@@ -491,262 +491,3 @@ impl<'a> PosixRegexMatcher<'a> {
-mod tests {
- #[cfg(feature = "bench")]
- extern crate test;
- #[cfg(feature = "bench")]
- use self::test::Bencher;
- use super::*;
- use ::PosixRegexBuilder;
- // FIXME: Workaround to coerce a Box<[T; N]> into a Box<[T]>. Use type
- // ascription when stabilized.
- fn boxed_slice<T>(slice: Box<[T]>) -> Box<[T]> {
- slice
- }
- macro_rules! abox {
- ($($item:expr),*) => {
- boxed_slice(Box::new([$($item),*]))
- }
- }
- fn compile(regex: &str) -> PosixRegex {
- PosixRegexBuilder::new(regex.as_bytes())
- .with_default_classes()
- .compile()
- .expect("error compiling regex")
- }
- fn matches(regex: &str, input: &str) -> Vec<Box<[Option<(usize, usize)>]>> {
- compile(regex)
- .matches(input.as_bytes(), None)
- }
- fn matches_exact(regex: &str, input: &str) -> Option<Box<[Option<(usize, usize)>]>> {
- compile(regex)
- .matches_exact(input.as_bytes())
- }
- #[test]
- fn basic() {
- assert!(matches_exact("abc", "abc").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("abc", "bbc").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact("abc", "acc").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact("abc", "abd").is_none());
- }
- #[test]
- fn repetitions() {
- assert!(matches_exact("abc*", "ab").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("abc*", "abc").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("abc*", "abccc").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"a\{1,2\}b", "b").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"a\{1,2\}b", "ab").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"a\{1,2\}b", "aab").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"a\{1,2\}b", "aaab").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"[abc]\{3\}", "abcTRAILING").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"[abc]\{3\}", "abTRAILING").is_none());
- }
- #[test]
- fn any() {
- assert!(matches_exact(".*", "").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(".*b", "b").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(".*b", "ab").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(".*b", "aaaaab").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(".*b", "HELLO WORLD").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(".*b", "HELLO WORLDb").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("H.*O WORLD", "HELLO WORLD").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("H.*ORLD", "HELLO WORLD").is_some());
- }
- #[test]
- fn brackets() {
- assert!(matches_exact("[abc]*d", "abcd").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("[0-9]*d", "1234d").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("[[:digit:]]*d", "1234d").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("[[:digit:]]*d", "abcd").is_none());
- }
- #[test]
- fn alternations() {
- assert!(matches_exact(r"abc\|bcd", "abc").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"abc\|bcd", "bcd").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"abc\|bcd", "cde").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"[A-Z]\+\|yee", "").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"[A-Z]\+\|yee", "HELLO").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"[A-Z]\+\|yee", "yee").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"[A-Z]\+\|yee", "hello").is_none());
- }
- #[test]
- fn offsets() {
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact("abc", "abcd"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 3))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"[[:alpha:]]\+", "abcde12345"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 5))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"a\(bc\)\+d", "abcbcd"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 6)), Some((3, 5))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"hello\( \(world\|universe\) :D\)\?!", "hello world :D!"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 15)), Some((5, 14)), Some((6, 11))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"hello\( \(world\|universe\) :D\)\?", "hello world :D"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 14)), Some((5, 14)), Some((6, 11))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"\(\<hello\>\) world", "hello world"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 11)), Some((0, 5))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r".*d", "hid howd ared youd"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 18))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r".*\(a\)", "bbbbba"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 6)), Some((5, 6))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"\(a \(b\) \(c\)\) \(d\)", "a b c d"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 7)), Some((0, 5)), Some((2, 3)), Some((4, 5)), Some((6, 7))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"\(.\)*", "hello"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 5)), Some((4, 5))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches(r"h\(i\)", "hello hi lol"),
- vec!(abox![Some((6, 8)), Some((7, 8))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"\(\([[:alpha:]]\)*\)", "abcdefg"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 7)), Some((0, 7)), Some((6, 7))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"\(\.\([[:alpha:]]\)\)*", ".a.b.c.d.e.f.g"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 14)), Some((12, 14)), Some((13, 14))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"\(a\|\(b\)\)*\(c\)", "bababac"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 7)), Some((5, 6)), Some((4, 5)), Some((6, 7))])
- );
- assert_eq!(
- matches_exact(r"\(a\|\(b\)\)*\(c\)", "aaac"),
- Some(abox![Some((0, 4)), Some((2, 3)), None, Some((3, 4))])
- );
- }
- #[test]
- fn start_and_end() {
- assert!(matches_exact("^abc$", "abc").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("^bcd", "bcde").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("^bcd", "abcd").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact("abc$", "abc").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact("abc$", "abcd").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r".*\(^\|a\)c", "c").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r".*\(^\|a\)c", "ac").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r".*\(^\|a\)c", "bc").is_none());
- // Tests if ^ can be repeated without issues
- assert!(matches_exact(".*^^a", "helloabc").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(".*^^a", "abc").is_some());
- }
- #[test]
- fn word_boundaries() {
- assert!(matches_exact(r"hello\>.world", "hello world").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"hello\>.world", "hello!world").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"hello\>.world", "hellooworld").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"hello.\<world", "hello world").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"hello.\<world", "hello!world").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"hello.\<world", "hellooworld").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r".*\<hello\>", "hihello").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r".*\<hello\>", "hi_hello").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r".*\<hello\>", "hi hello").is_some());
- }
- #[test]
- fn groups() {
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(hello\) world", "hello world").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a*\|b\|c\)d", "d").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a*\|b\|c\)d", "aaaad").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a*\|b\|c\)d", "bd").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a*\|b\|c\)d", "bbbbbd").is_none());
- }
- #[test]
- fn repeating_groups() {
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)*d", "d").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)*d", "aaaad").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)*d", "bbbbd").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)*d", "aabbd").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)\{1,2\}d", "d").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)\{1,2\}d", "ad").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)\{1,2\}d", "abd").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)\{1,2\}d", "abcd").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(\(a\|b\|c\)\)\{1,2\}d", "abd").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(\(a\|b\|c\)\)\{1,2\}d", "abcd").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)\{4\}d", "ababad").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)\{4\}d", "ababd").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(a\|b\|c\)\{4\}d", "abad").is_none());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(\([abc]\)\)\{3\}", "abcTRAILING").is_some());
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(\([abc]\)\)\{3\}", "abTRAILING").is_none());
- }
- #[test]
- fn case_insensitive() {
- assert!(compile(r"abc[de]")
- .case_insensitive(true)
- .matches_exact(b"ABCD")
- .is_some());
- assert!(compile(r"abc[de]")
- .case_insensitive(true)
- .matches_exact(b"ABCF")
- .is_none());
- }
- #[test]
- fn newline() {
- assert_eq!(compile(r"^hello$")
- .newline(true)
- .matches(b"hi\nhello\ngreetings", None)
- .len(), 1);
- assert!(compile(r"^hello$")
- .newline(true)
- .matches(b"hi\ngood day\ngreetings", None)
- .is_empty());
- }
- #[test]
- fn no_start_end() {
- assert!(compile(r"^hello")
- .no_start(true)
- .matches_exact(b"hello")
- .is_none());
- assert!(compile(r"hello$")
- .no_end(true)
- .matches_exact(b"hello")
- .is_none());
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "bench")]
- #[bench]
- fn speed_matches_exact(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| {
- assert!(matches_exact(r"\(\(a*\|b\|c\) test\|yee\)", "aaaaa test").is_some());
- })
- }
- #[cfg(feature = "bench")]
- #[bench]
- fn speed_matches(b: &mut Bencher) {
- b.iter(|| {
- assert_eq!(matches(r"\(\(a*\|b\|c\) test\|yee\)", "oooo aaaaa test").len(), 1);
- })
- }