@@ -309,29 +309,29 @@ impl Program {
/// Pin the program to the provided path
pub fn pin<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
match self {
- Program::KProbe(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::UProbe(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::TracePoint(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::SocketFilter(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::Xdp(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::SkMsg(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::SkSkb(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::SockOps(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::SchedClassifier(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::CgroupSkb(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::CgroupSysctl(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::CgroupSockopt(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::LircMode2(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::PerfEvent(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::RawTracePoint(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::Lsm(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::BtfTracePoint(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::FEntry(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::FExit(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::Extension(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::CgroupSockAddr(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::SkLookup(p) => p.data.pin(path),
- Program::CgroupSock(p) => p.data.pin(path),
+ Program::KProbe(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::UProbe(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::TracePoint(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::SocketFilter(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::Xdp(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::SkMsg(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::SkSkb(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::SockOps(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::SchedClassifier(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::CgroupSkb(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::CgroupSysctl(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::CgroupSockopt(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::LircMode2(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::PerfEvent(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::RawTracePoint(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::Lsm(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::BtfTracePoint(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::FEntry(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::FExit(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::Extension(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::CgroupSockAddr(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::SkLookup(p) => p.pin(path),
+ Program::CgroupSock(p) => p.pin(path),
@@ -441,23 +441,6 @@ impl<T: Link> ProgramData<T> {
- pub fn pin<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
- let fd = self.fd_or_err()?;
- let path_string =
- CString::new(path.as_ref().to_string_lossy().into_owned()).map_err(|e| {
- MapError::InvalidPinPath {
- error: e.to_string(),
- }
- })?;
- bpf_pin_object(fd, &path_string).map_err(|(_code, io_error)| {
- ProgramError::SyscallError {
- call: "BPF_OBJ_PIN".to_string(),
- io_error,
- }
- })?;
- Ok(())
- }
pub(crate) fn take_link(&mut self, link_id: T::Id) -> Result<T, ProgramError> {
@@ -472,6 +455,23 @@ fn unload_program<T: Link>(data: &mut ProgramData<T>) -> Result<(), ProgramError
+fn pin_program<T: Link, P: AsRef<Path>>(
+ data: &mut ProgramData<T>,
+ path: P,
+) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
+ let fd = data.fd_or_err()?;
+ let path_string = CString::new(path.as_ref().to_string_lossy().into_owned()).map_err(|e| {
+ ProgramError::InvalidPinPath {
+ error: e.to_string(),
+ }
+ })?;
+ bpf_pin_object(fd, &path_string).map_err(|(_code, io_error)| ProgramError::SyscallError {
+ call: "BPF_OBJ_PIN".to_string(),
+ io_error,
+ })?;
+ Ok(())
fn load_program<T: Link>(
prog_type: bpf_prog_type,
data: &mut ProgramData<T>,
@@ -673,6 +673,50 @@ impl_fd!(
+macro_rules! impl_program_pin{
+ ($($struct_name:ident),+ $(,)?) => {
+ $(
+ impl $struct_name {
+ /// Pins the program to a BPF filesystem.
+ ///
+ /// When a BPF object is pinned to a BPF filesystem it will remain loaded after
+ /// Aya has unloaded the program.
+ /// To remove the program, the file on the BPF filesystem must be remove.
+ /// Any directories in the the path provided should have been created by the caller.
+ pub fn pin<P: AsRef<Path>>(&mut self, path: P) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
+ pin_program(&mut self.data, path)
+ }
+ }
+ )+
+ }
+ KProbe,
+ UProbe,
+ TracePoint,
+ SocketFilter,
+ Xdp,
+ SkMsg,
+ SkSkb,
+ SchedClassifier,
+ CgroupSkb,
+ CgroupSysctl,
+ CgroupSockopt,
+ LircMode2,
+ PerfEvent,
+ Lsm,
+ RawTracePoint,
+ BtfTracePoint,
+ FEntry,
+ FExit,
+ Extension,
+ CgroupSockAddr,
+ SkLookup,
+ SockOps,
+ CgroupSock,
macro_rules! impl_try_from_program {
($($ty:ident),+ $(,)?) => {