@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+//! Tests the Info API.
+use std::{fs, time::SystemTime};
+use aya::{
+ maps::{loaded_maps, MapError},
+ programs::{loaded_programs, ProgramError, SocketFilter},
+ util::KernelVersion,
+ Ebpf,
+use aya_obj::generated::{bpf_map_type, bpf_prog_type};
+use libc::EINVAL;
+use crate::utils::{kernel_assert, kernel_assert_eq};
+const BPF_JIT_ENABLE: &str = "/proc/sys/net/core/bpf_jit_enable";
+fn list_loaded_programs() {
+ // Kernels below v4.15 have been observed to have `bpf_jit_enable` disabled by default.
+ let jit_enabled = enable_jit();
+ // Load a program.
+ // Since we are only testing the programs for their metadata, there is no need to "attach" them.
+ let mut bpf = Ebpf::load(crate::SIMPLE_PROG).unwrap();
+ let prog: &mut SocketFilter = bpf.program_mut("simple_prog").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
+ prog.load().unwrap();
+ // Ensure the `loaded_programs()` api does not panic and grab the last loaded program in the
+ // iter, which should be our test program.
+ let prog = match loaded_programs().last().unwrap() {
+ Ok(prog) => prog,
+ Err(err) => {
+ if let ProgramError::SyscallError(err) = &err {
+ // Skip entire test since feature not available
+ if err
+ .io_error
+ .raw_os_error()
+ .is_some_and(|errno| errno == EINVAL)
+ {
+ eprintln!("ignoring test completely as `loaded_programs()` is not available on the host");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ panic!("{err}");
+ }
+ };
+ // Test `bpf_prog_info` fields.
+ kernel_assert_eq!(
+ bpf_prog_type::BPF_PROG_TYPE_SOCKET_FILTER as u32,
+ prog.program_type(),
+ KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0),
+ );
+ kernel_assert!(prog.id() > 0, KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert!(prog.tag() > 0, KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ if jit_enabled {
+ kernel_assert!(prog.size_jitted() > 0, KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ }
+ kernel_assert!(prog.size_translated() > 0, KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ let uptime = SystemTime::now().duration_since(prog.loaded_at()).unwrap();
+ kernel_assert!(uptime.as_nanos() > 0, KernelVersion::new(4, 15, 0));
+ let maps = prog.map_ids().unwrap();
+ kernel_assert!(maps.is_empty(), KernelVersion::new(4, 15, 0));
+ let name = prog.name_as_str().unwrap();
+ kernel_assert_eq!("simple_prog", name, KernelVersion::new(4, 15, 0));
+ kernel_assert!(prog.gpl_compatible(), KernelVersion::new(4, 18, 0));
+ kernel_assert!(
+ prog.verified_instruction_count() > 0,
+ KernelVersion::new(5, 16, 0)
+ );
+ // We can't reliably test these fields since `0` can be interpreted as the actual value or
+ // unavailable.
+ prog.btf_id();
+ // Ensure rest of the fields do not panic.
+ prog.memory_locked().unwrap();
+ prog.fd().unwrap();
+fn list_loaded_maps() {
+ // Load a program with maps.
+ let mut bpf: Ebpf = Ebpf::load(crate::MAP_TEST).unwrap();
+ let prog: &mut SocketFilter = bpf.program_mut("simple_prog").unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
+ prog.load().unwrap();
+ // Ensure the loaded_maps() api doesn't panic and retrieve loaded maps.
+ let mut maps = loaded_maps().peekable();
+ if let Err(err) = maps.peek().unwrap() {
+ if let MapError::SyscallError(err) = &err {
+ if err
+ .io_error
+ .raw_os_error()
+ .is_some_and(|errno| errno == EINVAL)
+ {
+ eprintln!(
+ "ignoring test completely as `loaded_maps()` is not available on the host"
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ panic!("{err}");
+ }
+ let mut maps: Vec<_> = maps.filter_map(|m| m.ok()).collect();
+ // There's not a good way to extract our maps of interest with load order being
+ // non-deterministic. Since we are trying to be more considerate of older kernels, we should
+ // only rely on v4.13 feats.
+ // Expected sort order should be: `BAR`, `aya_global` (if ran local), `FOO`
+ maps.sort_unstable_by_key(|m| (m.map_type(), m.id()));
+ // Ensure program has the 2 maps.
+ if let Ok(info) = prog.info() {
+ let map_ids = info.map_ids().unwrap();
+ kernel_assert_eq!(2, map_ids.len(), KernelVersion::new(4, 15, 0));
+ for id in map_ids.iter() {
+ assert!(
+ maps.iter().any(|m| m.id() == *id),
+ "expected `loaded_maps()` to have `map_ids` from program"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ // Test `bpf_map_info` fields.
+ let hash = maps.first().unwrap();
+ kernel_assert_eq!(
+ bpf_map_type::BPF_MAP_TYPE_HASH as u32,
+ hash.map_type(),
+ KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0)
+ );
+ kernel_assert!(hash.id() > 0, KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert_eq!(4, hash.key_size(), KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert_eq!(1, hash.value_size(), KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert_eq!(8, hash.max_entries(), KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert_eq!(
+ "BAR",
+ hash.name_as_str().unwrap(),
+ KernelVersion::new(4, 15, 0)
+ );
+ hash.map_flags();
+ hash.fd().unwrap();
+ let array = maps.last().unwrap();
+ kernel_assert_eq!(
+ bpf_map_type::BPF_MAP_TYPE_ARRAY as u32,
+ array.map_type(),
+ KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0)
+ );
+ kernel_assert!(array.id() > 0, KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert_eq!(4, array.key_size(), KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert_eq!(4, array.value_size(), KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert_eq!(10, array.max_entries(), KernelVersion::new(4, 13, 0));
+ kernel_assert_eq!(
+ "FOO",
+ array.name_as_str().unwrap(),
+ KernelVersion::new(4, 15, 0)
+ );
+ array.map_flags();
+ array.fd().unwrap();
+/// Enable program to be JIT-compiled if not already enabled.
+fn enable_jit() -> bool {
+ match fs::read_to_string(BPF_JIT_ENABLE) {
+ Ok(contents) => {
+ if contents.chars().next().is_some_and(|c| c == '0') {
+ let failed = fs::write(BPF_JIT_ENABLE, b"1").is_err();
+ if failed {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ true
+ }
+ Err(_) => false,
+ }