@@ -196,65 +196,51 @@ pub fn exit(status: c_int) -> ! {
pub unsafe extern "C" fn execve(
path: *const c_char,
- argv: *const *mut c_char,
- envp: *const *mut c_char,
+ mut argv: *const *mut c_char,
+ mut envp: *const *mut c_char,
) -> c_int {
use alloc::Vec;
- use syscall::flag::*;
- let mut env = envp;
- while !(*env).is_null() {
- let slice = c_str(*env);
- // Should always contain a =, but worth checking
- if let Some(sep) = slice.iter().position(|&c| c == b'=') {
- // If the environment variable has no name, do not attempt
- // to add it to the env.
- if sep > 0 {
- let mut path = b"env:".to_vec();
- path.extend_from_slice(&slice[..sep]);
- match syscall::open(&path, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT) {
- Ok(fd) => {
- // If the environment variable has no value, there
- // is no need to write anything to the env scheme.
- if sep + 1 < slice.len() {
- match syscall::write(fd, &slice[sep + 1..]) {
- Ok(_) => (),
- err => {
- return e(err) as c_int;
- }
- }
- }
- // Cleanup after adding the variable.
- match syscall::close(fd) {
- Ok(_) => (),
- err => {
- return e(err) as c_int;
- }
- }
- }
- err => {
- return e(err) as c_int;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- env = env.offset(1);
- }
+ let fd = match RawFile::open(path, 0, 0) {
+ Ok(fd) => fd,
+ Err(_) => return -1
+ };
let mut len = 0;
while !(*argv.offset(len)).is_null() {
len += 1;
- break;
let mut args: Vec<[usize; 2]> = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);
- let mut arg = argv;
- while !(*arg).is_null() {
- args.push([*arg as usize, c_str(*arg).len()]);
- arg = arg.offset(1);
+ while !(*argv).is_null() {
+ let arg = *argv;
+ let mut len = 0;
+ while *arg.offset(len) != 0 {
+ len += 1;
+ }
+ args.push([*arg as usize, len as usize]);
+ argv = argv.offset(1);
+ }
+ let mut len = 0;
+ while !(*envp.offset(len)).is_null() {
+ len += 1;
+ }
+ let mut envs: Vec<[usize; 2]> = Vec::with_capacity(len as usize);
+ while !(*envp).is_null() {
+ let env = *envp;
+ let mut len = 0;
+ while *env.offset(len) != 0 {
+ len += 1;
+ }
+ envs.push([*env as usize, len as usize]);
+ envp = envp.offset(1);
- e(syscall::execve(c_str(path), &args)) as c_int
+ e(syscall::fexec(*fd as usize, &args, &envs)) as c_int
pub fn fchdir(fd: c_int) -> c_int {