@@ -1,154 +1,144 @@
use alloc::string::String;
use platform::types::*;
-use platform::Write;
+use platform::{self, Write};
use tm;
pub unsafe fn strftime<W: Write>(
- toplevel: bool,
- mut w: &mut W,
- maxsize: usize,
- mut format: *const c_char,
+ w: &mut W,
+ format: *const c_char,
t: *const tm,
) -> size_t {
- let mut written = 0;
- if toplevel {
- // Reserve nul byte
- written += 1;
- }
- macro_rules! w {
- (reserve $amount:expr) => {{
- if written + $amount > maxsize {
- return 0;
- }
- written += $amount;
- }};
- (byte $b:expr) => {{
- w!(reserve 1);
- if w.write_u8($b).is_err() {
- return !0;
- }
- }};
- (char $chr:expr) => {{
- w!(reserve $chr.len_utf8());
- if w.write_char($chr).is_err() {
- return !0;
- }
- }};
- (recurse $fmt:expr) => {{
- let mut fmt = String::with_capacity($fmt.len() + 1);
- fmt.push_str($fmt);
- fmt.push('\0');
- let count = strftime(false, w, maxsize - written, fmt.as_ptr() as *mut c_char, t);
- if count == 0 {
- return 0;
- }
- written += count;
- assert!(written <= maxsize);
- }};
- ($str:expr) => {{
- w!(reserve $str.len());
- if w.write_str($str).is_err() {
- return !0;
- }
- }};
- ($fmt:expr, $($args:expr),+) => {{
- // Would use write!() if I could get the length written
- w!(&format!($fmt, $($args),+))
- }};
- }
- const WDAYS: [&'static str; 7] = [
- "Sunday",
- "Monday",
- "Tuesday",
- "Wednesday",
- "Thursday",
- "Friday",
- "Saturday",
- ];
- const MONTHS: [&'static str; 12] = [
- "January",
- "Febuary",
- "March",
- "April",
- "May",
- "June",
- "July",
- "August",
- "September",
- "October",
- "November",
- "December",
- ];
+ pub unsafe fn inner_strftime<W: Write>(
+ mut w: &mut W,
+ mut format: *const c_char,
+ t: *const tm,
+ ) -> bool {
+ macro_rules! w {
+ (byte $b:expr) => {{
+ if w.write_u8($b).is_err() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }};
+ (char $chr:expr) => {{
+ if w.write_char($chr).is_err() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }};
+ (recurse $fmt:expr) => {{
+ let mut fmt = String::with_capacity($fmt.len() + 1);
+ fmt.push_str($fmt);
+ fmt.push('\0');
- while *format != 0 {
- if *format as u8 != b'%' {
- w!(byte(*format as u8));
- format = format.offset(1);
- continue;
+ if !inner_strftime(w, fmt.as_ptr() as *mut c_char, t) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }};
+ ($str:expr) => {{
+ if w.write_str($str).is_err() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }};
+ ($fmt:expr, $($args:expr),+) => {{
+ // Would use write!() if I could get the length written
+ if write!(w, $fmt, $($args),+).is_err() {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }};
+ const WDAYS: [&'static str; 7] = [
+ "Sunday",
+ "Monday",
+ "Tuesday",
+ "Wednesday",
+ "Thursday",
+ "Friday",
+ "Saturday",
+ ];
+ const MONTHS: [&'static str; 12] = [
+ "January",
+ "Febuary",
+ "March",
+ "April",
+ "May",
+ "June",
+ "July",
+ "August",
+ "September",
+ "October",
+ "November",
+ "December",
+ ];
- format = format.offset(1);
+ while *format != 0 {
+ if *format as u8 != b'%' {
+ w!(byte *format as u8);
+ format = format.offset(1);
+ continue;
+ }
- if *format as u8 == b'E' || *format as u8 == b'O' {
- // Ignore because these do nothing without locale
format = format.offset(1);
- }
- match *format as u8 {
- b'%' => w!(byte b'%'),
- b'n' => w!(byte b'\n'),
- b't' => w!(byte b'\t'),
- b'a' => w!(&WDAYS[(*t).tm_wday as usize][..3]),
- b'A' => w!(WDAYS[(*t).tm_wday as usize]),
- b'b' | b'h' => w!(&MONTHS[(*t).tm_mon as usize][..3]),
- b'B' => w!(MONTHS[(*t).tm_mon as usize]),
- b'C' => {
- let mut year = (*t).tm_year / 100;
- // Round up
- if (*t).tm_year % 100 != 0 {
- year += 1;
+ if *format as u8 == b'E' || *format as u8 == b'O' {
+ // Ignore because these do nothing without locale
+ format = format.offset(1);
+ }
+ match *format as u8 {
+ b'%' => w!(byte b'%'),
+ b'n' => w!(byte b'\n'),
+ b't' => w!(byte b'\t'),
+ b'a' => w!(&WDAYS[(*t).tm_wday as usize][..3]),
+ b'A' => w!(WDAYS[(*t).tm_wday as usize]),
+ b'b' | b'h' => w!(&MONTHS[(*t).tm_mon as usize][..3]),
+ b'B' => w!(MONTHS[(*t).tm_mon as usize]),
+ b'C' => {
+ let mut year = (*t).tm_year / 100;
+ // Round up
+ if (*t).tm_year % 100 != 0 {
+ year += 1;
+ }
+ w!("{:02}", year + 19);
- w!("{:02}", year + 19);
+ b'd' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_mday),
+ b'D' => w!(recurse "%m/%d/%y"),
+ b'e' => w!("{:2}", (*t).tm_mday),
+ b'F' => w!(recurse "%Y-%m-%d"),
+ b'H' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_hour),
+ b'I' => w!("{:02}", ((*t).tm_hour + 12 - 1) % 12 + 1),
+ b'j' => w!("{:03}", (*t).tm_yday),
+ b'k' => w!("{:2}", (*t).tm_hour),
+ b'l' => w!("{:2}", ((*t).tm_hour + 12 - 1) % 12 + 1),
+ b'm' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_mon + 1),
+ b'M' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_min),
+ b'p' => w!(if (*t).tm_hour < 12 { "AM" } else { "PM" }),
+ b'P' => w!(if (*t).tm_hour < 12 { "am" } else { "pm" }),
+ b'r' => w!(recurse "%I:%M:%S %p"),
+ b'R' => w!(recurse "%H:%M"),
+ // Nothing is modified in mktime, but the C standard of course requires a mutable pointer ._.
+ b's' => w!("{}", ::mktime(t as *mut tm)),
+ b'S' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_sec),
+ b'T' => w!(recurse "%H:%M:%S"),
+ b'u' => w!("{}", ((*t).tm_wday + 7 - 1) % 7 + 1),
+ b'U' => w!("{}", ((*t).tm_yday + 7 - (*t).tm_wday) / 7),
+ b'w' => w!("{}", (*t).tm_wday),
+ b'W' => w!("{}", ((*t).tm_yday + 7 - ((*t).tm_wday + 6) % 7) / 7),
+ b'y' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_year % 100),
+ b'Y' => w!("{}", (*t).tm_year + 1900),
+ b'z' => w!("+0000"), // TODO
+ b'Z' => w!("UTC"), // TODO
+ b'+' => w!(recurse "%a %b %d %T %Z %Y"),
+ _ => return false,
- b'd' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_mday),
- b'D' => w!(recurse "%m/%d/%y"),
- b'e' => w!("{:2}", (*t).tm_mday),
- b'F' => w!(recurse "%Y-%m-%d"),
- b'H' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_hour),
- b'I' => w!("{:02}", ((*t).tm_hour + 12 - 1) % 12 + 1),
- b'j' => w!("{:03}", (*t).tm_yday),
- b'k' => w!("{:2}", (*t).tm_hour),
- b'l' => w!("{:2}", ((*t).tm_hour + 12 - 1) % 12 + 1),
- b'm' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_mon + 1),
- b'M' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_min),
- b'p' => w!(if (*t).tm_hour < 12 { "AM" } else { "PM" }),
- b'P' => w!(if (*t).tm_hour < 12 { "am" } else { "pm" }),
- b'r' => w!(recurse "%I:%M:%S %p"),
- b'R' => w!(recurse "%H:%M"),
- // Nothing is modified in mktime, but the C standard of course requires a mutable pointer ._.
- b's' => w!("{}", ::mktime(t as *mut tm)),
- b'S' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_sec),
- b'T' => w!(recurse "%H:%M:%S"),
- b'u' => w!("{}", ((*t).tm_wday + 7 - 1) % 7 + 1),
- b'U' => w!("{}", ((*t).tm_yday + 7 - (*t).tm_wday) / 7),
- b'w' => w!("{}", (*t).tm_wday),
- b'W' => w!("{}", ((*t).tm_yday + 7 - ((*t).tm_wday + 6) % 7) / 7),
- b'y' => w!("{:02}", (*t).tm_year % 100),
- b'Y' => w!("{}", (*t).tm_year + 1900),
- b'z' => w!("+0000"), // TODO
- b'Z' => w!("UTC"), // TODO
- b'+' => w!(recurse "%a %b %d %T %Z %Y"),
- _ => return 0,
- }
- format = format.offset(1);
- }
- if toplevel {
- // nul byte is already counted in written
- if w.write_u8(0).is_err() {
- return !0;
+ format = format.offset(1);
+ true
- written
+ let mut w = platform::CountingWriter::new(w);
+ if !inner_strftime(&mut w, format, t) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ w.written