@@ -64,20 +64,14 @@ fn main() {
panic!("unsupported endian={:?}", endian)
- const C_BPF: &[(&str, &str)] = &[
- ("ext.bpf.c", "ext.bpf.o"),
- ("main.bpf.c", "main.bpf.o"),
- ("multimap-btf.bpf.c", "multimap-btf.bpf.o"),
- ("reloc.bpf.c", "reloc.bpf.o"),
- ("text_64_64_reloc.c", "text_64_64_reloc.o"),
+ const C_BPF: &[(&str, bool)] = &[
+ ("ext.bpf.c", false),
+ ("main.bpf.c", false),
+ ("multimap-btf.bpf.c", false),
+ ("reloc.bpf.c", true),
+ ("text_64_64_reloc.c", false),
- let c_bpf = C_BPF.iter().map(|(src, dst)| (src, out_dir.join(dst)));
- const C_BTF: &[(&str, &str)] = &[("reloc.btf.c", "reloc.btf.o")];
- let c_btf = C_BTF.iter().map(|(src, dst)| (src, out_dir.join(dst)));
if build_integration_bpf {
let libbpf_dir = manifest_dir
@@ -137,46 +131,47 @@ fn main() {
- for (src, dst) in c_bpf {
- let src = bpf_dir.join(src);
- println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", src.to_str().unwrap());
- exec(clang().arg(src).arg("-o").arg(dst)).unwrap();
- }
- for (src, dst) in c_btf {
+ for (src, build_btf) in C_BPF {
+ let dst = out_dir.join(src).with_extension("o");
let src = bpf_dir.join(src);
println!("cargo:rerun-if-changed={}", src.to_str().unwrap());
- let mut cmd = clang();
- let mut child = cmd
- .arg(src)
- .args(["-o", "-"])
- .stdout(Stdio::piped())
- .spawn()
- .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to spawn {cmd:?}: {err}"));
- let Child { stdout, .. } = &mut child;
- let stdout = stdout.take().unwrap();
- let mut output = OsString::new();
- output.push(".BTF=");
- output.push(dst);
- exec(
- // NB: objcopy doesn't support reading from stdin, so we have to use llvm-objcopy.
- Command::new("llvm-objcopy")
- .arg("--dump-section")
- .arg(output)
- .arg("-")
- .stdin(stdout),
- )
- .unwrap();
- let output = child
- .wait_with_output()
- .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to wait for {cmd:?}: {err}"));
- let Output { status, .. } = &output;
- assert_eq!(status.code(), Some(0), "{cmd:?} failed: {output:?}");
+ exec(clang().arg(&src).arg("-o").arg(&dst)).unwrap();
+ if *build_btf {
+ let mut cmd = clang();
+ let mut child = cmd
+ .arg("-DTARGET")
+ .arg(&src)
+ .args(["-o", "-"])
+ .stdout(Stdio::piped())
+ .spawn()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to spawn {cmd:?}: {err}"));
+ let Child { stdout, .. } = &mut child;
+ let stdout = stdout.take().unwrap();
+ let dst = dst.with_extension("target.o");
+ let mut output = OsString::new();
+ output.push(".BTF=");
+ output.push(dst);
+ exec(
+ // NB: objcopy doesn't support reading from stdin, so we have to use llvm-objcopy.
+ Command::new("llvm-objcopy")
+ .arg("--dump-section")
+ .arg(output)
+ .arg("-")
+ .stdin(stdout),
+ )
+ .unwrap();
+ let output = child
+ .wait_with_output()
+ .unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to wait for {cmd:?}: {err}"));
+ let Output { status, .. } = &output;
+ assert_eq!(status.code(), Some(0), "{cmd:?} failed: {output:?}");
+ }
let target = format!("{target}-unknown-none");
@@ -268,8 +263,13 @@ fn main() {
.unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to copy {binary:?} to {dst:?}: {err}"));
} else {
- for (_src, dst) in c_bpf.chain(c_btf) {
+ for (src, build_btf) in C_BPF {
+ let dst = out_dir.join(src).with_extension("o");
fs::write(&dst, []).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to create {dst:?}: {err}"));
+ if *build_btf {
+ let dst = dst.with_extension("target.o");
+ fs::write(&dst, []).unwrap_or_else(|err| panic!("failed to create {dst:?}: {err}"));
+ }
let Package { targets, .. } = integration_ebpf_package;