@@ -366,6 +366,12 @@ impl Num for BigUint {
/// Creates and initializes a `BigUint`.
fn from_str_radix(s: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<BigUint, ParseBigIntError> {
assert!(2 <= radix && radix <= 36, "The radix must be within 2...36");
+ let mut s = s;
+ if s.starts_with('+') {
+ let tail = &s[1..];
+ if !tail.starts_with('+') { s = tail }
+ }
if s.is_empty() {
// create ParseIntError::Empty
let e = u64::from_str_radix(s, radix).unwrap_err();
@@ -1891,7 +1897,11 @@ impl Num for BigInt {
/// Creates and initializes a BigInt.
fn from_str_radix(mut s: &str, radix: u32) -> Result<BigInt, ParseBigIntError> {
- let sign = if s.starts_with('-') { s = &s[1..]; Minus } else { Plus };
+ let sign = if s.starts_with('-') {
+ let tail = &s[1..];
+ if !tail.starts_with('+') { s = tail }
+ Minus
+ } else { Plus };
let bu = try!(BigUint::from_str_radix(s, radix));
Ok(BigInt::from_biguint(sign, bu))
@@ -3743,6 +3753,10 @@ mod biguint_tests {
assert_eq!(zed, None);
let blank = BigUint::from_str_radix("_", 2).ok();
assert_eq!(blank, None);
+ let plus_one = BigUint::from_str_radix("+1", 10).ok();
+ assert_eq!(plus_one, Some(BigUint::from_slice(&[1])));
+ let plus_plus_one = BigUint::from_str_radix("++1", 10).ok();
+ assert_eq!(plus_plus_one, None);
let minus_one = BigUint::from_str_radix("-1", 10).ok();
assert_eq!(minus_one, None);
@@ -4767,6 +4781,11 @@ mod bigint_tests {
check("0", Some(0));
check("-1", Some(-1));
check("-10", Some(-10));
+ check("+10", Some(10));
+ check("--7", None);
+ check("++5", None);
+ check("+-9", None);
+ check("-+3", None);
check("Z", None);
check("_", None);