@@ -519,6 +519,36 @@ impl Object {
+ fn parse_map_section(
+ &mut self,
+ section: &Section,
+ symbols: Vec<Symbol>,
+ ) -> Result<(), ParseError> {
+ if symbols.is_empty() {
+ return Err(ParseError::NoSymbolsInMapSection {});
+ }
+ for (i, sym) in symbols.iter().enumerate() {
+ let start = sym.address as usize;
+ let end = start + sym.size as usize;
+ let data = §ion.data[start..end];
+ let name = sym
+ .name
+ .as_ref()
+ .ok_or(ParseError::MapSymbolNameNotFound { i })?;
+ let def = parse_map_def(name, data)?;
+ self.maps.insert(
+ name.to_string(),
+ Map {
+ section_index: section.index.0,
+ def,
+ data: Vec::new(),
+ kind: MapKind::Other,
+ },
+ );
+ }
+ Ok(())
+ }
fn parse_section(&mut self, mut section: Section) -> Result<(), BpfError> {
let mut parts = section.name.rsplitn(2, '/').collect::<Vec<_>>();
@@ -542,9 +572,19 @@ impl Object {
BpfSectionKind::Btf => self.parse_btf(§ion)?,
BpfSectionKind::BtfExt => self.parse_btf_ext(§ion)?,
BpfSectionKind::Maps => {
- let name = section.name.splitn(2, '/').last().unwrap();
- self.maps
- .insert(name.to_string(), parse_map(§ion, name)?);
+ let symbols: Vec<Symbol> = self
+ .symbols_by_index
+ .values()
+ .filter(|s| {
+ if let Some(idx) = s.section_index {
+ idx == section.index.0
+ } else {
+ false
+ }
+ })
+ .cloned()
+ .collect();
+ self.parse_map_section(§ion, symbols)?
BpfSectionKind::Program => {
let program = self.parse_program(§ion)?;
@@ -625,6 +665,12 @@ pub enum ParseError {
#[error("map for section with index {index} not found")]
MapNotFound { index: usize },
+ #[error("the map number {i} in the `maps` section doesn't have a symbol name")]
+ MapSymbolNameNotFound { i: usize },
+ #[error("no symbols found for the maps included in the maps section")]
+ NoSymbolsInMapSection {},
@@ -873,6 +919,22 @@ mod tests {
+ fn fake_sym(obj: &mut Object, section_index: usize, address: u64, name: &str, size: u64) {
+ let idx = obj.symbols_by_index.len();
+ obj.symbols_by_index.insert(
+ idx + 1,
+ Symbol {
+ index: idx + 1,
+ section_index: Some(section_index),
+ name: Some(name.to_string()),
+ address,
+ size,
+ is_definition: false,
+ kind: SymbolKind::Data,
+ },
+ );
+ }
fn bytes_of<T>(val: &T) -> &[u8] {
// Safety: This is for testing only
unsafe { crate::util::bytes_of(val) }
@@ -1113,7 +1175,7 @@ mod tests {
fn test_parse_section_map() {
let mut obj = fake_obj();
+ fake_sym(&mut obj, 0, 0, "foo", mem::size_of::<bpf_map_def>() as u64);
@@ -1132,6 +1194,39 @@ mod tests {
+ #[test]
+ fn test_parse_section_multiple_maps() {
+ let mut obj = fake_obj();
+ fake_sym(&mut obj, 0, 0, "foo", mem::size_of::<bpf_map_def>() as u64);
+ fake_sym(&mut obj, 0, 28, "bar", mem::size_of::<bpf_map_def>() as u64);
+ fake_sym(&mut obj, 0, 60, "baz", mem::size_of::<bpf_map_def>() as u64);
+ let def = &bpf_map_def {
+ map_type: 1,
+ key_size: 2,
+ value_size: 3,
+ max_entries: 4,
+ map_flags: 5,
+ ..Default::default()
+ };
+ let map_data = bytes_of(def).to_vec();
+ let mut buf = vec![];
+ buf.extend(&map_data);
+ buf.extend(&map_data);
+ // throw in some padding
+ buf.extend(&[0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ buf.extend(&map_data);
+ assert_matches!(
+ obj.parse_section(fake_section(BpfSectionKind::Maps, "maps", buf.as_slice(),)),
+ Ok(())
+ );
+ assert!(obj.maps.get("foo").is_some());
+ assert!(obj.maps.get("bar").is_some());
+ assert!(obj.maps.get("baz").is_some());
+ for (_, m) in &obj.maps {
+ assert_eq!(&m.def, def);
+ }
+ }
fn test_parse_section_data() {
let mut obj = fake_obj();