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Move fork implementation to redox-exec

4lDO2 2 years ago
2 changed files with 233 additions and 225 deletions
  1. 1 225
  2. 232 0

+ 1 - 225

@@ -11,51 +11,7 @@ use syscall::SIGCONT;
 use super::extra::{create_set_addr_space_buf, FdGuard};
 use super::extra::{create_set_addr_space_buf, FdGuard};
-fn new_context() -> Result<(FdGuard, usize)> {
-    // Create a new context (fields such as uid/gid will be inherited from the current context).
-    let fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::open("thisproc:new/open_via_dup", O_CLOEXEC)?);
-    // Extract pid.
-    let mut buffer = [0_u8; 64];
-    let len = syscall::fpath(*fd, &mut buffer)?;
-    let buffer = buffer.get(..len).ok_or(Error::new(ENAMETOOLONG))?;
-    let colon_idx = buffer.iter().position(|c| *c == b':').ok_or(Error::new(EINVAL))?;
-    let slash_idx = buffer.iter().skip(colon_idx).position(|c| *c == b'/').ok_or(Error::new(EINVAL))? + colon_idx;
-    let pid_bytes = buffer.get(colon_idx + 1..slash_idx).ok_or(Error::new(EINVAL))?;
-    let pid_str = core::str::from_utf8(pid_bytes).map_err(|_| Error::new(EINVAL))?;
-    let pid = pid_str.parse::<usize>().map_err(|_| Error::new(EINVAL))?;
-    Ok((fd, pid))
-fn copy_str(cur_pid_fd: usize, new_pid_fd: usize, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
-    let cur_name_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(cur_pid_fd, key.as_bytes())?);
-    let new_name_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(new_pid_fd, key.as_bytes())?);
-    // TODO: Max path size?
-    let mut buf = [0_u8; 256];
-    let len = syscall::read(*cur_name_fd, &mut buf)?;
-    let buf = buf.get(..len).ok_or(Error::new(ENAMETOOLONG))?;
-    syscall::write(*new_name_fd, &buf)?;
-    Ok(())
-#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
-fn copy_env_regs(cur_pid_fd: usize, new_pid_fd: usize) -> Result<()> {
-    // Copy environment registers.
-    {
-        let cur_env_regs_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(cur_pid_fd, b"regs/env")?);
-        let new_env_regs_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(new_pid_fd, b"regs/env")?);
-        let mut env_regs = syscall::EnvRegisters::default();
-        let _ = syscall::read(*cur_env_regs_fd, &mut env_regs)?;
-        let _ = syscall::write(*new_env_regs_fd, &env_regs)?;
-    }
-    Ok(())
+pub use redox_exec::*;
 /// Spawns a new context sharing the same address space as the current one (i.e. a new thread).
 /// Spawns a new context sharing the same address space as the current one (i.e. a new thread).
 pub unsafe fn pte_clone_impl(stack: *mut usize) -> Result<usize> {
 pub unsafe fn pte_clone_impl(stack: *mut usize) -> Result<usize> {
@@ -111,186 +67,8 @@ pub unsafe fn pte_clone_impl(stack: *mut usize) -> Result<usize> {
-/// Spawns a new context which will not share the same address space as the current one. File
-/// descriptors from other schemes are reobtained with `dup`, and grants referencing such file
-/// descriptors are reobtained through `fmap`. Other mappings are kept but duplicated using CoW.
-pub fn fork_impl() -> Result<usize> {
-    unsafe {
-        Error::demux(__relibc_internal_fork_wrapper())
-    }
-fn fork_inner(initial_rsp: *mut usize) -> Result<usize> {
-    let (cur_filetable_fd, new_pid_fd, new_pid);
-    {
-        let cur_pid_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::open("thisproc:current/open_via_dup", O_CLOEXEC)?);
-        (new_pid_fd, new_pid) = new_context()?;
-        // Do not allocate new signal stack, but copy existing address (all memory will be re-mapped
-        // CoW later).
-        {
-            let cur_sigstack_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_pid_fd, b"sigstack")?);
-            let new_sigstack_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*new_pid_fd, b"sigstack")?);
-            let mut sigstack_buf = usize::to_ne_bytes(0);
-            let _ = syscall::read(*cur_sigstack_fd, &mut sigstack_buf);
-            let _ = syscall::write(*new_sigstack_fd, &sigstack_buf);
-        }
-        copy_str(*cur_pid_fd, *new_pid_fd, "name")?;
-        copy_str(*cur_pid_fd, *new_pid_fd, "cwd")?;
-        {
-            let cur_sigaction_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_pid_fd, b"sigactions")?);
-            let new_sigaction_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_sigaction_fd, b"copy")?);
-            let new_sigaction_sel_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*new_pid_fd, b"current-sigactions")?);
-            let _ = syscall::write(*new_sigaction_sel_fd, &usize::to_ne_bytes(*new_sigaction_fd))?;
-        }
-        // Copy existing files into new file table, but do not reuse the same file table (i.e. new
-        // parent FDs will not show up for the child).
-        {
-            cur_filetable_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_pid_fd, b"filetable")?);
-            // This must be done before the address space is copied.
-            unsafe {
-                initial_rsp.write(*cur_filetable_fd);
-                initial_rsp.add(1).write(*new_pid_fd);
-            }
-        }
-        // CoW-duplicate address space.
-        {
-            let cur_addr_space_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_pid_fd, b"addrspace")?);
-            // FIXME: Find mappings which use external file descriptors
-            let new_addr_space_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_addr_space_fd, b"exclusive")?);
-            let mut buf = vec! [0_u8; 4096];
-            let mut bytes_read = 0;
-            loop {
-                let new_bytes_read = syscall::read(*cur_addr_space_fd, &mut buf[bytes_read..])?;
-                if new_bytes_read == 0 { break }
-                bytes_read += new_bytes_read;
-            }
-            let bytes = &buf[..bytes_read];
-            for struct_bytes in bytes.array_chunks::<{size_of::<usize>() * 4}>() {
-                let mut words = struct_bytes.array_chunks::<{size_of::<usize>()}>().copied().map(usize::from_ne_bytes);
-                let addr =;
-                let size =;
-                let flags =;
-                let offset =;
-                if flags & 0x8000_0000 == 0 {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                let map_flags = MapFlags::from_bits_truncate(flags);
-                let grant_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_addr_space_fd, format!("grant-{:x}", addr).as_bytes())?);
-                redox_exec::mmap_remote(&new_addr_space_fd, &grant_fd, offset, addr, size, map_flags)?;
-            }
-            let new_addr_space_sel_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*new_pid_fd, b"current-addrspace")?);
-            let buf = create_set_addr_space_buf(*new_addr_space_fd, __relibc_internal_fork_ret as usize, initial_rsp as usize);
-            let _ = syscall::write(*new_addr_space_sel_fd, &buf)?;
-        }
-        copy_env_regs(*cur_pid_fd, *new_pid_fd)?;
-    }
-    // Copy the file table. We do this last to ensure that all previously used file descriptors are
-    // closed. The only exception -- the filetable selection fd and the current filetable fd --
-    // will be closed by the child process.
-    {
-        // TODO: Use cross_scheme_links or something similar to avoid copying the file table in the
-        // kernel.
-        let new_filetable_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_filetable_fd, b"copy")?);
-        let new_filetable_sel_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*new_pid_fd, b"current-filetable")?);
-        let _ = syscall::write(*new_filetable_sel_fd, &usize::to_ne_bytes(*new_filetable_fd));
-    }
-    // Unblock context.
-    syscall::kill(new_pid, SIGCONT)?;
-    // XXX: Killing with SIGCONT will put (pid, 65536) at key (pid, pgid) into the waitpid of this
-    // context. This means that if pgid is changed (as it is in ion for example), the pgid message
-    // in syscall::exit() will not be inserted as the key comparator thinks they're equal as their
-    // PIDs are. So, we have to call this to clear the waitpid queue to prevent deadlocks.
-    let _ = syscall::waitpid(new_pid, &mut 0, syscall::WUNTRACED | syscall::WCONTINUED);
-    Ok(new_pid)
-unsafe extern "sysv64" fn __relibc_internal_fork_impl(initial_rsp: *mut usize) -> usize {
-    Error::mux(fork_inner(initial_rsp))
-unsafe extern "sysv64" fn __relibc_internal_fork_hook(cur_filetable_fd: usize, new_pid_fd: usize) {
-    let _ = syscall::close(cur_filetable_fd);
-    let _ = syscall::close(new_pid_fd);
-    .p2align 6
-    .globl __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper
-    .type __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper, @function
-    push rbp
-    mov rbp, rsp
-    push rbx
-    push rbp
-    push r12
-    push r13
-    push r14
-    push r15
-    sub rsp, 32
-    stmxcsr [rsp+16]
-    fnstcw [rsp+24]
-    mov rdi, rsp
-    call __relibc_internal_fork_impl
-    jmp 2f
-    .size __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper, . - __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper
-    .p2align 6
-    .type __relibc_internal_fork_ret, @function
-    mov rdi, [rsp]
-    mov rsi, [rsp + 8]
-    call __relibc_internal_fork_hook
-    ldmxcsr [rsp+16]
-    fldcw [rsp+24]
-    xor rax, rax
-    .p2align 4
-    add rsp, 32
-    pop r15
-    pop r14
-    pop r13
-    pop r12
-    pop rbp
-    pop rbx
-    pop rbp
-    ret
-    .size __relibc_internal_fork_ret, . - __relibc_internal_fork_ret
     .globl __relibc_internal_pte_clone_ret
     .globl __relibc_internal_pte_clone_ret
     .type __relibc_internal_pte_clone_ret, @function
     .type __relibc_internal_pte_clone_ret, @function
     .p2align 6
     .p2align 6
@@ -321,7 +99,5 @@ __relibc_internal_pte_clone_ret:
 extern "sysv64" {
 extern "sysv64" {
-    fn __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper() -> usize;
-    fn __relibc_internal_fork_ret();
     fn __relibc_internal_pte_clone_ret();
     fn __relibc_internal_pte_clone_ret();

+ 232 - 0

@@ -410,3 +410,235 @@ pub fn create_set_addr_space_buf(space: usize, ip: usize, sp: usize) -> [u8; siz
 pub mod auxv_defs;
 pub mod auxv_defs;
 use auxv_defs::*;
 use auxv_defs::*;
+/// Spawns a new context which will not share the same address space as the current one. File
+/// descriptors from other schemes are reobtained with `dup`, and grants referencing such file
+/// descriptors are reobtained through `fmap`. Other mappings are kept but duplicated using CoW.
+pub fn fork_impl() -> Result<usize> {
+    unsafe {
+        Error::demux(__relibc_internal_fork_wrapper())
+    }
+fn fork_inner(initial_rsp: *mut usize) -> Result<usize> {
+    let (cur_filetable_fd, new_pid_fd, new_pid);
+    {
+        let cur_pid_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::open("thisproc:current/open_via_dup", syscall::O_CLOEXEC)?);
+        (new_pid_fd, new_pid) = new_context()?;
+        // Do not allocate new signal stack, but copy existing address (all memory will be re-mapped
+        // CoW later).
+        {
+            let cur_sigstack_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_pid_fd, b"sigstack")?);
+            let new_sigstack_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*new_pid_fd, b"sigstack")?);
+            let mut sigstack_buf = usize::to_ne_bytes(0);
+            let _ = syscall::read(*cur_sigstack_fd, &mut sigstack_buf);
+            let _ = syscall::write(*new_sigstack_fd, &sigstack_buf);
+        }
+        copy_str(*cur_pid_fd, *new_pid_fd, "name")?;
+        copy_str(*cur_pid_fd, *new_pid_fd, "cwd")?;
+        {
+            let cur_sigaction_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_pid_fd, b"sigactions")?);
+            let new_sigaction_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_sigaction_fd, b"copy")?);
+            let new_sigaction_sel_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*new_pid_fd, b"current-sigactions")?);
+            let _ = syscall::write(*new_sigaction_sel_fd, &usize::to_ne_bytes(*new_sigaction_fd))?;
+        }
+        // Copy existing files into new file table, but do not reuse the same file table (i.e. new
+        // parent FDs will not show up for the child).
+        {
+            cur_filetable_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_pid_fd, b"filetable")?);
+            // This must be done before the address space is copied.
+            unsafe {
+                initial_rsp.write(*cur_filetable_fd);
+                initial_rsp.add(1).write(*new_pid_fd);
+            }
+        }
+        // CoW-duplicate address space.
+        {
+            let cur_addr_space_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_pid_fd, b"addrspace")?);
+            // FIXME: Find mappings which use external file descriptors
+            let new_addr_space_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_addr_space_fd, b"exclusive")?);
+            let mut buf = vec! [0_u8; 4096];
+            let mut bytes_read = 0;
+            loop {
+                let new_bytes_read = syscall::read(*cur_addr_space_fd, &mut buf[bytes_read..])?;
+                if new_bytes_read == 0 { break }
+                bytes_read += new_bytes_read;
+            }
+            let bytes = &buf[..bytes_read];
+            for struct_bytes in bytes.array_chunks::<{size_of::<usize>() * 4}>() {
+                let mut words = struct_bytes.array_chunks::<{size_of::<usize>()}>().copied().map(usize::from_ne_bytes);
+                let addr =;
+                let size =;
+                let flags =;
+                let offset =;
+                if flags & 0x8000_0000 == 0 {
+                    continue;
+                }
+                let map_flags = MapFlags::from_bits_truncate(flags);
+                let grant_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_addr_space_fd, alloc::format!("grant-{:x}", addr).as_bytes())?);
+                mmap_remote(&new_addr_space_fd, &grant_fd, offset, addr, size, map_flags)?;
+            }
+            let new_addr_space_sel_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*new_pid_fd, b"current-addrspace")?);
+            let buf = create_set_addr_space_buf(*new_addr_space_fd, __relibc_internal_fork_ret as usize, initial_rsp as usize);
+            let _ = syscall::write(*new_addr_space_sel_fd, &buf)?;
+        }
+        copy_env_regs(*cur_pid_fd, *new_pid_fd)?;
+    }
+    // Copy the file table. We do this last to ensure that all previously used file descriptors are
+    // closed. The only exception -- the filetable selection fd and the current filetable fd --
+    // will be closed by the child process.
+    {
+        // TODO: Use cross_scheme_links or something similar to avoid copying the file table in the
+        // kernel.
+        let new_filetable_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*cur_filetable_fd, b"copy")?);
+        let new_filetable_sel_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(*new_pid_fd, b"current-filetable")?);
+        let _ = syscall::write(*new_filetable_sel_fd, &usize::to_ne_bytes(*new_filetable_fd));
+    }
+    // Unblock context.
+    syscall::kill(new_pid, syscall::SIGCONT)?;
+    // XXX: Killing with SIGCONT will put (pid, 65536) at key (pid, pgid) into the waitpid of this
+    // context. This means that if pgid is changed (as it is in ion for example), the pgid message
+    // in syscall::exit() will not be inserted as the key comparator thinks they're equal as their
+    // PIDs are. So, we have to call this to clear the waitpid queue to prevent deadlocks.
+    let _ = syscall::waitpid(new_pid, &mut 0, syscall::WUNTRACED | syscall::WCONTINUED);
+    Ok(new_pid)
+unsafe extern "sysv64" fn __relibc_internal_fork_impl(initial_rsp: *mut usize) -> usize {
+    Error::mux(fork_inner(initial_rsp))
+unsafe extern "sysv64" fn __relibc_internal_fork_hook(cur_filetable_fd: usize, new_pid_fd: usize) {
+    let _ = syscall::close(cur_filetable_fd);
+    let _ = syscall::close(new_pid_fd);
+    .p2align 6
+    .globl __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper
+    .type __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper, @function
+    push rbp
+    mov rbp, rsp
+    push rbx
+    push rbp
+    push r12
+    push r13
+    push r14
+    push r15
+    sub rsp, 32
+    stmxcsr [rsp+16]
+    fnstcw [rsp+24]
+    mov rdi, rsp
+    call __relibc_internal_fork_impl
+    jmp 2f
+    .size __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper, . - __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper
+    .p2align 6
+    .type __relibc_internal_fork_ret, @function
+    mov rdi, [rsp]
+    mov rsi, [rsp + 8]
+    call __relibc_internal_fork_hook
+    ldmxcsr [rsp+16]
+    fldcw [rsp+24]
+    xor rax, rax
+    .p2align 4
+    add rsp, 32
+    pop r15
+    pop r14
+    pop r13
+    pop r12
+    pop rbp
+    pop rbx
+    pop rbp
+    ret
+    .size __relibc_internal_fork_ret, . - __relibc_internal_fork_ret"
+extern "sysv64" {
+    fn __relibc_internal_fork_wrapper() -> usize;
+    fn __relibc_internal_fork_ret();
+pub fn new_context() -> Result<(FdGuard, usize)> {
+    // Create a new context (fields such as uid/gid will be inherited from the current context).
+    let fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::open("thisproc:new/open_via_dup", syscall::O_CLOEXEC)?);
+    // Extract pid.
+    let mut buffer = [0_u8; 64];
+    let len = syscall::fpath(*fd, &mut buffer)?;
+    let buffer = buffer.get(..len).ok_or(Error::new(ENAMETOOLONG))?;
+    let colon_idx = buffer.iter().position(|c| *c == b':').ok_or(Error::new(EINVAL))?;
+    let slash_idx = buffer.iter().skip(colon_idx).position(|c| *c == b'/').ok_or(Error::new(EINVAL))? + colon_idx;
+    let pid_bytes = buffer.get(colon_idx + 1..slash_idx).ok_or(Error::new(EINVAL))?;
+    let pid_str = core::str::from_utf8(pid_bytes).map_err(|_| Error::new(EINVAL))?;
+    let pid = pid_str.parse::<usize>().map_err(|_| Error::new(EINVAL))?;
+    Ok((fd, pid))
+pub fn copy_str(cur_pid_fd: usize, new_pid_fd: usize, key: &str) -> Result<()> {
+    let cur_name_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(cur_pid_fd, key.as_bytes())?);
+    let new_name_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(new_pid_fd, key.as_bytes())?);
+    // TODO: Max path size?
+    let mut buf = [0_u8; 256];
+    let len = syscall::read(*cur_name_fd, &mut buf)?;
+    let buf = buf.get(..len).ok_or(Error::new(ENAMETOOLONG))?;
+    syscall::write(*new_name_fd, &buf)?;
+    Ok(())
+#[cfg(target_arch = "x86_64")]
+pub fn copy_env_regs(cur_pid_fd: usize, new_pid_fd: usize) -> Result<()> {
+    // Copy environment registers.
+    {
+        let cur_env_regs_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(cur_pid_fd, b"regs/env")?);
+        let new_env_regs_fd = FdGuard::new(syscall::dup(new_pid_fd, b"regs/env")?);
+        let mut env_regs = syscall::EnvRegisters::default();
+        let _ = syscall::read(*cur_env_regs_fd, &mut env_regs)?;
+        let _ = syscall::write(*new_env_regs_fd, &env_regs)?;
+    }
+    Ok(())