@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ impl Btf {
) -> Result<(), BtfError> {
let mut types = mem::take(&mut self.types);
for i in 0..types.types.len() {
- let t = &types.types[i];
+ let t = &mut types.types[i];
let kind = t.kind();
match t {
// Fixup PTR for Rust
@@ -483,9 +483,7 @@ impl Btf {
// While I figure out if this needs fixing in the Kernel or LLVM, we'll
// do a fixup here
BtfType::Ptr(ptr) => {
- let mut fixed_ty = ptr.clone();
- fixed_ty.name_offset = 0;
- types.types[i] = BtfType::Ptr(fixed_ty)
+ ptr.name_offset = 0;
// Sanitize VAR if they are not supported
BtfType::Var(v) if !features.btf_datasec => {
@@ -496,7 +494,7 @@ impl Btf {
debug!("{}: not supported. replacing with STRUCT", kind);
// STRUCT aren't allowed to have "." in their name, fixup this if needed.
- let mut name_offset = t.name_offset();
+ let mut name_offset = d.name_offset;
let name = self.string_at(name_offset)?;
// Handle any "." characters in struct names
@@ -506,18 +504,22 @@ impl Btf {
name_offset = self.add_string(&fixed_name);
- let mut members = vec![];
- for member in d.entries.iter() {
- let mt = types.type_by_id(member.btf_type).unwrap();
- members.push(BtfMember {
- name_offset: mt.name_offset(),
- btf_type: member.btf_type,
- offset: member.offset * 8,
+ let entries = std::mem::take(&mut d.entries);
+ let members = entries
+ .iter()
+ .map(|e| {
+ let mt = types.type_by_id(e.btf_type).unwrap();
+ BtfMember {
+ name_offset: mt.name_offset(),
+ btf_type: e.btf_type,
+ offset: e.offset * 8,
+ }
- }
+ .collect();
types.types[i] =
- BtfType::Struct(Struct::new(name_offset, members, d.entries.len() as u32));
+ BtfType::Struct(Struct::new(name_offset, members, entries.len() as u32));
// Fixup DATASEC
// DATASEC sizes aren't always set by LLVM
@@ -527,18 +529,16 @@ impl Btf {
let name = self.string_at(d.name_offset)?;
let name = name.into_owned();
- let mut fixed_ty = d.clone();
// Handle any "/" characters in section names
// Example: "maps/hashmap"
let fixed_name = name.replace('/', ".");
if fixed_name != name {
- fixed_ty.name_offset = self.add_string(&fixed_name);
+ d.name_offset = self.add_string(&fixed_name);
// There are some cases when the compiler does indeed populate the
// size
- if t.size().unwrap() > 0 {
+ if d.size > 0 {
debug!("{} {}: size fixup not required", kind, name);
} else {
// We need to get the size of the section from the ELF file
@@ -551,22 +551,23 @@ impl Btf {
debug!("{} {}: fixup size to {}", kind, name, size);
- fixed_ty.size = *size as u32;
+ d.size = *size as u32;
// The Vec<btf_var_secinfo> contains BTF_KIND_VAR sections
// that need to have their offsets adjusted. To do this,
// we need to get the offset from the ELF file.
// This was also cached during initial parsing and
// we can query by name in symbol_offsets
- for d in &mut fixed_ty.entries.iter_mut() {
- let var_type = types.type_by_id(d.btf_type)?;
- let var_kind = var_type.kind();
- if let BtfType::Var(var) = var_type {
+ let mut entries = mem::take(&mut d.entries);
+ let mut fixed_section = d.clone();
+ for e in entries.iter_mut() {
+ if let BtfType::Var(var) = types.type_by_id(e.btf_type)? {
let var_name = self.string_at(var.name_offset)?;
if var.linkage == VarLinkage::Static {
- "{} {}: {} {}: fixup not required",
- kind, name, var_kind, var_name
+ "{} {}: VAR {}: fixup not required",
+ kind, name, var_name
@@ -579,27 +580,26 @@ impl Btf {
- d.offset = *offset as u32;
+ e.offset = *offset as u32;
- "{} {}: {} {}: fixup offset {}",
- kind, name, var_kind, var_name, offset
+ "{} {}: VAR {}: fixup offset {}",
+ kind, name, var_name, offset
} else {
return Err(BtfError::InvalidDatasec);
+ fixed_section.entries = entries;
+ types.types[i] = BtfType::DataSec(fixed_section);
- types.types[i] = BtfType::DataSec(fixed_ty);
BtfType::FuncProto(ty) if features.btf_func => {
- let mut ty = ty.clone();
for (i, param) in ty.params.iter_mut().enumerate() {
if param.name_offset == 0 && param.btf_type != 0 {
param.name_offset = self.add_string(&format!("param{i}"));
- types.types[i] = BtfType::FuncProto(ty);
// Sanitize FUNC_PROTO
BtfType::FuncProto(ty) if !features.btf_func => {
@@ -635,7 +635,6 @@ impl Btf {
// and verified separately from their callers, while instead we
// want tracking info (eg bound checks) to be propagated to the
// memory builtins.
- let mut fixed_ty = ty.clone();
if ty.linkage() == FuncLinkage::Global {
if !features.btf_func_global {
@@ -645,9 +644,8 @@ impl Btf {
} else {
debug!("changing FUNC {name} linkage to BTF_FUNC_STATIC");
- fixed_ty.set_linkage(FuncLinkage::Static);
+ ty.set_linkage(FuncLinkage::Static);
- types.types[i] = BtfType::Func(fixed_ty);
// Sanitize FLOAT
@@ -1244,9 +1242,9 @@ mod tests {
- let name_offset = btf.add_string("foo");
+ let var_name_offset = btf.add_string("foo");
let var_type_id = btf.add_type(BtfType::Var(Var::new(
- name_offset,
+ var_name_offset,
@@ -1271,11 +1269,14 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(fixed.name_offset , name_offset);
assert_matches!(*fixed.members, [
BtfMember {
- name_offset: _,
+ name_offset: name_offset1,
offset: 0,
- ] => assert_eq!(btf_type, var_type_id));
+ ] => {
+ assert_eq!(name_offset1, var_name_offset);
+ assert_eq!(btf_type, var_type_id);
+ })
// Ensure we can convert to bytes and back again
let raw = btf.to_bytes();