@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+//! Cgroup socket programs.
+use thiserror::Error;
+use crate::generated::bpf_attach_type;
+use std::{
+ hash::Hash,
+ os::unix::prelude::{AsRawFd, RawFd},
+use crate::{
+ generated::bpf_prog_type::BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SOCK,
+ programs::{
+ define_link_wrapper, load_program, FdLink, Link, OwnedLink, ProgAttachLink, ProgramData,
+ ProgramError,
+ },
+ sys::{bpf_link_create, bpf_prog_attach, kernel_version},
+/// A program that is called on socket creation, bind and release.
+/// [`CgroupSock`] programs can be used to allow or deny socket creation from
+/// within a [cgroup], or they can be used to monitor and gather statistics.
+/// [cgroup]: https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/cgroups.7.html
+/// # Minimum kernel version
+/// The minimum kernel version required to use this feature is 4.10.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # #[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
+/// # enum Error {
+/// # #[error(transparent)]
+/// # IO(#[from] std::io::Error),
+/// # #[error(transparent)]
+/// # Map(#[from] aya::maps::MapError),
+/// # #[error(transparent)]
+/// # Program(#[from] aya::programs::ProgramError),
+/// # #[error(transparent)]
+/// # Bpf(#[from] aya::BpfError)
+/// # }
+/// # let mut bpf = aya::Bpf::load(&[])?;
+/// use std::fs::File;
+/// use std::convert::TryInto;
+/// use aya::programs::{CgroupSock, CgroupSockAttachType};
+/// let file = File::open("/sys/fs/cgroup/unified")?;
+/// let bind: &mut CgroupSock = bpf.program_mut("bind").unwrap().try_into()?;
+/// bind.load()?;
+/// bind.attach(file)?;
+/// # Ok::<(), Error>(())
+/// ```
+#[doc(alias = "BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SOCK")]
+pub struct CgroupSock {
+ pub(crate) data: ProgramData<CgroupSockLink>,
+ pub(crate) attach_type: CgroupSockAttachType,
+impl CgroupSock {
+ /// Loads the program inside the kernel.
+ pub fn load(&mut self) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
+ self.data.expected_attach_type = Some(self.attach_type.into());
+ load_program(BPF_PROG_TYPE_CGROUP_SOCK, &mut self.data)
+ }
+ /// Attaches the program to the given cgroup.
+ ///
+ /// The returned value can be used to detach, see [CgroupSock::detach].
+ pub fn attach<T: AsRawFd>(&mut self, cgroup: T) -> Result<CgroupSockLinkId, ProgramError> {
+ let prog_fd = self.data.fd_or_err()?;
+ let cgroup_fd = cgroup.as_raw_fd();
+ let attach_type = self.data.expected_attach_type.unwrap();
+ let k_ver = kernel_version().unwrap();
+ if k_ver >= (5, 7, 0) {
+ let link_fd = bpf_link_create(prog_fd, cgroup_fd, attach_type, None, 0).map_err(
+ |(_, io_error)| ProgramError::SyscallError {
+ call: "bpf_link_create".to_owned(),
+ io_error,
+ },
+ )? as RawFd;
+ self.data
+ .links
+ .insert(CgroupSockLink(CgroupSockLinkInner::Fd(FdLink::new(
+ link_fd,
+ ))))
+ } else {
+ bpf_prog_attach(prog_fd, cgroup_fd, attach_type).map_err(|(_, io_error)| {
+ ProgramError::SyscallError {
+ call: "bpf_prog_attach".to_owned(),
+ io_error,
+ }
+ })?;
+ self.data
+ .links
+ .insert(CgroupSockLink(CgroupSockLinkInner::ProgAttach(
+ ProgAttachLink::new(prog_fd, cgroup_fd, attach_type),
+ )))
+ }
+ }
+ /// Takes ownership of the link referenced by the provided link_id.
+ ///
+ /// The link will be detached on `Drop` and the caller is now responsible
+ /// for managing its lifetime.
+ pub fn take_link(
+ &mut self,
+ link_id: CgroupSockLinkId,
+ ) -> Result<OwnedLink<CgroupSockLink>, ProgramError> {
+ Ok(OwnedLink::new(self.data.take_link(link_id)?))
+ }
+ /// Detaches the program.
+ ///
+ /// See [CgroupSock::attach].
+ pub fn detach(&mut self, link_id: CgroupSockLinkId) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
+ self.data.links.remove(link_id)
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Hash, Eq, PartialEq)]
+enum CgroupSockLinkIdInner {
+ Fd(<FdLink as Link>::Id),
+ ProgAttach(<ProgAttachLink as Link>::Id),
+enum CgroupSockLinkInner {
+ Fd(FdLink),
+ ProgAttach(ProgAttachLink),
+impl Link for CgroupSockLinkInner {
+ type Id = CgroupSockLinkIdInner;
+ fn id(&self) -> Self::Id {
+ match self {
+ CgroupSockLinkInner::Fd(fd) => CgroupSockLinkIdInner::Fd(fd.id()),
+ CgroupSockLinkInner::ProgAttach(p) => CgroupSockLinkIdInner::ProgAttach(p.id()),
+ }
+ }
+ fn detach(self) -> Result<(), ProgramError> {
+ match self {
+ CgroupSockLinkInner::Fd(fd) => fd.detach(),
+ CgroupSockLinkInner::ProgAttach(p) => p.detach(),
+ }
+ }
+ /// The link used by [CgroupSock] programs.
+ CgroupSockLink,
+ /// The type returned by [CgroupSock::attach]. Can be passed to [CgroupSock::detach].
+ CgroupSockLinkId,
+ CgroupSockLinkInner,
+ CgroupSockLinkIdInner
+/// Defines where to attach a [`CgroupSock`] program.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
+pub enum CgroupSockAttachType {
+ /// Called after the IPv4 bind events.
+ PostBind4,
+ /// Called after the IPv6 bind events.
+ PostBind6,
+ /// Attach to IPv4 connect events.
+ SockCreate,
+ /// Attach to IPv6 connect events.
+ SockRelease,
+impl Default for CgroupSockAttachType {
+ // The kernel checks for a 0 attach_type and sets it to sock_create
+ // We may as well do that here also
+ fn default() -> Self {
+ CgroupSockAttachType::SockCreate
+ }
+impl From<CgroupSockAttachType> for bpf_attach_type {
+ fn from(s: CgroupSockAttachType) -> bpf_attach_type {
+ match s {
+ CgroupSockAttachType::PostBind4 => bpf_attach_type::BPF_CGROUP_INET4_POST_BIND,
+ CgroupSockAttachType::PostBind6 => bpf_attach_type::BPF_CGROUP_INET6_POST_BIND,
+ CgroupSockAttachType::SockCreate => bpf_attach_type::BPF_CGROUP_INET_SOCK_CREATE,
+ CgroupSockAttachType::SockRelease => bpf_attach_type::BPF_CGROUP_INET_SOCK_RELEASE,
+ }
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, Error)]
+#[error("{0} is not a valid attach type for a CGROUP_SOCK program")]
+pub(crate) struct InvalidAttachType(String);
+impl CgroupSockAttachType {
+ pub(crate) fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<CgroupSockAttachType, InvalidAttachType> {
+ match value {
+ "post_bind4" => Ok(CgroupSockAttachType::PostBind4),
+ "post_bind6" => Ok(CgroupSockAttachType::PostBind6),
+ "sock_create" => Ok(CgroupSockAttachType::SockCreate),
+ "sock_release" => Ok(CgroupSockAttachType::SockRelease),
+ _ => Err(InvalidAttachType(value.to_owned())),
+ }
+ }