use core::{mem, ptr, str::FromStr}; use alloc::{ borrow::ToOwned, format, string::{String, ToString}, vec, vec::Vec, }; use crate::{ btf::{ fields_are_compatible, types_are_compatible, Array, Btf, BtfError, BtfMember, BtfType, IntEncoding, Struct, Union, MAX_SPEC_LEN, }, generated::{ bpf_core_relo, bpf_core_relo_kind::*, bpf_insn, BPF_ALU, BPF_ALU64, BPF_B, BPF_DW, BPF_H, BPF_K, BPF_LD, BPF_LDX, BPF_ST, BPF_STX, BPF_W, BTF_INT_SIGNED, }, thiserror::{self, Error}, util::HashMap, Object, Program, ProgramSection, }; /// The error type returned by [`Object::relocate_btf`]. #[derive(Error, Debug)] #[error("error relocating `{section}`")] pub struct BtfRelocationError { /// The function name pub section: String, #[source] /// The original error error: RelocationError, } /// Relocation failures #[derive(Error, Debug)] enum RelocationError { #[cfg(not(feature = "no_std"))] /// I/O error #[error(transparent)] IOError(#[from] std::io::Error), /// Program not found #[error("program not found")] ProgramNotFound, /// Invalid relocation access string #[error("invalid relocation access string {access_str}")] InvalidAccessString { /// The access string access_str: String, }, /// Invalid instruction index referenced by relocation #[error("invalid instruction index #{index} referenced by relocation #{relocation_number}, the program contains {num_instructions} instructions")] InvalidInstructionIndex { /// The invalid instruction index index: usize, /// Number of instructions in the program num_instructions: usize, /// The relocation number relocation_number: usize, }, /// Multiple candidate target types found with different memory layouts #[error("error relocating {type_name}, multiple candidate target types found with different memory layouts: {candidates:?}")] ConflictingCandidates { /// The type name type_name: String, /// The candidates candidates: Vec, }, /// Maximum nesting level reached evaluating candidate type #[error("maximum nesting level reached evaluating candidate type `{}`", err_type_name(.type_name))] MaximumNestingLevelReached { /// The type name type_name: Option, }, /// Invalid access string #[error("invalid access string `{spec}` for type `{}`: {error}", err_type_name(.type_name))] InvalidAccessIndex { /// The type name type_name: Option, /// The access string spec: String, /// The index index: usize, /// The max index max_index: usize, /// The error message error: String, }, /// Relocation not valid for type #[error( "relocation #{relocation_number} of kind `{relocation_kind}` not valid for type `{type_kind}`: {error}" )] InvalidRelocationKindForType { /// The relocation number relocation_number: usize, /// The relocation kind relocation_kind: String, /// The type kind type_kind: String, /// The error message error: String, }, /// Invalid instruction referenced by relocation #[error( "instruction #{index} referenced by relocation #{relocation_number} is invalid: {error}" )] InvalidInstruction { /// The relocation number relocation_number: usize, /// The instruction index index: usize, /// The error message error: String, }, #[error("applying relocation `{kind:?}` missing target BTF info for type `{type_id}` at instruction #{ins_index}")] MissingTargetDefinition { kind: RelocationKind, type_id: u32, ins_index: usize, }, /// BTF error #[error("invalid BTF")] BtfError(#[from] BtfError), } fn err_type_name(name: &Option) -> String { name.clone().unwrap_or_else(|| "[unknown name]".to_string()) } #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)] #[repr(u32)] enum RelocationKind { FieldByteOffset = BPF_CORE_FIELD_BYTE_OFFSET, FieldByteSize = BPF_CORE_FIELD_BYTE_SIZE, FieldExists = BPF_CORE_FIELD_EXISTS, FieldSigned = BPF_CORE_FIELD_SIGNED, FieldLShift64 = BPF_CORE_FIELD_LSHIFT_U64, FieldRShift64 = BPF_CORE_FIELD_RSHIFT_U64, TypeIdLocal = BPF_CORE_TYPE_ID_LOCAL, TypeIdTarget = BPF_CORE_TYPE_ID_TARGET, TypeExists = BPF_CORE_TYPE_EXISTS, TypeSize = BPF_CORE_TYPE_SIZE, EnumVariantExists = BPF_CORE_ENUMVAL_EXISTS, EnumVariantValue = BPF_CORE_ENUMVAL_VALUE, } impl TryFrom for RelocationKind { type Error = BtfError; fn try_from(v: u32) -> Result { use RelocationKind::*; Ok(match v { BPF_CORE_FIELD_BYTE_OFFSET => FieldByteOffset, BPF_CORE_FIELD_BYTE_SIZE => FieldByteSize, BPF_CORE_FIELD_EXISTS => FieldExists, BPF_CORE_FIELD_SIGNED => FieldSigned, BPF_CORE_FIELD_LSHIFT_U64 => FieldLShift64, BPF_CORE_FIELD_RSHIFT_U64 => FieldRShift64, BPF_CORE_TYPE_ID_LOCAL => TypeIdLocal, BPF_CORE_TYPE_ID_TARGET => TypeIdTarget, BPF_CORE_TYPE_EXISTS => TypeExists, BPF_CORE_TYPE_SIZE => TypeSize, BPF_CORE_ENUMVAL_EXISTS => EnumVariantExists, BPF_CORE_ENUMVAL_VALUE => EnumVariantValue, kind => return Err(BtfError::InvalidRelocationKind { kind }), }) } } #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub(crate) struct Relocation { kind: RelocationKind, ins_offset: usize, type_id: u32, access_str_offset: u32, number: usize, } impl Relocation { #[allow(unused_unsafe)] pub(crate) unsafe fn parse(data: &[u8], number: usize) -> Result { if mem::size_of::() > data.len() { return Err(BtfError::InvalidRelocationInfo); } let rel = unsafe { ptr::read_unaligned::(data.as_ptr() as *const _) }; Ok(Relocation { kind: rel.kind.try_into()?, ins_offset: rel.insn_off as usize, type_id: rel.type_id, access_str_offset: rel.access_str_off, number, }) } } impl Object { /// Relocates programs inside this object file with loaded BTF info. pub fn relocate_btf(&mut self, target_btf: &Btf) -> Result<(), BtfRelocationError> { let (local_btf, btf_ext) = match (&self.btf, &self.btf_ext) { (Some(btf), Some(btf_ext)) => (btf, btf_ext), _ => return Ok(()), }; let mut candidates_cache = HashMap::>::new(); for (sec_name_off, relos) in btf_ext.relocations() { let section_name = local_btf .string_at(*sec_name_off) .map_err(|e| BtfRelocationError { section: format!("section@{sec_name_off}"), error: RelocationError::BtfError(e), })?; let program_section = match ProgramSection::from_str(§ion_name) { Ok(program) => program, Err(_) => continue, }; let section_name =; let program = self .programs .get_mut(section_name) .ok_or(BtfRelocationError { section: section_name.to_owned(), error: RelocationError::ProgramNotFound, })?; match relocate_btf_program(program, relos, local_btf, target_btf, &mut candidates_cache) { Ok(_) => {} Err(error) => { return Err(BtfRelocationError { section: section_name.to_owned(), error, }) } } } Ok(()) } } fn relocate_btf_program<'target>( program: &mut Program, relos: &[Relocation], local_btf: &Btf, target_btf: &'target Btf, candidates_cache: &mut HashMap>>, ) -> Result<(), RelocationError> { for rel in relos { let instructions = &mut program.function.instructions; let ins_index = rel.ins_offset / mem::size_of::(); if ins_index >= instructions.len() { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidInstructionIndex { index: ins_index, num_instructions: instructions.len(), relocation_number: rel.number, }); } let local_ty = local_btf.type_by_id(rel.type_id)?; let local_name = &*local_btf.type_name(local_ty)?; let access_str = &*local_btf.string_at(rel.access_str_offset)?; let local_spec = AccessSpec::new(local_btf, rel.type_id, access_str, *rel)?; let matches = match rel.kind { RelocationKind::TypeIdLocal => Vec::new(), // we don't need to look at target types to relocate this value _ => { let candidates = match candidates_cache.get(&rel.type_id) { Some(cands) => cands, None => { candidates_cache.insert( rel.type_id, find_candidates(local_ty, local_name, target_btf)?, ); candidates_cache.get(&rel.type_id).unwrap() } }; let mut matches = Vec::new(); for candidate in candidates { if let Some(candidate_spec) = match_candidate(&local_spec, candidate)? { let comp_rel = ComputedRelocation::new(rel, &local_spec, Some(&candidate_spec))?; matches.push((, candidate_spec, comp_rel)); } } matches } }; let comp_rel = if !matches.is_empty() { let mut matches = matches.into_iter(); let (_, target_spec, target_comp_rel) =; // if there's more than one candidate, make sure that they all resolve to the // same value, else the relocation is ambiguous and can't be applied let conflicts = matches .filter_map(|(cand_name, cand_spec, cand_comp_rel)| { if cand_spec.bit_offset != target_spec.bit_offset || != { Some(cand_name) } else { None } }) .collect::>(); if !conflicts.is_empty() { return Err(RelocationError::ConflictingCandidates { type_name: local_name.to_string(), candidates: conflicts, }); } target_comp_rel } else { // there are no candidate matches and therefore no target_spec. This might mean // that matching failed, or that the relocation can be applied looking at local // types only (eg with EnumVariantExists, FieldExists etc) ComputedRelocation::new(rel, &local_spec, None)? }; comp_rel.apply(program, rel, local_btf, target_btf)?; } Ok(()) } fn flavorless_name(name: &str) -> &str { name.split_once("___").map_or(name, |x| x.0) } fn find_candidates<'target>( local_ty: &BtfType, local_name: &str, target_btf: &'target Btf, ) -> Result>, BtfError> { let mut candidates = Vec::new(); let local_name = flavorless_name(local_name); for (type_id, ty) in target_btf.types().enumerate() { if local_ty.kind() != ty.kind() { continue; } let name = &*target_btf.type_name(ty)?; if local_name != flavorless_name(name) { continue; } candidates.push(Candidate { name: name.to_owned(), btf: target_btf, _ty: ty, type_id: type_id as u32, }); } Ok(candidates) } fn match_candidate<'target>( local_spec: &AccessSpec, candidate: &'target Candidate, ) -> Result>, RelocationError> { let mut target_spec = AccessSpec { btf: candidate.btf, root_type_id: candidate.type_id, relocation: local_spec.relocation, parts: Vec::new(), accessors: Vec::new(), bit_offset: 0, }; match local_spec.relocation.kind { RelocationKind::TypeIdLocal | RelocationKind::TypeIdTarget | RelocationKind::TypeExists | RelocationKind::TypeSize => { if types_are_compatible( local_spec.btf, local_spec.root_type_id, candidate.btf, candidate.type_id, )? { return Ok(Some(target_spec)); } else { return Ok(None); } } RelocationKind::EnumVariantExists | RelocationKind::EnumVariantValue => { let target_id = candidate.btf.resolve_type(candidate.type_id)?; let target_ty = candidate.btf.type_by_id(target_id)?; // the first accessor is guaranteed to have a name by construction let local_variant_name = local_spec.accessors[0].name.as_ref().unwrap(); match target_ty { BtfType::Enum(en) => { for (index, member) in en.variants.iter().enumerate() { let target_variant_name = candidate.btf.string_at(member.name_offset)?; if flavorless_name(local_variant_name) == flavorless_name(&target_variant_name) {; target_spec.accessors.push(Accessor { index, type_id: target_id, name: None, }); return Ok(Some(target_spec)); } } } _ => return Ok(None), } } RelocationKind::FieldByteOffset | RelocationKind::FieldByteSize | RelocationKind::FieldExists | RelocationKind::FieldSigned | RelocationKind::FieldLShift64 | RelocationKind::FieldRShift64 => { let mut target_id = candidate.type_id; for (i, accessor) in local_spec.accessors.iter().enumerate() { target_id = candidate.btf.resolve_type(target_id)?; if { if let Some(next_id) = match_member( local_spec.btf, local_spec, accessor, candidate.btf, target_id, &mut target_spec, )? { target_id = next_id; } else { return Ok(None); } } else { // i = 0 is the base struct. for i > 0, we need to potentially do bounds checking if i > 0 { let target_ty = candidate.btf.type_by_id(target_id)?; let array = match target_ty { BtfType::Array(Array { array, .. }) => array, _ => return Ok(None), }; let var_len = array.len == 0 && { // an array is potentially variable length if it's the last field // of the parent struct and has 0 elements let parent = target_spec.accessors.last().unwrap(); let parent_ty = candidate.btf.type_by_id(parent.type_id)?; match parent_ty { BtfType::Struct(s) => parent.index == s.members.len() - 1, _ => false, } }; if !var_len && accessor.index >= array.len as usize { return Ok(None); } target_id = candidate.btf.resolve_type(array.element_type)?; } if == MAX_SPEC_LEN { return Err(RelocationError::MaximumNestingLevelReached { type_name: Some(, }); }; target_spec.accessors.push(Accessor { index: accessor.index, type_id: target_id, name: None, }); target_spec.bit_offset += accessor.index * candidate.btf.type_size(target_id)? * 8; } } } }; Ok(Some(target_spec)) } fn match_member<'target>( local_btf: &Btf, local_spec: &AccessSpec<'_>, local_accessor: &Accessor, target_btf: &'target Btf, target_id: u32, target_spec: &mut AccessSpec<'target>, ) -> Result, RelocationError> { let local_ty = local_btf.type_by_id(local_accessor.type_id)?; let local_member = match local_ty { // this won't panic, bounds are checked when local_spec is built in AccessSpec::new BtfType::Struct(s) => s.members.get(local_accessor.index).unwrap(), BtfType::Union(u) => u.members.get(local_accessor.index).unwrap(), _ => panic!("bug! this should only be called for structs and unions"), }; let local_name = &*local_btf.string_at(local_member.name_offset)?; let target_id = target_btf.resolve_type(target_id)?; let target_ty = target_btf.type_by_id(target_id)?; let target_members: Vec<&BtfMember> = match target_ty.members() { Some(members) => members.collect(), // not a fields type, no match None => return Ok(None), }; for (index, target_member) in target_members.iter().enumerate() { if == MAX_SPEC_LEN { let root_ty = target_spec.btf.type_by_id(target_spec.root_type_id)?; return Err(RelocationError::MaximumNestingLevelReached { type_name: target_spec.btf.err_type_name(root_ty), }); } // this will not panic as we've already established these are fields types let bit_offset = target_ty.member_bit_offset(target_member).unwrap(); let target_name = &*target_btf.string_at(target_member.name_offset)?; if target_name.is_empty() { let ret = match_member( local_btf, local_spec, local_accessor, target_btf, target_member.btf_type, target_spec, )?; if ret.is_some() { target_spec.bit_offset += bit_offset;; return Ok(ret); } } else if local_name == target_name { if fields_are_compatible( local_spec.btf, local_member.btf_type, target_btf, target_member.btf_type, )? { target_spec.bit_offset += bit_offset;; target_spec.accessors.push(Accessor { type_id: target_id, index, name: Some(target_name.to_owned()), }); return Ok(Some(target_member.btf_type)); } else { return Ok(None); } } } Ok(None) } #[derive(Debug)] struct AccessSpec<'a> { btf: &'a Btf, root_type_id: u32, parts: Vec, accessors: Vec, relocation: Relocation, bit_offset: usize, } impl<'a> AccessSpec<'a> { fn new( btf: &'a Btf, root_type_id: u32, spec: &str, relocation: Relocation, ) -> Result, RelocationError> { let parts = spec .split(':') .map(|s| s.parse::()) .collect::, _>>() .map_err(|_| RelocationError::InvalidAccessString { access_str: spec.to_string(), })?; let mut type_id = btf.resolve_type(root_type_id)?; let ty = btf.type_by_id(type_id)?; let spec = match relocation.kind { RelocationKind::TypeIdLocal | RelocationKind::TypeIdTarget | RelocationKind::TypeExists | RelocationKind::TypeSize => { if parts != [0] { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidAccessString { access_str: spec.to_string(), }); } AccessSpec { btf, root_type_id, relocation, parts, accessors: Vec::new(), bit_offset: 0, } } RelocationKind::EnumVariantExists | RelocationKind::EnumVariantValue => match ty { BtfType::Enum(en) => { if parts.len() != 1 { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidAccessString { access_str: spec.to_string(), }); } let index = parts[0]; if index >= en.variants.len() { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidAccessIndex { type_name: btf.err_type_name(ty), spec: spec.to_string(), index, max_index: en.variants.len(), error: "tried to access nonexistant enum variant".to_string(), }); } let accessors = vec![Accessor { type_id, index, name: Some( btf.string_at(en.variants.get(index).unwrap().name_offset)? .to_string(), ), }]; AccessSpec { btf, root_type_id, relocation, parts, accessors, bit_offset: 0, } } _ => { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidRelocationKindForType { relocation_number: relocation.number, relocation_kind: format!("{:?}", relocation.kind), type_kind: format!("{:?}", ty.kind()), error: "enum relocation on non-enum type".to_string(), }) } }, RelocationKind::FieldByteOffset | RelocationKind::FieldByteSize | RelocationKind::FieldExists | RelocationKind::FieldSigned | RelocationKind::FieldLShift64 | RelocationKind::FieldRShift64 => { let mut accessors = vec![Accessor { type_id, index: parts[0], name: None, }]; let mut bit_offset = accessors[0].index * btf.type_size(type_id)?; for index in parts.iter().skip(1).cloned() { type_id = btf.resolve_type(type_id)?; let ty = btf.type_by_id(type_id)?; match ty { BtfType::Struct(Struct { members, .. }) | BtfType::Union(Union { members, .. }) => { if index >= members.len() { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidAccessIndex { type_name: btf.err_type_name(ty), spec: spec.to_string(), index, max_index: members.len(), error: "out of bounds struct or union access".to_string(), }); } let member = &members[index]; bit_offset += ty.member_bit_offset(member).unwrap(); if member.name_offset != 0 { accessors.push(Accessor { type_id, index, name: Some(btf.string_at(member.name_offset)?.to_string()), }); } type_id = member.btf_type; } BtfType::Array(Array { array, .. }) => { type_id = btf.resolve_type(array.element_type)?; let var_len = array.len == 0 && { // an array is potentially variable length if it's the last field // of the parent struct and has 0 elements let parent = accessors.last().unwrap(); let parent_ty = btf.type_by_id(parent.type_id)?; match parent_ty { BtfType::Struct(s) => index == s.members.len() - 1, _ => false, } }; if !var_len && index >= array.len as usize { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidAccessIndex { type_name: btf.err_type_name(ty), spec: spec.to_string(), index, max_index: array.len as usize, error: "array index out of bounds".to_string(), }); } accessors.push(Accessor { type_id, index, name: None, }); let size = btf.type_size(type_id)?; bit_offset += index * size * 8; } rel_kind => { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidRelocationKindForType { relocation_number: relocation.number, relocation_kind: format!("{rel_kind:?}"), type_kind: format!("{:?}", ty.kind()), error: "field relocation on a type that doesn't have fields" .to_string(), }); } }; } AccessSpec { btf, root_type_id, parts, accessors, relocation, bit_offset, } } }; Ok(spec) } } #[derive(Debug)] struct Accessor { type_id: u32, index: usize, name: Option, } #[derive(Debug)] struct Candidate<'a> { name: String, btf: &'a Btf, _ty: &'a BtfType, type_id: u32, } #[derive(Debug)] struct ComputedRelocation { local: ComputedRelocationValue, target: ComputedRelocationValue, } #[derive(Debug)] struct ComputedRelocationValue { value: u64, size: u32, type_id: Option, } impl ComputedRelocation { fn new( rel: &Relocation, local_spec: &AccessSpec, target_spec: Option<&AccessSpec>, ) -> Result { use RelocationKind::*; let ret = match rel.kind { FieldByteOffset | FieldByteSize | FieldExists | FieldSigned | FieldLShift64 | FieldRShift64 => ComputedRelocation { local: Self::compute_field_relocation(rel, Some(local_spec))?, target: Self::compute_field_relocation(rel, target_spec)?, }, TypeIdLocal | TypeIdTarget | TypeExists | TypeSize => ComputedRelocation { local: Self::compute_type_relocation(rel, local_spec, target_spec)?, target: Self::compute_type_relocation(rel, local_spec, target_spec)?, }, EnumVariantExists | EnumVariantValue => ComputedRelocation { local: Self::compute_enum_relocation(rel, Some(local_spec))?, target: Self::compute_enum_relocation(rel, target_spec)?, }, }; Ok(ret) } fn apply( &self, program: &mut Program, rel: &Relocation, local_btf: &Btf, target_btf: &Btf, ) -> Result<(), RelocationError> { let instructions = &mut program.function.instructions; let num_instructions = instructions.len(); let ins_index = rel.ins_offset / mem::size_of::(); let mut ins = instructions .get_mut(ins_index) .ok_or(RelocationError::InvalidInstructionIndex { index: rel.ins_offset, num_instructions, relocation_number: rel.number, })?; let class = (ins.code & 0x07) as u32; let target_value =; match class { BPF_ALU | BPF_ALU64 => { let src_reg = ins.src_reg(); if src_reg != BPF_K as u8 { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidInstruction { relocation_number: rel.number, index: ins_index, error: format!("invalid src_reg={src_reg:x} expected {BPF_K:x}"), }); } ins.imm = target_value as i32; } BPF_LDX | BPF_ST | BPF_STX => { if target_value > i16::MAX as u64 { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidInstruction { relocation_number: rel.number, index: ins_index, error: format!("value `{target_value}` overflows 16 bits offset field"), }); } = target_value as i16; if self.local.size != { let local_ty = local_btf.type_by_id(self.local.type_id.unwrap())?; let target_ty = target_btf.type_by_id(; let unsigned = |info: u32| ((info >> 24) & 0x0F) & BTF_INT_SIGNED == 0; use BtfType::*; match (local_ty, target_ty) { (Ptr(_), Ptr(_)) => {} (Int(local), Int(target)) if unsigned( && unsigned( => {} _ => { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidInstruction { relocation_number: rel.number, index: ins_index, error: format!( "original type {} has size {} but target type {} has size {}", err_type_name(&local_btf.err_type_name(local_ty)), self.local.size, err_type_name(&target_btf.err_type_name(target_ty)),, ), }) } } let size = match { 8 => BPF_DW, 4 => BPF_W, 2 => BPF_H, 1 => BPF_B, size => { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidInstruction { relocation_number: rel.number, index: ins_index, error: format!("invalid target size {size}"), }) } } as u8; ins.code = ins.code & 0xE0 | size | ins.code & 0x07; } } BPF_LD => { ins.imm = target_value as i32; let mut next_ins = instructions.get_mut(ins_index + 1).ok_or( RelocationError::InvalidInstructionIndex { index: ins_index + 1, num_instructions, relocation_number: rel.number, }, )?; next_ins.imm = (target_value >> 32) as i32; } class => { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidInstruction { relocation_number: rel.number, index: ins_index, error: format!("invalid instruction class {class:x}"), }) } }; Ok(()) } fn compute_enum_relocation( rel: &Relocation, spec: Option<&AccessSpec>, ) -> Result { use RelocationKind::*; let value = match (rel.kind, spec) { (EnumVariantExists, spec) => spec.is_some() as u64, (EnumVariantValue, Some(spec)) => { let accessor = &spec.accessors[0]; match spec.btf.type_by_id(accessor.type_id)? { BtfType::Enum(en) => en.variants[accessor.index].value as u64, // candidate selection ensures that rel_kind == local_kind == target_kind _ => unreachable!(), } } _ => { return Err(RelocationError::MissingTargetDefinition { kind: rel.kind, type_id: rel.type_id, ins_index: rel.ins_offset / mem::size_of::(), })?; } }; Ok(ComputedRelocationValue { value, size: 0, type_id: None, }) } fn compute_field_relocation( rel: &Relocation, spec: Option<&AccessSpec>, ) -> Result { use RelocationKind::*; if let FieldExists = rel.kind { // this is the bpf_preserve_field_info(member_access, FIELD_EXISTENCE) case. If we // managed to build a spec, it means the field exists. return Ok(ComputedRelocationValue { value: spec.is_some() as u64, size: 0, type_id: None, }); } let spec = match spec { Some(spec) => spec, None => { return Err(RelocationError::MissingTargetDefinition { kind: rel.kind, type_id: rel.type_id, ins_index: rel.ins_offset / mem::size_of::(), })?; } }; let accessor = spec.accessors.last().unwrap(); if { // the last accessor is unnamed, meaning that this is an array access return match rel.kind { FieldByteOffset => Ok(ComputedRelocationValue { value: (spec.bit_offset / 8) as u64, size: spec.btf.type_size(accessor.type_id)? as u32, type_id: Some(accessor.type_id), }), FieldByteSize => Ok(ComputedRelocationValue { value: spec.btf.type_size(accessor.type_id)? as u64, size: 0, type_id: Some(accessor.type_id), }), rel_kind => { let ty = spec.btf.type_by_id(accessor.type_id)?; return Err(RelocationError::InvalidRelocationKindForType { relocation_number: rel.number, relocation_kind: format!("{rel_kind:?}"), type_kind: format!("{:?}", ty.kind()), error: "invalid relocation kind for array type".to_string(), }); } }; } let ty = spec.btf.type_by_id(accessor.type_id)?; let (ll_ty, member) = match ty { BtfType::Struct(t) => (ty, t.members.get(accessor.index).unwrap()), BtfType::Union(t) => (ty, t.members.get(accessor.index).unwrap()), _ => { return Err(RelocationError::InvalidRelocationKindForType { relocation_number: rel.number, relocation_kind: format!("{:?}", rel.kind), type_kind: format!("{:?}", ty.kind()), error: "field relocation on a type that doesn't have fields".to_string(), }); } }; let bit_off = spec.bit_offset as u32; let member_type_id = spec.btf.resolve_type(member.btf_type)?; let member_ty = spec.btf.type_by_id(member_type_id)?; let mut byte_size; let mut byte_off; let mut bit_size = ll_ty.member_bit_field_size(member).unwrap() as u32; let is_bitfield = bit_size > 0; if is_bitfield { // find out the smallest int size to load the bitfield byte_size = member_ty.size().unwrap(); byte_off = bit_off / 8 / byte_size * byte_size; while bit_off + bit_size - byte_off * 8 > byte_size * 8 { if byte_size >= 8 { // the bitfield is larger than 8 bytes!? return Err(BtfError::InvalidTypeInfo.into()); } byte_size *= 2; byte_off = bit_off / 8 / byte_size * byte_size; } } else { byte_size = spec.btf.type_size(member_type_id)? as u32; bit_size = byte_size * 8; byte_off = spec.bit_offset as u32 / 8; } let mut value = ComputedRelocationValue { value: 0, size: 0, type_id: None, }; #[allow(clippy::wildcard_in_or_patterns)] match rel.kind { FieldByteOffset => { value.value = byte_off as u64; if !is_bitfield { value.size = byte_size; value.type_id = Some(member_type_id); } } FieldByteSize => { value.value = byte_size as u64; } FieldSigned => match member_ty { BtfType::Enum(_) => value.value = 1, BtfType::Int(i) => value.value = i.encoding() as u64 & IntEncoding::Signed as u64, _ => (), }, #[cfg(target_endian = "little")] FieldLShift64 => { value.value = 64 - (bit_off + bit_size - byte_off * 8) as u64; } #[cfg(target_endian = "big")] FieldLShift64 => { value.value = (8 - byte_size) * 8 + (bit_off - byte_off * 8); } FieldRShift64 => { value.value = 64 - bit_size as u64; } FieldExists // this is handled at the start of the function | _ => panic!("bug! this should not be reached"), } Ok(value) } fn compute_type_relocation( rel: &Relocation, local_spec: &AccessSpec, target_spec: Option<&AccessSpec>, ) -> Result { use RelocationKind::*; let value = match (rel.kind, target_spec) { (TypeIdLocal, _) => local_spec.root_type_id as u64, (TypeIdTarget, Some(target_spec)) => target_spec.root_type_id as u64, (TypeExists, target_spec) => target_spec.is_some() as u64, (TypeSize, Some(target_spec)) => { target_spec.btf.type_size(target_spec.root_type_id)? as u64 } _ => { return Err(RelocationError::MissingTargetDefinition { kind: rel.kind, type_id: rel.type_id, ins_index: rel.ins_offset / mem::size_of::(), })?; } }; Ok(ComputedRelocationValue { value, size: 0, type_id: None, }) } }