@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
//! Utility functions.
use std::{
- ffi::CString,
+ error::Error,
+ ffi::{CStr, CString},
fs::{self, File},
- io::{self, BufReader},
+ io::{self, BufRead, BufReader},
mem, slice,
- str::FromStr,
+ str::{FromStr, Utf8Error},
use crate::{
@@ -13,9 +14,136 @@ use crate::{
-use libc::{if_nametoindex, sysconf, _SC_PAGESIZE};
+use libc::{if_nametoindex, sysconf, uname, utsname, _SC_PAGESIZE};
-use io::BufRead;
+/// Represents a kernel version, in major.minor.release version.
+// Adapted from https://docs.rs/procfs/latest/procfs/sys/kernel/struct.Version.html.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, PartialOrd)]
+pub struct KernelVersion {
+ pub(crate) major: u8,
+ pub(crate) minor: u8,
+ pub(crate) patch: u16,
+/// An error encountered while fetching the current kernel version.
+#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+pub enum CurrentKernelVersionError {
+ /// The kernel version string could not be read.
+ #[error("failed to read kernel version")]
+ IOError(#[from] io::Error),
+ /// The kernel version string could not be parsed.
+ #[error("failed to parse kernel version")]
+ ParseError(#[from] text_io::Error),
+ /// The kernel version string was not valid UTF-8.
+ #[error("kernel version string is not valid UTF-8")]
+ Utf8Error(#[from] Utf8Error),
+impl KernelVersion {
+ /// Constructor.
+ pub fn new(major: u8, minor: u8, patch: u16) -> Self {
+ Self {
+ major,
+ minor,
+ patch,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the kernel version of the currently running kernel.
+ pub fn current() -> Result<Self, impl Error> {
+ let kernel_version = Self::get_kernel_version();
+ // The kernel version is clamped to 4.19.255 on kernels 4.19.222 and above.
+ //
+ // See https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/a256aac.
+ const CLAMPED_KERNEL_MAJOR: u8 = 4;
+ const CLAMPED_KERNEL_MINOR: u8 = 19;
+ if let Ok(Self {
+ patch: 222..,
+ }) = kernel_version
+ {
+ }
+ kernel_version
+ }
+ // This is ported from https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/3f01e9f/tools/lib/bpf/libbpf_probes.c#L21-L101.
+ fn get_ubuntu_kernel_version() -> Result<Option<Self>, CurrentKernelVersionError> {
+ const UBUNTU_KVER_FILE: &str = "/proc/version_signature";
+ let s = match fs::read(UBUNTU_KVER_FILE) {
+ Ok(s) => s,
+ Err(e) => {
+ if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound {
+ return Ok(None);
+ }
+ return Err(e.into());
+ }
+ };
+ let ubuntu: String;
+ let ubuntu_version: String;
+ let major: u8;
+ let minor: u8;
+ let patch: u16;
+ text_io::try_scan!(s.iter().copied() => "{} {} {}.{}.{}\n", ubuntu, ubuntu_version, major, minor, patch);
+ Ok(Some(Self::new(major, minor, patch)))
+ }
+ fn get_debian_kernel_version(
+ info: &utsname,
+ ) -> Result<Option<Self>, CurrentKernelVersionError> {
+ // Safety: man 2 uname:
+ //
+ // The length of the arrays in a struct utsname is unspecified (see NOTES); the fields are
+ // terminated by a null byte ('\0').
+ let p = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(info.version.as_ptr()) };
+ let p = p.to_str()?;
+ let p = match p.split_once("Debian ") {
+ Some((_prefix, suffix)) => suffix,
+ None => return Ok(None),
+ };
+ let major: u8;
+ let minor: u8;
+ let patch: u16;
+ text_io::try_scan!(p.bytes() => "{}.{}.{}", major, minor, patch);
+ Ok(Some(Self::new(major, minor, patch)))
+ }
+ fn get_kernel_version() -> Result<Self, CurrentKernelVersionError> {
+ if let Some(v) = Self::get_ubuntu_kernel_version()? {
+ return Ok(v);
+ }
+ let mut info = unsafe { mem::zeroed::<utsname>() };
+ if unsafe { uname(&mut info) } != 0 {
+ return Err(io::Error::last_os_error().into());
+ }
+ if let Some(v) = Self::get_debian_kernel_version(&info)? {
+ return Ok(v);
+ }
+ // Safety: man 2 uname:
+ //
+ // The length of the arrays in a struct utsname is unspecified (see NOTES); the fields are
+ // terminated by a null byte ('\0').
+ let p = unsafe { CStr::from_ptr(info.release.as_ptr()) };
+ let p = p.to_str()?;
+ // Unlike sscanf, text_io::try_scan! does not stop at the first non-matching character.
+ let p = match p.split_once(|c: char| c != '.' && !c.is_ascii_digit()) {
+ Some((prefix, _suffix)) => prefix,
+ None => p,
+ };
+ let major: u8;
+ let minor: u8;
+ let patch: u16;
+ text_io::try_scan!(p.bytes() => "{}.{}.{}", major, minor, patch);
+ Ok(Self::new(major, minor, patch))
+ }
const ONLINE_CPUS: &str = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/online";
pub(crate) const POSSIBLE_CPUS: &str = "/sys/devices/system/cpu/possible";