@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+//! A [ring buffer map][ringbuf] that may be used to receive events from eBPF programs.
+//! As of Linux 5.8, this is the preferred way to transfer per-event data from eBPF
+//! programs to userspace.
+//! [ringbuf]: https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/bpf/ringbuf.html
+use std::{
+ borrow::Borrow,
+ ffi::{c_int, c_void},
+ fmt::{self, Debug, Formatter},
+ io, mem,
+ ops::Deref,
+ os::fd::{AsFd as _, AsRawFd, BorrowedFd, RawFd},
+ ptr,
+ ptr::NonNull,
+ slice,
+ sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, AtomicUsize, Ordering},
+use libc::{munmap, off_t, MAP_FAILED, MAP_SHARED, PROT_READ, PROT_WRITE};
+use crate::{
+ maps::{MapData, MapError},
+ sys::{mmap, SyscallError},
+ util::page_size,
+/// A map that can be used to receive events from eBPF programs.
+/// This is similar to [`crate::maps::PerfEventArray`], but different in a few ways:
+/// * It's shared across all CPUs, which allows a strong ordering between events.
+/// * Data notifications are delivered precisely instead of being sampled for every N events; the
+/// eBPF program can also control notification delivery if sampling is desired for performance
+/// reasons. By default, a notification will be sent if the consumer is caught up at the time of
+/// committing. The eBPF program can use the `BPF_RB_NO_WAKEUP` or `BPF_RB_FORCE_WAKEUP` flags to
+/// control this behavior.
+/// * On the eBPF side, it supports the reverse-commit pattern where the event can be directly
+/// written into the ring without copying from a temporary location.
+/// * Dropped sample notifications go to the eBPF program as the return value of `reserve`/`output`,
+/// and not the userspace reader. This might require extra code to handle, but allows for more
+/// flexible schemes to handle dropped samples.
+/// To receive events you need to:
+/// * Construct [`RingBuf`] using [`RingBuf::try_from`].
+/// * Call [`RingBuf::next`] to poll events from the [`RingBuf`].
+/// To receive async notifications of data availability, you may construct an
+/// [`tokio::io::unix::AsyncFd`] from the [`RingBuf`]'s file descriptor and poll it for readiness.
+/// # Minimum kernel version
+/// The minimum kernel version required to use this feature is 5.8.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```no_run
+/// # struct PollFd<T>(T);
+/// # fn poll_fd<T>(t: T) -> PollFd<T> { PollFd(t) }
+/// # impl<T> PollFd<T> {
+/// # fn readable(&mut self) -> Guard<'_, T> { Guard(self) }
+/// # }
+/// # struct Guard<'a, T>(&'a mut PollFd<T>);
+/// # impl<T> Guard<'_, T> {
+/// # fn inner_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T {
+/// # let Guard(PollFd(t)) = self;
+/// # t
+/// # }
+/// # fn clear_ready(&mut self) {}
+/// # }
+/// # let bpf = aya::Bpf::load(&[])?;
+/// use aya::maps::RingBuf;
+/// use std::convert::TryFrom;
+/// let ring_buf = RingBuf::try_from(bpf.map_mut("ARRAY")?)?;
+/// let poll = poll_fd(ring_buf);
+/// loop {
+/// let mut guard = poll.readable()?;
+/// let ring_buf = guard.inner_mut()
+/// while let Some(item) = ring_buf.next() {
+/// println!("Received: {:?}", item);
+/// }
+/// guard.clear_ready();
+/// }
+/// # Ok::<(), aya::BpfError>(())
+/// ```
+/// # Polling
+/// In the example above the implementations of poll(), poll.readable(), guard.inner_mut(), and
+/// guard.clear_ready() are not given. RingBuf implements the AsRawFd trait, so you can implement
+/// polling using any crate that can poll file descriptors, like epoll, mio etc. The above example
+/// API is motivated by that of [`tokio::io::unix::AsyncFd`].
+#[doc(alias = "BPF_MAP_TYPE_RINGBUF")]
+pub struct RingBuf<T> {
+ map: T,
+ consumer: ConsumerPos,
+ producer: ProducerData,
+impl<T: Borrow<MapData>> RingBuf<T> {
+ pub(crate) fn new(map: T) -> Result<Self, MapError> {
+ let data: &MapData = map.borrow();
+ let page_size = page_size();
+ let map_fd = data.fd().as_fd();
+ let byte_size = data.obj.max_entries();
+ let consumer_metadata = ConsumerMetadata::new(map_fd, 0, page_size)?;
+ let consumer = ConsumerPos::new(consumer_metadata);
+ let producer = ProducerData::new(map_fd, page_size, page_size, byte_size)?;
+ Ok(Self {
+ map,
+ consumer,
+ producer,
+ })
+ }
+impl<T> RingBuf<T> {
+ /// Try to take a new entry from the ringbuf.
+ ///
+ /// Returns `Some(item)` if the ringbuf is not empty. Returns `None` if the ringbuf is empty, in
+ /// which case the caller may register for availability notifications through `epoll` or other
+ /// APIs. Only one RingBufItem may be outstanding at a time.
+ //
+ // This is not an implementation of `Iterator` because we need to be able to refer to the
+ // lifetime of the iterator in the returned `RingBufItem`. If the Iterator::Item leveraged GATs,
+ // one could imagine an implementation of `Iterator` that would work. GATs are stabilized in
+ // Rust 1.65, but there's not yet a trait that the community seems to have standardized around.
+ #[allow(clippy::should_implement_trait)]
+ pub fn next(&mut self) -> Option<RingBufItem<'_>> {
+ let Self {
+ consumer, producer, ..
+ } = self;
+ producer.next(consumer)
+ }
+/// Access to the RawFd can be used to construct an AsyncFd for use with epoll.
+impl<T: Borrow<MapData>> AsRawFd for RingBuf<T> {
+ fn as_raw_fd(&self) -> RawFd {
+ let Self {
+ map,
+ consumer: _,
+ producer: _,
+ } = self;
+ map.borrow().fd().as_fd().as_raw_fd()
+ }
+/// The current outstanding item read from the ringbuf.
+pub struct RingBufItem<'a> {
+ data: &'a [u8],
+ consumer: &'a mut ConsumerPos,
+impl Deref for RingBufItem<'_> {
+ type Target = [u8];
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ let Self { data, .. } = self;
+ data
+ }
+impl Drop for RingBufItem<'_> {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let Self { consumer, data } = self;
+ consumer.consume(data.len())
+ }
+impl Debug for RingBufItem<'_> {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
+ let Self {
+ data,
+ consumer:
+ ConsumerPos {
+ pos,
+ metadata: ConsumerMetadata { mmap: _ },
+ },
+ } = self;
+ // In general Relaxed here is sufficient, for debugging, it certainly is.
+ f.debug_struct("RingBufItem")
+ .field("pos", pos)
+ .field("len", &data.len())
+ .finish()
+ }
+struct ConsumerMetadata {
+ mmap: MMap,
+impl ConsumerMetadata {
+ fn new(fd: BorrowedFd<'_>, offset: usize, page_size: usize) -> Result<Self, MapError> {
+ let mmap = MMap::new(
+ fd,
+ page_size,
+ offset.try_into().unwrap(),
+ )?;
+ Ok(Self { mmap })
+ }
+impl AsRef<AtomicUsize> for ConsumerMetadata {
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> &AtomicUsize {
+ let Self {
+ mmap: MMap { ptr, .. },
+ } = self;
+ unsafe { ptr.cast::<AtomicUsize>().as_ref() }
+ }
+struct ConsumerPos {
+ pos: usize,
+ metadata: ConsumerMetadata,
+impl ConsumerPos {
+ fn new(metadata: ConsumerMetadata) -> Self {
+ // Load the initial value of the consumer position. SeqCst is used to be safe given we don't
+ // have any claims about memory synchronization performed by some previous writer.
+ let pos = metadata.as_ref().load(Ordering::SeqCst);
+ Self { pos, metadata }
+ }
+ fn consume(&mut self, len: usize) {
+ let Self { pos, metadata } = self;
+ // TODO: Use primitive method when https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/88581 is stabilized.
+ fn next_multiple_of(n: usize, multiple: usize) -> usize {
+ match n % multiple {
+ 0 => n,
+ rem => n + (multiple - rem),
+ }
+ }
+ *pos += next_multiple_of(usize::try_from(BPF_RINGBUF_HDR_SZ).unwrap() + len, 8);
+ // Write operation needs to be properly ordered with respect to the producer committing new
+ // data to the ringbuf. The producer uses xchg (SeqCst) to commit new data [1]. The producer
+ // reads the consumer offset after clearing the busy bit on a new entry [2]. By using SeqCst
+ // here we ensure that either a subsequent read by the consumer to consume messages will see
+ // an available message, or the producer in the kernel will see the updated consumer offset
+ // that is caught up.
+ //
+ // [1]: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/2772d7df/kernel/bpf/ringbuf.c#L487-L488
+ // [2]: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/2772d7df/kernel/bpf/ringbuf.c#L494
+ metadata.as_ref().store(*pos, Ordering::SeqCst);
+ }
+struct ProducerData {
+ mmap: MMap,
+ // Offset in the mmap where the data starts.
+ data_offset: usize,
+ // A cache of the value of the producer position. It is used to avoid re-reading the producer
+ // position when we know there is more data to consume.
+ pos_cache: usize,
+ // A bitmask which truncates u32 values to the domain of valid offsets in the ringbuf.
+ mask: u32,
+impl ProducerData {
+ fn new(
+ fd: BorrowedFd<'_>,
+ offset: usize,
+ page_size: usize,
+ byte_size: u32,
+ ) -> Result<Self, MapError> {
+ // The producer pages have one page of metadata and then the data pages, all mapped
+ // read-only. Note that the length of the mapping includes the data pages twice as the
+ // kernel will map them two time consecutively to avoid special handling of entries that
+ // cross over the end of the ring buffer.
+ //
+ // The kernel diagram below shows the layout of the ring buffer. It references "meta pages",
+ // but we only map exactly one producer meta page read-only. The consumer meta page is mapped
+ // read-write elsewhere, and is taken into consideration via the offset parameter.
+ //
+ // From kernel/bpf/ringbuf.c[0]:
+ //
+ // Each data page is mapped twice to allow "virtual"
+ // continuous read of samples wrapping around the end of ring
+ // buffer area:
+ // ------------------------------------------------------
+ // | meta pages | real data pages | same data pages |
+ // ------------------------------------------------------
+ // | | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |
+ // ------------------------------------------------------
+ // | | TA DA | TA DA |
+ // ------------------------------------------------------
+ // ^^^^^^^
+ // |
+ // Here, no need to worry about special handling of wrapped-around
+ // data due to double-mapped data pages. This works both in kernel and
+ // when mmap()'ed in user-space, simplifying both kernel and
+ // user-space implementations significantly.
+ //
+ // [0]: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/3f01e9fe/kernel/bpf/ringbuf.c#L108-L124
+ let len = page_size + 2 * usize::try_from(byte_size).unwrap();
+ let mmap = MMap::new(fd, len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, offset.try_into().unwrap())?;
+ // byte_size is required to be a power of two multiple of page_size (which implicitly is a
+ // power of 2), so subtracting one will create a bitmask for values less than byte_size.
+ debug_assert!(byte_size.is_power_of_two());
+ let mask = byte_size - 1;
+ Ok(Self {
+ mmap,
+ data_offset: page_size,
+ pos_cache: 0,
+ mask,
+ })
+ }
+ fn next<'a>(&'a mut self, consumer: &'a mut ConsumerPos) -> Option<RingBufItem<'a>> {
+ let Self {
+ ref mmap,
+ data_offset,
+ pos_cache,
+ mask,
+ } = self;
+ let pos = unsafe { mmap.ptr.cast().as_ref() };
+ let mmap_data = mmap.as_ref();
+ let data_pages = mmap_data.get(*data_offset..).unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ panic!(
+ "offset {} out of bounds, data len {}",
+ data_offset,
+ mmap_data.len()
+ )
+ });
+ while data_available(pos, pos_cache, consumer) {
+ match read_item(data_pages, *mask, consumer) {
+ Item::Busy => return None,
+ Item::Discard { len } => consumer.consume(len),
+ Item::Data(data) => return Some(RingBufItem { data, consumer }),
+ }
+ }
+ return None;
+ enum Item<'a> {
+ Busy,
+ Discard { len: usize },
+ Data(&'a [u8]),
+ }
+ fn data_available(
+ producer: &AtomicUsize,
+ cache: &mut usize,
+ consumer: &ConsumerPos,
+ ) -> bool {
+ let ConsumerPos { pos: consumer, .. } = consumer;
+ if consumer == cache {
+ // This value is written using Release by the kernel [1], and should be read with
+ // Acquire to ensure that the prior writes to the entry header are visible.
+ //
+ // [1]: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/eb26cbb1/kernel/bpf/ringbuf.c#L447-L448
+ *cache = producer.load(Ordering::Acquire);
+ }
+ // Note that we don't compare the order of the values because the producer position may
+ // overflow u32 and wrap around to 0. Instead we just compare equality and assume that
+ // the consumer position is always logically less than the producer position.
+ //
+ // Note also that the kernel, at the time of writing [1], doesn't seem to handle this
+ // overflow correctly at all, and it's not clear that one can produce events after the
+ // producer position has wrapped around.
+ //
+ // [1]: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/4b810bf0/kernel/bpf/ringbuf.c#L434-L440
+ consumer != cache
+ }
+ fn read_item<'data>(data: &'data [u8], mask: u32, pos: &ConsumerPos) -> Item<'data> {
+ let ConsumerPos { pos, .. } = pos;
+ let offset = pos & usize::try_from(mask).unwrap();
+ let must_get_data = |offset, len| {
+ data.get(offset..offset + len).unwrap_or_else(|| {
+ panic!("{:?} not in {:?}", offset..offset + len, 0..data.len())
+ })
+ };
+ let header_ptr =
+ must_get_data(offset, mem::size_of::<AtomicU32>()).as_ptr() as *const AtomicU32;
+ // Pair the kernel's SeqCst write (implies Release) [1] with an Acquire load. This
+ // ensures data written by the producer will be visible.
+ //
+ // [1]: https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/eb26cbb1/kernel/bpf/ringbuf.c#L488
+ let header = unsafe { &*header_ptr }.load(Ordering::Acquire);
+ if header & BPF_RINGBUF_BUSY_BIT != 0 {
+ Item::Busy
+ } else {
+ let len = usize::try_from(header & mask).unwrap();
+ if header & BPF_RINGBUF_DISCARD_BIT != 0 {
+ Item::Discard { len }
+ } else {
+ let data_offset = offset + usize::try_from(BPF_RINGBUF_HDR_SZ).unwrap();
+ let data = must_get_data(data_offset, len);
+ Item::Data(data)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// MMap corresponds to a memory-mapped region.
+// The data is unmapped in Drop.
+struct MMap {
+ ptr: NonNull<c_void>,
+ len: usize,
+impl MMap {
+ fn new(
+ fd: BorrowedFd<'_>,
+ len: usize,
+ prot: c_int,
+ flags: c_int,
+ offset: off_t,
+ ) -> Result<Self, MapError> {
+ match unsafe { mmap(ptr::null_mut(), len, prot, flags, fd, offset) } {
+ MAP_FAILED => Err(MapError::SyscallError(SyscallError {
+ call: "mmap",
+ io_error: io::Error::last_os_error(),
+ })),
+ ptr => Ok(Self {
+ ptr: ptr::NonNull::new(ptr).ok_or(
+ // This should never happen, but to be paranoid, and so we never need to talk
+ // about a null pointer, we check it anyway.
+ MapError::SyscallError(SyscallError {
+ call: "mmap",
+ io_error: io::Error::new(
+ io::ErrorKind::Other,
+ "mmap returned null pointer",
+ ),
+ }),
+ )?,
+ len,
+ }),
+ }
+ }
+impl AsRef<[u8]> for MMap {
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
+ let Self { ptr, len } = self;
+ unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr.as_ptr().cast(), *len) }
+ }
+impl Drop for MMap {
+ fn drop(&mut self) {
+ let Self { ptr, len } = *self;
+ unsafe { munmap(ptr.as_ptr(), len) };
+ }