@@ -0,0 +1,5129 @@
+// Copyright 2013-2014 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+//! A Big integer (signed version: `BigInt`, unsigned version: `BigUint`).
+//! A `BigUint` is represented as a vector of `BigDigit`s.
+//! A `BigInt` is a combination of `BigUint` and `Sign`.
+//! Common numerical operations are overloaded, so we can treat them
+//! the same way we treat other numbers.
+//! ## Example
+//! ```rust
+//! use num::{BigUint, Zero, One};
+//! use std::mem::replace;
+//! // Calculate large fibonacci numbers.
+//! fn fib(n: usize) -> BigUint {
+//! let mut f0: BigUint = Zero::zero();
+//! let mut f1: BigUint = One::one();
+//! for _ in 0..n {
+//! let f2 = f0 + &f1;
+//! // This is a low cost way of swapping f0 with f1 and f1 with f2.
+//! f0 = replace(&mut f1, f2);
+//! }
+//! f0
+//! }
+//! // This is a very large number.
+//! println!("fib(1000) = {}", fib(1000));
+//! ```
+//! It's easy to generate large random numbers:
+//! ```rust
+//! extern crate rand;
+//! extern crate num;
+//! # #[cfg(feature = "rand")]
+//! # fn main() {
+//! use num::bigint::{ToBigInt, RandBigInt};
+//! let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
+//! let a = rng.gen_bigint(1000);
+//! let low = -10000.to_bigint().unwrap();
+//! let high = 10000.to_bigint().unwrap();
+//! let b = rng.gen_bigint_range(&low, &high);
+//! // Probably an even larger number.
+//! println!("{}", a * b);
+//! # }
+//! # #[cfg(not(feature = "rand"))]
+//! # fn main() {
+//! # }
+//! ```
+extern crate num_integer as integer;
+extern crate num_traits as traits;
+use std::borrow::Cow;
+use std::default::Default;
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::iter::repeat;
+use std::num::ParseIntError;
+use std::ops::{Add, BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor, Div, Mul, Neg, Rem, Shl, Shr, Sub};
+use std::str::{self, FromStr};
+use std::fmt;
+use std::cmp::Ordering::{self, Less, Greater, Equal};
+use std::{f32, f64};
+use std::{u8, i64, u64};
+use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+use serde;
+// Some of the tests of non-RNG-based functionality are randomized using the
+// RNG-based functionality, so the RNG-based functionality needs to be enabled
+// for tests.
+#[cfg(any(feature = "rand", test))]
+use rand::Rng;
+use integer::Integer;
+use traits::{ToPrimitive, FromPrimitive, Float, Num, Unsigned, CheckedAdd, CheckedSub, CheckedMul,
+ CheckedDiv, Signed, Zero, One};
+use self::Sign::{Minus, NoSign, Plus};
+/// A `BigDigit` is a `BigUint`'s composing element.
+pub type BigDigit = u32;
+/// A `DoubleBigDigit` is the internal type used to do the computations. Its
+/// size is the double of the size of `BigDigit`.
+pub type DoubleBigDigit = u64;
+pub const ZERO_BIG_DIGIT: BigDigit = 0;
+pub mod big_digit {
+ use super::BigDigit;
+ use super::DoubleBigDigit;
+ // `DoubleBigDigit` size dependent
+ pub const BITS: usize = 32;
+ pub const BASE: DoubleBigDigit = 1 << BITS;
+ const LO_MASK: DoubleBigDigit = (-1i32 as DoubleBigDigit) >> BITS;
+ #[inline]
+ fn get_hi(n: DoubleBigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ (n >> BITS) as BigDigit
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn get_lo(n: DoubleBigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ (n & LO_MASK) as BigDigit
+ }
+ /// Split one `DoubleBigDigit` into two `BigDigit`s.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_doublebigdigit(n: DoubleBigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
+ (get_hi(n), get_lo(n))
+ }
+ /// Join two `BigDigit`s into one `DoubleBigDigit`
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_doublebigdigit(hi: BigDigit, lo: BigDigit) -> DoubleBigDigit {
+ (lo as DoubleBigDigit) | ((hi as DoubleBigDigit) << BITS)
+ }
+// Generic functions for add/subtract/multiply with carry/borrow:
+// Add with carry:
+fn adc(a: BigDigit, b: BigDigit, carry: &mut BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ let (hi, lo) = big_digit::from_doublebigdigit((a as DoubleBigDigit) + (b as DoubleBigDigit) +
+ (*carry as DoubleBigDigit));
+ *carry = hi;
+ lo
+// Subtract with borrow:
+fn sbb(a: BigDigit, b: BigDigit, borrow: &mut BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ let (hi, lo) = big_digit::from_doublebigdigit(big_digit::BASE + (a as DoubleBigDigit) -
+ (b as DoubleBigDigit) -
+ (*borrow as DoubleBigDigit));
+ // hi * (base) + lo == 1*(base) + ai - bi - borrow
+ // => ai - bi - borrow < 0 <=> hi == 0
+ //
+ *borrow = if hi == 0 {
+ 1
+ } else {
+ 0
+ };
+ lo
+fn mac_with_carry(a: BigDigit, b: BigDigit, c: BigDigit, carry: &mut BigDigit) -> BigDigit {
+ let (hi, lo) = big_digit::from_doublebigdigit((a as DoubleBigDigit) +
+ (b as DoubleBigDigit) * (c as DoubleBigDigit) +
+ (*carry as DoubleBigDigit));
+ *carry = hi;
+ lo
+/// Divide a two digit numerator by a one digit divisor, returns quotient and remainder:
+/// Note: the caller must ensure that both the quotient and remainder will fit into a single digit.
+/// This is _not_ true for an arbitrary numerator/denominator.
+/// (This function also matches what the x86 divide instruction does).
+fn div_wide(hi: BigDigit, lo: BigDigit, divisor: BigDigit) -> (BigDigit, BigDigit) {
+ debug_assert!(hi < divisor);
+ let lhs = big_digit::to_doublebigdigit(hi, lo);
+ let rhs = divisor as DoubleBigDigit;
+ ((lhs / rhs) as BigDigit, (lhs % rhs) as BigDigit)
+/// A big unsigned integer type.
+/// A `BigUint`-typed value `BigUint { data: vec!(a, b, c) }` represents a number
+/// `(a + b * big_digit::BASE + c * big_digit::BASE^2)`.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "rustc-serialize", derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable))]
+pub struct BigUint {
+ data: Vec<BigDigit>,
+impl PartialEq for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn eq(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool {
+ match self.cmp(other) {
+ Equal => true,
+ _ => false,
+ }
+ }
+impl Eq for BigUint {}
+impl PartialOrd for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &BigUint) -> Option<Ordering> {
+ Some(self.cmp(other))
+ }
+fn cmp_slice(a: &[BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) -> Ordering {
+ debug_assert!(a.last() != Some(&0));
+ debug_assert!(b.last() != Some(&0));
+ let (a_len, b_len) = (a.len(), b.len());
+ if a_len < b_len {
+ return Less;
+ }
+ if a_len > b_len {
+ return Greater;
+ }
+ for (&ai, &bi) in a.iter().rev().zip(b.iter().rev()) {
+ if ai < bi {
+ return Less;
+ }
+ if ai > bi {
+ return Greater;
+ }
+ }
+ return Equal;
+impl Ord for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn cmp(&self, other: &BigUint) -> Ordering {
+ cmp_slice(&self.data[..], &other.data[..])
+ }
+impl Default for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn default() -> BigUint {
+ Zero::zero()
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for BigUint {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(true, "", &self.to_str_radix(10))
+ }
+impl fmt::LowerHex for BigUint {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(true, "0x", &self.to_str_radix(16))
+ }
+impl fmt::UpperHex for BigUint {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(true, "0x", &self.to_str_radix(16).to_ascii_uppercase())
+ }
+impl fmt::Binary for BigUint {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(true, "0b", &self.to_str_radix(2))
+ }
+impl fmt::Octal for BigUint {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(true, "0o", &self.to_str_radix(8))
+ }
+impl FromStr for BigUint {
+ type Err = ParseBigIntError;
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<BigUint, ParseBigIntError> {
+ BigUint::from_str_radix(s, 10)
+ }
+// Read bitwise digits that evenly divide BigDigit
+fn from_bitwise_digits_le(v: &[u8], bits: usize) -> BigUint {
+ debug_assert!(!v.is_empty() && bits <= 8 && big_digit::BITS % bits == 0);
+ debug_assert!(v.iter().all(|&c| (c as BigDigit) < (1 << bits)));
+ let digits_per_big_digit = big_digit::BITS / bits;
+ let data = v.chunks(digits_per_big_digit)
+ .map(|chunk| {
+ chunk.iter().rev().fold(0u32, |acc, &c| (acc << bits) | c as BigDigit)
+ })
+ .collect();
+ BigUint::new(data)
+// Read bitwise digits that don't evenly divide BigDigit
+fn from_inexact_bitwise_digits_le(v: &[u8], bits: usize) -> BigUint {
+ debug_assert!(!v.is_empty() && bits <= 8 && big_digit::BITS % bits != 0);
+ debug_assert!(v.iter().all(|&c| (c as BigDigit) < (1 << bits)));
+ let big_digits = (v.len() * bits + big_digit::BITS - 1) / big_digit::BITS;
+ let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(big_digits);
+ let mut d = 0;
+ let mut dbits = 0;
+ for &c in v {
+ d |= (c as DoubleBigDigit) << dbits;
+ dbits += bits;
+ if dbits >= big_digit::BITS {
+ let (hi, lo) = big_digit::from_doublebigdigit(d);
+ data.push(lo);
+ d = hi as DoubleBigDigit;
+ dbits -= big_digit::BITS;
+ }
+ }
+ if dbits > 0 {
+ debug_assert!(dbits < big_digit::BITS);
+ data.push(d as BigDigit);
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+// Read little-endian radix digits
+fn from_radix_digits_be(v: &[u8], radix: u32) -> BigUint {
+ debug_assert!(!v.is_empty() && !radix.is_power_of_two());
+ debug_assert!(v.iter().all(|&c| (c as u32) < radix));
+ // Estimate how big the result will be, so we can pre-allocate it.
+ let bits = (radix as f64).log2() * v.len() as f64;
+ let big_digits = (bits / big_digit::BITS as f64).ceil();
+ let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(big_digits as usize);
+ let (base, power) = get_radix_base(radix);
+ debug_assert!(base < (1 << 32));
+ let base = base as BigDigit;
+ let r = v.len() % power;
+ let i = if r == 0 {
+ power
+ } else {
+ r
+ };
+ let (head, tail) = v.split_at(i);
+ let first = head.iter().fold(0, |acc, &d| acc * radix + d as BigDigit);
+ data.push(first);
+ debug_assert!(tail.len() % power == 0);
+ for chunk in tail.chunks(power) {
+ if data.last() != Some(&0) {
+ data.push(0);
+ }
+ let mut carry = 0;
+ for d in data.iter_mut() {
+ *d = mac_with_carry(0, *d, base, &mut carry);
+ }
+ debug_assert!(carry == 0);
+ let n = chunk.iter().fold(0, |acc, &d| acc * radix + d as BigDigit);
+ add2(&mut data, &[n]);
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+impl Num for BigUint {
+ type FromStrRadixErr = ParseBigIntError;
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigUint`.
+ fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<BigUint, ParseBigIntError> {
+ assert!(2 <= radix && radix <= 36, "The radix must be within 2...36");
+ let mut s = s;
+ if s.starts_with('+') {
+ let tail = &s[1..];
+ if !tail.starts_with('+') {
+ s = tail
+ }
+ }
+ if s.is_empty() {
+ // create ParseIntError::Empty
+ let e = u64::from_str_radix(s, radix).unwrap_err();
+ return Err(e.into());
+ }
+ // First normalize all characters to plain digit values
+ let mut v = Vec::with_capacity(s.len());
+ for b in s.bytes() {
+ let d = match b {
+ b'0'...b'9' => b - b'0',
+ b'a'...b'z' => b - b'a' + 10,
+ b'A'...b'Z' => b - b'A' + 10,
+ _ => u8::MAX,
+ };
+ if d < radix as u8 {
+ v.push(d);
+ } else {
+ // create ParseIntError::InvalidDigit
+ let e = u64::from_str_radix(&s[v.len()..], radix).unwrap_err();
+ return Err(e.into());
+ }
+ }
+ let res = if radix.is_power_of_two() {
+ // Powers of two can use bitwise masks and shifting instead of multiplication
+ let bits = radix.trailing_zeros() as usize;
+ v.reverse();
+ if big_digit::BITS % bits == 0 {
+ from_bitwise_digits_le(&v, bits)
+ } else {
+ from_inexact_bitwise_digits_le(&v, bits)
+ }
+ } else {
+ from_radix_digits_be(&v, radix)
+ };
+ Ok(res)
+ }
+macro_rules! forward_val_val_binop {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ impl $imp<$res> for $res {
+ type Output = $res;
+ #[inline]
+ fn $method(self, other: $res) -> $res {
+ // forward to val-ref
+ $imp::$method(self, &other)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! forward_val_val_binop_commutative {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ impl $imp<$res> for $res {
+ type Output = $res;
+ #[inline]
+ fn $method(self, other: $res) -> $res {
+ // forward to val-ref, with the larger capacity as val
+ if self.data.capacity() >= other.data.capacity() {
+ $imp::$method(self, &other)
+ } else {
+ $imp::$method(other, &self)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! forward_ref_val_binop {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ impl<'a> $imp<$res> for &'a $res {
+ type Output = $res;
+ #[inline]
+ fn $method(self, other: $res) -> $res {
+ // forward to ref-ref
+ $imp::$method(self, &other)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! forward_ref_val_binop_commutative {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ impl<'a> $imp<$res> for &'a $res {
+ type Output = $res;
+ #[inline]
+ fn $method(self, other: $res) -> $res {
+ // reverse, forward to val-ref
+ $imp::$method(other, self)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! forward_val_ref_binop {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ impl<'a> $imp<&'a $res> for $res {
+ type Output = $res;
+ #[inline]
+ fn $method(self, other: &$res) -> $res {
+ // forward to ref-ref
+ $imp::$method(&self, other)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! forward_ref_ref_binop {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ impl<'a, 'b> $imp<&'b $res> for &'a $res {
+ type Output = $res;
+ #[inline]
+ fn $method(self, other: &$res) -> $res {
+ // forward to val-ref
+ $imp::$method(self.clone(), other)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! forward_ref_ref_binop_commutative {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ impl<'a, 'b> $imp<&'b $res> for &'a $res {
+ type Output = $res;
+ #[inline]
+ fn $method(self, other: &$res) -> $res {
+ // forward to val-ref, choosing the larger to clone
+ if self.data.len() >= other.data.len() {
+ $imp::$method(self.clone(), other)
+ } else {
+ $imp::$method(other.clone(), self)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Forward everything to ref-ref, when reusing storage is not helpful
+macro_rules! forward_all_binop_to_ref_ref {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ forward_val_val_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ forward_val_ref_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ forward_ref_val_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ };
+// Forward everything to val-ref, so LHS storage can be reused
+macro_rules! forward_all_binop_to_val_ref {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ forward_val_val_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ forward_ref_val_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ forward_ref_ref_binop!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ };
+// Forward everything to val-ref, commutatively, so either LHS or RHS storage can be reused
+macro_rules! forward_all_binop_to_val_ref_commutative {
+ (impl $imp:ident for $res:ty, $method:ident) => {
+ forward_val_val_binop_commutative!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ forward_ref_val_binop_commutative!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ forward_ref_ref_binop_commutative!(impl $imp for $res, $method);
+ };
+forward_all_binop_to_val_ref_commutative!(impl BitAnd for BigUint, bitand);
+impl<'a> BitAnd<&'a BigUint> for BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn bitand(self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ let mut data = self.data;
+ for (ai, &bi) in data.iter_mut().zip(other.data.iter()) {
+ *ai &= bi;
+ }
+ data.truncate(other.data.len());
+ BigUint::new(data)
+ }
+forward_all_binop_to_val_ref_commutative!(impl BitOr for BigUint, bitor);
+impl<'a> BitOr<&'a BigUint> for BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ fn bitor(self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ let mut data = self.data;
+ for (ai, &bi) in data.iter_mut().zip(other.data.iter()) {
+ *ai |= bi;
+ }
+ if other.data.len() > data.len() {
+ let extra = &other.data[data.len()..];
+ data.extend(extra.iter().cloned());
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+ }
+forward_all_binop_to_val_ref_commutative!(impl BitXor for BigUint, bitxor);
+impl<'a> BitXor<&'a BigUint> for BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ fn bitxor(self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ let mut data = self.data;
+ for (ai, &bi) in data.iter_mut().zip(other.data.iter()) {
+ *ai ^= bi;
+ }
+ if other.data.len() > data.len() {
+ let extra = &other.data[data.len()..];
+ data.extend(extra.iter().cloned());
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+ }
+fn biguint_shl(n: Cow<BigUint>, bits: usize) -> BigUint {
+ let n_unit = bits / big_digit::BITS;
+ let mut data = match n_unit {
+ 0 => n.into_owned().data,
+ _ => {
+ let len = n_unit + n.data.len() + 1;
+ let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(len);
+ data.extend(repeat(0).take(n_unit));
+ data.extend(n.data.iter().cloned());
+ data
+ }
+ };
+ let n_bits = bits % big_digit::BITS;
+ if n_bits > 0 {
+ let mut carry = 0;
+ for elem in data[n_unit..].iter_mut() {
+ let new_carry = *elem >> (big_digit::BITS - n_bits);
+ *elem = (*elem << n_bits) | carry;
+ carry = new_carry;
+ }
+ if carry != 0 {
+ data.push(carry);
+ }
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+impl Shl<usize> for BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn shl(self, rhs: usize) -> BigUint {
+ biguint_shl(Cow::Owned(self), rhs)
+ }
+impl<'a> Shl<usize> for &'a BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn shl(self, rhs: usize) -> BigUint {
+ biguint_shl(Cow::Borrowed(self), rhs)
+ }
+fn biguint_shr(n: Cow<BigUint>, bits: usize) -> BigUint {
+ let n_unit = bits / big_digit::BITS;
+ if n_unit >= n.data.len() {
+ return Zero::zero();
+ }
+ let mut data = match n_unit {
+ 0 => n.into_owned().data,
+ _ => n.data[n_unit..].to_vec(),
+ };
+ let n_bits = bits % big_digit::BITS;
+ if n_bits > 0 {
+ let mut borrow = 0;
+ for elem in data.iter_mut().rev() {
+ let new_borrow = *elem << (big_digit::BITS - n_bits);
+ *elem = (*elem >> n_bits) | borrow;
+ borrow = new_borrow;
+ }
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+impl Shr<usize> for BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn shr(self, rhs: usize) -> BigUint {
+ biguint_shr(Cow::Owned(self), rhs)
+ }
+impl<'a> Shr<usize> for &'a BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn shr(self, rhs: usize) -> BigUint {
+ biguint_shr(Cow::Borrowed(self), rhs)
+ }
+impl Zero for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn zero() -> BigUint {
+ BigUint::new(Vec::new())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
+ self.data.is_empty()
+ }
+impl One for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn one() -> BigUint {
+ BigUint::new(vec![1])
+ }
+impl Unsigned for BigUint {}
+forward_all_binop_to_val_ref_commutative!(impl Add for BigUint, add);
+// Only for the Add impl:
+fn __add2(a: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) -> BigDigit {
+ let mut b_iter = b.iter();
+ let mut carry = 0;
+ for ai in a.iter_mut() {
+ if let Some(bi) = b_iter.next() {
+ *ai = adc(*ai, *bi, &mut carry);
+ } else if carry != 0 {
+ *ai = adc(*ai, 0, &mut carry);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ debug_assert!(b_iter.next() == None);
+ carry
+/// /Two argument addition of raw slices:
+/// a += b
+/// The caller _must_ ensure that a is big enough to store the result - typically this means
+/// resizing a to max(a.len(), b.len()) + 1, to fit a possible carry.
+fn add2(a: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) {
+ let carry = __add2(a, b);
+ debug_assert!(carry == 0);
+// We'd really prefer to avoid using add2/sub2 directly as much as possible - since they make the
+// caller entirely responsible for ensuring a's vector is big enough, and that the result is
+// normalized, they're rather error prone and verbose:
+// We could implement the Add and Sub traits for BigUint + BigDigit slices, like below - this works
+// great, except that then it becomes the module's public interface, which we probably don't want:
+// I'm keeping the code commented out, because I think this is worth revisiting:
+// impl<'a> Add<&'a [BigDigit]> for BigUint {
+// type Output = BigUint;
+// fn add(mut self, other: &[BigDigit]) -> BigUint {
+// if self.data.len() < other.len() {
+// let extra = other.len() - self.data.len();
+// self.data.extend(repeat(0).take(extra));
+// }
+// let carry = __add2(&mut self.data[..], other);
+// if carry != 0 {
+// self.data.push(carry);
+// }
+// self
+// }
+// }
+impl<'a> Add<&'a BigUint> for BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ fn add(mut self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ if self.data.len() < other.data.len() {
+ let extra = other.data.len() - self.data.len();
+ self.data.extend(repeat(0).take(extra));
+ }
+ let carry = __add2(&mut self.data[..], &other.data[..]);
+ if carry != 0 {
+ self.data.push(carry);
+ }
+ self
+ }
+forward_all_binop_to_val_ref!(impl Sub for BigUint, sub);
+fn sub2(a: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) {
+ let mut b_iter = b.iter();
+ let mut borrow = 0;
+ for ai in a.iter_mut() {
+ if let Some(bi) = b_iter.next() {
+ *ai = sbb(*ai, *bi, &mut borrow);
+ } else if borrow != 0 {
+ *ai = sbb(*ai, 0, &mut borrow);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // note: we're _required_ to fail on underflow
+ assert!(borrow == 0 && b_iter.all(|x| *x == 0),
+ "Cannot subtract b from a because b is larger than a.");
+impl<'a> Sub<&'a BigUint> for BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ fn sub(mut self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ sub2(&mut self.data[..], &other.data[..]);
+ self.normalize()
+ }
+fn sub_sign(a: &[BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit]) -> BigInt {
+ // Normalize:
+ let a = &a[..a.iter().rposition(|&x| x != 0).map_or(0, |i| i + 1)];
+ let b = &b[..b.iter().rposition(|&x| x != 0).map_or(0, |i| i + 1)];
+ match cmp_slice(a, b) {
+ Greater => {
+ let mut ret = BigUint::from_slice(a);
+ sub2(&mut ret.data[..], b);
+ BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, ret.normalize())
+ }
+ Less => {
+ let mut ret = BigUint::from_slice(b);
+ sub2(&mut ret.data[..], a);
+ BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, ret.normalize())
+ }
+ _ => Zero::zero(),
+ }
+forward_all_binop_to_ref_ref!(impl Mul for BigUint, mul);
+/// Three argument multiply accumulate:
+/// acc += b * c
+fn mac_digit(acc: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit], c: BigDigit) {
+ if c == 0 {
+ return;
+ }
+ let mut b_iter = b.iter();
+ let mut carry = 0;
+ for ai in acc.iter_mut() {
+ if let Some(bi) = b_iter.next() {
+ *ai = mac_with_carry(*ai, *bi, c, &mut carry);
+ } else if carry != 0 {
+ *ai = mac_with_carry(*ai, 0, c, &mut carry);
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ assert!(carry == 0);
+/// Three argument multiply accumulate:
+/// acc += b * c
+fn mac3(acc: &mut [BigDigit], b: &[BigDigit], c: &[BigDigit]) {
+ let (x, y) = if b.len() < c.len() {
+ (b, c)
+ } else {
+ (c, b)
+ };
+ // Karatsuba multiplication is slower than long multiplication for small x and y:
+ //
+ if x.len() <= 4 {
+ for (i, xi) in x.iter().enumerate() {
+ mac_digit(&mut acc[i..], y, *xi);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /*
+ * Karatsuba multiplication:
+ *
+ * The idea is that we break x and y up into two smaller numbers that each have about half
+ * as many digits, like so (note that multiplying by b is just a shift):
+ *
+ * x = x0 + x1 * b
+ * y = y0 + y1 * b
+ *
+ * With some algebra, we can compute x * y with three smaller products, where the inputs to
+ * each of the smaller products have only about half as many digits as x and y:
+ *
+ * x * y = (x0 + x1 * b) * (y0 + y1 * b)
+ *
+ * x * y = x0 * y0
+ * + x0 * y1 * b
+ * + x1 * y0 * b
+ * + x1 * y1 * b^2
+ *
+ * Let p0 = x0 * y0 and p2 = x1 * y1:
+ *
+ * x * y = p0
+ * + (x0 * y1 + x1 * p0) * b
+ * + p2 * b^2
+ *
+ * The real trick is that middle term:
+ *
+ * x0 * y1 + x1 * y0
+ *
+ * = x0 * y1 + x1 * y0 - p0 + p0 - p2 + p2
+ *
+ * = x0 * y1 + x1 * y0 - x0 * y0 - x1 * y1 + p0 + p2
+ *
+ * Now we complete the square:
+ *
+ * = -(x0 * y0 - x0 * y1 - x1 * y0 + x1 * y1) + p0 + p2
+ *
+ * = -((x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) + p0 + p2
+ *
+ * Let p1 = (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0), and substitute back into our original formula:
+ *
+ * x * y = p0
+ * + (p0 + p2 - p1) * b
+ * + p2 * b^2
+ *
+ * Where the three intermediate products are:
+ *
+ * p0 = x0 * y0
+ * p1 = (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)
+ * p2 = x1 * y1
+ *
+ * In doing the computation, we take great care to avoid unnecessary temporary variables
+ * (since creating a BigUint requires a heap allocation): thus, we rearrange the formula a
+ * bit so we can use the same temporary variable for all the intermediate products:
+ *
+ * x * y = p2 * b^2 + p2 * b
+ * + p0 * b + p0
+ * - p1 * b
+ *
+ * The other trick we use is instead of doing explicit shifts, we slice acc at the
+ * appropriate offset when doing the add.
+ */
+ /*
+ * When x is smaller than y, it's significantly faster to pick b such that x is split in
+ * half, not y:
+ */
+ let b = x.len() / 2;
+ let (x0, x1) = x.split_at(b);
+ let (y0, y1) = y.split_at(b);
+ /* We reuse the same BigUint for all the intermediate multiplies: */
+ let len = y.len() + 1;
+ let mut p = BigUint { data: vec![0; len] };
+ // p2 = x1 * y1
+ mac3(&mut p.data[..], x1, y1);
+ // Not required, but the adds go faster if we drop any unneeded 0s from the end:
+ p = p.normalize();
+ add2(&mut acc[b..], &p.data[..]);
+ add2(&mut acc[b * 2..], &p.data[..]);
+ // Zero out p before the next multiply:
+ p.data.truncate(0);
+ p.data.extend(repeat(0).take(len));
+ // p0 = x0 * y0
+ mac3(&mut p.data[..], x0, y0);
+ p = p.normalize();
+ add2(&mut acc[..], &p.data[..]);
+ add2(&mut acc[b..], &p.data[..]);
+ // p1 = (x1 - x0) * (y1 - y0)
+ // We do this one last, since it may be negative and acc can't ever be negative:
+ let j0 = sub_sign(x1, x0);
+ let j1 = sub_sign(y1, y0);
+ match j0.sign * j1.sign {
+ Plus => {
+ p.data.truncate(0);
+ p.data.extend(repeat(0).take(len));
+ mac3(&mut p.data[..], &j0.data.data[..], &j1.data.data[..]);
+ p = p.normalize();
+ sub2(&mut acc[b..], &p.data[..]);
+ },
+ Minus => {
+ mac3(&mut acc[b..], &j0.data.data[..], &j1.data.data[..]);
+ },
+ NoSign => (),
+ }
+ }
+fn mul3(x: &[BigDigit], y: &[BigDigit]) -> BigUint {
+ let len = x.len() + y.len() + 1;
+ let mut prod = BigUint { data: vec![0; len] };
+ mac3(&mut prod.data[..], x, y);
+ prod.normalize()
+impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b BigUint> for &'a BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn mul(self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ mul3(&self.data[..], &other.data[..])
+ }
+fn div_rem_digit(mut a: BigUint, b: BigDigit) -> (BigUint, BigDigit) {
+ let mut rem = 0;
+ for d in a.data.iter_mut().rev() {
+ let (q, r) = div_wide(rem, *d, b);
+ *d = q;
+ rem = r;
+ }
+ (a.normalize(), rem)
+forward_all_binop_to_ref_ref!(impl Div for BigUint, div);
+impl<'a, 'b> Div<&'b BigUint> for &'a BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn div(self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ let (q, _) = self.div_rem(other);
+ return q;
+ }
+forward_all_binop_to_ref_ref!(impl Rem for BigUint, rem);
+impl<'a, 'b> Rem<&'b BigUint> for &'a BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn rem(self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ let (_, r) = self.div_rem(other);
+ return r;
+ }
+impl Neg for BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn neg(self) -> BigUint {
+ panic!()
+ }
+impl<'a> Neg for &'a BigUint {
+ type Output = BigUint;
+ #[inline]
+ fn neg(self) -> BigUint {
+ panic!()
+ }
+impl CheckedAdd for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn checked_add(&self, v: &BigUint) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ return Some(self.add(v));
+ }
+impl CheckedSub for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn checked_sub(&self, v: &BigUint) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ match self.cmp(v) {
+ Less => None,
+ Equal => Some(Zero::zero()),
+ Greater => Some(self.sub(v)),
+ }
+ }
+impl CheckedMul for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn checked_mul(&self, v: &BigUint) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ return Some(self.mul(v));
+ }
+impl CheckedDiv for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn checked_div(&self, v: &BigUint) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ if v.is_zero() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ return Some(self.div(v));
+ }
+impl Integer for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn div_rem(&self, other: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
+ self.div_mod_floor(other)
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn div_floor(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ let (d, _) = self.div_mod_floor(other);
+ return d;
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn mod_floor(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ let (_, m) = self.div_mod_floor(other);
+ return m;
+ }
+ fn div_mod_floor(&self, other: &BigUint) -> (BigUint, BigUint) {
+ if other.is_zero() {
+ panic!()
+ }
+ if self.is_zero() {
+ return (Zero::zero(), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ if *other == One::one() {
+ return (self.clone(), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ // Required or the q_len calculation below can underflow:
+ match self.cmp(other) {
+ Less => return (Zero::zero(), self.clone()),
+ Equal => return (One::one(), Zero::zero()),
+ Greater => {} // Do nothing
+ }
+ // This algorithm is from Knuth, TAOCP vol 2 section 4.3, algorithm D:
+ //
+ // First, normalize the arguments so the highest bit in the highest digit of the divisor is
+ // set: the main loop uses the highest digit of the divisor for generating guesses, so we
+ // want it to be the largest number we can efficiently divide by.
+ //
+ let shift = other.data.last().unwrap().leading_zeros() as usize;
+ let mut a = self << shift;
+ let b = other << shift;
+ // The algorithm works by incrementally calculating "guesses", q0, for part of the
+ // remainder. Once we have any number q0 such that q0 * b <= a, we can set
+ //
+ // q += q0
+ // a -= q0 * b
+ //
+ // and then iterate until a < b. Then, (q, a) will be our desired quotient and remainder.
+ //
+ // q0, our guess, is calculated by dividing the last few digits of a by the last digit of b
+ // - this should give us a guess that is "close" to the actual quotient, but is possibly
+ // greater than the actual quotient. If q0 * b > a, we simply use iterated subtraction
+ // until we have a guess such that q0 & b <= a.
+ //
+ let bn = *b.data.last().unwrap();
+ let q_len = a.data.len() - b.data.len() + 1;
+ let mut q = BigUint { data: vec![0; q_len] };
+ // We reuse the same temporary to avoid hitting the allocator in our inner loop - this is
+ // sized to hold a0 (in the common case; if a particular digit of the quotient is zero a0
+ // can be bigger).
+ //
+ let mut tmp = BigUint { data: Vec::with_capacity(2) };
+ for j in (0..q_len).rev() {
+ /*
+ * When calculating our next guess q0, we don't need to consider the digits below j
+ * + b.data.len() - 1: we're guessing digit j of the quotient (i.e. q0 << j) from
+ * digit bn of the divisor (i.e. bn << (b.data.len() - 1) - so the product of those
+ * two numbers will be zero in all digits up to (j + b.data.len() - 1).
+ */
+ let offset = j + b.data.len() - 1;
+ if offset >= a.data.len() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* just avoiding a heap allocation: */
+ let mut a0 = tmp;
+ a0.data.truncate(0);
+ a0.data.extend(a.data[offset..].iter().cloned());
+ /*
+ * q0 << j * big_digit::BITS is our actual quotient estimate - we do the shifts
+ * implicitly at the end, when adding and subtracting to a and q. Not only do we
+ * save the cost of the shifts, the rest of the arithmetic gets to work with
+ * smaller numbers.
+ */
+ let (mut q0, _) = div_rem_digit(a0, bn);
+ let mut prod = &b * &q0;
+ while cmp_slice(&prod.data[..], &a.data[j..]) == Greater {
+ let one: BigUint = One::one();
+ q0 = q0 - one;
+ prod = prod - &b;
+ }
+ add2(&mut q.data[j..], &q0.data[..]);
+ sub2(&mut a.data[j..], &prod.data[..]);
+ a = a.normalize();
+ tmp = q0;
+ }
+ debug_assert!(a < b);
+ (q.normalize(), a >> shift)
+ }
+ /// Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`.
+ ///
+ /// The result is always positive.
+ #[inline]
+ fn gcd(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ // Use Euclid's algorithm
+ let mut m = (*self).clone();
+ let mut n = (*other).clone();
+ while !m.is_zero() {
+ let temp = m;
+ m = n % &temp;
+ n = temp;
+ }
+ return n;
+ }
+ /// Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn lcm(&self, other: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ ((self * other) / self.gcd(other))
+ }
+ /// Deprecated, use `is_multiple_of` instead.
+ #[inline]
+ fn divides(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool {
+ self.is_multiple_of(other)
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` if the number is a multiple of `other`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_multiple_of(&self, other: &BigUint) -> bool {
+ (self % other).is_zero()
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_even(&self) -> bool {
+ // Considering only the last digit.
+ match self.data.first() {
+ Some(x) => x.is_even(),
+ None => true,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_odd(&self) -> bool {
+ !self.is_even()
+ }
+impl ToPrimitive for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_i64(&self) -> Option<i64> {
+ self.to_u64().and_then(|n| {
+ // If top bit of u64 is set, it's too large to convert to i64.
+ if n >> 63 == 0 {
+ Some(n as i64)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ // `DoubleBigDigit` size dependent
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_u64(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ match self.data.len() {
+ 0 => Some(0),
+ 1 => Some(self.data[0] as u64),
+ 2 => Some(big_digit::to_doublebigdigit(self.data[1], self.data[0]) as u64),
+ _ => None,
+ }
+ }
+ // `DoubleBigDigit` size dependent
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_f32(&self) -> Option<f32> {
+ match self.data.len() {
+ 0 => Some(f32::zero()),
+ 1 => Some(self.data[0] as f32),
+ len => {
+ // this will prevent any overflow of exponent
+ if len > (f32::MAX_EXP as usize) / big_digit::BITS {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let exponent = (len - 2) * big_digit::BITS;
+ // we need 25 significant digits, 24 to be stored and 1 for rounding
+ // this gives at least 33 significant digits
+ let mantissa = big_digit::to_doublebigdigit(self.data[len - 1],
+ self.data[len - 2]);
+ // this cast handles rounding
+ let ret = (mantissa as f32) * 2.0.powi(exponent as i32);
+ if ret.is_infinite() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(ret)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // `DoubleBigDigit` size dependent
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_f64(&self) -> Option<f64> {
+ match self.data.len() {
+ 0 => Some(f64::zero()),
+ 1 => Some(self.data[0] as f64),
+ 2 => Some(big_digit::to_doublebigdigit(self.data[1], self.data[0]) as f64),
+ len => {
+ // this will prevent any overflow of exponent
+ if len > (f64::MAX_EXP as usize) / big_digit::BITS {
+ None
+ } else {
+ let mut exponent = (len - 2) * big_digit::BITS;
+ let mut mantissa = big_digit::to_doublebigdigit(self.data[len - 1],
+ self.data[len - 2]);
+ // we need at least 54 significant bit digits, 53 to be stored and 1 for rounding
+ // so we take enough from the next BigDigit to make it up to 64
+ let shift = mantissa.leading_zeros() as usize;
+ if shift > 0 {
+ mantissa <<= shift;
+ mantissa |= self.data[len - 3] as u64 >> (big_digit::BITS - shift);
+ exponent -= shift;
+ }
+ // this cast handles rounding
+ let ret = (mantissa as f64) * 2.0.powi(exponent as i32);
+ if ret.is_infinite() {
+ None
+ } else {
+ Some(ret)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl FromPrimitive for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_i64(n: i64) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ if n >= 0 {
+ Some(BigUint::from(n as u64))
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_u64(n: u64) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ Some(BigUint::from(n))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_f64(mut n: f64) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ if !n.is_finite() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ // match the rounding of casting from float to int
+ n = n.trunc();
+ // handle 0.x, -0.x
+ if n.is_zero() {
+ return Some(BigUint::zero());
+ }
+ let (mantissa, exponent, sign) = Float::integer_decode(n);
+ if sign == -1 {
+ return None;
+ }
+ let mut ret = BigUint::from(mantissa);
+ if exponent > 0 {
+ ret = ret << exponent as usize;
+ } else if exponent < 0 {
+ ret = ret >> (-exponent) as usize;
+ }
+ Some(ret)
+ }
+impl From<u64> for BigUint {
+ // `DoubleBigDigit` size dependent
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(n: u64) -> Self {
+ match big_digit::from_doublebigdigit(n) {
+ (0, 0) => BigUint::zero(),
+ (0, n0) => BigUint { data: vec![n0] },
+ (n1, n0) => BigUint { data: vec![n0, n1] },
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! impl_biguint_from_uint {
+ ($T:ty) => {
+ impl From<$T> for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(n: $T) -> Self {
+ BigUint::from(n as u64)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/// A generic trait for converting a value to a `BigUint`.
+pub trait ToBigUint {
+ /// Converts the value of `self` to a `BigUint`.
+ fn to_biguint(&self) -> Option<BigUint>;
+impl ToBigUint for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_biguint(&self) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ if self.sign == Plus {
+ Some(self.data.clone())
+ } else if self.sign == NoSign {
+ Some(Zero::zero())
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ }
+impl ToBigUint for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_biguint(&self) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ Some(self.clone())
+ }
+macro_rules! impl_to_biguint {
+ ($T:ty, $from_ty:path) => {
+ impl ToBigUint for $T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_biguint(&self) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ $from_ty(*self)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl_to_biguint!(isize, FromPrimitive::from_isize);
+impl_to_biguint!(i8, FromPrimitive::from_i8);
+impl_to_biguint!(i16, FromPrimitive::from_i16);
+impl_to_biguint!(i32, FromPrimitive::from_i32);
+impl_to_biguint!(i64, FromPrimitive::from_i64);
+impl_to_biguint!(usize, FromPrimitive::from_usize);
+impl_to_biguint!(u8, FromPrimitive::from_u8);
+impl_to_biguint!(u16, FromPrimitive::from_u16);
+impl_to_biguint!(u32, FromPrimitive::from_u32);
+impl_to_biguint!(u64, FromPrimitive::from_u64);
+impl_to_biguint!(f32, FromPrimitive::from_f32);
+impl_to_biguint!(f64, FromPrimitive::from_f64);
+// Extract bitwise digits that evenly divide BigDigit
+fn to_bitwise_digits_le(u: &BigUint, bits: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
+ debug_assert!(!u.is_zero() && bits <= 8 && big_digit::BITS % bits == 0);
+ let last_i = u.data.len() - 1;
+ let mask: BigDigit = (1 << bits) - 1;
+ let digits_per_big_digit = big_digit::BITS / bits;
+ let digits = (u.bits() + bits - 1) / bits;
+ let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(digits);
+ for mut r in u.data[..last_i].iter().cloned() {
+ for _ in 0..digits_per_big_digit {
+ res.push((r & mask) as u8);
+ r >>= bits;
+ }
+ }
+ let mut r = u.data[last_i];
+ while r != 0 {
+ res.push((r & mask) as u8);
+ r >>= bits;
+ }
+ res
+// Extract bitwise digits that don't evenly divide BigDigit
+fn to_inexact_bitwise_digits_le(u: &BigUint, bits: usize) -> Vec<u8> {
+ debug_assert!(!u.is_zero() && bits <= 8 && big_digit::BITS % bits != 0);
+ let last_i = u.data.len() - 1;
+ let mask: DoubleBigDigit = (1 << bits) - 1;
+ let digits = (u.bits() + bits - 1) / bits;
+ let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(digits);
+ let mut r = 0;
+ let mut rbits = 0;
+ for hi in u.data[..last_i].iter().cloned() {
+ r |= (hi as DoubleBigDigit) << rbits;
+ rbits += big_digit::BITS;
+ while rbits >= bits {
+ res.push((r & mask) as u8);
+ r >>= bits;
+ rbits -= bits;
+ }
+ }
+ r |= (u.data[last_i] as DoubleBigDigit) << rbits;
+ while r != 0 {
+ res.push((r & mask) as u8);
+ r >>= bits;
+ }
+ res
+// Extract little-endian radix digits
+#[inline(always)] // forced inline to get const-prop for radix=10
+fn to_radix_digits_le(u: &BigUint, radix: u32) -> Vec<u8> {
+ debug_assert!(!u.is_zero() && !radix.is_power_of_two());
+ // Estimate how big the result will be, so we can pre-allocate it.
+ let radix_digits = ((u.bits() as f64) / (radix as f64).log2()).ceil();
+ let mut res = Vec::with_capacity(radix_digits as usize);
+ let mut digits = u.clone();
+ let (base, power) = get_radix_base(radix);
+ debug_assert!(base < (1 << 32));
+ let base = base as BigDigit;
+ while digits.data.len() > 1 {
+ let (q, mut r) = div_rem_digit(digits, base);
+ for _ in 0..power {
+ res.push((r % radix) as u8);
+ r /= radix;
+ }
+ digits = q;
+ }
+ let mut r = digits.data[0];
+ while r != 0 {
+ res.push((r % radix) as u8);
+ r /= radix;
+ }
+ res
+fn to_str_radix_reversed(u: &BigUint, radix: u32) -> Vec<u8> {
+ assert!(2 <= radix && radix <= 36, "The radix must be within 2...36");
+ if u.is_zero() {
+ return vec![b'0'];
+ }
+ let mut res = if radix.is_power_of_two() {
+ // Powers of two can use bitwise masks and shifting instead of division
+ let bits = radix.trailing_zeros() as usize;
+ if big_digit::BITS % bits == 0 {
+ to_bitwise_digits_le(u, bits)
+ } else {
+ to_inexact_bitwise_digits_le(u, bits)
+ }
+ } else if radix == 10 {
+ // 10 is so common that it's worth separating out for const-propagation.
+ // Optimizers can often turn constant division into a faster multiplication.
+ to_radix_digits_le(u, 10)
+ } else {
+ to_radix_digits_le(u, radix)
+ };
+ // Now convert everything to ASCII digits.
+ for r in &mut res {
+ debug_assert!((*r as u32) < radix);
+ if *r < 10 {
+ *r += b'0';
+ } else {
+ *r += b'a' - 10;
+ }
+ }
+ res
+impl BigUint {
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigUint`.
+ ///
+ /// The digits are in little-endian base 2^32.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn new(digits: Vec<BigDigit>) -> BigUint {
+ BigUint { data: digits }.normalize()
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigUint`.
+ ///
+ /// The digits are in little-endian base 2^32.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_slice(slice: &[BigDigit]) -> BigUint {
+ BigUint::new(slice.to_vec())
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigUint`.
+ ///
+ /// The bytes are in big-endian byte order.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::BigUint;
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(BigUint::from_bytes_be(b"A"),
+ /// BigUint::parse_bytes(b"65", 10).unwrap());
+ /// assert_eq!(BigUint::from_bytes_be(b"AA"),
+ /// BigUint::parse_bytes(b"16705", 10).unwrap());
+ /// assert_eq!(BigUint::from_bytes_be(b"AB"),
+ /// BigUint::parse_bytes(b"16706", 10).unwrap());
+ /// assert_eq!(BigUint::from_bytes_be(b"Hello world!"),
+ /// BigUint::parse_bytes(b"22405534230753963835153736737", 10).unwrap());
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_bytes_be(bytes: &[u8]) -> BigUint {
+ if bytes.is_empty() {
+ Zero::zero()
+ } else {
+ let mut v = bytes.to_vec();
+ v.reverse();
+ BigUint::from_bytes_le(&*v)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigUint`.
+ ///
+ /// The bytes are in little-endian byte order.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_bytes_le(bytes: &[u8]) -> BigUint {
+ if bytes.is_empty() {
+ Zero::zero()
+ } else {
+ from_bitwise_digits_le(bytes, 8)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the byte representation of the `BigUint` in little-endian byte order.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::BigUint;
+ ///
+ /// let i = BigUint::parse_bytes(b"1125", 10).unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(i.to_bytes_le(), vec![101, 4]);
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_bytes_le(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ if self.is_zero() {
+ vec![0]
+ } else {
+ to_bitwise_digits_le(self, 8)
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns the byte representation of the `BigUint` in big-endian byte order.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::BigUint;
+ ///
+ /// let i = BigUint::parse_bytes(b"1125", 10).unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(i.to_bytes_be(), vec![4, 101]);
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_bytes_be(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
+ let mut v = self.to_bytes_le();
+ v.reverse();
+ v
+ }
+ /// Returns the integer formatted as a string in the given radix.
+ /// `radix` must be in the range `[2, 36]`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::BigUint;
+ ///
+ /// let i = BigUint::parse_bytes(b"ff", 16).unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(i.to_str_radix(16), "ff");
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_str_radix(&self, radix: u32) -> String {
+ let mut v = to_str_radix_reversed(self, radix);
+ v.reverse();
+ unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(v) }
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigUint`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::{BigUint, ToBigUint};
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(BigUint::parse_bytes(b"1234", 10), ToBigUint::to_biguint(&1234));
+ /// assert_eq!(BigUint::parse_bytes(b"ABCD", 16), ToBigUint::to_biguint(&0xABCD));
+ /// assert_eq!(BigUint::parse_bytes(b"G", 16), None);
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: u32) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ str::from_utf8(buf).ok().and_then(|s| BigUint::from_str_radix(s, radix).ok())
+ }
+ /// Determines the fewest bits necessary to express the `BigUint`.
+ pub fn bits(&self) -> usize {
+ if self.is_zero() {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ let zeros = self.data.last().unwrap().leading_zeros();
+ return self.data.len() * big_digit::BITS - zeros as usize;
+ }
+ /// Strips off trailing zero bigdigits - comparisons require the last element in the vector to
+ /// be nonzero.
+ #[inline]
+ fn normalize(mut self) -> BigUint {
+ while let Some(&0) = self.data.last() {
+ self.data.pop();
+ }
+ self
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+impl serde::Serialize for BigUint {
+ fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error>
+ where S: serde::Serializer
+ {
+ self.data.serialize(serializer)
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+impl serde::Deserialize for BigUint {
+ fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
+ where D: serde::Deserializer
+ {
+ let data = try!(Vec::deserialize(deserializer));
+ Ok(BigUint { data: data })
+ }
+// `DoubleBigDigit` size dependent
+/// Returns the greatest power of the radix <= big_digit::BASE
+fn get_radix_base(radix: u32) -> (DoubleBigDigit, usize) {
+ // To generate this table:
+ // let target = std::u32::max as u64 + 1;
+ // for radix in 2u64..37 {
+ // let power = (target as f64).log(radix as f64) as u32;
+ // let base = radix.pow(power);
+ // println!("({:10}, {:2}), // {:2}", base, power, radix);
+ // }
+ const BASES: [(DoubleBigDigit, usize); 37] = [(0, 0),
+ (0, 0),
+ (4294967296, 32), // 2
+ (3486784401, 20), // 3
+ (4294967296, 16), // 4
+ (1220703125, 13), // 5
+ (2176782336, 12), // 6
+ (1977326743, 11), // 7
+ (1073741824, 10), // 8
+ (3486784401, 10), // 9
+ (1000000000, 9), // 10
+ (2357947691, 9), // 11
+ (429981696, 8), // 12
+ (815730721, 8), // 13
+ (1475789056, 8), // 14
+ (2562890625, 8), // 15
+ (4294967296, 8), // 16
+ (410338673, 7), // 17
+ (612220032, 7), // 18
+ (893871739, 7), // 19
+ (1280000000, 7), // 20
+ (1801088541, 7), // 21
+ (2494357888, 7), // 22
+ (3404825447, 7), // 23
+ (191102976, 6), // 24
+ (244140625, 6), // 25
+ (308915776, 6), // 26
+ (387420489, 6), // 27
+ (481890304, 6), // 28
+ (594823321, 6), // 29
+ (729000000, 6), // 30
+ (887503681, 6), // 31
+ (1073741824, 6), // 32
+ (1291467969, 6), // 33
+ (1544804416, 6), // 34
+ (1838265625, 6), // 35
+ (2176782336, 6) /* 36 */];
+ assert!(2 <= radix && radix <= 36, "The radix must be within 2...36");
+ BASES[radix as usize]
+/// A Sign is a `BigInt`'s composing element.
+#[derive(PartialEq, PartialOrd, Eq, Ord, Copy, Clone, Debug, Hash)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "rustc-serialize", derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable))]
+pub enum Sign {
+ Minus,
+ NoSign,
+ Plus,
+impl Neg for Sign {
+ type Output = Sign;
+ /// Negate Sign value.
+ #[inline]
+ fn neg(self) -> Sign {
+ match self {
+ Minus => Plus,
+ NoSign => NoSign,
+ Plus => Minus,
+ }
+ }
+impl Mul<Sign> for Sign {
+ type Output = Sign;
+ #[inline]
+ fn mul(self, other: Sign) -> Sign {
+ match (self, other) {
+ (NoSign, _) | (_, NoSign) => NoSign,
+ (Plus, Plus) | (Minus, Minus) => Plus,
+ (Plus, Minus) | (Minus, Plus) => Minus,
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+impl serde::Serialize for Sign {
+ fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error>
+ where S: serde::Serializer
+ {
+ match *self {
+ Sign::Minus => (-1i8).serialize(serializer),
+ Sign::NoSign => 0i8.serialize(serializer),
+ Sign::Plus => 1i8.serialize(serializer),
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+impl serde::Deserialize for Sign {
+ fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
+ where D: serde::Deserializer
+ {
+ use serde::de::Error;
+ let sign: i8 = try!(serde::Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer));
+ match sign {
+ -1 => Ok(Sign::Minus),
+ 0 => Ok(Sign::NoSign),
+ 1 => Ok(Sign::Plus),
+ _ => Err(D::Error::invalid_value("sign must be -1, 0, or 1")),
+ }
+ }
+/// A big signed integer type.
+#[derive(Clone, Debug, Hash)]
+#[cfg_attr(feature = "rustc-serialize", derive(RustcEncodable, RustcDecodable))]
+pub struct BigInt {
+ sign: Sign,
+ data: BigUint,
+impl PartialEq for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn eq(&self, other: &BigInt) -> bool {
+ self.cmp(other) == Equal
+ }
+impl Eq for BigInt {}
+impl PartialOrd for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &BigInt) -> Option<Ordering> {
+ Some(self.cmp(other))
+ }
+impl Ord for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn cmp(&self, other: &BigInt) -> Ordering {
+ let scmp = self.sign.cmp(&other.sign);
+ if scmp != Equal {
+ return scmp;
+ }
+ match self.sign {
+ NoSign => Equal,
+ Plus => self.data.cmp(&other.data),
+ Minus => other.data.cmp(&self.data),
+ }
+ }
+impl Default for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn default() -> BigInt {
+ Zero::zero()
+ }
+impl fmt::Display for BigInt {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(!self.is_negative(), "", &self.data.to_str_radix(10))
+ }
+impl fmt::Binary for BigInt {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(!self.is_negative(), "0b", &self.data.to_str_radix(2))
+ }
+impl fmt::Octal for BigInt {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(!self.is_negative(), "0o", &self.data.to_str_radix(8))
+ }
+impl fmt::LowerHex for BigInt {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(!self.is_negative(), "0x", &self.data.to_str_radix(16))
+ }
+impl fmt::UpperHex for BigInt {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ f.pad_integral(!self.is_negative(),
+ "0x",
+ &self.data.to_str_radix(16).to_ascii_uppercase())
+ }
+impl FromStr for BigInt {
+ type Err = ParseBigIntError;
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<BigInt, ParseBigIntError> {
+ BigInt::from_str_radix(s, 10)
+ }
+impl Num for BigInt {
+ type FromStrRadixErr = ParseBigIntError;
+ /// Creates and initializes a BigInt.
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_str_radix(mut s: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<BigInt, ParseBigIntError> {
+ let sign = if s.starts_with('-') {
+ let tail = &s[1..];
+ if !tail.starts_with('+') {
+ s = tail
+ }
+ Minus
+ } else {
+ Plus
+ };
+ let bu = try!(BigUint::from_str_radix(s, radix));
+ Ok(BigInt::from_biguint(sign, bu))
+ }
+impl Shl<usize> for BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn shl(self, rhs: usize) -> BigInt {
+ (&self) << rhs
+ }
+impl<'a> Shl<usize> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn shl(self, rhs: usize) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(self.sign, &self.data << rhs)
+ }
+impl Shr<usize> for BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn shr(self, rhs: usize) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(self.sign, self.data >> rhs)
+ }
+impl<'a> Shr<usize> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn shr(self, rhs: usize) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(self.sign, &self.data >> rhs)
+ }
+impl Zero for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn zero() -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(NoSign, Zero::zero())
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_zero(&self) -> bool {
+ self.sign == NoSign
+ }
+impl One for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn one() -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, One::one())
+ }
+impl Signed for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn abs(&self) -> BigInt {
+ match self.sign {
+ Plus | NoSign => self.clone(),
+ Minus => BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, self.data.clone()),
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn abs_sub(&self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ if *self <= *other {
+ Zero::zero()
+ } else {
+ self - other
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn signum(&self) -> BigInt {
+ match self.sign {
+ Plus => BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, One::one()),
+ Minus => BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, One::one()),
+ NoSign => Zero::zero(),
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_positive(&self) -> bool {
+ self.sign == Plus
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_negative(&self) -> bool {
+ self.sign == Minus
+ }
+// We want to forward to BigUint::add, but it's not clear how that will go until
+// we compare both sign and magnitude. So we duplicate this body for every
+// val/ref combination, deferring that decision to BigUint's own forwarding.
+macro_rules! bigint_add {
+ ($a:expr, $a_owned:expr, $a_data:expr, $b:expr, $b_owned:expr, $b_data:expr) => {
+ match ($a.sign, $b.sign) {
+ (_, NoSign) => $a_owned,
+ (NoSign, _) => $b_owned,
+ // same sign => keep the sign with the sum of magnitudes
+ (Plus, Plus) | (Minus, Minus) =>
+ BigInt::from_biguint($a.sign, $a_data + $b_data),
+ // opposite signs => keep the sign of the larger with the difference of magnitudes
+ (Plus, Minus) | (Minus, Plus) =>
+ match $a.data.cmp(&$b.data) {
+ Less => BigInt::from_biguint($b.sign, $b_data - $a_data),
+ Greater => BigInt::from_biguint($a.sign, $a_data - $b_data),
+ Equal => Zero::zero(),
+ },
+ }
+ };
+impl<'a, 'b> Add<&'b BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn add(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ bigint_add!(self,
+ self.clone(),
+ &self.data,
+ other,
+ other.clone(),
+ &other.data)
+ }
+impl<'a> Add<BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn add(self, other: BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ bigint_add!(self, self.clone(), &self.data, other, other, other.data)
+ }
+impl<'a> Add<&'a BigInt> for BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn add(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ bigint_add!(self, self, self.data, other, other.clone(), &other.data)
+ }
+impl Add<BigInt> for BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn add(self, other: BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ bigint_add!(self, self, self.data, other, other, other.data)
+ }
+// We want to forward to BigUint::sub, but it's not clear how that will go until
+// we compare both sign and magnitude. So we duplicate this body for every
+// val/ref combination, deferring that decision to BigUint's own forwarding.
+macro_rules! bigint_sub {
+ ($a:expr, $a_owned:expr, $a_data:expr, $b:expr, $b_owned:expr, $b_data:expr) => {
+ match ($a.sign, $b.sign) {
+ (_, NoSign) => $a_owned,
+ (NoSign, _) => -$b_owned,
+ // opposite signs => keep the sign of the left with the sum of magnitudes
+ (Plus, Minus) | (Minus, Plus) =>
+ BigInt::from_biguint($a.sign, $a_data + $b_data),
+ // same sign => keep or toggle the sign of the left with the difference of magnitudes
+ (Plus, Plus) | (Minus, Minus) =>
+ match $a.data.cmp(&$b.data) {
+ Less => BigInt::from_biguint(-$a.sign, $b_data - $a_data),
+ Greater => BigInt::from_biguint($a.sign, $a_data - $b_data),
+ Equal => Zero::zero(),
+ },
+ }
+ };
+impl<'a, 'b> Sub<&'b BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn sub(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ bigint_sub!(self,
+ self.clone(),
+ &self.data,
+ other,
+ other.clone(),
+ &other.data)
+ }
+impl<'a> Sub<BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn sub(self, other: BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ bigint_sub!(self, self.clone(), &self.data, other, other, other.data)
+ }
+impl<'a> Sub<&'a BigInt> for BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn sub(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ bigint_sub!(self, self, self.data, other, other.clone(), &other.data)
+ }
+impl Sub<BigInt> for BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn sub(self, other: BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ bigint_sub!(self, self, self.data, other, other, other.data)
+ }
+forward_all_binop_to_ref_ref!(impl Mul for BigInt, mul);
+impl<'a, 'b> Mul<&'b BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn mul(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(self.sign * other.sign, &self.data * &other.data)
+ }
+forward_all_binop_to_ref_ref!(impl Div for BigInt, div);
+impl<'a, 'b> Div<&'b BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn div(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ let (q, _) = self.div_rem(other);
+ q
+ }
+forward_all_binop_to_ref_ref!(impl Rem for BigInt, rem);
+impl<'a, 'b> Rem<&'b BigInt> for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn rem(self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ let (_, r) = self.div_rem(other);
+ r
+ }
+impl Neg for BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn neg(mut self) -> BigInt {
+ self.sign = -self.sign;
+ self
+ }
+impl<'a> Neg for &'a BigInt {
+ type Output = BigInt;
+ #[inline]
+ fn neg(self) -> BigInt {
+ -self.clone()
+ }
+impl CheckedAdd for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn checked_add(&self, v: &BigInt) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ return Some(self.add(v));
+ }
+impl CheckedSub for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn checked_sub(&self, v: &BigInt) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ return Some(self.sub(v));
+ }
+impl CheckedMul for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn checked_mul(&self, v: &BigInt) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ return Some(self.mul(v));
+ }
+impl CheckedDiv for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn checked_div(&self, v: &BigInt) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ if v.is_zero() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ return Some(self.div(v));
+ }
+impl Integer for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn div_rem(&self, other: &BigInt) -> (BigInt, BigInt) {
+ // r.sign == self.sign
+ let (d_ui, r_ui) = self.data.div_mod_floor(&other.data);
+ let d = BigInt::from_biguint(self.sign, d_ui);
+ let r = BigInt::from_biguint(self.sign, r_ui);
+ if other.is_negative() {
+ (-d, r)
+ } else {
+ (d, r)
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn div_floor(&self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ let (d, _) = self.div_mod_floor(other);
+ d
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn mod_floor(&self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ let (_, m) = self.div_mod_floor(other);
+ m
+ }
+ fn div_mod_floor(&self, other: &BigInt) -> (BigInt, BigInt) {
+ // m.sign == other.sign
+ let (d_ui, m_ui) = self.data.div_rem(&other.data);
+ let d = BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, d_ui);
+ let m = BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, m_ui);
+ let one: BigInt = One::one();
+ match (self.sign, other.sign) {
+ (_, NoSign) => panic!(),
+ (Plus, Plus) | (NoSign, Plus) => (d, m),
+ (Plus, Minus) | (NoSign, Minus) => {
+ if m.is_zero() {
+ (-d, Zero::zero())
+ } else {
+ (-d - one, m + other)
+ }
+ }
+ (Minus, Plus) => {
+ if m.is_zero() {
+ (-d, Zero::zero())
+ } else {
+ (-d - one, other - m)
+ }
+ }
+ (Minus, Minus) => (d, -m),
+ }
+ }
+ /// Calculates the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of the number and `other`.
+ ///
+ /// The result is always positive.
+ #[inline]
+ fn gcd(&self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, self.data.gcd(&other.data))
+ }
+ /// Calculates the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) of the number and `other`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn lcm(&self, other: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, self.data.lcm(&other.data))
+ }
+ /// Deprecated, use `is_multiple_of` instead.
+ #[inline]
+ fn divides(&self, other: &BigInt) -> bool {
+ return self.is_multiple_of(other);
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` if the number is a multiple of `other`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_multiple_of(&self, other: &BigInt) -> bool {
+ self.data.is_multiple_of(&other.data)
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` if the number is divisible by `2`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_even(&self) -> bool {
+ self.data.is_even()
+ }
+ /// Returns `true` if the number is not divisible by `2`.
+ #[inline]
+ fn is_odd(&self) -> bool {
+ self.data.is_odd()
+ }
+impl ToPrimitive for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_i64(&self) -> Option<i64> {
+ match self.sign {
+ Plus => self.data.to_i64(),
+ NoSign => Some(0),
+ Minus => {
+ self.data.to_u64().and_then(|n| {
+ let m: u64 = 1 << 63;
+ if n < m {
+ Some(-(n as i64))
+ } else if n == m {
+ Some(i64::MIN)
+ } else {
+ None
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_u64(&self) -> Option<u64> {
+ match self.sign {
+ Plus => self.data.to_u64(),
+ NoSign => Some(0),
+ Minus => None,
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_f32(&self) -> Option<f32> {
+ self.data.to_f32().map(|n| {
+ if self.sign == Minus {
+ -n
+ } else {
+ n
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_f64(&self) -> Option<f64> {
+ self.data.to_f64().map(|n| {
+ if self.sign == Minus {
+ -n
+ } else {
+ n
+ }
+ })
+ }
+impl FromPrimitive for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_i64(n: i64) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ Some(BigInt::from(n))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_u64(n: u64) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ Some(BigInt::from(n))
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ fn from_f64(n: f64) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ if n >= 0.0 {
+ BigUint::from_f64(n).map(|x| BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, x))
+ } else {
+ BigUint::from_f64(-n).map(|x| BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, x))
+ }
+ }
+impl From<i64> for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(n: i64) -> Self {
+ if n >= 0 {
+ BigInt::from(n as u64)
+ } else {
+ let u = u64::MAX - (n as u64) + 1;
+ BigInt {
+ sign: Minus,
+ data: BigUint::from(u),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! impl_bigint_from_int {
+ ($T:ty) => {
+ impl From<$T> for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(n: $T) -> Self {
+ BigInt::from(n as i64)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl From<u64> for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(n: u64) -> Self {
+ if n > 0 {
+ BigInt {
+ sign: Plus,
+ data: BigUint::from(n),
+ }
+ } else {
+ BigInt::zero()
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! impl_bigint_from_uint {
+ ($T:ty) => {
+ impl From<$T> for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(n: $T) -> Self {
+ BigInt::from(n as u64)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl From<BigUint> for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn from(n: BigUint) -> Self {
+ if n.is_zero() {
+ BigInt::zero()
+ } else {
+ BigInt {
+ sign: Plus,
+ data: n,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+impl serde::Serialize for BigInt {
+ fn serialize<S>(&self, serializer: &mut S) -> Result<(), S::Error>
+ where S: serde::Serializer
+ {
+ (self.sign, &self.data).serialize(serializer)
+ }
+#[cfg(feature = "serde")]
+impl serde::Deserialize for BigInt {
+ fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: &mut D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
+ where D: serde::Deserializer
+ {
+ let (sign, data) = try!(serde::Deserialize::deserialize(deserializer));
+ Ok(BigInt {
+ sign: sign,
+ data: data,
+ })
+ }
+/// A generic trait for converting a value to a `BigInt`.
+pub trait ToBigInt {
+ /// Converts the value of `self` to a `BigInt`.
+ fn to_bigint(&self) -> Option<BigInt>;
+impl ToBigInt for BigInt {
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_bigint(&self) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ Some(self.clone())
+ }
+impl ToBigInt for BigUint {
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_bigint(&self) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ if self.is_zero() {
+ Some(Zero::zero())
+ } else {
+ Some(BigInt {
+ sign: Plus,
+ data: self.clone(),
+ })
+ }
+ }
+macro_rules! impl_to_bigint {
+ ($T:ty, $from_ty:path) => {
+ impl ToBigInt for $T {
+ #[inline]
+ fn to_bigint(&self) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ $from_ty(*self)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+impl_to_bigint!(isize, FromPrimitive::from_isize);
+impl_to_bigint!(i8, FromPrimitive::from_i8);
+impl_to_bigint!(i16, FromPrimitive::from_i16);
+impl_to_bigint!(i32, FromPrimitive::from_i32);
+impl_to_bigint!(i64, FromPrimitive::from_i64);
+impl_to_bigint!(usize, FromPrimitive::from_usize);
+impl_to_bigint!(u8, FromPrimitive::from_u8);
+impl_to_bigint!(u16, FromPrimitive::from_u16);
+impl_to_bigint!(u32, FromPrimitive::from_u32);
+impl_to_bigint!(u64, FromPrimitive::from_u64);
+impl_to_bigint!(f32, FromPrimitive::from_f32);
+impl_to_bigint!(f64, FromPrimitive::from_f64);
+pub trait RandBigInt {
+ /// Generate a random `BigUint` of the given bit size.
+ fn gen_biguint(&mut self, bit_size: usize) -> BigUint;
+ /// Generate a random BigInt of the given bit size.
+ fn gen_bigint(&mut self, bit_size: usize) -> BigInt;
+ /// Generate a random `BigUint` less than the given bound. Fails
+ /// when the bound is zero.
+ fn gen_biguint_below(&mut self, bound: &BigUint) -> BigUint;
+ /// Generate a random `BigUint` within the given range. The lower
+ /// bound is inclusive; the upper bound is exclusive. Fails when
+ /// the upper bound is not greater than the lower bound.
+ fn gen_biguint_range(&mut self, lbound: &BigUint, ubound: &BigUint) -> BigUint;
+ /// Generate a random `BigInt` within the given range. The lower
+ /// bound is inclusive; the upper bound is exclusive. Fails when
+ /// the upper bound is not greater than the lower bound.
+ fn gen_bigint_range(&mut self, lbound: &BigInt, ubound: &BigInt) -> BigInt;
+#[cfg(any(feature = "rand", test))]
+impl<R: Rng> RandBigInt for R {
+ fn gen_biguint(&mut self, bit_size: usize) -> BigUint {
+ let (digits, rem) = bit_size.div_rem(&big_digit::BITS);
+ let mut data = Vec::with_capacity(digits + 1);
+ for _ in 0..digits {
+ data.push(self.gen());
+ }
+ if rem > 0 {
+ let final_digit: BigDigit = self.gen();
+ data.push(final_digit >> (big_digit::BITS - rem));
+ }
+ BigUint::new(data)
+ }
+ fn gen_bigint(&mut self, bit_size: usize) -> BigInt {
+ // Generate a random BigUint...
+ let biguint = self.gen_biguint(bit_size);
+ // ...and then randomly assign it a Sign...
+ let sign = if biguint.is_zero() {
+ // ...except that if the BigUint is zero, we need to try
+ // again with probability 0.5. This is because otherwise,
+ // the probability of generating a zero BigInt would be
+ // double that of any other number.
+ if self.gen() {
+ return self.gen_bigint(bit_size);
+ } else {
+ NoSign
+ }
+ } else if self.gen() {
+ Plus
+ } else {
+ Minus
+ };
+ BigInt::from_biguint(sign, biguint)
+ }
+ fn gen_biguint_below(&mut self, bound: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ assert!(!bound.is_zero());
+ let bits = bound.bits();
+ loop {
+ let n = self.gen_biguint(bits);
+ if n < *bound {
+ return n;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fn gen_biguint_range(&mut self, lbound: &BigUint, ubound: &BigUint) -> BigUint {
+ assert!(*lbound < *ubound);
+ return lbound + self.gen_biguint_below(&(ubound - lbound));
+ }
+ fn gen_bigint_range(&mut self, lbound: &BigInt, ubound: &BigInt) -> BigInt {
+ assert!(*lbound < *ubound);
+ let delta = (ubound - lbound).to_biguint().unwrap();
+ return lbound + self.gen_biguint_below(&delta).to_bigint().unwrap();
+ }
+impl BigInt {
+ /// Creates and initializes a BigInt.
+ ///
+ /// The digits are in little-endian base 2^32.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn new(sign: Sign, digits: Vec<BigDigit>) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(sign, BigUint::new(digits))
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigInt`.
+ ///
+ /// The digits are in little-endian base 2^32.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_biguint(sign: Sign, data: BigUint) -> BigInt {
+ if sign == NoSign || data.is_zero() {
+ return BigInt {
+ sign: NoSign,
+ data: Zero::zero(),
+ };
+ }
+ BigInt {
+ sign: sign,
+ data: data,
+ }
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigInt`.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_slice(sign: Sign, slice: &[BigDigit]) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(sign, BigUint::from_slice(slice))
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigInt`.
+ ///
+ /// The bytes are in big-endian byte order.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::{BigInt, Sign};
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Plus, b"A"),
+ /// BigInt::parse_bytes(b"65", 10).unwrap());
+ /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Plus, b"AA"),
+ /// BigInt::parse_bytes(b"16705", 10).unwrap());
+ /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Plus, b"AB"),
+ /// BigInt::parse_bytes(b"16706", 10).unwrap());
+ /// assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Sign::Plus, b"Hello world!"),
+ /// BigInt::parse_bytes(b"22405534230753963835153736737", 10).unwrap());
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_bytes_be(sign: Sign, bytes: &[u8]) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(sign, BigUint::from_bytes_be(bytes))
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigInt`.
+ ///
+ /// The bytes are in little-endian byte order.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn from_bytes_le(sign: Sign, bytes: &[u8]) -> BigInt {
+ BigInt::from_biguint(sign, BigUint::from_bytes_le(bytes))
+ }
+ /// Returns the sign and the byte representation of the `BigInt` in little-endian byte order.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::{ToBigInt, Sign};
+ ///
+ /// let i = -1125.to_bigint().unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(i.to_bytes_le(), (Sign::Minus, vec![101, 4]));
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_bytes_le(&self) -> (Sign, Vec<u8>) {
+ (self.sign, self.data.to_bytes_le())
+ }
+ /// Returns the sign and the byte representation of the `BigInt` in big-endian byte order.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::{ToBigInt, Sign};
+ ///
+ /// let i = -1125.to_bigint().unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(i.to_bytes_be(), (Sign::Minus, vec![4, 101]));
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_bytes_be(&self) -> (Sign, Vec<u8>) {
+ (self.sign, self.data.to_bytes_be())
+ }
+ /// Returns the integer formatted as a string in the given radix.
+ /// `radix` must be in the range `[2, 36]`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::BigInt;
+ ///
+ /// let i = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"ff", 16).unwrap();
+ /// assert_eq!(i.to_str_radix(16), "ff");
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_str_radix(&self, radix: u32) -> String {
+ let mut v = to_str_radix_reversed(&self.data, radix);
+ if self.is_negative() {
+ v.push(b'-');
+ }
+ v.reverse();
+ unsafe { String::from_utf8_unchecked(v) }
+ }
+ /// Returns the sign of the `BigInt` as a `Sign`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::{ToBigInt, Sign};
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(ToBigInt::to_bigint(&1234).unwrap().sign(), Sign::Plus);
+ /// assert_eq!(ToBigInt::to_bigint(&-4321).unwrap().sign(), Sign::Minus);
+ /// assert_eq!(ToBigInt::to_bigint(&0).unwrap().sign(), Sign::NoSign);
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn sign(&self) -> Sign {
+ self.sign
+ }
+ /// Creates and initializes a `BigInt`.
+ ///
+ /// # Examples
+ ///
+ /// ```
+ /// use num::bigint::{BigInt, ToBigInt};
+ ///
+ /// assert_eq!(BigInt::parse_bytes(b"1234", 10), ToBigInt::to_bigint(&1234));
+ /// assert_eq!(BigInt::parse_bytes(b"ABCD", 16), ToBigInt::to_bigint(&0xABCD));
+ /// assert_eq!(BigInt::parse_bytes(b"G", 16), None);
+ /// ```
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn parse_bytes(buf: &[u8], radix: u32) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ str::from_utf8(buf).ok().and_then(|s| BigInt::from_str_radix(s, radix).ok())
+ }
+ /// Converts this `BigInt` into a `BigUint`, if it's not negative.
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn to_biguint(&self) -> Option<BigUint> {
+ match self.sign {
+ Plus => Some(self.data.clone()),
+ NoSign => Some(Zero::zero()),
+ Minus => None,
+ }
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn checked_add(&self, v: &BigInt) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ return Some(self.add(v));
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn checked_sub(&self, v: &BigInt) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ return Some(self.sub(v));
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn checked_mul(&self, v: &BigInt) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ return Some(self.mul(v));
+ }
+ #[inline]
+ pub fn checked_div(&self, v: &BigInt) -> Option<BigInt> {
+ if v.is_zero() {
+ return None;
+ }
+ return Some(self.div(v));
+ }
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+pub enum ParseBigIntError {
+ ParseInt(ParseIntError),
+ Other,
+impl fmt::Display for ParseBigIntError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ match self {
+ &ParseBigIntError::ParseInt(ref e) => e.fmt(f),
+ &ParseBigIntError::Other => "failed to parse provided string".fmt(f),
+ }
+ }
+impl Error for ParseBigIntError {
+ fn description(&self) -> &str {
+ "failed to parse bigint/biguint"
+ }
+impl From<ParseIntError> for ParseBigIntError {
+ fn from(err: ParseIntError) -> ParseBigIntError {
+ ParseBigIntError::ParseInt(err)
+ }
+mod biguint_tests {
+ use Integer;
+ use super::{BigDigit, BigUint, ToBigUint, big_digit};
+ use super::{BigInt, RandBigInt, ToBigInt};
+ use super::Sign::Plus;
+ use std::cmp::Ordering::{Less, Equal, Greater};
+ use std::{f32, f64};
+ use std::i64;
+ use std::iter::repeat;
+ use std::str::FromStr;
+ use std::{u8, u16, u32, u64, usize};
+ use rand::thread_rng;
+ use {Num, Zero, One, CheckedAdd, CheckedSub, CheckedMul, CheckedDiv};
+ use {ToPrimitive, FromPrimitive};
+ use Float;
+ /// Assert that an op works for all val/ref combinations
+ macro_rules! assert_op {
+ ($left:ident $op:tt $right:ident == $expected:expr) => {
+ assert_eq!((&$left) $op (&$right), $expected);
+ assert_eq!((&$left) $op $right.clone(), $expected);
+ assert_eq!($left.clone() $op (&$right), $expected);
+ assert_eq!($left.clone() $op $right.clone(), $expected);
+ };
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_slice() {
+ fn check(slice: &[BigDigit], data: &[BigDigit]) {
+ assert!(BigUint::from_slice(slice).data == data);
+ }
+ check(&[1], &[1]);
+ check(&[0, 0, 0], &[]);
+ check(&[1, 2, 0, 0], &[1, 2]);
+ check(&[0, 0, 1, 2], &[0, 0, 1, 2]);
+ check(&[0, 0, 1, 2, 0, 0], &[0, 0, 1, 2]);
+ check(&[-1i32 as BigDigit], &[-1i32 as BigDigit]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_bytes_be() {
+ fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_bytes_be(s.as_bytes()),
+ BigUint::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap());
+ }
+ check("A", "65");
+ check("AA", "16705");
+ check("AB", "16706");
+ check("Hello world!", "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_bytes_be(&[]), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_to_bytes_be() {
+ fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
+ let b = BigUint::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_be(), s.as_bytes());
+ }
+ check("A", "65");
+ check("AA", "16705");
+ check("AB", "16706");
+ check("Hello world!", "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ let b: BigUint = Zero::zero();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_be(), [0]);
+ // Test with leading/trailing zero bytes and a full BigDigit of value 0
+ let b = BigUint::from_str_radix("00010000000000000200", 16).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_be(), [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_bytes_le() {
+ fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_bytes_le(s.as_bytes()),
+ BigUint::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap());
+ }
+ check("A", "65");
+ check("AA", "16705");
+ check("BA", "16706");
+ check("!dlrow olleH", "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_bytes_le(&[]), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_to_bytes_le() {
+ fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
+ let b = BigUint::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_le(), s.as_bytes());
+ }
+ check("A", "65");
+ check("AA", "16705");
+ check("BA", "16706");
+ check("!dlrow olleH", "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ let b: BigUint = Zero::zero();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_le(), [0]);
+ // Test with leading/trailing zero bytes and a full BigDigit of value 0
+ let b = BigUint::from_str_radix("00010000000000000200", 16).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_le(), [0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cmp() {
+ let data: [&[_]; 7] = [&[], &[1], &[2], &[!0], &[0, 1], &[2, 1], &[1, 1, 1]];
+ let data: Vec<BigUint> = data.iter().map(|v| BigUint::from_slice(*v)).collect();
+ for (i, ni) in data.iter().enumerate() {
+ for (j0, nj) in data[i..].iter().enumerate() {
+ let j = j0 + i;
+ if i == j {
+ assert_eq!(ni.cmp(nj), Equal);
+ assert_eq!(nj.cmp(ni), Equal);
+ assert_eq!(ni, nj);
+ assert!(!(ni != nj));
+ assert!(ni <= nj);
+ assert!(ni >= nj);
+ assert!(!(ni < nj));
+ assert!(!(ni > nj));
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(ni.cmp(nj), Less);
+ assert_eq!(nj.cmp(ni), Greater);
+ assert!(!(ni == nj));
+ assert!(ni != nj);
+ assert!(ni <= nj);
+ assert!(!(ni >= nj));
+ assert!(ni < nj);
+ assert!(!(ni > nj));
+ assert!(!(nj <= ni));
+ assert!(nj >= ni);
+ assert!(!(nj < ni));
+ assert!(nj > ni);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_hash() {
+ let a = BigUint::new(vec![]);
+ let b = BigUint::new(vec![0]);
+ let c = BigUint::new(vec![1]);
+ let d = BigUint::new(vec![1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ let e = BigUint::new(vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
+ assert!(::hash(&a) == ::hash(&b));
+ assert!(::hash(&b) != ::hash(&c));
+ assert!(::hash(&c) == ::hash(&d));
+ assert!(::hash(&d) != ::hash(&e));
+ }
+ const BIT_TESTS: &'static [(&'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit])] = &[// LEFT RIGHT AND OR XOR
+ (&[], &[], &[], &[], &[]),
+ (&[268, 482, 17],
+ &[964, 54],
+ &[260, 34],
+ &[972, 502, 17],
+ &[712, 468, 17])];
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bitand() {
+ for elm in BIT_TESTS {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, _, _) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert_op!(a & b == c);
+ assert_op!(b & a == c);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bitor() {
+ for elm in BIT_TESTS {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, _, c_vec, _) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert_op!(a | b == c);
+ assert_op!(b | a == c);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bitxor() {
+ for elm in BIT_TESTS {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, _, _, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert_op!(a ^ b == c);
+ assert_op!(b ^ a == c);
+ assert_op!(a ^ c == b);
+ assert_op!(c ^ a == b);
+ assert_op!(b ^ c == a);
+ assert_op!(c ^ b == a);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_shl() {
+ fn check(s: &str, shift: usize, ans: &str) {
+ let opt_biguint = BigUint::from_str_radix(s, 16).ok();
+ let bu = (opt_biguint.unwrap() << shift).to_str_radix(16);
+ assert_eq!(bu, ans);
+ }
+ check("0", 3, "0");
+ check("1", 3, "8");
+ check("1\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0001\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0001",
+ 3,
+ "8\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0008\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0008");
+ check("1\
+ 0000\
+ 0001\
+ 0000\
+ 0001",
+ 2,
+ "4\
+ 0000\
+ 0004\
+ 0000\
+ 0004");
+ check("1\
+ 0001\
+ 0001",
+ 1,
+ "2\
+ 0002\
+ 0002");
+ check("\
+ 4000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000",
+ 3,
+ "2\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000");
+ check("4000\
+ 0000",
+ 2,
+ "1\
+ 0000\
+ 0000");
+ check("4000",
+ 2,
+ "1\
+ 0000");
+ check("4000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000",
+ 67,
+ "2\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000");
+ check("4000\
+ 0000",
+ 35,
+ "2\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000");
+ check("4000",
+ 19,
+ "2\
+ 0000\
+ 0000");
+ check("fedc\
+ ba98\
+ 7654\
+ 3210\
+ fedc\
+ ba98\
+ 7654\
+ 3210",
+ 4,
+ "f\
+ edcb\
+ a987\
+ 6543\
+ 210f\
+ edcb\
+ a987\
+ 6543\
+ 2100");
+ check("88887777666655554444333322221111",
+ 16,
+ "888877776666555544443333222211110000");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_shr() {
+ fn check(s: &str, shift: usize, ans: &str) {
+ let opt_biguint = BigUint::from_str_radix(s, 16).ok();
+ let bu = (opt_biguint.unwrap() >> shift).to_str_radix(16);
+ assert_eq!(bu, ans);
+ }
+ check("0", 3, "0");
+ check("f", 3, "1");
+ check("1\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0001\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0001",
+ 3,
+ "2000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 2000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000");
+ check("1\
+ 0000\
+ 0001\
+ 0000\
+ 0001",
+ 2,
+ "4000\
+ 0000\
+ 4000\
+ 0000");
+ check("1\
+ 0001\
+ 0001",
+ 1,
+ "8000\
+ 8000");
+ check("2\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0001\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0001",
+ 67,
+ "4000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000");
+ check("2\
+ 0000\
+ 0001\
+ 0000\
+ 0001",
+ 35,
+ "4000\
+ 0000");
+ check("2\
+ 0001\
+ 0001",
+ 19,
+ "4000");
+ check("1\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000",
+ 1,
+ "8000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000\
+ 0000");
+ check("1\
+ 0000\
+ 0000",
+ 1,
+ "8000\
+ 0000");
+ check("1\
+ 0000",
+ 1,
+ "8000");
+ check("f\
+ edcb\
+ a987\
+ 6543\
+ 210f\
+ edcb\
+ a987\
+ 6543\
+ 2100",
+ 4,
+ "fedc\
+ ba98\
+ 7654\
+ 3210\
+ fedc\
+ ba98\
+ 7654\
+ 3210");
+ check("888877776666555544443333222211110000",
+ 16,
+ "88887777666655554444333322221111");
+ }
+ const N1: BigDigit = -1i32 as BigDigit;
+ const N2: BigDigit = -2i32 as BigDigit;
+ // `DoubleBigDigit` size dependent
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_i64() {
+ fn check(b1: BigUint, i: i64) {
+ let b2: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_i64(i).unwrap();
+ assert!(b1 == b2);
+ assert!(b1.to_i64().unwrap() == i);
+ }
+ check(Zero::zero(), 0);
+ check(One::one(), 1);
+ check(i64::MAX.to_biguint().unwrap(), i64::MAX);
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![]), 0);
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![1]), (1 << (0 * big_digit::BITS)));
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![N1]), (1 << (1 * big_digit::BITS)) - 1);
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![0, 1]), (1 << (1 * big_digit::BITS)));
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![N1, N1 >> 1]), i64::MAX);
+ assert_eq!(i64::MIN.to_biguint(), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::new(vec![N1, N1]).to_i64(), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::new(vec![0, 0, 1]).to_i64(), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::new(vec![N1, N1, N1]).to_i64(), None);
+ }
+ // `DoubleBigDigit` size dependent
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_u64() {
+ fn check(b1: BigUint, u: u64) {
+ let b2: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_u64(u).unwrap();
+ assert!(b1 == b2);
+ assert!(b1.to_u64().unwrap() == u);
+ }
+ check(Zero::zero(), 0);
+ check(One::one(), 1);
+ check(u64::MIN.to_biguint().unwrap(), u64::MIN);
+ check(u64::MAX.to_biguint().unwrap(), u64::MAX);
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![]), 0);
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![1]), (1 << (0 * big_digit::BITS)));
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![N1]), (1 << (1 * big_digit::BITS)) - 1);
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![0, 1]), (1 << (1 * big_digit::BITS)));
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![N1, N1]), u64::MAX);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::new(vec![0, 0, 1]).to_u64(), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::new(vec![N1, N1, N1]).to_u64(), None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_f32() {
+ fn check(b1: &BigUint, f: f32) {
+ let b2 = BigUint::from_f32(f).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b1, &b2);
+ assert_eq!(b1.to_f32().unwrap(), f);
+ }
+ check(&BigUint::zero(), 0.0);
+ check(&BigUint::one(), 1.0);
+ check(&BigUint::from(u16::MAX), 2.0.powi(16) - 1.0);
+ check(&BigUint::from(1u64 << 32), 2.0.powi(32));
+ check(&BigUint::from_slice(&[0, 0, 1]), 2.0.powi(64));
+ check(&((BigUint::one() << 100) + (BigUint::one() << 123)),
+ 2.0.powi(100) + 2.0.powi(123));
+ check(&(BigUint::one() << 127), 2.0.powi(127));
+ check(&(BigUint::from((1u64 << 24) - 1) << (128 - 24)), f32::MAX);
+ // keeping all 24 digits with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
+ let x: u32 = 0b00000000101111011111011011011101;
+ let mut f = x as f32;
+ let mut b = BigUint::from(x);
+ for _ in 0..64 {
+ check(&b, f);
+ f *= 2.0;
+ b = b << 1;
+ }
+ // this number when rounded to f64 then f32 isn't the same as when rounded straight to f32
+ let n: u64 = 0b0000000000111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111;
+ assert!((n as f64) as f32 != n as f32);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from(n).to_f32(), Some(n as f32));
+ // test rounding up with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
+ let mut f = ((1u64 << 25) - 1) as f32;
+ let mut b = BigUint::from(1u64 << 25);
+ for _ in 0..64 {
+ assert_eq!(b.to_f32(), Some(f));
+ f *= 2.0;
+ b = b << 1;
+ }
+ // rounding
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(-1.0), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(-0.99999), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(-0.5), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(-0.0), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(f32::MIN_POSITIVE / 2.0),
+ Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(f32::MIN_POSITIVE), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(0.5), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(0.99999), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(f32::consts::E), Some(BigUint::from(2u32)));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(f32::consts::PI),
+ Some(BigUint::from(3u32)));
+ // special float values
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(f32::NAN), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(f32::INFINITY), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(f32::NEG_INFINITY), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f32(f32::MIN), None);
+ // largest BigUint that will round to a finite f32 value
+ let big_num = (BigUint::one() << 128) - BigUint::one() - (BigUint::one() << (128 - 25));
+ assert_eq!(big_num.to_f32(), Some(f32::MAX));
+ assert_eq!((big_num + BigUint::one()).to_f32(), None);
+ assert_eq!(((BigUint::one() << 128) - BigUint::one()).to_f32(), None);
+ assert_eq!((BigUint::one() << 128).to_f32(), None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_f64() {
+ fn check(b1: &BigUint, f: f64) {
+ let b2 = BigUint::from_f64(f).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b1, &b2);
+ assert_eq!(b1.to_f64().unwrap(), f);
+ }
+ check(&BigUint::zero(), 0.0);
+ check(&BigUint::one(), 1.0);
+ check(&BigUint::from(u32::MAX), 2.0.powi(32) - 1.0);
+ check(&BigUint::from(1u64 << 32), 2.0.powi(32));
+ check(&BigUint::from_slice(&[0, 0, 1]), 2.0.powi(64));
+ check(&((BigUint::one() << 100) + (BigUint::one() << 152)),
+ 2.0.powi(100) + 2.0.powi(152));
+ check(&(BigUint::one() << 1023), 2.0.powi(1023));
+ check(&(BigUint::from((1u64 << 53) - 1) << (1024 - 53)), f64::MAX);
+ // keeping all 53 digits with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
+ let x: u64 = 0b0000000000011110111110110111111101110111101111011111011011011101;
+ let mut f = x as f64;
+ let mut b = BigUint::from(x);
+ for _ in 0..128 {
+ check(&b, f);
+ f *= 2.0;
+ b = b << 1;
+ }
+ // test rounding up with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
+ let mut f = ((1u64 << 54) - 1) as f64;
+ let mut b = BigUint::from(1u64 << 54);
+ for _ in 0..128 {
+ assert_eq!(b.to_f64(), Some(f));
+ f *= 2.0;
+ b = b << 1;
+ }
+ // rounding
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(-1.0), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(-0.99999), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(-0.5), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(-0.0), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(f64::MIN_POSITIVE / 2.0),
+ Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(f64::MIN_POSITIVE), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(0.5), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(0.99999), Some(BigUint::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(f64::consts::E), Some(BigUint::from(2u32)));
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(f64::consts::PI),
+ Some(BigUint::from(3u32)));
+ // special float values
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(f64::NAN), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(f64::INFINITY), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(f64::NEG_INFINITY), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from_f64(f64::MIN), None);
+ // largest BigUint that will round to a finite f64 value
+ let big_num = (BigUint::one() << 1024) - BigUint::one() - (BigUint::one() << (1024 - 54));
+ assert_eq!(big_num.to_f64(), Some(f64::MAX));
+ assert_eq!((big_num + BigUint::one()).to_f64(), None);
+ assert_eq!(((BigInt::one() << 1024) - BigInt::one()).to_f64(), None);
+ assert_eq!((BigUint::one() << 1024).to_f64(), None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_to_bigint() {
+ fn check(n: BigUint, ans: BigInt) {
+ assert_eq!(n.to_bigint().unwrap(), ans);
+ assert_eq!(n.to_bigint().unwrap().to_biguint().unwrap(), n);
+ }
+ check(Zero::zero(), Zero::zero());
+ check(BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3]),
+ BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3])));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_from_uint() {
+ macro_rules! check {
+ ($ty:ident, $max:expr) => {
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from($ty::zero()), BigUint::zero());
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from($ty::one()), BigUint::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from($ty::MAX - $ty::one()), $max - BigUint::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::from($ty::MAX), $max);
+ }
+ }
+ check!(u8, BigUint::from_slice(&[u8::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(u16, BigUint::from_slice(&[u16::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(u32, BigUint::from_slice(&[u32::MAX]));
+ check!(u64, BigUint::from_slice(&[u32::MAX, u32::MAX]));
+ check!(usize, BigUint::from(usize::MAX as u64));
+ }
+ const SUM_TRIPLES: &'static [(&'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit])] = &[(&[], &[], &[]),
+ (&[], &[1], &[1]),
+ (&[1], &[1], &[2]),
+ (&[1], &[1, 1], &[2, 1]),
+ (&[1], &[N1], &[0, 1]),
+ (&[1], &[N1, N1], &[0, 0, 1]),
+ (&[N1, N1], &[N1, N1], &[N2, N1, 1]),
+ (&[1, 1, 1], &[N1, N1], &[0, 1, 2]),
+ (&[2, 2, 1], &[N1, N2], &[1, 1, 2])];
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add() {
+ for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert_op!(a + b == c);
+ assert_op!(b + a == c);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub() {
+ for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert_op!(c - a == b);
+ assert_op!(c - b == a);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_sub_fail_on_underflow() {
+ let (a, b): (BigUint, BigUint) = (Zero::zero(), One::one());
+ a - b;
+ }
+ const M: u32 = ::std::u32::MAX;
+ const MUL_TRIPLES: &'static [(&'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit])] = &[(&[], &[], &[]),
+ (&[], &[1], &[]),
+ (&[2], &[], &[]),
+ (&[1], &[1], &[1]),
+ (&[2], &[3], &[6]),
+ (&[1], &[1, 1, 1], &[1, 1, 1]),
+ (&[1, 2, 3], &[3], &[3, 6, 9]),
+ (&[1, 1, 1], &[N1], &[N1, N1, N1]),
+ (&[1, 2, 3], &[N1], &[N1, N2, N2, 2]),
+ (&[1, 2, 3, 4], &[N1], &[N1, N2, N2, N2, 3]),
+ (&[N1], &[N1], &[1, N2]),
+ (&[N1, N1], &[N1], &[1, N1, N2]),
+ (&[N1, N1, N1], &[N1], &[1, N1, N1, N2]),
+ (&[N1, N1, N1, N1], &[N1], &[1, N1, N1, N1, N2]),
+ (&[M / 2 + 1], &[2], &[0, 1]),
+ (&[0, M / 2 + 1], &[2], &[0, 0, 1]),
+ (&[1, 2], &[1, 2, 3], &[1, 4, 7, 6]),
+ (&[N1, N1], &[N1, N1, N1], &[1, 0, N1, N2, N1]),
+ (&[N1, N1, N1],
+ &[N1, N1, N1, N1],
+ &[1, 0, 0, N1, N2, N1, N1]),
+ (&[0, 0, 1], &[1, 2, 3], &[0, 0, 1, 2, 3]),
+ (&[0, 0, 1], &[0, 0, 0, 1], &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])];
+ const DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES: &'static [(&'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit])] = &[(&[1], &[2], &[], &[1]),
+ (&[1, 1], &[2], &[M / 2 + 1], &[1]),
+ (&[1, 1, 1], &[2], &[M / 2 + 1, M / 2 + 1], &[1]),
+ (&[0, 1], &[N1], &[1], &[1]),
+ (&[N1, N1], &[N2], &[2, 1], &[3])];
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mul() {
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert_op!(a * b == c);
+ assert_op!(b * a == c);
+ }
+ for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ let d = BigUint::from_slice(d_vec);
+ assert!(a == &b * &c + &d);
+ assert!(a == &c * &b + &d);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_div_rem() {
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ if !a.is_zero() {
+ assert_op!(c / a == b);
+ assert_op!(c % a == Zero::zero());
+ assert_eq!(c.div_rem(&a), (b.clone(), Zero::zero()));
+ }
+ if !b.is_zero() {
+ assert_op!(c / b == a);
+ assert_op!(c % b == Zero::zero());
+ assert_eq!(c.div_rem(&b), (a.clone(), Zero::zero()));
+ }
+ }
+ for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ let d = BigUint::from_slice(d_vec);
+ if !b.is_zero() {
+ assert_op!(a / b == c);
+ assert_op!(a % b == d);
+ assert!(a.div_rem(&b) == (c, d));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checked_add() {
+ for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert!(a.checked_add(&b).unwrap() == c);
+ assert!(b.checked_add(&a).unwrap() == c);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checked_sub() {
+ for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert!(c.checked_sub(&a).unwrap() == b);
+ assert!(c.checked_sub(&b).unwrap() == a);
+ if a > c {
+ assert!(a.checked_sub(&c).is_none());
+ }
+ if b > c {
+ assert!(b.checked_sub(&c).is_none());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checked_mul() {
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ assert!(a.checked_mul(&b).unwrap() == c);
+ assert!(b.checked_mul(&a).unwrap() == c);
+ }
+ for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ let d = BigUint::from_slice(d_vec);
+ assert!(a == b.checked_mul(&c).unwrap() + &d);
+ assert!(a == c.checked_mul(&b).unwrap() + &d);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checked_div() {
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigUint::from_slice(a_vec);
+ let b = BigUint::from_slice(b_vec);
+ let c = BigUint::from_slice(c_vec);
+ if !a.is_zero() {
+ assert!(c.checked_div(&a).unwrap() == b);
+ }
+ if !b.is_zero() {
+ assert!(c.checked_div(&b).unwrap() == a);
+ }
+ assert!(c.checked_div(&Zero::zero()).is_none());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_gcd() {
+ fn check(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) {
+ let big_a: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(a).unwrap();
+ let big_b: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(b).unwrap();
+ let big_c: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(c).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(big_a.gcd(&big_b), big_c);
+ }
+ check(10, 2, 2);
+ check(10, 3, 1);
+ check(0, 3, 3);
+ check(3, 3, 3);
+ check(56, 42, 14);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lcm() {
+ fn check(a: usize, b: usize, c: usize) {
+ let big_a: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(a).unwrap();
+ let big_b: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(b).unwrap();
+ let big_c: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(c).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(big_a.lcm(&big_b), big_c);
+ }
+ check(1, 0, 0);
+ check(0, 1, 0);
+ check(1, 1, 1);
+ check(8, 9, 72);
+ check(11, 5, 55);
+ check(99, 17, 1683);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_is_even() {
+ let one: BigUint = FromStr::from_str("1").unwrap();
+ let two: BigUint = FromStr::from_str("2").unwrap();
+ let thousand: BigUint = FromStr::from_str("1000").unwrap();
+ let big: BigUint = FromStr::from_str("1000000000000000000000").unwrap();
+ let bigger: BigUint = FromStr::from_str("1000000000000000000001").unwrap();
+ assert!(one.is_odd());
+ assert!(two.is_even());
+ assert!(thousand.is_even());
+ assert!(big.is_even());
+ assert!(bigger.is_odd());
+ assert!((&one << 64).is_even());
+ assert!(((&one << 64) + one).is_odd());
+ }
+ fn to_str_pairs() -> Vec<(BigUint, Vec<(u32, String)>)> {
+ let bits = big_digit::BITS;
+ vec![(Zero::zero(),
+ vec![(2, "0".to_string()), (3, "0".to_string())]),
+ (BigUint::from_slice(&[0xff]),
+ vec![(2, "11111111".to_string()),
+ (3, "100110".to_string()),
+ (4, "3333".to_string()),
+ (5, "2010".to_string()),
+ (6, "1103".to_string()),
+ (7, "513".to_string()),
+ (8, "377".to_string()),
+ (9, "313".to_string()),
+ (10, "255".to_string()),
+ (11, "212".to_string()),
+ (12, "193".to_string()),
+ (13, "168".to_string()),
+ (14, "143".to_string()),
+ (15, "120".to_string()),
+ (16, "ff".to_string())]),
+ (BigUint::from_slice(&[0xfff]),
+ vec![(2, "111111111111".to_string()),
+ (4, "333333".to_string()),
+ (16, "fff".to_string())]),
+ (BigUint::from_slice(&[1, 2]),
+ vec![(2,
+ format!("10{}1", repeat("0").take(bits - 1).collect::<String>())),
+ (4,
+ format!("2{}1", repeat("0").take(bits / 2 - 1).collect::<String>())),
+ (10,
+ match bits {
+ 32 => "8589934593".to_string(),
+ 16 => "131073".to_string(),
+ _ => panic!(),
+ }),
+ (16,
+ format!("2{}1", repeat("0").take(bits / 4 - 1).collect::<String>()))]),
+ (BigUint::from_slice(&[1, 2, 3]),
+ vec![(2,
+ format!("11{}10{}1",
+ repeat("0").take(bits - 2).collect::<String>(),
+ repeat("0").take(bits - 1).collect::<String>())),
+ (4,
+ format!("3{}2{}1",
+ repeat("0").take(bits / 2 - 1).collect::<String>(),
+ repeat("0").take(bits / 2 - 1).collect::<String>())),
+ (8,
+ match bits {
+ 32 => "6000000000100000000001".to_string(),
+ 16 => "140000400001".to_string(),
+ _ => panic!(),
+ }),
+ (10,
+ match bits {
+ 32 => "55340232229718589441".to_string(),
+ 16 => "12885032961".to_string(),
+ _ => panic!(),
+ }),
+ (16,
+ format!("3{}2{}1",
+ repeat("0").take(bits / 4 - 1).collect::<String>(),
+ repeat("0").take(bits / 4 - 1).collect::<String>()))])]
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_to_str_radix() {
+ let r = to_str_pairs();
+ for num_pair in r.iter() {
+ let &(ref n, ref rs) = num_pair;
+ for str_pair in rs.iter() {
+ let &(ref radix, ref str) = str_pair;
+ assert_eq!(n.to_str_radix(*radix), *str);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_str_radix() {
+ let r = to_str_pairs();
+ for num_pair in r.iter() {
+ let &(ref n, ref rs) = num_pair;
+ for str_pair in rs.iter() {
+ let &(ref radix, ref str) = str_pair;
+ assert_eq!(n, &BigUint::from_str_radix(str, *radix).unwrap());
+ }
+ }
+ let zed = BigUint::from_str_radix("Z", 10).ok();
+ assert_eq!(zed, None);
+ let blank = BigUint::from_str_radix("_", 2).ok();
+ assert_eq!(blank, None);
+ let plus_one = BigUint::from_str_radix("+1", 10).ok();
+ assert_eq!(plus_one, Some(BigUint::from_slice(&[1])));
+ let plus_plus_one = BigUint::from_str_radix("++1", 10).ok();
+ assert_eq!(plus_plus_one, None);
+ let minus_one = BigUint::from_str_radix("-1", 10).ok();
+ assert_eq!(minus_one, None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_all_str_radix() {
+ use std::ascii::AsciiExt;
+ let n = BigUint::new((0..10).collect());
+ for radix in 2..37 {
+ let s = n.to_str_radix(radix);
+ let x = BigUint::from_str_radix(&s, radix);
+ assert_eq!(x.unwrap(), n);
+ let s = s.to_ascii_uppercase();
+ let x = BigUint::from_str_radix(&s, radix);
+ assert_eq!(x.unwrap(), n);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lower_hex() {
+ let a = BigUint::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigUint::parse_bytes("22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", a), "a");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", hello), "48656c6c6f20776f726c6421");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8x}", a), "♥♥♥♥+0xa");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_upper_hex() {
+ let a = BigUint::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigUint::parse_bytes("22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", a), "A");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", hello), "48656C6C6F20776F726C6421");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8X}", a), "♥♥♥♥+0xA");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_binary() {
+ let a = BigUint::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigUint::parse_bytes("224055342307539".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", a), "1010");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", hello),
+ "110010111100011011110011000101101001100011010011");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8b}", a), "♥+0b1010");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_octal() {
+ let a = BigUint::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigUint::parse_bytes("22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", a), "12");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", hello), "22062554330674403566756233062041");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8o}", a), "♥♥♥+0o12");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_display() {
+ let a = BigUint::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigUint::parse_bytes("22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "10");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{}", hello), "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8}", a), "♥♥♥♥♥+10");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_factor() {
+ fn factor(n: usize) -> BigUint {
+ let mut f: BigUint = One::one();
+ for i in 2..n + 1 {
+ // FIXME(#5992): assignment operator overloads
+ // f *= FromPrimitive::from_usize(i);
+ let bu: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(i).unwrap();
+ f = f * bu;
+ }
+ return f;
+ }
+ fn check(n: usize, s: &str) {
+ let n = factor(n);
+ let ans = match BigUint::from_str_radix(s, 10) {
+ Ok(x) => x,
+ Err(_) => panic!(),
+ };
+ assert_eq!(n, ans);
+ }
+ check(3, "6");
+ check(10, "3628800");
+ check(20, "2432902008176640000");
+ check(30, "265252859812191058636308480000000");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_bits() {
+ assert_eq!(BigUint::new(vec![0, 0, 0, 0]).bits(), 0);
+ let n: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(0).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(n.bits(), 0);
+ let n: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(1).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(n.bits(), 1);
+ let n: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_usize(3).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(n.bits(), 2);
+ let n: BigUint = BigUint::from_str_radix("4000000000", 16).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(n.bits(), 39);
+ let one: BigUint = One::one();
+ assert_eq!((one << 426).bits(), 427);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_rand() {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ let _n: BigUint = rng.gen_biguint(137);
+ assert!(rng.gen_biguint(0).is_zero());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_rand_range() {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ for _ in 0..10 {
+ assert_eq!(rng.gen_bigint_range(&FromPrimitive::from_usize(236).unwrap(),
+ &FromPrimitive::from_usize(237).unwrap()),
+ FromPrimitive::from_usize(236).unwrap());
+ }
+ let l = FromPrimitive::from_usize(403469000 + 2352).unwrap();
+ let u = FromPrimitive::from_usize(403469000 + 3513).unwrap();
+ for _ in 0..1000 {
+ let n: BigUint = rng.gen_biguint_below(&u);
+ assert!(n < u);
+ let n: BigUint = rng.gen_biguint_range(&l, &u);
+ assert!(n >= l);
+ assert!(n < u);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_zero_rand_range() {
+ thread_rng().gen_biguint_range(&FromPrimitive::from_usize(54).unwrap(),
+ &FromPrimitive::from_usize(54).unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_negative_rand_range() {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ let l = FromPrimitive::from_usize(2352).unwrap();
+ let u = FromPrimitive::from_usize(3513).unwrap();
+ // Switching u and l should fail:
+ let _n: BigUint = rng.gen_biguint_range(&u, &l);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub_sign() {
+ use super::sub_sign;
+ let a = BigInt::from_str_radix("265252859812191058636308480000000", 10).unwrap();
+ let b = BigInt::from_str_radix("26525285981219105863630848000000", 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(sub_sign(&a.data.data[..], &b.data.data[..]), &a - &b);
+ assert_eq!(sub_sign(&b.data.data[..], &a.data.data[..]), &b - &a);
+ }
+ fn test_mul_divide_torture_count(count: usize) {
+ use rand::{SeedableRng, StdRng, Rng};
+ let bits_max = 1 << 12;
+ let seed: &[_] = &[1, 2, 3, 4];
+ let mut rng: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
+ for _ in 0..count {
+ // Test with numbers of random sizes:
+ let xbits = rng.gen_range(0, bits_max);
+ let ybits = rng.gen_range(0, bits_max);
+ let x = rng.gen_biguint(xbits);
+ let y = rng.gen_biguint(ybits);
+ if x.is_zero() || y.is_zero() {
+ continue;
+ }
+ let prod = &x * &y;
+ assert_eq!(&prod / &x, y);
+ assert_eq!(&prod / &y, x);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mul_divide_torture() {
+ test_mul_divide_torture_count(1000);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[ignore]
+ fn test_mul_divide_torture_long() {
+ test_mul_divide_torture_count(1000000);
+ }
+mod bigint_tests {
+ use Integer;
+ use super::{BigDigit, BigUint, ToBigUint};
+ use super::{Sign, BigInt, RandBigInt, ToBigInt, big_digit};
+ use super::Sign::{Minus, NoSign, Plus};
+ use std::cmp::Ordering::{Less, Equal, Greater};
+ use std::{f32, f64};
+ use std::{i8, i16, i32, i64, isize};
+ use std::iter::repeat;
+ use std::{u8, u16, u32, u64, usize};
+ use std::ops::Neg;
+ use rand::thread_rng;
+ use {Zero, One, Signed, ToPrimitive, FromPrimitive, Num};
+ use Float;
+ /// Assert that an op works for all val/ref combinations
+ macro_rules! assert_op {
+ ($left:ident $op:tt $right:ident == $expected:expr) => {
+ assert_eq!((&$left) $op (&$right), $expected);
+ assert_eq!((&$left) $op $right.clone(), $expected);
+ assert_eq!($left.clone() $op (&$right), $expected);
+ assert_eq!($left.clone() $op $right.clone(), $expected);
+ };
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_biguint() {
+ fn check(inp_s: Sign, inp_n: usize, ans_s: Sign, ans_n: usize) {
+ let inp = BigInt::from_biguint(inp_s, FromPrimitive::from_usize(inp_n).unwrap());
+ let ans = BigInt {
+ sign: ans_s,
+ data: FromPrimitive::from_usize(ans_n).unwrap(),
+ };
+ assert_eq!(inp, ans);
+ }
+ check(Plus, 1, Plus, 1);
+ check(Plus, 0, NoSign, 0);
+ check(Minus, 1, Minus, 1);
+ check(NoSign, 1, NoSign, 0);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_bytes_be() {
+ fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Plus, s.as_bytes()),
+ BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap());
+ }
+ check("A", "65");
+ check("AA", "16705");
+ check("AB", "16706");
+ check("Hello world!", "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Plus, &[]), Zero::zero());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_be(Minus, &[]), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_to_bytes_be() {
+ fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
+ let b = BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ let (sign, v) = b.to_bytes_be();
+ assert_eq!((Plus, s.as_bytes()), (sign, &*v));
+ }
+ check("A", "65");
+ check("AA", "16705");
+ check("AB", "16706");
+ check("Hello world!", "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ let b: BigInt = Zero::zero();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_be(), (NoSign, vec![0]));
+ // Test with leading/trailing zero bytes and a full BigDigit of value 0
+ let b = BigInt::from_str_radix("00010000000000000200", 16).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_be(), (Plus, vec![1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0]));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_bytes_le() {
+ fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_le(Plus, s.as_bytes()),
+ BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap());
+ }
+ check("A", "65");
+ check("AA", "16705");
+ check("BA", "16706");
+ check("!dlrow olleH", "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_le(Plus, &[]), Zero::zero());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_bytes_le(Minus, &[]), Zero::zero());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_to_bytes_le() {
+ fn check(s: &str, result: &str) {
+ let b = BigInt::parse_bytes(result.as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ let (sign, v) = b.to_bytes_le();
+ assert_eq!((Plus, s.as_bytes()), (sign, &*v));
+ }
+ check("A", "65");
+ check("AA", "16705");
+ check("BA", "16706");
+ check("!dlrow olleH", "22405534230753963835153736737");
+ let b: BigInt = Zero::zero();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_le(), (NoSign, vec![0]));
+ // Test with leading/trailing zero bytes and a full BigDigit of value 0
+ let b = BigInt::from_str_radix("00010000000000000200", 16).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b.to_bytes_le(), (Plus, vec![0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_cmp() {
+ let vs: [&[BigDigit]; 4] = [&[2 as BigDigit], &[1, 1], &[2, 1], &[1, 1, 1]];
+ let mut nums = Vec::new();
+ for s in vs.iter().rev() {
+ nums.push(BigInt::from_slice(Minus, *s));
+ }
+ nums.push(Zero::zero());
+ nums.extend(vs.iter().map(|s| BigInt::from_slice(Plus, *s)));
+ for (i, ni) in nums.iter().enumerate() {
+ for (j0, nj) in nums[i..].iter().enumerate() {
+ let j = i + j0;
+ if i == j {
+ assert_eq!(ni.cmp(nj), Equal);
+ assert_eq!(nj.cmp(ni), Equal);
+ assert_eq!(ni, nj);
+ assert!(!(ni != nj));
+ assert!(ni <= nj);
+ assert!(ni >= nj);
+ assert!(!(ni < nj));
+ assert!(!(ni > nj));
+ } else {
+ assert_eq!(ni.cmp(nj), Less);
+ assert_eq!(nj.cmp(ni), Greater);
+ assert!(!(ni == nj));
+ assert!(ni != nj);
+ assert!(ni <= nj);
+ assert!(!(ni >= nj));
+ assert!(ni < nj);
+ assert!(!(ni > nj));
+ assert!(!(nj <= ni));
+ assert!(nj >= ni);
+ assert!(!(nj < ni));
+ assert!(nj > ni);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_hash() {
+ let a = BigInt::new(NoSign, vec![]);
+ let b = BigInt::new(NoSign, vec![0]);
+ let c = BigInt::new(Plus, vec![1]);
+ let d = BigInt::new(Plus, vec![1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]);
+ let e = BigInt::new(Plus, vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]);
+ let f = BigInt::new(Minus, vec![1]);
+ assert!(::hash(&a) == ::hash(&b));
+ assert!(::hash(&b) != ::hash(&c));
+ assert!(::hash(&c) == ::hash(&d));
+ assert!(::hash(&d) != ::hash(&e));
+ assert!(::hash(&c) != ::hash(&f));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_i64() {
+ fn check(b1: BigInt, i: i64) {
+ let b2: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_i64(i).unwrap();
+ assert!(b1 == b2);
+ assert!(b1.to_i64().unwrap() == i);
+ }
+ check(Zero::zero(), 0);
+ check(One::one(), 1);
+ check(i64::MIN.to_bigint().unwrap(), i64::MIN);
+ check(i64::MAX.to_bigint().unwrap(), i64::MAX);
+ assert_eq!((i64::MAX as u64 + 1).to_bigint().unwrap().to_i64(), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).to_i64(),
+ None);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Minus,
+ BigUint::new(vec![1, 0, 0, 1 << (big_digit::BITS - 1)]))
+ .to_i64(),
+ None);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).to_i64(),
+ None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_u64() {
+ fn check(b1: BigInt, u: u64) {
+ let b2: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_u64(u).unwrap();
+ assert!(b1 == b2);
+ assert!(b1.to_u64().unwrap() == u);
+ }
+ check(Zero::zero(), 0);
+ check(One::one(), 1);
+ check(u64::MIN.to_bigint().unwrap(), u64::MIN);
+ check(u64::MAX.to_bigint().unwrap(), u64::MAX);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).to_u64(),
+ None);
+ let max_value: BigUint = FromPrimitive::from_u64(u64::MAX).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, max_value).to_u64(), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_biguint(Minus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5])).to_u64(),
+ None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_f32() {
+ fn check(b1: &BigInt, f: f32) {
+ let b2 = BigInt::from_f32(f).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b1, &b2);
+ assert_eq!(b1.to_f32().unwrap(), f);
+ let neg_b1 = -b1;
+ let neg_b2 = BigInt::from_f32(-f).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(neg_b1, neg_b2);
+ assert_eq!(neg_b1.to_f32().unwrap(), -f);
+ }
+ check(&BigInt::zero(), 0.0);
+ check(&BigInt::one(), 1.0);
+ check(&BigInt::from(u16::MAX), 2.0.powi(16) - 1.0);
+ check(&BigInt::from(1u64 << 32), 2.0.powi(32));
+ check(&BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[0, 0, 1]), 2.0.powi(64));
+ check(&((BigInt::one() << 100) + (BigInt::one() << 123)),
+ 2.0.powi(100) + 2.0.powi(123));
+ check(&(BigInt::one() << 127), 2.0.powi(127));
+ check(&(BigInt::from((1u64 << 24) - 1) << (128 - 24)), f32::MAX);
+ // keeping all 24 digits with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
+ let x: u32 = 0b00000000101111011111011011011101;
+ let mut f = x as f32;
+ let mut b = BigInt::from(x);
+ for _ in 0..64 {
+ check(&b, f);
+ f *= 2.0;
+ b = b << 1;
+ }
+ // this number when rounded to f64 then f32 isn't the same as when rounded straight to f32
+ let mut n: i64 = 0b0000000000111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111;
+ assert!((n as f64) as f32 != n as f32);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from(n).to_f32(), Some(n as f32));
+ n = -n;
+ assert!((n as f64) as f32 != n as f32);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from(n).to_f32(), Some(n as f32));
+ // test rounding up with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
+ let mut f = ((1u64 << 25) - 1) as f32;
+ let mut b = BigInt::from(1u64 << 25);
+ for _ in 0..64 {
+ assert_eq!(b.to_f32(), Some(f));
+ f *= 2.0;
+ b = b << 1;
+ }
+ // rounding
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-f32::consts::PI),
+ Some(BigInt::from(-3i32)));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-f32::consts::E), Some(BigInt::from(-2i32)));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-0.99999), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-0.5), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(-0.0), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::MIN_POSITIVE / 2.0),
+ Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::MIN_POSITIVE), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(0.5), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(0.99999), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::consts::E), Some(BigInt::from(2u32)));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::consts::PI), Some(BigInt::from(3u32)));
+ // special float values
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::NAN), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::INFINITY), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f32(f32::NEG_INFINITY), None);
+ // largest BigInt that will round to a finite f32 value
+ let big_num = (BigInt::one() << 128) - BigInt::one() - (BigInt::one() << (128 - 25));
+ assert_eq!(big_num.to_f32(), Some(f32::MAX));
+ assert_eq!((&big_num + BigInt::one()).to_f32(), None);
+ assert_eq!((-&big_num).to_f32(), Some(f32::MIN));
+ assert_eq!(((-&big_num) - BigInt::one()).to_f32(), None);
+ assert_eq!(((BigInt::one() << 128) - BigInt::one()).to_f32(), None);
+ assert_eq!((BigInt::one() << 128).to_f32(), None);
+ assert_eq!((-((BigInt::one() << 128) - BigInt::one())).to_f32(), None);
+ assert_eq!((-(BigInt::one() << 128)).to_f32(), None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_f64() {
+ fn check(b1: &BigInt, f: f64) {
+ let b2 = BigInt::from_f64(f).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(b1, &b2);
+ assert_eq!(b1.to_f64().unwrap(), f);
+ let neg_b1 = -b1;
+ let neg_b2 = BigInt::from_f64(-f).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(neg_b1, neg_b2);
+ assert_eq!(neg_b1.to_f64().unwrap(), -f);
+ }
+ check(&BigInt::zero(), 0.0);
+ check(&BigInt::one(), 1.0);
+ check(&BigInt::from(u32::MAX), 2.0.powi(32) - 1.0);
+ check(&BigInt::from(1u64 << 32), 2.0.powi(32));
+ check(&BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[0, 0, 1]), 2.0.powi(64));
+ check(&((BigInt::one() << 100) + (BigInt::one() << 152)),
+ 2.0.powi(100) + 2.0.powi(152));
+ check(&(BigInt::one() << 1023), 2.0.powi(1023));
+ check(&(BigInt::from((1u64 << 53) - 1) << (1024 - 53)), f64::MAX);
+ // keeping all 53 digits with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
+ let x: u64 = 0b0000000000011110111110110111111101110111101111011111011011011101;
+ let mut f = x as f64;
+ let mut b = BigInt::from(x);
+ for _ in 0..128 {
+ check(&b, f);
+ f *= 2.0;
+ b = b << 1;
+ }
+ // test rounding up with the bits at different offsets to the BigDigits
+ let mut f = ((1u64 << 54) - 1) as f64;
+ let mut b = BigInt::from(1u64 << 54);
+ for _ in 0..128 {
+ assert_eq!(b.to_f64(), Some(f));
+ f *= 2.0;
+ b = b << 1;
+ }
+ // rounding
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-f64::consts::PI),
+ Some(BigInt::from(-3i32)));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-f64::consts::E), Some(BigInt::from(-2i32)));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-0.99999), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-0.5), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(-0.0), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::MIN_POSITIVE / 2.0),
+ Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::MIN_POSITIVE), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(0.5), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(0.99999), Some(BigInt::zero()));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::consts::E), Some(BigInt::from(2u32)));
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::consts::PI), Some(BigInt::from(3u32)));
+ // special float values
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::NAN), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::INFINITY), None);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_f64(f64::NEG_INFINITY), None);
+ // largest BigInt that will round to a finite f64 value
+ let big_num = (BigInt::one() << 1024) - BigInt::one() - (BigInt::one() << (1024 - 54));
+ assert_eq!(big_num.to_f64(), Some(f64::MAX));
+ assert_eq!((&big_num + BigInt::one()).to_f64(), None);
+ assert_eq!((-&big_num).to_f64(), Some(f64::MIN));
+ assert_eq!(((-&big_num) - BigInt::one()).to_f64(), None);
+ assert_eq!(((BigInt::one() << 1024) - BigInt::one()).to_f64(), None);
+ assert_eq!((BigInt::one() << 1024).to_f64(), None);
+ assert_eq!((-((BigInt::one() << 1024) - BigInt::one())).to_f64(), None);
+ assert_eq!((-(BigInt::one() << 1024)).to_f64(), None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_to_biguint() {
+ fn check(n: BigInt, ans_1: BigUint) {
+ assert_eq!(n.to_biguint().unwrap(), ans_1);
+ assert_eq!(n.to_biguint().unwrap().to_bigint().unwrap(), n);
+ }
+ let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
+ let unsigned_zero: BigUint = Zero::zero();
+ let positive = BigInt::from_biguint(Plus, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3]));
+ let negative = -&positive;
+ check(zero, unsigned_zero);
+ check(positive, BigUint::new(vec![1, 2, 3]));
+ assert_eq!(negative.to_biguint(), None);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_from_uint() {
+ macro_rules! check {
+ ($ty:ident, $max:expr) => {
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::zero()), BigInt::zero());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::one()), BigInt::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MAX - $ty::one()), $max - BigInt::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MAX), $max);
+ }
+ }
+ check!(u8, BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u8::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(u16, BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u16::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(u32, BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u32::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(u64,
+ BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u32::MAX as BigDigit, u32::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(usize, BigInt::from(usize::MAX as u64));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_from_int() {
+ macro_rules! check {
+ ($ty:ident, $min:expr, $max:expr) => {
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MIN), $min);
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MIN + $ty::one()), $min + BigInt::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from(-$ty::one()), -BigInt::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::zero()), BigInt::zero());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::one()), BigInt::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MAX - $ty::one()), $max - BigInt::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from($ty::MAX), $max);
+ }
+ }
+ check!(i8,
+ BigInt::from_slice(Minus, &[1 << 7]),
+ BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[i8::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(i16,
+ BigInt::from_slice(Minus, &[1 << 15]),
+ BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[i16::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(i32,
+ BigInt::from_slice(Minus, &[1 << 31]),
+ BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[i32::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(i64,
+ BigInt::from_slice(Minus, &[0, 1 << 31]),
+ BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[u32::MAX as BigDigit, i32::MAX as BigDigit]));
+ check!(isize,
+ BigInt::from(isize::MIN as i64),
+ BigInt::from(isize::MAX as i64));
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_convert_from_biguint() {
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from(BigUint::zero()), BigInt::zero());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from(BigUint::one()), BigInt::one());
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from(BigUint::from_slice(&[1, 2, 3])),
+ BigInt::from_slice(Plus, &[1, 2, 3]));
+ }
+ const N1: BigDigit = -1i32 as BigDigit;
+ const N2: BigDigit = -2i32 as BigDigit;
+ const SUM_TRIPLES: &'static [(&'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit])] = &[(&[], &[], &[]),
+ (&[], &[1], &[1]),
+ (&[1], &[1], &[2]),
+ (&[1], &[1, 1], &[2, 1]),
+ (&[1], &[N1], &[0, 1]),
+ (&[1], &[N1, N1], &[0, 0, 1]),
+ (&[N1, N1], &[N1, N1], &[N2, N1, 1]),
+ (&[1, 1, 1], &[N1, N1], &[0, 1, 2]),
+ (&[2, 2, 1], &[N1, N2], &[1, 1, 2])];
+ #[test]
+ fn test_add() {
+ for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ let (na, nb, nc) = (-&a, -&b, -&c);
+ assert_op!(a + b == c);
+ assert_op!(b + a == c);
+ assert_op!(c + na == b);
+ assert_op!(c + nb == a);
+ assert_op!(a + nc == nb);
+ assert_op!(b + nc == na);
+ assert_op!(na + nb == nc);
+ assert_op!(a + na == Zero::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_sub() {
+ for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ let (na, nb, nc) = (-&a, -&b, -&c);
+ assert_op!(c - a == b);
+ assert_op!(c - b == a);
+ assert_op!(nb - a == nc);
+ assert_op!(na - b == nc);
+ assert_op!(b - na == c);
+ assert_op!(a - nb == c);
+ assert_op!(nc - na == nb);
+ assert_op!(a - a == Zero::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ const M: u32 = ::std::u32::MAX;
+ static MUL_TRIPLES: &'static [(&'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit])] = &[(&[], &[], &[]),
+ (&[], &[1], &[]),
+ (&[2], &[], &[]),
+ (&[1], &[1], &[1]),
+ (&[2], &[3], &[6]),
+ (&[1], &[1, 1, 1], &[1, 1, 1]),
+ (&[1, 2, 3], &[3], &[3, 6, 9]),
+ (&[1, 1, 1], &[N1], &[N1, N1, N1]),
+ (&[1, 2, 3], &[N1], &[N1, N2, N2, 2]),
+ (&[1, 2, 3, 4], &[N1], &[N1, N2, N2, N2, 3]),
+ (&[N1], &[N1], &[1, N2]),
+ (&[N1, N1], &[N1], &[1, N1, N2]),
+ (&[N1, N1, N1], &[N1], &[1, N1, N1, N2]),
+ (&[N1, N1, N1, N1], &[N1], &[1, N1, N1, N1, N2]),
+ (&[M / 2 + 1], &[2], &[0, 1]),
+ (&[0, M / 2 + 1], &[2], &[0, 0, 1]),
+ (&[1, 2], &[1, 2, 3], &[1, 4, 7, 6]),
+ (&[N1, N1], &[N1, N1, N1], &[1, 0, N1, N2, N1]),
+ (&[N1, N1, N1],
+ &[N1, N1, N1, N1],
+ &[1, 0, 0, N1, N2, N1, N1]),
+ (&[0, 0, 1], &[1, 2, 3], &[0, 0, 1, 2, 3]),
+ (&[0, 0, 1], &[0, 0, 0, 1], &[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])];
+ static DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES: &'static [(&'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit],
+ &'static [BigDigit])] = &[(&[1], &[2], &[], &[1]),
+ (&[1, 1], &[2], &[M / 2 + 1], &[1]),
+ (&[1, 1, 1], &[2], &[M / 2 + 1, M / 2 + 1], &[1]),
+ (&[0, 1], &[N1], &[1], &[1]),
+ (&[N1, N1], &[N2], &[2, 1], &[3])];
+ #[test]
+ fn test_mul() {
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ let (na, nb, nc) = (-&a, -&b, -&c);
+ assert_op!(a * b == c);
+ assert_op!(b * a == c);
+ assert_op!(na * nb == c);
+ assert_op!(na * b == nc);
+ assert_op!(nb * a == nc);
+ }
+ for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ let d = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, d_vec);
+ assert!(a == &b * &c + &d);
+ assert!(a == &c * &b + &d);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_div_mod_floor() {
+ fn check_sub(a: &BigInt, b: &BigInt, ans_d: &BigInt, ans_m: &BigInt) {
+ let (d, m) = a.div_mod_floor(b);
+ if !m.is_zero() {
+ assert_eq!(m.sign, b.sign);
+ }
+ assert!(m.abs() <= b.abs());
+ assert!(*a == b * &d + &m);
+ assert!(d == *ans_d);
+ assert!(m == *ans_m);
+ }
+ fn check(a: &BigInt, b: &BigInt, d: &BigInt, m: &BigInt) {
+ if m.is_zero() {
+ check_sub(a, b, d, m);
+ check_sub(a, &b.neg(), &d.neg(), m);
+ check_sub(&a.neg(), b, &d.neg(), m);
+ check_sub(&a.neg(), &b.neg(), d, m);
+ } else {
+ let one: BigInt = One::one();
+ check_sub(a, b, d, m);
+ check_sub(a, &b.neg(), &(d.neg() - &one), &(m - b));
+ check_sub(&a.neg(), b, &(d.neg() - &one), &(b - m));
+ check_sub(&a.neg(), &b.neg(), d, &m.neg());
+ }
+ }
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ if !a.is_zero() {
+ check(&c, &a, &b, &Zero::zero());
+ }
+ if !b.is_zero() {
+ check(&c, &b, &a, &Zero::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ let d = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, d_vec);
+ if !b.is_zero() {
+ check(&a, &b, &c, &d);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_div_rem() {
+ fn check_sub(a: &BigInt, b: &BigInt, ans_q: &BigInt, ans_r: &BigInt) {
+ let (q, r) = a.div_rem(b);
+ if !r.is_zero() {
+ assert_eq!(r.sign, a.sign);
+ }
+ assert!(r.abs() <= b.abs());
+ assert!(*a == b * &q + &r);
+ assert!(q == *ans_q);
+ assert!(r == *ans_r);
+ let (a, b, ans_q, ans_r) = (a.clone(), b.clone(), ans_q.clone(), ans_r.clone());
+ assert_op!(a / b == ans_q);
+ assert_op!(a % b == ans_r);
+ }
+ fn check(a: &BigInt, b: &BigInt, q: &BigInt, r: &BigInt) {
+ check_sub(a, b, q, r);
+ check_sub(a, &b.neg(), &q.neg(), r);
+ check_sub(&a.neg(), b, &q.neg(), &r.neg());
+ check_sub(&a.neg(), &b.neg(), q, &r.neg());
+ }
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ if !a.is_zero() {
+ check(&c, &a, &b, &Zero::zero());
+ }
+ if !b.is_zero() {
+ check(&c, &b, &a, &Zero::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ let d = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, d_vec);
+ if !b.is_zero() {
+ check(&a, &b, &c, &d);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checked_add() {
+ for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ assert!(a.checked_add(&b).unwrap() == c);
+ assert!(b.checked_add(&a).unwrap() == c);
+ assert!(c.checked_add(&(-&a)).unwrap() == b);
+ assert!(c.checked_add(&(-&b)).unwrap() == a);
+ assert!(a.checked_add(&(-&c)).unwrap() == (-&b));
+ assert!(b.checked_add(&(-&c)).unwrap() == (-&a));
+ assert!((-&a).checked_add(&(-&b)).unwrap() == (-&c));
+ assert!(a.checked_add(&(-&a)).unwrap() == Zero::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checked_sub() {
+ for elm in SUM_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ assert!(c.checked_sub(&a).unwrap() == b);
+ assert!(c.checked_sub(&b).unwrap() == a);
+ assert!((-&b).checked_sub(&a).unwrap() == (-&c));
+ assert!((-&a).checked_sub(&b).unwrap() == (-&c));
+ assert!(b.checked_sub(&(-&a)).unwrap() == c);
+ assert!(a.checked_sub(&(-&b)).unwrap() == c);
+ assert!((-&c).checked_sub(&(-&a)).unwrap() == (-&b));
+ assert!(a.checked_sub(&a).unwrap() == Zero::zero());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checked_mul() {
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ assert!(a.checked_mul(&b).unwrap() == c);
+ assert!(b.checked_mul(&a).unwrap() == c);
+ assert!((-&a).checked_mul(&b).unwrap() == -&c);
+ assert!((-&b).checked_mul(&a).unwrap() == -&c);
+ }
+ for elm in DIV_REM_QUADRUPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec, d_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ let d = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, d_vec);
+ assert!(a == b.checked_mul(&c).unwrap() + &d);
+ assert!(a == c.checked_mul(&b).unwrap() + &d);
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_checked_div() {
+ for elm in MUL_TRIPLES.iter() {
+ let (a_vec, b_vec, c_vec) = *elm;
+ let a = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, a_vec);
+ let b = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, b_vec);
+ let c = BigInt::from_slice(Plus, c_vec);
+ if !a.is_zero() {
+ assert!(c.checked_div(&a).unwrap() == b);
+ assert!((-&c).checked_div(&(-&a)).unwrap() == b);
+ assert!((-&c).checked_div(&a).unwrap() == -&b);
+ }
+ if !b.is_zero() {
+ assert!(c.checked_div(&b).unwrap() == a);
+ assert!((-&c).checked_div(&(-&b)).unwrap() == a);
+ assert!((-&c).checked_div(&b).unwrap() == -&a);
+ }
+ assert!(c.checked_div(&Zero::zero()).is_none());
+ assert!((-&c).checked_div(&Zero::zero()).is_none());
+ }
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_gcd() {
+ fn check(a: isize, b: isize, c: isize) {
+ let big_a: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(a).unwrap();
+ let big_b: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(b).unwrap();
+ let big_c: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(c).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(big_a.gcd(&big_b), big_c);
+ }
+ check(10, 2, 2);
+ check(10, 3, 1);
+ check(0, 3, 3);
+ check(3, 3, 3);
+ check(56, 42, 14);
+ check(3, -3, 3);
+ check(-6, 3, 3);
+ check(-4, -2, 2);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lcm() {
+ fn check(a: isize, b: isize, c: isize) {
+ let big_a: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(a).unwrap();
+ let big_b: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(b).unwrap();
+ let big_c: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(c).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(big_a.lcm(&big_b), big_c);
+ }
+ check(1, 0, 0);
+ check(0, 1, 0);
+ check(1, 1, 1);
+ check(-1, 1, 1);
+ check(1, -1, 1);
+ check(-1, -1, 1);
+ check(8, 9, 72);
+ check(11, 5, 55);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_abs_sub() {
+ let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
+ let one: BigInt = One::one();
+ assert_eq!((-&one).abs_sub(&one), zero);
+ let one: BigInt = One::one();
+ let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
+ assert_eq!(one.abs_sub(&one), zero);
+ let one: BigInt = One::one();
+ let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
+ assert_eq!(one.abs_sub(&zero), one);
+ let one: BigInt = One::one();
+ let two: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(2).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(one.abs_sub(&-&one), two);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_from_str_radix() {
+ fn check(s: &str, ans: Option<isize>) {
+ let ans = ans.map(|n| {
+ let x: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_isize(n).unwrap();
+ x
+ });
+ assert_eq!(BigInt::from_str_radix(s, 10).ok(), ans);
+ }
+ check("10", Some(10));
+ check("1", Some(1));
+ check("0", Some(0));
+ check("-1", Some(-1));
+ check("-10", Some(-10));
+ check("+10", Some(10));
+ check("--7", None);
+ check("++5", None);
+ check("+-9", None);
+ check("-+3", None);
+ check("Z", None);
+ check("_", None);
+ // issue 10522, this hit an edge case that caused it to
+ // attempt to allocate a vector of size (-1u) == huge.
+ let x: BigInt = format!("1{}", repeat("0").take(36).collect::<String>()).parse().unwrap();
+ let _y = x.to_string();
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_lower_hex() {
+ let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", a), "a");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:x}", hello), "-48656c6c6f20776f726c6421");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8x}", a), "♥♥♥♥+0xa");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_upper_hex() {
+ let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", a), "A");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:X}", hello), "-48656C6C6F20776F726C6421");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8X}", a), "♥♥♥♥+0xA");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_binary() {
+ let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-224055342307539".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", a), "1010");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:b}", hello),
+ "-110010111100011011110011000101101001100011010011");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8b}", a), "♥+0b1010");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_octal() {
+ let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", a), "12");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:o}", hello), "-22062554330674403566756233062041");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8o}", a), "♥♥♥+0o12");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_display() {
+ let a = BigInt::parse_bytes(b"A", 16).unwrap();
+ let hello = BigInt::parse_bytes("-22405534230753963835153736737".as_bytes(), 10).unwrap();
+ assert_eq!(format!("{}", a), "10");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{}", hello), "-22405534230753963835153736737");
+ assert_eq!(format!("{:♥>+#8}", a), "♥♥♥♥♥+10");
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_neg() {
+ assert!(-BigInt::new(Plus, vec![1, 1, 1]) == BigInt::new(Minus, vec![1, 1, 1]));
+ assert!(-BigInt::new(Minus, vec![1, 1, 1]) == BigInt::new(Plus, vec![1, 1, 1]));
+ let zero: BigInt = Zero::zero();
+ assert_eq!(-&zero, zero);
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_rand() {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ let _n: BigInt = rng.gen_bigint(137);
+ assert!(rng.gen_bigint(0).is_zero());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ fn test_rand_range() {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ for _ in 0..10 {
+ assert_eq!(rng.gen_bigint_range(&FromPrimitive::from_usize(236).unwrap(),
+ &FromPrimitive::from_usize(237).unwrap()),
+ FromPrimitive::from_usize(236).unwrap());
+ }
+ fn check(l: BigInt, u: BigInt) {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ for _ in 0..1000 {
+ let n: BigInt = rng.gen_bigint_range(&l, &u);
+ assert!(n >= l);
+ assert!(n < u);
+ }
+ }
+ let l: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_usize(403469000 + 2352).unwrap();
+ let u: BigInt = FromPrimitive::from_usize(403469000 + 3513).unwrap();
+ check(l.clone(), u.clone());
+ check(-l.clone(), u.clone());
+ check(-u.clone(), -l.clone());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_zero_rand_range() {
+ thread_rng().gen_bigint_range(&FromPrimitive::from_isize(54).unwrap(),
+ &FromPrimitive::from_isize(54).unwrap());
+ }
+ #[test]
+ #[should_panic]
+ fn test_negative_rand_range() {
+ let mut rng = thread_rng();
+ let l = FromPrimitive::from_usize(2352).unwrap();
+ let u = FromPrimitive::from_usize(3513).unwrap();
+ // Switching u and l should fail:
+ let _n: BigInt = rng.gen_bigint_range(&u, &l);
+ }