123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263 |
- all: build test
- all-release: build-release test-release
- export DOG_DEBUG := ""
- # compiles the dog binary
- @build:
- cargo build
- # compiles the dog binary (in release mode)
- @build-release:
- cargo build --release --verbose
- strip target/release/dog
- # runs unit tests
- @test:
- cargo test --all -- --quiet
- # runs unit tests (in release mode)
- @test-release:
- cargo test --release --all --verbose
- # renders the documentation
- @doc args="":
- cargo doc --no-deps --all {{args}}
- # runs fuzzing on the dns crate
- @fuzz:
- cargo +nightly fuzz --version
- cd dns; cargo +nightly fuzz run fuzz_parsing -- -jobs=`nproc` -workers=`nproc` -runs=69105
- # prints out the data that caused crashes during fuzzing as hexadecimal
- @fuzz-hex:
- for crash in dns/fuzz/artifacts/fuzz_parsing/crash-*; do echo; echo $crash; hexyl $crash; done
- # removes fuzz log files
- @fuzz-clean:
- rm dns/fuzz/fuzz-*.log
- # lints the code
- @clippy:
- touch dns/src/lib.rs
- cargo clippy
- # generates a code coverage report using tarpaulin via docker
- @coverage-docker:
- docker run --security-opt seccomp=unconfined -v "${PWD}:/volume" xd009642/tarpaulin cargo tarpaulin --all --out Html
- # updates versions, and checks for outdated ones
- @update:
- cargo update; cargo outdated
- cd dns/fuzz; cargo update; cargo outdated
- # builds the man pages
- @man:
- mkdir -p "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man"
- pandoc --standalone -f markdown -t man man/dog.1.md > "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/dog.1"
- # builds and previews the man page
- @man-preview: man
- man "${CARGO_TARGET_DIR:-target}/man/dog.1"