-    pub musl: bool,
+    /// Target triple for which the code is compiled
+    #[clap(long)]
+    pub musl_target: Option<String>,
     pub ebpf_options: build_ebpf::BuildEbpfOptions,
@@ -16,9 +16,12 @@ pub struct Options {
 pub fn build_test(opts: Options) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
-    let mut args = vec!["build", "-p", "integration-test", "--verbose"];
-    if opts.musl {
-        args.push("--target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl");
+    let mut args = ["build", "-p", "integration-test", "--verbose"]
+        .iter()
+        .map(|s| s.to_string())
+        .collect::<Vec<_>>();
+    if let Some(target) = opts.musl_target {
+        args.push(format!("--target={target}"));
     let status = Command::new("cargo")