@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2015 The Rust Project Developers. See the COPYRIGHT
+// file at the top-level directory of this distribution and at
+// http://rust-lang.org/COPYRIGHT.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 <LICENSE-APACHE or
+// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0> or the MIT license
+// <LICENSE-MIT or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT>, at your
+// option. This file may not be copied, modified, or distributed
+// except according to those terms.
+#![feature(plugin_registrar, rustc_private)]
+extern crate syntax;
+extern crate rustc;
+use syntax::ast::{MetaItem, Item, Expr};
+use syntax::ast;
+use syntax::codemap::Span;
+use syntax::ext::base::ExtCtxt;
+use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
+use syntax::ext::deriving::generic::*;
+use syntax::ext::deriving::generic::ty::*;
+use syntax::parse::token::InternedString;
+use syntax::ptr::P;
+use syntax::ext::base::Decorator;
+use syntax::parse::token;
+use rustc::plugin::Registry;
+macro_rules! pathvec {
+ ($($x:ident)::+) => (
+ vec![ $( stringify!($x) ),+ ]
+ )
+macro_rules! path {
+ ($($x:tt)*) => (
+ ::syntax::ext::deriving::generic::ty::Path::new( pathvec!( $($x)* ) )
+ )
+macro_rules! path_local {
+ ($x:ident) => (
+ ::syntax::ext::deriving::generic::ty::Path::new_local(stringify!($x))
+ )
+macro_rules! pathvec_std {
+ ($cx:expr, $first:ident :: $($rest:ident)::+) => (
+ if $cx.use_std {
+ pathvec!(std :: $($rest)::+)
+ } else {
+ pathvec!($first :: $($rest)::+)
+ }
+ )
+macro_rules! path_std {
+ ($($x:tt)*) => (
+ ::syntax::ext::deriving::generic::ty::Path::new( pathvec_std!( $($x)* ) )
+ )
+pub fn expand_deriving_from_primitive(cx: &mut ExtCtxt,
+ span: Span,
+ mitem: &MetaItem,
+ item: &Item,
+ push: &mut FnMut(P<Item>))
+ let inline = cx.meta_word(span, InternedString::new("inline"));
+ let attrs = vec!(cx.attribute(span, inline));
+ let trait_def = TraitDef {
+ span: span,
+ attributes: Vec::new(),
+ path: path!(num::FromPrimitive),
+ additional_bounds: Vec::new(),
+ generics: LifetimeBounds::empty(),
+ methods: vec!(
+ MethodDef {
+ name: "from_i64",
+ generics: LifetimeBounds::empty(),
+ explicit_self: None,
+ args: vec!(Literal(path_local!(i64))),
+ ret_ty: Literal(Path::new_(pathvec_std!(cx, core::option::Option),
+ None,
+ vec!(Box::new(Self_)),
+ true)),
+ // #[inline] liable to cause code-bloat
+ attributes: attrs.clone(),
+ combine_substructure: combine_substructure(Box::new(|c, s, sub| {
+ cs_from("i64", c, s, sub)
+ })),
+ },
+ MethodDef {
+ name: "from_u64",
+ generics: LifetimeBounds::empty(),
+ explicit_self: None,
+ args: vec!(Literal(path_local!(u64))),
+ ret_ty: Literal(Path::new_(pathvec_std!(cx, core::option::Option),
+ None,
+ vec!(Box::new(Self_)),
+ true)),
+ // #[inline] liable to cause code-bloat
+ attributes: attrs,
+ combine_substructure: combine_substructure(Box::new(|c, s, sub| {
+ cs_from("u64", c, s, sub)
+ })),
+ }
+ ),
+ associated_types: Vec::new(),
+ };
+ trait_def.expand(cx, mitem, item, push)
+fn cs_from(name: &str, cx: &mut ExtCtxt, trait_span: Span, substr: &Substructure) -> P<Expr> {
+ if substr.nonself_args.len() != 1 {
+ cx.span_bug(trait_span, "incorrect number of arguments in `derive(FromPrimitive)`")
+ }
+ let n = &substr.nonself_args[0];
+ match *substr.fields {
+ StaticStruct(..) => {
+ cx.span_err(trait_span, "`FromPrimitive` cannot be derived for structs");
+ return cx.expr_fail(trait_span, InternedString::new(""));
+ }
+ StaticEnum(enum_def, _) => {
+ if enum_def.variants.is_empty() {
+ cx.span_err(trait_span,
+ "`FromPrimitive` cannot be derived for enums with no variants");
+ return cx.expr_fail(trait_span, InternedString::new(""));
+ }
+ let mut arms = Vec::new();
+ for variant in &enum_def.variants {
+ match variant.node.kind {
+ ast::TupleVariantKind(ref args) => {
+ if !args.is_empty() {
+ cx.span_err(trait_span,
+ "`FromPrimitive` cannot be derived for \
+ enum variants with arguments");
+ return cx.expr_fail(trait_span,
+ InternedString::new(""));
+ }
+ let span = variant.span;
+ // expr for `$n == $variant as $name`
+ let path = cx.path(span, vec![substr.type_ident, variant.node.name]);
+ let variant = cx.expr_path(path);
+ let ty = cx.ty_ident(span, cx.ident_of(name));
+ let cast = cx.expr_cast(span, variant.clone(), ty);
+ let guard = cx.expr_binary(span, ast::BiEq, n.clone(), cast);
+ // expr for `Some($variant)`
+ let body = cx.expr_some(span, variant);
+ // arm for `_ if $guard => $body`
+ let arm = ast::Arm {
+ attrs: vec!(),
+ pats: vec!(cx.pat_wild(span)),
+ guard: Some(guard),
+ body: body,
+ };
+ arms.push(arm);
+ }
+ ast::StructVariantKind(_) => {
+ cx.span_err(trait_span,
+ "`FromPrimitive` cannot be derived for enums \
+ with struct variants");
+ return cx.expr_fail(trait_span,
+ InternedString::new(""));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // arm for `_ => None`
+ let arm = ast::Arm {
+ attrs: vec!(),
+ pats: vec!(cx.pat_wild(trait_span)),
+ guard: None,
+ body: cx.expr_none(trait_span),
+ };
+ arms.push(arm);
+ cx.expr_match(trait_span, n.clone(), arms)
+ }
+ _ => cx.span_bug(trait_span, "expected StaticEnum in derive(FromPrimitive)")
+ }
+pub fn plugin_registrar(reg: &mut Registry) {
+ reg.register_syntax_extension(
+ token::intern("derive_NumFromPrimitive"),
+ Decorator(Box::new(expand_deriving_from_primitive)));