630 B

  1. #![no_std]
  2. #![no_main]
  3. use aya_bpf::{bindings::xdp_action, macros::xdp, programs::XdpContext};
  4. // Note: the `frags` attribute causes this probe to be incompatible with kernel versions < 5.18.0.
  5. // See
  6. #[xdp(name = "pass", frags = "true")]
  7. pub fn pass(ctx: XdpContext) -> u32 {
  8. match unsafe { try_pass(ctx) } {
  9. Ok(ret) => ret,
  10. Err(_) => xdp_action::XDP_ABORTED,
  11. }
  12. }
  13. unsafe fn try_pass(_ctx: XdpContext) -> Result<u32, u32> {
  14. Ok(xdp_action::XDP_PASS)
  15. }
  16. #[cfg(not(test))]
  17. #[panic_handler]
  18. fn panic(_info: &core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
  19. loop {}
  20. }