.travis.yml 763 B

  1. language: rust
  2. sudo: false
  3. rust:
  4. - 1.8.0
  5. - 1.15.0
  6. - 1.20.0
  7. - 1.26.0 # has_i128
  8. - 1.31.0 # 2018!
  9. - stable
  10. - beta
  11. - nightly
  12. script:
  13. - cargo build --verbose
  14. - ./ci/test_full.sh
  15. matrix:
  16. include:
  17. # try a target that doesn't have std at all
  18. - name: "no_std"
  19. rust: stable
  20. env: TARGET=thumbv6m-none-eabi
  21. before_script:
  22. - rustup target add $TARGET
  23. script:
  24. - cargo build --verbose --target $TARGET --no-default-features --features i128
  25. - name: "rustfmt"
  26. rust: 1.31.0
  27. before_script:
  28. - rustup component add rustfmt
  29. script:
  30. - cargo fmt --all -- --check
  31. notifications:
  32. email:
  33. on_success: never
  34. branches:
  35. only:
  36. - master
  37. - next
  38. - staging
  39. - trying