123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990 |
- # Note: This works for both Windows PowerShell 5.1 and also PowerShell 7 (Core).
- # But beware that in Windows PowerShell 5.1, it has issues with completing args if they start with '-'.
- # For more information about the bug, see: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/2912
- # In PowerShell 7+, it should work correctly.
- Register-ArgumentCompleter -Native -CommandName 'dog' -ScriptBlock {
- param($wordToComplete, $commandAst, $cursorPosition)
- [string]$argsString = $commandAst.ToString()
- # skip the "dog", split the args afterwards as array
- [string[]]$argsArray = $argsString.Split([char[]]@(' ', '=')) | Select-Object -Skip 1
- if ($argsArray -eq $null) { $argsArray = @() }
- # detect if starting a new arg (aka ending with space and asking for a completion)
- [bool]$isNewArg = $cursorPosition -gt $argsString.Length
- if ($isNewArg) {
- # if writing a new arg, add empty arg so that current and previous would be shifted
- $argsArray += ''
- }
- # get current arg (empty if starting new)
- [string]$currentArg = $argsArray[-1]
- if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($currentArg)) {
- $currentArg = ''
- }
- # get previous arg
- [string]$previousArg = $argsArray[-2]
- if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($previousArg)) {
- $previousArg = ''
- }
- [string[]]$dnsTypeValues = @('A', 'AAAA', 'CAA', 'CNAME', 'HINFO', 'MX', 'NS', 'PTR', 'SOA', 'SRV', 'TXT')
- [string[]]$completions = @()
- [bool]$isOptionValue = $argsString.EndsWith('=')
- # complete option value
- switch -Regex ($previousArg) {
- '^(-q|--query)' { $isOptionValue = $true }
- '^(-t|--type)' { $isOptionValue = $true; $completions += $dnsTypeValues }
- '^(-n|--nameserver)' { $isOptionValue = $true }
- '^(--class)' { $isOptionValue = $true; $completions += @('IN', 'CH', 'HS') }
- '^(--edns)' { $isOptionValue = $true; $completions += @('disable', 'hide', 'show') }
- '^(--txid)' { $isOptionValue = $true }
- '^(-Z)' { $isOptionValue = $true; $completions += @('aa', 'ad', 'bufsize=', 'cd') }
- '^(--color|--colour)' { $isOptionValue = $true; $completions += @('always', 'automatic', 'never') }
- }
- # detect whether to complete option value
- if ($isOptionValue) {
- if (!$isNewArg) {
- # if using =, complete including the option name and =
- $completions = $completions | ForEach-Object { "$previousArg=$_" }
- }
- }
- else {
- # if not completing option value, offer DNS type values first
- $completions += $dnsTypeValues
- # complete option name
- [string[]]$allOptions = @(
- '-q', '--query',
- '-t', '--type',
- '-n', '--nameserver',
- '--class',
- '--edns',
- '--txid',
- '-Z',
- '-U', '--udp',
- '-T', '--tcp',
- '-S', '--tls',
- '-H', '--https',
- '-1', '--short',
- '-J', '--json',
- '--color', '--colour',
- '--seconds',
- '--time',
- '-?', '--help',
- '-v', '--version'
- ) | Sort-Object
- $completions += $allOptions
- }
- if ($completions.Count -gt 0) {
- # narrow down completions by like* matching
- return $completions -like "$currentArg*"
- }
- }