@@ -1,11 +1,23 @@
//! pwd implementation for relibc
-use core::ptr;
+use alloc::{
+ boxed::Box,
+ vec::Vec,
+use core::{
+ ops::{Deref, DerefMut},
+ pin::Pin,
+ ptr,
use crate::{
- header::{errno, fcntl},
- io::{BufRead, BufReader},
+ header::{
+ errno,
+ fcntl,
+ string::strcmp,
+ },
+ io::{prelude::*, BufReader, SeekFrom},
platform::{self, types::*},
@@ -20,6 +32,7 @@ use self::linux as sys;
use self::redox as sys;
pub struct passwd {
pw_name: *mut c_char,
pw_passwd: *mut c_char,
@@ -30,7 +43,7 @@ pub struct passwd {
pw_shell: *mut c_char,
-static mut PASSWD_BUF: *mut c_char = ptr::null_mut();
+static mut PASSWD_BUF: Option<MaybeAllocated> = None;
static mut PASSWD: passwd = passwd {
pw_name: ptr::null_mut(),
pw_passwd: ptr::null_mut(),
@@ -41,110 +54,155 @@ static mut PASSWD: passwd = passwd {
pw_shell: ptr::null_mut(),
-enum OptionPasswd {
- Error,
- NotFound,
- Found(*mut c_char),
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+struct DestBuffer {
+ ptr: *mut u8,
+ len: usize,
-fn pwd_lookup<F>(
- out: *mut passwd,
- alloc: Option<(*mut c_char, size_t)>,
- mut callback: F,
-) -> OptionPasswd
- // TODO F: FnMut(impl Iterator<Item = &[u8]>) -> bool
- F: FnMut(&[&[u8]]) -> bool,
- let file = match File::open(c_str!("/etc/passwd"), fcntl::O_RDONLY) {
- Ok(file) => file,
- Err(_) => return OptionPasswd::Error,
- };
- let file = BufReader::new(file);
+enum MaybeAllocated {
+ Owned(Pin<Box<[u8]>>),
+ Borrowed(DestBuffer),
+impl Deref for MaybeAllocated {
+ type Target = [u8];
- for line in file.split(b'\n') {
- let line = match line {
- Ok(line) => line,
- Err(err) => unsafe {
- platform::errno = errno::EIO;
- return OptionPasswd::Error;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
+ match self {
+ MaybeAllocated::Owned(boxed) => boxed,
+ MaybeAllocated::Borrowed(dst) => unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts(dst.ptr, dst.len)
- };
- // Parse into passwd
- let parts: [&[u8]; 7] = sys::split(&line);
- if !callback(&parts) {
- continue;
+ }
+impl DerefMut for MaybeAllocated {
+ fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target {
+ match self {
+ MaybeAllocated::Owned(boxed) => boxed,
+ MaybeAllocated::Borrowed(dst) => unsafe {
+ core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(dst.ptr, dst.len)
+ },
+ }
+ }
- let len = parts
- .iter()
- .enumerate()
- .filter(|(i, _)| *i != 2 && *i != 3)
- .map(|(_, part)| part.len() + 1)
- .sum();
+struct OwnedPwd {
+ buffer: MaybeAllocated,
+ reference: passwd,
- if alloc.map(|(_, s)| len > s as usize).unwrap_or(false) {
- unsafe {
- platform::errno = errno::ERANGE;
- }
- return OptionPasswd::Error;
+impl OwnedPwd {
+ fn into_global(self) -> *mut passwd {
+ unsafe {
+ PASSWD_BUF = Some(self.buffer);
+ PASSWD = self.reference;
+ &mut PASSWD
+ }
- let alloc = match alloc {
- Some((alloc, _)) => alloc,
- None => unsafe { platform::alloc(len) as *mut c_char },
- };
- // _ prefix so it won't complain about the trailing
- // _off += <thing>
- // in the macro that is never read
- let mut _off = 0;
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+enum Cause {
+ Eof,
+ Other,
- let mut parts = parts.iter();
+static mut READER: Option<BufReader<File>> = None;
- macro_rules! copy_into {
- ($entry:expr) => {
- debug_assert!(_off as usize <= len);
+fn parsed<I, O>(buf: Option<I>) -> Option<O>
+ I: core::borrow::Borrow<[u8]>,
+ O: core::str::FromStr,
+ let buf = buf?;
+ let string = core::str::from_utf8(buf.borrow()).ok()?;
+ string.parse().ok()
- let src = parts.next().unwrap_or(&(&[] as &[u8])); // this is madness
- let dst = unsafe { alloc.offset(_off) };
+fn getpwent_r(reader: &mut BufReader<File>, destination: Option<DestBuffer>) -> Result<OwnedPwd, Cause> {
+ let mut buf = Vec::new();
+ if reader.read_until(b'\n', &mut buf).map_err(|_| Cause::Other)? == 0 {
+ return Err(Cause::Eof);
+ }
- for (i, c) in src.iter().enumerate() {
- unsafe {
- *dst.add(i) = *c as c_char;
- }
- }
- unsafe {
- *dst.add(src.len()) = 0;
+ // Replace all occurences of ':' with terminating NUL byte
+ let mut start = 0;
+ while let Some(i) = memchr::memchr(b':', &buf[start..]) {
+ buf[start + i] = 0;
+ start += i + 1;
+ }
- $entry = dst;
- }
- _off += src.len() as isize + 1;
- };
- ($entry:expr,parse) => {
+ // Place terminating NUL byte at the end, replace newline
+ let last = buf.last_mut();
+ if last == Some(&mut b'\n') {
+ *last.unwrap() = 0;
+ } else {
+ buf.push(0);
+ }
+ let mut buf = match destination {
+ None => MaybeAllocated::Owned(Box::into_pin(buf.into_boxed_slice())),
+ Some(dst) => {
+ let mut new = MaybeAllocated::Borrowed(dst);
+ if new.len() < buf.len() {
unsafe {
- $entry = parts
- .next()
- .and_then(|part| core::str::from_utf8(part).ok())
- .and_then(|part| part.parse().ok())
- .unwrap_or(0);
+ platform::errno = errno::ERANGE;
- };
- }
+ return Err(Cause::Other);
+ }
+ new[..buf.len()].copy_from_slice(&buf);
+ new
+ },
+ };
+ // Chop up the result into a valid structure
+ let passwd = sys::split(&mut buf).ok_or(Cause::Other)?;
- copy_into!((*out).pw_name);
- copy_into!((*out).pw_passwd);
- copy_into!((*out).pw_uid, parse);
- copy_into!((*out).pw_gid, parse);
- copy_into!((*out).pw_gecos);
- copy_into!((*out).pw_dir);
- copy_into!((*out).pw_shell);
+ Ok(OwnedPwd {
+ buffer: buf,
+ reference: passwd,
+ })
- return OptionPasswd::Found(alloc);
+fn pwd_lookup<F>(mut matches: F, destination: Option<DestBuffer>) -> Result<OwnedPwd, Cause>
+ F: FnMut(&passwd) -> bool,
+ let file = match File::open(c_str!("/etc/passwd"), fcntl::O_RDONLY) {
+ Ok(file) => file,
+ Err(_) => return Err(Cause::Other),
+ };
+ let mut reader = BufReader::new(file);
+ loop {
+ let entry = getpwent_r(&mut reader, destination)?;
+ if matches(&entry.reference) {
+ return Ok(entry);
+ }
+ }
+unsafe fn mux(status: Result<OwnedPwd, Cause>, out: *mut passwd, result: *mut *mut passwd) -> c_int {
+ match status {
+ Ok(owned) => {
+ *out = owned.reference;
+ *result = out;
+ 0
+ },
+ Err(Cause::Eof) => {
+ *result = ptr::null_mut();
+ 0
+ },
+ Err(Cause::Other) => {
+ *result = ptr::null_mut();
+ -1
+ },
- OptionPasswd::NotFound
@@ -155,31 +213,14 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn getpwnam_r(
size: size_t,
result: *mut *mut passwd,
) -> c_int {
- match pwd_lookup(out, Some((buf, size)), |parts| {
- let part = parts.get(0).unwrap_or(&(&[] as &[u8]));
- for (i, c) in part.iter().enumerate() {
- // /etc/passwd should not contain any NUL bytes in the middle
- // of entries, but if this happens, it can't possibly match the
- // search query since it's NUL terminated.
- if *c == 0 || *name.add(i) != *c as c_char {
- return false;
- }
- }
- true
- }) {
- OptionPasswd::Error => {
- *result = ptr::null_mut();
- -1
- }
- OptionPasswd::NotFound => {
- *result = ptr::null_mut();
- 0
- }
- OptionPasswd::Found(_) => {
- *result = out;
- 0
- }
- }
+ mux(
+ pwd_lookup(|parts| strcmp(parts.pw_name, name) == 0, Some(DestBuffer {
+ ptr: buf as *mut u8,
+ len: size,
+ })),
+ out,
+ result,
+ )
@@ -190,68 +231,62 @@ pub unsafe extern "C" fn getpwuid_r(
size: size_t,
result: *mut *mut passwd,
) -> c_int {
- match pwd_lookup(out, Some((buf, size)), |parts| {
- let part = parts
- .get(2)
- .and_then(|part| core::str::from_utf8(part).ok())
- .and_then(|part| part.parse().ok());
- part == Some(uid)
- }) {
- OptionPasswd::Error => {
- *result = ptr::null_mut();
- -1
- }
- OptionPasswd::NotFound => {
- *result = ptr::null_mut();
- 0
- }
- OptionPasswd::Found(_) => {
- *result = out;
- 0
- }
- }
+ let slice = core::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(buf as *mut u8, size);
+ mux(
+ pwd_lookup(|part| part.pw_uid == uid, Some(DestBuffer {
+ ptr: buf as *mut u8,
+ len: size,
+ })),
+ out,
+ result,
+ )
pub extern "C" fn getpwnam(name: *const c_char) -> *mut passwd {
- match pwd_lookup(unsafe { &mut PASSWD }, None, |parts| {
- let part = parts.get(0).unwrap_or(&(&[] as &[u8]));
- for (i, c) in part.iter().enumerate() {
- // /etc/passwd should not contain any NUL bytes in the middle
- // of entries, but if this happens, it can't possibly match the
- // search query since it's NUL terminated.
- if *c == 0 || unsafe { *name.add(i) } != *c as c_char {
- return false;
+ pwd_lookup(|parts| unsafe { strcmp(parts.pw_name, name) } == 0, None)
+ .map(|res| res.into_global())
+ .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut())
+pub extern "C" fn getpwuid(uid: uid_t) -> *mut passwd {
+ pwd_lookup(|parts| parts.pw_uid == uid, None)
+ .map(|res| res.into_global())
+ .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut())
+pub extern "C" fn getpwent() -> *mut passwd {
+ let reader = match unsafe { &mut READER } {
+ Some(reader) => reader,
+ None => {
+ let file = match File::open(c_str!("/etc/passwd"), fcntl::O_RDONLY) {
+ Ok(file) => file,
+ Err(_) => return ptr::null_mut(),
+ };
+ let reader = BufReader::new(file);
+ unsafe {
+ READER = Some(reader);
+ READER.as_mut().unwrap()
- true
- }) {
- OptionPasswd::Error => ptr::null_mut(),
- OptionPasswd::NotFound => ptr::null_mut(),
- OptionPasswd::Found(buf) => unsafe {
- PASSWD_BUF = buf;
- &mut PASSWD
- },
+ };
+ getpwent_r(reader, None)
+ .map(|res| res.into_global())
+ .unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut())
+pub extern "C" fn setpwent() {
+ if let Some(reader) = unsafe { &mut READER } {
+ let _ = reader.seek(SeekFrom::Start(0));
-pub extern "C" fn getpwuid(uid: uid_t) -> *mut passwd {
- match pwd_lookup(unsafe { &mut PASSWD }, None, |parts| {
- let part = parts
- .get(2)
- .and_then(|part| core::str::from_utf8(part).ok())
- .and_then(|part| part.parse().ok());
- part == Some(uid)
- }) {
- OptionPasswd::Error => ptr::null_mut(),
- OptionPasswd::NotFound => ptr::null_mut(),
- OptionPasswd::Found(buf) => unsafe {
- if !PASSWD_BUF.is_null() {
- platform::free(PASSWD_BUF as *mut c_void);
- }
- PASSWD_BUF = buf;
- &mut PASSWD
- },
+pub extern "C" fn endpwent() {
+ unsafe {
+ READER = None;